
Defines functions clusterDiscovrExperiment setupDiscovrExperiment

Documented in clusterDiscovrExperiment setupDiscovrExperiment

## Copyright (C) 2020  Mario Rosasco and Benaroya Research Institute
## This file is part of the briDiscovr package

#' Prepare a dataset for DISCOV-R analysis
#' Loads in the marker and .fcs information and prepares a \code{discovrExperiment}
#' object for analysis. Default parameters values are based on the original DISCOV-R
#' analysis published in Wiedeman et al 2020.
#' @param markerInfoFile A character string indicating the path to a .csv file. This file is expected to have columns
#' named useToCluster", as well as the names specified in the \code{markerCommonField} and \code{markerFcsField} variables.
#' Details of the \code{markerCommonField} and \code{markerFcsField} arguments are provided below; the "useToCluster"
#' column should have only TRUE or FALSE values. Markers with a TRUE value in this column will be used for clustering,
#' whereas the others will not.
#' @param fcsInfoFile A character string indicating the path to a file containing columns named "subject",
#' "cellSubset", and "filename". The "filename" field must contain paths to the .fcs files that will be used in analysis.
#' @param parentPopulation A character sting indicating the name of the parent population subset. Must match
#' one of the values in the fcsInfoFile 'cellSubset' column.
#' @param markerCommonField (default: "fixed") A character string indicating the
#' name of a column containing common marker names for human use, like "CD45"
#' @param markerFcsField (default: "desc") A character string indicating the
#' name ofa column containing the marker names in the .fcs files,like "89Y_CD45"
#' @param arcsinhA (default: 0) A numeric indicating the value for 'a' in the
#' arcsinh data transformation equation. Should usually be 0.
#' @param arcsinhB (default: 0.2) A numeric indicating the value for 'b' in the arcsinh
#' data transformation equation. Should be 1/5 for cytof data, and 1/150 for flow data.
#' @param arcsinhC (default: 0) A numeric indicating the value for 'c' in the
#' arcsinh data transformation equation. Should usually be 0.
#' @param verbose (default: TRUE) A logical specifying whether to display processing messages
#' @param checkMemory (default: TRUE) A logical indicating whether to check how much system memory
#' is available before loading the dataset. If TRUE, this function will display a message and prevent
#' data loading when the files take up more than 80 percent of the available system memory.
#' @param downsampleVectorList (default: NULL) A list of vectors of row numbers
#'  to use from files in \code{fcsInfoFile}. Generally generated by 
#' \code{downsampleFcsList}. If an object is specified here, it is used to 
#' downsample the files as they are read in. NOTE: the list must be in the same
#' order as the files in \code{fcsInfoFile}, so it is best to generate
#' this object directly from that file to ensure that they match. Possible
#' future update to allow named list with names matching a combination of
#' identifying fields for the FCS files.
#' @return An S3 object of class \code{discovrExperiment}
#' @seealso \code{\link{discovrExperiment}}
#' @author Mario G Rosasco, Virginia Muir, Matt Dufort
#' @import flowCore
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @importFrom memuse Sys.meminfo mu.size
#' @export
setupDiscovrExperiment <- function(
  markerCommonField = "fixed",
  markerFcsField = "desc",
  arcsinhA = 0,
  arcsinhB = 0.2,
  arcsinhC = 0,
  verbose = TRUE,
  checkMemory = TRUE,
  downsampleVectorList = NULL
  # get marker info, and check for appropriate columns
  markerInfo <- read.csv(markerInfoFile, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  if(!all(c(markerCommonField, markerFcsField, "useToCluster") %in% names(markerInfo))){
      "The file set as 'markerInfoFile' must contain columns with names 'useToCluster' and the names ",
      "specified by markerCommonField and markerFcsField Please check your markerInfo file and try again."
    stop("The 'useToCluster' column in the 'markerInfo' file must contain only TRUE or FALSE values.")
  # set colnames of marker info data for consistency
  markerInfo <- dplyr::rename(markerInfo, commonMarkerName = !!markerCommonField, fcsMarkerName = !!markerFcsField)
  # make sure common names are valid
  markerInfo$commonMarkerName <- make.names(markerInfo$commonMarkerName)

  # check for appropriate marker names
  if(nrow(markerInfo) > length(unique(markerInfo$commonMarkerName))){
    stop("Marker names in the ", markerCommonField, " column of the markerInfo file do not appear to be unique. Please correct this and try again.")
  if(any(markerInfo$commonMarkerName == "")){
    stop("Markers without assigned names were detected in the markerInfo file. Please correct the file and try again.")

