
dropCommonPrefix <- function (strings)
    if (length(strings) < 2)
        return (strings)
    len <- min(sapply(strings, nchar, "bytes"))
    if (len == 0)
        return (strings)
        bytes <- sapply(strings, function(x) charToRaw(x)[seq_len(len)], simplify="array")
        matches <- apply(bytes, 1, function(x) all(x==x[1]))
        if (all(matches))
            return (rep("", length(strings)))
            start <- which(!matches)[1]
            return (substring(strings, start))

#' Sort a directory of DICOM files into series
#' This function sorts a directory containing DICOM files into subdirectories
#' by series UID (DICOM tag 0x0020,0x000e), subject name (0x0010,0x0010) and/or
#' scan date (0x0008,0x0020). Each unique identifier, together with its
#' description for series, will be used as the name for a new subdirectory, and
#' all relevant files will be copied into that subdirectory. Duplicate file
#' names are disambiguated if necessary.
#' @param directories A character vector giving the directories to search for
#'   DICOM files. Subdirectories will also be searched.
#' @param method Character string specifying whether to use the internal DICOM
#'   reading code or use the \code{divest} package.
#' @param deleteOriginals A single logical value. If \code{TRUE}, then the
#'   source files will be deleted after being copied to their new locations,
#'   making the operation a move rather than a copy. Nothing will be deleted if
#'   the copy fails.
#' @param sortOn The string \code{"series"}, \code{"subject"} or \code{"date"},
#'   or any combination in the order desired. This will be the basis of the
#'   sort, which will be nested if more than one type is specified.
#' @param seriesId A string describing the kind of series identifier to use for
#'   sorting by series: \code{"UID"} (DICOM tag 0x0020,0x000e; the default),
#'   \code{"number"} (0x0020,0x0011) or \code{"time"} (0x0008,0x0031).
#' @param nested Logical value. If \code{TRUE} and \code{directories} is of
#'   length 1, subdirectories will be created within the specified original
#'   directory. Otherwise they will be created in the working directory.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to \code{\link{readDicomFile}}.
#' @return This function is called for its side effect.
#' @author Jon Clayden
#' @seealso \code{\link{readDicomDirectory}} for reading DICOM files into an
#' \code{MriImage} object.
#' @references Please cite the following reference when using TractoR in your
#' work:
#' J.D. Clayden, S. Muñoz Maniega, A.J. Storkey, M.D. King, M.E. Bastin & C.A.
#' Clark (2011). TractoR: Magnetic resonance imaging and tractography with R.
#' Journal of Statistical Software 44(8):1-18. \doi{10.18637/jss.v044.i08}.
#' @export
sortDicomDirectories <- function (directories, method = c("internal","divest"), deleteOriginals = FALSE, sortOn = "series", seriesId = c("UID","number","time"), nested = TRUE, ...)
    invalid <- (!file.exists(directories) | !file.info(directories)$isdir)
    if (any(invalid))
        flag(OL$Warning, "#{pluralise('Path',n=sum(invalid))} #{implode(directories[invalid],', ',' and ')} do not exist or do not point to directories")
        directories <- expandFileName(directories[!invalid])
    if (length(directories) < 1)
        report(OL$Error, "No valid directories specified")
    else if (nested && length(directories) > 1)
        nested <- FALSE
    method <- match.arg(method)
    if (method == "internal")
        sortOn <- match.arg(sortOn, c("series","subject","date"), several.ok=TRUE)
        currentSort <- sortOn[1]
        remainingSorts <- sortOn[-1]
        seriesId <- match.arg(seriesId)
        identifierTag <- switch(currentSort, series=switch(seriesId, UID=c(0x0020,0x000e), number=c(0x0020,0x0011), time=c(0x0008,0x0031)),
        files <- expandFileName(list.files(directories, full.names=TRUE, recursive=TRUE))
        files <- files[!file.info(files)$isdir]
        nFiles <- length(files)

        count <- 0
        identifiers <- character(nFiles)
        report(OL$Info, "Reading #{currentSort} identifiers from #{nFiles} files")
        for (i in 1:nFiles)
            metadata <- try(readDicomFile(files[i], stopTag=identifierTag, ascii=FALSE, ...), silent=TRUE)
            if (is.null(metadata) || ("try-error" %in% class(metadata)))
                report(OL$Info, "Skipping #{files[i]}")
                identifiers[i] <- NA_character_
                identifiers[i] <- as.character(metadata$getTagValue(identifierTag[1], identifierTag[2]))
                count <- count + 1
                if (count %% 100 == 0)
                    report(OL$Verbose, "Done ", count)

