
Defines functions fit_regression pairwise Nadults Ne

Documented in fit_regression Nadults Ne pairwise

# Data analysis

#' Calculate the effective population size (Ne)
#' \code{Ne} calculates the effective population size (Ne) between \code{yr0}
#' and \code{yrt} for several scenarios based on the loss of genetic diversity
#' (expected heterozygosity) using the temporal approach.
#' \code{yr0} is adjusted by adding the number of years of the generation time
#' (rounded to the nearest integer).  In this way the user can provide the same
#' \code{yr0,yrt} and \code{gen} to \code{Nadults} and \code{Ne} and these
#' values are adjusted internally to correctly calculate the Ne/N ratios where
#' relevant. If this behaviour is not desired, use \code{gen=0}.
#' \strong{NOTE:} When a population goes extinct, the results of the
#' calculations are spurious (they are 0.5). This may change in future versions.
#' @param data The output from \code{collate_dat}
#' @param scenarios A vector of scenario names for which Ne needs to be
#'   calculated, default: 'all'
#' @param gen The generation time express in years
#' @param yr0,yrt The time window to be considered (first and last year
#'   respectively)
#' @param save2disk Whether to save the output to disk, default: TRUE
#' @param fname The name of the files where to save the output, defult: 'Ne'
#' @param dir_out The local path to store the output. Default: DataAnalysis
#' @return A \code{data.table} (\code{data.frame} if
#'   \code{\link[data.table]{data.table}} is not loaded) with Ne values
#' @import data.table
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Using Pacioni et al. example data. See ?pac.clas for more details.
#' data(pac.clas)
#' # Calculate Ne for all scenarios in the data. Note the odd value for scenario
#' # 12, consequent to the population going extinct.
#' NeAll <- Ne(data=pac.clas, scenarios='all', gen=2.54, yr0=50, yrt=120,
#'          save2disk=FALSE)
Ne <- function(data = NULL,
               scenarios = "all",
               gen = 1,
               yr0 = 1,
               yrt = 2,
               save2disk = TRUE,
               fname = "Ne",
               dir_out = "DataAnalysis") {
    # Dealing with no visible global variables
    Het <- NULL
    pop.name <- NULL
    J <- NULL
    Scenario <- NULL

    # Function definitions
    NeOne <- function(scenario) {
        stdatDT <- data.table(data)
        setkeyv(stdatDT, c("scen.name", "Year"))

        # From yr0+gen
        t0 <- round(yr0 + gen)
        tf <- yrt
        Gt0 <- stdatDT[J(scenario, t0), "Het", with = FALSE]
        Gtf <- stdatDT[J(scenario, tf), "Het", with = FALSE]
        t <- (tf - t0)/gen
        sq <- (Gtf[, Het]/Gt0[, Het])^(1/t)
        den <- sq - 1
        effPopSize <- -(1/den) * (1/2)
        effPopSize <- t(as.data.frame(effPopSize))
        effPopSize <- as.data.frame(effPopSize)
        names(effPopSize) <- stdatDT[J(scenario, t0), pop.name]
    if (scenarios == "all") scenarios <- unique(data$scen.name)

    r.Ne <- lapply(scenarios, NeOne)
    r.Ne <- rbindlist(r.Ne)
    r.Ne <- r.Ne[, `:=`(Scenario, scenarios)]

    if (save2disk) df2disk(r.Ne, dir_out, fname)

    message(paste("Effective population size based on loss of gene diversity",
                  "from year", round(yr0 + gen), "to year", yrt))
    message(paste("NOTE: The first year used in the calculations is adjusted ",
        "using the generation time provided (yr0 + gen). ",
        "See documentation for more information."))

#' Calculate the harmonic mean of the total number of adults
#' \code{Nadults} calculates, for several scenarios, the harmonic mean of the total
#' number of adults between \code{yr0} and \code{yrt}. These can be use to
#' calculate Ne/N ratios where relevant.
#' \code{yrt} is adjusted by subtracting the number of years of the generation
#' time (rounded to the nearest integer). In this way the user can provide the
#' same \code{yr0,yrt} and \code{gen} to \code{Nadults} and \code{Ne} and these
#' values are adjusted internally to correctly calculate the Ne/N ratios where
#' relevant. If this behaviour is not desired, use \code{gen=0}.
#' @param data The second element (census_means) of the output from \code{collate_yr}
#' @param npops_noMeta The total number of populations excluding the metapopulation,
#' default: 1
#' @param appendMeta Whether to calculate data for the metapopulation,
#' default: FALSE
#' @param fname The name of the files where to save the output, defult: 'Nadults'
#' @inheritParams Ne
#' @return A \code{data.table} (\code{data.frame} if \code{\link[data.table]{data.table}} is not
#'  loaded) with Nb values
#' @import data.table
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Using Pacioni et al. example data. See ?pac.yr for more details.
#' data(pac.yr)
#' NadultAll <- Nadults(data=pac.yr[[2]], scenarios='all', gen=2.54, yr0=50,
#'                      yrt=120, save2disk=FALSE)
Nadults <- function(data,
                    scenarios = "all",
                    npops_noMeta = 1,
                    appendMeta = FALSE,
                    gen = 1,
                    yr0 = 1,
                    yrt = 2,
                    save2disk = TRUE,
                    fname = "Nadults",
                    dir_out = "DataAnalysis") {
    # Dealing with no visible global variables
    Nad <- NULL
    Scenario <- NULL
    Year <- NULL
    Population <- NULL
    J <- NULL
    . <- NULL

