# Copyright 2020 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics
# This file is part of RanitidineCancerRisk
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
#' Execute Feasibility test for the study
#' @details
#' This function executes the feasibility test for RanitidineCancerRisk Study.
#' The \code{createCohorts}, \code{synthesizePositiveControls}, \code{runAnalyses}, and \code{runDiagnostics} arguments
#' are intended to be used to run parts of the full study at a time, but none of the parts are considerd to be optional.
#' @param connectionDetails An object of type \code{connectionDetails} as created using the
#' \code{\link[DatabaseConnector]{createConnectionDetails}} function in the
#' DatabaseConnector package.
#' @param cdmDatabaseSchema Schema name where your patient-level data in OMOP CDM format resides.
#' Note that for SQL Server, this should include both the database and
#' schema name, for example 'cdm_data.dbo'.
#' @param cohortDatabaseSchema Schema name where intermediate data can be stored. You will need to have
#' write priviliges in this schema. Note that for SQL Server, this should
#' include both the database and schema name, for example 'cdm_data.dbo'.
#' @param cohortTable The name of the table that will be created in the work database schema.
#' This table will hold the exposure and outcome cohorts used in this
#' study.
#' @param oracleTempSchema Should be used in Oracle to specify a schema where the user has write
#' priviliges for storing temporary tables.
#' @param outputFolder Name of local folder to place results; make sure to use forward slashes
#' (/). Do not use a folder on a network drive since this greatly impacts
#' performance.
#' @param databaseId A short string for identifying the database (e.g.
#' 'Synpuf').
#' @param databaseName The full name of the database (e.g. 'Medicare Claims
#' Synthetic Public Use Files (SynPUFs)').
#' @param databaseDescription A short description (several sentences) of the database.
#' @param createCohorts Create the cohortTable table with the exposure and outcome cohorts?
#' @param runFeasibility Perform feasibility test?
#' @param runFeasibilityDiagnostics Compute study diagnostics?
#' @param feasibilityResults Should results of feasibility test be packaged for later sharing?
#' @param maxCores How many parallel cores should be used? If more cores are made available
#' this can speed up the analyses.
#' @param minCellCount The minimum number of subjects contributing to a count before it can be included
#' in packaged results.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' connectionDetails <- createConnectionDetails(dbms = "postgresql",
#' c user = "joe",
#' password = "secret",
#' server = "myserver")
#' runFeasibility(connectionDetails,
#' cdmDatabaseSchema = "cdm_data",
#' cohortDatabaseSchema = "study_results",
#' cohortTable = "cohort",
#' oracleTempSchema = NULL,
#' outputFolder = "c:/temp/study_results",
#' maxCores = 4)
#' }
#' @export
runFeasibility <- function(connectionDetails,
cohortDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema,
cohortTable = "cohort",
oracleTempSchema = cohortDatabaseSchema,
databaseId = "Unknown",
databaseName = "Unknown",
databaseDescription = "Unknown",
createCohorts = TRUE,
runFeasibility = TRUE,
runFeasibilityDiagnostics = TRUE,
feasibilityResults = TRUE,
maxCores = 4,
minCellCount= 5) {
if (!file.exists(outputFolder))
dir.create(outputFolder, recursive = TRUE)
