
Defines functions .sleap.year .sday.of.week .JULIAN .month.day.year .last.of.nday .nth.of.nday .on.or.before .on.or.after timeNdayOnOrBefore timeNdayOnOrAfter

Documented in timeNdayOnOrAfter timeNdayOnOrBefore

# This R package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This R package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
# Public License along with this R package; if not, write to the
# Free Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
# MA  02111-1307  USA

# FUNCTION:                 DESCRIPTION:
#  timeNdayOnOrAfter         Computes date in month that is a n-day ON OR AFTER
#  timeNdayOnOrBefore        Computes date in month that is a n-day ON OR BEFORE
#  .on.or.after
#  .on.or.before
#  .nth.of.nday
#  .sdate
#  .month.day.year
#  .sjulian
#  .sday.of.week
#  .day.of.week
#  .sleap.year

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Roxygen Tags
#' @export
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
timeNdayOnOrAfter <-
    function(charvec, nday = 1, format = "%Y-%m-%d", zone = "", FinCenter = "")
    # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Computes date in month that is a n-day ON OR AFTER

    # Arguments:
    #   charvec - a character vector of dates and times.
    #   nday - an integer vector with entries ranging from
    #       0 (Sunday) to 6 (Saturday).
    #   format - the format specification of the input character
    #       vector.
    #   FinCenter - a character string with the the location of the
    #       financial center named as "continent/city".

    # Value:
    #   Returns the date in month that is a n-day ON OR AFTER as
    #   a 'timeDate' object.

    # Details:
    #   nday = 1 is a Monday

    # Example:
    #   What date has the first Monday on or after March 15, 1986?
    #   timeNdayOnOrAfter("1986-03-15", 1)

    # Changes:

    if (zone == "")
        zone <- getRmetricsOptions("myFinCenter")
    if (FinCenter == "")
        FinCenter <- getRmetricsOptions("myFinCenter")

    # timeDate:
    lt <- strptime(charvec, format, tz = "GMT")

    # On or after:
    ct <- 24*3600*(as.integer(julian.POSIXt(lt)) + (nday-lt$wday) %% 7)
    class(ct) <- "POSIXct"

    # Return Value:
    timeDate(format(ct), format = format, zone = zone, FinCenter = FinCenter)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Roxygen Tags
#' @export
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
timeNdayOnOrBefore <-
    function(charvec, nday = 1, format = "%Y-%m-%d", zone = "", FinCenter = "")
    # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Computes date in month that is a n-day ON OR BEFORE

    # Arguments:
    #   charvec - a character vector of dates and times.
    #   nday - an integer vector with entries ranging from
    #       0 (Sunday) to 6 (Saturday).
    #   format - the format specification of the input character
    #       vector.
    #   FinCenter - a character string with the the location of the
    #       financial center named as "continent/city".

    # Value:
    #   Returns the date in month that is a n-day ON OR BEFORE
    #   as a 'timeDate' object.

    # Example:
    #   What date has Friday on or before April 22, 1977?

    if (zone == "")
        zone <- getRmetricsOptions("myFinCenter")
    if (FinCenter == "")
        FinCenter <- getRmetricsOptions("myFinCenter")

    # timeDate:
    lt <- strptime(charvec, format, tz = "GMT")

    # On or after:
    ct <- 24*3600*(as.integer(julian.POSIXt(lt)) - (-(nday-lt$wday)) %% 7)
    class(ct) <- "POSIXct"

    # Return Value:
    timeDate(format(ct), format = format, zone = zone,
        FinCenter = FinCenter)

# Internal Functions

## DW
##  These are relicts from very old times
##  We should check where these function are needed and if we should
##  replace them with 'timeDate' objects ...