    # Function definitions
    HarmMean <- function(x) 1/mean(1/(x))

    LongFormat <- function(numPop) {
        k <- numPop - 1
        cstart <- 3 + (k * ncolpop)
        cend <- 3 + ncolpop * numPop - 1
        pop <- rep(paste0("pop", numPop), nrow(data))
        one.pop <- data[, list(Scenario, Year)]
        one.pop <- one.pop[, `:=`("Population", pop)]
        one.pop[, `:=`((h1), data[, cstart:cend, with = FALSE])]

    # Convert into long format
    h <- names(data)

    # Number of cols for each pop except the first 2, which are fixed cols
    ncolpop <- (length(h) - 2)/npops_noMeta
    # Headings without pop suffix
    h1 <- gsub(pattern = "pop1", "", h[3:(3 + ncolpop - 1)])

    # Reshape df in long format
    tldata <- lapply(1:npops_noMeta, LongFormat)

    lcensusMeans <- rbindlist(tldata)

    # If more than one pop, do Metapopulation calculations and rbind
    if (npops_noMeta > 1 & appendMeta) {
        message("Doing calculations for Metapopulation, please wait...")
        census <- c("N", "AM", "AF", "Subadults", "Juv", "nDams", "nBroods", "nProgeny")
        meta <- lcensusMeans[, lapply(.SD, sum), by = list(Scenario, Year), .SDcols = census]
        message("Done. Appending Metapopulation data to CensusMeans data frame...")
        gs <- names(lcensusMeans)[grep(pattern = "^GS", names(lcensusMeans))]
        meta[, `:=`(Population, rep(paste0("pop", npops_noMeta + 1), nrow(data)))]
        setcolorder(meta, c("Scenario", "Year", "Population", census))
        meta[, `:=`((gs), tldata[[1]][, gs, with = FALSE])]
        lcensusMeans <- rbindlist(list(lcensusMeans, meta),
                                  use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE)

    # Calculate harmonic means
    message(paste("Calculating the harmonic means of total number of individuals",
        "and number of adults from year", yr0, "to year", round(yrt - gen)))
    message(paste("NOTE: The last year used in the calculations is adjusted",
                  "using the generation time provided (yrt - gen).",
                  "See documentation for more information."))

    if (scenarios == "all") scenarios <- data[, unique(Scenario)]
    setkey(lcensusMeans, Scenario)
    slcensusMeans <- lcensusMeans[J(scenarios), ]
    setkey(slcensusMeans, Year)
    slcensusMeans <- slcensusMeans[.(yr0:round(yrt - gen)), ]
    slcensusMeans[, `:=`(Nad, sum(.SD)),
                  .SDcols = c("AM", "AF"),
                  by = list(Scenario, Population, Year)]
    harm.means <- slcensusMeans[, lapply(.SD, HarmMean),
                                .SDcols = c("Nad", "N"),
                                by = list(Scenario, Population)]
    if (save2disk) df2disk(harm.means, dir_out, fname)