if (!is.null(getOption("fftempdir")) && !file.exists(getOption("fftempdir"))) {
warning("fftempdir '", getOption("fftempdir"), "' not found. Attempting to create folder")
dir.create(getOption("fftempdir"), recursive = TRUE)
ParallelLogger::addDefaultFileLogger(file.path(outputFolder, "feasibilityLog.txt"))
if (createCohorts) {
ParallelLogger::logInfo("Creating exposure and outcome cohorts")
createCohorts(connectionDetails = connectionDetails,
cdmDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema,
cohortDatabaseSchema = cohortDatabaseSchema,
cohortTable = cohortTable,
oracleTempSchema = oracleTempSchema,
outputFolder = outputFolder)
#chage the outputFolder to the feasiblityExport
feasibilityOutputFolder = file.path(outputFolder,
if (!file.exists(feasibilityOutputFolder))
dir.create(feasibilityOutputFolder, recursive = TRUE)
if(runFeasibility) {
ParallelLogger::logInfo("Running CohortMethod analyses for Feasibility")
runCohortMethod(connectionDetails = connectionDetails,
cdmDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema,
cohortDatabaseSchema = cohortDatabaseSchema,
cohortTable = cohortTable,
oracleTempSchema = oracleTempSchema,
outputFolder = feasibilityOutputFolder,
maxCores = maxCores,
cmAnalysisListFileName = "cmAnalysisFeasibilityList.json",
minNumCohortForStudy = 1)
if (runFeasibilityDiagnostics) {
ParallelLogger::logInfo("Running diagnostics for feasibility test")
generateFeasibilityDiagnostics(outputFolder = feasibilityOutputFolder,
maxCores = maxCores)
if (feasibilityResults) {
ParallelLogger::logInfo("Packaging results for feasibility test")
exportResultFeas(outputFolder = feasibilityOutputFolder,
databaseId = databaseId,
databaseName = databaseName,
databaseDescription = databaseDescription,
minCellCount = minCellCount,
maxCores = maxCores)
#' Generate diagnostics for feasibility test
#' @details
#' This function generates analyses diagnostics. Requires the study to be executed first.
#' @param outputFolder Name of local folder where the results were generated; make sure to use forward slashes
#' (/). Do not use a folder on a network drive since this greatly impacts
#' performance.
#' @param maxCores How many parallel cores should be used? If more cores are made
#' available this can speed up the analyses.
#' @export
generateFeasibilityDiagnostics <- function(outputFolder, maxCores) {
cmOutputFolder <- file.path(outputFolder, "cmOutput")
diagnosticsFolder <- file.path(outputFolder, "diagnostics")
if (!file.exists(diagnosticsFolder)) {
reference <- readRDS(file.path(cmOutputFolder, "outcomeModelReference.rds"))
reference <- addCohortNames(reference, "targetId", "targetName")
reference <- addCohortNames(reference, "comparatorId", "comparatorName")
reference <- addCohortNames(reference, "outcomeId", "outcomeName")
reference <- addAnalysisDescription(reference, "analysisId", "analysisDescription")
analysisSummary <- read.csv(file.path(outputFolder, "analysisSummary.csv"))
reference <- merge(reference, analysisSummary[, c("targetId", "comparatorId", "outcomeId", "analysisId", "logRr", "seLogRr")])
allControls <- getAllControls(outputFolder)
subsets <- split(reference, list(reference$targetId, reference$comparatorId, reference$analysisId))
#remove empty row in subsets
# subset <- subsets[[1]]
cluster <- ParallelLogger::makeCluster(min(4, maxCores))
ParallelLogger::clusterApply(cluster = cluster,
x = subsets,
fun = createDiagnosticsForSubsetFeas,
allControls = allControls,
outputFolder = outputFolder,
