
Defines functions list.dirs

#' Import bootscm data into R/Xpose
#' This function imports data generated by the PsN boot_scm function into the
#' Xpose / R environment.
#' @param scm.folder The folder in which the PsN-generated bootscm data are.
#' @param silent Don't output any progress report. Default is FALSE.
#' @param n.bs The number of bootstraps performed. Defaults to 100.
#' @param cov.recoding For categorical covariates that are recoded to
#' dichotomous covariates within the bootscm configuration file, a list can be
#' specified containing data frames for recoding. See the example below for
#' details.
#' @param group.by.cov Group inclusion frequencies by covariate, instead of
#' calculating them per parameter-covariates relationship. Default is NULL,
#' which means that the user will be asked to make a choice.
#' @param skip.par.est.import Skip the import of all parameter estimates (in
#' each final model in all scm's, as well as parameter estimates in first step
#' of each scm). These data are required to make plot that show inclusion bias
#' and correlation in parameter estimates. Importing these data takes a bit of
#' time (may take a minute or so), so if you don't intend to make these plots
#' anyhow this step can be skipped. Default is FALSE.
#' @param runno The run-number of the base model for this bootSCM.
#' @param dofv.forward dOFV value used in forward step of scm.
#' @param dofv.backward dOFV value used in backward step of scm.
#' @param return.obj Should the bootscm object be returned by the function?
#' @author Ron Keizer
#' @family bootscm
#' @export 
#' @family PsN functions 
bootscm.import <- function (scm.folder = NULL,
                            n.bs = NULL,
                            dofv.forward = 3.84,
                            dofv.backward = 6.64,
                            runno = NULL,
                            return.obj = FALSE
)  {
  bootscm.obj <- list()
  cat.s <- function (txt) { if (silent == FALSE) { cat (txt) } }
  if (is.null(scm.folder)) {
    scm.folder <- ask.folder()
  if (is.null(scm.folder)) {
  if(is.null(group.by.cov)) {
    group.by.cov.num <- ask.group.by.cov()
    if (group.by.cov.num == "1") { group.by.cov <- FALSE} else { group.by.cov <- TRUE}
  if (is.null(NULL)) {
    cat (paste("Please note that if you are manually recoding the covariates in the \n",
               "scm config file, you will have to import the results manually using\n",
               "the bootscm.import() function and the 'cov.recoding=...' argument.\n",
               "See manual for more details.\n\n", sep=""))
  cat.s ("Importing bootstrap...\n")
  if (is.null(n.bs)) {
    scm_dirs <- dir (scm.folder, "scm_dir\\d")
    n.bs <- length(scm_dirs)
    cat.s (paste("* Found ", n.bs, " scm folders in the bootscm folder.\n", sep=""))
  } else {
    cat.s (paste("* Trying to read data from ", n.bs, " scm's in the bootscm folder.\n", sep=""))
  if (n.bs == 0) {
    cat.s ("* No scm folders were found in the bootscm folder. Please check correct execution of PsN.\n\n")

  cat.s ("* Trying to import covariate inclusion data...")
  if (file.exists(paste(scm.folder,"/covariate_inclusion.csv", sep=""))) {
    cov.incl <- read.csv(paste(scm.folder,"/covariate_inclusion.csv", sep=""))
    cat.s ("Converting...")
    bootscm.obj <- convert.bootscm.cov.inclusion (cov.incl, group.by.cov = group.by.cov)
    bootscm.obj$group.by.cov <- group.by.cov
    bootscm.obj$covnams <- colnames(bootscm.obj$results.tab)
    if (0 %in% cov.incl$bs_n) {
      bootscm.obj$reestimate_final <- TRUE
      bootscm.obj$results.tab.orig <- bootscm.obj$results.tab[1,]
      bootscm.obj$results.tab <- bootscm.obj$results.tab[-1,]
    } else {
      bootscm.obj$reestimate_final <- FALSE
    ## Create table of inclusion frequency
    incl.freq <- bootscm.obj$results.tab
    for (i in 1:length(bootscm.obj$results.tab[,1])) {
      incl.freq[i,] <-  apply (bootscm.obj$results.tab[1:i,], 2, function (data) { sum (as.num(data)) / length(data) })
    bootscm.obj$incl.freq <- incl.freq
    cat.s ("OK.\n")
  } else {
    cat.s ("Data not found.\n")

