
Defines functions plot_time_series_boxplot.grouped_df plot_time_series_boxplot.data.frame plot_time_series_boxplot

Documented in plot_time_series_boxplot

#' Interactive Time Series Box Plots
#' A boxplot function that generates interactive `plotly` plots
#' for time series.
#' @param .data A `tibble` or `data.frame` with a time-based column
#' @param .date_var A column containing either date or date-time values
#' @param .value A column containing numeric values
#' @param .period A time series unit of aggregation for the boxplot. Examples include:
#'  - "1 week"
#'  - "3 years"
#'  - "30 minutes"
#' @param .color_var A categorical column that can be used to change the
#'  line color
#' @param .facet_vars One or more grouping columns that broken out into `ggplot2` facets.
#'  These can be selected using `tidyselect()` helpers (e.g `contains()`).
#' @param .facet_ncol Number of facet columns.
#' @param .facet_nrow Number of facet rows (only used for `.trelliscope = TRUE`)
#' @param .facet_scales Control facet x & y-axis ranges.
#'  Options include "fixed", "free", "free_y", "free_x"
#' @param .facet_dir The direction of faceting ("h" for horizontal, "v" for vertical). Default is "h".
#' @param .facet_collapse Multiple facets included on one facet strip instead of
#'  multiple facet strips.
#' @param .facet_collapse_sep The separator used for collapsing facets.
#' @param .facet_strip_remove Whether or not to remove the strip and text label for each facet.
#' @param .line_color Line color. Overrided if `.color_var` is specified.
#' @param .line_size Line size.
#' @param .line_type Line type.
#' @param .line_alpha Line alpha (opacity). Range: (0, 1).
#' @param .y_intercept Value for a y-intercept on the plot
#' @param .y_intercept_color Color for the y-intercept
#' @param .smooth Logical - Whether or not to include a trendline smoother.
#'  Uses See [smooth_vec()] to apply a LOESS smoother.
#' @param .smooth_func Defines how to aggregate the .value to show the smoothed trendline.
#'  The default is `~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE)`, which uses lambda function to ensure `NA` values are removed.
#'  Possible values are:
#'  * A function, e.g. `mean`.
#'  * A purrr-style lambda, e.g. `~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE)`
#' @param .smooth_period Number of observations to include in the Loess Smoother.
#'  Set to "auto" by default, which uses `tk_get_trend()`
#'  to determine a logical trend cycle.
#' @param .smooth_message Logical.
#'  Whether or not to return the trend selected as a message.
#'  Useful for those that want to see what `.smooth_period` was selected.
#' @param .smooth_span Percentage of observations to include in the Loess Smoother.
#'  You can use either period or span. See [smooth_vec()].
#' @param .smooth_degree Flexibility of Loess Polynomial.
#'  Either 0, 1, 2 (0 = lest flexible, 2 = more flexible).
#' @param .smooth_color Smoother line color
#' @param .smooth_size Smoother line size
#' @param .smooth_alpha Smoother alpha (opacity). Range: (0, 1).
#' @param .legend_show Toggles on/off the Legend
#' @param .title Title for the plot
#' @param .x_lab X-axis label for the plot
#' @param .y_lab Y-axis label for the plot
#' @param .color_lab Legend label if a `color_var` is used.
#' @param .interactive Returns either a static (`ggplot2`) visualization or an interactive (`plotly`) visualization
#' @param .plotly_slider If TRUE, returns a plotly date range slider.
#' @param .trelliscope Returns either a normal plot or a trelliscopejs plot (great for many time series)
#'  Must have `trelliscopejs` installed.
#' @param .trelliscope_params Pass parameters to the `trelliscopejs::facet_trelliscope()` function as a `list()`.
#'  The only parameters that cannot be passed are:
#'  - `ncol`: use `.facet_ncol`
#'  - `nrow`: use `.facet_nrow`
