
Defines functions differential_expression

Documented in differential_expression

#dexp <- differential_expression(combined_df, gmt_file_fdr_cutoffs = c(0.001, 0.01), gmt_file_pvalue_cutoffs = 0.05, gene_expression_cols = gene_cols, my_grouping='Response', output_dir=file.path("./Desktop/work/vincent_lab/output"))
# Notes from method cleanup by nwheeler, 10/11/22:
#   DONE * minor confusion in parameter descriptions ... cooksCutoff and independentFiltering descriptions were reversed
#   DONE * analysis_method - looks like currently only DESeq2 is supported ... update parameter help?
#   DONE * no help for the patient_key_col parameter
#   DONE * heatmap_pack referenced in return value but not actually included ... appears to be commented out
#   SKIPPED * parameterize acceptable fold change
#   DONE * gene_expression_cols - seems like if this is Null, default would be to take vector of all column names except sample_key_col and my_grouping
#   SKIPPED * would it be helpful to have a parameter for defining the grouping levels to use from the my_grouping column, if null, use all levels?
#   DONE * set output_dir to NULL by default - already have a check for this which creates a default output_dir
#   DONE * if output_dir is NULL, setting default path fails because get_analysis_dir method does not exist in binfotron or housekeeping
#   DONE * add useful messaging for some failures such as no gene_expression_cols sent - otherwise there will be fairly cryptic errors
#   DONE * convert compound function calls into %>% where possible?
#   DONE * there is duplicate output folder creation
#   DONE * move my_grouping check to top of function since absence is a stop condition
#   SKIPPED * use housekeepings annotation method?
#   DONE * also check for my_grouping in gene_expression_cols ( already removes sample_key_col )
#   DONE * use padj from deseq results rather than independent call to p.adjust ( since they are the same thing)
#           * reverted above change - output when using DESeq results padj vs. p.adjust(pValues) differs slightly ( got 1 additional gene with padj < .001 using the DESeq values ... not sure why since they call the same method with 'bh', so a different set/subset of pvalues must be passed )
#   DONE * when outputting stats to text file, comment says outputting genes with pvalue < .05 but code to filter genes by said pvalue is commented out ... just changed the comment
#   DONE * reference external methods with :: syntax,
#   * remove library() calls and add methods needed to Description and Namespace

#' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#' differential_expression
#' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#' @title Does a differential gene expression analysis.
#' @description
#' The purpose of \code{differential_expression} is to compare the raw read counts of gene expression data
#' between different groups of samples to see if there is differential gene expression. This is different from model_gene_expression in that this one
#' tries to incorporate the changes needed for the LCCC-Bioinformatics group to use. Dumping sam and edger here. Letting
#' old Deseq (ie not deseq2) go for a bit until it's needed.
#' @details
#' This function utilizes one of either \code{\link{DESeq}} or \code{\link{DESeq2}} methods.  \code{\link{DESeq}} is recommended for single cell data.