  cat.s ("* Trying to import individual inclusion data...")
  if (file.exists(paste(scm.folder,"/bs_ids.csv", sep=""))) {
    bs_ids <- read.csv(paste(scm.folder,"/bs_ids.csv", sep=""))
    cat.s ("Converting...")
    bootscm.obj$oid <- convert.bootscm.bs.ids (bs_ids)
    cat.s ("OK.\n")
  } else {
    cat.s ("Data not found.\n")

  if (skip.par.est.import == FALSE) {
    cat.s ("* Trying to import covariate parameter estimates...")
    if (file.exists(paste(scm.folder, "/scm_dir1/raw_results_bsmod_1.csv", sep=""))) {
      cat.s ("Importing...")
      tmp <- read.bootscm.par.est(folder=paste(scm.folder,sep=""),
                                  n.bs = n.bs,
      bootscm.obj <- c(bootscm.obj, tmp)
      bootscm.obj$par.est.first.corr <- tmp$par.est.first * tmp$covariate$sd
      cat.s ("OK.\n")
    } else {
      cat.s ("Data not found.\n")

  cat.s ("* Trying to import final objective function values...")
  if (bootscm.obj$reestimate_final) {
    if (file.exists(paste(scm.folder,"/ofv_final.csv", sep=""))) {
      tmp <- read.csv(paste(scm.folder,"/ofv_final.csv", sep=""))
      ofv_final <- tmp
      ofv_final$dOFV <- 0
      ofv_final[2:length(ofv_final$OFV),]$dOFV <- ofv_final[2:length(ofv_final$OFV),]$OFV - ofv_final[1,]$OFV
#      ofv_final <- ofv_final[!(is.na(ofv_final[,2]) | is.na(ofv_final[,4])),]
#      ofv_final <- ofv_final[ofv_final$OFV!=0,]
      bootscm.obj$dofv <- ofv_final
      bootscm.obj$ofv_original <- tmp[1,]$OFV
      cat.s ("OK.\n")
    } else {
      cat.s ("Data not found.\n")
  } else {
    cat.s ("Re-estimation of final models not performed.\n")
    # if (silent==FALSE) {
    #   cat.s ("\nWhat was the run number of the base model for this bootSCM? ")
    #   bootscm.obj$runno <- readline()
    # }
    bootscm.obj$runno <- 1
  } else {
    bootscm.obj$runno <- runno

  cat.s ("\n")
  c1<-call("assign", pos = 1, "current.bootscm", bootscm.obj, immediate=T)
  if(return.obj) {
  } else {
    return ()

read.scm.covariate.sd <- function (file, cov.recoding = NULL) {
  ## calculate standard deviation from PsN's covariate_statistics.txt
  ## and also return most common covariates and number of levels
  tmp <- readLines (file)
  cov.lines <- grep ("=> \\{", tmp)
  cov.lines <- cov.lines[!(cov.lines %in% grep ("[fractions|factors]", tmp))]
  covs <- tmp[cov.lines]
  covs <- gsub("[\\'|\\{|=>| ]", "", covs)
  factor.lines <- grep ("factors", tmp)
  close.lines <- grep ("\\}", tmp)
  stats <- list()
  stats$covs.sd <- list()
  stats$most.common <- list()
  stats$n.levels <- list()
  for (i in seq(along=covs)) {
    tmp.sub <- tmp[((factor.lines[i])+1) : (min(close.lines[close.lines>factor.lines[i]])-1)]
    tmp.stats <- get.cov.stats(tmp.sub, covs[i], cov.recoding)
    stats$covs.sd[[covs[i]]] <- tmp.stats$sd
    stats$most.common[[covs[i]]] <- tmp.stats$most.common
    stats$min.val[[covs[i]]] <- tmp.stats$min.val
    stats$max.val[[covs[i]]] <- tmp.stats$max.val
    stats$n.levels[[covs[i]]] <- tmp.stats$n.levels
  stats$dichot <- names(stats$n.levels)[stats$n.levels == 2]