#'  - `scales`: use `facet_scales`
#'  - `as_plotly`: use `.interactive`
#' @return A static `ggplot2` plot or an interactive `plotly` plot
#' @details
#' `plot_time_series_boxplot()` is a scalable function that works with both _ungrouped_ and _grouped_
#' `data.frame` objects (and `tibbles`!).
#' __Interactive by Default__
#' `plot_time_series_boxplot()` is built for exploration using:
#'  - __Interactive Plots:__ `plotly` (default) - Great for exploring!
#'  - __Static Plots:__ `ggplot2` (set `.interactive = FALSE`) - Great for PDF Reports
#' By default, an interactive `plotly` visualization is returned.
#' __Scalable with Facets & Dplyr Groups__
#' `plot_time_series_boxplot()` returns multiple time series plots using `ggplot2` facets:
#'  - `group_by()` - If groups are detected, multiple facets are returned
#'  - `plot_time_series_boxplot(.facet_vars)` - You can manually supply facets as well.
#' __Can Transform Values just like ggplot__
#' The `.values` argument accepts transformations just like `ggplot2`.
#' For example, if you want to take the log of sales you can use
#' a call like `plot_time_series_boxplot(date, log(sales))` and the log transformation
#' will be applied.
#' __Smoother Period / Span Calculation__
#' The `.smooth = TRUE` option returns a smoother that is calculated based on either:
#' 1. A `.smooth_func`: The method of aggregation.
#'   Usually an aggregation like `mean` is used.
#'   The `purrr`-style function syntax can be used to apply complex functions.
#' 2. A `.smooth_period`: Number of observations
#' 3. A `.smooth_span`: A percentage of observations
#' By default, the `.smooth_period` is automatically calculated using 75% of the observertions.
#' This is the same as `geom_smooth(method = "loess", span = 0.75)`.
#' A user can specify a time-based window (e.g. `.smooth_period = "1 year"`)
#' or a numeric value (e.g. `smooth_period = 365`).
#' Time-based windows return the median number of observations in a window using `tk_get_trend()`.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(lubridate)
#' # Works with individual time series
#' FANG %>%
#'     filter(symbol == "FB") %>%
#'     plot_time_series_boxplot(
#'         date, adjusted,
#'         .period      = "3 month",
#'         .interactive = FALSE)
#' # Works with groups
#' FANG %>%
#'     group_by(symbol) %>%
#'     plot_time_series_boxplot(
#'         date, adjusted,
#'         .period      = "3 months",
#'         .facet_ncol  = 2,     # 2-column layout
#'         .interactive = FALSE)
#' # Can also group inside & use .color_var
#' FANG %>%
#'     mutate(year = year(date)) %>%
#'     plot_time_series_boxplot(
#'         date, adjusted,
#'         .period      = "3 months",
#'         .facet_vars   = c(symbol, year), # add groups/facets
#'         .color_var    = year,            # color by year
#'         .facet_ncol   = 4,
#'         .facet_scales = "free",
#'         .interactive  = FALSE)
#' # Can apply transformations to .value or .color_var
#' # - .value = log(adjusted)
#' # - .color_var = year(date)
#' FANG %>%
#'     plot_time_series_boxplot(
#'         date, log(adjusted),
#'         .period      = "3 months",
#'         .color_var    = year(date),
#'         .facet_vars   = contains("symbol"),
#'         .facet_ncol   = 2,
#'         .facet_scales = "free",
#'         .y_lab        = "Log Scale",
#'         .interactive  = FALSE)
#' # Can adjust the smoother
#' FANG %>%
#'     group_by(symbol) %>%
#'     plot_time_series_boxplot(
#'         date, adjusted,
#'         .period           = "3 months",
#'         .smooth           = TRUE,
#'         .smooth_func      = median,    # Smoother function
#'         .smooth_period    = "5 years", # Smoother Period
#'         .facet_ncol       = 2,
#'         .interactive      = FALSE)
#' }
#' @export
plot_time_series_boxplot <- function(
    .data, .date_var, .value,