        nDicomFiles <- count
        if (nDicomFiles == 0)
            report(OL$Error, "No readable DICOM files were found")
        uniqueIdentifiers <- na.omit(sort(unique(identifiers)))
        shortIdentifiers <- dropCommonPrefix(uniqueIdentifiers)
        report(OL$Info, "Found ", switch(currentSort,series="series",subject="subjects",date="dates"), " ", implode(shortIdentifiers,", "), "; creating subdirectories")
        identifierWidth <- max(nchar(uniqueIdentifiers))
        for (i in seq_along(uniqueIdentifiers))
            matchingFiles <- which(identifiers == uniqueIdentifiers[i])
            if (currentSort == "series")
                metadata <- readDicomFile(files[matchingFiles[1]], stopTag=c(0x0008,0x103e), ascii=FALSE, ...)
                description <- metadata$getTagValue(0x0008, 0x103e)
                subdirectory <- es("#{shortIdentifiers[i]}_#{ore.subst('[^A-Za-z0-9]+','_',description,all=TRUE)}")
                report(OL$Info, "Series #{shortIdentifiers[i]} includes #{length(matchingFiles)} files; description is \"#{description}\"")
                subdirectory <- ore.subst("[^A-Za-z0-9]+", "_", shortIdentifiers[i], all=TRUE)
                report(OL$Info, "#{ore.subst('^.',toupper,currentSort)} #{shortIdentifiers[i]} includes #{length(matchingFiles)} files")
            if (nested)
                subdirectory <- file.path(directories, subdirectory)
            if (!file.exists(subdirectory))
            currentIdFiles <- basename(files[matchingFiles])
            duplicates <- duplicated(currentIdFiles)
            if (any(duplicates))
                currentIdFiles[duplicates] <- paste(currentIdFiles[duplicates], seq_len(sum(duplicates)), sep="_")
            from <- files[matchingFiles]
            to <- file.path(subdirectory,currentIdFiles)
            inPlace <- from == to
            success <- file.copy(from[!inPlace], to[!inPlace])
            if (!all(success))
                report(OL$Warning, "Not all files copied successfully for #{currentSort} #{shortIdentifiers[i]} - nothing will be deleted")
            else if (deleteOriginals)
            if (length(remainingSorts) > 0)
                sortDicomDirectories(subdirectory, method="internal", deleteOriginals=TRUE, sortOn=remainingSorts, seriesId=seriesId, nested=TRUE)
    else if (method == "divest")
        verbosity <- switch(names(getOutputLevel()), Debug=2L, Verbose=0L, -1L)
        divest::sortDicom(directories, verbosity=verbosity, nested=nested, keepUnsorted=!deleteOriginals, ...)

