
Defines functions linkPatterns compare compareContext getNnuc getAlphaMatches getReverseComplement checkLinkPatternsParameters

Documented in checkLinkPatternsParameters compare compareContext getAlphaMatches getNnuc getReverseComplement linkPatterns

#' linkPatterns
#' @description A function that is able to find matches between a submitted
#'   unknown mutation and a known mutation pattern table.
#' @param ref A string containing the reference nucleotide. (e.g. "C")
#' @param alt A string containing the alternative nucleotide. (e.g. "T")
#' @param context A string containing the surrounding nucleotides. (e.g. "G.C")
#' @param distance A number that tells the distance to the nearest mutation in a
#'   cluster. This parameter should stay NULL unless the \code{searchPatterns}
#'   table has a distance column and it's needed to be take into account while
#'   comparing.
#' @param reverseComplement A Boolean to tell if the \code{ref}, \code{alt} and
#'   \code{context} needed to be searched with the reverse complement. Irrelevant
#'   if \code{searchReverseComplement = TRUE}.
#' @param mutationSymbol A string with the symbol that stands for the mutated
#'   nucleotide location in the \code{context}. (e.g. "." in "G.C")
#' @param searchPatterns A tibble with the known mutation patterns. The
#'   \code{\link{mutationPatterns}} is the default search table.
#' @param searchRefHeader A string with the column name of the one with the
#'   reference nucleotide in the searchPatterns table.
#' @param searchAltHeader A string with the column name of the one with the
#'   alternative nucleotide in the searchPatterns table.
#' @param searchContextHeader A string with the column name of the one with the
#'   context nucleotide in the searchPatterns table.
#' @param searchIdHeader A string with the column name of the one with the
#'   pattern IDs.
#' @param searchMutationSymbol A string with symbol that stands for the mutated
#'   nucleotide location in the column of the \code{searchContextHeader}. (e.g.
#'   "." in "G.C")
#' @param searchDistanceHeader A string with the column name of the one with the
#'   maximum distance between clustered mutations. Not needed if the distance
#'   parameter is NULL. NA's within this column are allowed.
#' @param searchReverseComplement A boolean to also search the patterns in the
#'   reverse complement of the searchPatterns tibble.
#' @param showWarning A Boolean if warnings about the parameters are allowed.
#' @param renameReverse A Boolean if the id of the process needs to be renamed.
#'   This has the effect on the cMut functions that it will no longer treat the
#'   reverse complement and non reverse complement as the same. This parameter
#'   will irrelevant if \code{searchReverseComplement} is FALSE.
#' @return list with the matched patterns. If nothing's found, return an empty
#'   list.
#' @export
#' @import magrittr
#' @examples
#' results <- linkPatterns(ref     = "C",
#'                         alt     = "T",
#'                         context = "TA.T")
#' # To see the default searchPattern table and it's information:
#' ?mutationPatterns
#' mutationPatterns
linkPatterns <- function(ref,                                     alt,
                         context,                                 distance                = NULL,
                         mutationSymbol       = ".",              reverseComplement       = FALSE,
                         searchPatterns       = mutationPatterns, searchRefHeader         = "ref",
                         searchAltHeader      = "alt",            searchContextHeader     = "surrounding",
                         searchIdHeader       = "process",        searchDistanceHeader    = "maxDistance",
                         searchMutationSymbol = ".",              searchReverseComplement = TRUE,
                         showWarning          = TRUE,             renameReverse           = FALSE){

  # check and adjust parameters ---------------------------------------------------------------
  searchPatterns <- convertFactor(searchPatterns)
  checkLinkPatternsParameters(ref                  = ref,                  alt                     = alt,
                              context              = context,              distance                = distance,
                              mutationSymbol       = mutationSymbol,       reverseComplement       = reverseComplement,
                              searchPatterns       = searchPatterns,       searchRefHeader         = searchRefHeader,
                              searchAltHeader      = searchAltHeader,      searchContextHeader     = searchContextHeader,
                              searchIdHeader       = searchIdHeader,       searchDistanceHeader    = searchDistanceHeader,
                              searchMutationSymbol = searchMutationSymbol, searchReverseComplement = searchReverseComplement,
                              showWarning          = showWarning,          renameReverse           = renameReverse)