get.cov.stats <- function (dat, cov.name, cov.recoding) {
  dat <- gsub ("[\\'|\\,| ]","", dat)
  covs <- strsplit (dat, "=>")
  covs.num <- data.frame (t(matrix (nrow=2, as.num(unlist(covs)))))
  covs.num$X3 <- 0
  if (cov.name %in% names(cov.recoding)) {
    recode <- cov.recoding[[cov.name]]
    if (length(covs.num[,1]) == length(recode[,1])) {
      covs.num[,3] <- recode[match(recode[,1], covs.num[,1]),2]
    covs.num$X1 <- covs.num$X3
  covs.list <- rep (covs.num$X1, covs.num$X2)
  most.common <- covs.num[covs.num$X2==max(covs.num$X2),]$X1[1]
  min.val <- min(covs.num$X1)
  max.val <- max(covs.num$X1)
  n.levels <- length(unique(covs.num[,1]))
  stats <- list ("sd" = sd(covs.list), "most.common" = most.common, "min.val" = min.val, "max.val" = max.val, "n.levels" = n.levels)
  return (stats)

as.num <- function (dat) {
  return (as.numeric (as.character(dat)))

convert.most.common <- function (th) {
  ## For dichotomous covariates, PsN always uses:
  ##   CL = TVCL                     # for most common value
  ##   CL = TVCL * (1 + THETA(1))    # for other covariate value
  ## this script recalculates the value if the other implementation is desired
  return (-(1-(1/(1+th))))

get.pars.from.relations.file <- function (folder) {
  par.file <- readLines (paste(folder,"/scm_dir1/relations.txt", sep=""))
  grp <- par.file[grep("->\\{", par.file)]
  p.grp <- gregexpr ("\\'" , grp)
  pars <- c()
  for (i in seq(along=p.grp)) {
    pars <- c(pars, substr(grp[i], p.grp[[i]][1]+1, p.grp[[i]][2]-1 ))

reshape.simple <- function (dat) { # simple reshape function
  comb <- c()
  for (i in seq(along=colnames(dat))) {
    comb <- rbind (comb, cbind ("cov" = colnames(dat)[i], "value" = dat[,i]))
  comb <- data.frame(comb)
  comb$value <- as.numeric(as.character(comb$value))
  return (comb)