#' Read a directory of DICOM files
#' This function scans a directory for files in DICOM format, and converts them
#' to a single Analyze/NIfTI-format image of the appropriate dimensionality.
#' @param dicomDir Character vector of length one giving the name of a
#'   directory containing DICOM files.
#' @param method Character string specifying whether to use the internal DICOM
#'   reading code or use the \code{divest} package.
#' @param readDiffusionParams Logical value. Should diffusion MRI parameters
#'   (b-values and gradient directions) be retrieved from the files if
#'   possible?
#' @param untileMosaics Logical value. Should Siemens mosaic images be
#'   converted into 3D volumes? This may occasionally be performed in error,
#'   which can be prevented by setting this value to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to \code{readDicom}, if the \code{divest}
#'   method is used.
#' @return A list containing elements
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{image}{An \code{\linkS4class{MriImage}} object.}
#'     \item{bValues}{Diffusion b-values, if requested. Will be \code{NA} if
#'       the information could not be found in files.}
#'     \item{bVectors}{Diffusion gradient vectors, if requested. Will be
#'       \code{NA} if the information could not be found in the files.}
#'   }
#' @author Jon Clayden
#' @seealso \code{\linkS4class{DicomMetadata}}, \code{\linkS4class{MriImage}},
#' \code{\link{sortDicomDirectories}}.
#' @references Please cite the following reference when using TractoR in your
#' work:
#' J.D. Clayden, S. Muñoz Maniega, A.J. Storkey, M.D. King, M.E. Bastin & C.A.
#' Clark (2011). TractoR: Magnetic resonance imaging and tractography with R.
#' Journal of Statistical Software 44(8):1-18. \doi{10.18637/jss.v044.i08}.
#' @export
readDicomDirectory <- function (dicomDir, method = c("internal","divest"), readDiffusionParams = FALSE, untileMosaics = TRUE, ...)
    if (!file.exists(dicomDir) || !file.info(dicomDir)$isdir)
        report(OL$Error, "The specified path (#{dicomDir}) does not point to a directory")
    method <- match.arg(method)
    if (method == "internal")
        report(OL$Info, "Looking for DICOM files in directory ", dicomDir)
        files <- expandFileName(list.files(dicomDir, full.names=TRUE, recursive=TRUE))
        files <- files[!file.info(files)$isdir]
        nFiles <- length(files)
        report(OL$Info, "Reading image information from ", nFiles, " files")
        info <- data.frame(seriesNumber=numeric(nFiles), seriesDescription=character(nFiles), acquisitionNumber=numeric(nFiles), imageNumber=numeric(nFiles), echoNumber=numeric(nFiles), sliceLocation=numeric(nFiles), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
        images <- vector("list", nFiles)
        if (readDiffusionParams)
            bValues <- echoSeparations <- numeric(nFiles)
            bVectors <- matrix(NA, nrow=3, ncol=nFiles)
        valid <- rep(TRUE, nFiles)
        seenValidFile <- FALSE
        sliceDim <- sliceOrientation <- throughSliceOrientation <- NULL
        repetitionTime <- 1
        count <- 0
        for (i in seq_along(files))
            metadata <- readDicomFile(files[i])
            if (is.null(metadata))
                # Not a DICOM file - skip it
                report(OL$Verbose, "Skipping ", files[i])
                valid[i] <- FALSE
            else if (!seenValidFile)
                # Read slice dimensions and orientation once - these are assumed not to vary across files
                sliceDim <- metadata$getTagValue(0x0018,0x0088)
                if (is.na(sliceDim))
                    sliceDim <- metadata$getTagValue(0x0018,0x0050)
                sliceOrientation <- metadata$getTagValue(0x0020,0x0037)
                # Calculate through-slice orientation (in LPS convention)
                throughSliceOrientation <- vectorCrossProduct(sliceOrientation[1:3], sliceOrientation[4:6])
                # Read TR for temporal dimension
                repetitionTime <- metadata$getTagValue(0x0018,0x0080) / 1000
            # Read in metadata specific to this file
            info$seriesNumber[i] <- metadata$getTagValue(0x0020,0x0011)
            info$seriesDescription[i] <- metadata$getTagValue(0x0008,0x103e)
            info$acquisitionNumber[i] <- metadata$getTagValue(0x0020,0x0012)
            info$imageNumber[i] <- metadata$getTagValue(0x0020,0x0013)
            info$echoNumber[i] <- metadata$getTagValue(0x0018, 0x0086)
            imagePosition <- metadata$getTagValue(0x0020,0x0032)
            info$sliceLocation[i] <- imagePosition %*% throughSliceOrientation
            # Read in the pixel data and usual MriImage metadata
