
Defines functions miQC_nofilter add_miQC

Documented in add_miQC miQC_nofilter

#' Add miQC model and probability compromised to a SingleCellExperiment object
#' @param sce SingleCellExperiment object.
#' @param posterior_cutoff Optional posterior cutoff used for the miQC filtering calculation (default 0.75)
#' @param keep_all_below_boundary Option to be passed to miQC::filterCells() (default TRUE)
#' @param enforce_left_cutoff Option to be passed to miQC::filterCells() (default TRUE)
#' @param seed An optional random seed for reproducibility.
#' @return SingleCellExperiment with prob_compromised column added to colData
#'   If the model fits properly, there will also be a miQC_model slot added to the metadata.
#' @import SummarizedExperiment
#' @export
add_miQC <- function(sce,
                     posterior_cutoff = 0.75,
                     keep_all_below_boundary = TRUE,
                     enforce_left_cutoff = TRUE,
                     seed = NULL) {
  # check that input is a SingleCellExperiment
  if (!is(sce, "SingleCellExperiment")) {
    stop("sce must be a SingleCellExperiment object")
  # check that sce has subsets_mito_percent
  if (!("subsets_mito_percent" %in% colnames(colData(sce)))) {
    stop("sce must have subsets_mito_percent in the column data. Use scuttle::addPerCellQCMetrics or similar to add it.")
  # check if prob_compromised exists
  if (!is.null(sce$prob_compromised)) {
    warning("prob_compromised was already calculated and will be replaced.")
  # check if miQC_pass exists
  if (!is.null(sce$miQC_pass)) {
    warning("miQC_pass was already calculated and will be replaced.")

  # set seed

  # generate linear mixture model of probability of cells being compromised
  model <- NULL
  pass_cells <- NULL
  model_attempt <- 0

  # This can fail in a few ways, so we will wrap the next steps in a while/try loop
  while (model_attempt < 3 &&
    (!is(model, "flexmix") || length(model@components) < 2) &&
    is.null(pass_cells)) {
    model_attempt <- model_attempt + 1
        model <- miQC::mixtureModel(sce)
        # filter step can fail, so we will try this too, keeping the passing cell ids
        pass_cells <- colnames(
            model = model,
            posterior_cutoff = posterior_cutoff,
            keep_all_below_boundary = keep_all_below_boundary,
            enforce_left_cutoff = enforce_left_cutoff,
            verbose = FALSE
      silent = TRUE

  if (!is(model, "flexmix") || length(model@components) < 2) {
    # no good fit, fill prob_compromised with NA
    sce$prob_compromised <- NA_real_
  } else {
    # add the prob_compromised value for all cells
    sce <- miQC_nofilter(sce, model = model)
    # test whether cells passed filtering
    if (is.null(pass_cells)) {
      sce$miQC_pass <- NA
    } else {
      sce$miQC_pass <- colnames(sce) %in% pass_cells
    metadata(sce)$miQC_model <- model

#' miQC_nofilter
#' Add statistics from miQC without filtering.
#' Derived from miQC::filterCells
#' https://github.com/greenelab/miQC/blob/main/R/filterCells.R
#' Copyright (c) 2021, Greene Laboratory
#' @param sce (SingleCellExperiment) Input data object.
#' @param model (flexmix) Output of mixtureModel function, which should be
#'   explicitly called first to ensure stability of model parameters.
#'   Default = NULL.
#' @return Returns a SingleCellExperiment object, the same as the input except
#'   with a new column in colData, prob_compromised.
#' @import SingleCellExperiment
miQC_nofilter <- function(sce, model = NULL) {
  metrics <- as.data.frame(colData(sce))

  if (is.null(model)) {
    warning("call 'miQC::mixtureModel' explicitly to get stable model features")
    model <- miQC::mixtureModel(sce)

  intercept1 <- flexmix::parameters(model, component = 1)[1]
  intercept2 <- flexmix::parameters(model, component = 2)[1]
  if (intercept1 > intercept2) {
    compromised_dist <- 1
    intact_dist <- 2
  } else {
    intact_dist <- 1
    compromised_dist <- 2

  post <- flexmix::posterior(model)
  metrics$prob_compromised <- post[, compromised_dist]
  sce$prob_compromised <- metrics$prob_compromised

AlexsLemonade/scpcaTools documentation built on July 12, 2024, 8:34 a.m.