
Defines functions .corDuplItemsByIncrem .checkLegendLoc .stackArray .removeCol .breakInSer .bringToCtr ratioAllComb

Documented in .breakInSer .bringToCtr .checkLegendLoc .corDuplItemsByIncrem ratioAllComb .removeCol .stackArray

#' Calculate all ratios between x and y
#' This function calculates all possible pairwise ratios between all individual calues of x and y, or samples up to a maximum number of combinations.
#' @param x (numeric) vector, numerator for constructing rations
#' @param y (numeric) vector, denominator for constructing rations
#' @param maxLim (integer) allows reducing complexity by drawing for very long x or y
#' @param isLog (logical) adjust ratio calculation to log-data
#' @param silent (logical) suppress messages
#' @param debug (logical) additional messages for debugging
#' @param callFrom (character) allow easier tracking of messages produced
#' @examples
#' set.seed(2014); ra1 <- c(rnorm(9,2,1),runif(8,1,2))
#' ratioAllComb(ra1[1:9],ra1[10:17])
#' boxplot(list(norm=ra1[1:9], unif=ra1[10:17], rat=ratioAllComb(ra1[1:9],ra1[10:17])))
#' @export
ratioAllComb <- function(x, y, maxLim=1e4, isLog=FALSE, silent=FALSE, debug=FALSE, callFrom=NULL){
  fxNa <- .composeCallName(callFrom, newNa="ratioAllComb")
  if(!isTRUE(silent)) silent <- FALSE
  if(isTRUE(debug)) silent <- FALSE else debug <- FALSE
  namesXY <- c(deparse(substitute(x)), deparse(substitute(y)))
  if(!is.numeric(x)) x <- try(if(is.factor(x)) as.numeric(as.character(x)) else as.numeric(x), silent=TRUE)
  if(!is.numeric(y)) y <- try(if(is.factor(y)) as.numeric(as.character(y)) else as.numeric(y), silent=TRUE)
  msg <- " 'x' and 'y' must be numeric and length >0. Can't convert !"
  if(inherits(x, "try-error")) stop(fxNa,msg,namesXY[1]," to numeric")
  if(inherits(y, "try-error")) stop(fxNa,msg,namesXY[2]," to numeric")
  if(length(x) > maxLim){
    if(!silent) message(fxNa,"Reducing x from to ",length(x)," to user-selectend length ",maxLim)
    x <- sample(x, size=maxLim, replace=FALSE) }
  if(length(y) > maxLim){
    if(!silent) message(fxNa,"Reducing y from to ",length(y)," to user-selectend length ",maxLim)
    y <- sample(y, size=maxLim, replace=FALSE) }
  if(!silent) {nMax <- prod(length(x), length(y))
    if(nMax > 1e8) message(fxNa,"Calculations may take long time ! (",signif(nMax,4)," combinations !)")}
  rat <- if(isLog) rep(x, each=length(y)) -rep(y, length(x)) else rep(x,each=length(y))/rep(y,length(x))
  rat }

#' Bring most extreme to center
#' This function aims to bring most extreme value to center
#' @param aa (numeric) main input
#' @param ctr (numeric) 'control'
#' @param ctrFa (numeric <1) modulate amplitude of effect
#' @return This function returns an adjusted numeric vector
#' @seealso  \code{\link[stats]{dist}}
#' @examples
#' .bringToCtr(11:14, 9)
#' @export
.bringToCtr <- function(aa, ctr, ctrFa=0.75){
  ## bring most extreme value of 'aa' (numeric vector) closer to 'ctr'
  ## 'ctrFa' .. (numeric <1) modulate amplitude of effect
  ## return adjusted numeric vector
  di <- abs(aa-ctr)
  sel <- which(di ==max(di,na.rm=TRUE))
  aa[sel] <- ctr +max(di[if(length(aa) <3) which.min(di) else order(di)[length(aa) -1]],
    ctrFa*sum(di, na.rm=TRUE))*(((aa -ctr)/di)[sel])/sum(!is.na(di))
  aa }

#' Get series of values after last discontinuity
#' This function aims to get series of values after last discontinuity
#' @param x (numeric) main input
#' @param getFrom (character)
#' @return This function returns a numeric vector of reduced length
#' @seealso  \code{\link[stats]{dist}}
#' @examples
#' .breakInSer(c(11:14,16:18))
#' @export
.breakInSer <- function(x, getFrom="last") {
  ## get series of values after last discontinuity
  ## 'x' as vector of numeric values
  ## 'getFrom' to decide if to extract from beginning or form from end (default)
  diffPos <- which(diff(x) >1)
  extrFrom <- if(length(diffPos) >0) {if(getFrom=="last") max(diffPos) +1 else min(diffPos)
  } else if(getFrom=="last") 1 else length(x)
  extrTo <- if(getFrom=="last") length(x) else 1
  x[sort(extrFrom:extrTo)] }

#' Remove columns indicated by col-number
#' This function aims to remove columns indicated by col-number
#' @param matr (matrix or data.frame) main input
#' @param rmCol (integer) column index for removing
#' @return This function returns an matrix or data.frame
#' @seealso  \code{\link[stats]{dist}}
#' @examples
#' aa <- matrix(1:6, ncol=3)
#' .removeCol(aa, 2)
#' @export
.removeCol <- function(matr, rmCol) {
  ## remove columns indicated by col-number
  ## verifies that dimnames don't get lost and that output is not converted to simple vector (if 1 col remains)
  if(is.null(dim(matr))) stop(" expecting matrix or data.frame")
  if(length(rmCol) >0) {
    if(max(rmCol) > ncol(matr)) stop(" 'rmCol' must not be higher than nuber of columns of 'matr'")
    iniDimNa <- dimnames(matr)
    matr <- matr[,-1*rmCol]
    if(is.null(dim(matr)))  matr <- matrix(matr, ncol=1, dimnames=list(iniDimNa[[1]], iniDimNa[[2]][-1*rmCol]))
  matr }