            images[[i]] <- readImageParametersFromMetadata(metadata, untileMosaics=untileMosaics)
            # Check for diffusion metadata if requested
            if (readDiffusionParams)
                diffusion <- readDiffusionParametersFromMetadata(metadata)
                if (!seenValidFile && diffusion$defType != "none")
                    report(OL$Info, "Attempting to read diffusion parameters using ", diffusion$defType, " DICOM convention")
                bValues[i] <- diffusion$bval
                bVectors[,i] <- diffusion$bvec
                echoSeparations[i] <- ifelse(is.null(diffusion$echoSeparation), NA, diffusion$echoSeparation)
            if (!seenValidFile)
                seenValidFile <- TRUE
            if (i %% 100 == 0)
                report(OL$Verbose, "Done ", count)
        nDicomFiles <- sum(valid)
        if (nDicomFiles == 0)
            report(OL$Error, "No readable DICOM files were found")
        info <- info[valid,]
        images <- images[valid]
        if (readDiffusionParams)
            bValues <- bValues[valid]
            bVectors <- bVectors[,valid,drop=FALSE]
            echoSeparations <- echoSeparations[valid]
        if (length(unique(info$seriesDescription)) > 1)
            report(OL$Warning, "DICOM directory contains more than one unique series description - merging them may not make sense")
        # Slice orientations are the in-plane X and Y and through plane direction vectors, in that order
        # Slice directions are 1, 2 and 3 for X, Y and Z in the LPS reference system; sign indicates flip
        # NB: The sum() function recovers the sign in the sapply() call here
        sliceOrientation <- list(sliceOrientation[1:3], sliceOrientation[4:6], throughSliceOrientation)
        sliceDirections <- sapply(sliceOrientation, function (x) round(which(abs(x) == 1) * sum(x)))
        # Oblique slices case: look for the closest reference orientations and warn
        if (!is.numeric(sliceDirections) || length(sliceDirections) != 3)
            sliceDirections <- sapply(sliceOrientation, function (x) {
                currentSliceDirection <- which.max(abs(x))
                currentSliceDirection * sign(x[currentSliceDirection])
            if (sliceDirections[1] == sliceDirections[2])
                report(OL$Error, "DICOM slice orientation information is complex or nonsensical")
                angles <- sapply(1:2, function (i) acos(abs(sliceOrientation[[i]][abs(sliceDirections[i])]) / sqrt(sum(sliceOrientation[[i]]^2))))
                angles <- round(angles / pi * 180, 2)
                report(OL$Warning, "Slices appear to be oblique: rotations from axes are ", implode(angles," and "), " deg")
        report(OL$Info, "Image orientation is ", implode(c("I","A","R","","L","P","S")[sliceDirections+4],sep=""))
        absoluteSliceDirections <- abs(sliceDirections)
        # Find all unique slice positions and find the index corresponding to each image
        uniqueSlices <- sort(unique(info$sliceLocation))
        info$sliceIndex <- match(info$sliceLocation, uniqueSlices)
        # Is there a volume stored in each DICOM file? Is the image a mosaic?
        volumePerDicomFile <- (length(images[[1]]$imageDims) == 3)
        mosaic <- images[[1]]$mosaic
        if (!volumePerDicomFile && length(uniqueSlices) < 2)
            report(OL$Error, "Reading a single 2D image from DICOM is not supported at present")
        # Work out the image and voxel dimensions of the unpermuted image
        if (volumePerDicomFile)
            nSlices <- images[[1]]$imageDims[3]
            nVolumes <- nDicomFiles
            imageDims <- c(images[[1]]$imageDims, nVolumes)
            # Some mosaic files store the per-slice TR, but we want the per-volume TR
            # Assume that a TR below 500 ms must be per-slice
            if (mosaic && repetitionTime < 0.5)
                repetitionTime <- repetitionTime * nSlices
            voxelDims <- c(images[[1]]$voxelDims, repetitionTime)
            if (!equivalent((uniqueSlices[2] - uniqueSlices[1]) / sliceDim, 1, tolerance=1e-3))
                report(OL$Warning, "Slice thickness and slice separation do not match - the latter will be used")
                sliceDim <- uniqueSlices[2] - uniqueSlices[1]
            nSlices <- length(uniqueSlices)
            nVolumes <- nDicomFiles / nSlices
            if (floor(nVolumes) != nVolumes)
                report(OL$Error, "Number of files (", nDicomFiles, ") is not a multiple of the number of slices detected (", nSlices, ")")
            # Dimensions of initial image, to be permuted later if necessary
            imageDims <- c(images[[1]]$imageDims, nSlices, nVolumes)
            voxelDims <- c(images[[1]]$voxelDims, sliceDim, repetitionTime)

