
test_that("base coercions are symmetric and unchanging", {
  types <- list(
  mat <- maxtype_mat(types)


test_that("new classes are uncoercible by default", {
  x <- structure(1:10, class = "vctrs_nonexistant")
  expect_error(vec_ptype2(1, x), class = "vctrs_error_incompatible_type")
  expect_error(vec_ptype2(x, 1), class = "vctrs_error_incompatible_type")

test_that("vec_typeof2() returns common type", {
  nms <- names(base_empty_types)

  for (i in seq_along(base_empty_types)) {
    this <- nms[[i]]

    for (j in seq_along(base_empty_types)) {
      that <- nms[[j]]

      if (i <= j) {
        exp <- paste0("VCTRS_TYPE2_", this, "_", that)
      } else {
        exp <- paste0("VCTRS_TYPE2_", that, "_", this)
      out <- vec_typeof2(base_empty_types[[this]], base_empty_types[[that]])

      expect_identical(out, exp)

test_that("vec_typeof2_s3() returns common type", {
  all_base_empty_types <- c(base_empty_types, base_s3_empty_types)

  nms_s3 <- names(base_s3_empty_types)
  nms <- names(all_base_empty_types)

  for (i in seq_along(all_base_empty_types)) {
    this <- nms[[i]]

    for (j in seq_along(all_base_empty_types)) {
      that <- nms[[j]]

      # Skip when we have two non s3 objects
      if (!(this %in% nms_s3) & !(that %in% nms_s3)) {

      if (i <= j) {
        exp <- paste0("VCTRS_TYPE2_S3_", this, "_", that)
      } else {
        exp <- paste0("VCTRS_TYPE2_S3_", that, "_", this)
      out <- vec_typeof2_s3(all_base_empty_types[[this]], all_base_empty_types[[that]])

      expect_identical(out, exp)

test_that("vec_ptype2() dispatches when inputs have shape", {
  expect_identical(dim(vec_ptype2(int(), matrix(nrow = 3, ncol = 4))), c(0L, 4L))
  expect_identical(dim(vec_ptype2(matrix("", nrow = 3), c("", "", ""))), c(0L, 1L))

test_that("vec_ptype2() requires vectors", {
  expect_error(vec_ptype2(NULL, quote(name)), class = "vctrs_error_scalar_type")
  expect_error(vec_ptype2(NA, quote(name)), class = "vctrs_error_scalar_type")
  expect_error(vec_ptype2(list(), quote(name)), class = "vctrs_error_scalar_type")
  expect_error(vec_ptype2(quote(name), NULL), class = "vctrs_error_scalar_type")
  expect_error(vec_ptype2(quote(name), NA), class = "vctrs_error_scalar_type")
  expect_error(vec_ptype2(quote(name), list()), class = "vctrs_error_scalar_type")
  expect_error(vec_ptype2(quote(name), quote(name)), class = "vctrs_error_scalar_type")

test_that("vec_ptype2() with unspecified requires vectors", {
  expect_error(vec_ptype2(unspecified(), quote(name)), class = "vctrs_error_scalar_type")
  expect_error(vec_ptype2(quote(name), unspecified()), class = "vctrs_error_scalar_type")

test_that("vec_ptype2() forwards argument tag", {
  expect_error(vec_ptype2(quote(name), list(), x_arg = "foo"), "`foo`", class = "vctrs_error_scalar_type")
  expect_error(vec_ptype2(list(), quote(name), y_arg = "foo"), "`foo`", class = "vctrs_error_scalar_type")

test_that("stop_incompatible_type() checks for scalars", {
  expect_error(stop_incompatible_type(NA, foobar(), x_arg = "x", y_arg = "y"), class = "vctrs_error_scalar_type")
  expect_error(vec_ptype_common(NA, foobar()), class = "vctrs_error_scalar_type")
  expect_error(vec_ptype_common(foobar(), list()), class = "vctrs_error_scalar_type")

