
Defines functions layout_type vec_assert_type_explain is_same_type stop_non_list_type list_check_all_size list_all_size list_check_all_vectors list_all_vectors obj_check_list obj_is_list vec_check_size obj_check_vector obj_is_vector vec_is stop_assert stop_assert_size vec_assert

Documented in list_all_size list_all_vectors list_check_all_size list_check_all_vectors obj_check_list obj_check_vector obj_is_list obj_is_vector vec_assert vec_check_size vec_is

#' Assert an argument has known prototype and/or size
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("questioning")`
#' * `vec_is()` is a predicate that checks if its input is a vector that
#'   conforms to a prototype and/or a size.
#' * `vec_assert()` throws an error when the input is not a vector or
#'   doesn't conform.
#' @inheritSection vector-checks Vectors and scalars
#' @section Error types:
#' `vec_is()` never throws.
#' `vec_assert()` throws the following errors:
#' * If the input is not a vector, an error of class
#'   `"vctrs_error_scalar_type"` is raised.
#' * If the prototype doesn't match, an error of class
#'   `"vctrs_error_assert_ptype"` is raised.
#' * If the size doesn't match, an error of class
#' `"vctrs_error_assert_size"` is raised.
#' Both errors inherit from `"vctrs_error_assert"`.
#' @section Lifecycle:
#' Both `vec_is()` and `vec_assert()` are questioning because their `ptype`
#' arguments have semantics that are challenging to define clearly and are
#' rarely useful.
#' - Use [obj_is_vector()] or [obj_check_vector()] for vector checks
#' - Use [vec_check_size()] for size checks
#' - Use [vec_cast()], [inherits()], or simple type predicates like
#'   [rlang::is_logical()] for specific type checks
#' @inheritParams rlang::args_error_context
#' @param x A vector argument to check.
#' @param ptype Prototype to compare against. If the prototype has a
#'   class, its [vec_ptype()] is compared to that of `x` with
#'   `identical()`. Otherwise, its [typeof()] is compared to that of
#'   `x` with `==`.
#' @param size A single integer size against which to compare.
#' @param arg Name of argument being checked. This is used in error
#'   messages. The label of the expression passed as `x` is taken as
#'   default.
#' @return `vec_is()` returns `TRUE` or `FALSE`. `vec_assert()` either
#'   throws a typed error (see section on error types) or returns `x`,
#'   invisibly.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
vec_assert <- function(x,
                       ptype = NULL,
                       size = NULL,
                       arg = caller_arg(x),
                       call = caller_env()) {
  if (!obj_is_vector(x)) {
    stop_scalar_type(x, arg, call = call)

  if (!is_null(ptype)) {
    ptype <- vec_ptype(ptype)
    x_type <- vec_ptype_finalise(vec_ptype(x))
    if (!is_same_type(x_type, ptype)) {
      msg <- vec_assert_type_explain(x_type, ptype, arg)
        class = c("vctrs_error_assert_ptype", "vctrs_error_assert"),
        required = ptype,
        actual = x_type,
        call = call

  if (!is_null(size)) {
    size <- vec_cast(size, integer(), x_arg = "size")

    n_size <- length(size)
    if (n_size != 1L) {
      abort(glue::glue("`size` must be length 1, not length {n_size}."))

    x_size <- vec_size(x)
    if (!identical(x_size, size)) {
        call = call


# Also thrown from C
stop_assert_size <- function(actual,
                             call = caller_env()) {
  if (!nzchar(arg)) {
    arg <- "Input"
  } else {
    arg <- glue::backtick(arg)

  message <- glue::glue("{arg} must have size {required}, not size {actual}.")

    class = "vctrs_error_assert_size",
    actual = actual,
    required = required,
    call = call

stop_assert <- function(message = NULL,
                        class = NULL,
                        call = caller_env()) {
    class = c(class, "vctrs_error_assert"),
    call = call

