# Functions that operate on Data Object
#' Initialize Data Input Files
#' Creates template for the Data input file (Excel or CSV) and Data documentation file (Markdown)
#' in the working directory or the directory specified by the `dir` argument
#' @param name Name of the data input files. Default is 'Data'. Use 'Example'
#' to create populated example Data Input and Data Documentation files.
#' @param ext Optional file extension for input file. 'xlsx' (default) or 'csv'
#' @param overwrite Logical. Overwrite existing files?
#' @param dir Optional directory path to create the Data files. Default is `getwd()``
#' @return Nothing. Creates template data files in the working directory.
#' @export
#' @author A. Hordyk
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' DataInit("Example") # populated example
#' DataInit("myData") # empty template
#' }
DataInit <- function(name="Data", ext=c("xlsx", "csv"), overwrite=FALSE, dir=NULL) {
ext <- match.arg(ext)
if (is.null(dir)) dir <- getwd()
mdname <- paste(name, "md", sep=".")
if (name == "Example") {
name <- paste(name, ext, sep=".")
md.path <- system.file("Data_Example.md", package = "MSEtool")
md.pathout <- gsub("Data_Example.md", mdname, md.path)
if (ext == "xlsx") {
par.path <- system.file("Data_Example.xlsx", package = "MSEtool")
pathout <- gsub("Data_Example.xlsx", name, par.path)
pathout <- gsub(dirname(pathout), dir, pathout)
} else {
par.path <- system.file("Data_Example.csv", package = "MSEtool")
pathout <- gsub("Data_Example.csv", name, par.path)
pathout <- gsub(dirname(pathout), dir, pathout)
} else{
name <- paste(name, ext, sep=".")
md.path <- system.file("Rmd/Data/Data.md", package = "MSEtool")
md.pathout <- gsub("Data.md", mdname, md.path)
if (ext == "xlsx") {
par.path <- system.file("Data.xlsx", package = "MSEtool")
pathout <- gsub("Data.xlsx", name, par.path)
pathout <- gsub(dirname(pathout), dir, pathout)
} else {
par.path <- system.file("Data.csv", package = "MSEtool")
pathout <- gsub("Data.csv", name, par.path)
pathout <- gsub(dirname(pathout), dir, pathout)
# Copy xlsx file over to working directory
message("Creating ", name, " and ", mdname, " in ", dir)
# Check if file exists
exist <- file.exists(pathout)
if (exist & !overwrite) stop(name, " already exists in ", dir, ". Use 'overwrite=TRUE' to overwrite", call.=FALSE)
copy <- file.copy(par.path, pathout, overwrite = overwrite)
if (!copy) stop("Excel file not copied from ", par.path)
# Check if file exists
md.pathout <- gsub(dirname(md.pathout), dir, md.pathout)
exist <- file.exists(md.pathout)
if (exist & !overwrite) stop(mdname, " already exists in ", dir, ". Use 'overwrite=TRUE' to overwrite", call.=FALSE)
copy <- file.copy(md.path, md.pathout, overwrite = overwrite)
if (!copy) stop("Markdown file not copied from ", md.path)
#' Import a Data object from Excel file
#' @param name Name of the data file, with or without file extension.
#' Include full file path if not in working directory
#' @param dec the character used in the file for decimal points.
#' @param sheet Sheet number if importing Data from XL file
#' @param silent Logical. Hide messages?
#' @return An object of class 'Data'
#' @export
#' @author A. Hordyk
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' MyData <- XL2Data("MyData.xlsx")
#' }
XL2Data <- function(name, dec=c(".", ","), sheet=1, silent=FALSE) {
if (!requireNamespace("readxl", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Package \"readxl\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
call. = FALSE)
dec <- match.arg(dec)
dir <- dirname(name)
if (dir ==".") {
dir <- NULL
} else {
name <- basename(name)
if (is.null(dir)) dir <- getwd()
if (nchar(tools::file_ext(name)) == 0) {
xl.fname1 <- paste0(name, ".xlsx")
xl.fname2 <- paste0(name, ".csv")
fls <- file.exists(c(file.path(dir, xl.fname1), file.path(dir,xl.fname2)))
if (sum(fls) == 0) stop(xl.fname1, " or ", xl.fname2, " not found in ", dir)
if (sum(fls) > 1) stop(name, " found with multiple extensions. Specify file extension.", call.=FALSE)
name <- c(xl.fname1, xl.fname2)[fls]
if (tools::file_ext(name) == "csv") {
tempin <- strsplit(readLines(file.path(dir,name)), ",")
# detect header
header <- ifelse(tempin[[2]][1] == 'Name', TRUE, FALSE)
somechar <- function(x) sum(nchar(x) > 0)
Ncol <- max(unlist(lapply(tempin, somechar)))
col.names <- paste0("V", 1:Ncol)
if (dec == ".") {
datasheet <- read.csv(file.path(dir,name), header = header,
colClasses = "character", col.names=col.names,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = NULL)
} else {
datasheet <- read.csv2(file.path(dir,name), header = header,
colClasses = "character", col.names=col.names,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = NULL)
} else if(tools::file_ext(name) %in% c("xls", "xlsx")) {
datasheet <- readxl::read_excel(file.path(dir,name), sheet = sheet,
col_names = TRUE, .name_repair = "minimal")
if (datasheet[1,1] == "Common Name") { # no header in data file
datasheet <- readxl::read_excel(file.path(dir,name), sheet = sheet,
col_names = FALSE, .name_repair = "minimal")
} else {
stop("File extension must be .csv, .xls, or .xlsx")
if (ncol(datasheet) == 1) stop("Data file has no data") # no data in data file
if (all(is.na(datasheet[,2]))) stop("Data file has no data in column B") # no data in data file
# Add column names
colnames(datasheet) <- c("Name", "Data")
# check names in Column 1
input <- file.path(system.file(package = 'MSEtool'), "Data.csv")
valnames <- read.csv(input, header=FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
valnames <- valnames[,1]
valnames <- c(valnames, "LHYear", "MPrec", 'MPeff')
InNames <- datasheet$Name
inval <- InNames[!InNames %in% valnames]
inval <- inval[!grepl("CAL", inval)]
inval <- inval[!grepl("CAA", inval)]
inval <- inval[!grepl("Index", inval)]
inval <- inval[!grepl("CV Index", inval)]
inval <- inval[!grepl("Index", inval)]
inval <- inval[!grepl("Modal length", inval)]
inval <- inval[!grepl("Mean length Lc", inval)]
inval <- inval[!grepl("Current spawning stock abundance", inval)]
inval <- inval[!grepl("Cref", inval)]
inval <- inval[!grepl("Iref", inval)]
inval <- inval[!grepl("Bref", inval)]
inval <- inval[!grepl("CV Cref", inval)]
inval <- inval[!grepl("CV Iref", inval)]
inval <- inval[!grepl("CV Bref", inval)]
inval <- inval[!grepl("CV Rec", inval)]
inval <- inval[!grepl("Recruitment", inval)]
inval <- inval[!grepl("LenCV", inval)]
inval <- inval[!is.na(inval)]
if (length(inval)>0)
warning("These rows in the Data file are not valid names and were not imported:\n", paste(inval, collapse=', '))
datasheet$Name[datasheet$Name == "MPrec"] <- 'Previous TAC'
datasheet$Name[datasheet$Name == "MPeff"] <- 'Previous TAE'
datasheet$Name[datasheet$Name == "Modal length"] <- 'Modal length (Lc)'
datasheet$Name[datasheet$Name == "Mean length Lc"] <- 'Mean length above Lc'
datasheet$Name[datasheet$Name == "Current spawning stock abundance"] <- 'Current spawning abundance'
datasheet$Name[datasheet$Name == "Cref"] <- 'Catch Reference'
datasheet$Name[datasheet$Name == "Iref"] <- 'Index Reference'
datasheet$Name[datasheet$Name == "Bref"] <- 'Biomass Reference'
datasheet$Name[datasheet$Name == "CV Cref"] <- 'CV Catch Reference'
datasheet$Name[datasheet$Name == "CV Iref"] <- 'CV Index Reference'
datasheet$Name[datasheet$Name == "CV Bref"] <- 'CV Biomass Reference'
datasheet$Name[datasheet$Name == "Recruitment"] <- 'Recruitment Index'
datasheet$Name[datasheet$Name == "LenCV"] <- 'CV of length-at-age'
Data <- new("Data")
# ---- Main ----
import_convert <- function(Name, datasheet, numeric=TRUE) {
temp <- datasheet$Data[which(datasheet$Name==Name)]
if (length(temp)<1) {
if(numeric) return(as.numeric(NA))
if(!numeric) return(as.character(NA))
if (is.na(temp)&& numeric) return(as.numeric(NA))
if (is.na(temp)) return(temp)
if (temp == 'NA' && numeric) return(as.numeric(NA))
if (is.na(temp)) return(temp)
if (numeric) temp <- as.numeric(temp)
DataSlots <- MSEtool::DataSlots
# loop over DataSlots and populate slots in Data object with imported values
for(i in 1:nrow(DataSlots)) {
if (!is.na(DataSlots$Slot[i]) & !DataSlots$Timeseries[i]) {
isNumeric <- DataSlots$Numeric[i]
Name <- DataSlots$Name[i]
Slot <- DataSlots$Slot[i]
slot(Data, Slot) <- import_convert(Name, datasheet, isNumeric)
# ---- Time-Series ----
import_convert_ts <- function(Name, datasheet, Data, matrix=TRUE,
checkLength=TRUE) {
row <- which(datasheet$Name==Name)
if (Name =="Year") {
columns <- 2:ncol(datasheet)
temp <- datasheet[row, columns]
temp <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(temp))
temp <- temp[!is.na(temp)]
} else {
columns <- 2:(length(Data@Year)+1)
temp <- datasheet[row, columns]
DataSlots <- MSEtool::DataSlots
ind <- which(DataSlots$Name == Name)
Slot <- DataSlots$Slot[ind]
isNumeric <- DataSlots$Numeric[ind]
if (isNumeric) temp <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(temp))
if (grepl('CV', Name)) {
if (!is.na(temp[1]) & all(is.na(temp[2:length(temp)]))) {
message_info('Only one value found for ', paste0(Name, '.'), 'Assuming this value for all years')
temp <- rep(temp[1], length(Data@Year))
if (matrix) temp <- matrix(temp, nrow=1)
if (checkLength) {
if (length(Data@Year)<=0)
stop(Name, ' time-series data detected, but no data found for Year', call.=FALSE)
if (length(temp) != length(Data@Year))
stop(Name, ' time-series data must be the same length as Year (use NA for years with missing data)', call.=FALSE)
slot(Data, Slot) <- temp
# Year index
Data <- import_convert_ts('Year', datasheet, Data, FALSE, FALSE)
# extra check for LHYear (used multiple names in CSV in the past)
tryLHyear <- datasheet$Data[which(datasheet$Name=="LHYear")]
if (length(tryLHyear)<1) {
tryLHyear <- datasheet$Data[which(datasheet$Name=="Last Historical Year")]
tryLHyear <- as.numeric(tryLHyear)
Data@LHYear <- tryLHyear
if (length(tryLHyear)<1 | is.na(tryLHyear)) {
if (is.finite(max(Data@Year, na.rm=TRUE))) {
message_info(paste0('Last Historical Year (`LHYear`) missing, assuming it is maximum value in `Year` (', max(Data@Year, na.rm=TRUE), ')'))
Data@LHYear <- max(Data@Year, na.rm=TRUE)
} else {
stop("Last Historical Year must be specified (single numeric value) if no values in `Year`")
if (!Data@LHYear %in% Data@Year)
stop("`Year` must include Last Historical Year", call. = FALSE)
if (!all(seq(Data@Year[1], Data@Year[length(Data@Year)], 1) == Data@Year))
stop("`Year` must be sequential and include all years")
Nyears <- length(Data@Year)
# Catch time-series
Data <- import_convert_ts('Catch', datasheet, Data)
Data <- import_convert_ts('CV Catch', datasheet, Data)
# Effort time-series
Data <- import_convert_ts('Effort', datasheet, Data)
Data <- import_convert_ts('CV Effort', datasheet, Data)
# Total abundance index - fishery dependant
Data <- import_convert_ts('Abundance index', datasheet, Data)
Data <- import_convert_ts('CV Abundance index', datasheet, Data)
# Spawning abundance index - fishery dependant
Data <- import_convert_ts('Spawning Abundance index', datasheet, Data)
Data <- import_convert_ts('CV Spawning Abundance index', datasheet, Data)
# Vulnerable abundance index - fishery dependant
Data <- import_convert_ts('Vulnerable Abundance index', datasheet, Data)
Data <- import_convert_ts('CV Vulnerable Abundance index', datasheet, Data)
# Additional indices
ind <- grepl("Index", datasheet$Name)
index_text <- datasheet$Name[ind]
index_text <- index_text[! index_text %in% c("Index Reference", "CV Index Reference")]
n_indices <- sum(sub(" .*$", "", index_text) == "Index")
n_cv <- sum(sub(" .*$", "", index_text) == "CV")
n_vuln <- sum(sub(" .*$", "", index_text) == "Vuln")
if (n_cv != n_indices) stop("CV missing for some or all additional indices", call. = FALSE)
if (n_vuln != n_indices)
stop("Vulnerability-at-age schedule missing for some or all additional indices", call. = FALSE)
addInd <- datasheet[which(datasheet$Name == "Index 1"),2:(Nyears+1)] %>% unlist()
n.temp <- nchar(addInd)
if (!(all(n.temp[!is.na(n.temp)]==0)) & !all(is.na(addInd)) & !(length(addInd)<1)) {
indexexist <- TRUE
} else {
indexexist <- FALSE
if (indexexist) {
if (is.na(Data@MaxAge))
stop("Require `Maximum age` to use Additional Indices", call. = FALSE)
Data@AddInd <- Data@CV_AddInd <- array(NA, dim=c(1, n_indices, Nyears))
Data@AddIndV <- array(NA, dim=c(1, n_indices, Data@MaxAge+1))
} else {
Data@AddInd <- Data@CV_AddInd <- array(NA, dim=c(1,1,1))
Data@AddIndV <- array(NA, dim=c(1,1,1))
# Loop over additional indices
if (indexexist) {
for (x in 1:n_indices) {
ind <- which(datasheet$Name == paste("Index", x))
if (length(ind)>1)
stop('Additional indices must be uniquely numbered.',
paste(" Index", x), ' appears ', length(ind), ' times', call.=FALSE)
Data@AddInd[1,x,] <- suppressWarnings(datasheet[ind, 2:(Nyears+1)] %>% as.numeric())
ind <- which(datasheet$Name == paste("CV Index", x))
Data@CV_AddInd[1,x,] <- suppressWarnings(datasheet[ind, 2:(Nyears+1)] %>% as.numeric())
ind <- which(datasheet$Name == paste("Vuln Index", x))
Data@AddIndV[1,x,] <- suppressWarnings(datasheet[ind, 2:(Data@MaxAge+2)] %>% as.numeric())
if (!all(is.na(Data@AddIndV[1,x,])) & any(is.na(Data@AddIndV[1,x,])))
warning("Vuln Index ", x, " must be length `Maximum age`+1 and contain only numeric values (no NA)")
ind <- which(datasheet$Name == 'AddIndType')
Data@AddIndType <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(datasheet[ind,2:(n_indices+1)]))
ind <- which(datasheet$Name == 'AddIunits')
Data@AddIunits <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(datasheet[ind,2:(n_indices+1)]))
# Recruitment index
Data <- import_convert_ts('Recruitment index', datasheet, Data)
Data <- import_convert_ts('CV Recruitment index', datasheet, Data)
# Mean length
Data <- import_convert_ts('Mean length', datasheet, Data)
Data <- import_convert_ts('Modal length (Lc)', datasheet, Data)
Data <- import_convert_ts('Mean length above Lc', datasheet, Data)
# ---- Catch-at-Age ----
ind <- which(datasheet$Name == "Vuln CAA")
if (length(ind)>0 && !is.na(datasheet[ind, 2])) {
VulnCAA <- datasheet[ind, 2:(Data@MaxAge+2)]
VulnCAA <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(VulnCAA))
if (!all(is.na(VulnCAA))) {
if (any(is.na(VulnCAA)))
stop('Missing values in Vuln CAA. Must be length `Maximum age`+1 will values for each age (or all NA to ignore)')
Data@Vuln_CAA <- matrix(VulnCAA, nrow=1)
ind <- which(grepl('CAA', datasheet$Name))
ind2 <- which(datasheet$Name == "Vuln CAA")
if (length(ind2)>0)
ind <- ind[!ind ==ind2]
CAAexists <- grepl('CAA', datasheet$Name[ind])
if (length(CAAexists) < 1) CAAexists <- FALSE
if (length(ind) <=1 || !all(CAAexists)) {
CAA_Yrs <- numeric(0)
} else {
CAA_Yrs <- sapply(strsplit(datasheet$Name[ind], " "), function(x) unlist(strsplit(x[2], " ")))
if (any(is.na(CAA_Yrs)))
stop("Missing years for CAA data. Must be of the form `CAA YEAR` e.g., `CAA 2019`", call. = FALSE)
if(!all(CAA_Yrs %in% Data@Year)) stop("All CAA Years must be included in `Year`")
if (length(CAA_Yrs)>0) {
Data@CAA <- array(NA, dim=c(1, Nyears, Data@MaxAge+1))
CAAdat <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(ind), ncol=Data@MaxAge+1)
for (i in seq_along(ind)) {
vals <- datasheet[ind[i], 2:(Data@MaxAge+2)]
vals <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(vals))
if (!all(is.na(vals)) && any(is.na(vals))) {
warning('NA values found in CAA data Year ', paste0(CAA_Yrs[i], '.'),
" Is each row length `Maximum age`+1?")