    .color_var = NULL,
    .facet_vars = NULL,
    .facet_ncol = 1,
    .facet_nrow = 1,
    .facet_scales = "free_y",
    .facet_dir = "h",
    .facet_collapse = FALSE,
    .facet_collapse_sep = " ",
    .facet_strip_remove = FALSE,

    .line_color = "#2c3e50",
    .line_size = 0.5,
    .line_type = 1,
    .line_alpha = 1,
    .y_intercept = NULL,
    .y_intercept_color = "#2c3e50",

    .smooth = TRUE,
    .smooth_func = ~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE),
    .smooth_period = "auto",
    .smooth_message = FALSE,
    .smooth_span = NULL,
    .smooth_degree = 2,
    .smooth_color = "#3366FF",
    .smooth_size = 1,
    .smooth_alpha = 1,

    .legend_show = TRUE,

    .title = "Time Series Plot", .x_lab = "", .y_lab = "",
    .color_lab = "Legend",

    .interactive = TRUE,
    .plotly_slider = FALSE,
    .trelliscope = FALSE,
    .trelliscope_params = list()
) {

    # Tidyeval Setup
    date_var_expr  <- rlang::enquo(.date_var)
    value_expr     <- rlang::enquo(.value)
    color_var_expr <- rlang::enquo(.color_var)

    # Checks
    if (!is.data.frame(.data)) {
        stop(call. = FALSE, "plot_time_series_boxplot(.data) is not a data-frame or tibble. Please supply a data.frame or tibble.")
    if (rlang::quo_is_missing(date_var_expr)) {
        stop(call. = FALSE, "plot_time_series_boxplot(.date_var) is missing. Please supply a date or date-time column.")
    if (rlang::quo_is_missing(value_expr)) {
        stop(call. = FALSE, "plot_time_series_boxplot(.value) is missing. Please a numeric column.")
    if (rlang::is_missing(.period)) {
        stop(call. = FALSE, "plot_time_series_boxplot(.period) is missing. Please use an value like '1 month', '30 minute', etc.")

    UseMethod("plot_time_series_boxplot", .data)

#' @export
plot_time_series_boxplot.data.frame <- function(
    .data, .date_var, .value,

    .color_var = NULL,
    .facet_vars = NULL,
    .facet_ncol = 1,
    .facet_nrow = 1,
    .facet_scales = "free_y",
    .facet_dir = "h",
    .facet_collapse = FALSE,
    .facet_collapse_sep = " ",
    .facet_strip_remove = FALSE,

    .line_color = "#2c3e50",
    .line_size = 0.5,
    .line_type = 1,
    .line_alpha = 1,
    .y_intercept = NULL,
    .y_intercept_color = "#2c3e50",

    .smooth = TRUE,
    .smooth_func = ~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE),
    .smooth_period = "auto",
    .smooth_message = FALSE,
    .smooth_span = NULL,
    .smooth_degree = 2,
    .smooth_color = "#3366FF",
    .smooth_size = 1,
    .smooth_alpha = 1,

    .legend_show = TRUE,

    .title = "Time Series Plot", .x_lab = "", .y_lab = "",
    .color_lab = "Legend",

    .interactive = TRUE,
    .plotly_slider = FALSE,
    .trelliscope = FALSE,
    .trelliscope_params = list()
) {

    # Tidyeval Setup
    date_var_expr  <- rlang::enquo(.date_var)
    value_expr     <- rlang::enquo(.value)
    facets_expr    <- rlang::enquo(.facet_vars)
    color_var_expr <- rlang::enquo(.color_var)

    # Facet Names
    facets_expr <- rlang::syms(names(tidyselect::eval_select(facets_expr, .data)))

    # ---- DATA SETUP ----

    # Evaluate Formula
    data_formatted <- tibble::as_tibble(.data) %>%
        dplyr::group_by(!!! facets_expr) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(.value_mod = !! value_expr) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(.box_group = lubridate::floor_date(!! date_var_expr, unit = .period)) %>%

    # Color setup
    if (rlang::quo_is_missing(color_var_expr)) color_var_expr <- enquo(NULL)

    if (!rlang::quo_is_null(color_var_expr)) {

        data_formatted <- data_formatted %>%
            dplyr::group_by(!!! facets_expr) %>%
            dplyr::mutate(.color_mod = (!! color_var_expr)) %>%
            dplyr::ungroup() %>%
            dplyr::mutate(.color_mod = forcats::as_factor(.color_mod))

