
#' @title Multi-year time stratified Bayesian estimator (cohort summary with marked fry)

#' @description MYTSBE utilizes hierarchical Bayesian methods to estimate abundances from capture-mark-recapture (CMR) data using a temporally-stratified Lincoln-Petersen estimator. The between-year hierarchical
#' structures allows for annually recurring species characteristics to be incorporated into capture probabilities and abundance estimates.
#' Summary output is by cohort year.
#' Peer reviewed publication can be found at ...
#' @param data capture-mark-recapture data frame
#' @param burnin number of initial MCMC chain iterations to be discarded
#' @param chains number of MCMC chains (>1)
#' @param iterations number of MCMC iterations per chain
#' @param thin thin rate for MCMC chains
#' @param sel.years selected year(s) to compute abundance estimates
#' @param boot number of boot strap iterations to calculate yearly and life stage abundance estimates
#' @param species character string used for titles and descriptions of reports
#' @param model.params parameters to be returned from MCMC simulation
#' @param trap.name character string used for  titles and descriptions of reports
#' @param effort.cor expands the number of unmarked fish captured by a sampling effort
#' @param strata.length number of days in strata
#' @param smolt.parr.date "MM-DD" date to partition smolt life stage
#' @param parr.presmolt.date "MM-DD" date to partition parr life stage
#' @param strata.op.min minimum number of years data need to have been collected in a stratum to be included in summary
#' @param den.plot return density plots of MCMC chains
#' @param trace.plot return trace plots of MCMC chains
#' @import plyr
#' @importFrom lubridate hour
#' @importFrom R2jags jags
#' @import coda
#' @import lattice
#' @import superdiag
#' @import mcmcplots
#' @import ggmcmc
#' @importFrom data.table as.data.table
#' @export
#' @return NULL

MYTSBE_Cohort_Fry <- function(data,
                   effort.cor = FALSE,
                   sel.years = currentyear,
                   strata.op.min = 1,
                   smolt.parr.date = "07-01",
                   parr.presmolt.date = "09-01",
                   species = "",
                   trap.name = "",
                   den.plot = FALSE,
                   trace.plot = FALSE,
                   strata.length = s.length,
                   burnin = 100000,
                   chains = 3,
                   iterations = 400000,
                   thin = 100,
                   boot = 5000,
                   model.params = c("p", "U", "etaP1", "etaU1", "sigmaU", "sigmaP")) {

  currentyear <- max(data$year)-2
  s.length <- max(data$days)
  smolt.date <- paste("2010-",smolt.parr.date, sep ="")
  parr.date <- paste("2010-",parr.presmolt.date, sep ="")

  model <- function() {
    for(i in 1:strata){
      for(j in 1:year){
        m[i,j] ~ dbin(p[i,j],n[i,j])
        logit(p[i,j]) <- etaP[i,j]
        etaP[i,j] ~ dnorm(etaP1[i],tauP)

        u[i,j] ~ dbin(p[i,j],U[i,j])
        U[i,j] <- round(exp(etaU[i,j]))
        etaU[i,j]~ dnorm(etaU1[i],tauU)

      etaP1[i] ~ dnorm(np,tp)

      etaU1[i] ~ dnorm(nu,tu)
    tauP ~ dgamma(.001,.001) #equal to 1/epsilon^2_lambda_mu
    sigmaP <- 1/sqrt(tauP)
    tauU~ dgamma(.001,.001) #equal to 1/epsilon^2_lambda_mu
    sigmaU <- 1/sqrt(tauU) #variance

    np ~ dnorm(-2,.666) #variance=1.5, precision=1/1.5->.666
    tp ~ dgamma(.001,.001) #equal to 1/epsilon^2_lambda_mu
    sigmatp <- 1/sqrt(tp) #variance

    nu ~ dnorm(10,.25) #variance=4, precision=1/4=.25 , Increased mean to 10 due to initializing issues
    tu ~ dgamma(.001,.001) #equal to 1/epsilon^2_lambda_mu
    sigmatu <- 1/sqrt(tu) #variance

  #Input Data######################################################################################

  #U updated for effort correction factor
  data$cor.factor <-data$effort/data$days
  data$u.cor <- round(data$u*(1/(data$effort/data$days)))

  if(effort.cor == TRUE) {
    datau=matrix(round(data$u*(1/(data$effort/data$days))), nrow=length(unique(data$strata)), ncol=length(unique(data$year)))
  } else {
    datau=matrix(data$u,nrow=length(unique(data$strata)), ncol=length(unique(data$year)))

  datan=matrix(data$n,nrow=length(unique(data$strata)), ncol=length(unique(data$year)))
  datam=matrix(data$m,nrow=length(unique(data$strata)), ncol=length(unique(data$year)))

