alphaconv | Calculate parameters for beta distribution from mean and... |
applyMMP | Apply multi Management Procedures (class MMP) to a... |
applyMP | Apply Management Procedures to an object of class Data |
ASAP2OM | Convert ASAP 3 assessments into an operating model |
Assess2MOM | Reads bootstrap estimates from a stock assessment model into... |
Assess2OM | Reads bootstrap estimates from a stock assessment model... |
avail | What objects of this class are available |
Awatea2OM | Reads MCMC estimates from Awatea (Paul Starr) processed r... |
BAM2MOM | Import a multi-stock, multi-fleet OM from a BAM object |
BlankSelPlot | Internal function to create a blank plot for mapping... |
Blow_opt | Blow internal parallel optimization function |
boxplot.Data | Boxplot of TAC recommendations |
CalcAsymptoticDist | Calculates the asymptotic distribution from an initial... |
calcMean | Calculate Mean Probability |
CalcMPDynamics | Calculate population dynamics from MP recommendation |
CalcMPDynamics_MF | Calculate population dynamics from MP recommendation for... |
calcProb | Calculate Probability |
calcRefYield | Calculate Reference Yield |
CalculateQ | Optimize for catchability (q) |
CALsimp | Simplifies the CAL slot of data object |
Can | Identify management procedures (MPs) based on data... |
char.log-class | Class union for isRel slot |
CheckDuplicate | Check for duplicated MPs names |
CheckMPs | Check that specified MPs are valid and will run on... |
checkMSE | Utility functions for MSE objects |
CheckOM | Check OM object is complete |
ChkYrs | Check the years to summarize performance |
Choose | Manually map parameters for the historical period of... |
CombineMMP | Create a blank MP recommendations object (class Rec) of the... |
Converge | Check Convergence |
Cos_thresh_tab | Current default thresholds for COSEWIC satisficing |
cparscheck | Internal function for checking that the 'OM@cpars' is... |
Cplot | Plot the median biomass and yield relative to last historical... |
CSRA | Catch at size reduction analysis |
CSRAfunc | Optimization function for CSRA |
cv | Calculate CV from vector of values |
Data2csv | Converts a Data object into a .csv data file |
Data-class | Class "Data" |
Data-class-objects | Data class objects |
DataDescription | DataDescription |
DataDir | Directory of the data in the installed package on your... |
DataInit | Initialize Data Input Files |
DataSlots | DataSlots |
Data_xl | Read in Data object from Excel spreadsheet |
DFO_bar | Department of Fisheries and Oceans stock status bar plot |
DFO_hist | Department of Fisheries and Oceans historical plot |
DFO_plot | Department of Fisheries and Oceans trade-off plot |
DFO_plot2 | Department of Fisheries and Oceans default plot 2 |
DFO_proj | Department of Fisheries and Oceans projection plot |
DFO_quant | Department of Fisheries and Oceans biomass quantile plot |
DFO_report | Create a standard DFO MSE report |
DFO_spider | DFO performance spider plot (top three MPs) |
DFO_tab | Create a standard DFO performance table |
DFO_tab_formatted | A formatted version of the standard DFO performance plot,... |
DLMDataDir | Directory of the installed package on your computer |
dnormal | Double-normal selectivity curve |
doHCR | Hockey Stick Harvest control rule that modifies TAC. |
doIfreq | Create indices that are sampled at various frequencies |
Dom | Determine dominate MPs |
doRec | Calculate a management recommendation given constraints |
Emp | A flexible empirical management procedure. |
Fease | MP feasibility diagnostic |
Fleet-class | Class "Fleet" |
Fleet-class-objects | Fleet class objects |
FleetDescription | FleetDescription |
FMSYref | Reference management procedures |
GenerateRandomWalk | Creates a time series per simulation that has a random normal... |
genSizeCompWrap | Wrapper for C++ function to generate length composition |
getAFC | Calculate age at first capture from length at first capture... |
getBlow | Blow parallel optimization function |
getclass | get object class |
getDataList | Get part of an MP specific data-list |
getEffhist | Calculate historical fishing mortality |
getfirstlev | Extract the first dimension of a hierarchical list of... |