  # Add the reverse complement of the known table to the search table -------
    searchPatterns <- dplyr::bind_rows(searchPatterns,getRevComTable(table = searchPatterns,
                                                          refHeader = searchRefHeader,
                                                          altHeader = searchAltHeader,
                                                          contextHeader = searchContextHeader,
                                                          idHeader = searchIdHeader,
                                                          renameReverse = renameReverse))

  # Use the reverse complement of the ref/alt/context if asked --------------
    ref <- getReverseComplement(ref)
    alt <- getReverseComplement(alt)
    context <- getReverseComplement(context)

  dnaSymbols <- tibble::as.tibble(cMut::dnaAlphabet)

  ref        <- casefold(ref, upper = TRUE)
  refSymbols <- getAlphaMatches(ref,dnaSymbols)

  alt        <- casefold(alt, upper = TRUE)
  altSymbols <- getAlphaMatches(alt,dnaSymbols)

  context <- casefold(context, upper = TRUE)

  searchMutationSymbol <- as.character(searchMutationSymbol)

  # Create results ----------------------------------------------------------
  # Check if the unknown mutation match with each column:
  results <- dplyr::mutate(searchPatterns,
                           match = purrr::map_lgl(!!rlang::sym(searchRefHeader),
                                                  function(x) {
                                                    compare(nucleotide = x,
                                                            symbols    = refSymbols)
  results <- dplyr::mutate(results[results$match == TRUE, ],
                           match = purrr::map_lgl(!!rlang::sym(searchAltHeader),
                                                  function(x) {
                                                    compare(nucleotide = x,
                                                            symbols    = altSymbols)

  results <- dplyr::mutate(results[results$match == TRUE, ],
                           match = purrr::map_lgl(!!rlang::sym(searchContextHeader),
                                                  function(x) {
                                                    compareContext(searchContext        = x,
                                                                   findContext          = context,
                                                                   mutationSymbol       = mutationSymbol,
                                                                   alphabet             = dnaSymbols,
                                                                   searchMutationSymbol = searchMutationSymbol)
  results <- results[results$match == TRUE, ]

  # Check distance if a distance is submited --------------------------------
  if (!is.null(distance)) {
    results <- dplyr::mutate(results,
                             match = purrr::map_lgl(!!rlang::sym(searchDistanceHeader),
                                                    function(x) {
                                                             x >= distance)
    results <- results[results$match == TRUE, ]

  # Ckech if there are any results left -------------------------------------
  if (nrow(results) > 0) {
    return(list(unique(dplyr::pull(results, searchIdHeader))))
  } else {


#' compare
#' @description A function to see if the nucleotide is present in the symbol
#'   data frame
#' @param nucleotide A string with a single nucleotide
#' @param symbols A data frame with the symbols to match with the nucleotide
compare <- function(nucleotide, symbols){
  if (nrow(symbols[symbols$symbol == nucleotide, ]) == 0){
  } else {

#' compareContext
#' @description Function to compare nucleotides context
#' @param searchContext A string with a context (e.g. C.G) This one will act as the
#'   known mutation context for linkPatterns function.
#' @param findContext A string with a context (e.g.  C.C)
#' @param mutationSymbol A character that stands for the mutation nucleotide
#'   (e.g. "." for C.G)
#' @param alphabet A tibble with the nucleotides and their symbols
#' @inheritParams linkPatterns
#' @return Boolean if the contexts match or not
compareContext <- function(searchContext,  findContext,
                           mutationSymbol, alphabet,

  # Split the contexts by the corresponding mutation symbol -----------------
  findContextList   <- strsplit(findContext,
                                paste0("\\", mutationSymbol))
  findContextBefore <- findContextList[[1]][1]
  findContextAfter  <- findContextList[[1]][2]

  searchContextList   <- strsplit(searchContext,
                                  paste0("\\", searchMutationSymbol))
  searchContextBefore <- searchContextList[[1]][1]
  searchContextAfter  <- searchContextList[[1]][2]