  # if input includes non-null downsampleVectorList, check that it is valid
  if(!is.null(downsampleVectorList)) {
    if(!is.list(downsampleVectorList) | 
       !all(sapply(downsampleVectorList, is.numeric) | (downsampleVectorList == "all")))
      stop("The object included as 'downsampleVectorList' must be a list containing ",
           "vectors of row names (generally the output of 'downsampleFcsList'). ",
           "Please check that this object is a list, and that every object within ",
           "it is a numeric vector.")
  # extract clustering markers for convenience
  clusteringMarkers <- markerInfo[markerInfo$useToCluster, "commonMarkerName", drop = TRUE]
  if(verbose){message(paste("Found clustering markers:", paste(clusteringMarkers, collapse=", ")))}

  # get list of FCS files with subject and cell subset information, run checks on this input and the FCS files
  fcsInfo <- read.csv(fcsInfoFile, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  checkFcsFiles(fcsInfo, checkMemory = checkMemory, verbose = verbose)
  # if input includes non-null downsampleVectorList, check that it has one entry for each FCS files
  if(!is.null(downsampleVectorList)) {
    if(length(downsampleVectorList) != nrow(fcsInfo))
      stop("The object included as 'downsampleVectorList' must have one element ",
           "for each FCS file listed in the FCS info file. The object passed as ",
           "'downsampleVectorList' contains ", length(downsampleVectorList),
           " elements, while the FCS info file lists ", nrow(fcsInfo), " files.")
  # check to ensure marker names and cell subsets are non-overlapping. Creates issues downstream if this happens.
  overlapNames <- fcsInfo$cellSubset[fcsInfo$cellSubset %in% markerInfo$commonMarkerName]
  if (length(overlapNames) > 0){
      "Cell subset names and marker names must not overlap. The following names were detected in both sets of names: ",
      paste0(overlapNames, collapse = ", ")

  # check that the parent population is one of the subsets in the .fcs info
  if(!parentPopulation %in% unique(fcsInfo$cellSubset)){
      "The requested parent population '",
      "' was not found in the 'cellSubset' column of the .fcs info file."

  if(verbose){message("All .fcs files passed basic QC checks. Proceeding...")}

  # Section 2.c.i-iii from original SOP load and format input

  # Read in FCS files and associate with cell subsets and subjects
  for (currCellSubset in unique(fcsInfo$cellSubset)){
    if(verbose){message(paste0("Assigning per-subject data for subset: ", currCellSubset, "..."))}
    currFcsList <-
      buildFcsList(fcsInfo %>% dplyr::filter(.data$cellSubset == currCellSubset), truncate_max_range = FALSE)
    if(!is.null(downsampleVectorList)) {
      currDownsampleVectorList <-
        downsampleVectorList[which(fcsInfo$cellSubset == currCellSubset)]
      for(currFcsNum in seq_len(length(currFcsList)))
        if(!identical(currDownsampleVectorList[[currFcsNum]], "all")) # skip downsampling if "all" rows specified
          currFcsList[[currFcsNum]] <-
    assign(currCellSubset, currFcsList)
  allSubjects <-
    buildFcsList(fcsInfo[fcsInfo$cellSubset == parentPopulation,], truncate_max_range = FALSE)
  if(!is.null(downsampleVectorList)) {
    currDownsampleVectorList <-
      downsampleVectorList[which(fcsInfo$cellSubset == parentPopulation)]
    for(currFcsNum in seq_len(length(allSubjects)))
      if(!identical(currDownsampleVectorList[[currFcsNum]], "all")) # skip downsampling if "all" rows specified
      allSubjects[[currFcsNum]] <-
  # Process data
  processData <- function(fcs){
    # confirm that all markers to be used in clustering are mappable to fcs parameter names
    clusteringMarkerDesc <- markerInfo[markerInfo$useToCluster, "fcsMarkerName", drop = TRUE]
    missingMarkers <- clusteringMarkerDesc[!clusteringMarkerDesc %in% pData(parameters(fcs))$desc]
    # check for missingMarkers in name field of flowFrame parameters, where desc is empty
    missingMarkersToRename <- intersect(missingMarkers, pData(parameters(fcs))$name)
    missingMarkersToRename <-
        is.na(pData(parameters(fcs))$desc[match(missingMarkersToRename, pData(parameters(fcs))$name)])]
    if (length(missingMarkersToRename) > 0){
      pData(parameters(fcs))$desc[match(missingMarkers, pData(parameters(fcs))$name)] <-
    missingMarkers <- setdiff(missingMarkers, missingMarkersToRename)
    if(length(missingMarkers) > 0){
      stop("Could not find the following clustering markers in the .fcs data\n", paste0(missingMarkers, collapse = ", "))

