
# Part of the varbvs package, https://github.com/pcarbo/varbvs
# Copyright (C) 2012-2019, Peter Carbonetto
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License; either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# Compute fully-factorized variational approximation for Bayesian
# variable selection in linear (family = "gaussian") or logistic
# regression (family = "binomial"). See varbvs.Rd for details.
varbvs <- function (X, Z, y, family = c("gaussian","binomial"), sigma, sa,
                    logodds, weights, resid.vcov, alpha, mu, eta, 
                    update.sigma, update.sa, optimize.eta, initialize.params,
                    update.order, nr = 100, sa0 = 1, n0 = 10, tol = 1e-4,
                    maxiter = 1e4, verbose = TRUE) {

  # Get the number of samples (n) and variables (p).
  n <- nrow(X)
  p <- ncol(X)

  # ----------------
  # Check input X.
  if (!(is.matrix(X) & is.numeric(X) & sum(is.na(X)) == 0))
    stop("Input X must be a numeric matrix with no missing values.")
  storage.mode(X) <- "double"

  # Check input Z.
  if (!is.null(Z)) {
    Z <- as.matrix(Z)
    if (!is.numeric(Z) | sum(is.na(Z)) > 0)
      stop("Input Z must be a numeric matrix with no missing values.")
    if (nrow(Z) != n)
      stop("Inputs X and Z do not match.")
    storage.mode(Z) <- "double"
  # Add intercept.
  if (is.null(Z))
    Z <- matrix(1,n,1)
    Z <- cbind(1,Z)

  # Check input y.
  if (!is.numeric(y) | sum(is.na(y)) > 0)
    stop("Input y must be a numeric vector with no missing values.")
  if (length(y) != n)
    stop("Inputs X and y do not match")
  y <- c(as.double(y))

  # Get choice of regression model.
  family <- match.arg(family)

  # -------------------
  if (!is.finite(maxiter))
    stop("Input maxiter must be a finite number")
  # Get candidate settings for the variance of the residual (sigma),
  # if provided. Note that this option is not valid for a binary trait.
  if (missing(sigma)) {
    sigma <- var(y)
    update.sigma.default <- TRUE
  } else {
    sigma <- c(sigma)
    update.sigma.default <- FALSE
    if (family == "binomial")
      stop("Input sigma is not allowed for family = binomial")
  # Get candidate settings for the prior variance of the coefficients,
  # if provided.
  if (missing(sa)) {
    sa <- 1
    update.sa.default <- TRUE
  } else {
    sa <- c(sa)
    update.sa.default <- FALSE

  # Get candidate settings for the prior log-odds of inclusion. This
  # may either be specified as a vector, in which case this is the
  # prior applied uniformly to all variables, or it is a p x ns
  # matrix, where p is the number of variables and ns is the number of
  # candidate hyperparameter settings, in which case the prior
  # log-odds is specified separately for each variable. A default
  # setting is only available if the number of other hyperparameter
  # settings is 1, in which case we select 20 candidate settings for
  # the prior log-odds, evenly spaced between log10(1/p) and -1.
  if (missing(logodds)) {
    if (length(sigma) == 1 & length(sa) == 1)
      logodds <- seq(-log10(p),-1,length.out = 20)
      stop("logodds can only be missing when length(sigma) = length(sa) = 1")
  if (!is.matrix(logodds)) {
    prior.same <- TRUE
    logodds    <- t(matrix(logodds))
  } else if (nrow(logodds) != p) {
    prior.same <- TRUE
    logodds    <- t(matrix(logodds))
  } else
    prior.same <- FALSE

  # Here is where I ensure that the numbers of candidate hyperparameter
  # settings are consistent.
  ns <- max(length(sigma),length(sa),ncol(logodds))
  if (length(sigma) == 1)
    sigma <- rep(sigma,ns)
  if (length(sa) == 1)
    sa <- rep(sa,ns)
  if (ncol(logodds) == 1)
    logodds <- rep_col(logodds,ns)
  if (length(sigma) != ns | length(sa) != ns | ncol(logodds) != ns)
    stop("options.sigma, options.sa and options.logodds are inconsistent")

  # Determine whether to update the residual variance parameter. Note
  # that this option is only relevant for a binary trait.
  if (missing(update.sigma))
    update.sigma <- update.sigma.default

  # Determine whether to update the prior variance of the regression
  # coefficients.
  if (missing(update.sa))
    update.sa <- update.sa.default

