#' Check if input is a valid inchikey
#' @description This function checks if a string is a valid inchikey.
#' Inchikey must fulfill the following criteria:
#' 1) consist of 27 characters;
#' 2) be all uppercase, all letters (no numbers);
#' 3) contain two hyphens at positions 15 and 26;
#' 4) 24th character (flag character) be 'S' (Standard InChI) or 'N' (non-standard)
#' 5) 25th character (version character) must be 'A' (currently).
#' @param x character; input InChIKey
#' @param type character; How should be checked? Either, by format (see above)
#' ('format') or by ChemSpider ('chemspider').
#' @param verbose logical; print messages during processing to console?
#' @return a logical
#' @note This function can handle only one inchikey string.
#' @references Heller, Stephen R., et al. "InChI, the IUPAC International
#' Chemical Identifier." Journal of Cheminformatics 7.1 (2015): 23.
#' @references Eduard Szöcs, Tamás Stirling, Eric R. Scott, Andreas Scharmüller,
#' Ralf B. Schäfer (2020). webchem: An R Package to Retrieve Chemical
#' Information from the Web. Journal of Statistical Software, 93(13).
#' \doi{10.18637/jss.v093.i13}.
#' @export
#' @examples
is.inchikey = function(x, type = c('format', 'chemspider'),
verbose = getOption("verbose")) {
if (length(x) > 1) {
stop('Cannot handle multiple input strings.')
type <- match.arg(type)
out <- switch(type,
format = is.inchikey_format(x, verbose = verbose),
chemspider = is.inchikey_cs(x, verbose = verbose))
#' Check if input is a valid inchikey using ChemSpider API
#' @param x character; input string
#' @param verbose logical; print messages during processing to console?
#' @return a logical
#' @seealso \code{\link{is.inchikey}} for a pure-R implementation.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # might fail if API is not available
#' is.inchikey_cs('BQJCRHHNABKAKU-KBQPJGBKSA-5')
#' is.inchikey_cs('BQJCRHHNABKAKU-KBQPJGBKSA-n')
#' }
is.inchikey_cs <- function(x, verbose = getOption("verbose")){
if (!ping_service("cs_web")) stop(webchem_message("service_down"))
if (length(x) > 1) {
stop('Cannot handle multiple input strings.')
if ( {
if (verbose) webchem_message("na")
baseurl <- ''
qurl <- paste0(baseurl, 'inchi_key=', x)
webchem_sleep(type = 'scrape')
if (verbose) webchem_message("query", x, appendLF = FALSE)
res <- try(httr::RETRY("GET",
terminate_on = 404,
quiet = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(res, "try-error")) {
if (verbose) webchem_message("service_down")
if (verbose) message(httr::message_for_status(res))
if (res$status_code == 200){
h <- xml2::read_xml(res)
out <- as.logical(xml_text(h))
else {
#' Check if input is a valid inchikey using format
#' @description Inchikey must fulfill the following criteria:
#' 1) consist of 27 characters;
#' 2) be all uppercase, all letters (no numbers);
#' 3) contain two hyphens at positions 15 and 26;
#' 4) 24th character (flag character) be 'S' (Standard InChI) or 'N'
#' (non-standard)
#' 5) 25th character (version character) must be 'A' (currently).
#' @param x character; input string
#' @param verbose logical; print messages during processing to console?
#' @return a logical
#' @seealso \code{\link{is.inchikey}} for a pure-R implementation.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # might fail if API is not available
#' is.inchikey_format('BQJCRHHNABKAKU-KBQPJGBKSA-N')
#' is.inchikey_format('BQJCRHHNABKAKU-KBQPJGBKSA')
#' is.inchikey_format('BQJCRHHNABKAKU-KBQPJGBKSA-5')
#' is.inchikey_format('BQJCRHHNABKAKU-KBQPJGBKSA-n')
#' is.inchikey_format('BQJCRHHNABKAKU/KBQPJGBKSA/N')
#' is.inchikey_format('BQJCRHHNABKAKU-KBQPJGBKXA-N')
#' is.inchikey_format('BQJCRHHNABKAKU-KBQPJGBKSB-N')
#' }
is.inchikey_format = function(x, verbose = getOption("verbose")) {
if (length(x) > 1) {
stop('Cannot handle multiple input strings.')