#' @param analysis_method Eventually a string option out of the following choices:  DESeq2, DESeq, SAM, or edgeR indicating which method
#'   should be used to do the analysis. Currently only DESeq2 is supported.
#' @param base_file_name String to specify the file name.
#' @param core_number Integer to indicate the number of cores that should be used.
#' @param deseq2_results_cooksCutoff Set to \code{Inf} or \code{FALSE} to disable the resetting of p-values to \code{NA}.
#'   Gets passed to \code{\link{DESeq2::results}} 'cooksCutoff' argument
#' @param deseq2_results_independentFiltering Gets passed to \code{\link{DESeq2::results}} 'independentFiltering' argument
#' @param gene_expression_cols Character vector with the names of the columns with genes in them.
#' @param gmt_file_fdr_cutoffs Numeric vector of cutoffs to use for the FDR significant values.  Two gene signatures
#'   will be made of all the genes that have under the fdr pValue: one for up genes and one for down.
#' @param gmt_file_log2fc_cutoffs Numeric vector of cutoffs to use for the log2 fold change for genes included in signatures. Up and down signatures
#'   will be generated for each combination of log2fc, fdr and pvalue cutoffs. Defaults to c(0) which equates to no filtering by fold change.
#' @param gmt_file_pvalue_cutoffs Numeric vector of cutoffs to use for the pValue significant values.  Two gene signatures
#'   will be made of all the genes that have under the pValue: one for up genes and one for down.
#' @param gmt_ref String indicating what should go in the reference part of the gmt file.
#' @param imported_annotation Character vector to include what steps were done to the data prior to this analysis.  This module will
#'   add on to those steps.
#' @param low_gene_count_cutoff Numeric value indicating if/where to remove genes with low counts. Null will remove no genes.
#' @param low_gene_count_method The summary method to be used, applied to each gene column in my_dt ( function reference, not character ),
#'   used to determine genes to be removed as below low_gene_count_cutoff. Defaults to max ( i.e. if largest count for given gene is below cutoff, exclude it ).
#' @param my_dt Data table ( or data frame ) with gene counts as columns and samples as rows, incuding a grouping column with at least two groups and an id column ( key specified as sample_key_col parameter )
#' @param my_grouping This string is the name of the column you want to use to split the data into groups.
#' @param output_dir Path to the output directory.  This will be calculated automatically if left blank.
#' @param patient_key_col String matching the name of the column that should be used to identify the unique patients. If included, pairwise sample comparison will be performed.
#' @param p_adjust_method String method name to pass to \code{\link{stats::p.adjust}} for FDR correction
#' @param sample_key_col String matching the name of the column that should be used to identify the unique sample identifiers.
#' @param up_suffix String to append to the end of 'Up' signatures
#' @param down_suffix String to append to the end of 'Down' signatures
#' @return List containing several outputs contains:
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item volcano_pack - to be used by \code{\link{view_volcano_plot}};
#'   \item gmt_id_path - path to a gmt file with genes represetned by ids (typically entrez);
#'   \item gmt_symbol_path - path to a gmt file with genes represented by symbols (typically hgnc);
#'   \item stats_path - path to stats of Gene_Name, Fold_Change, pValue, FDR_pValue
#' }
#' @section Writes:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item stats file
#' }
#' @section Todos:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item Fix to match by patient ids.
#'   \item Setup design_var and contrasts
#' }
#' @section Limitations:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item Can only match two samples at this point.
#' }
#' @section See also:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{\link{view_heatmap}}
#'   \item \code{\link{view_volcano_plot}}
#' }
#' @family differential_expression, model
#' @export
differential_expression = function(
  my_dt = NULL,
  analysis_method = "DESeq2",
  base_file_name = NULL,
  base_title = NULL,
  core_number = round(parallel::detectCores()/2),
  deseq2_results_cooksCutoff = NULL,
  deseq2_results_independentFiltering = TRUE,
  gene_expression_cols = NULL,
  gmt_file_log2fc_cutoffs = c(0),
  gmt_file_fdr_cutoffs = c(0.2, 0.05),
  gmt_file_pvalue_cutoffs = c(0.05),
  gmt_ref = "Gene signature created from custom analysis.",
  imported_annotation = NULL,
  low_gene_count_cutoff = NULL,
  low_gene_count_method = max,
  my_grouping = NULL,
  output_dir = NULL,
  patient_key_col = NULL,
  p_adjust_method = "BH",
  sample_key_col = "Run_ID",
  up_suffix = "__Up",
  down_suffix = "__Down"
) {

  if(my_grouping %>% is.null || my_grouping %ni% colnames(my_dt) || my_dt[[my_grouping]] %>% unique() %>% length() < 2 ){
    stop("This function requires a grouping column ( specified by column name ) with at least two groups by which to split the samples.")
  if(!sample_key_col %in% colnames(my_dt)){
    stop("This function requires a sample_key_col that exists in the colnames of my_dt.")

  my_script = "differential_expression.R"

  my_annotation = paste0(analysis_method," analysis: ", my_script)
  a = function(new_text){
    env = parent.env(environment())
    assign('my_annotation', c(get('my_annotation', envir = env), new_text), envir = env)

  if( output_dir %>% is.null() ){
    output_dir = file.path(housekeeping::get_script_dir_path())
    output_dir = file.path(output_dir, analysis_method)
    message("No output_dir sent. Defaulting to: ", output_dir, ".")


