#' Make non-redundant matrix
#' This function takes matrix or data.frame 'dat' to summarize redundant lines (column argument \code{iniID}) along method specified in \code{summarizeRedAs}
#' to treat all lines with redundant \code{iniID} by same approach (ie for all columns the line where specified column is at eg max = 'maxOfRef' ).
#' If no name given, the function will take the last numeric (factors may be used - they will be read as levels).
#' @details
#' When using for selection of single initial line give the character-string of argument \code{summarizeRedAs} a name (eg \code{summ=c(X1="minOfRef")}
#' so that the function will use ONLY the column specified via the name for determining which line should be used/kept.
#' It is possible to base the choice from 'redundant' lines on a single reference-column.
#' For example, when \code{summarizeRedAs='maxOfRef'} summarizing of all (numeric) columns will be performed according to one single column (ie the line where the last numeric column is at its max).
#' Otherwiser, a name can be assigned as reference column to be used (eg see last example using \code{summarizeRedAs=c(x1='maxOfRef')})
#' @param dat (matrix or data.frame) main input for making non-redundant
#' @param summarizeRedAs (character) summarization method(s), typical choices 'median','mean','min' or 'maxOfRef';
#' basic usage like \code{summarizeRedAs='mean'} will pick independently the mean for each (numeric) column;
#' it is also possible to specify different methods for each of columnw (length of \code{summarizeRedAs} should be equal number of numeric columns);
#' special methods look at a single reference column to decide which line should be picked and their values reported (not compatible with specifying different methods for different columns),
#' @param iniID (character) column-name used as reference for determining groups of redundant lines (default="iniID")
#' @param retDataFrame (logical) if \code{TRUE}, check if text-columns may be converted to data.frame with numeric
#' @param nEqu (logical) if \code{TRUE}, add additional column indicating the number of equal lines for choice (only with min or max)
#' @param callFrom (character) allows easier tracking of messages produced
#' @param silent (logical) suppress messages
#' @param debug (logical) additional messages for debugging
#' @return This function returns a (numeric) matrix or data.frame with summarized data and add'l col with number of initial redundant lines
#' @seealso simple/partial functionality in \code{\link{summarizeCols}}, \code{\link{checkSimValueInSer}}
#' @examples
#' t3 <- data.frame(ref=rep(11:15,3),tx=letters[1:15],
#' matrix(round(runif(30,-3,2),1),nc=2),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#' by(t3,t3[,1],function(x) x)
#' t(sapply(by(t3,t3[,1],function(x) x), summarizeCols, me="maxAbsOfRef"))
#' # calculate mean for lines concerened of all columns :
#' (xt3 <- makeNRedMatr(t3, summ="mean", iniID="ref"))
#' # choose lines based only on content of column 'X1' (here: max):
#' (xt3 <- makeNRedMatr(t3, summ=c(X1="maxOfRef"), iniID="ref"))
#' @export
makeNRedMatr <- function(dat, summarizeRedAs, iniID="iniID", retDataFrame=TRUE, nEqu=FALSE, silent=FALSE, debug=FALSE, callFrom=NULL) {
fxNa <- .composeCallName(callFrom, newNa="makeNRedMatr")
maxLaArg <- c("maxOfRef","minOfRef","maxAbsOfRef")
summOpt <- c("median","mean","min","max","first","last",maxLaArg)
summOpt <- c(summOpt, paste0(summOpt,"Complete"))
chSuMeth <- summarizeRedAs %in% summOpt
txt <- " argument 'dat' must be matrix or data.frame with >1 line"
if(!isTRUE(silent)) silent <- FALSE
if(isTRUE(debug)) silent <- FALSE else debug <- FALSE
if(length(dim(dat)) <1) stop(txt) else if(nrow(dat) <2) return(dat)
if(all(!chSuMeth)) stop(fxNa,"Value(s) ",pasteC(utils::head(chSuMeth),quoteC="'")," in argument 'summarizeRedAs' not valid")
if(any(!chSuMeth) && !silent) message(fxNa,"TROUBLE ahead ? Some methods specified in 'summarizeRedAs' seem not valid")
iniColNa <- colnames(dat)
txt <- "'iniID' must be single column name of 'dat' !"
