
Defines functions predict.NB

Documented in predict.NB

##' Naive Bayes Classifier predictions
##' @title Predictions for Naive Bayes Classifier
##' @param object density object
##' @param newdata new data on which to make predictions
##' @param expectation Variable to calculate conditional expectation wrt
##' probabilities from NB classifier
##' @param threshold Threshold parameters. First element defines the threshold
##' on the probabilities and the second element the value to set those
##' truncated probabilities to.
##' @param ... Additional arguments to lower level functions
##' @export
##' @author Klaus K. Holst
predict.NB <- function(object, newdata, expectation=NULL,
                       threshold=c(1e-3, 1e-3), ...) {
    if (missing(newdata)) stop("Need new data to make predictions")
    if (!is.data.table(newdata)) newdata <- data.table::data.table(newdata)
    ## Likelihood P(class|x) = P(class)P(x|class)/P(x)
    if (!is.null(expectation)) {
        if (inherits(expectation, "formula")) expectation <- all.vars(expectation)
        z <- newdata[, expectation]
        ## TODO: Not used for now
    if (!all(c(object$model$predictor, expectation)%in%names(newdata)))
      stop("Variables missing in data")

    if (is.null(expectation)) {
        lposterior <- matrix(nrow=nrow(newdata), ncol=length(object$classes))
    xx <- object$model$predictor
    X <-  newdata[, xx, with=FALSE, drop=FALSE]
    charvar <- names(Filter(is.character, X))
    if (length(charvar)>0)
        for (col in charvar) data.table::set(X, j=col, value=factor(X[[col]]))
    px <- rep(0, nrow(newdata))
    for (i in seq_along(object$classes)) {
        lpcond <- rep(0, nrow(newdata)) ## P(x|c) = prod P(xi|c) pr independence assumption
        for (j in seq_along(xx)) {
            x0 <- object$conditional[[i]]
            nam <- object$xvar[j]
            x <- as.matrix(X[, nam, with=FALSE, drop=FALSE])[, 1]
            estx <- x0[[j]]
            if (is.list(estx)) {
                estx <- estx$estimate
            curmodel <- object$xmodel[j]
            if (curmodel=="multinomial") {
                xs <- unique(x)
                misx <- which(!(xs%in%names(estx)))
                if (length(misx)>0) {
                    nn <- c(names(estx), xs[misx])
                    estx <- c(estx, rep(NA, length(misx)))
                    names(estx) <- nn
                estx[estx<threshold[1] | is.na(estx)] <- threshold[2]
                estx <- estx/sum(estx)
                lpcond <- lpcond+log(estx[x])
            if (curmodel=="gaussian") {
                ## TODO: treshold
                if (is.na(estx[1])) estx[1] <- 0
                if (is.na(estx[2]) || estx[2]<1e-16) estx[2] <- 1
                lpcond <- lpcond+dnorm(x, mean=estx[1], sd=estx[2], log=TRUE)
            if (curmodel%in%c("kernel", "density")) {
                estx <- predict(estx, x)
                ## TODO: treshold
                lpcond <- lpcond + log(estx)
        logjoint <- lpcond + log(object$prior[i]) ## log P(x,c)
        if (is.null(expectation)) {
            lposterior[, i] <- logjoint
        px <- px + exp(logjoint) ## P(x)
        lposterior[, i] <- logjoint

    if (is.null(expectation)) {
        for (i in seq(ncol(lposterior))) {
            lposterior[, i] <- lposterior[, i]-log(px) ## log P(c|x)
    colnames(lposterior) <- object$classes

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