read.bootscm.par.est <- function (folder, n.bs = 100, cov.recoding = NULL, verbose = TRUE,
                                  dofv.forward = 3.84, dofv.backward = 6.64){
  bs_final <- c()
  bs_first <- c()
  covariate <- list()
  covariate$sd <- c()
  covariate$most.common <- c()
  covariate$n.levels <- c()
  pars <- get.pars.from.relations.file(folder)
  first.non.na <- function(dat) {
  add.to.table <- function(tab, row, nams) {
    if (is.null(tab)) {
      tab <- data.frame(t(c(row)))
      colnames(tab) <- nams
    else {
      tab <- rbind(tab, NA)
      j <- length(tab[, 1])
      for (k in seq(along = nams)) {
        if (nams[k] %in% colnames(tab)) {
          tab[j, ][[nams[k]]] <- as.numeric(row[k])
        else {
          tab[[nams[k]]] <- NA
          tab[j, ][[nams[k]]] <- as.numeric(row)
  for (j in 1:n.bs) {
    if (file.exists(paste(folder, "/scm_dir", j, sep = ""))) {
      tmp_full <- read.csv(file = paste(folder, "/scm_dir",
                                        j, "/raw_results_bsmod_", j, ".csv", sep = ""))
      cov_cols <- c((grep("ofv", colnames(tmp_full))[1] +
                       1):(grep("^OM", colnames(tmp_full))[1] -
      covs <- tmp_full[, cov_cols]
      if (length(grep("th[[:digit:]]", colnames(covs))) >
          0) {
        covs <- covs[, -(grep("th[[:digit:]]", colnames(covs)))]
      nams <- cbind(colnames(covs))
      #       for (i in seq(nams)) {
      #         splt <- strsplit(nams[i], "\\.")[[1]]
      #         nams[i] <- paste(splt[1], splt[2], sep = ".")
      #       }
      for (i in seq(pars)) {
        sel <- grep(pars[i], substr(nams, 1, nchar(pars[i])))
        nams[sel] <- paste(pars[i], substr(nams[sel],
                                           nchar(pars[i]) + 1, nchar(nams[sel])), sep = ".")
      forward_steps <- unique(tmp_full[tmp_full$action ==
                                         "added", ]$step.num)
      tmp_full$row <- 1:length(tmp_full[, 1])
      ofv.base <- tmp_full[tmp_full$step.number == 0, ]$ofv
      best.model.row <- 0
      best.model.ofv <- ofv.base
      for (i in forward_steps) {
        step.tmp <- tmp_full[tmp_full$step.number ==
                               i & tmp_full$action == "added", ]
        min.tmp <- min(step.tmp$ofv)
        if (!is.na(min.tmp)) {
          if (min.tmp < (best.model.ofv - dofv.forward)) {
            best.tmp <- step.tmp[step.tmp$ofv == min.tmp,
            best.model.row <- best.tmp[1]
            best.model.ofv <- min.tmp
      backward_steps <- unique(tmp_full[tmp_full$action ==
                                          "removed", ]$step.num)
      for (i in backward_steps) {
        step.tmp <- tmp_full[tmp_full$step.number ==
                               i & tmp_full$action == "removed", ]
        min.tmp <- min(step.tmp$ofv)
        if (!is.na(min.tmp)) {
          if (min.tmp < (best.model.ofv + dofv.backward)) {
            best.tmp <- step.tmp[step.tmp$ofv == min.tmp,
            best.model.row <- best.tmp[1]
            best.model.ofv <- min.tmp
      est_final <- tmp_full[best.model.row, cov_cols]

