
Defines functions .massage_args aperm.structable find.perm str.structable is.na.structable length.structable as.matrix.structable as.vector.structable dimnames.structable print.structable dim.structable is.structable t.structable plot.structable as.table.structable rbind.structable cbind.structable structable.default structable.formula structable

Documented in aperm.structable as.matrix.structable as.table.structable as.vector.structable cbind.structable dimnames.structable dim.structable is.na.structable is.structable length.structable rbind.structable structable structable.default structable.formula t.structable

## structable

structable <- function(x, ...)

structable.formula <- function(formula, data = NULL, direction = NULL,
                               split_vertical = NULL, ..., subset, na.action) {
    if (missing(formula) || !inherits(formula, "formula"))
        stop("formula is incorrect or missing")

    m <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
    edata <- eval(m$data, parent.frame())

    if (!is.null(direction))
      split_vertical <- direction == "v"

    if (is.structable(data)) {
      split_vertical <- attr(data, "split_vertical")
      data <- as.table(data)

    if (is.null(split_vertical))
      split_vertical <- FALSE

    if (length(formula) == 3 && formula[[2]] == "Freq")
      formula[[2]] = NULL
    ## only rhs present without `.' in lhs => xtabs-interface
    if (length(formula) != 3) {
      if (formula[[1]] == "~") {
        if (inherits(edata, "ftable") || inherits(edata, "table") ||
            length(dim(edata)) > 2) {
          data <- as.table(data)
          varnames <- attr(terms(formula, allowDotAsName = TRUE), "term.labels")
          dnames <- names(dimnames(data))
          di <- match(varnames, dnames)
          if (any(is.na(di)))
            stop("incorrect variable names in formula")
          if (all(varnames != "."))
            data <- margin.table(data, di)
          return(structable(data, split_vertical = split_vertical, ...))
        else if (is.data.frame(data)) {
          if ("Freq" %in% colnames(data))
            return(structable(xtabs(formula(paste("Freq", deparse(formula))),
                                    data = data),
                              split_vertical = split_vertical, ...))
            return(structable(xtabs(formula, data),  split_vertical = split_vertical, ...))

        } else {
          if (is.matrix(edata))
            m$data <- as.data.frame(data)
          m$... <- m$split_vertical <- m$direction <- NULL
          m[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
          mf <- eval(m, parent.frame())
          return(structable(table(mf), split_vertical = split_vertical, ...))

     } else
        stop("formula must have both left and right hand sides")

    ## `ftable' behavior
    if (any(attr(terms(formula, allowDotAsName = TRUE), "order") > 1))
        stop("interactions are not allowed")
    rvars <- attr(terms(formula[-2], allowDotAsName = TRUE), "term.labels")
    cvars <- attr(terms(formula[-3], allowDotAsName = TRUE), "term.labels")
    rhs.has.dot <- any(rvars == ".")
    lhs.has.dot <- any(cvars == ".")
    if (lhs.has.dot && rhs.has.dot)
        stop(paste("formula has", sQuote("."), "in both left and right hand side"))
    if (inherits(edata, "ftable") || inherits(edata, "table") ||
        length(dim(edata)) > 2) {
        if (inherits(edata, "ftable"))
            data <- as.table(data)

        dnames <- names(dimnames(data))
        rvars <- pmatch(rvars, dnames)
        cvars <- pmatch(cvars, dnames)
        if (rhs.has.dot)
            rvars <- seq_along(dnames)[-cvars]
        else if (any(is.na(rvars)))
          stop("incorrect variable names in rhs of formula")
        if (lhs.has.dot)
            cvars <- seq_along(dnames)[-rvars]
        else if (any(is.na(cvars)))
          stop("incorrect variable names in lhs of formula")
        split_vertical <- c(rep(FALSE, length(rvars)), rep(TRUE, length(cvars)))
        structable(margin.table(data, c(rvars, cvars)), split_vertical = split_vertical, ...)
    } else {
        if (is.matrix(edata))
            m$data <- as.data.frame(data)
        m$... <- m$split_vertical <- m$direction <- NULL
        if (!is.null(data) && is.environment(data)) {
            dnames <- names(data)
            if (rhs.has.dot)
                rvars <- seq_along(dnames)[-cvars]
            if (lhs.has.dot)
                cvars <- seq_along(dnames)[-rvars]
        else {
            if (lhs.has.dot || rhs.has.dot)
                stop("cannot use dots in formula with given data")
        if ("Freq" %in% colnames(m$data))
          m$formula <- formula(paste("Freq~", paste(c(rvars, cvars), collapse = "+")))
          m$formula <- formula(paste("~", paste(c(rvars, cvars), collapse = "+")))
        m[[1]] <- as.name("xtabs")
        mf <- eval(m, parent.frame())
        split_vertical <- c(rep(FALSE, length(rvars)), rep(TRUE, length(cvars)))
        structable(mf, split_vertical = split_vertical, ...)