#' Pairwise comparisons and ranks of scenarios
#' \code{pairwise} conducts pairwise comparisons against a baseline scenario
#' using sensitivity coefficients and strictly standardised mean difference.
#' It also ranks scenarios (and/or parameters when relevant) using these statistics.
#' When \code{yrs='max'} (default), VortexR automatically sets  \code{yrs} to
#' the last year of the simulation.
#' Pairwise comparisons against a baseline scenario are conducted using
#' sensitivity coefficients (SC, Drechsler et al. 1998) and strictly
#' standardised mean difference (SSDM, Zhang 2007).
#' \code{pairwise} ranks, for each population, the scenarios (and SVs if
#' relevant, see below) based on the absolute value of the statistics (either SC
#' or SSMD) regardless of the sign. That is, the scenario with the absolute SC
#' or SSMD value most different from zero will have a rank equal to '1'. The
#' actual statistics need to be inspected to evaluate the direction of the change.
#' The Kendall's coefficient of concordance is calculated to test whether the
#' order of ranked scenarios (or SVs if relevant) is statistically consistent
#' across the chosen points in time and parameters (or SVs). For example, if 100
#' years were simulated, \code{yrs=c(50, 100)} and \code{params=c('Nall', 'Het')},
#' the consistency of ranking will be tested across the four raters (i.e. Nall
#' at year 50, and at year 100, Het at year 50 and at year 100). Kendall's test
#' operates a listwise deletion of missing data. However, when data in a whole
#' column (i.e. ranks for a parameter) are missing, the column is removed before
#' the statistic is calculated (See vignette for more information).
#' It is possible to evaluate the mean effect of a range of values for certain
#' parameters on their outcome variables of interest (i.e. ranking the parameters,
#' rather than scenarios). This is automatically done when the analysis is
#' conducted on with \code{ST=TRUE,type='Single-Factor'} and there is more than
#' one SV passed with the argument \code{SVs}. Alternatively, it is achievable
#' with a combined use of \code{group.mean=TRUE,SVs}. The first argument result
#' in the calculations, following Conroy and Brook (2003), of the mean SC and
#' SSMD for each group of scenarios that have different parameter values. \code{SVs}
#' provides the names of the parameters to be considered. Parameters are then
#' ranked accordingly (See vignette for more information).
#' The parameter values passed with \code{SVs} are evaluated at year=0. This is
#' done because these parameters may take value 'zero' if the relevant
#' populations goes extinct. There are cases where Vortex may not evaluate these
#' parameters even at year 0. This may happen, for example, when a population is
#' empty at initialization (i.e. the initial population size is zero), or when K
#' is set to zero at the beginning of the simulation. The user has to make sure
#' that the values for the parameters passed in are correct.
#' Note that it only makes sense to rank parameters in a ST run when the
#' Single-Factor option is used in Vortex. This is because with Single-Factor,
#' the parameters are modified one at the time (See vignette for more information).
#' @param data A data.frame generated by \code{collate_dat}
#' @param project The Vortex project name
#' @param scenario The ST Vortex scenario name or the scenario that should be
#' used as baseline if simulations were not conducted with the ST module
#' @param params A character vector with the parameters to be compared,
#'  default: c('PExtinct', 'Nextant', 'Het', 'Nalleles')
#' @param yrs The year(s) to be analysed, default: 'max'
#' @param ST Whether files are from sensitivity analysis (TRUE),
#'  or not (FALSE, default)
#' @param type Type of ST. Possible options are: 'Sampled',
#' 'Latin Hypercube Sampling', 'Factorial' or 'Single-Factor'
#' @param group.mean Whether calculate the mean of the statistics
#'  (SSMD and Sensitivity Coefficient) by group. See details
#' @param SVs A character vector with the parameters to be used to group
#' scenarios, default: NA
#' @param save2disk Whether to save the output to disk, default: TRUE
#' @param dir_out The local path to store the output. Default: DataAnalysis/Pairwise
#' @return A list of six elements:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item A data.frame with SC values for all scenarios
#'   \item A data.frame with SSMD values
#'   \item A data.frame with p-values for SSMD values
#'   \item A data.frame with the scenario ranks based on SC and one based on SSMD
#'   \item The output of the Kendall's test
#' }
#' If \code{group_mean=TRUE} there will be six additional elements:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item A data.frame with the mean SC values for each parameter
#'   \item A data.frame with the mean SSMD values
#'   \item A data.frame with p-values calculated for the mean SSMD values
#'   \item A data.frame with the parameter ranks based on the mean SC and one
#'         based on the mean SSMD
#'   \item The output of the Kendall's test performed on the ranking of the
#'         parameters
#' }
#' @references Conroy, S. D. S., and B. W. Brook. 2003. Demographic sensitivity and
#' persistence of the threatened white- and orange-bellied frogs of Western
#' Australia. Population Ecology 45:105-114.
#' Drechsler, M., M. A. Burgman, and P. W. Menkhorst. 1998. Uncertainty in
#' population dynamics and its consequences for the management of the
#' orange-bellied parrot \emph{Neophema chrysogaster}. Biological Conservation
#' 84:269-281.
#' Zhang, X. D. 2007. A pair of new statistical parameters for quality control
#' in RNA interference high-throughput screening assays. Genomics 89:552-561.
#' @import data.table
#' @importFrom irr kendall
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Using Pacioni et al. example data. See ?pac.clas for more details.
#' data(pac.clas)
#' pairw<-pairwise(data=pac.clas, project='Pacioni_et_al', scenario='ST_Classic',
#'                params=c('Nall', 'Het'), yrs=c(60,120), ST=TRUE,
#'                type='Single-Factor',
#'                SVs=c('SV1', 'SV2', 'SV3', 'SV4', 'SV5', 'SV6', 'SV7'),
#'                save2disk=FALSE)
pairwise <- function(data,
                     params = c("PExtinct", "Nextant", "Het", "Nalleles"),
                     yrs = "max",
                     ST = FALSE,
                     type = NA,
                     group.mean = FALSE,
                     SVs = NA,
                     save2disk = TRUE,
                     dir_out = "DataAnalysis/Pairwise") {
    Year <- NULL
    pop.name <- NULL
    scen.name <- NULL
    Population <- NULL
    Scenario <- NULL
    scen.4.SV <- NULL
    J <- NULL

    SEname <- function(par) paste("SE.", par, ".", sep = "")
    SDname <- function(parSD) paste("SD.", parSD, ".", sep = "")
    naming.coef <- function(naming) paste("SC", "_", naming, yr, sep = "")
    naming.ssmd <- function(naming.ssmd) paste("SSMD", "_", naming.ssmd, yr, sep = "")
    kend <- function(tab.ranks) irr::kendall(tab.ranks[, -c(1:2), with = FALSE], TRUE)

    # Flag (false) columns where all entries are NA
    FColsAllNA <- function(lranks) apply(lranks, 2, function(chk) !all(is.na(chk)))

    # Error handling
    if(is.character(yrs)) {
        if(length(yrs) == 1) {
            if(yrs != "max") stop("invalid value(s) for 'yrs' ")
        } else {
            stop("invalid value(s) for 'yrs' ")
    } else {
        if(!is.numeric(yrs)) stop("invalid value(s) for 'yrs' ")

    fname <- if (ST) paste(project, scenario, sep = "_") else project

    # set yrs to max
    if(is.character(yrs)) yrs <- max(data$Year)

    # set group.mean if needed
    if (ST & type == "Single-Factor" & length(SVs) > 1) group.mean <- TRUE

    # Set up headings for params and SE and SD
    params <- make.names(params)
    SE <- sapply(params, SEname)
    if ("r.stoch" %in% params) SE["r.stoch"] <- "SE.r."
    SD <- sapply(params, SDname)
    if ("r.stoch" %in% params) SD["r.stoch"] <- "SD.r."