cmOutputFolder = cmOutputFolder,
diagnosticsFolder = diagnosticsFolder)
createDiagnosticsForSubsetFeas <- function(subset, allControls, outputFolder, cmOutputFolder, diagnosticsFolder) {
targetId <- subset$targetId[1]
comparatorId <- subset$comparatorId[1]
analysisId <- subset$analysisId[1]
ParallelLogger::logTrace("Generating diagnostics for target ", targetId, ", comparator ", comparatorId, ", analysis ", analysisId)
ParallelLogger::logDebug("Subset has ", nrow(subset)," entries with ", sum(!is.na(subset$seLogRr)), " valid estimates")
title <- paste(paste(subset$targetName[1], subset$comparatorName[1], sep = " - "),
subset$analysisDescription[1], sep = "\n")
controlSubset <- merge(subset,
allControls[, c("targetId", "comparatorId", "outcomeId", "oldOutcomeId", "targetEffectSize")])
# Empirical calibration ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Negative controls
negControlSubset <- controlSubset[controlSubset$targetEffectSize == 1, ]
validNcs <- sum(!is.na(negControlSubset$seLogRr))
ParallelLogger::logDebug("Subset has ", validNcs, " valid negative control estimates")
null <- NULL
# if (validNcs >= 5) {
# null <- EmpiricalCalibration::fitMcmcNull(negControlSubset$logRr, negControlSubset$seLogRr)
# fileName <- file.path(diagnosticsFolder, paste0("nullDistribution_a", analysisId, "_t", targetId, "_c", comparatorId, ".png"))
# EmpiricalCalibration::plotCalibrationEffect(logRrNegatives = negControlSubset$logRr,
# seLogRrNegatives = negControlSubset$seLogRr,
# null = null,
# showCis = TRUE,
# title = title,
# fileName = fileName)
# } else {
# null <- NULL
# }
# Positive and negative controls
# validPcs <- sum(!is.na(controlSubset$seLogRr[controlSubset$targetEffectSize != 1]))
# ParallelLogger::logDebug("Subset has ", validPcs, " valid positive control estimates")
# if (validPcs >= 10) {
# model <- EmpiricalCalibration::fitSystematicErrorModel(logRr = controlSubset$logRr,
# seLogRr = controlSubset$seLogRr,
# trueLogRr = log(controlSubset$targetEffectSize),
# estimateCovarianceMatrix = FALSE)
# fileName <- file.path(diagnosticsFolder, paste0("controls_a", analysisId, "_t", targetId, "_c", comparatorId, ".png"))
# EmpiricalCalibration::plotCiCalibrationEffect(logRr = controlSubset$logRr,
# seLogRr = controlSubset$seLogRr,
# trueLogRr = log(controlSubset$targetEffectSize),
# model = model,
# title = title,
# fileName = fileName)
# fileName <- file.path(diagnosticsFolder, paste0("ciCoverage_a", analysisId, "_t", targetId, "_c", comparatorId, ".png"))
# evaluation <- EmpiricalCalibration::evaluateCiCalibration(logRr = controlSubset$logRr,
# seLogRr = controlSubset$seLogRr,
# trueLogRr = log(controlSubset$targetEffectSize),
# crossValidationGroup = controlSubset$oldOutcomeId)
# EmpiricalCalibration::plotCiCoverage(evaluation = evaluation,
# title = title,
# fileName = fileName)
# }
# Statistical power --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
outcomeIdsOfInterest <- subset$outcomeId[!(subset$outcomeId %in% controlSubset$outcomeId)]
mdrrs <- data.frame()
for (outcomeId in outcomeIdsOfInterest) {
strataFile <- subset$strataFile[subset$outcomeId == outcomeId]
if (strataFile == "") {
strataFile <- subset$studyPopFile[subset$outcomeId == outcomeId]
population <- readRDS(file.path(cmOutputFolder, strataFile))
modelFile <- subset$outcomeModelFile[subset$outcomeId == outcomeId]
model <- readRDS(file.path(cmOutputFolder, modelFile))
mdrr <- CohortMethod::computeMdrr(population = population,