structable.default <- function(..., direction = NULL, split_vertical = FALSE) {
  ## several checks & transformations for arguments
  args <- list(...)

  if (length(args) == 0)
    stop("Nothing to tabulate")

  x <- args[[1]]
  x <- if (is.list(x))
  else if (inherits(x, "ftable"))
  else if (!(is.array(x) && length(dim(x)) > 1 || inherits(x, "table")))
    do.call("table", as.list(substitute(list(...)))[-1])

  if (is.null(dimnames(x)))
      dimnames(x) <- lapply(dim(x), function(i) letters[seq_len(i)])
  if (is.null(names(dimnames(x))))
      names(dimnames(x)) <- LETTERS[seq_along(dim(x))]
  idx <- sapply(names(dimnames(x)), nchar) < 1
      names(dimnames(x))[idx] <- LETTERS[seq_len(sum(idx))]

  ## splitting argument
  dl <- length(dim(x))
  if (!is.null(direction))
    split_vertical <- direction == "v"
  if (length(split_vertical) == 1)
    split_vertical <- rep(c(split_vertical, !split_vertical), length.out = dl)
  if (length(split_vertical) < dl)
    split_vertical <- rep(split_vertical, length.out = dl)

  ## permute & reshape
  ret <- base::aperm(x, c(rev(which(!split_vertical)), rev(which(split_vertical))))

  dn <- dimnames(x)
  rv <- dn[split_vertical]
  cv <- dn[!split_vertical]
  rl <- if (length(rv)) sapply(rv, length) else 1
  cl <- if (length(cv)) sapply(cv, length) else 1
  dim(ret) <- c(prod(cl), prod(rl))

  ## add dimnames
  attr(ret, "dnames") <- dn
  attr(ret, "split_vertical") <- split_vertical

  ## add dimension attributes in ftable-format
  attr(ret, "col.vars") <- rv
  attr(ret, "row.vars") <- cv

  class(ret) <- c("structable", "ftable")

"[[.structable" <- function(x, ...) {
  if(nargs() > 3)
    stop("Incorrect number of dimensions (max: 2).")
  args <- if (nargs() < 3)

  args <- lapply(args, function(x) if (is.logical(x)) which(x) else x)

  ## handle one-arg cases
  if (nargs() < 3)
    if (length(args[[1]]) > 1)
      ## resolve calls like x[[c(1,2)]]
      return(x[[ args[[1]][1] ]] [[ args[[1]][-1] ]])
      ## resolve x[[foo]]
      return(if (attr(x, "split_vertical")[1]) x[[,args[[1]] ]] else x[[args[[1]],]])

  ## handle calls like x[[c(1,2), c(3,4)]]
  if (length(args[[1]]) > 1 && length(args[[2]]) > 1)
    return(x[[ args[[1]][1], args[[2]][1] ]] [[ args[[1]][-1], args[[2]][-1] ]])

  ## handle calls like x[[c(1,2), 3]]
  if (length(args[[1]]) > 1)
    return(x[[ args[[1]][1], args[[2]] ]] [[ args[[1]][-1], ]])

  ## handle calls like x[[1, c(1,3)]]
  if (length(args[[2]]) > 1)
    return(x[[ args[[1]], args[[2]][1] ]] [[ , args[[2]][-1] ]])