    # Create a dataframe for the base scenario.
    if (ST) {
        select.base <- data$scen.name == (paste(scenario, "(Base)", sep = ""))
        stbase <- subset(data, select.base)
        scen.name.base <- paste(scenario, "(Base)", sep = "")
    } else {
        select.base <- data$scen.name == scenario
        stbase <- data[select.base, ]
        scen.name.base <- scenario

    # calculate sensitivity coefficient & SSMD
    coef <- numeric(0)
    scenario.name <- unique(data$scen.name)
    scenario.name <- scenario.name[!scenario.name == scen.name.base]
    pops.name <- unique(data$pop.name)
    for (yr in yrs) {
        base <- numeric(0)
        for (popName in pops.name) {
            substdat <- subset(
                Year == yr & pop.name == popName & !scen.name == scen.name.base)
            substbase <- subset(stbase, Year == yr & pop.name == popName)
            for (param in params) {
                base <- substbase[, param]
                SDbase <- substbase[, SD[match(param, params)]]
                coef.calc <- if (param == "PExtinct" | param == "PExtant") {
                  function(v) (-(log(v/(1 - v)) - log(base/(1 - base))))
                } else {
                  function(v) (v - base)/base
                coef <- sapply(substdat[, param], coef.calc)
                if (exists("tttable.coef")) {
                  tttable.coef <- cbind.data.frame(tttable.coef, coef)
                } else {
                  tttable.coef <- cbind.data.frame(scenario.name,
                ssmd.numerator <- if (param == "PExtinct" | param == "PExtant") {
                  (base - substdat[, param])
                } else {
                  (substdat[, param] - base)
                ssmd.denominator <- sqrt(
                    (substdat[, SD[match(param, params)]])^2 + (SDbase^2))
                ssmd <- ssmd.numerator/ssmd.denominator
                if (exists("ttssmd.table")) {
                  ttssmd.table <- cbind.data.frame(ttssmd.table, ssmd)
                } else {
                  ttssmd.table <- cbind.data.frame(scenario.name,
            if (exists("ttable.coef")) {
                ttable.coef <- rbind(ttable.coef, tttable.coef)
            } else {
                ttable.coef <- tttable.coef
            if (exists("tssmd.table")) {
                tssmd.table <- rbind(tssmd.table, ttssmd.table)
            } else {
                tssmd.table <- ttssmd.table
        if (exists("h.table.coef")) {
            h.table.coef <- c(h.table.coef, sapply(params, naming.coef))
        } else {
            h.table.coef <- c("Scenario", "Population", sapply(params, naming.coef))
        if (exists("h.ssmd.table")) {
            h.ssmd.table <- c(h.ssmd.table, sapply(params, naming.ssmd))
        } else {
            h.ssmd.table <- c("Scenario", "Population", sapply(params, naming.ssmd))
        table.coef.col.n <- dim(ttable.coef)[2]
        ssmd.table.col.n <- dim(tssmd.table)[2]

        if (exists("table.coef")) {
            table.coef <- cbind(table.coef, ttable.coef[3:table.coef.col.n])
        } else {
            table.coef <- ttable.coef
        if (exists("ssmd.table")) {
            ssmd.table <- cbind(ssmd.table, tssmd.table[3:ssmd.table.col.n])
        } else {
            ssmd.table <- tssmd.table

    colnames(table.coef) <- h.table.coef  #replace headings in table.coef
    colnames(ssmd.table) <- h.ssmd.table  #replace headings in table.ssmd

    # vector with colnames for params with prefix for coef
    h.coef <- h.table.coef[3:length(h.table.coef)]
    h.ssmd <- h.ssmd.table[3:length(h.ssmd.table)]

    ssmd.table.pvalues <- if (is.null(dim(ssmd.table[, h.ssmd]))) {
        sapply(ssmd.table[, h.ssmd], pval)
    } else {
        apply(ssmd.table[, h.ssmd], 2, pval)
    ssmd.table.pvalues <- cbind(ssmd.table[, 1:2], ssmd.table.pvalues)

    # Rank scenarios for each params by population based on sensitivity coefficients
    # and SSMD sensitivity coefficients
    DT.table.coef <- data.table(table.coef)
    setkey(DT.table.coef, Population, Scenario)
    ranks.sc <- DT.table.coef[, lapply(-abs(.SD), rank, na.last = "keep"),
                              by = Population,
                              .SDcols = h.coef]  # Rank
    ranks.sc[, `:=`(Scenario, DT.table.coef[, Scenario])]
    setcolorder(ranks.sc, c("Population", "Scenario", h.coef))

    # split by pop in a list where each element is a pop
    lranks.sc.pops <- split(ranks.sc, ranks.sc[, Population])
    # list of vectors with logical of cols to retain
    lsel <- lapply(lranks.sc.pops, FColsAllNA)
    ranks.sc.fin <- list()
    for (i in 1:length(lsel)) {
        # Remove flagged cols of NA from each element
        # TODO : Generate popName with lapply and remove if (exists())
        ranks.sc.fin[[i]] <- lranks.sc.pops[[i]][, lsel[[i]], with = FALSE]
        popName <- as.character(ranks.sc.fin[[i]][1, Population])
        if (exists("popNames")) {
            popNames <- c(popNames, popName)
        } else {
            popNames <- popName
    names(ranks.sc.fin) <- popNames

