
if (getRversion() >= "2.15.1") {
    "indice_line", "indice_col", "V1"

#' Summarize by plot (or subplot) the posterior distribution of AGB values
#' @description
#' This function summarizes the matrix `AGB_val` given by the function [AGBmonteCarlo()] by plot. Or just do the sums
#' for each plot of the AGB if the argument `AGB_val` is the resulting vector from the function [computeAGB()].
#' @details
#' If some trees belong to an unknown plot (i.e. NA value in the plot arguments), their AGB values are randomly assigned
#' to a plot at each iteration of the AGB monte Carlo approach. Or discarded when using output from [computeAGB()].
#' The `drawPlot` argument is a logical that if it is set `TRUE``, a graph will appear with the plot given on absciss and the value
#' of AGB on ordinate, the red segments are the quantile, if `AGB_val` is the result of the function [AGBmonteCarlo()]. 
#' If the `subplot` arguments is set and the `drawPlot` is set `TRUE`, a graph is drawn with the spatialisation of the plots.
#' @param AGB_val Matrix resulting from the function [AGBmonteCarlo()] (AGB_val element of the list),
#' or just the output of the function [AGBmonteCarlo()]. Or the output of the function [computeAGB()]
#' @param plot Vector with the code of plot
#' @param drawPlot a logical to draw the plot (see Details)
#' @param subplot Data frame, output of the function [cutPlot()]
#' @return a data frame where:
#'   - `plot`: the code of the plot
#'   - `AGB`: AGB value at the plot level
#'   - `Cred_2.5`: the quantile 2.5\% for the plot (when output of [AGBmonteCarlo()] is used)
#'   - `Cred_97.5`: the quantile 97.5\% for the plot (when output of [AGBmonteCarlo()] is used)
#' If the `subplot` is set, the output is a list with the previous data frame and an [sf::st_sf()].
#' @export
#' @importFrom data.table data.table := first setDT
#' @importFrom grDevices terrain.colors
#' @importFrom graphics segments
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @examples
#' # Load a database
#' data(NouraguesHD)
#' data(KarnatakaForest)
#' # Modelling height-diameter relationship
#' HDmodel <- modelHD(D = NouraguesHD$D, H = NouraguesHD$H, method = "log2")
#' # Retrieving wood density values
#' KarnatakaWD <- getWoodDensity(KarnatakaForest$genus, KarnatakaForest$species,
#'   stand = KarnatakaForest$plotId
#' )
#' # Propagating errors
#' filt <- KarnatakaForest$plotId %in% c("BSP20", "BSP14")
#' resultMC <- AGBmonteCarlo(
#'   D = KarnatakaForest$D[filt], WD = KarnatakaWD$meanWD[filt],
#'   errWD = KarnatakaWD$sdWD[filt], HDmodel = HDmodel
#' )
#' plot <- KarnatakaForest$plotId[ filt ]
#' # The summary by plot
#' summaryByPlot(AGB_val = resultMC$AGB_simu, plot)
#' # The summary by plot for computeAGB
#' H <- retrieveH(KarnatakaForest$D[filt], model = HDmodel)$H
#' AGB <- computeAGB(KarnatakaForest$D[filt], WD = KarnatakaWD$meanWD[filt], H = H)
#' summaryByPlot(AGB, plot)
summaryByPlot <- function(AGB_val, plot, drawPlot = FALSE, subplot = NULL) {

  # parameters verification -------------------------------------------------
  if (is.list(AGB_val)) {
    AGB_val <- AGB_val$AGB_simu
  if (!is.matrix(AGB_val) && !is.vector(AGB_val)) {
      "The AGB_val must be a matrix you have for the result of the function ",
      "'AGBmonteCarlo', or just the result of the function. ",
      "Or the result from the function 'computeAGB'"
  if (length(plot) != ifelse(is.matrix(AGB_val), nrow(AGB_val), length(AGB_val))) {
    stop("Your 'plot' vector have not the same length as your number of row in the matrix")

  if (!is.null(subplot)) {
    if (!requireNamespace("sf", quietly = T)) {
        'To use this part of the function you must have the "sf" library\n\n',
      subplot = NULL
    if (!any(subplot$subplot %in% plot)){
        "The subplot parameter do not correspond to any plot"
      subplot = NULL
  # function if it's a vector -----------------------------------------------
  if (is.vector(AGB_val)) {
    data <- data.table(AGB = AGB_val, plot = plot)
    data <- na.omit(data)