CAAdat[i,] <- vals
yrind <- match(CAA_Yrs, Data@Year)
Data@CAA[1, yrind,] <- CAAdat
} else{
Data@CAA <- array(NA, dim=c(1,1,1))
# ---- Catch-at-Length ----
CAL_bins <- suppressWarnings(datasheet[which(datasheet$Name == "CAL_bins"),] %>% as.numeric())
CAL_bins <- CAL_bins[!is.na(CAL_bins)]
CAL_mids <- suppressWarnings(datasheet[which(datasheet$Name == "CAL_mids"),] %>% as.numeric())
CAL_mids <- CAL_mids[!is.na(CAL_mids)]
ind <- which(datasheet$Name == "Vuln CAL")
if (length(ind)>0 && !is.na(datasheet[ind, 2])) {
VulnCAL <- datasheet[ind, 2:(length(CAL_mids)+2)]
VulnCAL <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(VulnCAL))
if (!all(is.na(VulnCAL))) {
if (any(is.na(VulnCAL)))
stop('Missing values in Vuln CAL. Must be length `Maximum age`+1 will values for each age (or all NA to ignore)')
Data@Vuln_CAL <- matrix(VulnCAL, nrow=1)
ind <- which(grepl('CAL', datasheet$Name) & !grepl('CAL_bins', datasheet$Name) &
!grepl('Vuln CAL', datasheet$Name) &
!grepl('CAL_mids', datasheet$Name))
CALexists <- grepl("CAL", datasheet$Name[ind])
if (length(CALexists) < 1) CALexists <- FALSE
if (length(ind) <=1 || !any(CALexists)) {
ind <- numeric(0)
CAL_Yrs <- numeric(0)
if (length(ind)>0) {
# CAL data exists
if (length(CAL_bins)<1 & length(CAL_mids) < 1)
stop("Require either CAL_mids or CAL_bins", call. = FALSE)
if (length(CAL_bins)>1 & length(CAL_mids) > 1) {
if (!length(CAL_mids) == length(CAL_bins)-1)
stop("CAL_mids should be of length `length(CAL_bins)-1`", call. = FALSE)
by <- CAL_mids[2] - CAL_mids[1]
if (all(CAL_mids != seq(CAL_bins[1]+0.5*by, by=by, length.out = length(CAL_bins)-1)))
stop("CAL_mids should be mid-points of CAL_bins", call. = FALSE)
if (length(CAL_bins)>1) {
if (!all(diff(CAL_bins[2:length(CAL_bins)]) == diff(CAL_bins)[2]))
stop("Inconsistent bin width in CAL_bins", call. = FALSE)
if (length(CAL_mids)>1) {
if(!all(diff(CAL_mids) == mean(diff(CAL_mids))))
stop("Inconsistent bin width in CAL_mids", call. = FALSE)
if (length(CAL_bins)>1 & length(CAL_mids)<=1) {
by <- CAL_bins[2] - CAL_bins[1]
CAL_mids <- seq(CAL_bins[1]+0.5*by, by=by, length.out = length(CAL_bins)-1)
if (length(CAL_mids)>1 & length(CAL_bins)<=1) {
by <- CAL_mids[2] - CAL_mids[1]
CAL_bins <- seq(CAL_mids[1]-0.5*by, by=by, length.out = length(CAL_mids)+1)
CAL_Yrs <- sapply(strsplit(datasheet$Name[ind], " "), function(x) unlist(strsplit(x[2], " ")))
ind2 <- which(datasheet$Name == "Vuln CAL")
if (length(ind2)>01)
ind <- ind[!ind == ind2]
CAL_Yrs <- sapply(strsplit(datasheet$Name[ind], " "), function(x) unlist(strsplit(x[2], " ")))
if(!all(CAL_Yrs %in% Data@Year)) {
CAL_Yrs <- sapply(strsplit(datasheet$Name[ind], "_"), function(x) unlist(strsplit(x[2], " ")))
if(!all(CAL_Yrs %in% Data@Year)) {
stop("All CAL Years must be included in `Year`. Entries must be formatted 'CAL YEAR' or 'CAL_YEAR'")
NMids <- length(CAL_mids)
Data@CAL <- array(NA, dim=c(1, Nyears, NMids))
CALdat <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(ind), ncol=NMids)
for (i in seq_along(ind)) {
vals <- datasheet[ind[i], 2:(NMids+1)]
vals <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(vals))
if (!all(is.na(vals)) && any(is.na(vals))) {
warning('NA values found in CAL data Year ', paste0(CAL_Yrs[i], '.'),
" Is each row same length as `CAL_mids`? (or `length(CAL_bins)-1`)")
CALdat[i,] <- vals
yrind <- match(CAL_Yrs, Data@Year)
Data@CAL_bins <- CAL_bins
Data@CAL_mids <- CAL_mids
Data@CAL[1, yrind,] <- CALdat
# Default values
if (all(is.na(Data@CV_Cat))) Data@CV_Cat <- matrix(0.2, nrow=1, ncol=Nyears)
if (all(is.na(Data@CV_Ind))) Data@CV_Ind <- matrix(0.2, nrow=1, ncol=Nyears)
# if (all(is.na(Data@CV_SpInd))) Data@CV_SpInd <- matrix(0.2, nrow=1, ncol=Nyears)
if (all(is.na(Data@CV_Effort))) Data@CV_Effort <- matrix(0.2, nrow=1, ncol=Nyears)
if (all(is.na(Data@CV_Rec))) Data@CV_Rec <- matrix(0.2, nrow=1, ncol=Nyears)
if (NAor0(Data@LenCV)) Data@LenCV <- 0.1
if (NAor0(Data@CV_Dt)) Data@CV_Dt <- 0.25
if (NAor0(Data@CV_AvC)) Data@CV_AvC <- 0.2
if (NAor0(Data@CV_Mort)) Data@CV_Mort <- 0.2
if (NAor0(Data@CV_FMSY_M)) Data@CV_FMSY_M <- 0.2
if (NAor0(Data@CV_BMSY_B0)) Data@CV_BMSY_B0 <- 0.045
if (NAor0(Data@CV_Cref)) Data@CV_Cref <- 0.2
if (NAor0(Data@CV_Bref)) Data@CV_Bref <- 0.2
if (NAor0(Data@CV_Iref)) Data@CV_Iref <- 0.2
if (NAor0(Data@CV_Dep)) Data@CV_Dep <- 0.25
if (NAor0(Data@CV_Abun)) Data@CV_Abun <- 0.25
if (NAor0(Data@CV_vbK)) Data@CV_vbK <- 0.1
if (NAor0(Data@CV_vbLinf)) Data@CV_vbLinf <- 0.1
if (NAor0(Data@CV_vbt0)) Data@CV_vbt0 <- 0.1
if (NAor0(Data@CV_L50)) Data@CV_L50 <- 0.1
if (NAor0(Data@CV_LFC)) Data@CV_LFC <- 0.2
if (NAor0(Data@CV_LFS)) Data@CV_LFS <- 0.2
if (NAor0(Data@CV_wla)) Data@CV_wla <- 0.1
if (NAor0(Data@CV_wlb)) Data@CV_wlb <- 0.1
if (NAor0(Data@CV_steep)) Data@CV_steep <- 0.2
if (NAor0(Data@nareas)) Data@nareas <- 2
if (length(Data@CAA) == 0) Data@CAA <- array(NA, c(1, 1, 1))
if (length(Data@CAL) == 0) Data@CAL <- array(NA, c(1, 1, 1))
if (length(Data@CAL_bins) == 0) Data@CAL_bins <- 1
if (length(Data@TAC) == 0) Data@TAC <- array(1, c(1, 1))
# if (length(Data@TACbias) == 0) Data@TACbias <- array(1, c(1, 1))
if (length(Data@Sense) == 0) Data@Sense <- array(1, c(1, 1))
if (length(Data@ML) == 0) Data@ML <- array(NA, c(1, 1))
if (length(Data@Lbar) == 0) Data@Lbar <- array(NA, c(1, 1))
if (length(Data@Lc) == 0) Data@Lc <- array(NA, c(1, 1))
if (is.na(Data@MPeff) || length(Data@MPeff)==0) Data@MPeff <- 1
Data@Log[[1]] <- paste("Created:", Sys.time())
Data@params <- new("list")
Data@OM <- data.frame(NA)
Data@Obs <- data.frame(NA)
Data@PosMPs <- NA
Data@MPs <- NA
# XL2Data <- function(name="Data") {
# if (class(name) != 'character') stop("file name must be provided", call.=FALSE)
# dir <- dirname(name)
# if (dir ==".") {
# dir <- NULL
# } else {
# name <- basename(name)
# }
# if (is.null(dir)) dir <- getwd()
# if (nchar(tools::file_ext(name)) == 0) {
# xl.fname1 <- paste0(name, ".xlsx")
# xl.fname2 <- paste0(name, ".csv")
# fls <- file.exists(c(file.path(dir, xl.fname1), file.path(dir,xl.fname2)))
# if (sum(fls) == 0) stop(xl.fname1, " or ", xl.fname2, " not found in ", dir)
# if (sum(fls) > 1) stop(name, " found with multiple extensions. Specify file extension.", call.=FALSE)
# name <- c(xl.fname1, xl.fname2)[fls]
# }
# if (!file.exists(file.path(dir, name))) stop(file.path(dir, name), " not found", call.=FALSE)
# isCSV <- grepl('.csv', name)
# message("Reading ", name)
# if (isCSV) {
# Data <- new("Data", file.path(dir,name))
# } else {
# sheetnames <- readxl::excel_sheets(file.path(dir,name)) # names of the sheets
# # DataXLSlot <- MSEtool:::DataXLSlot
# NewSheetNames <- names(DataXLSlot)
# if (all(NewSheetNames %in% sheetnames)) {
# Data <- importnewXLData(dir,name, NewSheetNames)
# } else {
# datasheet <- suppressMessages(as.data.frame(readxl::read_excel(file.path(dir,name), sheet = 1, col_names = FALSE)))
# if (datasheet[1,1]== "Slot")
# datasheet <- suppressMessages(as.data.frame(readxl::read_excel(file.path(dir,name), sheet = 1, col_names = FALSE, skip=1)))
# if (all(dim(datasheet) == 0)) stop("Nothing found in first sheet", call.=FALSE)
# tmpfile <- tempfile(fileext=".csv")
# writeCSV2(inobj = datasheet, tmpfile, objtype = "Data")
# if (ncol(datasheet)<2) {
# unlink(tmpfile)
# stop("No parameter values found in first worksheet ", call.=FALSE)
# } else {
# Data <- new("Data", tmpfile)
# unlink(tmpfile)
# }
# }
# return(Data)
# }
# }
# importnewXLData_old <- function(dir,name, NewSheetNames) {
# Data <- new("Data", silent=TRUE)
# BlankDat <-new("Data", silent=TRUE)
# ignoreSheet <- NULL
# # sh <- NewSheetNames[1]
# for (sh in NewSheetNames) { # import from individual worksheets
# datasheet <- suppressMessages(as.data.frame(readxl::read_excel(file.path(dir,name),
# sheet = sh, col_names = FALSE)))
# if (dim(datasheet)[2] <= 1) {
# message('No data found in sheet: ', sh)
# } else {
# message("Importing from: ", sh)
# dname <- datasheet[, 1]
# dat <- datasheet[, 2:ncol(datasheet), drop=FALSE]
# df <- data.frame(XLRow=DataXLSlot[[sh]]$XLRow,
# Slot=DataXLSlot[[sh]]$Slot,
# Class=DataXLSlot[[sh]]$Class,
# Ignore=DataXLSlot[[sh]]$Ignore,
# stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# df$Ignore[is.na(df$Slot)] <- TRUE
# df$Ignore[df$XLRow=="Fleet Type"] <- TRUE # temporary until new build
# df$Ignore <- as.logical(df$Ignore)
# df <- df[!df$Ignore,]
# # if (sh %in% c("Main", "Biology", "Reference")) {
# if (sh %in% c("Main", "Biology", "Selectivity", "Reference")) {
# for (sl in 1:nrow(df)) {
# temp <- dat[match(df$XLRow[sl], dname),1]
# if (substr(df$Class[sl],start=1, stop=1) == "c")
# slot(Data, df$Slot[sl]) <- temp
# if (substr(df$Class[sl],start=1, stop=1) == "n")
# slot(Data, df$Slot[sl]) <- as.numeric(temp)
# }
# } else if (sh == "Time-Series") {
# YearInd <- match("Year", dname)
# Year <- dat[YearInd,]
# Year <- Year[!is.na(Year)]
# Data@Year <- as.numeric(Year)
# if (!is.finite(Data@LHYear))
# stop("'Current Year' in 'Main' sheet is missing", call.=FALSE)
# if (max(Data@Year) != Data@LHYear)
# stop("Last year should be equal to 'Current Year' in 'Main' sheet", call.=FALSE)
# ncol_ts <- length(Year)
# ncol_cv <- 1
# for (sl in 1:nrow(df)) {
# ncol <- ifelse(grepl("CV_", df$Slot[sl]), ncol_cv, ncol_ts)
# temp <- as.numeric(dat[match(df$XLRow[sl], dname),1:ncol])
# if (substr(df$Class[sl],start=1, stop=1) == "n")
# slot(Data, df$Slot[sl]) <- temp
# if (substr(df$Class[sl],start=1, stop=1) == "m")
# slot(Data, df$Slot[sl]) <- matrix(temp, nrow=1)
# if(all(is.na(slot(Data, df$Slot[sl]))))
# slot(Data, df$Slot[sl]) <- slot(BlankDat, df$Slot[sl])
# }
# } else if (sh == "CAA") {
# if (!is.finite(Data@MaxAge))
# stop("'Maximum age' in 'Biology' sheet is missing", call.=FALSE)
# if (any(!is.finite(Data@Year)))
# stop("'Year' in 'Time-Series' sheet is missing", call.=FALSE)
# CAAMat <- array(NA, dim=c(1,length(Data@Year),Data@MaxAge))
# Year <- Data@Year
# CAAYr <- as.numeric(dname[dname !="Year"])
# if (length(CAAYr)<1) {
# message("No catch-at-age data found")
# } else {
# YrInd <- match(CAAYr, Year) # match years
# if (max(CAAYr) > max(Year))
# stop("More years in CAA than Time-Series Year", call.=FALSE)
# CAAdat <- data.matrix(dat[2:nrow(dat),])
# if (ncol(CAAdat)> Data@MaxAge)
# stop("Number of age-classes in CAA data > MaxAge", call.=FALSE)
# if (ncol(CAAdat) < Data@MaxAge) {
# message("Number of age-classes in CAA data < MaxAge. Filling with 0s")
# zeromat <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(CAAdat), ncol=Data@MaxAge-ncol(CAAdat))
# CAAdat <- cbind(CAAdat, zeromat)
# }
# CAAMat[1, YrInd, 1:ncol(CAAdat)] <- CAAdat
# Data@CAA <- CAAMat
# }
# } else if (sh == "CAL") {
# CAL_bins <- as.numeric(dat[1,])
# if (!all(diff(CAL_bins) == diff(CAL_bins)))
# stop('Length bins do not have equal intervals' , call.=FALSE)
# if (any(!is.finite(Data@Year)))
# stop("'Year' in 'Time-Series' sheet is missing", call.=FALSE)
# CALMat <- array(NA, dim=c(1,length(Data@Year), length(CAL_bins)-1))
# Year <- Data@Year
# CALYr <- as.numeric(dname[dname !="Year" & dname !="CAL_bins"])
# if (length(CALYr)<1) {
# message("No catch-at-length data found")
# } else {
# YrInd <- match(CALYr, Year) # match years
# if (max(CALYr) > max(Year))
# stop("More years in CAL than Time-Series Year", call.=FALSE)
# ncol <- ncol(dat)
# CALdat <- data.matrix(dat[3:nrow(dat),1:ncol])
# if (!all(is.na(CALdat[,ncol]))) {
# stop("Number of Catch-at-Length bins (CAL_bins) should \nbe 1 greater than number columns of CAL data", call.=FALSE)
# }
# CALdat <- CALdat[,1:(ncol-1)]
# CALMat[1, YrInd, ] <- CALdat
# }
# Data@CAL_bins <- CAL_bins
# Data@CAL <- CALMat
# }
# }
# } # end sheet loop
# Data
# }
#' Run a Management Procedure
