
Defines functions cotab_coindep cotab_agreementplot cotab_loddsratio cotab_assoc cotab_sieve cotab_mosaic cotabplot.default cotabplot.formula cotabplot

Documented in cotab_agreementplot cotab_assoc cotab_coindep cotab_loddsratio cotab_mosaic cotabplot cotabplot.default cotabplot.formula cotab_sieve

cotabplot <- function(x, ...)

cotabplot.formula <- function(formula, data = NULL, ...)
  m <- match.call()
  edata <- eval(m$data, parent.frame())

  fstr <- deparse(formula)
  fstr <- gsub("*", "+", fstr,  fixed = TRUE)
  fstr <- gsub("/", "+", fstr,  fixed = TRUE)
  fstr <- gsub("(", "", fstr,  fixed = TRUE)
  fstr <- gsub(")", "", fstr,  fixed = TRUE)

  fstr <- strsplit(paste(fstr, collapse = ""), "~")
  vars <- strsplit(strsplit(gsub(" ", "", fstr[[1]][2]), "\\|")[[1]], "\\+")
  varnames <- vars[[1]]
  condnames <- if(length(vars) > 1) vars[[2]] else NULL

  if (inherits(edata, "ftable") || inherits(edata, "table") || length(dim(edata)) > 2) {
    tab <- as.table(data)
    if(all(varnames != ".")) {
      ind <- match(varnames, names(dimnames(tab)))
      if (any(is.na(ind)))
        stop(paste("Can't find", paste(varnames[is.na(ind)], collapse=" / "), "in", deparse(substitute(data))))

      if (!is.null(condnames)) {
        condind <- match(condnames, names(dimnames(tab)))
        if (any(is.na(condind)))
          stop(paste("Can't find", paste(condnames[is.na(condind)], collapse=" / "), "in", deparse(substitute(data))))
        ind <- c(condind, ind)
      tab <- margin.table(tab, ind)
  } else {
    tab <- if ("Freq" %in% colnames(data))
      xtabs(formula(paste("Freq~", paste(c(condnames, varnames), collapse = " + "))),
            data = data)
      xtabs(formula(paste("~", paste(c(condnames, varnames), collapse = " + "))),
            data = data)
  tab <- margin.table(tab, match(c(varnames, condnames), names(dimnames(tab))))
  cotabplot(tab, cond = condnames, ...)

cotabplot.default <- function(x, cond = NULL,
  panel = cotab_mosaic, panel_args = list(),
  margins = rep(1, 4), layout = NULL,
  text_gp = gpar(fontsize = 12), rect_gp = gpar(fill = grey(0.9)),
  pop = TRUE, newpage = TRUE, return_grob = FALSE, ...)
  ## coerce to table
  x <- as.table(x)

  ## initialize newpage
  if(newpage) grid.newpage()

  ## process default option
  ldx <- length(dim(x))
  if(is.null(cond)) {
    indep <- if(ldx > 1) 1:2 else 1
    if(ldx > 2) cond <- 3:ldx
  } else {
    if(is.character(cond)) cond <- match(cond, names(dimnames(x)))
    cond <- as.integer(cond)
    indep <- (1:ldx)[!(1:ldx %in% cond)]

  ## sort margins
  x <- margin.table(x, c(indep, cond))

  ## convenience variables that describe conditioning variables
  if(is.null(cond)) {
    cond.n <- 0
    cond.num <- cond.dnam <- cond.char <- NULL
  } else {
    cond.n <- length(cond)               ## number of variables
    cond.num <- (length(indep) + 1):ldx  ## position in x
    cond.dnam <- dimnames(x)[cond.num]   ## corresponding dimnames
    cond.char <- names(cond.dnam)        ## names of variables

  ## create panel function (if necessary)
  if(inherits(panel, "grapcon_generator"))
    panel <- do.call("panel", c(list(x, cond.char), as.list(panel_args), list(...)))

  if(cond.n < 1) panel(x, NULL) ## no conditioning variables
  else {

    cond.nlevels <- sapply(cond.dnam, length)
    nplots <- prod(cond.nlevels)
    condition <- as.matrix(expand.grid(cond.dnam))

    ## compute layout
    #Z# needs fixing for more than two conditioning variables
    if(is.null(layout)) {
      layout <- c(1,1,1) ## rows, cols, pages
      if(cond.n == 1) {
        layout[2] <- ceiling(sqrt(floor(cond.nlevels)))
        layout[1] <- ceiling(cond.nlevels/layout[2])
      } else {
        layout[1] <- cond.nlevels[1]
        layout[2] <- cond.nlevels[2]
        if(cond.n >= 3) layout[3] <- nplots/prod(cond.nlevels[1:2]) #Z# FIXME
        if(layout[3] > 1) stop("multiple pages not supported yet")
    } else {
      layout <- c(rep(layout, length.out = 2), 1)
      if(layout[1] * layout[2] < nplots) stop("number of panels specified in 'layout' is too small")
    layout <- expand.grid(lapply(layout, function(x) 1:x))[1:nplots,]