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Roxygen Tags
#' @export
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
.on.or.after <-
function(year, month, day, nday)
    .sdate <- year*10000+month*100+day
    .sdate(.sjulian(.sdate)+(nday-.day.of.week(month, day, year)) %% 7)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Roxygen Tags
#' @export
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
.on.or.before <-
function(year, month, day, nday)
    .sdate <- year*10000+month*100+day
    .sdate(.sjulian(.sdate)-(-(nday-.day.of.week(month,day,year))) %% 7)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Roxygen Tags
#' @export
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
.nth.of.nday <-
function(year, month, nday, nth)
    .sdate <- year*10000+month*100+1
    .sdate(.sjulian(.sdate)+(nth-1)*7+(nday-.day.of.week(month,1,year)) %% 7)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Roxygen Tags
#' @export
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
.last.of.nday <-
function(year, month, lastday, nday)
    .sdate <- year*10000 + month*100 + lastday
    .sdate(.sjulian(.sdate)-(-(nday-.day.of.week(month,lastday,year))) %% 7)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Roxygen Tags
#' @export
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
.sdate <-
function (julians, origin = 19600101)
    year0 <- origin %/% 10000
    month0 <- (origin-10000*year0) %/% 100
    day0 <- origin-10000*year0-100*month0
    mdylist <- .month.day.year(julians, origin = c(month0, day0, year0))
    ans <- mdylist$year*10000 + mdylist$month*100 + mdylist$day
    class(ans) <- ".sdate"

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Roxygen Tags
#' @export
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
.month.day.year <-
function(jul, origin = c(1, 1, 1960))
    # shift = .julian(1, 1, 1960, 0)
    shift <- 2436935
    j <- jul + shift
    j <- j - 1721119
    y <- (4 * j - 1) %/% 146097
    j <- 4 * j - 1 - 146097 * y
    d <- j %/% 4
    j <- (4 * d + 3) %/% 1461
    d <- 4 * d + 3 - 1461 * j
    d <- (d + 4) %/% 4
    m <- (5 * d - 3) %/% 153
    d <- 5 * d - 3 - 153 * m
    d <- (d + 5) %/% 5
    y <- 100 * y + j
    y <- y + ifelse(m < 10, 0, 1)
    m <- m + ifelse(m < 10, 3, -9)
    list(month = m, day = d, year = y)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Roxygen Tags
#' @export
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
.sjulian <-
function (.sdates, origin = 19600101)
    if(is(.sdates, ".sdate"))
        .sdates <- as.vector(.sdates)
    year <- .sdates %/% 10000
    month <- (.sdates-10000*year) %/% 100
    day <- .sdates-10000*year-100*month
    year0 <- origin %/% 10000
    month0 <- (origin-10000*year0) %/% 100
    day0 <- origin-10000*year0-100*month0
    .JULIAN(month, day, year, origin = c(month0, day0, year0))

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Roxygen Tags
#' @export
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
function(m, d, y, origin = c(month = 1, day = 1, year = 1960))
    only.origin <- all(missing(m), missing(d), missing(y))
    if (only.origin) m = d = y = NULL
    nms <- names(d)
    max.len <- max(length(m), length(d), length(y))
    m <- c(origin[1], rep(m, length.out = max.len))
    d <- c(origin[2], rep(d, length.out = max.len))
    y <- c(origin[3], rep(y, length.out = max.len))
    y <- y + ifelse(m > 2, 0, -1)
    m <- m + ifelse(m > 2, -3, 9)
    c <- y %/% 100
    ya <- y - 100 * c
    out <- (146097 * c) %/% 4 + (1461 * ya) %/% 4 +
        (153 * m + 2) %/% 5 + d + 1721119
    if (!only.origin) {
        if(all(origin == 0)) out = out[-1] else out = out[-1] - out[1] }
    names(out) = nms

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Roxygen Tags
#' @export
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
.sday.of.week <-
    if(is(.sdates, ".sdate"))
        .sdates <- as.vector(.sdates)
    year <- .sdates %/% 10000
    month <- .sdates %/% 100 - year*100
    day <- .sdates - year*10000 - month*100
    a <- (14-month) %/% 12
    y <- year - a
    m <- month + 12*a - 2
    (day + y + y %/% 4 - y %/% 100 + y %/% 400 + (31*m) %/% 12) %% 7

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Roxygen Tags
#' @export
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
.day.of.week <-
function (month, day, year)
    .sday.of.week(year * 10000 + month * 100 + day)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Roxygen Tags
#' @export
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
.sleap.year <-
    if(is(.sdates, ".sdate"))
        .sdates <- as.vector(.sdates)
    year <- .sdates %/% 10000
    year %% 4 == 0 & (year %% 100 != 0 | year %% 400 == 0)


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timeDate documentation built on June 25, 2024, 1:13 a.m.