    # Facet setup
    facet_names <- data_formatted %>% dplyr::select(!!! facets_expr) %>% colnames()

    if (length(facet_names) > 0) {
        if (.facet_collapse) {

            data_formatted <- data_formatted %>%
                dplyr::ungroup() %>%
                dplyr::mutate(.facets_collapsed = stringr::str_c(!!! rlang::syms(facet_names),
                                                                sep = .facet_collapse_sep)) %>%
                dplyr::mutate(.facets_collapsed = forcats::as_factor(.facets_collapsed)) %>%

            facet_names <- ".facets_collapsed"

        } else {
            data_formatted <- data_formatted %>%
                dplyr::group_by(!!! rlang::syms(facet_names))

    group_names   <- dplyr::group_vars(data_formatted)
    group_names   <- c(group_names, ".box_group")

    # Smooth calculation
    if (.smooth) {

        # Handle Groups

        if (!rlang::quo_is_null(color_var_expr)) {
            # If color applied, add as group variable
            group_names <- c(group_names, ".color_mod")

        data_formatted_smooth <- data_formatted
        if (length(group_names) > 0) {
            data_formatted_smooth <- data_formatted_smooth %>%
                dplyr::ungroup() %>%
                dplyr::group_by(!!! rlang::syms(group_names))

        # Apply smoother
        data_formatted_smooth <- data_formatted_smooth %>%
                dplyr::across(.cols = .value_mod, .fns = .smooth_func)
            ) %>%
            dplyr::mutate(.value_smooth = auto_smooth(
                idx                   = .box_group,
                x                     = .value_mod,
                smooth_period         = .smooth_period,
                smooth_span           = .smooth_span,
                smooth_degree         = .smooth_degree,
                smooth_message        = .smooth_message)
            ) %>%

    # If .value exists, remove it
    if (any(".value" %in% names(data_formatted))) {
        data_formatted$`.value` <- NULL

    # ---- PLOT SETUP ----

    g <- data_formatted %>%
        dplyr::rename(.value = .value_mod) %>%
        ggplot2::ggplot(ggplot2::aes(.box_group, .value))

    # Add line
    if (rlang::quo_is_null(color_var_expr)) {
        g <- g +
                ggplot2::aes(group = .box_group),
                color     = .line_color,
                linewidth = .line_size,
                linetype  = .line_type,
                alpha     = .line_alpha

    } else {
        g <- g +
                ggplot2::aes(group = .box_group, color = .color_mod),
                linewidth = .line_size,
                linetype  = .line_type,
                alpha     = .line_alpha
            ) +

    # Add a smoother
    if (.smooth) {

        if (!.trelliscope) {

            if (rlang::quo_is_null(color_var_expr)) {
                g <- g +
                        ggplot2::aes(y = .value_smooth),
                        color = .smooth_color,
                        linewidth = .smooth_size,
                        alpha = .smooth_alpha,
                        data  = data_formatted_smooth

            } else {
                g <- g +
                        ggplot2::aes(y = .value_smooth, group = .color_mod),
                        color = .smooth_color,
                        linewidth = .smooth_size,
                        alpha = .smooth_alpha,
                        data  = data_formatted_smooth

        } else {
            rlang::warn("smoother cannot be applied for box plot with trelliscope.")


    # Add facets
    if (length(facet_names) > 0) {
        g <- g +
                ggplot2::vars(!!! rlang::syms(facet_names)),
                ncol   = .facet_ncol,
                scales = .facet_scales,
                dir    = .facet_dir

    # Add a Y-Intercept if desired
    if (!is.null(.y_intercept)) {
        g <- g +
            ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = .y_intercept, color = .y_intercept_color)

    # Add theme & labs
    g <- g +
        theme_tq() +
        ggplot2::labs(x = .x_lab, y = .y_lab, title = .title, color = .color_lab)

    # Show Legend?
    if (!.legend_show) {
        g <- g +
            ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none")

    # Remove the facet strip?
    if (.facet_strip_remove) {
        g <- g +
                strip.background = ggplot2::element_blank(),
                strip.text.x     = ggplot2::element_blank()

    # Convert to trelliscope and/or plotly?
    if (!.trelliscope) {

        if (.interactive) {

            g <- plotly::ggplotly(g, dynamicTicks = TRUE)

            if (.plotly_slider) {
                g <- g %>%
                        xaxis = list(
                            rangeslider = list(type = "date")