        report(OL$Info, "Data set contains ", nVolumes, " volume(s); ", nSlices, " slice(s) per volume")
        data <- array(NA, dim=imageDims)

        # Sort by series number, then acquisition number, then image number
        sortOrder <- order(info$seriesNumber, info$acquisitionNumber, info$echoNumber, info$imageNumber)
        info <- info[sortOrder,]
        images <- images[sortOrder]
        if (readDiffusionParams)
            bValues <- bValues[sortOrder]
            bVectors <- bVectors[,sortOrder,drop=FALSE]
            echoSeparations <- echoSeparations[sortOrder]
            # Initialisation
            volumeBValues <- rep(NA, nVolumes)
            volumeBVectors <- matrix(NA, nrow=3, ncol=nVolumes)
            volumeEchoSeparations <- rep(NA, nVolumes)
        # Insert data into the appropriate places
        for (i in 1:nrow(info))
            if (volumePerDicomFile)
                volume <- i
                data[,,,volume] <- images[[i]]$data
                slice <- info$sliceIndex[i]
                volume <- ((i-1) %/% nSlices) + 1
                data[,,slice,volume] <- images[[i]]$data
            # Insert diffusion parameters once per volume
            if (readDiffusionParams && is.na(volumeBValues[volume]))
                volumeBValues[volume] <- bValues[i]
                volumeBVectors[,volume] <- bVectors[,i]
                volumeEchoSeparations[volume] <- echoSeparations[i]

        if (mosaic)
            # The image position in plane is stored wrongly for mosaic images, so we need to correct it
            inPlaneDims <- absoluteSliceDirections[1:2]
            imagePosition[inPlaneDims] <- imagePosition[inPlaneDims] + abs(voxelDims[inPlaneDims]) * ((images[[1]]$mosaicDims-imageDims[inPlaneDims]) / 2)
        # Permute the data dimensions as required
        dimPermutation <- c(match(1:3,absoluteSliceDirections), 4)
        if (!equivalent(dimPermutation, 1:4))
            data <- aperm(data, dimPermutation)
            imageDims <- imageDims[dimPermutation]
            voxelDims <- abs(voxelDims[dimPermutation]) * c(-1,1,1,1)
        # Check for any flips required to achieve LAS orientation
        ordering <- sign(sliceDirections[dimPermutation])[1:3] * c(1,-1,1)
        orderX <- (if (ordering[1] == 1) seq_len(imageDims[1]) else rev(seq_len(imageDims[1])))
        orderY <- (if (ordering[2] == 1) seq_len(imageDims[2]) else rev(seq_len(imageDims[2])))
        orderZ <- (if (ordering[3] == 1) seq_len(imageDims[3]) else rev(seq_len(imageDims[3])))
        data <- data[orderX,orderY,orderZ,,drop=TRUE]
        dimsToKeep <- which(imageDims > 1)
        imageDims <- imageDims[dimsToKeep]
        voxelDims <- voxelDims[dimsToKeep]
        # Set the image position in the through-slice direction to the location of the first slice
        imagePosition[absoluteSliceDirections[3]] <- info$sliceLocation[info$sliceIndex == 1][1]
        # Invert position for Y direction due to switch to LAS convention
        imagePosition[2] <- -imagePosition[2]
        # For origin, use the image position (which is the centre of the first voxel stored)
        origin <- 1 - ordering[1:3] * (imagePosition / voxelDims[1:3])
        origin <- ifelse(ordering[1:3] == c(1,1,1), origin, imageDims[1:3]-origin+1)
        tags <- list()
        if (readDiffusionParams)
            # Invert Y direction again
            volumeBVectors[2,] <- -volumeBVectors[2,]
            tags <- list(bValues=volumeBValues, bVectors=t(volumeBVectors))
        # Create the final image
        image <- asMriImage(data, imageDims=imageDims, voxelDims=voxelDims, voxelDimUnits=c("mm","s"), origin=origin, tags=tags)
        returnValue <- list(image=image, seriesDescriptions=unique(info$seriesDescription))
        if (readDiffusionParams)
            returnValue$echoSeparations <- volumeEchoSeparations
    else if (method == "divest")
        verbosity <- switch(names(getOutputLevel()), Debug=2L, Verbose=0L, -1L)
        images <- divest::readDicom(dicomDir, verbosity=verbosity, ...)
        if (length(images) == 0)
            flag(OL$Warning, "No images converted")
            return (NULL)
        else if (length(images) > 1)
            image <- do.call(mergeMriImages, c(images, list(bindDim=4L, padTags=TRUE)))
            image <- as(images[[1]], "MriImage")
        returnValue <- list(image=image, seriesDescriptions=unique(image$getTags("seriesDescription")))
        if (readDiffusionParams)
            if (image$hasTags("effectiveReadoutTime"))
                returnValue$echoSeparations <- image$getTags("effectiveReadoutTime")
            else if (all(image$hasTags(c("echoSpacing", "epiFactor"))))
                returnValue$echoSeparations <- image$getTags("echoSpacing") / 1e6 * (image$getTags("epiFactor") - 1)
                returnValue$echoSeparations <- rep(NA, image$nVolumes())
    invisible (returnValue)