#' @rdname vec_assert
#' @export
vec_is <- function(x, ptype = NULL, size = NULL) {
  if (!obj_is_vector(x)) {

  if (!is_null(ptype)) {
    ptype <- vec_ptype(ptype)
    x_type <- vec_ptype_finalise(vec_ptype(x))
    if (!is_same_type(x_type, ptype)) {

  if (!is_null(size)) {
    size <- vec_recycle(vec_cast(size, integer()), 1L)
    x_size <- vec_size(x)
    if (!identical(x_size, size)) {


#' Vector checks
#' @description
#' - `obj_is_vector()` tests if `x` is considered a vector in the vctrs sense.
#'   See _Vectors and scalars_ below for the exact details.
#' - `obj_check_vector()` uses `obj_is_vector()` and throws a standardized and
#'   informative error if it returns `FALSE`.
#' - `vec_check_size()` tests if `x` has size `size`, and throws an informative
#'   error if it doesn't.
#' @inheritParams rlang::args_dots_empty
#' @inheritParams rlang::args_error_context
#' @param x For `obj_*()` functions, an object. For `vec_*()` functions, a
#'   vector.
#' @param size The size to check for.
#' @returns
#' - `obj_is_vector()` returns a single `TRUE` or `FALSE`.
#' - `obj_check_vector()` returns `NULL` invisibly, or errors.
#' - `vec_check_size()` returns `NULL` invisibly, or errors.
#' @section Vectors and scalars:
#' Informally, a vector is a collection that makes sense to use as column in a
#' data frame. The following rules define whether or not `x` is considered a
#' vector.
#' If no [vec_proxy()] method has been registered, `x` is a vector if:
#' - The [base type][typeof] of the object is atomic: `"logical"`, `"integer"`,
#'   `"double"`, `"complex"`, `"character"`, or `"raw"`.
#' - `x` is a list, as defined by [obj_is_list()].
#' - `x` is a [data.frame].
#' If a `vec_proxy()` method has been registered, `x` is a vector if:
#' - The proxy satisfies one of the above conditions.
#' - The base type of the proxy is `"list"`, regardless of its class. S3 lists
#'   are thus treated as scalars unless they implement a `vec_proxy()` method.
#' Otherwise an object is treated as scalar and cannot be used as a vector.
#' In particular:
#' - `NULL` is not a vector.
#' - S3 lists like `lm` objects are treated as scalars by default.
#' - Objects of type [expression] are not treated as vectors.
#' @section Technical limitations:
#' - Support for S4 vectors is currently limited to objects that inherit from an
#'   atomic type.
#' - Subclasses of [data.frame] that *append* their class to the back of the
#'   `"class"` attribute are not treated as vectors. If you inherit from an S3
#'   class, always prepend your class to the front of the `"class"` attribute
#'   for correct dispatch. This matches our general principle of allowing
#'   subclasses but not mixins.
#' @name vector-checks
#' @examples
#' obj_is_vector(1)
#' # Data frames are vectors
#' obj_is_vector(data_frame())
#' # Bare lists are vectors
#' obj_is_vector(list())
#' # S3 lists are vectors if they explicitly inherit from `"list"`
#' x <- structure(list(), class = c("my_list", "list"))
#' obj_is_list(x)
#' obj_is_vector(x)
#' # But if they don't explicitly inherit from `"list"`, they aren't
#' # automatically considered to be vectors. Instead, vctrs considers this
#' # to be a scalar object, like a linear model returned from `lm()`.
#' y <- structure(list(), class = "my_list")
#' obj_is_list(y)
#' obj_is_vector(y)
#' # `obj_check_vector()` throws an informative error if the input
#' # isn't a vector
#' try(obj_check_vector(y))
#' # `vec_check_size()` throws an informative error if the size of the
#' # input doesn't match `size`
#' vec_check_size(1:5, size = 5)
#' try(vec_check_size(1:5, size = 4))

#' @export
#' @rdname vector-checks
obj_is_vector <- function(x) {
  .Call(ffi_obj_is_vector, x)

#' @export
#' @rdname vector-checks
obj_check_vector <- function(x,
                             arg = caller_arg(x),
                             call = caller_env()) {
  invisible(.Call(ffi_obj_check_vector, x, environment()))