  # Compare the contexts and return the result ------------------------------
  counter = 0
  for (context in list(c(findContextBefore, searchContextBefore),
                       c(findContextAfter,  searchContextAfter))) {
    counter <- counter + 1
    nNuc <- getNnuc(context[1], context[2])

    if (nNuc == -1) {
    } else if (nNuc != 0) {

      for(index in seq.int(1, nNuc)){

        if(counter%%2 == 0){
          indexFindContext   <- index
          indexSearchContext <- index
        } else {
          indexFindContext   <- nchar(findContextBefore)   + 1 - index
          indexSearchContext <- nchar(searchContextBefore) + 1 - index

        symbols <- getAlphaMatches(substr(context[1],
        match <- compare(substr(context[2],

        if (!match) {


#' getNnuc
#' @description A function to determine how many nucleotides has to be compared
#' @param context1 surrounding nucleotides of the unknown mutation
#' @param context2 surrounding nucleotides from the searchPattern table
#' @return Returns a number with amount of nucleotides that has to be compared
getNnuc <- function(context1,context2){
    return(0)                   # Because the known mutation doesn't have a nucleotide so nothing can be compared
  } else if(is.na(context1)){
    return(-1)                  # Because the known mutation does have nucleotides
                                #  but the unknown muation doesn't it can't be compared
                                #  and will need to be treated as a mismatch because
                                #  the unknown muation only have non nucleotides if the
                                #  mutation has reach the end or the beginning of a
                                #  chromosoom so match can't be possible
  } else if (nchar(context2) <= nchar(context1)){
  } else {
    return(-1)                  # If the kown muation is bigger than the unknown
                                #  muation it is not possible to succesfully compair
                                #  the two as you would need to cut down the known
                                #  mutation which could lead to false positives

#' getAlphaMatches
#' @description A function to find the symbols that contains the nucleotide
#' @param nuc string with the nucleotide that is needed to be found
#' @param alphabet data frame with nucleotide symbols
getAlphaMatches <- function(nuc, alphabet){

#' getReverseComplement
#' @description A function to get the reverse complement of a sequence
#' @param x nucleotides that need to be converted to reverse complement
getReverseComplement <- function(x) {

#' checkLinkPatternsParameters
#' @description A function to check the parameters of linkPatterns
#' @inheritParams linkPatterns
checkLinkPatternsParameters <- function(ref,                  alt,
                                        context,              distance,
                                        mutationSymbol,       reverseComplement,
                                        searchPatterns,       searchRefHeader,
                                        searchAltHeader,      searchContextHeader,
                                        searchIdHeader,       searchDistanceHeader,
                                        searchMutationSymbol, searchReverseComplement,
                                        showWarning,          renameReverse) {

    stop("Please check if the mutationSymbol match with
         the symbol used in the context.")
                  searchPatterns[nchar(dplyr::pull(searchPatterns,searchContextHeader)) > 0,],
    stop("Please check if the searchMutationSymbol match with
         the symbol used in the context column of the searchPatterns table.")
  stopifnot(nchar(ref) == 1 & nchar(alt) == 1)
  stopifnot(is.null(distance) | is.numeric(distance))
  stopifnot(is.character(ref) & is.character(alt) & is.character(context))
    if(grepl(paste0("[^ACGTacgt\\",mutationSymbol,"]"), context)){
      warning(paste0("The context contain the symbol \"",stringr::str_extract(context, paste0("[^ACGTacgt\\",mutationSymbol,"]")),
              "\", this is not an A,C,G or T or match with the mutationSymbol: \"",mutationSymbol,"\".
              The results might therefore not be as expected."))
    if(!searchReverseComplement & renameReverse){
      warning("Note that the renameReverse parameter is irrelevant if the searchReverseComplement is FALSE.")
  stopifnot(grepl("[ACGTacgt]",alt) & grepl("[ACGTacgt]",ref))

  # check if the assigned headers are present in the given table
  stopifnot(any(grepl(searchAltHeader, names(searchPatterns),fixed = T)))
  stopifnot(any(grepl(searchRefHeader,names(searchPatterns),fixed = T)))
  stopifnot(any(grepl(searchContextHeader,names(searchPatterns),fixed = T)))
  searchPatterns <- convertFactor(searchPatterns)
  searchPatterns <- searchPatterns[nchar(dplyr::pull(searchPatterns,searchRefHeader)) == 1,]
AlexJanse/cMut documentation built on May 25, 2019, 4 a.m.