#' @param Data A MSEtool Data object
#' @param MPs The name of the MP to run (or a vector or names)
#' @param reps Number of repetitions
#' @param perc Percentile to summarize reps (default is median)
#' @param chkMPs Logical. Should the MPs be checked before attempting to run them?
#' @param silent Logical. Should messages by suppressed?
#' @export
#' @return invisibly returns the Data object
runMP <- function(Data, MPs = NA, reps = 100, perc=0.5, chkMPs=FALSE, silent=FALSE) {
if (!methods::is(MPs, 'character') && !all(is.na(MPs))) stop('MPs must be character string', call.=FALSE)
if (!methods::is(Data, 'Data')) stop("Data must be class 'Data'", call.=FALSE)
if (all(is.na(MPs))) {
MPs <- avail("MP", msg = !silent)
if (!silent) message("running all available MPs")
if (chkMPs) {
cans <- Can(Data, MPs=MPs, silent=silent)
MPs <- MPs[MPs %in% cans]
if (length(MPs) <1) stop("No MPs possible")
MPrecs <- applyMP(Data, MPs, reps, nsims=1, silent=silent)
if (is.na(Data@nareas)) Data@nareas <- 2
names <- c("TAC", "Effort", "LR5", "LFR", "HS", "Rmaxlen",
"L5", "LFS", 'Vmaxlen', 'Spatial')
mat <- matrix(0, nrow=length(MPs), ncol=length(names)+Data@nareas-1)
for (x in seq_along(names)) {
temp <- lapply(MPrecs[[1]], '[[', names[x])
if (names[x]!="Spatial") {
mat[,x] <- unlist(lapply(temp, quantile, probs=perc, na.rm=TRUE))
} else {
mat[,x:ncol(mat)] <- t(matrix(unlist(temp), nrow=Data@nareas, ncol=length(MPs)))
rownames(mat) <- MPs
names[length(names)] <- "Area 1"
if (Data@nareas > 1) names <- c(names, paste('Area', 2:Data@nareas))
colnames(mat) <- names
if (nrow(mat) > 1) {
allNA <- colSums(apply(mat, 2, is.na)) == length(MPs)
matout <- data.frame(round(mat[,!allNA], 2), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(matout) <- names[!allNA]
if (!silent) print(as.matrix(matout), na.print="")
if (nrow(mat) == 1) {
mat <- data.frame(mat)
matout <- mat[!is.na(mat)]
matout <- matrix(matout, nrow=nrow(mat))
colnames(matout) <- names[!is.na(mat)]
rownames(matout) <- MPs
if (!silent) print(as.matrix(round(matout,2)), na.print="")
# applyMP2 <- function(Data, MPs = NA, reps = 100, nsims=NA, silent=FALSE) {
# if (class(Data) != "Data") stop("First argument must be object of class 'Data'", call.=FALSE)
# Data <- updateMSE(Data)
# if (is.na(nsims)) nsims <- length(Data@Mort)
# nMPs <- length(MPs)
# if (.hasSlot(Data, "nareas")) {
# nareas <- Data@nareas
# } else {
# nareas <- 2
# }
# returnList <- list() # a list nMPs long containing MPs recommendations
# recList <- list() # a list containing nsim recommendations from a single MP
# TACout <- array(NA, dim=c(nMPs, reps, nsims))
# # if (!sfIsRunning() | (nMPs < 8 & nsims < 8)) {
# for (mp in 1:nMPs) {
# temp <- sapply(1:nsims, MPs[mp], Data = Data, reps = reps)
# slots <- slotNames(temp[[1]])
# for (X in slots) { # sequence along recommendation slots
# if (X == "Misc") { # convert to a list nsim by nareas
# rec <- lapply(temp, slot, name=X)
# } else {
# rec <- do.call("cbind", lapply(temp, slot, name=X)) # unlist(lapply(temp, slot, name=X))
# }
# if (X == "Spatial") { # convert to a matrix nsim by nareas
# rec <- matrix(rec, nareas, nsims, byrow=FALSE)
# }
# recList[[X]] <- rec
# for (x in 1:nsims) Data@Misc[[x]] <- recList$Misc[[x]]
# recList$Misc <- NULL
# }
# if (length(recList$TAC)>0) TACout[mp,,] <- recList$TAC
# returnList[[mp]] <- recList
# if (!silent && sum(is.na(recList$TAC)) > 0.5 * reps)
# message("Method ", MPs[mp], " produced greater than 50% NA values")
# }
# # } else {
# # for (mp in 1:nMPs) {
# # temp <- sfSapply(1:nsims, MPs[mp], Data = Data, reps = reps)
# # slots <- slotNames(temp[[1]])
# # for (X in slots) { # sequence along recommendation slots
# # if (X == "Misc") { # convert to a list nsim by nareas
# # rec <- lapply(temp, slot, name=X)
# # } else {
# # rec <- do.call("cbind", lapply(temp, slot, name=X)) # unlist(lapply(temp, slot, name=X))
# # }
# # if (X == "Spatial") { # convert to a matrix nsim by nareas
# # rec <- matrix(rec, nareas, nsims, byrow=FALSE)
# # }
# # recList[[X]] <- rec
# # for (x in 1:nsims) Data@Misc[[x]] <- recList$Misc[[x]]
# # recList$Misc <- NULL
# # }
# # if (length(recList$TAC)>0) TACout[mp,,] <- recList$TAC
# # returnList[[mp]] <- recList
# #
# # if (!silent && sum(is.na(recList$TAC)) > 0.5 * reps)
# # message("Method ", MPs[mp], " produced greater than 50% NA values")
# # }
# #
# # }
# Data@TAC <- TACout
# Data@MPs <- MPs
# list(returnList, Data)
# }
#' Identify management procedures (MPs) based on data availability
#' Diagnostic tools that look up the slot requirements of each MP and
#' compares to the data available in the Data object.
#' @param Data A data-limited methods data object (class Data)
#' @param timelimit The maximum time (seconds) taken for an MP to undertake
#' 5 reps (this filters out methods that are too slow)
#' @param MPs Optional list of MP names
#' @param dev Logical. Run in development mode?
#' @seealso \link{avail} \linkS4class{Data}
#' @examples
#' CanMPs <- Can(MSEtool::Cobia)
#' CantMPs <- Cant(MSEtool::Cobia)
#' Needs <- Needed(MSEtool::Cobia)
#' @describeIn Can Identifies MPs that have the correct data, do not produce errors,
#' and run within the time limit.
#' @export
Can <- function(Data, timelimit = 1, MPs=NA, dev=FALSE, silent=FALSE) {
DLMdiag(Data, "available", timelimit = timelimit, funcs1=MPs, dev=dev, silent=silent)
#' @describeIn Can Identifies MPs that don't have sufficient data, lead to errors, or don't run in
#' time along with a list of their data requirements.
#' @export Cant
Cant <- function(Data, timelimit = 1, silent=FALSE) {
DLMdiag(Data, "not available", timelimit = timelimit, silent=silent)
#' @describeIn Can Internal function called by `Can` and `Cant`
#' @param command What to calculate? Character. Options = c("available", "not available", "needed")
#' @param reps The number of replicates for the MP
#' @param funcs1 A character vector of the MP names (optional)
#' @param silent Logical Display messages?
#' @export
DLMdiag <- function(Data, command = c("available", "not available", "needed"), reps = 5,
timelimit = 1, funcs1=NA, dev=FALSE, silent=FALSE) {
command <- match.arg(command)
if (!methods::is(Data,"Data")) stop("First argument must be object of class 'Data'", call.=FALSE)
Data <- updateMSE(Data)
if (all(is.na(funcs1))) funcs1 <- avail("MP", msg=FALSE)
isMP <- vapply(funcs1, function(x) inherits(get(x), "MP"), logical(1))
if (any(!isMP)) stop(paste0("Not an MP: ", paste(funcs1[!isMP], collapse = ", ")))
good <- rep(TRUE, length(funcs1))
report <- rep("Passed test.", length(funcs1))
test <- list()
timey <- numeric(length(funcs1))
rr <- try(slot(Data, "Misc"), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(rr,"try-error")) Data@Misc <- list()
if (!dev) {
# ReqData <- MSEtool:::ReqData # ReqData in internal sysdata
builtin <- funcs1[funcs1 %in% ReqData$MP]
custom <- funcs1[!funcs1 %in% ReqData$MP]
inMPind <- which(funcs1 %in% builtin)
cMPind <- which(funcs1 %in% custom)
repp <- rep('', length(funcs1))
# built in MPs (doesn't require 'dependencies' line)
reqdata <- ReqData[match(builtin, ReqData$MP),2]
repp[inMPind] <- vapply(reqdata, match_slots, character(1), Data = Data, internal=TRUE)
# custom MPs
temp <- lapply(custom, function(x) paste(format(match.fun(x)), collapse = " "))
repp[cMPind] <- vapply(temp, match_slots, character(1), Data = Data)
chk_needed <- nzchar(repp) # TRUE = has missing data
} else {
repp <- rep('', length(funcs1))
chk_needed <- rep(FALSE, length(funcs1))
if (command == "needed") {
# repp[!chk_needed] <- "All required data are present. Test MP with Can()"
repp[chk_needed] <- paste0("Missing data: ", repp[chk_needed])
ind <- nchar(repp)>0
output <- matrix(repp[ind], ncol = 1, dimnames = list(funcs1[ind]))
report[chk_needed] <- paste0("Missing data: ", repp[chk_needed])
good[chk_needed] <- FALSE
for (y in 1:length(funcs1)) {
if (!silent) message('Checking ', funcs1[y], ' (', y, '/', length(funcs1), ')')
if(!chk_needed[y]) {
setTimeLimit(timelimit * 1.5)
time1 <- Sys.time()
test[[y]] <- tryCatch(do.call(funcs1[y], list(x = 1, Data = Data, reps = reps)),
error = function(e) as.character(e))
time2 <- Sys.time()
timey[[y]] <- time2 - time1
if (timey[[y]] > timelimit) {
report[y] <- "Exceeded the user-specified time limit."
good[y] <- FALSE
# } else if (is.character(test[[y]]) | is.na(test[[y]])) { # Error message
} else if (is.character(test[[y]])) { # Error message
report[y] <- "MP returned an error. Check MP function and/or Data object."
good[y] <- FALSE
} else if (inherits(test[[y]], "Rec")) {
# Rec_test <- vapply(slotNames("Rec"), function(x) NAor0(slot(test[[y]], x)), logical(1))
slots <- slotNames("Rec")
slots <- slots[slots!="Misc"]
Rec_test <- vapply(slots, function(x) all(is.na(slot(test[[y]], x))), logical(1))
if(all(Rec_test)) { # If all NAor0
report[y] <- "Produced all NA scores. Check MP function and/or Data object."
good[y] <- FALSE
if (command == "available") {
# return(matrix(report[good], ncol = 1, dimnames = list(funcs1[good])))
if (command == "not available") {
# return(matrix(report[!good], ncol = 1, dimnames = list(funcs1[!good])))
return(matrix(c(funcs1[!good], report[!good]), ncol = 2))
#' Function to run a set of input control methods
#' Runs a set of input control methods are returns the output in a single table
#' @param Data A Data object
#' @param MPs A list of input MPs, if NA all available input MPs are run
#' @param reps Number of repetitions (for those methods that use them)
#' @param timelimit Maximum timelimit to run MP (in seconds)
#' @param CheckMPs Logical, the Can function is run if this is TRUE
#' @param msg Logical. Should messages be printed?