    ## push basic grid of nr x nc cells
    nr <- max(layout[,1])
    nc <- max(layout[,2])
    pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(nr, nc, widths = unit(1/nc, "npc"))))

    strUnit <- unit(2 * ncol(condition), "strheight", "A")
    cellport <- function(name) viewport(layout = grid.layout(2, 1,
                                          heights = unit.c(strUnit, unit(1, "npc") - strUnit)),
                                        name = name)

    ## go through each conditioning combination
    for(i in 1:nrow(condition)) {

      ## conditioning information in ith cycle
      condi <- as.vector(condition[i,])
      names(condi) <- colnames(condition)
      condistr <- paste(condi, collapse = ".")
      condilab <- paste(cond.char, condi, sep = " = ")

      ## header
      pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = layout[i,1], layout.pos.col = layout[i,2]))
      pushViewport(cellport(paste("cell", condistr, sep = ".")))
      pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = 1, name = paste("lab", condistr, sep = ".")))
      grid.rect(gp = rect_gp)
      grid.text(condilab, y = cond.n:1/cond.n - 1/(2*cond.n), gp = text_gp)
      grid.segments(0, 0:cond.n/cond.n, 1, 0:cond.n/cond.n)

      ## main plot
      pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = 2, name = paste("plot", condistr, sep = ".")))
      panel(x, condi)
      grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "transparent"))

  if(pop) popViewport() else upViewport()

  if (return_grob)
      invisible(structure(x, grob = grid.grab()))


cotab_mosaic <- function(x = NULL, condvars = NULL, ...) {
  function(x, condlevels) {
    if(is.null(condlevels)) mosaic(x, newpage = FALSE, pop = FALSE, return_grob = FALSE, ...)
      else mosaic(co_table(x, names(condlevels))[[paste(condlevels, collapse = ".")]],
                  newpage = FALSE, pop = FALSE, return_grob = FALSE,
                  prefix = paste("panel:", paste(names(condlevels), condlevels, sep = "=", collapse = ","), "|", sep = ""), ...)
class(cotab_mosaic) <- "grapcon_generator"

cotab_sieve <- function(x = NULL, condvars = NULL, ...) {
  function(x, condlevels) {
    if(is.null(condlevels)) sieve(x, newpage = FALSE, pop = FALSE, return_grob = FALSE, ...)
      else sieve(co_table(x, names(condlevels))[[paste(condlevels, collapse = ".")]],
                 newpage = FALSE, pop = FALSE, return_grob = FALSE,
                 prefix = paste("panel:", paste(names(condlevels), condlevels, sep = "=", collapse = ","), "|", sep = ""), ...)
class(cotab_sieve) <- "grapcon_generator"

cotab_assoc <- function(x = NULL, condvars = NULL, ylim = NULL, ...) {
  if(!is.null(x)) {
    fm <- coindep_test(x, condvars, n = 1)
    if(is.null(ylim)) ylim <- range(residuals(fm))

  function(x, condlevels) {
    if(is.null(condlevels)) assoc(x, newpage = FALSE, pop = FALSE, ylim = ylim, return_grob = FALSE, ...)
      else assoc(co_table(x, names(condlevels))[[paste(condlevels, collapse = ".")]],
                  newpage = FALSE, pop = FALSE, return_grob = FALSE, ylim = ylim,
                 prefix = paste("panel:", paste(names(condlevels), condlevels, sep = "=", collapse = ","), "|", sep = ""), ...)
class(cotab_assoc) <- "grapcon_generator"

cotab_fourfold <- function (x = NULL, condvars = NULL, ...) {
  function(x, condlevels) {
    if (is.null(condlevels))
      fourfold(x, newpage = FALSE, return_grob = FALSE, ...)
      fourfold(co_table(x, names(condlevels))[[paste(condlevels, collapse = ".")]],
               newpage = FALSE, return_grob = FALSE, ...)
class(cotab_fourfold) <- "grapcon_generator"

cotab_loddsratio <- function(x = NULL, condvars = NULL, ...) {
    function(x, condlevels) {
        if(is.null(condlevels)) {
            plot(loddsratio(x, ...), newpage = FALSE, pop = FALSE, return_grob = FALSE, ...)
        } else {
            plot(loddsratio(co_table(x, names(condlevels))[[paste(condlevels, collapse = ".")]], ...),
                 newpage = FALSE, pop = FALSE, return_grob = FALSE,
                 prefix = paste("panel:", paste(names(condlevels), condlevels, sep = "=", collapse = ","), "|", sep = ""), ...)
class(cotab_loddsratio) <- "grapcon_generator"