    # Tidy marker names
    pData(parameters(fcs))$desc <-
      markerInfo$commonMarkerName[match(pData(parameters(fcs))$desc, markerInfo$fcsMarkerName)]

    # This changes parameters(fcs)$name, featureNames(fcs), and colnames(fcs) - aka events colnames - all in one fell swoop.
    # note colnames has to be the one from flowCore
    flowCore::colnames(fcs) = make.names(pData(parameters(fcs))$desc)

    # Remove markers that aren't informative/shared between panels (i.e. duplicated NAs)
    fcs = fcs[,!(duplicated(flowCore::colnames(fcs)) | duplicated(flowCore::colnames(fcs), fromLast = TRUE))]
    fcs = fcs[, order(flowCore::colnames(fcs))]

  if(verbose){message("Cleaning and selecting markers from .fcs files according to markerInfo file...")}

  for (currCellSubset in unique(fcsInfo$cellSubset)){
    tmpFile <- get(currCellSubset)
    tmpFile <- lapply(tmpFile, processData)
    assign(currCellSubset, tmpFile)
  allSubjects <- lapply(allSubjects, processData)

  if(verbose){message("Merging data (parent and child populations)...")}
  allMerged = allSubjects
  for(currSubject in names(allSubjects)){
    exprs(allMerged[[currSubject]]) = exprs(allMerged[[currSubject]])[0,]
    for(cellSubset in unique(fcsInfo$cellSubset)){
      exprs(allMerged[[currSubject]]) = rbind(
        if(!is.null(get(cellSubset)[[currSubject]])) exprs(get(cellSubset)[[currSubject]])

  # Transform the data
  asinhTfmData <- function(fcs){
    # Arcsinh transform remaining columns
    tl <- transformList(
      arcsinhTransform(a = arcsinhA, b = arcsinhB, c = arcsinhC),
    fcs = transform(fcs, tl)

    message("Transforming data using arcsinh(a=", arcsinhA, ", b=", arcsinhB, ", c=", arcsinhC, ")...")
  allDataTransformed <- lapply(allMerged, asinhTfmData)
  transformedFlowSet <- as(allDataTransformed, "flowSet")
  # remove old data to conserve memory

  # Extract expression data and label Tmr+ events
  mergedExpr <- setNames(
    data.frame(matrix(ncol = ncol(exprs(transformedFlowSet[[1]]))+2, nrow = 0)),
    c(flowCore::colnames(transformedFlowSet), "samp", "cellSubset")

  for(currSubject in names(allSubjects)){
    tmpExpr = as.data.frame(flowCore::exprs(transformedFlowSet[[currSubject]]))
    tmpExpr$samp = as.character(currSubject)
    temp_cellSubsets <- list()
    for(cellSubset in unique(fcsInfo$cellSubset)){
      temp_cellSubsets <- c(
          rep(paste0(cellSubset), nrow(flowCore::exprs(get(cellSubset)[[currSubject]])))
    tmpExpr$cellSubset = temp_cellSubsets
    mergedExpr = rbind(mergedExpr, tmpExpr)