    # ssmd
    DT.ssmd <- data.table(ssmd.table)
    setkey(DT.ssmd, Population, Scenario)
    ranks.ssmd <- DT.ssmd[, lapply(-abs(.SD), rank, na.last = "keep"),
                          by = Population,
                          .SDcols = h.ssmd]  # Rank
    ranks.ssmd[, `:=`(Scenario, DT.ssmd[, Scenario])]
    setcolorder(ranks.ssmd, c("Population", "Scenario", h.ssmd))

    # split by pop in a list where each element is a pop
    lranks.ssmd.pops <- split(ranks.ssmd, ranks.ssmd[, Population])
    # list of vectors with logical of cols to retain
    lsel <- lapply(lranks.ssmd.pops, FColsAllNA)
    ranks.ssmd.fin <- list()
    for (i in 1:length(lsel)) {
        # Remove flagged cols of NA from each element
        ranks.ssmd.fin[[i]] <- lranks.ssmd.pops[[i]][, lsel[[i]], with = FALSE]
        # TODO : Generate popName with Lapply and remove if (exists())
        popName <- as.character(ranks.ssmd.fin[[i]][1, Population])
        if (exists("popNames")) {
            popNames <- c(popNames, popName)
        } else {
            popNames <- popName
    names(ranks.ssmd.fin) <- popNames
    kendall.out <- list(SC = NULL, SSMD = NULL)
    # NOTE : kendall function handles na listwise
    kendall.out$SC <- capture.output(
        cat("Rank comparison of sensitivity coefficients", "\n"),
        lapply(ranks.sc.fin, kend))
    kendall.out$SSMD <- capture.output(
        cat("Rank comparison of SSMD", "\n"),
        lapply(ranks.ssmd.fin, kend))
    if (save2disk) {
        # write results
        df2disk(table.coef, dir_out, fname, ".coef.table")
        df2disk(ssmd.table, dir_out, fname, ".SSMD.table")
        df2disk(ssmd.table.pvalues, dir_out, fname, ".SSMD.table.pvalues")
        df2disk(ranks.sc, dir_out, fname, ".ranks.sc")
        df2disk(ranks.ssmd, dir_out, fname, ".ranks.SSMD")
        capture.output(print(kendall.out, quote = FALSE),
                       file = paste0(dir_out, "/", fname, ".kendall.txt"))
    # Collate results in a list
    r.OneWay <- list(coef.table = table.coef,
                     SSMD.table = ssmd.table,
                     SSMD.table.pvalues = ssmd.table.pvalues,
                     ranks.SC = ranks.sc,
                     ranks.SSMD = ranks.ssmd,
                     Kendall = kendall.out)
    # if group.mean == TRUE calculate the mean for each SV and rank SVs
    if (group.mean) {
        # Calculate mean sensitivity coefficients and mean ssdm
        subpopsstdat <- subset(data, (Year == 0 & !scen.name == scen.name.base))
        # vector with colnames for params with prefix for coef
        h.coef <- h.table.coef[3:length(h.table.coef)]
        h.ssmd <- h.ssmd.table[3:length(h.ssmd.table)]
        for (SV in SVs) {
            SVbase <- stbase[stbase$Year == 0, SV]
            select.4.SV <- !subpopsstdat[, SV] == SVbase

            # mean coef calculations
            DT.coef <- data.table(table.coef)
            setkey(DT.coef, Scenario)  # sort to match order in scen.4.SV
            DT.coef[, `:=`(scen.4.SV, select.4.SV)]  # add scen.4.SV
            setkeyv(DT.coef, c("scen.4.SV", "Population"))
            # calculate mean by pop for that SV
            DT.coef <- DT.coef[J(TRUE), lapply(.SD, mean), by = Population, .SDcols = h.coef]
            DT.coef[, `:=`(SV, SV)]

            # mean ssmd calculations
            DT.ssmd <- data.table(ssmd.table)
            setkey(DT.ssmd, Scenario)
            DT.ssmd[, `:=`(scen.4.SV, select.4.SV)]
            setkey(DT.ssmd, scen.4.SV)
            DT.ssmd <- DT.ssmd[J(TRUE), lapply(.SD, mean), by = Population, .SDcols = h.ssmd]
            DT.ssmd[, `:=`(SV, SV)]

            # appends mean calculations for both statistics & for each SV to table
            if (exists("mean.coef.table")) {
                mean.coef.table <- rbind(mean.coef.table, DT.coef)
            } else {
                mean.coef.table <- DT.coef
            if (exists("mean.ssmd.table")) {
                mean.ssmd.table <- rbind(mean.ssmd.table, DT.ssmd)
            } else {
                mean.ssmd.table <- DT.ssmd

        setcolorder(mean.coef.table, c("Population", "SV", h.coef))
        setkeyv(mean.coef.table, c("Population", "SV"))
        setcolorder(mean.ssmd.table, c("Population", "SV", h.ssmd))
        setkeyv(mean.ssmd.table, c("Population", "SV"))

        mean.ssmd.table.pvalues <- mean.ssmd.table[, lapply(.SD, pval), .SDcols = h.ssmd]
        mean.ssmd.table.pvalues <- cbind(mean.ssmd.table[, list(Population, SV)],