  # Set the weights---used to indicate that different observations
  # have different variances---or the covariance matrix of the
  # residual (resid.vcov). Note that only one of the weights and
  # residual covariance matrix can be non-NULL.
  if (missing(weights))
    weights <- NULL
  if (missing(resid.vcov))
    resid.vcov <- NULL
  if (!(is.null(weights) & is.null(resid.vcov)) & family != "gaussian")
    stop(paste("Specifying weights or resid.vcov is only allowed for",
               "family == \"gaussian\""))
  if (!is.null(weights) & !is.null(resid.vcov))
    stop("Only one of weights and resid.vcov may be specified")
  if (!is.null(weights))
    if (!(is.vector(weights) & length(weights) == n))
      stop("Input weights should be a vector with the same length as y")
  if (!is.null(resid.vcov)) 
    if (is.matrix(resid.vcov) | inherits(resid.vcov,"Matrix")) {
      if (!(nrow(resid.vcov) == n & ncol(resid.vcov) == n &
            all(resid.vcov == t(resid.vcov))))
        stop(paste("Input resid.vcov should be an n x n symmetric",
                   "matrix where n = length(y)"))
    } else
      stop("Input resid.vcov should be class \"matrix\" or \"Matrix\"")
  # Set initial estimates of variational parameter alpha.
  initialize.params.default <- TRUE
  if (missing(alpha)) {
    alpha <- rand(p,ns)
    alpha <- alpha / rep_row(colSums(alpha),p)
  } else
    initialize.params.default <- FALSE
  if (!is.matrix(alpha))
    alpha <- matrix(alpha)
  if (nrow(alpha) != p)
    stop("Input alpha must have as many rows as X has columns")
  if (ncol(alpha) == 1)
    alpha <- rep_col(alpha,ns)

  # Set initial estimates of variational parameter mu.
  if (missing(mu))
    mu <- randn(p,ns)
    initialize.params.default <- FALSE    
  if (!is.matrix(mu))
    mu <- matrix(mu)
  if (nrow(mu) != p)
    stop("Input mu must have as many rows as X has columns")
  if (ncol(mu) == 1)
    mu <- rep_col(mu,ns)

  # Determine whether to find a good initialization for the
  # variational parameters.
  if (missing(initialize.params))
    initialize.params <- initialize.params.default
  else if (initialize.params & ns == 1)
    stop(paste("initialize.params = TRUE has no effect when there is",
               "only one hyperparameter setting"))

  # Set initial estimates of variational parameter eta. Note this
  # input is only relevant for logistic regression.
  if (missing(eta)) {
    eta                  <- matrix(1,n,ns)
    optimize.eta.default <- TRUE
  } else {
    optimize.eta.default <- FALSE
    if (family != "binomial")
      stop("Input eta is only valid for family = binomial")
  if (nrow(eta) != n)
    stop("Input eta must have as many rows as X")
  if (ncol(eta) == 1)
    eta <- rep_col(eta,ns)

  # Determine whether to update the variational parameter eta. Note this
  # option is only relevant for logistic regression.
  if (missing(optimize.eta))
    optimize.eta <- optimize.eta.default

  # Determine the order of the co-ordinate ascent updates.
  if (missing(update.order))
    update.order <- 1:p
  if (!all(sort(intersect(update.order,1:p)) == 1:p))
    stop(paste("Argument \"update.order\" should be a vector in which each",
               "variable index (column of X) is included at least once"))
  # Provide a brief summary of the analysis.
  if (verbose) {
    cat("Welcome to           ")
    cat("--       *                              *               \n")
    cat("VARBVS version 2.6-10")
    cat("--       |              |               |               \n")
    cat("large-scale Bayesian ")
    cat("--       ||           | |    |          || |     |   |  \n")
    cat("variable selection   ")
    cat("-- |     || | |    |  | ||  ||        |||| ||    |   || \n")
    cat("Copyright (C) 2012-2023 Peter Carbonetto.\n")
    cat("See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for the full license.\n")
    cat("Fitting variational approximation for Bayesian variable",
        "selection model.\n")
    cat(sprintf("family:     %-8s",family))
    cat("   num. hyperparameter settings:",length(sa),"\n")
    cat(sprintf("samples:    %-6d",n))
    cat(sprintf("     convergence tolerance         %0.1e\n",tol))
    cat(sprintf("variables:  %-6d",p))
    cat("     iid variable selection prior:",tf2yn(prior.same),"\n")
    cat(sprintf("covariates: %-6d",max(0,ncol(Z) - 1)))
    cat("     fit prior var. of coefs (sa):",tf2yn(update.sa),"\n")
    cat("intercept:  yes        ")
    if (family == "gaussian")
      cat("fit residual var. (sigma):   ",tf2yn(update.sigma),"\n")
    else if (family == "binomial")
      cat("fit approx. factors (eta):   ",tf2yn(optimize.eta),"\n")