  # building a discovr experiment S3 object
  exptInProgress <- structure(list(), class = "discovrExperiment")
  exptInProgress$markerInfoFile     <- markerInfoFile
  exptInProgress$markerInfo         <- markerInfo
  exptInProgress$fcsInfoFile        <- fcsInfoFile
  exptInProgress$fcsInfo            <- fcsInfo
  exptInProgress$parentPopulation   <- parentPopulation
  exptInProgress$mergedExpr         <- mergedExpr
  exptInProgress$clusteringMarkers  <- clusteringMarkers
  exptInProgress$status             <- "initialized"


#' Perform phenograph clustering for a DISCOV-R experiment
#' @param experiment A discovrExperiment created using \code{setupDiscovrExperiment()}
#' @param method A character string indicating the clustering method to use.
#' Currently only 'phenograph' is supported as a clustering method.
#' @param k An integer specifying the maximum number of nearest neighbors to use. Applies only if method = 'phenograph' (default: 30)
#' @param seed A number to be used as the seed for pseudorandom number generation (default: 12345)
#' @param verbose A boolean specifying whether to display processing messages (default: TRUE)
#' @return An S3 object of class \code{discovrExperiment}
#' @seealso \code{\link{setupDiscovrExperiment}} \code{\link{discovrExperiment}}
#' @author Mario G Rosasco, Virginia Muir
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom flowCore exprs
#' @importFrom igraph graph.data.frame cluster_louvain membership modularity
#' @export
clusterDiscovrExperiment <- function(
  method = "phenograph",
  k = 30,
  seed = 12345,
  verbose = TRUE
      "The object passed to this function is not a valid DISCOV-R experiment object.",
      "Please create your experiment using the 'setupDiscovrExperiment' function and try again."
  # check for subjects with too few events to cluster
  if(method == "phenograph"){
    if(verbose){message("Checking for subjects with too few events to cluster...")}
    subjectCounts <- getSubjectCounts(experiment)
    if(any(subjectCounts$nEvents < k + 2)){
        "PhenoGraph clustering can only proceed with subjects that have at ",
        "least k + 2 (", k + 2, ") total events. Please check or remove the ",
        "following subjects, or modify the clustering parameters, ",
        "and try again:\n",
        paste(subjectCounts$sample[subjectCounts$nEvents < k + 2], collapse = ", ")


  # Section 2.d.i from original SOP - Phenograph clustering - takes a while
  # Clustering markers object is defined in the first set-up chunk.  Tweak which markers are included up there.

  # Set up Phenograph function to use kd tree
  findNeighbors <- function(data, k){
    nearest <- RANN::nn2(data, data, k, treetype = "kd", searchtype = "standard")

  runRpheno <- function(data, k=30){
    nDigits <- 3 # set number of digits for time display
      data <- as.matrix(data)

      stop("Wrong input data, should be a data frame or matrix!")

      stop("k must be a positive integer!")
    }else if (nrow(data) < k + 2){
      stop("k must be smaller than the total number of points!")

      message("Run Rphenograph starts:","\n",
              "  -Input data of ", nrow(data)," rows and ", ncol(data), " columns","\n",
              "  -k is set to ", k)
      message("  Finding nearest neighbors...")

    t1 <- system.time(neighborMatrix <- findNeighbors(data, k=k+1)[,-1])

        "DONE ~", round(t1[3], nDigits), "s\n",
        "Compute jaccard coefficient between nearest-neighbor sets..."
    t2 <- system.time(links <- jaccard_coeff(neighborMatrix))

        "DONE ~", round(t2[3], nDigits), "s\n",
        "Build undirected graph from the weighted links..."

    links <- links[links[,1]>0, ]
    relations <- as.data.frame(links)
    colnames(relations)<- c("from","to","weight")
    t3 <- system.time(g <- igraph::graph.data.frame(relations, directed=FALSE))

        "DONE ~", round(t3[3], nDigits), "s\n",
        "Run louvain clustering on the graph ..."

    t4 <- system.time(community <- igraph::cluster_louvain(g))
      message("DONE ~", round(t4[3], nDigits), "s\n")

      message("Run Rphenograph DONE, took a total of ", round(sum(c(t1[3],t2[3],t3[3],t4[3])), nDigits), "s.")
      message("  Return a community class\n  -Modularity value: ", igraph::modularity(community),"\n")
      message("  -Number of clusters: ", length(unique(igraph::membership(community))))