        # Rank SVs for each params by population based on mean sensitivity coefficients
        # and mean SSMD
        ranks.msc <- mean.coef.table[, lapply(-abs(.SD), rank, na.last = "keep"),
            by = Population, .SDcols = h.coef]  # Rank
        ranks.msc[, `:=`(SV, SVs)]  #Add SV col
        setcolorder(ranks.msc, c("Population", "SV", h.coef))
        lranks.msc.pops <- split(ranks.msc, ranks.msc[, Population])
        lsel <- lapply(lranks.msc.pops, FColsAllNA)
        ranks.msc.fin <- list()
        for (i in 1:length(lsel)) {
            ranks.msc.fin[[i]] <- lranks.msc.pops[[i]][, lsel[[i]], with = FALSE]
            popName <- as.character(ranks.msc.fin[[i]][1, Population])
            if (exists("popNames")) popNames <- c(popNames, popName) else popNames <- popName
        names(ranks.msc.fin) <- popNames

        ranks.mssmd <- mean.ssmd.table[,
                                       lapply(-abs(.SD), rank, na.last = "keep"),
                                       by = Population,
                                       .SDcols = h.ssmd]  # Rank
        ranks.mssmd[, `:=`(SV, SVs)]  #Add SV col
        setcolorder(ranks.mssmd, c("Population", "SV", h.ssmd))
        lranks.mssmd.pops <- split(ranks.mssmd, ranks.mssmd[, Population])
        lsel <- lapply(lranks.mssmd.pops, FColsAllNA)
        ranks.mssmd.fin <- list()
        for (i in 1:length(lsel)) {
            ranks.mssmd.fin[[i]] <- lranks.mssmd.pops[[i]][, lsel[[i]], with = FALSE]
            popName <- as.character(ranks.mssmd.fin[[i]][1, Population])
            if (exists("popNames")) {
                popNames <- c(popNames, popName)
            } else {
                popNames <- popName
        names(ranks.mssmd.fin) <- popNames
        kendall.mean.out <- list(SC = NULL, SSMD = NULL)
        kendall.mean.out$SC <- capture.output(
            print("Rank comparison of mean sensitivity coefficients"),
            lapply(ranks.msc.fin, kend))
        kendall.mean.out$SSMD <- capture.output(
            print("Rank comparison of mean SSMD"),
            lapply(ranks.mssmd.fin, kend))

        if (save2disk) {
            df2disk(mean.coef.table, dir_out, fname, ".mean.coef.table")
            df2disk(mean.ssmd.table, dir_out, fname, ".mean.SSMD.table")
            df2disk(mean.ssmd.table.pvalues, dir_out, fname, ".mean.SSMD.table.pvalues")
            df2disk(ranks.msc, dir_out, fname, ".ranks.mSC")
            df2disk(ranks.mssmd, dir_out, fname, ".ranks.mSSMD")
                print(kendall.mean.out, quote = FALSE),
                file = paste0(dir_out, "/", fname, ".Kendall.means.txt"))

        # Collate results for means
        r.OneWay$mean.coef.table <- mean.coef.table
        r.OneWay$mean.SSMD.table <- mean.ssmd.table
        r.OneWay$mean.SSMD.table.pvalues <- mean.ssmd.table.pvalues
        r.OneWay$ranks.mean.SC <- ranks.msc
        r.OneWay$ranks.mean.SSMD <- ranks.mssmd
        r.OneWay$Kendall.means <- kendall.mean.out