nch <- nchar(x)
if (nch != 27) {
if (verbose)
message('Not 27 characters long.')
let <- strsplit(x, split = '')[[1]]
if (any(grepl("[[:digit:]]", let))) {
if (verbose)
message('string contains numbers.')
if (x != toupper(x)) {
if (verbose)
message('Not all character uppercase.')
if (substr(x, 15, 15) != "-" | substr(x, 26, 26) != "-") {
if (verbose)
message('Hyphens not at position 15 and 26.')
f <- substr(x, 24, 24)
if (f != 'S' & f != 'N') {
if (verbose)
message("Flag character not 'S' or 'N'.")
f <- substr(x, 25, 25)
if (f != 'A') {
if (verbose)
message("Version character not 'A'.")
#' Check if input is a valid CAS
#' @description This function checks if a string is a valid CAS registry number.
#' A valid CAS is 1) separated by two hyphes into three parts; 2) the first part
#' consists from two up to seven digits; 3) the second of two digits; 4) the
#' third of one digit (check digit); 5) the check digits corresponds the
#' checksum. The checksum is found by taking the last digit (excluding the check
#' digit) multiplyingit with 1, the second last multiplied with 2, the
#' third-last multiplied with 3 etc. The modulo 10 of the sum of these is the
#' checksum.
#' @import stringr
#' @param x character; input CAS
#' @param verbose logical; print messages during processing to console?
#' @return a logical
#' @note This function can only handle one CAS string
#' @references Eduard Szöcs, Tamás Stirling, Eric R. Scott, Andreas Scharmüller,
#' Ralf B. Schäfer (2020). webchem: An R Package to Retrieve Chemical
#' Information from the Web. Journal of Statistical Software, 93(13).
#' \doi{10.18637/jss.v093.i13}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' is.cas('64-17-5')
#' is.cas('64175')
#' is.cas('4-17-5')
#' is.cas('64-177-6')
#' is.cas('64-17-55')
#' is.cas('64-17-6')
is.cas <- function(x, verbose = getOption("verbose")) {
foo <- function(x, verbose) {
# pass NA's through
if ( return(NA)
# cas must not have any alpha characters
if (grepl(pattern = "[[:alpha:]]", x = x)) {
if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
message(x,": String contains alpha characters")
# cas must not have any white space
if (grepl(pattern = "\\s+", x = x)) {
if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
message(x, ": String contains whitespace")
# cas must have two hyphens
nsep <- str_count(x, '-')
if (nsep != 2) {
if (isTRUE(verbose))
message(x, ': Less than 2 hyphens in string.')
# first part 2 to 7 digits
fi <- gsub('^(.*)-(.*)-(.*)$', '\\1', x)
if (nchar(fi) > 7 | nchar(fi) < 2) {
if (isTRUE(verbose))
message(x, ': First part has more than 7 digits!')
# second part must be two digits
se <- gsub('^(.*)-(.*)-(.*)$', '\\2', x)
if (nchar(se) != 2) {
if (isTRUE(verbose))
message(x, ': Second part should have two digits!')
# third part (checksum) must be 1 digit
th <- gsub('^(.*)-(.*)-(.*)$', '\\3', x)
if (nchar(th) != 1) {
if (isTRUE(verbose))
message(x, ': Third part should have 1 digit!')
# check checksum
di <- as.numeric(strsplit(gsub('^(.*)-(.*)-(.*)$', '\\1\\2', x),
split = '')[[1]])
checksum <- sum(rev(seq_along(di)) * di)
if (checksum %% 10 != as.numeric(th)) {
if (isTRUE(verbose))
message(x, ': Checksum is not correct! ', checksum %% 10, ' vs. ', th)
return(sapply(x, foo, verbose))
#' Check if input is a SMILES string
#' @description This function checks if a string is a valid SMILES by checking
#' if (R)CDK can parse it. If it cannot be parsed by rcdk FALSE is returned,
#' else TRUE.
#' @param x character; input SMILES.
#' @param verbose logical; print messages during processing to console?