test_that("vec_ptype2() methods forward args to stop_incompatible_type()", {
  expect_args(new_hidden(), lgl(), x_arg = "foo", y_arg = "bar")
  expect_args(lgl(), new_hidden(), x_arg = "foo", y_arg = "bar")
  expect_args(int(), new_hidden(), x_arg = "foo", y_arg = "bar")
  expect_args(dbl(), new_hidden(), x_arg = "foo", y_arg = "bar")
  expect_args(chr(), new_hidden(), x_arg = "foo", y_arg = "bar")
  expect_args(list(), new_hidden(), x_arg = "foo", y_arg = "bar")
  expect_args(new_rcrd(list(x = NA)), new_hidden(), x_arg = "foo", y_arg = "bar")
  expect_args(data.frame(), new_hidden(), x_arg = "foo", y_arg = "bar")
  expect_args(Sys.Date(), new_hidden(), x_arg = "foo", y_arg = "bar")
  expect_args(as.difftime(1, units = "hours"), new_hidden(), x_arg = "foo", y_arg = "bar")
  expect_args(factor(), new_hidden(), x_arg = "foo", y_arg = "bar")
  expect_args(ordered(""), new_hidden(), x_arg = "foo", y_arg = "bar")
  expect_args(ordered(""), factor(), x_arg = "foo", y_arg = "bar")
  expect_args(bit64::as.integer64(1), new_hidden(), x_arg = "foo", y_arg = "bar")

test_that("vec_ptype2() data frame methods builds argument tags", {
  # Bare objects
  expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, {
    vec_ptype2("foo", 10)

  # Nested dataframes
  expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, {
    df1 <- tibble(x = tibble(y = tibble(z = 1)))
    df2 <- tibble(x = tibble(y = tibble(z = "a")))
    vec_ptype2(df1, df2)

test_that("stop_incompatible_type() can be called without argument tags", {
  expect_error(stop_incompatible_type(1, 2, x_arg = "", y_arg = ""), "<double> and <double>", class = "vctrs_error_incompatible_type")

test_that("vec_ptype2() returns empty prototype when other input is NULL", {
  expect_identical(vec_ptype2(1:5, NULL), int())
  expect_identical(vec_ptype2(NULL, 1:5), int())

test_that("Subclasses of data.frame dispatch to `vec_ptype2()` methods", {
    vec_ptype2.quuxframe = function(x, y, ...) UseMethod("vec_ptype2.quuxframe"),
    vec_ptype2.quuxframe.data.frame = function(x, y, ...) "dispatched!",
    vec_ptype2.data.frame.quuxframe = function(x, y, ...) "dispatched!"

  quux <- structure(data.frame(), class = c("quuxframe", "data.frame"))

  expect_identical(vec_ptype2(quux, mtcars), "dispatched!")
  expect_identical(vec_ptype2(mtcars, quux), "dispatched!")

  quux <- structure(data.frame(), class = c("quuxframe", "tbl_df", "data.frame"))

  expect_identical(vec_ptype2(quux, mtcars), "dispatched!")
  expect_identical(vec_ptype2(mtcars, quux), "dispatched!")

test_that("Subclasses of `tbl_df` have `tbl_df` common type (#481)", {
  quux <- foobar(tibble())

    vec_ptype_common(quux, tibble()),
    vec_ptype_common(tibble(), quux),

test_that("Column name encodings are handled correctly in the common type (#553)", {
  encs <- encodings()

  data <- list(chr())

  df_utf8 <- tibble::as_tibble(set_names(data, encs$utf8))
  df_unknown <- tibble::as_tibble(set_names(data, encs$unknown))

  expect_identical(vec_ptype2(df_utf8, df_unknown), df_utf8)

test_that("vec_is_subtype() determines subtyping relationship", {
  expect_true(vec_is_subtype(lgl(), int()))
  expect_false(vec_is_subtype(int(), lgl()))

  expect_false(vec_is_subtype(lgl(), chr()))
  expect_false(vec_is_subtype(chr(), lgl()))

    vec_ptype2.vctrs_foobar = function(x, y, ...) UseMethod("vec_ptype2.vctrs_foobar"),
    vec_ptype2.vctrs_foobar.logical = function(x, y, ...) logical(),
    vec_ptype2.logical.vctrs_foobar = function(x, y, ...) logical()
  expect_true(vec_is_subtype(foobar(TRUE), lgl()))
  expect_false(vec_is_subtype(lgl(), foobar(TRUE)))

test_that("can override scalar vector error message for base scalar types", {
    (expect_error(vec_ptype2(NULL, quote(x), y_arg = "foo"), class = "vctrs_error_scalar_type"))
    (expect_error(vec_ptype2(quote(x), NULL, x_arg = "foo"), class = "vctrs_error_scalar_type"))

test_that("can override scalar vector error message for S3 types", {
    (expect_error(vec_ptype2(NULL, foobar(), y_arg = "foo"), class = "vctrs_error_scalar_type"))
    (expect_error(vec_ptype2(foobar(), NULL, x_arg = "foo"), class = "vctrs_error_scalar_type"))