  ## final cases like x[[1,2]] or x[[1,]] or x[[,1]]
  dnames <- attr(x, "dnames")
  split <- attr(x, "split_vertical")
  rv <- dnames[!split]
  cv <- dnames[split]

  lsym <- is.symbol(args[[1]])
  rsym <- is.symbol(args[[2]])
  if (!lsym) {
    rstep <- dim(unclass(x))[1] / length(rv[[1]])
    if (is.character(args[[1]]))
      args[[1]] <- match(args[[1]], rv[[1]])
  if (!rsym) {
    cstep <- dim(unclass(x))[2] / length(cv[[1]])
    if (is.character(args[[2]]))
      args[[2]] <- match(args[[2]], cv[[1]])

  lind <- if (!lsym)
    (1 + (args[[1]] - 1) * rstep) : (args[[1]] * rstep)
  rind <- if (!rsym)
    (1 + (args[[2]] - 1) * cstep) : (args[[2]] * cstep)
  ret <- unclass(x)[lind, rind, drop = FALSE]

  if (!lsym) {
    i <- which(!split)[1]
    split <- split[-i]
    dnames <- dnames[-i]

  if (!rsym) {
    i <- which(split)[1]
    split <- split[-i]
    dnames <- dnames[-i]

  attr(ret, "split_vertical") <- split
  attr(ret, "dnames") <- dnames

  ## add dimension attributes in ftable-format
  attr(ret, "col.vars") <- dnames[split]
  attr(ret, "row.vars") <- dnames[!split]

  class(ret) <- class(x)

"[[<-.structable" <- function(x, ..., value) {
  args <- if (nargs() < 4)

  ## handle one-arg cases
  if (nargs() < 4)
    return(if (length(args[[1]]) > 1)
               ## resolve calls like x[[c(1,2)]]<-value
               Recall(x, args[[1]][1],
                      value = Recall(x[[ args[[1]][1] ]], args[[1]][-1], value = value))
               ## resolve x[[foo]]<-value
               if (attr(x, "split_vertical")[1])
                   Recall(x,,args[[1]], value = value)
                   Recall(x,args[[1]],, value = value)

  ## handle calls like x[[c(1,2), c(3,4)]]<-value
  if (length(args[[1]]) > 1 && length(args[[2]]) > 1)
    return(Recall(x, args[[1]][1], args[[2]][1],
                  value = Recall(x[[ args[[1]][1], args[[2]][1] ]],
                    args[[1]][-1], args[[2]][-1], value = value)))

  ## handle calls like x[[c(1,2), 3]]<-value
  if (length(args[[1]]) > 1)
    return(Recall(x, args[[1]][1], args[[2]],
                  value = Recall(x[[ args[[1]][1], args[[2]] ]],
                    args[[1]][-1], ,value = value)))

  ## handle calls like x[[1, c(1,3)]]<-value
  if (length(args[[2]]) > 1)
    return(Recall(x, args[[1]], args[[2]][1],
                  value = Recall(x[[ args[[1]], args[[2]][1] ]],,
                    args[[2]][-1], value = value)))

  ## final cases like x[[1,2]]<-value or x[[1,]]<-value or x[[,1]]<-value
  dnames <- attr(x, "dnames")
  split <- attr(x, "split_vertical")
  rv <- dnames[!split]
  cv <- dnames[split]

  lsym <- is.symbol(args[[1]])
  rsym <- is.symbol(args[[2]])
  if (!lsym) {
    rstep <- dim(unclass(x))[1] / length(rv[[1]])
    if (is.character(args[[1]]))
      args[[1]] <- match(args[[1]], rv[[1]])
  if (!rsym) {
    cstep <- dim(unclass(x))[2] / length(cv[[1]])
    if (is.character(args[[2]]))
      args[[2]] <- match(args[[2]], cv[[1]])

  lind <- if (!lsym)
    (1 + (args[[1]] - 1) * rstep) : (args[[1]] * rstep)
  rind <- if (!rsym)
    (1 + (args[[2]] - 1) * cstep) : (args[[2]] * cstep)
  ret <- unclass(x)

  ret[lind, rind] <- value

  class(ret) <- class(x)

"[.structable" <- function(x, ...) {
  if(nargs() > 3)
        stop("Incorrect number of dimensions (max: 2).")
  args <- if (nargs() < 3)

  args <- lapply(args, function(x) if (is.logical(x)) which(x) else x)

  ## handle one-arg cases
  if (nargs() < 3)
    return(if (attr(x, "split_vertical")[1]) x[,args[[1]] ] else x[args[[1]],])

  ## handle calls like x[c(1,2), foo]
  if (length(args[[1]]) > 1)
    return(do.call(rbind, lapply(args[[1]], function(i) x[i, args[[2]]])))

