#' Function kLDA
#' @keywords modeling
#' @export
kLDA <- function (data = NULL, K = c(2:10), dtm = NULL, method = "Gibbs",
removestopwords = F, lower.thresh = 0, seed1 = 0, control = list(nstart = 1,
best = T, burnin = 4000, iter = 500, thin = 500, seed = NULL),
plot = T, ...)
if (!is.null(list(...)[["k"]]))
stop("Please specify K instad of k!")
if (is.null(dtm) & is.null(data))
stop("Please provide either a character vector data or Document-Term-Matrix d")
if (is.null(dtm)) {
dtm = t(vecToTDM(as.data.frame(data)[[1]], min = 0, plot = F))
dtm = as.matrix(dtm[!is.na(rownames(dtm)) & !rowSums(dtm) ==
0, ])
if (length(grep("^matrix$", class(dtm))) == 0)
dtm = as.matrix(dtm)
if (dim(dtm)[1] < 2)
stop("DTM contains less than 2 documents")
if (is.null(control$seed))
control$seed = as.list(1:control$nstart + ifelse(is.null(seed1),
0, seed1), control$seed)
normalize <- function(x) return((x - min(x))/(max(x) - min(x)))
Arun = function(model, dtm) {
len <- slam::row_sums(dtm)
m1 <- exp(model@beta)
m1.svd <- svd(m1)
cm1 <- as.matrix(m1.svd$d)
m2 <- model@gamma
cm2 <- len %*% m2
norm <- norm(as.matrix(len), type = "m")
cm2 <- as.vector(cm2/norm)
divergence <- sum(cm1 * log(cm1/cm2)) + sum(cm2 * log(cm2/cm1))
Deveaud = function(model) {
m1 <- exp(model@beta)
if (any(m1 == 0)) {
m1 <- m1 + .Machine$double.xmin
pairs <- utils::combn(nrow(m1), 2)
jsd <- apply(pairs, 2, function(pair) {
x <- m1[pair[1], ]
y <- m1[pair[2], ]
jsd <- 0.5 * sum(x * log(x/y)) + 0.5 * sum(y * log(y/x))
metric <- sum(jsd)/(model@k * (model@k - 1))
ex = numeric(0)
co = numeric(0)
ar = numeric(0)
de = numeric(0)
for (k in K) {
l = topicmodels::LDA(dtm, k, method = method, control = control)
co = c(co, mean(coherenceLDA(l, dtm)))
ex = c(ex, mean(exclusivityLDA(l, dtm)))
ar = c(ar, Arun(l, dtm))
de = c(de, Deveaud(l))
message(paste0("k=", k, " examined"))
ar = -1 * ar
quality = normalize(ex) * normalize(co) * normalize(ar) *
d1 = data.frame(normalize(ex), normalize(co), normalize(ar),
normalize(de), quality)
d2 = t(scale(data.frame(ex, co, ar, de, quality)))
d2[is.na(d2)] = -4
colnames(d2) = K
rownames(d2) = c("exclusivity", "sem.coherence", "neg. Arun-divergence",
"Deveaud-divergence", "overall product")
if (plot)
plotMAT(d2, cumsum = F, xlab = "K", ylab = "value (scaled)",
main = "LDA Model quality based on different topics")
return(list(k = K[which.max(quality)], Results = d2))
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