#' @export
#' @rdname vector-checks
vec_check_size <- function(x,
                           arg = caller_arg(x),
                           call = caller_env()) {
  invisible(.Call(ffi_vec_check_size, x, size, environment()))

#' List checks
#' @description
#' - `obj_is_list()` tests if `x` is considered a list in the vctrs sense. It
#'   returns `TRUE` if:
#'   - `x` is a bare list with no class.
#'   - `x` is a list explicitly inheriting from `"list"`.
#' - `list_all_vectors()` takes a list and returns `TRUE` if all elements of
#'   that list are vectors.
#' - `list_all_size()` takes a list and returns `TRUE` if all elements of that
#'   list have the same `size`.
#' - `obj_check_list()`, `list_check_all_vectors()`, and `list_check_all_size()`
#'   use the above functions, but throw a standardized and informative error if
#'   they return `FALSE`.
#' @inheritParams rlang::args_error_context
#' @inheritParams rlang::args_dots_empty
#' @param x For `vec_*()` functions, an object. For `list_*()` functions, a
#'   list.
#' @param size The size to check each element for.
#' @details
#' Notably, data frames and S3 record style classes like POSIXlt are not
#' considered lists.
#' @seealso [list_sizes()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj_is_list(list())
#' obj_is_list(list_of(1))
#' obj_is_list(data.frame())
#' list_all_vectors(list(1, mtcars))
#' list_all_vectors(list(1, environment()))
#' list_all_size(list(1:2, 2:3), 2)
#' list_all_size(list(1:2, 2:4), 2)
#' # `list_`-prefixed functions assume a list:
#' try(list_all_vectors(environment()))
obj_is_list <- function(x) {
  .Call(ffi_obj_is_list, x)
#' @rdname obj_is_list
#' @export
obj_check_list <- function(x,
                           arg = caller_arg(x),
                           call = caller_env()) {
  invisible(.Call(ffi_check_list, x, environment()))

#' @rdname obj_is_list
#' @export
list_all_vectors <- function(x) {
  .Call(ffi_list_all_vectors, x, environment())

#' @rdname obj_is_list
#' @export
list_check_all_vectors <- function(x,
                                   arg = caller_arg(x),
                                   call = caller_env()) {
  invisible(.Call(ffi_list_check_all_vectors, x, environment()))

#' @rdname obj_is_list
#' @export
list_all_size <- function(x, size) {
  .Call(ffi_list_all_size, x, size, environment())

#' @rdname obj_is_list
#' @export
list_check_all_size <- function(x,
                                arg = caller_arg(x),
                                call = caller_env()) {
  invisible(.Call(ffi_list_check_all_size, x, size, environment()))

# Called from C
stop_non_list_type <- function(x, arg, call) {
  if (nzchar(arg)) {
    arg <- cli::format_inline("{.arg {arg}}")
  } else {
    arg <- "Input"

    "{arg} must be a list, not {obj_type_friendly(x)}.",
    call = call

is_same_type <- function(x, ptype) {
  if (is_partial(ptype)) {
    env <- environment()
    ptype <- tryCatch(
      vctrs_error_incompatible_type = function(...) return_from(env, FALSE),
      vec_ptype_common(x, ptype)

  x <- vec_slice(x, integer())
  ptype <- vec_slice(ptype, integer())

  # FIXME: Remove row names for matrices and arrays, and handle empty
  # but existing dimnames
  x <- vec_set_names(x, NULL)
  ptype <- vec_set_names(ptype, NULL)

  identical(x, ptype)

vec_assert_type_explain <- function(x, type, arg) {
  arg <- str_backtick(arg)
  x <- paste0("<", vec_ptype_full(x), ">")
  type <- paste0("<", vec_ptype_full(type), ">")

  intro <- paste0(arg, " must be a vector with type")
  intro <- layout_type(intro, type)

  outro <- paste0("Instead, it has type")
  outro <- layout_type(outro, x)

    if (str_is_multiline(intro)) "",

layout_type <- function(start, type) {
  if (str_is_multiline(type)) {
      paste0(start, ":"),
      paste0("  ", indent(type, 2))
  } else {
    paste0(start, " ", type, ".")

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