    } else {

        # g <- g +
        #     trelliscopejs::facet_trelliscope(
        #         facets    = ggplot2::vars(!!! rlang::syms(facet_names)),
        #         ncol      = .facet_ncol,
        #         nrow      = .facet_nrow,
        #         scales    = .facet_scales,
        #         as_plotly = .interactive
        #     )

        trell <- do.call(trelliscopejs::facet_trelliscope, c(
                facets    = ggplot2::vars(!!! rlang::syms(group_names)),
                ncol      = .facet_ncol,
                nrow      = .facet_nrow,
                scales    = .facet_scales,
                as_plotly = .interactive

        g <- g + trell



#' @export
plot_time_series_boxplot.grouped_df <- function(
    .data, .date_var, .value,

    .color_var = NULL,
    .facet_vars = NULL,
    .facet_ncol = 1,
    .facet_nrow = 1,
    .facet_scales = "free_y",
    .facet_dir = "h",
    .facet_collapse = FALSE,
    .facet_collapse_sep = " ",
    .facet_strip_remove = FALSE,

    .line_color = "#2c3e50",
    .line_size = 0.5,
    .line_type = 1,
    .line_alpha = 1,
    .y_intercept = NULL,
    .y_intercept_color = "#2c3e50",

    .smooth = TRUE,
    .smooth_func = ~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE),
    .smooth_period = "auto",
    .smooth_message = FALSE,
    .smooth_span = NULL,
    .smooth_degree = 2,
    .smooth_color = "#3366FF",
    .smooth_size = 1,
    .smooth_alpha = 1,

    .legend_show = TRUE,

    .title = "Time Series Plot", .x_lab = "", .y_lab = "",
    .color_lab = "Legend",

    .interactive = TRUE,
    .plotly_slider = FALSE,
    .trelliscope = FALSE,
    .trelliscope_params = list()
) {

    # Tidy Eval Setup
    group_names   <- dplyr::group_vars(.data)
    value_expr    <- rlang::enquo(.value)
    facets_expr   <- rlang::enquos(.facet_vars)

    # Checks
    facet_names <- .data %>% dplyr::ungroup() %>% dplyr::select(!!! facets_expr) %>% colnames()
    if (length(facet_names) > 0) message("plot_time_series_boxplot(...): Groups are previously detected. Grouping by: ",
                                          stringr::str_c(group_names, collapse = ", "))

    # ---- DATA SETUP ----

    # Ungroup Data
    data_formatted <- .data %>% dplyr::ungroup()

    # ---- PLOT SETUP ----

        .data              = data_formatted,
        .date_var          = !! rlang::enquo(.date_var),
        .value             = !! rlang::enquo(.value),
        .period            = .period,

        .color_var         = !! rlang::enquo(.color_var),

        # ...
        .facet_vars        = !! enquo(group_names),

        .facet_ncol            = .facet_ncol,
        .facet_nrow            = .facet_nrow,
        .facet_scales          = .facet_scales,
        .facet_dir             = .facet_dir,
        .facet_collapse        = .facet_collapse,
        .facet_collapse_sep    = .facet_collapse_sep,
        .facet_strip_remove    = .facet_strip_remove,

        .line_color            = .line_color,
        .line_size             = .line_size,
        .line_type             = .line_type,
        .line_alpha            = .line_alpha,
        .y_intercept           = .y_intercept,
        .y_intercept_color     = .y_intercept_color,

        .smooth                = .smooth,
        .smooth_func           = .smooth_func,
        .smooth_period         = .smooth_period,
        .smooth_message        = .smooth_message,
        .smooth_span           = .smooth_span,
        .smooth_degree         = .smooth_degree,
        .smooth_color          = .smooth_color,
        .smooth_size           = .smooth_size,
        .smooth_alpha          = .smooth_alpha,

        .legend_show           = .legend_show,

        .title                 = .title,
        .x_lab                 = .x_lab,
        .y_lab                 = .y_lab,
        .interactive           = .interactive,
        .plotly_slider         = .plotly_slider,
        .trelliscope           = .trelliscope,
        .trelliscope_params    = .trelliscope_params


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