  # Cluster data in experiment
  if (method == "phenograph") {
    # initialize RPclust
    experiment$mergedExpr$RPclust <- NA
    # assign row IDs for merge
    experiment$mergedExpr$rowIdx <- seq_len(nrow(experiment$mergedExpr))
    # cluster events within each subject
    allSubjects <- unique(experiment$mergedExpr$samp)
    for(currSubj in allSubjects){
        message("\nClustering sample ", match(currSubj, allSubjects), " of ", length(allSubjects), "...")
      rPhenoVect = as.numeric(igraph::membership(runRpheno(
        data = experiment$mergedExpr[
          experiment$mergedExpr$samp == currSubj,
        k = k
      # add cluster IDs
      experiment$mergedExpr[experiment$mergedExpr$samp == currSubj, "RPclust"] <- rPhenoVect
    # remove row IDs so they don't interfere downstream
    experiment$mergedExpr <- subset(experiment$mergedExpr, select = -get("rowIdx"))
    # check to make sure that all events were assigned
      stop("Not all events were assigned to a cluster. Please contact the package developer for assistance.")

  } else {
    stop("Clustering method '", method, "' is not currently supported. Stopping...")

  # Sections 2.e.i from original SOP - Summarize and save outputs
  # Calculate mean expression value of each marker for each phenograph cluster in each subject
  clusterMeans <- experiment$mergedExpr %>%
    dplyr::select(-.data$cellSubset) %>%
    unique() %>% # remove duplicated rows; mergedExpr has both parent and gated
    dplyr::group_by(.data$samp, .data$RPclust) %>%
    dplyr::summarise_all(mean) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(RPclust = as.character(.data$RPclust))

  # Calculate total mean expression for each subject
  parentMeans = experiment$mergedExpr %>%
    dplyr::select(-.data$cellSubset, -.data$RPclust) %>%
    unique() %>% # remove duplicated rows; mergedExpr has both parent and gated
    dplyr::group_by(.data$samp) %>%
    dplyr::summarise_all(mean) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(RPclust = "Total_Parent")

  experiment$clusterMeans <- bind_rows(clusterMeans, parentMeans)

  # Count cells of each subpopulation (eg Tmr) in each phenograph cluster (from each sample)
  clusterRarePopCts <-
    experiment$mergedExpr %>%
    dplyr::select(.data$samp, .data$cellSubset, .data$RPclust) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(.data$samp, .data$RPclust) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(Total=n(), .groups = "drop_last") %>%

  uniqueSubsets <- unique(experiment$mergedExpr$cellSubset)

  for(currCellSubset in uniqueSubsets){
    if(verbose){message("Counting cluster events for ", currCellSubset)}
    additionalMatrix = experiment$mergedExpr %>%
      dplyr::select(.data$samp, .data$cellSubset, .data$RPclust) %>%
      group_by(.data$samp, .data$RPclust) %>%
      summarise(number = sum(.data$cellSubset == currCellSubset)) %>%
    clusterRarePopCts <- cbind(clusterRarePopCts, additionalMatrix$number)

  for(i in seq_len(ncol(clusterRarePopCts)-3)){
    colnames(clusterRarePopCts)[i+3] = (uniqueSubsets)[i]

  aggregateCounts = clusterRarePopCts %>%
    dplyr::select(-.data$RPclust) %>%
    group_by(.data$samp) %>%
    summarise_all(sum) %>%
    rename_at(vars(-.data$samp),function(name) paste0(name,"_tot"))

  clusterRarePopCts = left_join(clusterRarePopCts, aggregateCounts)

  for(i in seq_len(length(uniqueSubsets)+1)){
    clusterRarePopCts <- cbind(

  for(i in seq_len(length(uniqueSubsets))){
    colnames(clusterRarePopCts)[i+3+(length(uniqueSubsets)+1)*2]= (paste0("pct_", (uniqueSubsets)[i], "_in_clust"))
  colnames(clusterRarePopCts)[3+(length(uniqueSubsets)+1)*2]= "pct_Total_in_clust"

  # update experiment data
  experiment$status             <- "clustered"
  experiment$clusterMethod      <- method
  experiment$clusterRarePopCts  <- clusterRarePopCts

BenaroyaResearch/briDiscovr documentation built on March 15, 2024, 12:31 a.m.