  # -----------------------
  if (family == "gaussian") {
    if (!is.null(weights)) {

      # Adjust the inputs X and y to account for the weights.
      # Note that this is equivalent to setting to the residual
      # variance-covariance matrix to
      #   resid.vcov <- diag(1/weights)
      X <- sqrt(weights) * X
      Z <- sqrt(weights) * Z
      y <- sqrt(weights) * y
    } else if (!is.null(resid.vcov)) {

      # Adjust the inputs X and y to account for the variance-covariance
      # matrix of the residuals.
      if (verbose)
        cat("Adjusting inputs for residual variance-covariance matrix.\n")
      L <- tryCatch(t(chol(resid.vcov)),error = function(e) NULL)
      if (is.null(L))
        stop("Input resid.vcov is not a positive definite matrix")
      else {
        X <- forwardsolve(L,X)
        Z <- forwardsolve(L,Z)
        y <- forwardsolve(L,y)
    # Adjust the inputs X and y so that the linear effects of the
    # covariates (Z) are removed. This is equivalent to integrating
    # out the regression coefficients corresponding to the covariates
    # with respect to an improper, uniform prior.
    out <- remove.covariate.effects(X,Z,y)
    X   <- out$X
    y   <- out$y
    SZy <- out$SZy
    SZX <- out$SZX
  } else {
    SZy <- NULL
    SZX <- NULL

  # Add row and column names to X if they are not provided.
  if (is.null(rownames(X)))
    rownames(X) <- 1:n
  if (is.null(colnames(X)))
    colnames(X) <- paste0("X",1:p)

  # Add column names to Z if they are not already provided.
  if (is.null(colnames(Z)) & ncol(Z) > 1)
    colnames(Z) <- c("(Intercept)",paste0("Z",1:(ncol(Z) - 1)))
    colnames(Z)[1] <- "(Intercept)"
  # --------------------------------------
  # Initialize storage for the variational estimate of the marginal
  # log-likelihood for each hyperparameter setting (logw), and the
  # variances of the regression coefficients (s), and the posterior
  # mean estimates of the coefficients for the covariates (mu.cov),
  # which includes the intercept.
  logw   <- rep(0,ns)
  s      <- matrix(0,p,ns)
  mu.cov <- matrix(0,ncol(Z),ns)
  # -------------------------------------------------
  if (ns == 1) {

    # Find a set of parameters that locally minimize the K-L
    # divergence between the approximating distribution and the exact
    # posterior.
    if (verbose) {
      cat("        variational    max.   incl variance params\n")
      cat(" iter   lower bound  change   vars   sigma      sa\n")
    out      <- outerloop(X,Z,y,family,weights,resid.vcov,SZy,SZX,c(sigma),
    logw     <- out$logw
    sigma    <- out$sigma
    sa       <- out$sa
    mu.cov[] <- out$mu.cov
    alpha[]  <- out$alpha
    mu[]     <- out$mu
    s[]      <- out$s
    eta[]    <- out$eta
    if (verbose)
  } else {

    # If a good initialization isn't already provided, find a good
    # initialization for the variational parameters. Repeat for each
    # candidate setting of the hyperparameters.
    if (initialize.params) {
      if (verbose) {
        cat("Finding best initialization for",ns,"combinations of",
        cat("-iteration-   variational    max.   incl variance params\n");
        cat("outer inner   lower bound  change   vars   sigma      sa\n");

      # Repeat for each setting of the hyperparameters.
      for (i in 1:ns) {
        out <- outerloop(X,Z,y,family,weights,resid.vcov,SZy,SZX,sigma[i],
        logw[i]    <- out$logw
        sigma[i]   <- out$sigma
        sa[i]      <- out$sa
        mu.cov[,i] <- out$mu.cov
        alpha[,i]  <- out$alpha
        mu[,i]     <- out$mu
        s[,i]      <- out$s
        eta[,i]    <- out$eta