readImageParametersFromMetadata <- function (metadata, untileMosaics = TRUE, metadataOnly = FALSE)
    if (metadata$getTagValue(0x0008, 0x0060) != "MR")
        flag(OL$Warning, "DICOM file does not contain MR image data")
    acquisitionMatrix <- metadata$getTagValue(0x0018, 0x1310)
    rows <- max(acquisitionMatrix[1], acquisitionMatrix[3])
    columns <- max(acquisitionMatrix[2], acquisitionMatrix[4])
    dataRows <- metadata$getTagValue(0x0028, 0x0010)
    dataColumns <- metadata$getTagValue(0x0028, 0x0011)
    voxelDims <- metadata$getTagValue(0x0028, 0x0030)
    endian <- metadata$getEndianness()
    mosaic <- FALSE
    if (is.na(rows))
        rows <- dataRows
    if (is.na(columns))
        columns <- dataColumns
    # Tags are "Siemens # images in mosaic", "# frames", "Philips # slices"
    slices <- c(metadata$getTagValue(0x0019,0x100a), metadata$getTagValue(0x0028,0x0008), metadata$getTagValue(0x2001,0x1018))
    if (all(is.na(slices)))
        slices <- NULL
        slices <- slices[!is.na(slices)][1]
    if (rows != dataRows || columns != dataColumns)
        # Siemens mosaic format
        if (identical(metadata$getTagValue(0x0008,0x0070), "SIEMENS") && untileMosaics)
            slicesPerRow <- dataRows / rows
            slicesPerColumn <- dataColumns / columns
            if (is.null(slices))
                slices <- slicesPerRow * slicesPerColumn
            if (slicesPerRow != floor(slicesPerRow) || slicesPerColumn != floor(slicesPerColumn))
                if (rows == dataColumns && columns == dataRows)
                    flag(OL$Info, "Data matrix is transposed relative to acquisition matrix")
                    flag(OL$Warning, "Image dimensions are not a multiple of the acquisition matrix size")
                    slices <- NULL
                rows <- dataRows
                columns <- dataColumns
            mosaic <- TRUE
            mosaicDims <- c(metadata$getTagValue(0x0028, 0x0010), metadata$getTagValue(0x0028, 0x0011))
            if (rows == dataColumns && columns == dataRows)
                flag(OL$Info, "Data matrix is transposed relative to acquisition matrix")
                flag(OL$Info, "Image has been upsampled or downsampled after acquisition")

            rows <- dataRows
            columns <- dataColumns
    if (is.null(slices) || slices <= 1)
        nDims <- 2
        slices <- NULL
        nDims <- 3
        if (!is.na(metadata$getTagValue(0x0018,0x0088)))
            voxelDims <- c(voxelDims, metadata$getTagValue(0x0018,0x0088))
            voxelDims <- c(voxelDims, metadata$getTagValue(0x0018,0x0050))
    dims <- c(columns, rows, slices)
    if (metadataOnly)
        data <- NULL
        transferSyntax <- metadata$getTransferSyntax()
        if (transferSyntax != "" && !(transferSyntax %in% names(.Dicom$transferSyntaxes)))
            report(OL$Error, "Transfer syntax #{transferSyntax} is not supported")
        bitsAllocated <- metadata$getTagValue(0x0028, 0x0100)
        if ((bitsAllocated %% 8) != 0)
            report(OL$Error, "Number of bits allocated per pixel doesn't correspond to an integral number of bytes")
        bytesPerPixel <- bitsAllocated / 8
        isSigned <- isTRUE(metadata$getTagValue(0x0028, 0x0103) == 1)
        connection <- file(metadata$getSource(), "rb")
        seek(connection, where=metadata$getDataOffset())
        pixels <- readBin(connection, "integer", n=metadata$getDataLength()/bytesPerPixel, size=bytesPerPixel, signed=ifelse(bytesPerPixel > 2, TRUE, isSigned), endian=endian)
        pixels <- maskPixels(pixels, metadata)
        # Apply slope and intercept, if defined
        if (!is.na(metadata$getTagValue(0x0028, 0x1053)))
            pixels <- pixels * metadata$getTagValue(0x0028, 0x1053)
        if (!is.na(metadata$getTagValue(0x0028, 0x1052)))
            pixels <- pixels + metadata$getTagValue(0x0028, 0x1052)
        if (nDims == 2)
            data <- array(pixels, dim=dims)
        else if (nDims == 3)
            if (mosaic)
                # Handle Siemens mosaic images, which encapsulate a whole 3D image in a single-frame DICOM file
                mosaicGrid <- mosaicDims / dims[1:2]
                mosaicCellDims <- mosaicDims / mosaicGrid
                gridColumns <- rep(1:mosaicGrid[2], times=mosaicDims[2], each=mosaicCellDims[1])
                gridRows <- rep(1:mosaicGrid[1], each=mosaicCellDims[2]*mosaicDims[1])