alpha = 0.05,
power = 0.8,
twoSided = TRUE,
modelType = model$outcomeModelType)
mdrr$outcomeId <- outcomeId
mdrr$outcomeName <- subset$outcomeName[subset$outcomeId == outcomeId]
mdrrs <- rbind(mdrrs, mdrr)
mdrrs$analysisId <- analysisId
mdrrs$analysisDescription <- subset$analysisDescription[1]
mdrrs$targetId <- targetId
mdrrs$targetName <- subset$targetName[1]
mdrrs$comparatorId <- comparatorId
mdrrs$comparatorName <- subset$comparatorName[1]
fileName <- file.path(diagnosticsFolder, paste0("mdrr_a", analysisId, "_t", targetId, "_c", comparatorId, ".csv"))
write.csv(mdrrs, fileName, row.names = FALSE)
# Covariate balance --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
outcomeIdsOfInterest <- subset$outcomeId[!(subset$outcomeId %in% controlSubset$outcomeId)]
outcomeId = outcomeIdsOfInterest[1]
for (outcomeId in outcomeIdsOfInterest) {
balanceFileName <- file.path(outputFolder,
sprintf("bal_t%s_c%s_o%s_a%s.rds", targetId, comparatorId, outcomeId, analysisId))
if (file.exists(balanceFileName)) {
balance <- readRDS(balanceFileName)
fileName = file.path(diagnosticsFolder,
sprintf("bal_t%s_c%s_o%s_a%s.csv", targetId, comparatorId, outcomeId, analysisId))
write.csv(balance, fileName, row.names = FALSE)
outcomeTitle <- paste(paste(subset$targetName[1], subset$comparatorName[1], sep = " - "),
subset$outcomeName[subset$outcomeId == outcomeId],
subset$analysisDescription[1], sep = "\n")
fileName = file.path(diagnosticsFolder,
sprintf("balanceScatter_t%s_c%s_o%s_a%s.png", targetId, comparatorId, outcomeId, analysisId))
balanceScatterPlot <- CohortMethod::plotCovariateBalanceScatterPlot(balance = balance,
beforeLabel = "Before PS adjustment",
afterLabel = "After PS adjustment",
showCovariateCountLabel = TRUE,
showMaxLabel = TRUE,
title = outcomeTitle,
fileName = fileName)
fileName = file.path(diagnosticsFolder,
sprintf("balanceTop_t%s_c%s_o%s_a%s.png", targetId, comparatorId, outcomeId, analysisId))
balanceTopPlot <- CohortMethod::plotCovariateBalanceOfTopVariables(balance = balance,
beforeLabel = "Before PS adjustment",
afterLabel = "After PS adjustment",
title = outcomeTitle,
fileName = fileName)
# Propensity score distribution --------------------------------------------------------------------------
psFile <- subset$sharedPsFile[1]
if (psFile != "") {
ps <- readRDS(file.path(cmOutputFolder, psFile))
fileName <- file.path(diagnosticsFolder, paste0("ps_a", analysisId, "_t", targetId, "_c", comparatorId, ".png"))
CohortMethod::plotPs(data = ps,
targetLabel = subset$targetName[1],
comparatorLabel = subset$comparatorName[1],
showCountsLabel = TRUE,
showAucLabel = TRUE,
showEquiposeLabel = TRUE,
title = subset$analysisDescription[1],
fileName = fileName)
#' Export all results to tables in feasibility test
#' @description
#' Outputs all results to a folder called 'export', and zips them.
#' @param outputFolder Name of local folder to place results; make sure to use forward slashes
#' (/). Do not use a folder on a network drive since this greatly impacts
#' performance.
#' @param databaseId A short string for identifying the database (e.g. 'Synpuf').
#' @param databaseName The full name of the database.
#' @param databaseDescription A short description (several sentences) of the database.
#' @param minCellCount The minimum cell count for fields contains person counts or fractions.
#' @param maxCores How many parallel cores should be used? If more cores are made
#' available this can speed up the analyses.