      if (length(grep("th[[:digit:]]", colnames(est_final))) >
          0) {
        est_final <- est_final[, -(grep("th[[:digit:]]",
      est_first <- apply(covs, 2, first.non.na)
      names(est_first) <- nams
      #if(j==1) browser()
      bs_first <- add.to.table(bs_first, est_first, names(est_first))
      #bs_first <- rbind(bs_first,est_first)
      names(est_final) <- nams
      bs_final <- add.to.table(bs_final, as.numeric(est_final),
      stats <- read.scm.covariate.sd(paste(folder, "/scm_dir",
                                           j, "/covariate_statistics.txt", sep = ""), cov.recoding)
      std <- stats$covs.sd
      std[!is.na(std)] <- as.num(std[!is.na(std)])
      if (j == 1) {
        nams.sd <- names(std)
        covariate$dichot <- stats$dichot
      covariate$sd <- rbind(covariate$sd, as.num(t(std)))
      covariate$most.common <- rbind(covariate$most.common,
      covariate$min.val <- rbind(covariate$min.val, unlist(stats$min.val))
      covariate$max.val <- rbind(covariate$max.val, unlist(stats$max.val))
      covariate$n.levels <- rbind(covariate$n.levels, as.num(t(stats$n.levels)))
  if (verbose == TRUE) {
    cat("\n    Importing step done. Processing imported data...")
  colnames(covariate$sd) <- nams.sd
  colnames(covariate$n.levels) <- nams.sd
  tmp <- covariate$sd
  tmp.min <- covariate$min.val
  covariate$sd.all <- c()
  covs.dichot <- c()
  for (i in seq(along = nams)) {
    splt <- strsplit(nams[i], "\\.")[[1]]
    covariate$sd.all <- cbind(covariate$sd.all, covariate$sd[,
                                                             match(splt[2], colnames(tmp))])
    covariate$min.val.all <- cbind(covariate$min.val.all,
                                   covariate$min.val[, match(splt[2], colnames(tmp))])
    colnames(covariate$sd.all)[i] <- nams[i]
    colnames(covariate$min.val.all)[i] <- nams[i]
    sel.dichot <- match(splt[2], covariate$dichot)
    if (!is.na(sel.dichot)) {
      covs.dichot <- c(covs.dichot, nams[i])
  for (i in seq(along = covs.dichot)) {
    if (!is.na(match(covs.dichot[i], colnames(bs_first)))) {
      min.val <- min(data.frame(covariate$min.val.all)[[covs.dichot[i]]])
      sel <- data.frame(covariate$most.common)[[covs.dichot[i]]] !=
      bs_first[[covs.dichot[i]]][sel] <- convert.most.common(bs_first[[covs.dichot[i]]][sel])
      bs_final[[covs.dichot[i]]][sel] <- convert.most.common(as.numeric(bs_final[[covs.dichot[i]]][sel]))
  bs_first_norm <- bs_first * covariate$sd.all
  bs_final_norm <- bs_final * covariate$sd.all
  mean.na <- function(dat) {
    #     dat <- as.numeric(dat)
    #     return(mean(dat[!is.na(dat)]))
    mean(dat,na.rm = TRUE)
  sd.na <- function(dat) {
    dat <- as.numeric(dat)
  rse.na <- function(dat) {
    dat <- as.numeric(dat)
  first.step.stats <- rbind(apply(bs_first, 2, mean.na), apply(bs_first,
                                                               2, sd.na), apply(bs_first, 2, rse.na))
  rownames(first.step.stats) <- c("mean", "sd", "rse")
  final.step.stats <- rbind(apply(bs_final, 2, mean.na), apply(bs_final,
                                                               2, sd.na), apply(bs_final, 2, rse.na))
  rownames(final.step.stats) <- c("mean", "sd", "rse")
  create.bias.table <- function(first, final) {
    tmp <- reshape.simple(first)
    tmp$cov.type <- "Continuous"
    if (length(covariate$dichot) > 0) {
      tmp[tmp$cov %in% covs.dichot, ]$cov.type <- "Dichotomous"
    tmp$incl <- c((!is.na(final)) * 1)
    tmp <- tmp[order(tmp$incl), ]
    tmp[tmp$incl == 0, ]$incl <- "Not included"
    tmp[tmp$incl == 1, ]$incl <- "Included"
    mn.tmp1 <- aggregate(tmp[tmp$incl == "Included", ]$value,
                         by = list(tmp[tmp$incl == "Included", ]$cov), mean.na)
    never.incl <- unique(tmp$cov)[!(unique(tmp$cov) %in%
    if (length(never.incl) > 0) {
      #       mn.tmp1 <- rbind(mn.tmp1, aggregate(tmp[tmp$cov %in%
      #                                                 never.incl, ]$value, by = list(tmp[tmp$cov %in%
      #                                                                                      never.incl, ]$cov), mean.na))
      mn.tmp1.add <- aggregate(tmp[tmp$cov %in% never.incl, ]$value,
                               by = list(tmp[tmp$cov %in% never.incl, ]$cov),
      mn.tmp1.add$x <- NA
      mn.tmp1 <- rbind(mn.tmp1, mn.tmp1.add)

    mn.tmp1 <- mn.tmp1[match(unique(tmp$cov), mn.tmp1$Group.1),]

    mn.tmp1.all = aggregate(tmp$value,
                            by = list(tmp$cov), mean.na)

    mn.tmp1.comb <- merge(mn.tmp1 ,mn.tmp1.all,by=c("Group.1"),all.x=T)
    names(mn.tmp1.comb) <- c("cov","mean","All")
    mn.tmp1.comb$incl <- "Included"
    b.stats.incl <- mn.tmp1.comb