  ## handle calls like x[foo, c(1,3)]
  if (length(args[[2]]) > 1)
    return(do.call(cbind, lapply(args[[2]], function(i) x[args[[1]], i])))

  ## final cases like x[1,2] or x[1,] or x[,1]
  dnames <- attr(x, "dnames")
  split <- attr(x, "split_vertical")
  rv <- dnames[!split]
  cv <- dnames[split]

  lsym <- is.symbol(args[[1]])
  rsym <- is.symbol(args[[2]])
  if (!lsym) {
    rstep <- dim(unclass(x))[1] / length(rv[[1]])
    if (is.character(args[[1]]))
      args[[1]] <- match(args[[1]], rv[[1]])
  if (!rsym) {
    cstep <- dim(unclass(x))[2] / length(cv[[1]])
    if (is.character(args[[2]]))
      args[[2]] <- match(args[[2]], cv[[1]])

  lind <- if (!lsym)
    (1 + (args[[1]] - 1) * rstep) : (args[[1]] * rstep)
  rind <- if (!rsym)
    (1 + (args[[2]] - 1) * cstep) : (args[[2]] * cstep)
  ret <- unclass(x)[lind, rind, drop = FALSE]

  if (!lsym) {
    i <- which(!split)[1]
    dnames[[i]] <- dnames[[i]][args[[1]]]

  if (!rsym) {
    i <- which(split)[1]
    dnames[[i]] <- dnames[[i]][args[[2]]]

  attr(ret, "split_vertical") <- split
  attr(ret, "dnames") <- dnames

  ## add dimension attributes in ftable-format
  attr(ret, "col.vars") <- dnames[split]
  attr(ret, "row.vars") <- dnames[!split]

  class(ret) <- class(x)

"[<-.structable" <- function(x, ..., value) {
  args <- if (nargs() < 4)

  ## handle one-arg cases
  if (nargs() < 4)
    return(## resolve x[foo]
           if (attr(x, "split_vertical")[1])
             Recall(x,,args[[1]], value = value)
             Recall(x,args[[1]],, value = value)

  ## handle calls like x[c(1,2), 3]
  if (length(args[[1]]) > 1) {
    for (i in seq_along(args[[1]]))
      x[ args[[1]][i], args[[2]] ] <- value[i,]

  ## handle calls like x[1, c(2,3)]
  if (length(args[[2]]) > 1) {
    for (i in seq_along(args[[2]]))
      x[ args[[1]], args[[2]][i] ] <- value[,i]

  ## final cases like x[1,2] or x[1,] or x[,1]
  dnames <- attr(x, "dnames")
  split <- attr(x, "split_vertical")
  rv <- dnames[!split]
  cv <- dnames[split]

  lsym <- is.symbol(args[[1]])
  rsym <- is.symbol(args[[2]])
  if (!lsym) {
    rstep <- dim(unclass(x))[1] / length(rv[[1]])
    if (is.character(args[[1]]))
      args[[1]] <- match(args[[1]], rv[[1]])
  if (!rsym) {
    cstep <- dim(unclass(x))[2] / length(cv[[1]])
    if (is.character(args[[2]]))
      args[[2]] <- match(args[[2]], cv[[1]])

  lind <- if (!lsym)
    (1 + (args[[1]] - 1) * rstep) : (args[[1]] * rstep)
  rind <- if (!rsym)
    (1 + (args[[2]] - 1) * cstep) : (args[[2]] * cstep)
  ret <- unclass(x)

  ret[lind, rind] <- value

  class(ret) <- class(x)

cbind.structable <- function(..., deparse.level = 1) {
  mergetables <- function(t1, t2) {
    ret <- cbind(unclass(t1),unclass(t2))
    class(ret) <- class(t1)
    attr(ret, "split_vertical") <- attr(t1, "split_vertical")
    attr(ret, "dnames") <- attr(t1, "dnames")
    attr(ret, "row.vars") <- attr(t1, "row.vars")
    attr(ret, "col.vars") <- attr(t1, "col.vars")
    attr(ret, "col.vars")[[1]] <- c(attr(t1, "col.vars")[[1]],attr(t2, "col.vars")[[1]])
    if (length(unique(attr(ret, "col.vars")[[1]])) != length(attr(ret, "col.vars")[[1]]))
      stop("Levels of factor(s) to be merged must be unique.")
    attr(ret, "dnames")[names(attr(ret, "col.vars"))] <- attr(ret, "col.vars")
  args <- list(...)
  if (length(args) < 2)
  ret <- mergetables(args[[1]], args[[2]])
  if (length(args) > 2)
    do.call(cbind, c(list(ret), args[-(1:2)]))