#' Search for the best regression model(s)
#' \code{fit_regression} fits either a Generalized Linear Model or a betareg model
#' to the data and search for the best model(s) given a list of predictors using
#' the R package glmulti.
#' \code{fit_regression} fits a different type of regression model depending on the
#' dependent variable. When this is a count (e.g. N or the number of alleles),
#' the function will fit a Generalized Linear Model. The first fit is attempted
#' with a Poisson error distribution and if the dispersion parameter (calculated
#' as \eqn{residual deviance / df} is larger than (the somewhat
#' arbitrary cut off of) 1.5, the model will be refitted with a quasipoisson
#' error distribution (a message is displayed if this happens).
#' \code{fit_regression} establishes whether the dependent variable is a count
#' by searching for it in \code{count_data}. If the users generated their own
#' dependent variable (e.g. through a PS), this has to be included in \code{count_data}
#' to indicate \code{fit_regression} that it is analysing count data.
#' When the number of alleles is the dependent variable (from .run files), this
#' is rounded to integer (to meet R requirement that count data are integers)
#' before a GLM is fitted to the data.
#' If \code{param} is a proportion (e.g. Gene Diversity and Inbreeding), then
#' the function uses a Beta regression from the R package betareg (Cribari-Neto
#' & Zeileis 2010). Different link functions are tested and the one with the
#' lowest AIC value is selected. The selected link function is displayed on the
#' R console and the difference in the AIC scores relative to the best link
#' function is also displayed.
#' In the initial fit of the model the main and interactions effects are included.
#' Successively, a search for the best model is carried out. This is performed
#' with the R package \code{\link[glmulti]{glmulti}} (Calcagno & de Mazancourt 2010).
#' \code{fit_regression} will conduct an exhaustive search if ncand is less or
#' equal to the number of candidate models, otherwise it will use a genetic
#' search method (see glmulti documentations for more details about the search
#' methods). When \code{\link[glmulti]{glmulti}} uses the genetic search method,
#' two small files (with extension \code{.modgen.back} and \code{.mods.back.} are
#' written in the working directory even if \code{save2disk=FALSE}.
#' \code{fit_regression} explicitly ignores NA.
#' Depending on the data, fitting several Beta regression models to complete the
#' search may be a long (and memory hungry) process. Also, the package betareg
#' has the limitation (at least at the moment of writing) that cannot handle
#' analysis of data when the dependent variable takes value of either exactly 0
#' or 1.
#' See vignette for a more detailed explanation of \code{fit_regression}.
#' @param data The long format of census (from \code{conv_l_yr}) or run (lrun,
#' the second element) of the output from \code{collate_run}
#' @param lookup (Optional) A look-up table where the scenario names are listed
#' together with the (missing) variables needed to fit the regression models
#' @param census Whether the input is census data
#' @param yr The year that has to be used in the analysis if census=TRUE
#' @param scenario Vortex scenario name
#' @param popn The sequential number of the population (in integer)
#' @param param The dependent variable
#' @param vs Character vector with independent variable(s)
#' @param count_data Character vector with param(s) that are counts and would use
#' a Poisson error distribution
#' @param ic Information criterion
#' @param l Level for glmulti search: 1 main effects, 2 main effects + interactions
#' @param ncand The threshold of candidate models after which switch to the
#' genetic search method, default: 30
#' @param set_size Value to be used in confsetsize (from \code{\link[glmulti]{glmulti}}
#'  The number of models to be looked for, i.e. the size of the returned confidence
#' set.)
#' @param links Link functions to use in the Beta regression.
#' @param dir_out The local path to store the output.
#'  Default: DataAnalysis/FitRegression
#' @inheritParams pairwise
#' @return A \code{glmulti} object with the best models found.
#' @references Calcagno, V., and C. de Mazancourt. 2010. glmulti: an R package
#' for easy automated model selection with (generalized) linear models. Journal
#' of Statistical Software 34:1-29.
#' Cribari-Neto, F., and Zeileis, A. (2010) Beta regression in R. Journal of
#' Statistical Software 34(2).
#' @import data.table
#' @importFrom betareg betareg.fit
#' @importFrom glmulti glmulti
#' @importFrom graphics hist plot
#' @importFrom stats as.formula deviance df.residual glm logLik na.omit
#' @importFrom stats pnorm sd update
#' @importFrom utils capture.output read.table write.table
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Using Pacioni et al. example data. See ?pac.run.lhs and ?pac.lhs for more
#' # details.
#' data(pac.run.lhs, pac.lhs)
#' # Remove base scenario from .stdat data
#' pac.lhs.no.base <- pac.lhs[!pac.lhs$scen.name == 'ST_LHS(Base)', ]
#' # Use function lookup_table to obtain correct parameter values at year 0
#' lkup.ST_LHS <- lookup_table(data=pac.lhs.no.base, project='Pacioni_et_al',
#'                             scenario='ST_LHS',
#'                             pop='Population 1',
#'                             SVs=c('SV1', 'SV2', 'SV3', 'SV4', 'SV5', 'SV6', 'SV7'),
#'                             save2disk=FALSE)
#' # Remove base scenario from .run output in long format
#' lrun.ST_LHS.no.base <- pac.run.lhs[[2]][!pac.run.lhs[[2]]$Scenario == 'ST_LHS(Base)', ]
#' reg <- fit_regression(data=lrun.ST_LHS.no.base, lookup=lkup.ST_LHS,
#'                       census=FALSE,
#'                       project='Pacioni_et_al', scenario='ST_LHS', popn=1,
#'                       param='N', vs=c('SV1', 'SV2', 'SV3'), l=2,  ncand=30,
#'                       save2disk=FALSE)
#'  # Clean up of residual files written by glmulti
#'  # Note, in some OS (W) these files may be locked because in use by R and have
#'  # to be manually after the R session has been either terminated or restarted
#'  file.remove(c('Pacioni_et_al_ST_LHS_N.modgen.back',
#'                'Pacioni_et_al_ST_LHS_N.mods.back'))
#' # Example of information you can obtained once you have run fit_regression
#' # The formula for the best model
#' bestmodel <- reg@@formulas[1]
#' # The formulae for the best 30 model
#' bestmodels <- reg@@formulas
#' # List of IC values
#' qaicvalues <- reg@@crits
#' # QAIC differences between the first 5 best models (stored in 'delta')
#' delta <- as.vector(NULL)
#' for (i in 1:5) {
#'   del <- qaicvalues[i+1] - qaicvalues[i]
#'   delta <- c(delta, del)
#' }
#' # The best model's coefficients
#' coef.best <- coef(reg@@objects[[1]])
#' # The model averaged coefficients
#' coef.all <- glmulti::coef.glmulti(reg)
#' coefs <- data.frame(Estimate=coef.all[,1],
#'                     Lower=coef.all[,1] - coef.all[,5],
#'                     Upper=coef.all[,1] + coef.all[,5])
#' # Plot IC profile
#' plot(reg, type='p')
#' # Plot of model averaged importance of terms
#' plot(reg, type='s')
fit_regression <- function(data,
                           lookup = NULL,
                           census = TRUE,
                           param = "N",
                           vs = c("GS1"),
                           count_data = c("Nextant", "Nall", "Nalleles", "N",
                                          "AM", "AF", "Subadults", "Juv",
                                          "nDams", "nBroods", "nProgeny",
                                          "nImmigrants", "nEmigrants",
                                          "nHarvested", "nSupplemented",
                                          "YrExt", "Alleles"),
                           ic = "aic",
                           l = 1,
                           ncand = 30,
                           set_size = NA,
                           links = c("logit", "probit", "cloglog", "cauchit", "loglog"),
                           save2disk = TRUE,
                           dir_out = "DataAnalysis/FitRegression") {