#' @export
exportResultFeas<- function(outputFolder,
minCellCount = 5,
maxCores) {
exportFolder <- file.path(outputFolder, "export")
if (!file.exists(exportFolder)) {
dir.create(exportFolder, recursive = TRUE)
exportAnalyseFeas(outputFolder = outputFolder,
exportFolder = exportFolder)
exportExposures(outputFolder = outputFolder,
exportFolder = exportFolder)
exportOutcomes(outputFolder = outputFolder,
exportFolder = exportFolder)
exportMetadata(outputFolder = outputFolder,
exportFolder = exportFolder,
databaseId = databaseId,
databaseName = databaseName,
databaseDescription = databaseDescription,
minCellCount = minCellCount)
exportMainResultFeas(outputFolder = outputFolder,
exportFolder = exportFolder,
databaseId = databaseId,
minCellCount = minCellCount,
maxCores = maxCores)
exportDiagnosticsFeas(outputFolder = outputFolder,
exportFolder = exportFolder,
databaseId = databaseId,
minCellCount = minCellCount,
maxCores = maxCores)
# Add all to zip file -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ParallelLogger::logInfo("Adding results to zip file")
zipName <- file.path(exportFolder, paste0("FeasibilityResults", databaseId, ".zip"))
files <- list.files(exportFolder, pattern = ".*\\.csv$")
oldWd <- setwd(exportFolder)
DatabaseConnector::createZipFile(zipFile = zipName, files = files)
ParallelLogger::logInfo("Results are ready for sharing at:", zipName)
exportAnalyseFeas <- function(outputFolder, exportFolder) {
ParallelLogger::logInfo("Exporting analyses")
ParallelLogger::logInfo("- cohort_method_analysis table")
tempFileName <- tempfile()
cmAnalysisListFile <- system.file("settings",
package = "RanitidineCancerRisk")
cmAnalysisList <- CohortMethod::loadCmAnalysisList(cmAnalysisListFile)
cmAnalysisToRow <- function(cmAnalysis) {
ParallelLogger::saveSettingsToJson(cmAnalysis, tempFileName)
row <- data.frame(analysisId = cmAnalysis$analysisId,
description = cmAnalysis$description,
definition = readChar(tempFileName, file.info(tempFileName)$size))
cohortMethodAnalysis <- lapply(cmAnalysisList, cmAnalysisToRow)
cohortMethodAnalysis <- do.call("rbind", cohortMethodAnalysis)
cohortMethodAnalysis <- unique(cohortMethodAnalysis)
colnames(cohortMethodAnalysis) <- SqlRender::camelCaseToSnakeCase(colnames(cohortMethodAnalysis))
fileName <- file.path(exportFolder, "cohort_method_analysis.csv")
write.csv(cohortMethodAnalysis, fileName, row.names = FALSE)
ParallelLogger::logInfo("- covariate_analysis table")
reference <- readRDS(file.path(outputFolder, "cmOutput", "outcomeModelReference.rds"))
getCovariateAnalyses <- function(cmDataFolder) {
cmData <- CohortMethod::loadCohortMethodData(file.path(outputFolder, "cmOutput", cmDataFolder), readOnly = TRUE)
covariateAnalysis <- ff::as.ram(cmData$analysisRef)
covariateAnalysis <- covariateAnalysis[, c("analysisId", "analysisName")]
covariateAnalysis <- lapply(unique(reference$cohortMethodDataFolder), getCovariateAnalyses)
covariateAnalysis <- do.call("rbind", covariateAnalysis)
covariateAnalysis <- unique(covariateAnalysis)
colnames(covariateAnalysis) <- c("covariate_analysis_id", "covariate_analysis_name")
fileName <- file.path(exportFolder, "covariate_analysis.csv")
write.csv(covariateAnalysis, fileName, row.names = FALSE)
exportMainResultFeas <- function(outputFolder,
maxCores) {
ParallelLogger::logInfo("Exporting main results")
ParallelLogger::logInfo("- cohort_method_result table")
analysesSum <- read.csv(file.path(outputFolder, "analysisSummary.csv"))
allControls <- getAllControls(outputFolder)
ParallelLogger::logInfo(" Performing empirical calibration on main effects")