if(length(iniID) !=1) stop(fxNa,txt) else if( stop(fxNa,txt)
iniIDcol <- colnames(dat) ==iniID
if(sum(iniIDcol) <1) stop(fxNa,txt," Cannot identify column '",iniID,"' in input !")
refID <- dat[,iniID]
refDat <- refCol <- NULL
## check/correct for NAs in refID ?(ID for grouping) ??
sumRedMode <- rep("",sum(!iniIDcol)) # need to know which col is numeric when treating each col individually
for(i in which(!iniIDcol)) sumRedMode[i] <- mode(dat[,i])
if(any(summarizeRedAs %in% maxLaArg, na.rm=TRUE)) { # has special methods (limit to those)
if(!silent && length(summarizeRedAs) >1) message(fxNa,"Canot use all ",length(summarizeRedAs),
" methods specified in 'summarizeRedAs', only 1 method can be applied, using 1st of special methods")
summarizeRedAs <- summarizeRedAs[which(summarizeRedAs %in% maxLaArg)]
if(all(names(summarizeRedAs) %in% colnames(dat),na.rm=TRUE)) { # (col) names identified
summarizeRedAs <- summarizeRedAs[which(names(summarizeRedAs) %in% colnames(dat))[1]]
} else {
summarizeRedAs <- summarizeRedAs[1]
lastNum <- sumRedMode %in% c("numeric","integer")
lastNum <- which(lastNum)[sum(lastNum,na.rm=TRUE)]
if(!silent) message(fxNa,"Which column to use with '",summarizeRedAs,"' not specified, using last numeric '",colnames(dat)[lastNum],"'")
names(summarizeRedAs) <- colnames(dat)[lastNum] }
} else if(length(summarizeRedAs) < ncol(dat)) {
if(length(summarizeRedAs) >1 && !silent) message(fxNa,"Too few (",length(summarizeRedAs),") methods specified, recycling methods")
summarizeRedAs <- rep(summarizeRedAs, ncol(dat))[1:(ncol(dat))]
if(debug) {message(fxNa,"mNR1"); mNR1 <- list(dat=dat,summarizeRedAs=summarizeRedAs,iniID=iniID,retDataFrame=retDataFrame,sumRedMode=sumRedMode,iniIDcol=iniIDcol,nEqu=nEqu)}
out <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(unique(refID)), ncol=ncol(dat), dimnames=list(unique(refID),colnames(dat))) # initalize (for all summariz w/o special meth)
refID <- dat[,which(iniIDcol)]
## prepare argument "summarizeRedAs"
if(any(summarizeRedAs %in% maxLaArg)) {
if(any(names(summarizeRedAs) %in% colnames(dat), na.rm=TRUE)) {
## has name to use as ref
if(length(summarizeRedAs) >1) { if(!silent) message(fxNa,"Only a single value of argument 'summarizeRedAs' can be used when reference-approach is chosen !")
summarizeRedAs <- summarizeRedAs[which.min(!names(summarizeRedAs) %in% colnames(dat)[refID])]} # reduce 'summarizeRedAs' to 1st instance
} else {
lastNum <- sumRedMode %in% c("numeric","integer")
lastNum <- which(lastNum)[sum(lastNum,na.rm=TRUE)]
if(!silent) message(fxNa,"Which column to use with '",summarizeRedAs,"' not specified, using last numeric '",colnames(dat)[lastNum],"'")
names(summarizeRedAs) <- colnames(dat)[lastNum]
refCol <- which.min(!colnames(dat) %in% names(summarizeRedAs)) # which col of data as key
refDat <- dat[,refCol]
names(refCol) <- colnames(dat)[refCol]
if(debug) message(fxNa,"refCol = '",names(refCol),"'")
} else {
if(length(summarizeRedAs) < sum(!iniIDcol)) {
if(!silent) message(fxNa,"Argument 'summarizeRedAs' has to few elements, extening by ",sum(!iniIDcol) -length(summarizeRedAs)," elements")
summarizeRedAs <- rep(summarizeRedAs, ceiling(sum(!iniIDcol)/length(summarizeRedAs)))[1:sum(!iniIDcol)]
names(summarizeRedAs) <- colnames(dat)[which(!iniIDcol)] }
## summarize all cols together (based on summarizeRedAs)
if(debug) {message(fxNa,"mNR2a"); mNR2a <- list(dat=dat,summarizeRedAs=summarizeRedAs,iniID=iniID,refDat=refDat,retDataFrame=retDataFrame,out=out,sumRedMode=sumRedMode,refID=refID,iniIDcol=iniIDcol,nEqu=nEqu,maxLaArg=maxLaArg)}
if(any(summarizeRedAs %in% maxLaArg)) {
tmp <- cbind(dat, ref=refDat)
tmp <- by(tmp, dat[,which(iniIDcol)], summarizeCols, meth=summarizeRedAs, refCol=refCol, silent=silent, debug=debug, callFrom=fxNa)
out <- data.frame("rbind", tmp))[,1:ncol(dat)]
colnames(out) <- colnames(dat)
} else { if(length(unique(summarizeRedAs)) >1) { for(i in which(!iniIDcol)) { # various summarization methods defined for each col ...