test_that("ptype2 and cast errors when same class fallback is impossible are informative", {
      vec_cast(foobar(1, bar = TRUE), foobar(2, baz = TRUE)),
      class = "vctrs_error_incompatible_type"
      vec_ptype2(foobar(1, bar = TRUE), foobar(2, baz = TRUE)),
      class = "vctrs_error_incompatible_type"

test_that("Incompatible attributes bullets are not show when methods are implemented", {
    with_foobar_cast <- function(expr ) {
        vec_cast.vctrs_foobar = function(...) NULL,
        vec_cast.vctrs_foobar.vctrs_foobar = function(x, to, ...) vec_default_cast(x, to, ...),
    with_foobar_ptype2 <- function(expr ) {
        vec_ptype2.vctrs_foobar = function(...) NULL,
        vec_ptype2.vctrs_foobar.vctrs_foobar = function(x, y, ...) vec_default_ptype2(x, y, ...),

      with_foobar_cast(vec_cast(foobar(1, bar = TRUE), foobar(2, baz = TRUE))),
      class = "vctrs_error_incompatible_type"
      with_foobar_ptype2(vec_ptype2(foobar(1, bar = TRUE), foobar(2, baz = TRUE))),
      class = "vctrs_error_incompatible_type"

test_that("attributes no longer play a role in bare data frame fallback", {
  foobar_bud <- foobar(mtcars, bud = TRUE)
  foobar_boo <- foobar(mtcars, boo = TRUE)

    vec_ptype2(foobar_bud, foobar_boo),
    vec_slice(unrownames(mtcars), 0)
    vec_ptype2(foobar(mtcars), foobaz(mtcars)),
    vec_slice(unrownames(mtcars), 0)

test_that("vec_ptype2() methods get prototypes", {
  x <- NULL
  y <- NULL

  local_methods(vec_ptype2.vctrs_foobar.vctrs_foobar = function(x, y, ...) {
    x <<- x
    y <<- y

  vec_ptype2(foobar(1:3), foobar(letters))
  expect_identical(x, foobar(int()))
  expect_identical(y, foobar(chr()))

  vec_ptype2(foobar(mtcars), foobar(iris))
  expect_identical(x, foobar(mtcars[0, , drop = FALSE]))
  expect_identical(y, foobar(iris[0, , drop = FALSE]))

test_that("vec_ptype2() allows vec_ptype() to return another type", {
  out <- with_methods(
    vec_restore.vctrs_foobar = function(x, to, ...) unstructure(x),
    vec_ptype2(foobar(1), foobar(2))
  expect_identical(out, dbl())

test_that("vec_ptype2() evaluates x_arg and y_arg lazily", {
  expect_silent(vec_ptype2(1L, 1L, x_arg = print("oof")))
  expect_silent(vec_ptype2(1L, 1L, y_arg = print("oof")))

test_that("can restart ptype2 errors", {
  x <- data_frame(x = ordered(c("a", "b", "c")))
  y <- data_frame(x = ordered(c("A", "B", "C")))

  exp <- c("a", "b", "c", "A", "B", "C")
  exp <- factor(exp, exp)

  expect_error(vec_rbind(x, y), class = "vctrs_error_incompatible_type")

    with_ordered_restart(vec_rbind(x, y)),
    data_frame(x = exp)

  z <- data_frame(x = chr())

    with_ordered_restart(vec_ptype_common(x, y)),
    data_frame(x = exp[0])
    with_ordered_restart(vec_ptype_common(x, y, z)),
    data_frame(x = chr())

    with_ordered_restart(vec_cast_common(x, y)),
      data_frame(x = factor(c("a", "b", "c"), levels(exp))),
      data_frame(x = factor(c("A", "B", "C"), levels(exp)))
    with_ordered_restart(vec_cast_common(x, y, z)),
      data_frame(x = c("a", "b", "c")),
      data_frame(x = c("A", "B", "C")),
      data_frame(x = chr())

  # Factor case
  y <- data_frame(x = factor(c("A", "B", "C")))
    with_ordered_restart(vec_rbind(x, y)),
    data_frame(x = exp)

test_that("subclasses of tibble are compatible", {
  tib <- foobar(tibble(x = 1))
  ptype <- foobar(tibble(x = dbl()))

  expect_equal(vec_ptype_common(tib), ptype)
  expect_equal(vec_ptype_common(tib, tib), ptype)

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