#' @return a logical
#' @note This function can handle only one SMILES string.
#' @references Egon Willighagen (2015). How to test SMILES strings in
#' Supplementary Information.
#' \url{}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # might fail if rcdk is not working properly
#' is.smiles('Clc(c(Cl)c(Cl)c1C(=O)O)c(Cl)c1Cl')
#' is.smiles('Clc(c(Cl)c(Cl)c1C(=O)O)c(Cl)c1ClJ')
#' }
is.smiles <- function(x, verbose = getOption("verbose")) {
if (!requireNamespace("rcdk", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("rcdk needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
call. = FALSE)
# x <- 'Clc(c(Cl)c(Cl)c1C(=O)O)c(Cl)c1Cl'
if (length(x) > 1) {
stop('Cannot handle multiple input strings.')
out <- try(rcdk::parse.smiles(x), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(out[[1]], 'try-error') | is.null(out[[1]])) {
} else {
#' Extract a number from a string
#' @param x character; input string
#' @return a numeric vector
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' extr_num('aaaa -95')
#' extr_num("Melting Pt : -44.6 deg C")
extr_num <- function(x) {
if (length(x) == 0)
as.numeric(gsub("[^0-9\\.\\-]+", "", x))
#' Parse Molfile (as returned by ChemSpider) into a R-object.
#' @param string molfile as one string
#' @return A list with of four entries: header (eh), counts line (cl), atom
#' block (ab) and bond block (bb).
#' header: a = number of atoms, b = number of bonds, l = number of atom lists,
#' f = obsolete, c = chiral flag (0=not chiral, 1 = chiral), s = number of stext
#' entries, x, r, p, i = obsolete, m = 999, v0 version
#' atom block: x, y, z = atom coordinates, a = mass difference, c= charge,
#' s= stereo parity, h = hydrogen count 1, b = stereo care box, v = valence,
#' h = h0 designator, r, i = not used, m = atom-atom mapping number,
#' n = inversion/retention flag, e = exact change flag
#' bond block:
#' 1 = first atom, 2 = second atom, t = bond type, s = stereo type, x = not
#' used, r = bond typology, c = reacting center status.
#' @references Grabner, M., Varmuza, K., & Dehmer, M. (2012). RMol:
#' a toolset for transforming SD/Molfile structure information into R objects.
#' Source Code for Biology and Medicine, 7, 12.
#' \doi{10.1186/1751-0473-7-12}
#' @export
parse_mol <- function(string) {
if (!is.character(string)) stop("string is not a character string")
if (length(string) > 1)
stop('string must be of length 1')
m <- readLines(textConnection(string))
# header
h <- trimws(m[1:3])
# counts line
cl <- m[4]
splits <- c(seq(1, 33, by = 3), 34)
cl <- trimws(substring(cl, splits, c(splits[-1] - 1, nchar(cl))))
# atom block
na <- as.numeric(cl[1])
ab <- m[5:(4 + na)]
ab <- read.table(text = ab)
# bound block
nb <- as.numeric(cl[2])
bb <- m[(5 + na):(4 + na + nb)]
bb <- read.table(text = bb)
return(list(eh = h, cl = cl, ab = ab, bb = bb))
#' Export a Chemical Structure in .mol Format.
#' Some webchem functions return character strings that contain a chemical
#' structure in Mol format. This function exports a character string as a .mol
#' file so it can be imported with other chemistry software.
#' @param x a character string of a chemical structure in mol format.
#' @param file a character vector of file names
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # export Mol file
#' csid <- get_csid("bergapten")
#' mol3d <- cs_compinfo(csid$csid, field = "Mol3D")
#' write_mol(mol3d$mol3D, file = mol3d$id)
#' # export multiple Mol files
#' csids <- get_csid(c("bergapten", "xanthotoxin"))
#' mol3ds <- cs_compinfo(csids$csid, field = "Mol3D")
#' mapply(function(x, y) write_mol(x, y), x = mol3ds$mol3D, y = mol3ds$id)
#' }
write_mol <- function(x, file = "") {
if (!is.character(x)) stop("x is not a character string")
mol <- try(parse_mol(x), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(mol, "try-error")) {
stop ("x is not a Mol string")
file = file,
row.names = FALSE,
col.names= FALSE,
quote = FALSE)
#' Format numbers as CAS numbers
#' @description This function attempts to format numeric (or character) vectors
#' as character vectors of CAS numbers. If they cannot be converted to CAS
#' format or don't pass \code{\link{is.cas}}, \code{NA} is returned
#' @param x numeric vector, or character vector of CAS numbers missing the
#' hyphens
#' @param verbose logical; should a verbose output be printed on the console?