#' @author A. Hordyk
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(MSEtool)
#' Input(MSEtool::Cobia)
#' }
#' @export
Input <- function(Data, MPs = NA, reps = 100, timelimit = 10, CheckMPs = TRUE,
msg=TRUE) {
if (!methods::is(Data, "Data")) stop("First argument must be object of class 'Data'", call.=FALSE)
Data <- updateMSE(Data)
if (msg) message("Checking which MPs can be run")
if (CheckMPs) PosMPs <- Can(Data, timelimit = timelimit)
if (!CheckMPs) PosMPs <- MPs
PosMPs <- PosMPs[PosMPs %in% avail("Input", msg=FALSE)]
if (!is.na(MPs[1])) Data@MPs <- MPs[MPs %in% PosMPs]
if (is.na(MPs[1])) Data@MPs <- PosMPs
funcs <- Data@MPs
if (length(funcs) == 0) {
stop("None of the methods 'MPs' are possible given the data available")
} else {
nareas <- Data@nareas
areacol <- paste("Area", 1:nareas)
Out <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(funcs), ncol = 4+nareas)
colnames(Out) <- c("Effort", "LR5", "LFR", "Harvest Slot Limit", areacol)
rownames(Out) <- funcs
for (mm in 1:length(funcs)) {
if (msg) message("Running ", mm, " of ", length(funcs), " - ", funcs[mm])
runIn <- runInMP(Data, MPs = funcs[mm], reps = reps)[[1]][[1]]
if (length(runIn$Effort) > 0) Out[mm, 1] <- runIn$Effort[1]
if (length(runIn$LR5) > 0) Out[mm, 2] <- runIn$LR5[1]
if (length(runIn$LFR) > 0) Out[mm, 3] <- runIn$LFR[1]
if (length(runIn$HS) > 0) Out[mm, 4] <- runIn$HS[1]
Out[mm, 5:ncol(Out)] <- runIn$Spatial[1,]
Out <- round(Out,2)
print(Out, na.print='')
needed <- function(Data, funcs) {
rr <- try(slot(Data, "Misc"), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(rr, "try-error")) Data@Misc <- list()
Data@Misc <- list()
temp <- lapply(funcs, function(x) paste(format(match.fun(x)), collapse = " "))
repp <- vapply(temp, match_slots, character(1), Data = Data)
repp[!nzchar(repp)] <- "All data available. MP returns NA."
matrix(repp, ncol = 1, dimnames = list(funcs))
# Internal function for:
## Required():
## needed(): matches slotnames of Data class to those that are required in an MP func
## but also return NAor0 = TRUE
match_slots <- function(func, slotnams = paste0("Data@", slotNames("Data")),
slots = slotNames("Data"), Data = NULL, internal=FALSE) {
# check if each slotname in Data class is required in an MP (T/F)
slot2 <- paste0('\\b', slots, '\\b')
if(internal) ind_MP <- vapply(slot2, grepl, logical(1), x = func)
if(!internal) ind_MP <- vapply(slotnams, grepl, logical(1), x = func)
if(!is.null(Data) && inherits(Data, "Data")) { # check if Data slots return NA or zero
ind_NAor0 <- vapply(slots, function(x) all(is.na(slot(Data, x))), logical(1))
repp <- slots[ind_MP & ind_NAor0] # returns slots where both tests are true
} else {
repp <- slots[ind_MP]
return(paste(repp, collapse = ", "))
#' @describeIn Can Identifies what data are needed to run
#' the MPs that are currently not able to run given a Data
#' object
#' @export Needed
Needed <- function(Data, timelimit = 1, silent=FALSE) {
DLMdiag(Data, "needed", timelimit = timelimit, silent=silent)
#' Make stochastic variables certain for only one rep
#' As title.
#' @param Data An object of class Data that has been run though TAC()
#' @author T. Carruthers
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
OneRep <- function(Data) {
if (!methods::is(Data,"Data")) stop("First argument must be object of class 'Data'", call.=FALSE)
Data <- updateMSE(Data)
Data@CV_Cat = Data@CV_Ind = Data@CV_Rec = matrix(tiny, nrow=1, ncol=1)
Data@CV_Dt = Data@CV_AvC = Data@CV_Mort = Data@CV_FMSY_M = Data@CV_BMSY_B0 =
Data@CV_Cref = Data@CV_Bref = Data@CV_Iref = Data@CV_Dep = Data@CV_Abun =
Data@CV_L50 = Data@CV_vbK = Data@CV_vbLinf = Data@CV_vbt0 = Data@CV_LFC =
Data@CV_LFS = Data@CV_wla = Data@CV_wlb = Data@CV_steep = tiny
#' A generic OFL plot for NOAA use
#' As title.
#' @param Data An object of class Data that has been run though TAC()
#' @param xlims x axis limits
#' @param perc The percentile of the OFL distribution to be plotted
#' @return A table of performance metrics.
#' @author T. Carruthers
#' @export
plotOFL <- function(Data, xlims = NA, perc = 0.5) {
if (!methods::is(Data, "Data")) stop("First argument must be object of class 'Data'", call.=FALSE)
Data <- updateMSE(Data)
cols <- rep(c("black", "red", "green", "blue", "orange", "brown", "purple",
"dark grey", "violet", "dark red", "pink", "dark blue", "grey"), 4)
ltys <- rep(1:4, each = 13)
funcs <- Data@MPs
nMPs <- length(funcs)
if (is.na(xlims[1]) | length(xlims) != 2) {
xlims <- quantile(Data@TAC, c(0.005, 0.9), na.rm = T)
if (xlims[1] < 0) xlims[1] <- 0
if (!NAor0(Data@Ref)) {
if (xlims[1] > Data@Ref) xlims[1] <- max(0, 0.98 * Data@Ref)
if (xlims[2] < Data@Ref) xlims[2] <- 1.02 * Data@Ref
if (xlims[2] > Data@Ref * 2) xlims[2] <- 2 * Data@Ref
ylims <- c(0, 1)
plot(NA, NA, xlim = xlims, ylim = ylims, main = "", xlab = "", ylab = "",
col = "white", lwd = 3, type = "l")
abline(h = 0)
if (!NAor0(Data@Ref)) {
abline(v = Data@Ref, col = "light grey", lwd = 3)
if (!NAor0(Data@Ref_type[1]))
legend("bottomright", Data@Ref_type, text.col = "grey",
bty = "n")
for (m in 1:nMPs) {
if (sum(!is.na(Data@TAC[m, , 1])) > 10) {
# only plot if there are sufficient non-NA TAC samples
x <- density(Data@TAC[m, , 1], from = 0, na.rm = T)$x
y <- density(Data@TAC[m, , 1], from = 0, na.rm = T)$y
y <- y/max(y)
lines(x, y, col = cols[m])
} else {
print(paste("Method ", funcs[m], " produced too many NA TAC values for plotting densities",
sep = ""))
if (!is.na(perc[1]))
abline(v = quantile(Data@TAC[m, , 1], p = perc, na.rm = T),
col = cols[m], lty = 2)
cind <- 1:nMPs
legend("topright", funcs, text.col = cols[cind], col = cols[cind], lty = 1, bty = "n", cex = 0.75)
mtext(paste("OFL (", Data@Units, ")", sep = ""), 1, outer = F, line = 2.6)
mtext(paste("Standardized relative frequency", sep = ""), 2, outer = F, line = 2.6)
# mtext(paste('OFL calculation for
# ',Data@Name,sep=''),3,outer=F,line=1)
#' Enlarge (replicate) a DLM data object to create an additional dimension for
#' simulation / sensitivity testing
#' Replicates position 1 data to multiple positions for sensitivity testing etc
#' @param Data A data-limited methods data object
#' @param nrep The number of positions to expand the DLM object to
#' @author T. Carruthers
#' @export
replic8 <- function(Data, nrep) {
slotnam <- slotNames(Data)
slotnam <- slotnam[slotnam != "Ref" & slotnam != "OM" & slotnam !=
"MaxAge" & slotnam != "CAL_bins" & slotnam != "Year"]
for (sl in 1:length(slotnam)) {
slt <- attr(Data, slotnam[sl])
if (inherits(slt, "matrix")) {
attr(Data, slotnam[sl]) <- matrix(rep(slt, each = nrep),
nrow = nrep, ncol = ncol(slt))
} else if (inherits(slt, "numeric")) {
attr(Data, slotnam[sl]) <- rep(slt, nrep)
} else if (inherits(slt, "array")) {
attr(Data, slotnam[sl]) <- array(rep(slt, each = nrep),
dim = c(nrep, dim(slt)[2:3]))
#' Sensitivity analysis
#' A function that determines the inputs for a given data-limited method of
#' class Output and then analyses the sensitivity of TAC estimates to
#' marginal differences in each input. The range used for sensitivity is based
#' on the user-specified CV for that input (e.g. CV_Mort, Mort)
#' @param Data A data-limited methods data object
#' @param MP A character string representing an MP applied in calculating the TAC recommendations in the DLM object
#' @param nsense The number of points over which to calculate the TAC (resolution)
#' @param reps The number of samples of the quota taken for the calculation of the TAC
#' @param perc The percentile of the sample TAC
#' @param ploty A logical switch, (T/F, should a plot be drawn?)
#' @author T. Carruthers
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' Data <- Sense(MSEtool::Cobia, "AvC")
#' }
Sense <- function(Data, MP, nsense = 6, reps = 100, perc = c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95), ploty = T) {
if (!methods::is(Data, "Data")) stop("First argument must be object of class 'Data'", call.=FALSE)
Data <- updateMSE(Data)
DLM_data2 <- Data
nm <- deparse(substitute(DLM_data2))
# refTAC <- quantile(getTAC(DLM_data2, MP, reps)[[1]], perc, na.rm = T)
refTAC <- quantile(applyMP(DLM_data2, MPs=MP, reps=reps)[[1]][[1]]$TAC, perc, na.rm = T)
Data <- DLM_data2
reqs <- Required(MP) #read.csv(paste(getwd(),'/Data/Data requirements.csv',sep=''),header=T)
# ind <- (1:nrow(reqs))[reqs[, match(MP, names(reqs))] == "Y"]
# for(i in 1:length(reqs))
slotsCV <- slotNames("Data")[grep("CV_", slotNames("Data"))]
slots <- rep("", length(slotsCV))
for (i in 1:length(slotsCV)) slots[i] <- substr(slotsCV[i], 4, nchar(slotsCV[i]))
ind <- slots %in% unlist(strsplit(reqs[1,2], ", "))
slots <- slots[ind]
slotsCV <- slotsCV[ind]
sname <- slots
nslots <- length(slots)
nrep <- nslots * nsense
Data <- replic8(Data, nrep)
pss <- seq(0, 1, length.out = nsense + 2)[2:(nsense + 1)]
vals <- array(NA, dim = c(nslots, nsense))
for (i in 1:nslots) {
ind <- (((i - 1) * nsense + 1):(i * nsense))
mn <- attr(Data, slots[i])[1]
cv <- attr(Data, slotsCV[i])[1] * 2 # twice the CV of the variable specified in the DLM object
if ('numeric' %in% class(attr(Data, slots[i]))) {
if (mn > 0) {
attr(Data, slots[i])[ind] <- qlnorm(pss, mconv(mn,
cv * mn), sdconv(mn, cv * mn))
vals[i, ] <- qlnorm(pss, mconv(mn, cv * mn), sdconv(mn,
cv * mn))
} else {
attr(Data, slots[i])[ind] <- -qlnorm(pss, mconv(-mn,
cv * -mn), sdconv(-mn, cv * -mn))
vals[i, ] <- -qlnorm(pss, mconv(-mn, cv * -mn), sdconv(-mn,
cv * -mn))
} else {
cv <- attr(Data, slotsCV[i])[1]
attr(Data, slots[i])[ind, ] <- attr(Data, slots[i])[ind, ] * qlnorm(pss, mconv(1, cv), sdconv(1, cv))
vals[i, ] <- qlnorm(pss, mconv(1, cv), sdconv(1, cv))
# TACa <- getTAC(Data, MPs = MP, reps = reps)[[1]]
TACa <- applyMP(Data, MPs=MP, reps=reps)[[1]][[1]]$TAC
TACa <- apply(TACa, 2, quantile, p = perc, na.rm = T)
LB <- ((1:nslots) - 1) * 4 + 1
UB <- (1:nslots) * 4
sense <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = 4 * nslots, ncol = nsense + 1)
for (i in 1:nslots) {
ind <- ((i - 1) * nsense + 1):(i * nsense)
dat <- TACa[, ind]
sense[LB[i], 2:(nsense + 1)] <- vals[i, ]
sense[(LB[i] + 1):UB[i], 2:(nsense + 1)] <- dat
sense[LB[i], 1] <- slots[i]
sense[(LB[i] + 1):UB[i], 1] <- perc
DLM_data2@Sense <- sense
if (ploty) {
ylimy <- range(TACa)
# dev.new2(width=10,height=0.5+3*ceiling(nslots/2))
par(mfrow = c(ceiling(nslots/2), 2), mai = c(0.4, 0.4, 0.01, 0.01),
omi = c(0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.01))
for (i in 1:nslots) {
ind <- (((i - 1) * nsense + 1):(i * nsense))
dat <- TACa[, ind]
xlimy <- range(vals[i, ])
plot(xlimy, rep(refTAC[2], 2), ylim = ylimy, xlim = xlimy,
type = "l", col = "#99999960", main = "", xlab = "", ylab = "")
abline(h = refTAC[c(1, 3)], col = "#99999960", lty = 2)
abline(v = slot(DLM_data2, slots[i]), col = "#99999960", lty = 2)
lines(vals[i, ], dat[2, ], col = "red", lwd = 1.5)
lines(vals[i, ], dat[1, ], col = "red", lty = 2, lwd = 1.5)
lines(vals[i, ], dat[3, ], col = "red", lty = 2, lwd = 1.5)
legend("top", legend = sname[i], text.col = "blue", bty = "n")
mtext(paste("Output control (", Data@Units, ")", sep = ""),
2, outer = T, line = 0.5)
mtext("Parameter / variable input level", 1, outer = T, line = 0.5)
mtext(paste("Sensitivity analysis for ", Data@Name, ": ", MP,
sep = ""), 3, outer = T, line = 0.5)
# assign(nm,DLM2,envir=.GlobalEnv)
#' Calculate TAC recommendations for more than one MP
#' A function that returns the stochastic TAC recommendations from a vector of
#' output control MPs given a data object Data
#' @param Data A data-limited methods data object
#' @param MPs optional vector of MP names
#' @param reps Number of repetitions
#' @param timelimit The maximum time (seconds) taken to complete 10 reps
#' @param checkMP Logical. Check if the MP can be run first?