#' Reorganize array by reducing dimension 'byDim'  (similar to stack() for data-frames)
#' This function aims to reorganize an array by reducing dimension 'byDim'  (similar to stack() for data-frames)
#' It returns an array/matrix of 1 dimension less than 'arr', 1st dim has more lines (names as paste with '_')
#' @param arr (array) main input
#' @param byDim (integer)
#' @return This function returns an array/matrix of 1 dimension less than 'arr', 1st dim has more lines (names as paste with '_')
#' @seealso  \code{\link[stats]{dist}}
#' @examples
#' (arr1 <- array(11:37, dim=c(3,3,3)))
#' .stackArray(arr1, 3)
#' @export
.stackArray <- function(arr, byDim=3){
  ## reorganize array by reducing dimension 'byDim'  (similar to stack() for data-frames)
  ## returns array/matrix of 1 dimension less than 'arr', 1st dim has more lines (names as paste with '_')
  if(byDim > length(dim(arr))) stop(" 'byDim' should indicate the dimension-number to be supressed")
  dimNa <- dimnames(arr)
  useDi <- (1:length(dimNa))[-1*byDim]
  arr <- apply(arr,byDim,function(x) x)
  dimnames(arr) <- list(paste(rep(dimNa[[useDi[1]]], length(dimNa[[useDi[2]]])),
    rep(dimNa[[useDi[2]]], each=length(dimNa[[useDi[1]]])), sep="_"), dimNa[[byDim]])
  arr }

#' Check argument for Location of legend
#' This function allows checking an argument for Location of legend,
#' if value provided not found as valid, it returns 'defLoc
#' @param legLoc (character) main input
#' @param defLoc (character)
#' @param silent (logical) suppress messages
#' @param debug (logical) additional messages for debugging
#' @param callFrom (character) allow easier tracking of messages produced
#' @return This function returns a character vector designing the potential location of legend
#' @seealso  \code{\link[graphics]{legend}}
#' @examples
#' .checkLegendLoc("abc")
#' @export
.checkLegendLoc <- function(legLoc, defLoc="topright", silent=FALSE, debug=FALSE, callFrom=NULL){
  ## check argument for Location of legend
  ## if value provided not found as valid, use 'defLoc'
  fxNa <- .composeCallName(callFrom, newNa=".checkLegendLoc")
  if(!isTRUE(silent)) silent <- FALSE
  if(isTRUE(debug)) silent <- FALSE else debug <- FALSE
  if(is.null(legLoc)) legLoc <- defLoc
  if(!is.character(legLoc) || length(legLoc) >1) legLoc <- defLoc
  if(!(tolower(legLoc) %in% c("topleft","topright", "top","bottomright", "bottomleft", "bottom", "left","right","center"))) {
    legLoc <- defLoc
    if(!silent) message(fxNa,"Can't interpret value of 'legLoc', setting to default '",defLoc,"'") }
  tolower(legLoc) }

#' Avoid duplicating items between 'curNa' and 'newNa' by incrementing digits after 'extPref' (in newNa)
#' This function aims to avoid duplicating items between 'curNa' and 'newNa' by incrementing digits after 'extPref' (in newNa)
#' @param newNa (character) main input 1
#' @param curNa (character) main input 2
#' @param extPref (character) extension
#' @return This function returns the corrected input vector \code{newNa}
#' @seealso  \code{\link[base]{duplicated}}
#' @examples
#' .corDuplItemsByIncrem(letters[1:6], letters[8:4])
#' @export
.corDuplItemsByIncrem <- function(newNa, curNa, extPref="_s") {
  ## avoid duplicating items between 'curNa' and 'newNa' by incrementing digits after 'extPref' (in newNa)
  ## 'newNa' .. character vector for new names (to be adjusted/corrected)
  ## 'curNa' .. character vector for references of names
  ## cannot handle NAs !
  ## return corrected 'newNa' (character vector)
  chSear <- unlist(regexec(paste0(extPref,"[[:digit:]]+$"), newNa))           # for finding extension at very end
  if(all(chSear==-1)) corExt <- newNa else {
    tt <- chSea2 <- unlist(regexec(paste0(extPref,"[[:digit:]]"),newNa))       # for finding extension at first of mult occurance
    whS <- which(chSear >0)
    tt[tt==-1] <- nchar(newNa)[tt==-1] +1
    newExt <- cbind(bas=substr(newNa, 1, tt -1),ext=substr(newNa, tt +2, nchar(newNa)))
    chSear <- unlist(regexec(paste0(extPref,"[[:digit:]]+$"),curNa))     # for finding extension at very end
    chSea2 <- unlist(regexec(paste0(extPref,"[[:digit:]]"),curNa))       # for finding extension at first of mult occurance
    whS <- which(chSear >0)
    curExt <- cbind(bas=substr(curNa[whS], 1, chSea2[whS] -1),
    curMax <- tapply(as.numeric(curExt[,2]), curExt[,1], max)
    for(i in 1:length(curMax)) { uu <- which(newExt[,1]==names(curMax)[i])
      newExt[uu,2] <- 1+ curMax[i]:(curMax[i] +length(uu) -1) }
    corExt <- paste(newExt[,1], newExt[,2], sep=extPref)
    if(any(newExt[,2]=="")) corExt[which(newExt[,2]=="")] <- newExt[which(newExt[,2]==""),1] }
  corExt }

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