                data <- array(NA, dim=dims)
                sliceList <- tapply(pixels, list(gridColumns,gridRows), "[")
                for (i in seq_len(dims[3]))
                    data[,,i] <- sliceList[[i]]
                data <- array(pixels, dim=dims)
    returnValue <- list(imageDims=dims, voxelDims=voxelDims, data=data, mosaic=mosaic)
    if (mosaic)
        returnValue$mosaicDims <- mosaicDims
    return (returnValue)

maskPixels <- function (pixels, metadata)
    if (!is.numeric(pixels) || !is.vector(pixels))
        report(OL$Error, "Pixels must be specified as a numeric vector")
    assert(is(metadata, "DicomMetadata"), "Specified metadata is not a valid DicomMetadata object")
    bitsAllocated <- metadata$getTagValue(0x0028, 0x0100)
    bitsStored <- metadata$getTagValue(0x0028, 0x0101)
    highBit <- metadata$getTagValue(0x0028, 0x0102)
    if (bitsAllocated == bitsStored)
        return (pixels)
    else if (!is.integer(pixels))
        report(OL$Error, "Pixels must be specified as an integer vector")
    mask <- rep(0, bitsAllocated)
    validIndices <- (1:bitsStored) + highBit - bitsStored + 1
    mask[validIndices] <- 1
    newPixels <- packBits(as.raw(mask) & intToBits(pixels), "integer")
    if (!equivalent(pixels, newPixels))
        flag(OL$Warning, "Masking has altered the pixel values")
    return (newPixels)

readDiffusionParametersFromMetadata <- function (metadata)
    assert(is(metadata, "DicomMetadata"), "The specified metadata is not a valid DicomMetadata object")
    bval <- metadata$getTagValue(0x0018, 0x9087)
    bvec <- metadata$getTagValue(0x0018, 0x9089)
    if (!is.na(bval))
        if (bval == 0)
            return (list(bval=0, bvec=rep(0,3), defType="standard"))
        else if (!is.na(bvec))
            return (list(bval=bval, bvec=bvec, defType="standard"))
    vendor <- metadata$getTagValue(0x0008, 0x0070)
    if (identical(vendor, "GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS"))
        bval <- metadata$getTagValue(0x0043, 0x1039)[1]
        bvec <- c(metadata$getTagValue(0x0019, 0x10bb),
                  metadata$getTagValue(0x0019, 0x10bc),
                  metadata$getTagValue(0x0019, 0x10bd))
        if (is.na(bval))
            return (list(bval=NA, bvec=rep(NA,3), defType="none"))
        else if (bval == 0 || identical(bvec, rep(0,3)))
            return (list(bval=0, bvec=rep(0,3), defType="GE"))
            return (list(bval=bval, bvec=bvec, defType="GE"))
    else if (identical(vendor, "SIEMENS"))
        bval <- metadata$getTagValue(0x0019, 0x100c)
        bvec <- metadata$getTagValue(0x0019, 0x100e)
        echoSeparation <- metadata$getAsciiFields("EchoSpacing") / 1e6 * (metadata$getAsciiFields("EPIFactor") - 1)
        if (is.na(bval))
            return (list(bval=NA, bvec=rep(NA,3), echoSeparation=echoSeparation, defType="none"))
        else if (bval == 0 || identical(bvec, rep(0,3)))
            return (list(bval=0, bvec=rep(0,3), echoSeparation=echoSeparation, defType="Siemens"))
            return (list(bval=bval, bvec=bvec, echoSeparation=echoSeparation, defType="Siemens"))
        return (list(bval=NA, bvec=rep(NA,3), defType="none"))

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tractor.base documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:58 a.m.