  if(base_title %>% is.null() ){
    base_title = paste0(analysis_method, " analysis by ", my_grouping)

  if(base_file_name %>% is.null() ){
    base_file_name = paste0(analysis_method, '_by_', my_grouping)

  dir.create(output_dir, showWarnings = FALSE)  # make output folder

  if( gene_expression_cols %>% is.null()){
    gene_expression_cols <- colnames(my_dt)
    message(paste0("No gene_expression_cols sent. Trying analysis with all columns except ", sample_key_col, " and ", my_grouping,". If DESeqDataSets throws an error, you probably need to specify which columns are gene counts!"))
  rm_clms <- c(sample_key_col, my_grouping)
  if( !is.null(patient_key_col) ) rm_clms %<>% c(patient_key_col)
  gene_expression_cols = gene_expression_cols[gene_expression_cols %ni% rm_clms ]; rm(rm_clms) # remove sample_key_col and my_grouping column from gene_expression_cols if they were included

  dat = my_dt %>% as.data.frame(); rm(my_dt)

  dat = dat[order(dat[,my_grouping]), ]

  # drop any extra levels that might be there
  if (class(dat[[my_grouping]]) == "factor"){
    dat[[my_grouping]] = factor(dat[[my_grouping]], levels = levels(dat[[my_grouping]])[levels(dat[[my_grouping]]) %in% dat[[my_grouping]]])

  n_classes = factor(dat[,my_grouping]) %>% levels() %>% length()

  absent_genes = gene_expression_cols[gene_expression_cols %ni% names(dat)]
  if (length(absent_genes) > 0){
    warning(paste0("These ", length(absent_genes), " genes could not be found in the data:\n", paste0(absent_genes, collapse= ", ")))
    gene_expression_cols = gene_expression_cols[gene_expression_cols %ni% absent_genes]

  if ( !is.null(low_gene_count_cutoff) ){
  	# This block of code iterates over each column ( gene ) in dat and does the 
  	#   summary function provided ( low_gene_count_method ) on that column. 
  	# The summary value for each column is compared against the 
  	#   low_gene_count_cutoff value and the mapply ultimately returns a vector 
  	#   of booleans, one per gene, where True indicates a low count gene.
  	# Then the .[.] selects the items from the mapply return which are true, 
  	#   resulting in a named vector of TRUE values where the names are the genes 
  	#   that should be removed due to being below the low count threshold.
    low_expression_genes <- mapply(function(gene_cts){
      lowest_count <- low_gene_count_method(gene_cts, na.rm=T)
      # If method was range, we take the difference between max and min.
      if ( identical(low_gene_count_method, range) ){
      	lowest_count %<>% diff()
      return(lowest_count <= low_gene_count_cutoff)
    }, dat[gene_expression_cols]) %>% .[.]

    if ( length(low_expression_genes) ){
      a(paste("Removing", length(low_expression_genes), "genes with counts ( via specified low_gene_counts_method ) <=", low_gene_count_cutoff, "across all samples."))
      gene_expression_cols %<>% .[ . %ni% names(low_expression_genes) ]

  if ( length(gene_expression_cols) == 0 ){
    stop("After removing my_grouping, sample_key_col, any gene names that couldn't be found in my_dt, and low count genes ( if requested ), there were no gene_expression_cols remaining to analyze. Check that the values in gene_expression_cols match column names of gene data in my_dt.")

  gene_dat = dat[gene_expression_cols]
  clin_dat = dat[names(dat) %ni% gene_expression_cols]


  display_names = clin_dat[[sample_key_col]]

  rownames(gene_dat) = display_names


  if(tolower(analysis_method) != "deseq2"){ #currently anything other
    warning("DESeq has not been debugged yet since major changes were implemented and only DESeq2 is currently supported - analysis not run.")
    # a("Processing differential expression using DESeq.")
    # if(matched_sample){
    #   a(paste0("!!!!! DESeq doesn't support a paired test, so this will proceed with the unpaired analysis.  ",
    #            "Better to use 'SAM' or 'DESeq2' for paired tests. The data will be limited to samples that ",
    #            "have a match, but the model will not know about their relationship.") %>% wrap_sentence)
    # }
    # a("FDR corrected pValues are calculated using the Benjamin-Hochberg method.")
    # countTable = data.frame(t(data.matrix(gene_dat)))
    # rownames(countTable) = colnames(gene_dat)
    # library(DESeq)
    # cds = newCountDataSet(countTable, conditions)
    # cds = estimateSizeFactors(cds)
    # cds = estimateDispersions(cds)
    # classifier_levels = levels(factor(conditions))
    # res = nbinomTest( cds, classifier_levels[1], classifier_levels[2] )
    # output_stats = data.frame(
    #   Gene_Name = res$id,
    #   Gene_ID = get_gene_element(res$id, 2),
    #   Fold_Change = res$foldChange,
    #   FDR_pValue = res$padj,
    #   pValue = res$pval
    # )
    # output_stats = output_stats[ rev(order(output_stats$Fold_Change)), ]
  } else { # if (tolower(analysis_method) == "deseq2"){
    cat("Running DESeq2.\n")