#' @return character vector of valid CAS numbers
#' @seealso \code{\link{is.cas}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x = c(58082, 123456, "hexenol")
#' as.cas(x)
as.cas <- function(x, verbose = getOption("verbose")){
format.cas <- function(x){
if( {
} else if (suppressMessages(is.cas(x))) {
} else {
parsed <- gsub("([0-9]+)([0-9]{2})([0-9]{1})", '\\1-\\2-\\3', x)
pass <- is.cas(parsed, verbose = verbose)
out <- ifelse(pass, parsed, NA)
cas <- sapply(x, format.cas, USE.NAMES = TRUE)
names(cas) <- x
#' Used internally to handle the `match` argument in most functions.
#' @param x a vector of hits returned from a query
#' @param query what the query was, only used if match = "best"
#' @param result vector of results of the same type as `query` and same length
#' as `x`, only used if match = "best
#' @param match character; How should multiple hits be handled? "all" returns
#' all matched IDs, "first" only the first match, "best" the best matching (by
#' name) ID, "ask" is a interactive mode and the user is asked for input, "na"
#' @param from character; used only to check that match = "best" is used sensibly.
#' @param verbose print messages?
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' testids <- c("123", "456", "789")
#' results <- c("apple", "banana", "orange")
#' matcher(testids, query = "bananananan", result = results, match = "best")
matcher <-
query = NULL,
result = NULL,
match = c("all", "best", "first", "ask", "na"),
from = NULL,
verbose = getOption("verbose")) {
match <- match.arg(match)
names(x) <- result
if (length(x) == 1) {
} else {
if (verbose) message(" Multiple found. ", appendLF = FALSE)
if (!is.null(from)) {
if (!str_detect(tolower(from), "name") & match == "best") {
warning("match = 'best' only makes sense for chemical name queries.\n
Setting match = 'first'.")
match <- "first"
if (match == "all") {
if (verbose) message("Returning all.")
else if (match == "best") {
#check that x and result are same length
if (length(x) != length(result))
stop("Can't use match = 'best' without query matches for each output")
if (verbose) message("Returning best.")
dd <- utils::adist(query, result) / nchar(result)
} else if (match == "first") {
if (verbose) message("Returning first.")
} else if (match == "ask" & interactive()) {
if (!is.null(result)) {
choices <- paste0(result, ": ", x)
} else {
choices <- x
pick <- menu(choices, graphics = FALSE, paste0("Select result for '", query, "':"))
} else if (match == "na") {
if (verbose) message("Returning NA.")
x <- NA
names(x) <- NA
#' Webchem messages
#' Webchem spacific messages to be used in verbose messages.
#' @noRd
webchem_message <- function(action = c("na",
appendLF = TRUE,
...) {
action <- match.arg(action)
string <- switch(
na = "Query is NA. Returning NA.",
query = paste0("Querying ", ..., ". "),
query_all = "Querying. ",
not_found = "Not found. Returning NA.",
not_available = "Not available. Returning NA.",
service_down = "Service not available. Returning NA."
message(string, appendLF = FALSE)
if (appendLF) message("")
#' Webchem URL
#' URL of the webchem package to be used in httr::user_agent()
#' @noRd
webchem_url <- function() {
url <- ""
#' Function to wait between every web-service query
#' @param time numeric; Wait time in seconds.
#' @param type character; Will be an API queried or a website scraped?
#' @noRd
webchem_sleep <- function(time = NULL,
type = c('API', 'scrape')) {
type <- match.arg(type)
if (is.null(time)) {
if (type == 'API') {
time <- 0.2
if (type == 'scrape') {
time <- 0.3
} else {
if (!is.numeric(time)) {
stop('Set time is not numeric.')
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