cluster <- ParallelLogger::makeCluster(min(4, maxCores))
subsets <- split(analysesSum,
paste(analysesSum$targetId, analysesSum$comparatorId, analysesSum$analysisId))
rm(analysesSum) # Free up memory
results <- ParallelLogger::clusterApply(cluster,
allControls = allControls)
rm(subsets) # Free up memory
results <- do.call("rbind", results)
results$databaseId <- databaseId
results <- enforceMinCellValue(results, "targetSubjects", minCellCount)
results <- enforceMinCellValue(results, "comparatorSubjects", minCellCount)
results <- enforceMinCellValue(results, "targetOutcomes", minCellCount)
results <- enforceMinCellValue(results, "comparatorOutcomes", minCellCount)
colnames(results) <- SqlRender::camelCaseToSnakeCase(colnames(results))
fileName <- file.path(exportFolder, "cohort_method_result.csv")
write.csv(results, fileName, row.names = FALSE)
rm(results) # Free up memory
ParallelLogger::logInfo("- cm_interaction_result table")
reference <- readRDS(file.path(outputFolder, "cmOutput", "outcomeModelReference.rds"))
loadInteractionsFromOutcomeModel <- function(i) {
outcomeModel <- readRDS(file.path(outputFolder,
if (!is.null(outcomeModel$subgroupCounts)) {
rows <- data.frame(targetId = reference$targetId[i],
comparatorId = reference$comparatorId[i],
outcomeId = reference$outcomeId[i],
analysisId = reference$analysisId[i],
interactionCovariateId = outcomeModel$subgroupCounts$subgroupCovariateId,
rrr = NA,
ci95Lb = NA,
ci95Ub = NA,
p = NA,
i2 = NA,
logRrr = NA,
seLogRrr = NA,
targetSubjects = outcomeModel$subgroupCounts$targetPersons,
comparatorSubjects = outcomeModel$subgroupCounts$comparatorPersons,
targetDays = outcomeModel$subgroupCounts$targetDays,
comparatorDays = outcomeModel$subgroupCounts$comparatorDays,
targetOutcomes = outcomeModel$subgroupCounts$targetOutcomes,
comparatorOutcomes = outcomeModel$subgroupCounts$comparatorOutcomes)
if (!is.null(outcomeModel$outcomeModelInteractionEstimates)) {
idx <- match(outcomeModel$outcomeModelInteractionEstimates$covariateId,
rows$rrr[idx] <- exp(outcomeModel$outcomeModelInteractionEstimates$logRr)
rows$ci95Lb[idx] <- exp(outcomeModel$outcomeModelInteractionEstimates$logLb95)
rows$ci95Ub[idx] <- exp(outcomeModel$outcomeModelInteractionEstimates$logUb95)
rows$logRrr[idx] <- outcomeModel$outcomeModelInteractionEstimates$logRr
rows$seLogRrr[idx] <- outcomeModel$outcomeModelInteractionEstimates$seLogRr
z <- rows$logRrr[idx]/rows$seLogRrr[idx]
rows$p[idx] <- 2 * pmin(pnorm(z), 1 - pnorm(z))
} else {
interactions <- plyr::llply(1:nrow(reference),
.progress = "text")
interactions <- do.call("rbind", interactions)
if (!is.null(interactions)) {
ParallelLogger::logInfo(" Performing empirical calibration on interaction effects")
allControls <- getAllControls(outputFolder)
negativeControls <- allControls[allControls$targetEffectSize == 1, ]
cluster <- ParallelLogger::makeCluster(min(4, maxCores))
subsets <- split(interactions,
paste(interactions$targetId, interactions$comparatorId, interactions$analysisId))
interactions <- ParallelLogger::clusterApply(cluster,
negativeControls = negativeControls)
rm(subsets) # Free up memory
interactions <- do.call("rbind", interactions)
interactions$databaseId <- databaseId
interactions <- enforceMinCellValue(interactions, "targetSubjects", minCellCount)
interactions <- enforceMinCellValue(interactions, "comparatorSubjects", minCellCount)
interactions <- enforceMinCellValue(interactions, "targetOutcomes", minCellCount)
interactions <- enforceMinCellValue(interactions, "comparatorOutcomes", minCellCount)
