
Defines functions drhaz dxhaz drexp dxexp drhn dxhn grhaz grexp grhn gxhaz gxexp gxhn distsamp

Documented in distsamp drexp drhaz drhn dxexp dxhaz dxhn grexp grhaz grhn gxexp gxhaz gxhn

distsamp <- function(formula, data,
    keyfun=c("halfnorm", "exp", "hazard", "uniform"),
    output=c("density", "abund"), unitsOut=c("ha", "kmsq"), starts,
    method="BFGS", se = TRUE, engine = c("C", "R", "TMB"),
    rel.tol=0.001, ...)

    # Check arguments
    engine <- match.arg(engine)
    if(any(sapply(split_formula(formula), has_random))) engine <- "TMB"
    keyfun <- match.arg(keyfun)
    output <- match.arg(output)
    unitsOut <- match.arg(unitsOut)

    if(missing(starts)) starts <- NULL

    #Generate design matrix
    designMats <- getDesign(data, formula)
    X <- designMats$X; V <- designMats$V; y <- designMats$y
    X.offset <- designMats$X.offset; V.offset <- designMats$V.offset
        X.offset <- rep(0, nrow(X))
        V.offset <- rep(0, nrow(V))

    M <- nrow(y)
    J <- ncol(y)

    # Distance sampling design info
    db <- data@dist.breaks
    tlength <- data@tlength
    survey <- data@survey
    w <- diff(db)
    unitsIn <- data@unitsIn
    u <- a <- matrix(NA, M, J)
        line = {
            for(i in 1:M) {
                a[i,] <- tlength[i] * w
                u[i,] <- a[i,] / sum(a[i,])
        point = {
            for(i in 1:M) {
                a[i, 1] <- pi*db[2]^2
                for(j in 2:J)
                    a[i, j] <- pi*db[j+1]^2 - sum(a[i, 1:(j-1)])
                u[i,] <- a[i,] / sum(a[i,])
        line = A <- rowSums(a) * 2,
        point = A <- rowSums(a))
        m = A <- A / 1e6,
        km = A <- A)
        ha = A <- A * 100,
        kmsq = A <- A)

    # Set up parameters
    lamParms <- colnames(X)
    detParms <- colnames(V)
    scaleParms <- character(0)
    nAP <- length(lamParms)
    nDP <- length(detParms)
    nP <- nAP + nDP
    lamIdx <- 1:nAP
    detIdx <- (nAP+1):nP
    starts_default <- c(rep(0, nAP), log(max(db)), rep(0, nDP-1))

      detParms <- character(0)
      detIdx <- numeric(0)
      starts_default <- rep(0, nAP)
      starts_default[(nAP+1)] <- 0
      # maybe this should be default everywhere
      if(engine == "TMB") starts_default[(nAP+1)] <- log(median(db))
      nP <- nP + 1
      scaleParms <- "scale"
      starts_default[(nAP+1)] <- log(median(db))
      starts_default <- c(starts_default, 1)
    names(starts_default) <- c(lamParms, detParms, scaleParms)