    # DESeq2 vignette says it's okay to use RSEM input that has been imported through tx import
    #    The tx import DESeq2 approach uses rounded estimated gene counts (but not normalized)
    #    instead of the raw count of fragments which can be unambiguously assigned to a gene.
    #    This is what we did in assembling the formatted matrix.
    # Important that data are not normalized...
    a("Processing differential expression using DESeq2.")
    a("FDR corrected pValues are calculated using the Benjamin-Hochberg method.")

    countTable = t(data.matrix(gene_dat)) %>% data.frame()
    countTable %<>% round()

    rownames(countTable) = colnames(gene_dat)

      if( !patient_key_col %in% colnames(clin_dat)){
        stop(paste0("Error: The patient_key_col, ",patient_key_col,", could not be found in my_dt."))
      cat("Running a pairwise sample comparison.\n")
      a(paste("Running a pairwise sample comparison on", patient_key_col, "column."))
      # Mike Love was the source on doing a paired comparison: https://support.bioconductor.org/p/58893/
      dds = DESeq2::DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = countTable,
                                           colData = data.frame(conditions, Patient_ID = factor(clin_dat[[patient_key_col]])),
                                           design = ~ Patient_ID + conditions)
    } else {
      dds = DESeq2::DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = countTable,
                                           colData = data.frame(conditions),
                                           design = ~ conditions)

    if ( core_number > 1 ){

    #error case of one class already caught as exception at head of function
    if (n_classes == 2){
      my_test = "Wald"
      dds = DESeq2::DESeq(dds, test = my_test, parallel = core_number > 1)
    } else if (n_classes > 2){
      my_test = "LRT"
      dds = DESeq2::DESeq(dds, test = my_test, parallel = core_number > 1, reduced = ~ 1)

    if ( !is.null(deseq2_results_cooksCutoff)){
      res = DESeq2::results(dds, independentFiltering = deseq2_results_independentFiltering, cooksCutoff = deseq2_results_cooksCutoff)
    } else {
      res = DESeq2::results(dds, independentFiltering = deseq2_results_independentFiltering)

    # not sure what to do with LRT data at this point...

    output_stats = data.frame(
      Gene_Combined_Name = rownames(res),
      Gene_Name = sapply(rownames(res), function(x){strsplit(x, '|', fixed = TRUE)[[1]][1]}) %>% as.character,
      Gene_ID = sapply(rownames(res), function(x){strsplit(x, '|', fixed = TRUE)[[1]][2]}) %>% as.character,
      Fold_Change = 2^res$log2FoldChange,
      Log2_Fold_Change = res$log2FoldChange,
      FDR_pValue = p.adjust(res$pvalue, method = p_adjust_method),
      pValue = res$pvalue

    # add DeSeq
    deseq2_coef = coef(dds)
    deseq2_coef = deseq2_coef[,c(1,ncol(deseq2_coef))]
    colnames(deseq2_coef) = c("DESeq2_Intercept", "DESeq2_Coef")
    deseq2_coef = data.frame(Gene_Combined_Name = rownames(deseq2_coef), deseq2_coef)
    rownames(deseq2_coef) = NULL
    output_stats = merge(output_stats, deseq2_coef, by = "Gene_Combined_Name")

    output_stats = output_stats[ output_stats$Fold_Change %>% order(decreasing = TRUE), ]