## key for grouping : iniIDcol key for summarizing : which(colnames(dat)==names(summarizeRedAs))
if(debug) {message(fxNa,"mNR2b"); mNR2b <- list()}
tmp <- tapply(dat[,i], refID, function(x) if(is.numeric(x) && !all( .summarizeCols(x,me=summarizeRedAs[i]) else .sortMid(x))
out[,i] <- tmp }
if(!silent) message(fxNa,"Various summarization methods appear, run col by col")
} else { # all summerization by same mode, run batch for numeric & batch for character
if(!silent) message(fxNa,"Common summarization method '",unique(summarizeRedAs),"', run as batch")
if(any(sumRedMode != "numeric")) {
i <- which(sumRedMode != "numeric") # & colnames(dat) !=iniID
out[,i] <- tmp <- t(sapply(by(dat[,i], refID,function(y) y), function(x) apply(x, 2, .sortMid))) }
if(debug) {message(fxNa,"mNR2c"); mNR2c <- list()}
if(any(sumRedMode == "numeric")) {
i <- which(sumRedMode == "numeric") # & colnames(dat) !=iniID
out[,i] <- tmp <- t(sapply(by(dat[,i], refID, function(y) y), function(x) .summarizeCols(x, me=summarizeRedAs[i][1]))) }
} }
if(debug) {message(fxNa,"mNR3"); mNR3 <- list()}
if(!silent) message(fxNa,"Summarize redundant based on col '",iniID,"' using method(s) : ",pasteC(summarizeRedAs,quoteC="'"),
if(any(summarizeRedAs %in% maxLaArg)) c(" and col '",names(summarizeRedAs)[1],"'")," yielding ",ncol(out)," cols")
if(debug) {message(fxNa," mNR4")}
if(length(dim(tmp)) >1) { if(length(rownames(tmp)) >0) rownames(out) <- rownames(tmp)
} else if(length(names(tmp)) >0) rownames(out) <- names(tmp)
out <- cbind(out, tapply(dat[,1], dat[,which(iniIDcol)], length))
colnames(out)[ncol(out)] <- if("nRedLi" %in% colnames(out)) paste(colnames(out)[rev(grep("^nRedLi",colnames(out)))[1]],"X",sep=".") else "nRedLi"
if(retDataFrame && "character" %in% mode(out)) out <- convMatr2df(out, silent=silent)
out }
#' Choose most frequent or middle of sorted vector
#' This function chooses the (first) most frequent or middle of sorted vector, similar to the concept of \code{mode}
#' @param x (numeric) main input
#' @param retVal (logical) return value of most frequent, if \code{FALSE} return index of (1st) 'x' for most frequent
#' @return This function returns a numeric verctor
#' @seealso simple/partial functionality in \code{\link{summarizeCols}}, \code{\link{checkSimValueInSer}}
#' @examples
#' .sortMid(11:14)
#' .sortMid(rep("b",3))
#' @export
.sortMid <- function(x, retVal=TRUE) {
## choose (1st) most frequent or (if all equal) middle of sorted vector
## 'x' .. character vector; return single 'representative' element
## 'retVal'.. return value of most frequent, if FALSE return index of (1st) 'x' for most frequent
## note : in case of equally frequent only one is chose, no warning
x <- naOmit(x); if(length(x) >0) { y <- table(x)
out <- if(sum(duplicated(y))==length(y)-1) sort(x)[ceiling(length(x)/2)] else names(y)[which.max(y)]} else NA
if(!retVal) out <- which(x==out[1])[1]
out }
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