
Defines functions .findOverlappingSNPs .renameSNPsGWAS .getSNPsGWASColNames .createSNPsGWASlist .getGWAS annotateSNPsGWAS

Documented in annotateSNPsGWAS

#' @title Annotate GWAS SNPs
#' @description The function annotateSNPsGWAS() annotates GWAS SNPs located
#' in the region flanking the back-spliced junctions of each circRNA.
#' SNPs information including the corresponding genomic coordinates are
#' retrieved from the GWAs catalog database.
#' The user can restric the analysis to specific traits/diseases. These must go
#' in the file traits.txt. If this file is absent or empty, all traits in the
#' GWAS catalog are considered in the analysis.
#' An empty list is returned if none overlapping SNPs are found.
#' @param targets A list containing the target regions to analyze.
#' It can be generated with \code{\link{getSeqsFromGRs}}.
#' @param assembly A string specifying the human genome assembly.
#' Possible options are hg38 or hg19. Current image for GWAS SNPS coordinates
#' is hg38. If hg19 is specified SNPs coordinates are realtime liftOver to
#' hg19 coordinates.
#' @param makeCurrent A logical specifying whether to download the
#' current image of the GWAS catalog.  If TRUE is specified, the function
#' \code{\link[gwascat]{makeCurrentGwascat}} from the gwascat package is used 
#' to get the more recent image (slow). Default value is TRUE.
#' If FALSE is specified the image data(ebicat37) or data(ebicat38) are used.
#' NOTE: This second option is not available anymore since data(ebicat37) or
#' data(ebicat38) from gwascat are deprecated.  
#' @param pathToTraits A string containing the path to the traits.txt file.
#' The file traits.txt contains diseases/traits specified by the user. It must
#' have one column with header id. By default pathToTraits is set to NULL and
#' the file it is searched in the working directory. If traits.txt is located
#' in a different directory then the path needs to be specified. If this file is
#' absent or empty SNPs associated with all diseases/traits in
#' the GWAS catalog are considered in the SNPs analysis.
#' @return A list.
#' @examples
#' # Load data frame containing detected back-spliced junctions
#' data("mergedBSJunctions")
#' # Load short version of the gencode v19 annotation file
#' data("gtf")
#' # Annotate the first back-spliced junctions
#' annotatedBSJs <- annotateBSJs(mergedBSJunctions[1, ], gtf)
#' # Get genome
#' if (requireNamespace("BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19", quietly = TRUE)){
#' genome <- BSgenome::getBSgenome("BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19")
#' # Retrieve targets
#' targets <- getSeqsFromGRs(
#'     annotatedBSJs,
#'     genome,
#'     lIntron = 200,
#'     lExon = 10,
#'     type = "ie"
#'     )
#' # Annotate GWAS SNPs - slow
#' #snpsGWAS <- annotateSNPsGWAS(targets, makeCurrent = TRUE, assembly = "hg19")
#' }
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom gwascat makeCurrentGwascat
#' @importFrom gwascat subsetByTraits
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges makeGRangesFromDataFrame
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges findOverlaps
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @importFrom S4Vectors subjectHits
#' @importFrom S4Vectors queryHits
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqlevelsStyle
#' @importFrom utils data
#' @export
annotateSNPsGWAS <-
             assembly = "hg19",
             makeCurrent = TRUE,
             pathToTraits = NULL) {
        options(readr.num_columns = 0)
        # Create a snpsGWAS list
        snpsGWAS <- .createSNPsGWASlist(targets)
        # Retrieve SNPs from the GWAS catalog
        gwas <- .getGWAS(assembly, makeCurrent = TRUE)
        # Read traits.txt
        traitsFromFile <- .readTraits(pathToTraits)
        # Check if there there are traits
        if (nrow(traitsFromFile) > 0) {
            gwas <- gwascat::subsetByTraits(gwas, tr = traitsFromFile$id)
        } else{
            cat("traits.txt is empty or absent. All
                traits in the GWAS catalog will be analyzed")
        # Clean targets from NA value
        targets <- .cleanTargets(targets)
        for (i in seq_along(snpsGWAS)) {
            # Create an empty list of 2 elements to store the extracted
            # information
            snpsGWAS[[i]] <- vector("list", 2)
            names(snpsGWAS[[i]])[1] <- "targets"
            names(snpsGWAS[[i]])[2] <- "snps"
            targetsToAnalyze <- targets[[i]]
            overlaps <- .findOverlappingSNPs(gwas, targetsToAnalyze)
            snpsGWAS[[i]]$targets <- overlaps$targets
            snpsGWAS[[i]]$snps <- overlaps$snps