    if(engine=="R") {

    cp <- matrix(NA, M, J)
    halfnorm = {
        nll <- function(param) {
            sigma <- drop(exp(V %*% param[(nAP+1):nP] + V.offset))
            lambda <- drop(exp(X %*% param[1:nAP] + X.offset))
            if(identical(output, "density"))
                lambda <- lambda * A
            for(i in 1:M) {
                line = {
                    f.0 <- 2 * dnorm(0, 0, sd=sigma[i])
                    int <- 2 * (pnorm(db[-1], 0, sd=sigma[i]) -
                        pnorm(db[-(J+1)], 0, sd=sigma[i]))
                    cp[i,] <- int / f.0 / w
                point = {
                    for(j in 1:J) {
                        int <- integrate(grhn, db[j], db[j+1], sigma=sigma[i],
                        mess <- int$message
                        if(identical(mess, "OK"))
                            cp[i, j] <- int$value * 2*pi / a[i,j]
                        else {
                            cp[i, j] <- NA
                cp[i,] <- cp[i,] * u[i,]
            ll <- dpois(y, lambda * cp, log=TRUE)
    exp = {
        nll <- function(param) {
            rate <- drop(exp(V %*% param[(nAP+1):nP] + V.offset))
            lambda <- drop(exp(X %*% param[1:nAP] + X.offset))
            if(identical(output, "density"))
                lambda <- lambda * A
            for(i in 1:M) {
                line = {
                    for(j in 1:J) {
                        int <- integrate(gxexp, db[j], db[j+1], rate=rate[i],
                        mess <- int$message
                        if(identical(mess, "OK"))
                            cp[i, j] <- int$value / w[j]
                        else {
                            cp[i, j] <- NA
                point = {
                    for(j in 1:J) {
                        int <- integrate(grexp, db[j], db[j+1], rate=rate[i],
                        mess <- int$message
                        if(identical(mess, "OK"))
                            cp[i, j] <- int$value * 2*pi / a[i,j]
                        else {
                            cp[i, j] <- NA
                cp[i,] <- cp[i,] * u[i,]
            ll <- dpois(y, lambda * cp, log=TRUE)
    hazard = {
        nll <- function(param) {
            shape <- drop(exp(V %*% param[(nAP+1):(nP-1)] + V.offset))
            scale <- drop(exp(param[nP]))
            lambda <- drop(exp(X %*% param[1:nAP] + X.offset))
            if(identical(output, "density"))
                lambda <- lambda * A
            for(i in 1:M) {
                line = {
                    for(j in 1:J) {
                        int <- integrate(gxhaz, db[j], db[j+1], shape=shape[i],
                            scale=scale, stop.on.error=FALSE)
                        mess <- int$message
                        if(identical(mess, "OK"))
                            cp[i, j] <- int$value / w[j]
                        else {
                            cp[i, j] <- NA
                point = {
                    for(j in 1:J) {
                        int <- integrate(grhaz, db[j], db[j+1], shape=shape[i],
                            scale=scale, stop.on.error=FALSE)
                        mess <- int$message
                        if(identical(mess, "OK"))
                            cp[i, j] <- int$value * 2*pi / a[i,j]
                        else {
                            cp[i, j] <- NA

                cp[i,] <- cp[i,] * u[i,]
            ll <- dpois(y, lambda * cp, log=TRUE)
    uniform = {
        nll <- function(param) {
            lambda <- drop(exp(X %*% param + X.offset))
            if(identical(output, "density"))
                lambda <- lambda * A
            ll <- dpois(y, lambda * u, log=TRUE)
    } else if(engine=="C") {
        nll <- function(param) {
            beta.lam <- param[1:nAP]
            if(identical(keyfun, "hazard")) {
                beta.sig <- param[(nAP+1):(nP-1)]
                scale <- exp(param[nP])
            } else {
                beta.sig <- param[(nAP+1):nP]
                scale <- -99.0
            lambda <- drop(exp(X %*% beta.lam + X.offset))
            if(identical(output, "density"))
                lambda <- lambda * A
            sigma <- drop(exp(V %*% beta.sig + V.offset))
                  y, lambda, sigma, scale,
                  a, u, w, db,
                  keyfun, survey

    if(engine %in% c("C","R")){
      if(is.null(starts)) starts <- starts_default
      fm <- optim(starts, nll, method=method, hessian=se, ...)

      ests <- fm$par
      names(ests) <- c(lamParms, detParms, scaleParms)
      covMat <- invertHessian(fm, nP, se)
      fmAIC <- 2 * fm$value + 2 * nP
      tmb_mod <- NULL

      # Organize fixed-effect estimates
      state_coef <- list(ests=ests[lamIdx], cov=as.matrix(covMat[lamIdx, lamIdx]))

      if(keyfun != "uniform"){
        det_coef <- list(ests=ests[detIdx], cov=as.matrix(covMat[detIdx, detIdx]))
      if(keyfun == "hazard") {
        scale_coef <- list(ests=ests[nP], cov=as.matrix(covMat[nP,nP]))

      # No random effects in C or R engines
      state_rand_info <- det_rand_info <- list()

    } else if(engine == "TMB"){

      # Set up TMB input data
      if(output == "abund") A <- rep(1, length(A))
      forms <- split_formula(formula)
      inps <- get_ranef_inputs(forms, list(det=siteCovs(data), state=siteCovs(data)),
                               list(V, X), designMats[c("Z_det","Z_state")])

      keyfun_type <- switch(keyfun, uniform={0}, halfnorm={1}, exp={2},
      survey_type <- switch(survey, line={0}, point={1})
      tmb_dat <- c(list(y=y, survey_type=survey_type, keyfun_type=keyfun_type,
                        A=A, db=db, a=a, w=w, u=u, offset_state=X.offset,
                        offset_det=V.offset), inps$data)

      tmb_param <- c(inps$pars, list(beta_scale=rep(0,0)))

        if(keyfun != "uniform") tmb_param$beta_det[1] <- log(median(db))

      if(keyfun == "hazard") tmb_param$beta_scale <- rep(0,1)
      if(keyfun == "uniform") tmb_param$beta_det <- rep(0,0)