  # make gmt output files
  # gmt_file_pvalue_cutoffs = c(0.01),
  # gmt_file_fdr_cutoffs = c(0.2, 0.05)
  cat("Prepping gene signatures.\n")
  id_gmt_file_output = c()
  name_gmt_file_output = c()
  for(stats_col in c("pValue", "FDR_pValue") ){
    if(stats_col == "pValue"){
      gmt_cutoffs = gmt_file_pvalue_cutoffs
    } else if (stats_col == "FDR_pValue"){
      gmt_cutoffs = gmt_file_fdr_cutoffs
    for (gmt_cutoff in gmt_cutoffs){
      sig_stats = output_stats[which(output_stats[,stats_col]<=gmt_cutoff),]
      # need to figure out whether these are entrez id's or hgnc
      # we are expecting an hgnc and entrez id separated by a pipe but need to be ready for anything
      fold_by_col_1_names = sig_stats$Log2_Fold_Change
      names(fold_by_col_1_names) = sig_stats$Gene_Name %>% as.character()
      fold_by_col_1_names = fold_by_col_1_names[names(fold_by_col_1_names) != "NA"]
      fold_by_col_1_names = fold_by_col_1_names[!is.na(names((fold_by_col_1_names)))]
      fold_by_col_1_names = fold_by_col_1_names[!duplicated(names(fold_by_col_1_names))]

      fold_by_col_2_names = sig_stats$Log2_Fold_Change
      names(fold_by_col_2_names) = sig_stats$Gene_ID %>% as.character()
      fold_by_col_2_names = fold_by_col_2_names[names(fold_by_col_2_names) != "NA"]
      fold_by_col_2_names = fold_by_col_2_names[!is.na(names((fold_by_col_2_names)))]
      fold_by_col_2_names = fold_by_col_2_names[!duplicated(names(fold_by_col_2_names))]

      for (fold_by_names in list(fold_by_col_1_names, fold_by_col_2_names)){
        if(sum(!is.na(names(fold_by_names))) > 0){ # if there are any names
          linerized_names = paste0(names(fold_by_names), collapse = "")
          is_id = grepl("^[[:digit:]]+$", linerized_names)
          gene_set_base_name = paste0(base_file_name, "__", stats_col, "_", gmt_cutoff) %>% gsub("-","_",.)
          for( gmt_file_log2fc_cutoff in gmt_file_log2fc_cutoffs ){
            full_gene_set_base_name <- gene_set_base_name
            #only append gmt_file_log2fc_cutoff value if specific values were requested
            if( gmt_file_log2fc_cutoff != 0 ) full_gene_set_base_name %<>% paste0("__log2fc_",gmt_file_log2fc_cutoff)
            up_genes = names(fold_by_names[fold_by_names > gmt_file_log2fc_cutoff])
            down_genes = names(fold_by_names[fold_by_names < (gmt_file_log2fc_cutoff*-1)])
            if(length(up_genes) > 0){
              gene_set_name = paste0(full_gene_set_base_name, up_suffix)
                id_gmt_file_output = c(id_gmt_file_output, paste0(c(gene_set_name, gmt_ref, paste0(up_genes, collapse = "\t")), collapse = "\t"))
              } else {
                name_gmt_file_output = c(name_gmt_file_output, paste0(c(gene_set_name, gmt_ref, paste0(up_genes, collapse = "\t")), collapse = "\t"))
            if(length(down_genes) > 0){
              gene_set_name = paste0(full_gene_set_base_name, down_suffix)
                id_gmt_file_output = c(id_gmt_file_output, paste0(c(gene_set_name, gmt_ref, paste0(down_genes, collapse = "\t")), collapse = "\t"))
              } else {
                name_gmt_file_output = c(name_gmt_file_output, paste0(c(gene_set_name, gmt_ref, paste0(down_genes, collapse = "\t")), collapse = "\t"))
  if(length(id_gmt_file_output) > 0){
    gmt_id_path = file.path(output_dir, paste0(base_file_name, "_gene_signature_ids.gmt.txt"))
    writeLines(id_gmt_file_output, gmt_id_path)
    cat("Producing a gmt file with gene ids.\n")
  } else {
    gmt_id_path = NULL
    cat("No significant genes were found to make a gene signature with gene ids. Either no genes were significant or only gene names were provided.\n")

  if(length(name_gmt_file_output) > 0){
    gmt_symbol_path = file.path(output_dir, paste0(base_file_name, "_gene_signature_symbols.gmt.txt"))
    writeLines(name_gmt_file_output, gmt_symbol_path)
    cat("Producing a gmt file with gene names.\n")
  } else {
    gmt_symbol_path= NULL
    cat("No significant genes were found to make a gene signature with gene names. Either no genes were significant or only gene ids were provided.\n")

  a("Output stats sorted by pValue."); a("") # with a pvalue <= 0.05
  names(output_stats) %<>% gsub(".", "_",., fixed = T)