getmov2 | Optimization function to find a movement model that matches... |
getMP | Search R session for MP |
getnIVs | Count independent variables for a MICE relationship at... |
getq_multi_MICE | Optimize for catchability (q) and fishing dist for a MICE... |
getsel | Calculate selectivity curve |
hconv | Stock recruit parameterization |
Herm-int | Internal Herm functions |
hist2 | Wrapper for histogram function |
Hist-class | Class "Hist" |
HistDescription | HistDescription |
HistMICE | Reconstruct historical dynamics |
hrate | Derives the rate of exchange from one sex to another based on... |
Imp-class | Class "Imp" |
Imp-class-objects | Imp class objects |
ImpDescription | ImpDescription |
initialize-methods | ~~ Methods for Function 'initialize' ~~ |
Input | Function to run a set of input control methods |
iSCAM | Reads iSCAM files into a hierarchical R list object |
iSCAM2OM | Reads MPD or MCMC estimates and data from iSCAM file... |
iSCAMcomps | Combines all iSCAM age composition data across fleets |
iSCAMinds | Combines indices into a single index using linear modelling... |
joinData | Join Data objects present in a list |
join_plots | Plot several plots with a shared legend |
Kplot | KOBE plot: a projection by projection plot of F/FMSY and... |
L2A | Length to age conversion |
label.class-class | Label class union for performance metric objects |
Lag_Data | Lag the time-series slots in a 'Data' object by a specified... |
ldim | Dimensions of a hierarchical list object |
LH2OM | Predict missing life-history parameters |
LHdatabase | LHdatabase |
LinInterp | Linear interpolation of a y value at level xlev based on a... |
makeMOM | Utility for making multi-OMs |
makemov | Calculates movement matrices from user inputs for fraction in... |
makemov2 | Calculates movement matrices from user inputs for fraction in... |
makeRel | MICE relationships for multi-OM |
makeTransparent | Make colors transparent |
ML2D | Depletion and F estimation from mean length of catches |
MMSE-class | Class "MMSE" |
MOM-class | Class "MOM" |
MOM-class-objects | MOM class objects |
movestockCPP | Apply the movement model to the stock for one time-step |
movfit_Rcpp | Rcpp version of the Optimization function that returns the... |
MPCalcsNAs | Fill any NAs arising from MPCalcs (hermaphroditism mode) |
MPtype | Management Procedure Type |
MPurl | Get help topic URL |
MSE-class | Class "MSE" |
MSEDescription | MSEDescription |
MSEextra | Load more data from MSEextra package |
MSYCalcs | Internal function to calculate MSY Reference Points |
multiData | Combine data among fleets |
multiDataS | Combine data among stocks |
multidebug | A basic comparison of runMSE output (MSE) and multiMSE (MMSE) |
multiMSE | Run a multi-fleet multi-stock Management Strategy Evaluation |
NAor0 | Is a value NA or zero. |
NIL | Item in list: get the list values from a list of lists |
NOAA_plot | National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration default... |
Obs-class | Class "Obs" |
Obs-class-objects | Obs class objects |
ObsDescription | ObsDescription |
OM-class | Class "OM" |
OM-class-objects | OM class objects |
OMDescription | OMDescription |
OMdoc | Generate OM Documentation Report |
OMexample | Copy example OM XL and OM Documentation |
OMinit | Initialize Operating Model |
OneRep | Make stochastic variables certain for only one rep |
optCPU | Determine optimal number of cpus |
optMSY_eq | Internal wrapper function to calculate MSY reference points... |
optQ | Optimize q for a single simulation |
optYield | Optimize yield for a single simulation |
PerformanceMetric | Performance Metrics Methods |
plot.Data | Plot Data object |
plotFun | Print out plotting functions |
plot.MMSE | Standard plot for an object of class MMSE (multi MSE) |
plot.MOM | Standard plot for an object of class MOM |
plot.MSE | Plot MSE object |
plotmulti | A basic SSB plot for debugging runMSE output |
plotOFL | A generic OFL plot for NOAA use |
plotquant | A fairly tidy time-series quantile plot |
plotRel | Plot a relationship between stocks |
plot.Stock | Plot Operating Model Object |
PMLimit | Create a table of Performance Limits and Performance... |