    AGB <- data[, .(AGB = sum(AGB)), by = plot]
  } else {

    # function if it's a matrix -----------------------------------------------

    Plot <- data.table(plot = plot)
    indice_tree <- Plot[is.na(plot), .I, by = plot]

    # filter if there is there is NA in the AGB_val
    filter <- rowSums(is.na(AGB_val)) > 0

    # take the first tree in the database by plot
    indice_first <- Plot[!is.na(plot) & !filter, .(indice_line = first(.I), plot = unique(plot)), by = plot]

    # if there is trees without label -----------------------------------------

    if (nrow(indice_tree) != 0) {
      # Create a table with I : indice of the tree to distribute
      # indice_line : a random sample of matrix line inside the plot without the trees to distribute
      # indice_col : the column index of the matrix by I
      mySample <- function(plot1, n) {
        return(samples = indice_first[, sample(indice_line, n, replace = T)])
      n <- ncol(AGB_val)
      samples <- indice_tree[, .(indice_line = mySample(plot, n), indice_col = 1:n), by = I]

      # remove the index for the tree to distribute when it is NA
      samples <- samples[ !(I %in% filter) ]

    # function summary --------------------------------------------------------

    mySummary <- function(x, matrix) {
      resAGB <- colSums(matrix[x, ], na.rm = T)

      # if there is trees without label
      if (nrow(indice_tree) != 0) {
        subsample <- samples[x[1] == indice_line, ]

        # if the tree belong among the subplot
        if (nrow(subsample) != 0) {
          # sum for the trees I whose are not in the subplot, by column
          sums <- subsample[, sum(matrix[I, unique(indice_col)], na.rm = T), by = indice_col]
          sums[is.na(V1), V1 := 0] # if there is any NA update the table
          resAGB[sums$indice_col] <- resAGB[sums$indice_col] + sums$V1 # sum the result of the table

        AGB = mean(resAGB),
        Cred_2.5 = quantile(resAGB, probs = 0.025),
        Cred_97.5 = quantile(resAGB, probs = 0.975)

    AGB <- Plot[!is.na(plot), mySummary(.I, AGB_val), by = plot]

    if (drawPlot) {
      with(AGB[order(AGB)], {
          pch = 20, xlab = "", ylab = "AGB (Mg/ha)", ylim = range(Cred_2.5, Cred_97.5),
          las = 1, cex.lab = 1.3, xaxt = "n", main = "AGB by plot"
        axis(1, at = seq(length(AGB)), labels = plot, las = 2)
        segments(x0 = seq(length(AGB)), y0 = Cred_2.5, y1 = Cred_97.5, col = "red")

  if (!is.null(subplot)) {
    list_poly = lapply( split(subplot, by = "subplot"), function(data){
      mat = data[order(corner), .(XAbs, YAbs)]
      mat = as.matrix(rbind(mat, mat[1,]))
      output = list()
      output$poly = sf::st_polygon(list(mat))
      output$AGB = AGB[ plot == unique(data$subplot), AGB] * data[, 10000 / (diff(range(XRel)) * diff(range(YRel)))]
    sf_obj = sf::st_sf(polygon = lapply(list_poly, "[[", 1), plot = names(list_poly), AGB = sapply(list_poly, "[[", 2))
    if (drawPlot)
      plot(sf_obj["AGB"], main = "AGB (Mg / ha)", key.pos = 1, pal = function(n){rev(terrain.colors(n))})
    return(list(AGB = as.data.frame(AGB), polygon = sf_obj))

ArthurPERE/biomass documentation built on May 18, 2019, 2:33 a.m.