colnames(interactions) <- SqlRender::camelCaseToSnakeCase(colnames(interactions))
fileName <- file.path(exportFolder, "cm_interaction_result.csv")
write.csv(interactions, fileName, row.names = FALSE)
rm(interactions) # Free up memory
exportDiagnosticsFeas <- function(outputFolder,
maxCores) {
ParallelLogger::logInfo("Exporting diagnostics")
ParallelLogger::logInfo("- covariate_balance table")
fileName <- file.path(exportFolder, "covariate_balance.csv")
if (file.exists(fileName)) {
first <- TRUE
balanceFolder <- file.path(outputFolder, "balance")
files <- list.files(balanceFolder, pattern = "bal_.*.rds", full.names = TRUE)
if (length(files) !=0){
pb <- txtProgressBar(style = 3)
for (i in 1:length(files)) {
ids <- gsub("^.*bal_t", "", files[i])
targetId <- as.numeric(gsub("_c.*", "", ids))
ids <- gsub("^.*_c", "", ids)
comparatorId <- as.numeric(gsub("_[aso].*$", "", ids))
if (grepl("_s", ids)) {
subgroupId <- as.numeric(gsub("^.*_s", "", gsub("_a[0-9]*.rds", "", ids)))
} else {
subgroupId <- NA
if (grepl("_o", ids)) {
outcomeId <- as.numeric(gsub("^.*_o", "", gsub("_a[0-9]*.rds", "", ids)))
} else {
outcomeId <- NA
ids <- gsub("^.*_a", "", ids)
analysisId <- as.numeric(gsub(".rds", "", ids))
balance <- readRDS(files[i])
inferredTargetBeforeSize <- mean(balance$beforeMatchingSumTarget/balance$beforeMatchingMeanTarget,
na.rm = TRUE)
inferredComparatorBeforeSize <- mean(balance$beforeMatchingSumComparator/balance$beforeMatchingMeanComparator,
na.rm = TRUE)
inferredTargetAfterSize <- mean(balance$afterMatchingSumTarget/balance$afterMatchingMeanTarget,
na.rm = TRUE)
inferredComparatorAfterSize <- mean(balance$afterMatchingSumComparator/balance$afterMatchingMeanComparator,
na.rm = TRUE)
balance$databaseId <- databaseId
balance$targetId <- targetId
balance$comparatorId <- comparatorId
balance$outcomeId <- outcomeId
balance$analysisId <- analysisId
balance$interactionCovariateId <- subgroupId
balance <- balance[, c("databaseId",
colnames(balance) <- c("databaseId",
balance$targetMeanBefore[is.na(balance$targetMeanBefore)] <- 0
balance$comparatorMeanBefore[is.na(balance$comparatorMeanBefore)] <- 0
balance$stdDiffBefore <- round(balance$stdDiffBefore, 3)
balance$targetMeanAfter[is.na(balance$targetMeanAfter)] <- 0
balance$comparatorMeanAfter[is.na(balance$comparatorMeanAfter)] <- 0
balance$stdDiffAfter <- round(balance$stdDiffAfter, 3)
balance <- enforceMinCellValue(balance,
balance <- enforceMinCellValue(balance,
balance <- enforceMinCellValue(balance,
balance <- enforceMinCellValue(balance,
balance$targetMeanBefore <- round(balance$targetMeanBefore, 3)
balance$comparatorMeanBefore <- round(balance$comparatorMeanBefore, 3)
balance$targetMeanAfter <- round(balance$targetMeanAfter, 3)
balance$comparatorMeanAfter <- round(balance$comparatorMeanAfter, 3)
balance <- balance[balance$targetMeanBefore != 0 & balance$comparatorMeanBefore != 0 & balance$targetMeanAfter !=
0 & balance$comparatorMeanAfter != 0 & balance$stdDiffBefore != 0 & balance$stdDiffAfter !=
0, ]
balance <- balance[!is.na(balance$targetId), ]
colnames(balance) <- SqlRender::camelCaseToSnakeCase(colnames(balance))
write.table(x = balance,
file = fileName,
row.names = FALSE,
col.names = first,
sep = ",",
dec = ".",
qmethod = "double",
append = !first)
first <- FALSE
setTxtProgressBar(pb, i/length(files))
ParallelLogger::logInfo("- preference_score_dist table")
preparePlot <- function(i, reference) {
psFileName <- file.path(outputFolder,
if (file.exists(psFileName)) {
ps <- readRDS(psFileName)
if (min(ps$propensityScore) < max(ps$propensityScore)) {