cotab_agreementplot <- function(x = NULL, condvars = NULL, ...) {
  function(x, condlevels) {
    if(is.null(condlevels)) agreementplot(x, newpage = FALSE, pop = FALSE, return_grob = FALSE, ...)
      else agreementplot(co_table(x, names(condlevels))[[paste(condlevels, collapse = ".")]], newpage = FALSE, pop = FALSE, return_grob = FALSE,
                         prefix = paste("panel:", paste(names(condlevels), condlevels, sep = "=", collapse = ","), "|", sep = ""), ...)
class(cotab_agreementplot) <- "grapcon_generator"

cotab_coindep <- function(x, condvars,
  test = c("doublemax", "maxchisq", "sumchisq"),
  level = NULL, n = 1000, interpolate = c(2, 4),
  h = NULL, c = NULL, l = NULL, lty = 1,
  type = c("mosaic", "assoc"),
  legend = FALSE, ylim = NULL, ...)
    stop("at least one conditioning variable is required")

  ## set color defaults
  if(is.null(h)) h <- c(260, 0)
  if(is.null(c)) c <- c(100, 20)
  if(is.null(l)) l <- c(90, 50)

  ## process conditional variables and get independent variables
  ## store some convenience information
  ldx <- length(dim(x))
  if(is.character(condvars)) condvars <- match(condvars, names(dimnames(x)))
  condvars <- as.integer(condvars)
  indep <- (1:ldx)[!(1:ldx %in% condvars)]

  ## sort margins
  x <- margin.table(x, c(indep, condvars))

  ind.n <- length(indep)
  ind.num <- 1:ind.n
  ind.dnam <- dimnames(x)[ind.num]
  ind.char <- names(ind.dnam)
  cond.n <- length(condvars)
  cond.num <- (ind.n + 1):length(dim(x))
  cond.dnam <- dimnames(x)[cond.num]
  cond.char <- names(cond.dnam)

  test <- match.arg(test)
  "doublemax" = {
    if(is.null(level)) level <- c(0.9, 0.99)
    fm <- coindep_test(x, cond.num, n = n)
    resids <- residuals(fm)

    col.bins <- fm$qdist(sort(level))
    gpfun <- shading_hcl(observed = NULL, residuals = NULL, expected = NULL, df = NULL,
      h = h, c = c, l = l, interpolate = col.bins, lty = lty, p.value = fm$p.value)
  "maxchisq" = {
    if(is.null(level)) level <- 0.95
    level <- level[1]
    fm <- coindep_test(x, cond.num, n = n, indepfun = function(x) sum(x^2))
    resids <- residuals(fm)

    chisqs <- sapply(co_table(residuals(fm), fm$margin), function(x) sum(x^2))
    pvals <- 1 - fm$pdist(chisqs)
    gpfun <- sapply(pvals, function(p)
      shading_hcl(observed = NULL, residuals = NULL, expected = NULL, df = NULL,
      h = h, c = c, l = l, interpolate = interpolate, lty = lty, level = level, p.value = p))
  "sumchisq" = {
    if(is.null(level)) level <- 0.95
    level <- level[1]
    fm <- coindep_test(x, cond.num, n = n, indepfun = function(x) sum(x^2), aggfun = sum)
    resids <- residuals(fm)

    gpfun <- shading_hcl(observed = NULL, residuals = NULL, expected = NULL, df = NULL,
      h = h, c = c, l = l, interpolate = interpolate, lty = lty, level = level, p.value = fm$p.value)

  type <- match.arg(type)
  if(type == "mosaic") {
    rval <- function(x, condlevels) {
      if(is.null(condlevels)) {
        tab <- x
        gp <- if(is.list(gpfun)) gpfun[[1]] else gpfun
      } else {
        tab <- co_table(x, names(condlevels))[[paste(condlevels, collapse = ".")]]
        gp <- if(is.list(gpfun)) gpfun[[paste(condlevels, collapse = ".")]] else gpfun
      mosaic(tab, newpage = FALSE, pop = FALSE, return_grob = FALSE, gp = gp, legend = legend,
             prefix = paste("panel:", paste(names(condlevels), condlevels, sep = "=", collapse = ","), "|", sep = ""), ...)
  } else {
    if(is.null(ylim)) ylim <- range(resids)

    rval <- function(x, condlevels) {
      if(is.null(condlevels)) {
        tab <- x
        gp <- if(is.list(gpfun)) gpfun[[1]] else gpfun
      } else {
        tab <- co_table(x, names(condlevels))[[paste(condlevels, collapse = ".")]]
        gp <- if(is.list(gpfun)) gpfun[[paste(condlevels, collapse = ".")]] else gpfun
      assoc(tab, newpage = FALSE, pop = FALSE, return_grob = FALSE, gp = gp, legend = legend, ylim = ylim,
            prefix = paste("panel:", paste(names(condlevels), condlevels, sep = "=", collapse = ","), "|", sep = ""), ...)

class(cotab_coindep) <- "grapcon_generator"

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