    ## Dealing with no visible global variables
    Year <- NULL
    Population <- NULL
    J <- NULL

    # Function definitions Selecet method for glmulti search
    select_method <- function(cand, ncand) {
        if (cand > ncand) m <- "g" else m <- "h"

    # Updated the betareg model with the link x and extract AIC
    LinkTest <- function(x) logLik(update(breg, link = x))

    # vector with available link functions to be used with betareg

    if(!is.null(lookup)) {
        data <- plyr::join(data, lookup, by = "Scenario", type = "left")

    # convert data.table
    data <- data.table(data)

    # select yr if census and create pop vector
    if (census) {
        # Select the yr
        setkey(data, Year)
        data <- data[J(yr), ]
        # Select the pop (with its number)
        pop <- paste0("pop", popn)
    } else {
        pop <- levels(data$Population)[popn]

    # select pops
    setkey(data, Population)
    data <- data[pop]

    xs <- paste(vs, collapse = "*")  # get ready the vs for the formula

    if (param %in% count_data) {
        data[, `:=`((param), round(.SD)), .SDcols = param]
        fam <- "poisson"

    # Plot param Tried DT[, plot(GeneDiv)] to call the plot directily within
    # data.table but when I use param rather than the column names DT return a
    # datatable rather than a vector (as it does with GeneDiv)
    paramvalues <- data[[param]]
    name <- paste(project, scenario, param, sep = "_")
    if (save2disk) {
        dir.create(dir_out, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
        pdf(paste0(dir_out, "/", paste(name, "histogram.pdf", sep = "_")))

    hist(paramvalues, main = paste("Histogram of", param), xlab = param)
    if (save2disk) {

    message(paste("summary of", param))
    # set up formula to be used in regression models
    formula <- as.formula(paste0(param, "~", xs))

    if (param %in% count_data) {
        # Preliminary fit the GLM
        message("Fitting a GLM...")
        glm1 <- glm(data = data, formula, family = fam, na.action = na.omit)

        # Check number of candidate models.
        cand <- do.call("glmulti",
                             method = "d",
                             family = fam,
                             level = l,
                             na.action = na.omit))

        # Calculates ratio Res deviance to df
        chat <- deviance(glm1)/df.residual(glm1)

        # if the ratio (chat) is >1.5 then set the overdispersion parameter
        if (chat > 1.5) {
            message("Overdispersion was detected in the data.")
            # Fit GLM with quasi-error distribution to get dispersion parameter
            glm2 <- glm(data = data,
                        family = "quasipoisson",
                        na.action = na.omit)

            # Changed the c value for qaic search with glmulti
            R.utils::setOption("glmulti-cvalue", summary(glm2)$dispersion)
            message(paste("Setting overdispersion parameter to:",
            message("NOTE: the Information Criterion for model search was changed to QAIC")
            ic <- "qaic"
        m <- select_method(cand, ncand)
        if (is.na(set_size)) {
            set_size <- min(cand, ncand)
            message(paste("confsetsize set to", set_size))
        message(paste("Search method set to", m))
        message(paste("Search for best candidate models using level =", l,

        # Search for best model(s) with glmulti
        tnp <- system.time(
            best.mod <- do.call("glmulti",
                                     family = fam,
                                     crit = ic,
                                     method = m,
                                     confsetsize = set_size,
                                     plotty = FALSE,
                                     report = FALSE,
                                     level = l,
                                     name = name,
                                     na.action = na.omit))
    } else {
        message("Fitting a beta regression...")
        message("Searching for the best link function...")

        # Preliminary fit of betw regression
        breg <- betareg::betareg(formula, data = data, na.action = na.omit)

        # Generate vector with AIC values for the available link functions
        linkAIC <- sapply(links, LinkTest)
        linkpos <- which.min(linkAIC)  # Select lower AIC (position)
        message(paste("Best link function:", links[linkpos]))
        message(paste("Link function AIC differences relative to", links[linkpos]))
        print(deltalinkAIC <- linkAIC - linkAIC[linkpos])

        # Check number of candidate models.
        cand <- do.call("glmulti", list(formula, data = data, method = "d", level = l,
            fitfunc = betareg::betareg, link = links[linkpos], na.action = na.omit))

        # This is repeated but it can't go later because I want this to be displayed
        # before the search starts.  The search may be very long and if something is
        # wrong the user have a chance to stop it.  It can't go earlier because the cand
        # call is different depending on the model used
        m <- select_method(cand, ncand)
        if (is.na(set_size)) {
            set_size <- min(cand, ncand)
            message(paste("confsetsize set to", set_size))
        message(paste("Using search method:", m))
        message(paste("Search for best candidate models using level =", l, "started..."))
        tnp <- system.time(best.mod <- do.call("glmulti", list(formula, data = data,
            crit = ic, method = m, confsetsize = set_size, plotty = FALSE, report = FALSE,
            level = l, name = name, fitfunc = betareg::betareg, link = links[linkpos],
            na.action = na.omit)))
    message("Done! Elapsed time:")

    if (save2disk) {
        message("Best models saved to disk in the file ...best.mod.rda")
        save(best.mod, file = paste0(dir_out, "/", name, "_best.mod.rda"))
        pdf(paste0(dir_out, "/", name, "_IC_plot.pdf"))
        plot(best.mod, type = "p")

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