
#' builds the conda env through reticulate
#' @param envName name for new conda env
#' @param ... other arguments passed to reticulate::conda_create()
#' @return File path to created environment
buildCondaEnv <- function(envName, ...) {

    # Create env and install
    reticulate::conda_create(envname = envName, ...)

    # Get Env Path
    envPath <- reticulate::conda_list() %>%
        dplyr::filter(name == envName) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(python = gsub(python,
            pattern = "/bin/python",
            replacement = ""
        )) %>%


#' Get list of effective genome sizes
#' @param genome the UCSC genome name to check
#' @param envPath the path to conda env containing "khmer"
#' @return A data frame containing the effective genome sizes.
getEffectiveGenomeSizes <- function(genome,
    lengths = c(
        36, 50, 75, 100, 125,
        150, 200, 250, 300
    )) {
    fasta_file <- paste0(
        genome, "/bigZips/", genome, ".fa.gz"
    outFile <- file.path(tempdir(), paste0(genome, ".fa.gz"))

    # Download genome fasta if not exists
    if (!file.exists(outFile)) {
        download.file(fasta_file, destfile = outFile)

    # Find eff genome size for all lengths
    sizes <- lapply(lengths, getEffGenSize,
        faFile = outFile,
        envPath = envPath
    names(sizes) <- paste0("eff_genome_size_", lengths, "bp")
    sizedf <- data.frame(sizes) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(UCSC_orgID = genome)


#' Get effective genome size
#' @param len The read length for which to obtain genome sizes
#' @param faFile The genome fasta file to analyze
#' @param envPath The path to the conda env with khmer installed
#' @param condaPath The path to the conda binary.
#' Default = reticulate::conda_binary()
#' @return A data frame containing the effective genome sizes.
getEffGenSize <- function(len,
    envPath) {

    # Get back to binary
    condaPath <- reticulate::conda_binary()

    # This line sources the conda shell script, activates the khmerenv,
    # and runs
    cmd <- paste0(
        ". ", gsub(condaPath,
            pattern = "/bin/conda",
            replacement = "/etc/profile.d/"
        " && conda activate ",
        envPath, " && -k ", len, " -R ",
        faFile, "_", len, ".txt ", faFile
    # If already run, then not needed to run again
    if (!file.exists(paste0(faFile, "_", len, ".txt"))) {
    } else {
        print(paste0("Already ran length: ", len))
    # Get the part of the output with the eff genome size
    lines <- readLines(paste0(faFile, "_", len, ".txt"))
    lines <- lines[grep(x = lines, "number of unique k-mers: ")]
    size <- gsub(lines,
        pattern = "number of unique k-mers: \t([0-9]+)$",
        replacement = "\\1"

#' Build Available Genomes
#' Helper Function which builds the UCSC available genomes dataset
#' @param test if TRUE, will only build info set for first 2 genomes in UCSC.
#' @param ... arguments passed to `getEffectiveGenomeSizes()`
#' @return A data frame of avaialable genomes and corresponding info.
buildAvailableGenomes <- function(test = FALSE, ...) {
    envName <- buildCondaEnv(
        packages = "khmer",
        envName = "khmerEnv",
        channel = c("bioconda", "conda-forge")

    api_genome <- restfulr::RestUri("")
    response <- restfulr::read(api_genome$ucscGenomes)[["ucscGenomes"]]

    # Wrangle the data from UCSC Genome API
    available_genomes <-, response) %>%
        tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "UCSC_orgID") %>%
        dplyr::group_by(UCSC_orgID) %>%
            genes_available = checkGenes(UCSC_orgID),
            homer_anno_available = checkHomer(UCSC_orgID),
            year = as.numeric(gsub(
                x = description,
                replacement = "\\1",
                pattern = ".+ ([0-9]+) \\(.+"
    # If testing, only use small genomes
    smallgen <- c("eboVir3", "wuhCor1")
    if (test) {
        available_genomes <- dplyr::filter(
            .data$UCSC_orgID %in% smallgen

    # Get the effective genome sizes
    eff_gen_sizes <- available_genomes %>%
        dplyr::pull(UCSC_orgID) %>%
        lapply(function(genome) {
            getEffectiveGenomeSizes(genome = genome, envPath = envName, ...)
        }) %>%

    # Bind final table and return
        dplyr::left_join(available_genomes, eff_gen_sizes, by = "UCSC_orgID")

# Main execution of the data building steps
available_genomes <- buildAvailableGenomes()
usethis::use_data(available_genomes, overwrite = TRUE, compress = "xz")
Bishop-Laboratory/RLSeq documentation built on Jan. 28, 2023, 11:38 p.m.