  #sig_stats = output_stats[which(output_stats$pValue<=0.05),] # for writing to text file
  # rownames(output_stats) = output_stats$Gene_Name
  # heatmap_pValues = output_stats[names(gene_dat), "pValue"]
  # names(heatmap_pValues) = names(gene_dat)
  # heatmap_FDR_pValues = output_stats[names(gene_dat), "FDR_pValue"]
  # names(heatmap_FDR_pValues) = names(gene_dat)
  # heatmap_fold_change = output_stats[names(gene_dat), "Fold_Change"]
  # names(heatmap_fold_change) = names(gene_dat)
  # sig_genes = sig_stats$Gene_Name # get the list of genes that were significant in order of high to low fold change
  # #     heatmap_stats = data.frame(feature = pretty_gene_name(sig_stats$Gene_ID %>% as.character), pValue = sig_stats$FDR_pValue/100)
  # #     gene_dat = gene_dat[ , sig_genes %>% as.character]
  # sig_stats$Gene_ID = sapply(sig_stats$Gene_Name %>% as.character, function(x){strsplit(x, '|', fixed = TRUE)[[1]][2]}) %>% as.character
  # sig_stats$Gene_Name = sapply(sig_stats$Gene_Name %>% as.character, function(x){strsplit(x, '|', fixed = TRUE)[[1]][1]}) %>% as.character
  # # output stats of sam analysis

  #Remove Log2_Fold_Change which was only being used for filtering GMT outputs
  output_stats$Log2_Fold_Change <- NULL

  stats_path = file.path(output_dir, paste0(base_file_name, "_stats.tsv"))
  data.table::fwrite(output_stats[order(output_stats$pValue), ], stats_path, sep = "\t")

  # heatmap_pack = list(sample_names = clin_dat[[sample_key_col]],
  #                     classifiers = conditions,
  #                     input_df = gene_dat, # +1 to make sure 0's aren't turned to NA's
  #                     base_title = base_title,
  #                     base_file_name = base_file_name,
  #                     output_dir = output_dir,
  #                     # pdf_metadata = pdf_metadata,
  #                     # argument_list = argument_list,
  #                     my_model = analysis_method,
  #                     annotation = c(my_annotation),
  #                     FDR_pValue = heatmap_FDR_pValues,
  #                     pValue = heatmap_pValues,
  #                     fold_change = heatmap_fold_change
  # )

  if(n_classes == 2){

    volcano_pack = list(
      base_file_name = base_file_name,
      # base_title = base_title,
      colname_of_feature_groups = NULL,
      colname_of_feature_names = "Gene_Name",
      colname_of_fold_change = "Fold_Change",
      colname_of_pValue = "pValue",
      colname_of_FDR = "FDR_pValue",
      my_annotation = my_annotation,
      my_dt = output_stats %>% data.table::as.data.table(),
      ordered_factors = levels(conditions)[1:2],
      output_dir = output_dir

  } else {
    a("There were more than 2 categories so a volcano plot wasn't possible. Compare two categories at a time for this." %>% housekeeping::wrap_sentence() )
    volcano_pack = NULL

  a(paste0(" End of ", analysis_method," analysis") %>% housekeeping::as.footer())

  annotation_path = file.path(output_dir, paste0(base_file_name, "_readme.txt"))
  write.table(my_annotation, annotation_path, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)

  # rerun_path = file.path(output_dir, paste0(base_file_name, get_config_extension()))
  # write.table(config_script, rerun_path, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)

  return(list(volcano_pack = volcano_pack, gmt_id_path = gmt_id_path, gmt_symbol_path = gmt_symbol_path, stats_path = stats_path))

} # end gene_expression_analysis
Benjamin-Vincent-Lab/binfotron documentation built on Oct. 1, 2024, 8:33 p.m.