ps <- CohortMethod:::computePreferenceScore(ps)
d1 <- density(ps$preferenceScore[ps$treatment == 1], from = 0, to = 1, n = 100)
d0 <- density(ps$preferenceScore[ps$treatment == 0], from = 0, to = 1, n = 100)
result <- data.frame(databaseId = databaseId,
targetId = reference$targetId[i],
comparatorId = reference$comparatorId[i],
preferenceScore = d1$x,
targetDensity = d1$y,
comparatorDensity = d0$y)
reference <- readRDS(file.path(outputFolder, "cmOutput", "outcomeModelReference.rds"))
reference <- reference[order(reference$sharedPsFile), ]
reference <- reference[!duplicated(reference$sharedPsFile), ]
reference <- reference[reference$sharedPsFile != "", ]
if(nrow(reference) != 0 ){
data <- plyr::llply(1:nrow(reference),
reference = reference,
.progress = "text")
data <- do.call("rbind", data)
fileName <- file.path(exportFolder, "preference_score_dist.csv")
colnames(data) <- SqlRender::camelCaseToSnakeCase(colnames(data))
write.csv(data, fileName, row.names = FALSE)
ParallelLogger::logInfo("- propensity_model table")
getPsModel <- function(i, reference) {
psFileName <- file.path(outputFolder,
if (file.exists(psFileName)) {
ps <- readRDS(psFileName)
metaData <- attr(ps, "metaData")
if (is.null(metaData$psError)) {
cmDataFile <- file.path(outputFolder,
cmData <- CohortMethod::loadCohortMethodData(cmDataFile)
model <- CohortMethod::getPsModel(ps, cmData)
model$covariateId[is.na(model$covariateId)] <- 0
model$databaseId <- databaseId
model$targetId <- reference$targetId[i]
model$comparatorId <- reference$comparatorId[i]
model <- model[, c("databaseId", "targetId", "comparatorId", "covariateId", "coefficient")]
reference <- readRDS(file.path(outputFolder, "cmOutput", "outcomeModelReference.rds"))
reference <- reference[order(reference$sharedPsFile), ]
reference <- reference[!duplicated(reference$sharedPsFile), ]
reference <- reference[reference$sharedPsFile != "", ]
if(nrow(reference) != 0 ){
data <- plyr::llply(1:nrow(reference),
reference = reference,
.progress = "text")
data <- do.call("rbind", data)
fileName <- file.path(exportFolder, "propensity_model.csv")
colnames(data) <- SqlRender::camelCaseToSnakeCase(colnames(data))
write.csv(data, fileName, row.names = FALSE)
ParallelLogger::logInfo("- kaplan_meier_dist table")
ParallelLogger::logInfo(" Computing KM curves")
reference <- readRDS(file.path(outputFolder, "cmOutput", "outcomeModelReference.rds"))
outcomesOfInterest <- getOutcomesOfInterest()
reference <- reference[reference$outcomeId %in% outcomesOfInterest, ]
reference <- reference[, c("strataFile",
tempFolder <- file.path(exportFolder, "temp")
if (!file.exists(tempFolder)) {
cluster <- ParallelLogger::makeCluster(min(4, maxCores))
tasks <- split(reference, seq(nrow(reference)))
outputFolder = outputFolder,
tempFolder = tempFolder,
databaseId = databaseId,
minCellCount = minCellCount)
ParallelLogger::logInfo(" Writing to single csv file")
saveKmToCsv <- function(file, first, outputFile) {
data <- readRDS(file)
colnames(data) <- SqlRender::camelCaseToSnakeCase(colnames(data))
write.table(x = data,
file = outputFile,
row.names = FALSE,
col.names = first,
sep = ",",
dec = ".",
qmethod = "double",
append = !first)
outputFile <- file.path(exportFolder, "kaplan_meier_dist.csv")
files <- list.files(tempFolder, "km_.*.rds", full.names = TRUE)
saveKmToCsv(files[1], first = TRUE, outputFile = outputFile)
if (length(files) > 1) {
plyr::l_ply(files[2:length(files)], saveKmToCsv, first = FALSE, outputFile = outputFile, .progress = "text")
unlink(tempFolder, recursive = TRUE)
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