      # Fit model in TMB
      tmb_out <- fit_TMB("tmb_distsamp", tmb_dat, tmb_param, inps$rand_ef,
                         starts=starts, method)
      tmb_mod <- tmb_out$TMB
      fm <- tmb_out$opt
      fmAIC <- tmb_out$AIC
      nll <- tmb_mod$fn

      # Organize fixed-effect estimate from TMB output
      state_coef <- get_coef_info(tmb_out$sdr, "state", lamParms, lamIdx)
      det_coef <- get_coef_info(tmb_out$sdr, "det", detParms, detIdx)

        scale_coef <- get_coef_info(tmb_out$sdr, "scale", scaleParms, nP)

      # Organize random-effect estimates from TMB output
      state_rand_info <- get_randvar_info(tmb_out$sdr, "state", forms[[2]], siteCovs(data))
      det_rand_info <- get_randvar_info(tmb_out$sdr, "det", forms[[1]], siteCovs(data))


    stateName <- switch(output, abund = "Abundance", density = "Density")
    stateEstimates <- unmarkedEstimate(name = stateName,
        short.name = "lam", estimates = state_coef$ests, covMat = state_coef$cov,
        fixed=1:nAP, invlink = "exp", invlinkGrad = "exp", randomVarInfo=state_rand_info)
    estimateList <- unmarkedEstimateList(list(state=stateEstimates))

    if(keyfun != "uniform") {
      detEstimates <- unmarkedEstimate(name = "Detection", short.name = "p",
        estimates = det_coef$ests, covMat = det_coef$cov, fixed=1:nDP,
        invlink = "exp", invlinkGrad = "exp", randomVarInfo=det_rand_info)
      estimateList@estimates$det <- detEstimates

      if(keyfun == "hazard"){
        scaleEstimates <- unmarkedEstimate(name = "Hazard-rate(scale)",
          short.name = "p", estimates = scale_coef$ests,
          covMat = scale_coef$cov, fixed=1, invlink = "exp", invlinkGrad = "exp",
        estimateList@estimates$scale <- scaleEstimates

    dsfit <- new("unmarkedFitDS", fitType = "distsamp", call = match.call(),
        opt = fm, formula = formula, data = data, keyfun=keyfun,
        sitesRemoved = designMats$removed.sites, unitsOut=unitsOut,
        estimates = estimateList, AIC = fmAIC, negLogLike = fm$value,
        nllFun = nll, output=output, TMB=tmb_mod)

# Detection functions

gxhn <- function(x, sigma) exp(-x^2/(2 * sigma^2))
gxexp <- function(x, rate) exp(-x / rate)
gxhaz <- function(x, shape, scale)  1 - exp(-(x/shape)^-scale)
grhn <- function(r, sigma) exp(-r^2/(2 * sigma^2)) * r
grexp <- function(r, rate) exp(-r / rate) * r
grhaz <- function(r, shape, scale)  (1 - exp(-(r/shape)^-scale)) * r

dxhn <- function(x, sigma)
	gxhn(x=x, sigma=sigma) / integrate(gxhn, 0, Inf, sigma=sigma)$value
drhn <- function(r, sigma)
	grhn(r=r, sigma=sigma) / integrate(grhn, 0, Inf, sigma=sigma)$value
dxexp <- function(x, rate)
	gxexp(x=x, rate=rate) / integrate(gxexp, 0, Inf, rate=rate)$value
drexp <- function(r, rate)
	grexp(r=r, rate=rate) / integrate(grexp, 0, Inf, rate=rate)$value
dxhaz <- function(x, shape, scale)
	gxhaz(x=x, shape=shape, scale=scale) / integrate(gxhaz, 0, Inf,
		shape=shape, scale=scale)$value
drhaz <- function(r, shape, scale)
	grhaz(r=r, shape=shape, scale=scale) / integrate(grhaz, 0, Inf,
		shape=shape, scale=scale)$value

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