#' @param silent Logical. Suppress messages?
#' @author T. Carruthers
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(MSEtool)
#' Data <- TAC(MSEtool::Cobia)
#' plot(Data)
#' }
#' @export
TAC <- function(Data, MPs = NA, reps = 100, timelimit = 1, checkMP=TRUE, silent=FALSE) {
if (!methods::is(Data, "Data")) stop("First argument must be object of class 'Data'", call.=FALSE)
Data <- updateMSE(Data)
nm <- deparse(substitute(Data))
if (checkMP) {
PosMPs <- Can(Data, timelimit = timelimit, silent = silent)
} else {
PosMPs <- avail("Output", msg=!silent)
PosMPs <- PosMPs[PosMPs %in% avail("Output", msg=FALSE)]
Data@PosMPs <- PosMPs
if (!is.na(MPs[1])) Data@MPs <- MPs[MPs %in% PosMPs]
if (is.na(MPs[1])) Data@MPs <- PosMPs
funcs <- Data@MPs
if (length(funcs) == 0) {
stop("None of the methods 'MPs' are possible given the data available")
} else {
Data <- applyMP(Data, MPs = funcs, reps, silent = silent)[[2]]
#' Join Data objects present in a list
#' A function that combined a list of data objects into a single data object (same dimensions but can have different numbers of simulations)
#' @param DataList A list of data objects of identical dimension (except for simulation)
#' @author T. Carruthers
#' @seealso \link{joinMSE} \link{joinHist}
#' @export
if (!methods::is(DataList,"list")) stop("DataList must be a list")
if (length(DataList) < 2) stop("DataList list doesn't contain multiple MSE objects")
Data <- new("Data")
nD <- length(DataList)
slots <- slotNames(Data)
slots_identical <- c("Name", "Common_Name", "Species", "Region", "Year", "MaxAge", "Units", "Ref_type", "PosMPs", "MPs", "nareas", "LHYear",
"AddIunits", "AddIndType")
slots <- slots[!slots %in% slots_identical]
nslots <- length(slots)
getslot <- function(obj, name) slot(obj, name) # weird issue with namespace conflict and the @Cat slot
#sclass<-sapply(1:nslots,function(x,obj,slots) getslotclass(obj,slots[x]),obj=DataList[[1]],slots=slots)
for (sn in slots) {
templist <- lapply(DataList, getslot, name = sn)
tempval <- templist[[1]]
if (inherits(tempval, "numeric") || inherits(tempval, "integer")) {
if (sn == "CAL_bins" || sn == "CAL_mids") {
nbin <- vapply(templist, length, numeric(1))
slot(Data, sn) <- templist[[which.max(nbin)]]
if (length(unique(nbin)) > 1) {
warning(paste0("joinData() found Data@", sn, " of various lengths. Using the vector in DataList[[", which.max(nbin), "]]."))
} else {
slot(Data, sn) <- unlist(templist)
} else if (is.array(tempval) || is.matrix(tempval)) {
if (sn == "CAL") {
nbin <- vapply(templist, function(x) dim(x)[3], numeric(1))
templist2 <- vector("list", nD)
for (i in 1:nD) {
templist2[[i]] <- array(0, dim = c(dim(templist[[i]])[1:2], max(nbin)))
templist2[[i]][ , , 1:nbin[i]] <- templist[[i]]
if (all(diff(do.call("rbind", lapply(templist2, dim))[,2]) == 0)) {
# arrays may be different dimensions if MPs fail
slot(Data, sn) <- abind::abind(templist2, along=1)
} else {
if (all(diff(do.call("rbind", lapply(templist, dim))[,2]) == 0)) {
# arrays may be different dimensions if MPs fail
attr(Data, sn) <- abind::abind(templist, along=1)
} else if (inherits(tempval, "list") & !inherits(tempval, "data.frame")) {
if (sn == "Misc") { # Ignore StockPars, FleetPars, ReferencePoints from Hist object
slot(Data, sn) <- do.call(c, lapply(templist, function(x) x[names(x) == ""]))
} else {
slot(Data, sn) <- do.call(c, templist)
} else if (inherits(tempval, "data.frame")) {
slot(Data, sn) <- bind_rows(templist)
for (sn in slots_identical) {
templist <- lapply(DataList, slot, name = sn) # debugging
slot(Data, sn) <- templist[[1]]
#' Find the Management Procedures that use a particular data slot
#' @param slot A slot from an object of class `Data`. Character string.
#' @param silent Logical. Should messages be printed?
#' @return A character string of MPs that use the slot.
#' @author A. Hordyk
#' @export
#' @examples
#' Uses("Mort")
Uses <- function(slot, silent=FALSE) {
if (!methods::is(slot, "character")) stop("Slot must be character", call. = FALSE)
if(length(slot)>1) stop("Slot must be length 1", call. = FALSE)
if (!slot %in% slotNames('Data')) stop("Slot is not a valid slot in Data object. Use slotNames('Data')", call.=FALSE)
MPs <- avail("MP", msg=FALSE)
List <- lapply(seq_along(MPs), function(x) Required(MPs[x]))
df <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(List), nrow=length(MPs), byrow=T), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
mps <- df[grepl(slot, df[,2]),1]
if (length(mps) >0) {
message("MPs that require Data slot '" , slot, "' are:")
} else {
message("No MPs used Data slot '" , slot, "'.")
# parallelMPs <- function(x, Data, reps, MPs, ss) sapply(ss, MPs[x], Data, reps = reps)
# getTAC <- function(Data, MPs = NA, reps = 100) {
# if (class(Data) != "Data") stop("First argument must be object of class 'Data'", call.=FALSE)
# Data <- updateMSE(Data)
# nsims <- length(Data@Mort)
# nMPs <- length(MPs)
# TACa <- array(NA, dim = c(nMPs, reps, nsims))
# if (!sfIsRunning()) {
# for (ff in 1:nMPs) {
# temp <- sapply(1:nsims, MPs[ff], Data = Data, reps = reps)
# tt <- sapply(1:1, AvC, Data=Data, reps=reps)
# tt@TAC
# if (mode(temp) == "numeric")
# TACa[ff, , ] <- temp
# if (mode(temp) == "list") {
# TACa[ff, , ] <- unlist(temp[1, ])
# for (x in 1:nsims) Data@Misc[[x]] <- temp[2, x][[1]]
# }
# }
# } else {
# sfExport("Data")
# if (nsims < 8) {
# sfExport(list = c("MPs", "reps"))
# for (ss in 1:nsims) {
# temp <- (sfSapply(1:length(MPs), parallelMPs, Data = Data,
# reps = reps, MPs = MPs, ss = ss))
# if (mode(temp) == "list") {
# Lens <- unlist(lapply(temp, length))
# for (X in 1:length(Lens)) {
# Classes <- unlist(lapply(temp[, X][[1]], class))
# if (length(unique(Classes)) == 1) {
# # no Misc object
# TACa[X, , ss] <- unlist(temp[, X])
# } else {
# # a Misc object is include
# ind <- which(Classes == "list")
# TACa[X, , ss] <- unlist(temp[, X][[1]][1:(ind - 1),
# ])
# Data@Misc[[ss]] <- temp[, X][[1]][ind, ]
# }
# }
# } else {
# temp <- matrix(temp, nrow = nMPs, ncol = reps, byrow = TRUE)
# TACa[, , ss] <- temp
# }
# }
# } else {
# for (ff in 1:nMPs) {
# temp <- sfSapply(1:nsims, MPs[ff], Data = Data,
# reps = reps)
# if (mode(temp) == "numeric")
# TACa[ff, , ] <- temp
# if (mode(temp) == "list") {
# TACa[ff, , ] <- unlist(temp[1, ])
# for (x in 1:nsims) Data@Misc[[x]] <- temp[2, x][[1]]
# }
# }
# }
# }
# for (ff in 1:nMPs) {
# if (sum(is.na(TACa[ff, , ])) > sum(!is.na(TACa[ff, , ]))) {
# # only plot if there are sufficient non-NA TAC samples
# print(paste("Method ", MPs[ff], " produced greater than 50% NA values",
# sep = ""))
# }
# }
# out <- list(TACa, Data)
# return(out)
# }
# #' Conduct stock assessment
# #'
# #' A wrapper function that gets the OFL recommendation in cases where a method
# #' of DLM quota has been specified
# #'
# #'
# #' @usage Sam(Data, MPs = NA, reps = 100, perc = 0.5)
# #' @param Data A data-limited methods data object
# #' @param MPs A character vector of methods of DLM quota, DLM space or DLM size
# #' @param reps The number of samples of quota recommendations by method
# #' @param perc quantile of the recommendation to use
# #' @author T. Carruthers
# #' @export Sam
# Sam <- function(Data, MPs = NA, reps = 100, perc = 0.5) {
# if (class(Data) != "Data") stop("First argument must be object of class 'Data'", call.=FALSE)
# Data <- updateMSE(Data)
# nm <- deparse(substitute(DLM))
# Data@PosMPs <- MPs
# funcs <- Data@PosMPs
# nMPs <- length(funcs)
# Data@MPs <- funcs
# temp <- getTAC(Data, MPs = funcs, reps)
# TACa <- temp[[1]]
# Data <- temp[[2]]
# nsim <- length(Data@Mort)
# ref <- array(rep(Data@Ref, nMPs), c(nsim, nMPs))
# TACm <- apply(TACa, c(3, 1), quantile, p = perc, na.rm = T)
# TACbias <- (TACm - ref)/ref * 100
# POF <- round(apply(TACbias > 0, 2, sum)/length(Data@Mort) * 100,
# 1)
# Data@TAC <- TACa
# Data@TACbias <- TACbias
# Data
# }
#' Generate a Data Report
#' A HTML Data Report is generated and opened in a web browser
#' @param Data Either an object of class `Data` or the file path to a valid
#' file to be imported with `XL2Data`
#' @param md Full file path to a valid text file documenting the Data
#' @param name Optional. Name of the output file
#' @param title Title for the Report. Title in the markdown file will override this value
#' @param author Author of the Report. Author in the markdown file will override this value
#' @param date Date of the Report. Date in the markdown file will override this value
#' @param output_format Output file format: `html_document` or `pdf_document`
#' @param open Logical. Open the compiled report?
#' @param quiet Logical.An option to suppress printing of the pandoc command line.
#' @param dir Optional. Directory to save the file. Defaults to `getwd()`
#' @param overwrite Logical. Overwrite an existing file with the same name?