.getGWAS <- function(assembly = "hg19",
                     makeCurrent = TRUE) {
    if (assembly == "hg19") {
        if (makeCurrent) {
            gwas <- suppressWarnings(tryCatch(
                gwascat::makeCurrentGwascat(fixNonASCII = FALSE, genome = "GRCh37"),
                error = function(e)
        } else{
            gwas <- NULL
        if (!is.null(gwas)) {
            GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsStyle(gwas) <- "UCSC"
        } else{
                "makeCurrentGwascat is unable to establish a connection with EBI/EMBL.
                Try later."
            #Load lifted over image.
            # utils::data(ebicat37) # Note:  deprecated
            # gwas <- ebicat37
            # GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsStyle(gwas) <- "UCSC"
    } else if (assembly == "hg38") {
        if (makeCurrent) {
            gwas <- suppressWarnings(tryCatch(
                gwascat::makeCurrentGwascat(fixNonASCII = FALSE, genome = "GRCh38"),
                error = function(e)
        } else{
            gwas <- NULL
        if (!is.null(gwas)) {
            GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsStyle(gwas) <- "UCSC"
        } else{
                "makeCurrentGwascat is unable to establish a connection with EBI/EMBL.
                Try later."
            # Load image dated 9 Sept 2020
            # utils::data(ebicat38) # Note:  deprecated
            # gwas <- ebicat38
            # GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsStyle(gwas) <- "UCSC"
    } else {
        stop("Possible genome assembly: hg19, hg38")

# Create a snpsGWAS list
.createSNPsGWASlist <- function(targets) {
    if (length(targets) == 2 &
        names(targets)[[1]] == "upGR") {
        # Create an empty list of 2 elements
        snpsGWAS <- vector("list", 2)
        names(snpsGWAS)[1] <- "upGR"
        names(snpsGWAS)[2] <- "downGR"
    }  else {
        stop("target sequences not valid, only upstream and downtream
            GRs are allowed.")

# get SNPsGWAS column names
.getSNPsGWASColNames <- function() {
    colNames <- c(

# Select the needed column and rename snps data frame
.renameSNPsGWAS <- function(snps) {
    snps <- snps %>%
        ) %>%
            snp = SNPS,
            chrom = seqnames.1 ,
            coord = start.1,
            mappedGene = MAPPED_GENE,
            diseaseTrait = DISEASE.TRAIT,
            pvalue = P.VALUE,
            context = CONTEXT,
            strongestSNPriskAllele =
            pubmedID = PUBMEDID,
            study = STUDY
        ) %>%

# Find the overlapping gwas snps
.findOverlappingSNPs <- function(gwas, targetsToAnalyze) {
    # Make GR objects
    genRanges <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(
        keep.extra.columns = TRUE,
        ignore.strand = FALSE,
        seqinfo = NULL,
        seqnames.field = c("chrom"),
        start.field = c("startGR"),
        end.field = c("endGR"),
        strand.field = "strand",
        starts.in.df.are.0based = FALSE
    overlappingGRs <-
        suppressWarnings(GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(gwas, genRanges, ignore.strand = TRUE))
    if (length(overlappingGRs) == 0) {
        # No genomic ranges in common
        snps <-  data.frame(matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 11))
        colnames(snps) <- .getSNPsGWASColNames()
        targets <- targetsToAnalyze[NULL,]
    } else{
        snps <-
        snps <- .renameSNPsGWAS(snps)
        # Keep only targets where a hit is found
        targets <-
            targetsToAnalyze[S4Vectors::subjectHits(overlappingGRs),] %>%
            dplyr::filter(!duplicated(.)) %>%
    overlaps <- vector("list", 2)
    names(overlaps)[1] <- "snps"
    names(overlaps)[2] <- "targets"
    overlaps$snps <- snps
    overlaps$targets <- targets

# If the function you are looking for is not here check supportFunction.R
# Functions in supportFunction.R are used by multiple functions.
Aufiero/circRNAprofiler documentation built on Oct. 31, 2023, 1:18 a.m.