rbind.structable <- function(..., deparse.level = 1) {
  mergetables <- function(t1, t2) {
    ret <- rbind(unclass(t1),unclass(t2))
    class(ret) <- class(t1)
    attr(ret, "split_vertical") <- attr(t1, "split_vertical")
    attr(ret, "dnames") <- attr(t1, "dnames")
    attr(ret, "row.vars") <- attr(t1, "row.vars")
    attr(ret, "col.vars") <- attr(t1, "col.vars")
    attr(ret, "row.vars")[[1]] <- c(attr(t1, "row.vars")[[1]],attr(t2, "row.vars")[[1]])
    if (length(unique(attr(ret, "row.vars")[[1]])) != length(attr(ret, "row.vars")[[1]]))
      stop("Levels of factor(s) to be merged must be unique.")
    attr(ret, "dnames")[names(attr(ret, "row.vars"))] <- attr(ret, "row.vars")
  args <- list(...)
  if (length(args) < 2)
  ret <- mergetables(args[[1]], args[[2]])
  if (length(args) > 2)
    do.call(rbind, c(list(ret), args[-(1:2)]))

as.table.structable <- function(x, ...) {
  class(x) <- "ftable"
  ret <- NextMethod("as.table", object = x)
  structure(base::aperm(ret, match(names(attr(x, "dnames")),
            class = "table")

plot.structable <- function(x, ...)
  mosaic(x, ...)

t.structable <- function(x) {
  ret <- t.default(x)
  attr(ret, "split_vertical") <- !attr(ret, "split_vertical")
  hold <- attr(ret, "row.vars")
  attr(ret, "row.vars") = attr(ret, "col.vars")
  attr(ret, "col.vars") = hold

is.structable <- function(x)
  inherits(x, "structable")

dim.structable <- function(x)
  as.integer(sapply(attr(x, "dnames"), length))

print.structable <- function(x, ...) {
  class(x) <- "ftable"
  NextMethod("print", object = x)

dimnames.structable <- function(x) attr(x,"dnames")

as.vector.structable <- function(x, ...)
  as.vector(as.table(x), ...)

## FIXME: copy as.matrix.ftable, committed to R-devel on 2014/1/12
## replace by call to as.matrix.ftable when this becomes stable

as_matrix_ftable <-
function (x, sep = "_", ...)
    if (!inherits(x, "ftable"))
        stop("'x' must be an \"ftable\" object")
    make_dimnames <- function(vars) {
        structure(list(do.call(paste, c(rev(expand.grid(rev(vars))),
            list(sep = sep)))), names = paste(collapse = sep,
    structure(unclass(x), dimnames = c(make_dimnames(attr(x,
        "row.vars")), make_dimnames(attr(x, "col.vars"))), row.vars = NULL,
        col.vars = NULL)

as.matrix.structable <- function(x, sep="_", ...) {
    structure(as_matrix_ftable(x, sep, ...),
              dnames = NULL,
              split_vertical = NULL

length.structable <- function(x) dim(x)[1]

is.na.structable <- function(x)
  sapply(seq_along(x), function(sub) any(is.na(sub)))

str.structable <- function(object, ...)
    str(unclass(object), ...)

find.perm <- function(vec1, vec2) {
  unlist(Map(function(x) which(x == vec2), vec1))

aperm.structable <- function(a, perm, resize=TRUE, ...){
  newtable <- aperm(as.table(a), perm = perm, resize = resize, ...)
  if (!is.numeric(perm))
      perm <- find.perm(names(dimnames(newtable)), names(dimnames(a)))
  structable(newtable, split_vertical = attr(a, "split_vertical")[perm])

############# helper function
.massage_args <- function(...) {
    args <- vector("list", 2)
    args[[1]] <- if(missing(..1)) as.symbol("grrr") else ..1
    args[[2]] <- if(missing(..2)) as.symbol("grrr") else ..2

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