#' @return Nothing. A Data Report is generated and saved in `dir`
#' @export
#' @author A. Hordyk
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' DataInit('Example') # generate example Data Input and Documentation files
#' Report('Example', 'Example.md')
#' }
Report <- function(Data=NULL, md=NULL, name="Data-Report",
title="Data Documentation",
author="Author Name",
output_format=c("html_document", "pdf_document"),
open=TRUE, quiet=TRUE,
overwrite=FALSE) {
output_format <- match.arg(output_format)
if (!methods::is(Data, "Data") & !methods::is(Data,"character"))
stop("Must provide a Data object or file path to import a Data Object")
if (methods::is(Data,"character")) {
Data <- XL2Data(Data)
if (!requireNamespace("knitr", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Package \"knitr\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
call. = FALSE)
if (!requireNamespace("rmarkdown", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Package \"rmarkdown\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
call. = FALSE)
# Load md documentation
if (is.null(md)) {
message("No Data Documentation file provided")
mdtext <- NULL
} else {
if (!file.exists(md)) {
stop(md, " not found")
mdtext <- readLines(md)
try.title <- mdtext[grepl("title", mdtext)]
try.title <- strsplit(try.title, ":")[[1]][2] %>% trimws()
if (nchar(try.title)>0) {
message('Using title from ', basename(md))
title <- try.title
try.author <- mdtext[grepl("author", mdtext)]
try.author <- strsplit(try.author, ":")[[1]][2] %>% trimws()
if (nchar(try.author)>0) {
message('Using author from ', basename(md))
author <- try.author
try.date <- mdtext[grepl("date", mdtext)]
try.date <- strsplit(try.date, ":")[[1]][2] %>% trimws()
if (nchar(try.date)>0) {
message('Using date from ', basename(md))
date <- try.date
# Create Rmd file
if (is.null(dir)) dir <- getwd()
rmdfile <- file.path(dir, paste0(name, '.Rmd'))
if (file.exists(rmdfile) & !overwrite)
stop(rmdfile, " already exists. Use `overwrite=TRUE` to overwrite")
cat("---\n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
cat(paste("title:", title, "\n"), file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
cat(paste("author:", author, "\n"), file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
cat(paste("date:", date, "\n"), file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
cat("always_allow_html: yes\n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
toc: true
toc_float: true
toc: true\n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
cat("---\n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
cat("\n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
cat("\n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
# Metadata section
cat("## Metadata\n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
if (!is.null(mdtext)) {
mdloc <- grepl("## Metadata", mdtext)
if (all(!mdloc)) stop("'## Metadata' heading missing from ", md)
temp <- grepl("## Biology", mdtext)
if (all(!temp)) stop("'## Biology' heading missing from ", md)
ind1 <- which(mdloc) +1
if (length(ind1)>1) ind1 <- ind1[1]
ind2 <- which(temp) -1
text <- mdtext[ind1:ind2]
for (i in seq_along(text)){
cat(text[i], "\n", file = rmdfile, sep = "", append = TRUE)
cat("```{r, echo=FALSE} \n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
cat("metadatatable(Data, output_format=output_format)\n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
cat("```\n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
# Biology section
cat("## Biology\n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
if (!is.null(mdtext)) {
mdloc <- grepl("## Biology", mdtext)
if (all(!mdloc)) stop("'## Biology' heading missing from ", md)
temp <- grepl("## Selectivity", mdtext)
if (all(!temp)) stop("'## Selectivity' heading missing from ", md)
ind1 <- which(mdloc) +1
ind2 <- which(temp) -1
text <- mdtext[ind1:ind2]
for (i in seq_along(text)){
cat(text[i], "\n", file = rmdfile, sep = "", append = TRUE)
cat("```{r, echo=FALSE, out.width='90%', tidy=FALSE, fig.align='center', fig.show='asis'} \n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
cat("fignum <- biology_plots(Data)\n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
cat("fignum <- growth_plots(Data, fignum=fignum)\n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
cat("```\n\n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
# Selectivity section
cat("## Selectivity\n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
if (!is.null(mdtext)) {
mdloc <- grepl("## Selectivity", mdtext)
if (all(!mdloc)) stop("'## Selectivity' heading missing from ", md)
temp <- grepl("## Time-Series", mdtext)
if (all(!temp)) stop("'## Time-Series' heading missing from ", md)
ind1 <- which(mdloc) +1
ind2 <- which(temp) -1
text <- mdtext[ind1:ind2]
for (i in seq_along(text)){
cat(text[i], "\n", file = rmdfile, sep = "", append = TRUE)
cat("```{r, echo=FALSE, out.width='90%', tidy=FALSE, fig.align='center', fig.show='asis'} \n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
cat("fignum <- select_plots(Data, fignum=fignum+1)\n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
cat("```\n\n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
# Time-Series section
cat("## Time-Series\n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
if (!is.null(mdtext)) {
mdloc <- grepl("## Time-Series", mdtext)
if (all(!mdloc)) stop("'## Time-Series' heading missing from ", md)
temp <- grepl("## Catch-at-Age", mdtext)
if (all(!temp)) stop("'## Catch-at-Age' heading missing from ", md)
ind1 <- which(mdloc) +1
ind2 <- which(temp) -1
text <- mdtext[ind1:ind2]
for (i in seq_along(text)){
cat(text[i], "\n", file = rmdfile, sep = "", append = TRUE)
cat("```{r, echo=FALSE} \n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
cat("ts_data <- ts_plots(Data,fignum=fignum+1)\n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
cat("DF <- ts_data[[1]] \n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
cat("p1 <- ts_data[[2]] \n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
cat("height <- length(levels(DF$Data))/2 *2\n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
cat("fignum <- ts_data[[3]] \n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
cat("```\n\n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
cat("```{r, echo=FALSE, out.width='90%', fig.height=height} \n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
cat("suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(plot(p1))) \n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
cat("```\n\n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
cat("```{r, echo=FALSE, out.width='90%'} \n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
cat("fignum <- vuln_addInd_plot(Data,fignum=fignum)\n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
cat("fignum <- meanLen_plot(Data,fignum=fignum)\n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
cat("```\n\n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
# Catch-at-Age section
cat("## Catch-at-Age\n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
if (!is.null(mdtext)) {
mdloc <- grepl("## Catch-at-Age", mdtext)
if (all(!mdloc)) stop("'## Catch-at-Age' heading missing from ", md)
temp <- grepl("## Catch-at-Length", mdtext)
if (all(!temp)) stop("'## Catch-at-Length' heading missing from ", md)
ind1 <- which(mdloc) +1
ind2 <- which(temp) -1
text <- mdtext[ind1:ind2]
for (i in seq_along(text)){
cat(text[i], "\n", file = rmdfile, sep = "", append = TRUE)
cat("```{r, echo=FALSE, out.width='90%', fig.align='center', fig.show='asis'} \n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
cat("fignum <- caa_plot(Data, fignum=fignum+1)\n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
cat("```\n\n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
# Catch-at-Length section
cat("## Catch-at-Length\n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
if (!is.null(mdtext)) {
mdloc <- grepl("## Catch-at-Length", mdtext)
if (all(!mdloc)) stop("'## Catch-at-Length' heading missing from ", md)
temp <- grepl("## Reference", mdtext)
if (all(!temp)) stop("'## Reference' heading missing from ", md)
temp2 <- grepl("## Reference List", mdtext)
if (all(!temp2)) stop("'## Reference List' heading missing from ", md)
ind1 <- which(mdloc) +1
ind2 <- which(temp!=temp2) -1
text <- mdtext[ind1:ind2]
for (i in seq_along(text)){
cat(text[i], "\n", file = rmdfile, sep = "", append = TRUE)
cat("```{r, echo=FALSE, out.width='90%', fig.align='center', fig.show='asis'} \n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
cat("fignum <- cal_plot(Data, fignum=fignum)\n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
cat("```\n\n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
# Reference section
cat("## Reference\n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
if (!is.null(mdtext)) {
ind1 <- ind2 +2
ind2 <- which(temp2)-1
text <- mdtext[ind1:ind2]
for (i in seq_along(text)){
cat(text[i], "\n", file = rmdfile, sep = "", append = TRUE)
cat("```{r, echo=FALSE, out.width='90%'} \n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
cat("fignum <- ref_plots(Data, fignum=fignum)\n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
cat("```\n\n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
# Reference List
cat("## Reference List\n", file = rmdfile, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
if (!is.null(mdtext)) {
temp <- grepl("## Reference List", mdtext)
ind1 <- which(temp) + 1
ind2 <- length(mdtext)
if (ind2 > ind1) {
text <- mdtext[ind1:ind2]
for (i in seq_along(text)){
cat(text[i], "\n", file = rmdfile, sep = "", append = TRUE)
# Render output file
message("Rendering to ", dir)
if (grepl('html', output_format))
output_file <- file.path(dir, paste0(name, '.html'))
if (grepl('pdf', output_format))
output_file <- file.path(dir, paste0(name, '.pdf'))
rmarkdown::render(rmdfile, output_format =output_format,
output_dir = dir, params=Data, quiet = quiet, clean=FALSE)
if (open) browseURL(output_file)
metadatatable <- function(Data, i=1, output_format) {
df <- data.frame(Data@Name[1],
df <- t(df)
rownames(df) = c(
'Common Name',
'Last Historical Year',
'Last TAC',
'Last TAE',
'Number of areas')
if (output_format == "html_document") {
suppressWarnings(tab <- knitr::kable(df, caption='Table 1. Summary of metadata'))
if (output_format == "pdf_document") {
suppressWarnings(tab <- knitr::kable(df, caption='Table 1. Summary of metadata', format='markdown'))
tab %>%
bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "responsive"), full_width = F,
position = "left"
) %>%
kableExtra::column_spec(1, bold=TRUE))
biology_plots <- function(Data, i=1, n=20000) {
Var <- val <- ..scaled.. <- Text <- NA
slots <- c("Mort", "vbLinf", 'vbK', 'vbt0', 'wla', 'wlb', 'steep', 'sigmaR',
'L50', 'L95')
lout <- list()
for (x in seq_along(slots)) {
sl <- slots[x]
mean <- slot(Data, sl)[i]
if (sl == "L95") {
cv <- slot(Data, "CV_L50")[i]
} else {
cv <- slot(Data, paste0("CV_",sl))[i]
if (is.na(cv) | length(cv)<1) {
vals <- rep(mean,n)
} else {
if (is.na(mean)) {
vals <- NA
} else {
if (sl =="steep") {
vals <- sample_steepness2(n, mean, cv)
} else {
if (mean < 0) {
vals <- -trlnorm(n, -mean, cv)
} else {
vals <- trlnorm(n, mean, cv)
lout[[x]] <- data.frame(Var=sl, val=vals, mean=mean, cv=cv)
plist <- do.call("rbind", lout)
df <- plist %>% group_by(Var) %>% dplyr::distinct(mean, cv)
df$x <- df$mean
# df$mean[df$mean>0.01] <-round(df$mean[df$mean>0.01],)
# df$mean[df$mean < -0.01] <-round(df$mean[df$mean < -0.01],2)
df$cv <- round(df$cv,2)
lab <- sprintf("mu ==%G", df$mean)
lab2 <- sprintf("CV ==%G", df$cv)
plist <- dplyr::distinct(plist)
if (all(is.na(plist$mean))) return(0)
addText <- FALSE
textdf <- plist %>% filter(is.na(val))
if (nrow(textdf) > 0) {
textdf$Text <- "No values"
textdf <- dplyr::distinct(textdf)
addText <- TRUE
fignum <- 1
p1 <- ggplot2::ggplot(plist, ggplot2::aes(x=val, y=..scaled..)) +
ggplot2::geom_density(show.legend = F, fill="lightgray") +
ggplot2::facet_wrap(~Var, scales="free") +
ggplot2::theme_minimal() + ggplot2::theme(axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.title.x=ggplot2::element_blank()) +