    #     b.stats.incl <- data.frame(cbind(cov = as.character(unique(tmp$cov)),
    #                                      mean = mn.tmp1$x, All = as.num(aggregate(tmp$value,
    #                                                                               by = list(tmp$cov), mean.na)$x), incl = "Included"))

    mn.tmp2 <- aggregate(tmp[tmp$incl == "Not included",
                             ]$value, by = list(tmp[tmp$incl == "Not included",
                                                    ]$cov), mean.na)
    always.incl <- unique(tmp$cov)[!(unique(tmp$cov) %in%
    if (length(always.incl) > 0) {
      mn.tmp2.add <- aggregate(tmp[tmp$cov %in% always.incl,
                                   ]$value, by = list(tmp[tmp$cov %in% always.incl,
                                                          ]$cov), mean.na)
      mn.tmp2.add$x <- NA
      mn.tmp2 <- rbind(mn.tmp2, mn.tmp2.add)
    mn.tmp2 <- mn.tmp2[match(unique(tmp$cov), mn.tmp2$Group.1),]

    mn.tmp2.all = aggregate(tmp$value,
                            by = list(tmp$cov), mean.na)
    mn.tmp2.comb <- merge(mn.tmp2 ,mn.tmp2.all,by=c("Group.1"),all.x=T)
    names(mn.tmp2.comb) <- c("cov","mean","All")
    mn.tmp2.comb$incl <- "Not Included"
    b.stats.nincl <- mn.tmp2.comb

    #     b.stats.nincl <- data.frame(cbind(cov = as.character(unique(tmp$cov)),
    #                                       mean = mn.tmp2$x, All = as.num(aggregate(tmp$value,
    #                                                                                by = list(tmp$cov), mean.na)$x), incl = "Not Included"))
    b.stats <- data.frame(rbind(b.stats.incl, b.stats.nincl))
    add.nincl <- b.stats.incl[!b.stats.incl$cov %in% b.stats.nincl$cov,
    add.incl <- b.stats.nincl[!b.stats.nincl$cov %in% b.stats.incl$cov,
    for (i in seq(along = add.nincl)) {
      b.stats <- rbind(b.stats, cbind(cov=as.character(add.nincl[i]), mean=NA,All=NA,
                                      incl="Not Included"))
    for (i in seq(along = add.incl)) {
      b.stats <- rbind(b.stats, cbind(cov=as.character(add.nincl[i]), mean=NA,All=NA,
    bias.dat <- data.frame(b.stats)
    bias.dat$bias <- as.num(100 * (as.num(bias.dat$mean) -
    bias.dat$cov.type <- "Continuous"
    if (length(covariate$dichot) > 0) {
      bias.dat[bias.dat$cov %in% covs.dichot, ]$cov.type <- "Dichotomous"
    return(list(table.long = tmp, bias.dat = bias.dat))
  tab <- create.bias.table(bs_first, bs_final)
  tab.norm <- create.bias.table(bs_first_norm, bs_final_norm)
  return(list(par.est.first = bs_first, par.est.first.norm = bs_first_norm,
              par.est.first.stats = data.frame(first.step.stats), par.est.final = bs_final,
              par.est.final.norm = bs_final_norm, par.est.final.stats = data.frame(final.step.stats),
              covariate = covariate, bias.dat = tab$bias.dat, bias.dat.norm = tab.norm$bias.dat,
              par.est.long = tab$table.long, par.est.long.norm = tab.norm$table.long,
              pars = pars))