PMobj-class | An object for storing data for analysis using data-limited... |
popdynCPP | Population dynamics model in CPP |
popdynMICE | Population dynamics for a MICE model (multiyear) |
popdynOneMICE | Population dynamics for a MICE model (single year) |
popdynOneTScpp | Aging and Mortality for one time-step |
Pplot | A projection by projection plot of F/FMSY and B/BMSY |
Pplot2 | A projection by projection plot of F/FMSY, B/BMSY, B/B0, and... |
prob.class-class | Prob class union for performance metric objects |
PWhisker | Performance Whisker Plot |
qestMICE | Internal function for optimizing catchability (q) for a MICE... |
quantile_plot | A quantile plot |
Range | Standardize values |
RealFease | MP feasibility diagnostic using real data |
Rec-class | Class "Rec" |
Replace | Replace an existing Stock, Fleet, Obs, or Imp object |
replic8 | Enlarge (replicate) a DLM data object to create an additional... |
Report | Generate a Data Report |
ReqData | ReqData |
Required | What management procedures need what data |
ResFromRel | Returns Results of a set of MICE relationships |
runCOSEWIC | COSEWIC MSE run using the correct MPs and projected time... |
runInMP | Runs input control MPs on a Data object. |
runMP | Run a Management Procedure |
runMSE | Run a Management Strategy Evaluation |
SampleCpars | Sample custom pars |
SampleFleetPars | Sample Fleet Parameters |
SampleImpPars | Sample Implementation Error Parameters |
SampleObsPars | Sample Observation Parameters |
sample_steepness2 | Sample steepness given mean and cv |
SampleStockPars | Sample Stock parameters |
sdconv | Get parameters of lognormal distribution from mean and... |
select_MP | Select DataList for an MP from 'MMSE@PPD' |
Sense | Sensitivity analysis |
setup | Setup parallel processing |
show-MSE | Show the output of a PM |
show-MSEtool | Show MSEtool S4 objects |
show-Rec | Show the output of a single MP recommendation |
SIL | Slot in list: get the slot values from a list of objects |
simCAA | Simulate Catch-at-Age Data |
simCAL | Simulate Catch-at-Length Data |
simmov | Calculates movement matrices from user inputs |
simmov2 | Calculates movement matrices from user specified distribution... |
SimulatedData | SimulatedData Data |
SketchFun | Manually map the historical relative fishing effort... |
smoothy | General purpose polynomial smoother |
Splot | Standard MSE projection plot |
SS2Data | Reads data Stock Synthesis file structure into a Data object... |
SS2DataMOM | Reads data Stock Synthesis file structure into a nested Data... |
SS2MOM | Import Stock Synthesis to MOM (2-sex multi-fleet) or OM... |
SSBrefplot | Plot Spawning stock biomass and reference points for both... |
Stock-class | Class "Stock" |
Stock-class-objects | Stock class objects |
StockDescription | StockDescription |
Sub | Subset MSE object by management procedure (MP) or simulation. |
SubCpars | Subset the cpars slot in an operating model |
SubOM | Subset a Stock, Fleet, Obs, or Imp object from an OM object |
summary-Data | Summary of Data object |
summary-MMSE | Summary of MMSE object |
summary-MSE | Summary of MSE object |
TAC | Calculate TAC recommendations for more than one MP |
TACfilter | TAC Filter |
Taxa_Table | Taxa_Table |
TEG | Tom's expand grid |
Thresh_tab | Current default thresholds for DFO satisficing |
tinyErr | Remove observation, implementation, and process error |
TradePlot | Generic Trade-Plot Function |
trlnorm | Lognormal distribution |
tune_MP | Tune MP |
Turing | Turing Test |
Uses | Find the Management Procedures that use a particular data... |
validcpars | Valid custom parameters (cpars) |
VOI | Calculate Value Of Information |
VOI2 | Calculate Value Of Information 2 |
VOIplot | Yet another Value of Information Plot |
WHAM2OM | Takes a fitted SAM model and samples historical population... |
wormplot | Biomass wormplot |
writeCSV | Internal function to write CSVs for objects |
XL2Data | Import a Data object from Excel file |
XL2Fleet | Import Fleet Object from Excel file |
XL2OM | Load OM from Excel file |
XL2Stock | Import Stock Object from Excel file |
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