ggplot2::geom_text(data=df, ggplot2::aes(x=x, y=1.3), parse=TRUE, label=lab) +
ggplot2::geom_text(data=df, ggplot2::aes(x=x, y=1.1), parse=TRUE, label=lab2) +
ggplot2::labs(title=paste0('Figure ', fignum, '. Density plots of biological parameters')) +
ggplot2::expand_limits(y=1.4) +
ggplot2::theme(strip.text = ggplot2::element_text(size=14))
if (addText) p1 <- p1 + ggplot2::geom_text(data=textdf, ggplot2::aes(x=0, y=3, label=Text) )
growth_plots <- function(Data, i=1, fignum=1) {
# Mean length-at-age
lo <- up <- NA
doGrowth <- FALSE
if (length(Data@vbLinf[i]) > 0 && !is.na(Data@vbLinf[i])) {
doGrowth <- TRUE
fignum <- fignum+1
vonB <- function(Linf, t0, K, ages) Linf * (1-exp(-K*(ages-t0)))
meanL <- vonB(Data@vbLinf[i], Data@vbt0[i], Data@vbK[i], 0:Data@MaxAge)
Lup <- meanL + 1.96*meanL * Data@LenCV[i]
Llow <- meanL - 1.96*meanL * Data@LenCV[i]
df <- data.frame(mean=meanL, up=Lup, lo=Llow)
p2 <- ggplot2::ggplot(df, ggplot2::aes(x=0:Data@MaxAge, ymin=lo, ymax=up)) +
ggplot2::geom_ribbon() +
ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(y=mean), size=1.2) +
ggplot2::expand_limits(y=0) +
ggplot2::labs(x="Age", y="Length",
title=paste0('\n\nFigure ', fignum, '. Distribution of length-at-age'),
subtitle='Mean length-at-age (solid line) and 2 standard deviations (shaded region)') +
ggplot2::theme_minimal() +
ggplot2::geom_text(x=0.75*Data@MaxAge, y=0.5*Data@vbLinf[i],
label=paste0("LenCV = ", round(Data@LenCV[i],3)))
select_plots <- function(Data, i=1, n=20000, fignum=1) {
Var <- val <- ..scaled.. <- Text <- Select <- Length <- NA
lout <- list()
slots <- c('LFC', 'LFS', 'Vmaxlen')
for (x in seq_along(slots)) {
sl <- slots[x]
mean <- slot(Data, sl)[i]
if (sl == "L95") {
cv <- slot(Data, "CV_L50")[i]
} else if (sl=="Vmaxlen"){
cv <- NA
} else {
cv <- slot(Data, paste0("CV_",sl))[i]
if (is.na(cv) | length(cv)<1) {
vals <- rep(mean,n)
} else {
if (is.na(mean)) {
vals <- NA
} else {
if (sl =="steep") {
vals <- sample_steepness2(n, mean, cv)
} else {
if (mean < 0) {
vals <- -trlnorm(n, -mean, cv)
} else {
vals <- trlnorm(n, mean, cv)
lout[[x]] <- data.frame(Var=sl, val=vals, mean=mean, cv=cv)
plist <- do.call("rbind", lout)
df <- plist %>% group_by(Var) %>% dplyr::distinct(mean, cv)
df$x <- df$mean
# df$mean[df$mean>0.01] <-round(df$mean[df$mean>0.01],)
# df$mean[df$mean < -0.01] <-round(df$mean[df$mean < -0.01],2)
df$cv <- round(df$cv,2)
lab <- sprintf("mu ==%G", df$mean)
lab2 <- sprintf("CV ==%G", df$cv)
lab2[3] <- ''
addText <- FALSE
textdf <- plist %>% filter(is.na(val))
if (nrow(textdf) > 0) {
textdf$Text <- "No values"
textdf <- dplyr::distinct(textdf)
addText <- TRUE
inc <- 0
if (!all(is.na(plist$mean))) {
inc <- 1
p3 <- ggplot2::ggplot(plist, ggplot2::aes(x=val, y=..scaled..)) +
ggplot2::geom_density(show.legend = F, fill="lightgray") +
ggplot2::facet_wrap(~Var, scales="free") +
ggplot2::theme_minimal() + ggplot2::theme(axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.title.x=ggplot2::element_blank()) +
ggplot2::geom_text(data=df, ggplot2::aes(x=x, y=1.3), parse=TRUE, label=lab) +
ggplot2::geom_text(data=df, ggplot2::aes(x=x, y=1.1), parse=TRUE, label=lab2) +
ggplot2::labs(title=paste0('Figure ', fignum, '. Density plots of selectivity parameters')) +
ggplot2::expand_limits(y=1.4) +
ggplot2::theme(strip.text = ggplot2::element_text(size=14))
if (addText) p3 <- p3 + ggplot2::geom_text(data=textdf, ggplot2::aes(x=0, y=3, label=Text) )
if (all(!is.na(df$mean)) && all(df$mean >0) ) {
if(!is.na(Data@MaxAge) & !is.na(Data@vbLinf[i])) {
# selectivity-at-age
Lens <- 0:Data@vbLinf[i]
iVB2 <- function(t0, K, Linf, L) {
(-log(1 - L/Linf))/K + t0
Age <- sapply(seq_along(Lens), function(x) iVB2(Data@vbt0[i], Data@vbK[i],
Data@vbLinf[i], Lens[x]))
srs <- (Data@vbLinf[i] - Data@LFS[i]) / ((-log(Data@Vmaxlen[i],2))^0.5)
srs[!is.finite(srs)] <- Inf
sls <- (Data@LFS[i] - Data@LFC[i]) /((-log(0.05,2))^0.5)
SelA <- getsel(lens=Lens[Age>0], lfs=Data@LFS[i], sls=sls, srs=srs)
SelL <- getsel(lens=Lens, lfs=Data@LFS[i], sls=sls, srs=srs)
DF <- data.frame(Age=Age[Age>0], Select=SelA)
fignum <- fignum +inc
p4 <- ggplot2::ggplot(DF, ggplot2::aes(x=Age, y=Select)) +
ggplot2::geom_line(size=1.2) +
ggplot2::expand_limits(y=c(0,1), x=0) +
ggplot2::theme_minimal() +
ggplot2::labs(x="Age", y="Selectivity",
title=paste0('\n\nFigure ', fignum, '. Selectivity-at-age '))+
ggplot2::theme(strip.text = ggplot2::element_text(size=14))
DF <- data.frame(Length=Lens, Select=SelL)
fignum <- fignum +1
p5 <- ggplot2::ggplot(DF, ggplot2::aes(x=Length, y=Select)) +
ggplot2::geom_line(size=1.2) +
ggplot2::expand_limits(y=c(0,1), x=0) +
ggplot2::theme_minimal() +
ggplot2::labs(x="Length", y="Selectivity",
title=paste0('\n\nFigure ', fignum, '. Selectivity-at-length '))+
ggplot2::theme(strip.text = ggplot2::element_text(size=14))
makeDF <- function(Data, slot, i ) {
Year <- Data@Year
if (slot=="AddInd") {
dat <- slot(Data, slot)[i,,]
dat_cv <- slot(Data, "CV_AddInd")[i,,]
dat_v <- slot(Data, "AddIndV")[i,,]
if (!all(is.na(dat))) {
nind <- dim(dat)[1]
tlist <- list()
vlist <- list()
for (x in 1:nind) {
tdat <- dat[x,]
tcv <- dat_cv[x,]
tv <- dat_v[x,]
sdvec <- sdconv(tdat, tdat * tcv)
muvec <- log(tdat)
up <- exp(muvec + 1.96*sdvec)
dw <- exp(muvec - 1.96*sdvec)
tDF <- data.frame(Year, y=tdat, up, dw)
tDF$Data <- paste0("Add. Index ", x)
vlist[[x]] <- data.frame(V=tv, Ind=x)
tlist[[x]] <- tDF
DF <- do.call('rbind', tlist)
DF2 <- do.call('rbind', vlist)
return(list(DF, DF2))
} else {
} else {
dat <- slot(Data, slot)[i,]
dat_cv <- slot(Data, paste0("CV_",slot))[i,]
# find first non NA CV
if (!is.na(dat_cv[1]) & all(is.na(dat_cv[2:length(dat_cv)]))) {
message(paste0("CV_", slot, " only provided for first year. Assumed for all years"))
dat_cv[2:length(dat_cv)] <- dat_cv[1]
sdvec <- sdconv(dat, dat * dat_cv)
muvec <- log(dat)
up <- exp(muvec + 1.96*sdvec)
dw <- exp(muvec - 1.96*sdvec)
DF <- data.frame(Year, y=dat, up, dw)
DF$Data <- slot
ts_plots <- function(Data, i=1, fignum=1) {
if (!requireNamespace("tidyr", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Package \"tidyr\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
call. = FALSE)
Year <- y <- dw <- up <- X <- Ind <- value <- key <- NA
DF <- makeDF(Data, "Cat", i)
DF <- rbind(DF, makeDF(Data, "Effort", i))
DF <- rbind(DF, makeDF(Data, "Ind", i))
DF <- rbind(DF, makeDF(Data, "VInd", i))
DF <- rbind(DF, makeDF(Data, "SpInd", i))
AddInd <- makeDF(Data, "AddInd", i)
if (!is.null(AddInd)) {
DF <- rbind(DF, AddInd[[1]])
vDF <- AddInd[[2]]
DF <- rbind(DF, makeDF(Data, "Rec", i))
DF$Data[DF$Data == "Cat"] <- paste0("Catch (", Data@Units, ")")
DF$Data[DF$Data == "Ind"] <- "Index"
DF$Data[DF$Data == "VInd"] <- "Vulnerable Index"
DF$Data[DF$Data == "SpInd"] <- "Spawning Index"
DF$Data[DF$Data == "Rec"] <- "Recruitment"
DF$Data <- factor(DF$Data, ordered = TRUE,
# drop NAs
Range <- suppressWarnings(
DF %>% dplyr::group_by(Data) %>% dplyr::summarise(Range=range(y, na.rm=T), .groups="keep")
Groups <- Range %>% dplyr::filter(is.finite(Range)==TRUE)
DF <- DF %>% dplyr::filter(DF$Data %in% unique(Groups$Data))
p1 <- ggplot2::ggplot(DF, ggplot2::aes(x=Year, y=y, ymin=dw, ymax=up)) +
ggplot2::facet_wrap(~Data, scales="free", ncol=2) +
ggplot2::expand_limits(y=0) +
ggplot2::geom_ribbon(fill='lightgray') + ggplot2::geom_line(size=1.1) +
ggplot2::geom_point() +
ggplot2::labs(x="Year", y="Mean (95% intervals)",
title=paste0('Figure ', fignum, '. Time-Series Data')) +
ggplot2::theme_minimal() +
ggplot2::theme(strip.text = ggplot2::element_text(size=14))
list(DF, p1, fignum+1)
vuln_addInd_plot <- function(Data, i=1, fignum=1) {
Year <- y <- dw <- up <- X <- Ind <- value <- key <- NA
AddInd <- makeDF(Data, "AddInd", i)
if (!is.null(AddInd)) {
vDF <- AddInd[[2]]
p2 <- NULL
if (!is.null(vDF)) {
fignum <- fignum+1
vDF$Ind <- factor(vDF$Ind)
nind <- length(levels(vDF$Ind))
vDF$X <- rep(1:(Data@MaxAge+1), nind)
p2 <- ggplot2::ggplot(vDF, ggplot2::aes(x=X, y=V, linetype=Ind)) +
ggplot2::geom_line() +
ggplot2::expand_limits(y=c(0,1)) +
ggplot2::labs(x="Age", y="Vulnerability",
title=paste0('\n\nFigure ',
fignum, '. Vulnerability-at-age schedules for Additional Indices'),
linetype="Additional Index") +
if (!is.null(p2)) suppressWarnings(plot(p2))
meanLen_plot <- function(Data, i=1, fignum=1) {
Year <- y <- dw <- up <- X <- Ind <- value <- key <- NA
DF <- data.frame(Year=Data@Year, ML=Data@ML[i,], Lc=Data@Lc[i,], Lbar=Data@Lbar[i,])
p3 <- NULL
if (!all(is.na(DF[,2:4]))) {
fignum <- fignum+1
DF <- tidyr::gather(DF, "key", "value", 2:4)
DF$key[DF$key == "ML"] <- "Mean length"
DF$key[DF$key == "Lc"] <- "Modal length (Lc)"
DF$key[DF$key == "Lbar"] <- "Mean length above Lc"
DF$key <- factor(DF$key, ordered = TRUE,
levels=c("Mean length",
"Modal length (Lc)",
"Mean length above Lc"))
p3 <- ggplot2::ggplot(DF, ggplot2::aes(x=Year, y=value, linetype=key)) +
ggplot2::geom_line(size=1.1) +
ggplot2::expand_limits(y=0) +
ggplot2::labs(y="Length", linetype="Legend",
title=paste0('\n\nFigure ', fignum, '. Mean Length Time-Series')) +
if (!is.null(p3)) suppressWarnings(plot(p3))
caa_plot <- function(Data, i=1, fignum=1) {
Year <- Freq <- n <- NA
CAA <- Data@CAA[i,,]
nyrs <- nrow(CAA); maxage <- ncol(CAA)
if (all(is.na(CAA))){
P2 <- NULL
} else {
P2 <- TRUE
dimnames(CAA) <- list(1:nyrs, 1:maxage)
df1 <- as.data.frame.table(CAA, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(df1) <- c("Year", "Val", "Freq")
df1$Val <- as.numeric(df1$Val)
df1$Year <- as.numeric(df1$Year)
df1$Year <- Data@Year
yr.n <- df1 %>% dplyr::group_by(Year) %>% dplyr::summarise(n=sum(Freq))
yr.ind <- yr.n %>% dplyr::filter(n>0) %>% dplyr::select(Year)
Years <- Data@Year
nyears <- length(unique(df1$Year))
df1$Year_val <- (Years[(length(Years)-nyears+1):length(Years)])
if (nrow(df1)>0 ) {
nyears <- length(unique(df1$Year))
nayears <- df1 %>% group_by(Year) %>% summarize(isna=all(is.na(Freq)))
nyears <- sum(!nayears$isna)
nbins <- length(unique(df1$Val))
tplot <- 16 # total plots per page
if (nyears > tplot) {
npages <- ceiling(nyears/tplot)
ncol <- 4
nrow <- 4
nplot <- ncol * nrow
} else {
npages <- 1
nrow <- ceiling(sqrt(nyears))
ncol <- ceiling(nyears/nrow)
nplot <- nyears
pmat <- matrix(1:(nrow*ncol), nrow=nrow, ncol=ncol, byrow=TRUE)
pmat[pmat >nplot] <- NA
op <- par(mfrow=c(nrow, ncol), no.readonly = TRUE, mar=c(2,2,2,1), oma=c(4,4,4,0))
yr1 <- 1
col <- "grey"
for (pg in 1:npages) {
if (pg ==1) {
yrind <- yr.ind$Year[1:(nplot)]
} else {
t1 <- nplot * (pg-1) +1
t2 <- t1+nplot
yrind <- yr.ind$Year[t1:t2]
yr1 <- max(yrind) + 1
dat <- df1 %>% dplyr::filter(Year %in% yrind)
un.yrs_val <- as.numeric(unique(dat$Year_val))
un.yrs <- as.numeric(unique(dat$Year))
if (pg >1 && pg == npages) {
nplot <- nyears - (npages-1) * tplot
ncol <- ceiling(sqrt(nplot))
nrow <- ceiling(nplot/ncol)
op <- par(mfrow=c(nrow, ncol), no.readonly = TRUE, mar=c(2,2,2,1), oma=c(4,4,4,0))
pmat <- matrix(1:nplot, nrow=nrow, ncol=ncol, byrow=TRUE))
pmat[pmat>nplot] <- NA
for (p in 1:nplot) {
pdat <- dat %>% dplyr::filter(Year==un.yrs[p])
if (nrow(pdat) > 0) {
if (all(is.na(pdat$Freq))) {
} else{
if (p %in% pmat[nrow,]) {
barplot(pdat$Freq, names=round(pdat$Val, 2), axes=FALSE, col=col)
} else {
barplot(pdat$Freq, names=FALSE, axes=FALSE, col=col)
if (p %in% pmat[,1]) axis(side=2)
if (!p %in% pmat[,1]) axis(side=2, labels=TRUE)
ncount <- round(sum(pdat$Freq),0)
text(max(pdat$Val), max(pdat$Freq), paste('n = ', ncount),
if (p == 1) {
title(main=paste0('Figure ', fignum, ". Catch-at-Age (Years ", min(un.yrs), " - ", max(un.yrs), ")"),
xpd=NA, line=1, outer=TRUE)
fignum <- fignum + 1
mtext(side=1, outer=TRUE, "Age", line=2, cex=1.1)
mtext(side=2, outer=TRUE, "Frequency", line=2, cex=1.1)
cal_plot <- function(Data, i=1, fignum=1) {
Year <- Freq <- n <- NA
CAL <- Data@CAL[i,,]
if (all(is.na(CAL))) {
P3 <- NULL
} else {
P3 <- TRUE
nyrs <- nrow(CAL); nbins <- length(Data@CAL_bins) - 1
By <- Data@CAL_bins[2] - Data@CAL_bins[1]
BinsMid <- seq(Data@CAL_bins[1] + 0.5*By, by=By,length.out = nbins)
dimnames(CAL) <- list(1:nyrs, BinsMid)
df1 <- as.data.frame.table(CAL, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(df1) <- c("Year", "Val", "Freq")