convert.bootscm.cov.inclusion <- function (cov.incl, group.by.cov = FALSE) {
  ## convert table: discard info about parameter (CL / V / etc.) and relation type (linear / nonlin / etc.) if
  n <- max(cov.incl$bs_n)
  cov.incl <- cov.incl[,-1]
  covs <- colnames(cov.incl)
  if (group.by.cov == TRUE) {
    covs.names <- c()
    for (i in seq(along=covs)) {
      tmp_cov <- convert.cov.name (covs[i])
      if (!is.na(tmp_cov)) {
        covs.names[i] <- tmp_cov
    covs.unq <- unique(covs.names)
    results.tab <- data.frame (matrix(0, nrow = length(cov.incl[,1]), ncol=length(covs.unq)))
    colnames(results.tab) <- covs.unq
    for (i in seq(along=cov.incl[,1])) {
      for (j in seq(along=cov.incl[i,])) {
        if (cov.incl[i,j] == 1) {
          results.tab[i,][[covs.names[j]]] <- 1
  } else {
    results.tab <- cov.incl[,-(length(cov.incl[1,]))]
    covs.names <- colnames(results.tab)

  ## separate off Dummy covariates
  res <- list ("n" = n, "results.tab" = results.tab)
  if (group.by.cov == FALSE) {
    patt <- "\\.X"
  } else {
    patt <- "^X."
  cols.dum <- grep(patt, colnames(results.tab))
  if (length(cols.dum)>0) {
    results.tab.dum <- cbind(results.tab[,cols.dum])
    colnames(results.tab.dum) <- gsub(patt, "", colnames(results.tab)[cols.dum])
    res$results.tab <- results.tab[,-cols.dum]
    res$results.tab.dum <- results.tab.dum[-1,]
  return (res)

convert.cov.name <- function (cov) {
  return (strsplit (cov, "\\.")[[1]][2])

convert.bootscm.bs.ids <- function (bs_ids) {
  ids <- unique (unlist(bs_ids[,-1]))
  n <- length(bs_ids[,1])
  oid <- data.frame (matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol=length(ids)))
  colnames(oid) <- paste("X", ids, sep="")
  tmp <- bs_ids[,-1]
  for (i in 1:length(tmp[,1])) {
    cols <- match(paste("X", tmp[i,], sep=""), colnames(oid))
    for (k in seq(along=cols)) {
      oid[i,cols[k]] <- oid[i,cols[k]] + 1                   # save original ID numbers selected in the bootstrap

ask.folder <- function () {
  d <- gsub ("\\./", "", list.dirs (path = ".", pattern="scm", full.names = TRUE))
  if (length(d) == 0) { # maybe folder was not named "scm"
    d <- gsub ("\\./", "", list.dirs (path = ".", full.names = TRUE))
  cat ("Import from subfolder (filtered on 'scm'):\n  ")
  cat (paste (d,"\n"), sep = "  ")
  cat ("\nFolder with bootSCM data (Enter to abort): ")
  ans <- readline()
  if (ans == "") {
  if (!is.na(file.info(ans)$isdir)) {
    if (file.info(ans)$isdir) {
      return (ans)
    } else {
      cat("Please choose a valid folder!\n\n")
  } else {
    cat("Please choose a valid folder!\n\n")

ask.group.by.cov <- function () {
  cat ("\nPlease choose how you want to import covariate inclusion frequencies:\n")
  cat ("  1: Not grouped, inclusion frequencies per parameter-covariate relationship\n")
  cat ("  2: Grouped, inclusion frequencies per covariate\n")
  ans <- readline()
  if (ans == "") {
  if (ans==1|ans==2) {
    return (ans)
  } else {
    cat("Please choose a valid option!\n\n")

list.dirs <- function(path=".", pattern=NULL, all.dirs=FALSE,
                      full.names=FALSE, ignore.case=FALSE) {
  all <- list.files(path, pattern, all.dirs, full.names, recursive=FALSE, ignore.case)
  return(all[file.info(paste(path, "/", all, sep=""))$isdir])

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xpose4 documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:56 a.m.