      # Choose an initialization common to all the runs of the
      # coordinate ascent algorithm. This is chosen from the
      # hyperparameters with the highest variational estimate of the
      # marginal likelihood.
      i     <- which.max(logw)
      alpha <- rep_col(alpha[,i],ns)
      mu    <- rep_col(mu[,i],ns)
      if (optimize.eta)
        eta <- rep_col(eta[,i],ns)
      if (update.sigma)
        sigma <- rep(sigma[i],ns)
      if (update.sa)
        sa <- rep(sa[i],ns)

    # Compute a variational approximation to the posterior distribution
    # for each candidate setting of the hyperparameters.
    if (verbose) {
      cat("Computing marginal likelihood for",ns,"combinations of",
      cat("-iteration-   variational    max.   incl variance params\n")
      cat("outer inner   lower bound  change   vars   sigma      sa\n")
    # For each setting of the hyperparameters, find a set of
    # parameters that locally minimize the K-L divergence between the
    # approximating distribution and the exact posterior.
    for (i in 1:ns) {
      out <- outerloop(X,Z,y,family,weights,resid.vcov,SZy,SZX,sigma[i],sa[i],
      logw[i]    <- out$logw
      sigma[i]   <- out$sigma
      sa[i]      <- out$sa
      mu.cov[,i] <- out$mu.cov
      alpha[,i]  <- out$alpha
      mu[,i]     <- out$mu
      s[,i]      <- out$s
      eta[,i]    <- out$eta

  # -----------------------
  # Compute the normalized importance weights and the posterior
  # inclusion probabilities (PIPs) and mean regression coefficients
  # averaged over the hyperparameter settings.
  if (ns == 1) {
    w        <- 1
    pip      <- c(alpha)
    beta     <- c(alpha*mu)
    beta.cov <- c(mu.cov)
  } else {
    w        <- normalizelogweights(logw)
    pip      <- c(alpha %*% w)
    beta     <- c((alpha*mu) %*% w)
    beta.cov <- c(mu.cov %*% w)

  if (family == "gaussian") {
    fit <- list(family = family,n0 = n0,sa0 = sa0,mu.cov = mu.cov,
                update.sigma = update.sigma,update.sa = update.sa,
                prior.same = prior.same,optimize.eta = FALSE,logw = logw,
                w = w,sigma = sigma,sa = sa,logodds = logodds,alpha = alpha,
                mu = mu,s = s,eta = NULL,pip = pip,beta = beta,
                beta.cov = beta.cov,y = y)
    class(fit) <- c("varbvs","list")

    if (is.null(weights) & is.null(resid.vcov) & ncol(Z) == 1) {
      # Compute the proportion of variance in Y---only in the
      # unweighted, i.i.d. case when there are no additional covariates
      # included in the model.
      if (verbose)
        cat("Estimating proportion of variance in Y explained by model.\n");
      fit$model.pve <- varbvspve(fit,X,nr)

      # Compute the proportion of variance in Y explained by each
      # variable. This can only be estimated in the i.i.d. case when
      # there are no additional covariates included in the model.
      fit$pve           <- matrix(0,p,ns)
      rownames(fit$pve) <- colnames(X)
      sx                <- var1.cols(X)
      for (i in 1:ns) 
        fit$pve[,i] <- sx*(mu[,i]^2 + s[,i])/var1(y)
    } else {
      fit$model.pve <- NULL
      fit$pve       <- NULL

    # Restore the inputted X and y.
    X <- X + Z %*% SZX
    y <- y + c(Z %*% SZy)
    # Compute the fitted values for each hyperparameter setting.
    fit$fitted.values <- varbvs.linear.predictors(X,Z,mu.cov,alpha,mu)

    # Compute the residuals for each hyperparameter setting.
    fit$residuals <- y - fit$fitted.values
  } else if (family == "binomial") {
    fit <- list(family = family,n0 = n0,mu.cov = mu.cov,sa0 = sa0,
                update.sigma = FALSE,update.sa = update.sa,
                optimize.eta = optimize.eta,prior.same = prior.same,
                logw = logw,w = w,sigma = NULL,sa = sa,logodds = logodds,
                alpha = alpha,mu = mu,s = s,eta = eta,pip = pip,beta = beta,
                beta.cov = beta.cov,pve = NULL,model.pve = NULL)
    class(fit) <- c("varbvs","list")