df1$Val <- as.numeric(df1$Val)
df1$Year <- as.numeric(df1$Year)
df1$Year <- Data@Year
yr.n <- df1 %>% dplyr::group_by(Year) %>% dplyr::summarise(n=sum(Freq))
yr.ind <- yr.n %>% dplyr::filter(n>0) %>% dplyr::select(Year)
Years <- Data@Year
nyears <- length(unique(df1$Year))
df1$Year_val <- (Years[(length(Years)-nyears+1):length(Years)])
if (nrow(df1) > 0) {
nyears <- length(unique(df1$Year))
nayears <- df1 %>% group_by(Year) %>% summarize(isna=all(is.na(Freq)))
nyears <- sum(!nayears$isna)
nbins <- length(unique(df1$Val))
tplot <- 16 # total plots per page
if (nyears > tplot) {
npages <- ceiling(nyears/tplot)
ncol <- 4
nrow <- 4
nplot <- ncol * nrow
} else {
npages <- 1
nrow <- ceiling(sqrt(nyears))
ncol <- ceiling(nyears/nrow)
nplot <- nyears
pmat <- matrix(1:(ncol*nrow), nrow=nrow, ncol=ncol, byrow=TRUE)
pmat[pmat>nplot] <- NA
op <- par(mfrow=c(nrow, ncol), no.readonly = TRUE, mar=c(2,2,2,1), oma=c(4,4,4,0))
yr1 <- 1
col <- "grey"
for (pg in 1:npages) {
if (pg ==1) {
yrind <- yr.ind$Year[1:(nplot)]
} else {
t1 <- nplot * (pg-1) +1
t2 <- t1+nplot
yrind <- yr.ind$Year[t1:t2]
yr1 <- max(yrind) + 1
dat <- df1 %>% dplyr::filter(Year %in% yrind)
un.yrs_val <- as.numeric(unique(dat$Year_val))
un.yrs <- as.numeric(unique(dat$Year))
if (pg >1 && pg == npages) {
nplot <- nyears - (npages-1) * tplot
ncol <- ceiling(sqrt(nplot))
nrow <- ceiling(nplot/ncol)
op <- par(mfrow=c(nrow, ncol), no.readonly = TRUE, mar=c(2,2,2,1), oma=c(4,4,4,0))
pmat <- matrix(1:(ncol*nrow), nrow=nrow, ncol=ncol, byrow=TRUE)
pmat[pmat>nplot] <- NA
for (p in 1:nplot) {
pdat <- dat %>% dplyr::filter(Year==un.yrs[p])
if (nrow(pdat) > 0) {
if (all(is.na(pdat$Freq))) {
} else{
if (p %in% pmat[nrow,]) {
barplot(pdat$Freq, names.arg=round(pdat$Val, 2), axes=FALSE, col=col, las=2)
} else {
barplot(pdat$Freq, names.arg=FALSE, axes=FALSE, col=col)
if (p %in% pmat[,1]) axis(side=2)
if (!p %in% pmat[,1]) axis(side=2, labels=TRUE)
ncount <- round(sum(pdat$Freq),0)
text(length(unique(df1$Val)), max(pdat$Freq), paste('n = ', ncount), xpd=NA)
if (p == 1) {
title(main=paste0('Figure ', fignum, ". Catch-at-Length (Years ", min(un.yrs), " - ", max(un.yrs), ")"),
xpd=NA, line=1, outer=TRUE)
fignum <- fignum + 1
mtext(side=1, outer=TRUE, "Length", line=2, cex=1.1)
mtext(side=2, outer=TRUE, "Frequency", line=2, cex=1.1)
ref_plots <- function(Data, i=1, n=20000, fignum=1) {
Var <- val <- ..scaled.. <- Text <- NA
slots <- c('Dep', 'Abun', 'SpAbun', 'FMSY_M', 'BMSY_B0', 'Cref', 'Bref', 'Iref',
't', "AvC", 'Dt', 'Ref')
lout <- list()
for (x in seq_along(slots)) {
sl <- slots[x]
mean <- slot(Data, sl)[i]
if (sl %in% c("t", "Ref")) {
cv <- NA
} else {
cv <- slot(Data, paste0("CV_",sl))[i]
if (is.na(cv) | length(cv)<1) {
vals <- rep(mean,n)
} else {
if (is.na(mean)) {
vals <- NA
} else {
if (mean < 0) {
vals <- -trlnorm(n, -mean, cv)
} else {
vals <- trlnorm(n, mean, cv)
lout[[x]] <- data.frame(Var=sl, val=vals, mean=mean, cv=cv)
plist <- do.call("rbind", lout)
df <- plist %>% group_by(Var) %>% dplyr::distinct(mean, cv)
df$x <- df$mean
# df$mean[df$mean>0.01] <-round(df$mean[df$mean>0.01],)
# df$mean[df$mean < -0.01] <-round(df$mean[df$mean < -0.01],2)
df$cv <- round(df$cv,2)
lab <- sprintf("mu ==%G", df$mean)
lab2 <- sprintf("CV ==%G", df$cv)
# plist <- dplyr::distinct(plist)
addText <- FALSE
textdf <- plist %>% filter(is.na(val))
if (nrow(textdf) > 0) {
textdf$Text <- "No values"
textdf <- dplyr::distinct(textdf)
addText <- TRUE
if (!all(is.na(plist$mean))) {
p1 <- ggplot2::ggplot(plist, ggplot2::aes(x=val, y=..scaled..)) +
ggplot2::geom_density(show.legend = F, fill="lightgray") +
ggplot2::facet_wrap(~Var, scales="free") +
ggplot2::theme_minimal() + ggplot2::theme(axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.title.x=ggplot2::element_blank()) +
ggplot2::geom_text(data=df, ggplot2::aes(x=x, y=1.3), parse=TRUE, label=lab) +
ggplot2::geom_text(data=df, ggplot2::aes(x=x, y=1.1), parse=TRUE, label=lab2) +
ggplot2::labs(title=paste0('Figure ', fignum, '. Density plots of Reference parameters')) +
ggplot2::expand_limits(y=1.4) +
ggplot2::theme(strip.text = ggplot2::element_text(size=14))
if (addText) p1 <- p1 + ggplot2::geom_text(data=textdf, ggplot2::aes(x=0, y=3, label=Text) )
#' Apply Management Procedures to an object of class Data
#' @param Data An object of class Data
#' @param MPs Name(s) of the MPs to run
#' @param reps Number of samples
#' @param nsims Optional. Number of simulations.
#' @param silent Logical. Should messages be suppressed?
#' @param parallel Logical. Whether to run MPs in parallel. Can be a vector of length(MPs)
#' @return A list with the first element a list of management recommendations,
#' and the second the updated Data object
#' @export
applyMP <- function(Data, MPs = NA, reps = 100, nsims=NA, silent=FALSE, parallel = snowfall::sfIsRunning()) {
if (!methods::is(Data, "Data")) stop("First argument must be object of class 'Data'", call.=FALSE)
Dataout <- Data
if (is.na(nsims)) nsims <- nrow(Data@Cat)
nMPs <- length(MPs)
if (.hasSlot(Data, "nareas")) {
nareas <- Data@nareas
} else {
nareas <- 2
returnList <- list() # a list nMPs long containing MPs recommendations
recList <- list() # a list containing nsim recommendations from a single MP
TACout <- array(NA, dim=c(nMPs, reps, nsims))
# refMPs <- avail('MP', 'MSEtool', msg=FALSE)
refMPs <- c("FMSYref", "FMSYref50", "FMSYref75", "NFref")# refMPs[grepl('ref', refMPs)]
if (length(parallel) < length(MPs)) {
if (length(parallel) > 1) {
stop("length(parallel) must be equal to length(MPs)")
} else {
parallel <- rep(parallel, length(MPs))
runParallel <- snowfall::sfIsRunning()
# if (nMPs < 8 & nsims < 8) runParallel <- FALSE
if (!silent)
message_info('Attempting to run ', length(MPs), ' MPs:')
for (mp in 1:nMPs) {
if (!silent) message(MPs[mp])
fn <- getMP(MPs[mp])
if (runParallel && parallel[mp]) {
temp <- try(snowfall::sfLapply(1:nsims, fn, Data = Data, reps = reps), silent=TRUE)
} else {
temp <- try(lapply(1:nsims, fn, Data = Data, reps = reps), silent=TRUE)
if (methods::is(temp, 'try-error')) {
warning("Method ", MPs[mp], " failed with error: ", temp)
returnList[[mp]] <- temp
} else {
slots <- slotNames(temp[[1]])
for (X in slots) {# sequence along recommendation slots
if (X == "Misc") { # convert to a list nsim by nareas
rec <- lapply(temp, slot, name=X)
} else {
rec <- do.call("cbind", lapply(temp, slot, name=X)) # unlist(lapply(temp, slot, name=X))
if (X == "Spatial") { # convert to a matrix nsim by nareas
rec <- matrix(rec, nareas, nsims, byrow=FALSE)
recList[[X]] <- rec
if (!is.null(recList$Misc))
for (x in 1:nsims) Dataout@Misc[[x]] <- recList$Misc[[x]]
recList$Misc <- NULL
if (MPs[mp] %in% refMPs) {
recList$type <- 'reference'
} else {
recList$type <- 'mp'
if (length(recList$TAC)>0) TACout[mp,,] <- recList$TAC
returnList[[mp]] <- recList
if (!silent && any(apply(is.na(recList$TAC), 2, sum) > rep(0.5 * reps, nsims)))
message("Method ", MPs[mp], " produced greater than 50% NA values")
Dataout@TAC <- TACout
Dataout@MPs <- MPs
nms <- names(Data@Misc)
nms <- nms[nchar(nms)>0]
Dataout@Misc[nms] <- Data@Misc[nms]
list(returnList, Dataout)
SubData_sim <- function(x, Data) {
if(!methods::is(Data, 'Data')) stop('Object must be class `Data`')
subdata <- new("Data")
sltType <- getSlots('Data')
slts <- slotNames(Data)
for (i in seq_along(slts)) {
if (sltType[i] == "character")
slot(subdata, slts[i]) <- slot(Data, slts[i])
if (sltType[i] == "numeric")
slot(subdata, slts[i]) <- slot(Data, slts[i])
if (sltType[i] == "vector")
if (slts[i]=='Year') {
slot(subdata, slts[i]) <- slot(Data, slts[i])
} else {
slot(subdata, slts[i]) <- slot(Data, slts[i])[x]
if (sltType[i] == "matrix")
slot(subdata, slts[i]) <- matrix(slot(Data, slts[i])[x,], nrow=1)
if (sltType[i] == "array") {
tt <- slot(Data, slts[i])
dd <- dim(tt)
ll <- length(dd)
if (ll ==2) {
slot(subdata, slts[i]) <- array(slot(Data, slts[i])[x,], dim=c(1,dd[2:length(dd)]))
if (ll ==3) {
slot(subdata, slts[i]) <- array(slot(Data, slts[i])[x,,], dim=c(1,dd[2:length(dd)]))
if (sltType[i] == "list") {
tt <- slot(Data, slts[i])
newlist <- list()
if (length(tt)>0) {
if (slts[i] == 'Misc') {
np <- length(tt)
nf <- length(tt[[1]])
if (nf>0) {
# from MMSE
n_sim <- length(tt[[1]][[1]])
for (p in 1:np) {
newlist[[p]] <- list()
for (f in 1:nf) {
newlist[[p]][[f]] <- list()
newlist[[p]][[f]][[1]] <- tt[[1]][[1]][[x]]
} else {
# from MSE
# not currently implemented
slot(subdata, slts[i]) <- newlist
if (sltType[i] == "data.frame") {
slot(subdata, slts[i]) <- slot(Data, slts[i])[x,]
MP_wrapper <- function(x, Data, MP, ...) {
subdat <- SubData_sim(x, Data)
fun <- get(MP)
fun(1, subdat, ...)
lag_slot <- function(sl, lag, n_yr, Data) {
lag_ind <- 1:(n_yr-lag)
val <- slot(Data, sl)
dd <- dim(val)
if (length(dd)==2) {
# matrix
val <- val[,lag_ind, drop=FALSE]
if (length(dd)==3) {
# array
ind <- ifelse(sl%in% c('AddInd', 'CV_AddInd'), 3, 2)
if (ind ==2) {
val <- val[,lag_ind,, drop=FALSE]
if (ind ==3) {
val <- val[,,lag_ind, drop=FALSE]
slot(Data, sl) <- val
#' Lag the time-series slots in a `Data` object by a specified number of time-steps
#' @param Data An object of class `Data`
#' @param Data_Lag Either a numeric vector of length 1 with a positive number
#' specifying the number of time-steps to lag all time-series data, or a named
#' list with numeric values (length 1). See details for more information.
#' @param msg Logical. Display the messages?
#' @return An object of class `Data` with time-series slots lagged.
#' @export
#' @details
#' By default, all simulated data in the forward projections are provided up to the
#' previous time-step. That is, in projection year `t`, the simulated data are up to
#' and including `t-1`.
#' This function will lag the time-series values by the specified value. For example,
#' `Data_Lag=5` will mean in projection time-step `t` the data will be up to and
#' including `t-6`.
#' *Note*: The `Data@Year` slot is *not* lagged by this function.
#' Many built-in MPs use the length of `Data@Year` to determine the number of
#' years of data for smoothing over recent years etc. This may not be appropriate
#' so check the MP is behaving as you expect if you use `Lag_Data`.
#' @examples
#' # Lag all time-series slots by 2 time-steps (usually years)
#' Data <- Example_datafile
#' Lagged_1 <- Lag_Data(Data, 2)
#' length(Data@Year)
#' length(Lagged_1@Year)
#' length(Data@Cat[1,])
#' length(Lagged_1@Cat[1,])
#' length(Data@Ind[1,])
#' length(Lagged_1@Ind[1,])
#' # Lag CAA by 5 and Ind by 3 time-steps
#' Lagged_2 <- Lag_Data(Data, Data_Lag=list(CAA=5, Ind=3))
#' length(Lagged_2@Year)
#' length(Lagged_2@Cat[1,])
#' dim(Data@CAA[1,,])
#' dim(Lagged_2@CAA[1,,])
#' length(Data@Ind[1,])
#' length(Lagged_2@Ind[1,])
Lag_Data <- function(Data, Data_Lag=0, msg=FALSE) {
if(!inherits(Data, 'Data'))
stop('Object must be class `Data`')
n_yr <- length(Data@Year)
# Data slots with a year index
data_slots <- slotNames('Data')
slot_vals <- sapply(data_slots, function(x) slot(Data, x))
slot_dims <- lapply(slot_vals, dim)
slot_yr <- slot_vals[grepl(n_yr, slot_dims)]
slot_yr_nms <- names(slot_yr)
if (inherits(Data_Lag, 'list')) {
slots <- names(Data_Lag)
} else {
slots <- slotNames('Data')[grepl(n_yr, slot_dims)]
if (!inherits(Data_Lag, 'numeric'))
stop('`Data_Lag` must be numeric of length 1 or a named list.')
List <- vector('list', length(slots))
names(List) <- slot_yr_nms
List[] <- Data_Lag
Data_Lag <- List
slot_dims <- slot_dims[grepl(n_yr, slot_dims)]
# check if slots in Data_Lag list have data
not_data <- !slots %in% slot_yr_nms
if (sum(not_data)) {
if (msg)
message_info('Data lag specified for slots:',
paste(slots[not_data], collapse=', '),
'but these slots do not have any data. Ignoring.')
slots <- slots[!not_data]
for (sl in slots) {
if (Data_Lag[[sl]]<0 & msg)
message_info('Data lag specified for slot:', sl, 'is negative. Ignoring.')
if (length(Data_Lag[[sl]])>1 & msg)
message_info('`Data_Lag` is numeric vector > length 1. Only using the first value.')
if (Data_Lag[[sl]]>0) {
Data <- lag_slot(sl, Data_Lag[[sl]], n_yr, Data)
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