    # Compute the fitted values for each hyperparameter setting.
    fit$fitted.values <-
    # Compute the "deviance" and "response" residuals for
    # hyperparameter setting.
    fit$residuals <-
      list(deviance = resid.dev.logistic(matrix(y,n,ns),fit$fitted.values),
           response = y - fit$fitted.values)
  # Add names to some of the outputs.
  hyper.labels                <- paste("theta",1:ns,sep = "_")
  rownames(fit$alpha)         <- colnames(X)
  rownames(fit$mu)            <- colnames(X)
  rownames(fit$s)             <- colnames(X)
  names(fit$beta)             <- colnames(X)
  names(fit$pip)              <- colnames(X)
  rownames(fit$mu.cov)        <- colnames(Z)
  names(fit$beta.cov)         <- colnames(Z)
  rownames(fit$fitted.values) <- rownames(X)
  colnames(fit$mu.cov)        <- hyper.labels
  colnames(fit$alpha)         <- hyper.labels
  colnames(fit$mu)            <- hyper.labels
  colnames(fit$s)             <- hyper.labels
  colnames(fit$fitted.values) <- hyper.labels
  if (family == "gaussian") {
    rownames(fit$residuals) <- rownames(X)
    colnames(fit$residuals) <- hyper.labels
  } else {
    rownames(fit$eta)                <- rownames(X)
    colnames(fit$eta)                <- hyper.labels
    rownames(fit$residuals$deviance) <- rownames(X)
    rownames(fit$residuals$response) <- rownames(X)
    colnames(fit$residuals$deviance) <- hyper.labels
    colnames(fit$residuals$response) <- hyper.labels
  if (prior.same)
    fit$logodds <- c(fit$logodds)
    rownames(fit$logodds) <- colnames(X)
  if (!is.null(fit$pve))
    colnames(fit$pve) <- hyper.labels

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# This function implements one iteration of the "outer loop".
outerloop <- function (X, Z, y, family, weights, resid.vcov, SZy, SZX, sigma,
                       sa, logodds, alpha, mu, eta, update.order, tol, maxiter,
                       verbose, outer.iter, update.sigma, update.sa,
                       optimize.eta, n0, sa0) {
  p <- ncol(X)
  if (length(logodds) == 1)
    logodds <- rep(logodds,p)

  # Note that we need to multiply the prior log-odds by log(10),
  # because varbvsnorm, varbvsbin and varbvsbinz define the prior
  # log-odds using the natural logarithm (base e).
  if (family == "gaussian") {

    # Optimize the variational lower bound for the Bayesian variable
    # selection model.
    out <- varbvsnorm(X,y,sigma,sa,log(10)*logodds,alpha,mu,update.order,
    out$eta <- eta

    # If weights are provided, adjust the variational lower bound to
    # account for the differences in variance of the samples.
    if (!is.null(weights))
      out$logw <- out$logw + sum(log(weights))/2
    # If a covariance matrix is provided for the residuals, adjust the
    # variational lower bound to account for a non-identity covariance
    # matrix.
    if (!is.null(resid.vcov))
      out$logw <- out$logw - determinant(resid.vcov,logarithm = TRUE)$modulus/2
    # Adjust the variational lower bound to account for integral over
    # the regression coefficients corresponding to the covariates.
    out$logw <- out$logw - determinant(crossprod(Z),logarithm = TRUE)$modulus/2
    # Compute the posterior mean estimate of the regression
    # coefficients for the covariates under the current variational
    # approximation.
    out$mu.cov <- c(with(out,SZy - SZX %*% (alpha*mu)))
  } else if (family == "binomial") {

    # Optimize the variational lower bound for the Bayesian variable
    # selection model.
    if (ncol(Z) == 1)
      out <- varbvsbin(X,y,sa,log(10)*logodds,alpha,mu,eta,update.order,tol,
      out <- varbvsbinz(X,Z,y,sa,log(10)*logodds,alpha,mu,eta,update.order,
    out$sigma <- sigma

    # Compute the posterior mean estimate of the regression
    # coefficients for the covariates under the current variational
    # approximation.
    Xr         <- with(out,c(X %*% (alpha*mu)))
    d          <- slope(out$eta)
    out$mu.cov <- c(solve(t(Z) %*% (Z*d),c((y - 0.5 - d*Xr) %*% Z)))
  numiter  <- length(out$logw)
  out$logw <- out$logw[numiter]

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varbvs documentation built on June 7, 2023, 5:43 p.m.