  strata <- as.numeric(nrow(datan))# number of unique stratum
  year <- as.numeric(ncol(datan)) # number of unique years
  n    <- as.matrix(datan) # number of marked individuals available for recapture during the stratum
  m    <- as.matrix(datam) # number of marked individuals recaptured during the stratum
  u    <- as.matrix(datau) # number of unmarked individuals captured during the stratum


  model.data <- list("strata", "year", "n", "m", "u")

  model.fit <- jags(data = model.data, inits = NULL,
                    parameters.to.save = model.params, n.chains = chains, n.iter = iterations,
                    n.burnin = burnin, n.thin = thin, model.file = model)

  model.fit.mcmc <- as.mcmc(model.fit) #call model.fit from rjags
  model.fit.gg <- suppressWarnings(ggs(model.fit.mcmc)) #convert model.fit.mcmc to gg output (useable dataframe) #Suppress warnings for CRAN repo requirements

  model.fry <- function() {
    for(i in 1:strata){
      for(j in 1:year){
        yoym[i,j] ~ dbin(p[i,j],yoyn[i,j])
        logit(p[i,j]) <- etaP[i,j]
        etaP[i,j] ~ dnorm(etaP1[i],tauP)

        yoyu[i,j] ~ dbin(p[i,j],U[i,j])
        U[i,j] <- round(exp(etaU[i,j]))
        etaU[i,j]~ dnorm(etaU1[i],tauU)

      etaP1[i] ~ dnorm(np,tp)

      etaU1[i] ~ dnorm(nu,tu)
    tauP ~ dgamma(.001,.001) #equal to 1/epsilon^2_lambda_mu
    sigmaP <- 1/sqrt(tauP)
    tauU~ dgamma(.001,.001) #equal to 1/epsilon^2_lambda_mu
    sigmaU <- 1/sqrt(tauU) #variance

    np ~ dnorm(-2,.666) #variance=1.5, precision=1/1.5->.666
    tp ~ dgamma(.001,.001) #equal to 1/epsilon^2_lambda_mu
    sigmatp <- 1/sqrt(tp) #variance

    nu ~ dnorm(10,.25) #variance=4, precision=1/4=.25 , Increased mean to 10 due to initializing issues
    tu ~ dgamma(.001,.001) #equal to 1/epsilon^2_lambda_mu
    sigmatu <- 1/sqrt(tu) #variance

  #Input Data######################################################################################

  smolt.strata <- round(yday(as.Date(smolt.date))/strata.length) - (min(data$strata)-1)# convert to smolt cutoff date to strata

  fry.data <- data[data$strata <= smolt.strata+(min(data$strata)-1),] #convert smolt cutoff strata to ordinal strata

  if(effort.cor == TRUE) {
    datayoyu=matrix(round(fry.data$yoyu*(1/(fry.data$effort/fry.data$days))), nrow=length(unique(fry.data$strata)), ncol=length(unique(fry.data$year)))
  } else {
    datayoyu=matrix(fry.data$yoyu,nrow=length(unique(fry.data$strata)), ncol=length(unique(fry.data$year)))

  datayoyn=matrix(fry.data$yoyn,nrow=length(unique(fry.data$strata)), ncol=length(unique(fry.data$year)))
  datayoym=matrix(fry.data$yoym,nrow=length(unique(fry.data$strata)), ncol=length(unique(fry.data$year)))

  strata <- as.numeric(nrow(datayoyn))# number of unique stratum
  year <- as.numeric(ncol(datayoyn)) # number of unique years
  yoyn    <- as.matrix(datayoyn) # number of marked individuals available for recapture during the stratum
  yoym    <- as.matrix(datayoym) # number of marked individuals recaptured during the stratum
  yoyu    <- as.matrix(datayoyu) # number of unmarked individuals captured during the stratum


  model.data <- list("strata", "year", "yoyn", "yoym", "yoyu")

  model.fit.fry <- jags(data = model.data, inits = NULL,
                        parameters.to.save = model.params, n.chains = chains, n.iter = iterations,
                        n.burnin = burnin, n.thin = thin, model.file = model.fry)


  model.fit.fry.mcmc <- as.mcmc(model.fit.fry) #call model.fit from rjags
  model.fit.gg.fry <- suppressWarnings(ggs(model.fit.fry.mcmc)) #convert model.fit.mcmc to gg output (useable dataframe)

  options(scipen = 999) #change scientific notation

  #   Export Juv  #

  for(i in 1:chains){
    chain <- model.fit.gg[model.fit.gg$Chain == i,]
    write.table(chain, file = paste("MCMC Chains", i,".txt"), sep="\t")

  #Juv Diagnostics#
  gd <- gelman.diag(model.fit.mcmc, confidence = 0.95, transform=FALSE, autoburnin=TRUE,

  gdata <-as.data.frame(gd[1])
  gdata <- cbind(Parameter = rownames(gdata), gdata)
  colnames(gdata) <- c("Parameter", "Point.est", "Upper.CI")
  nonconv.gd <- gdata[gdata$Point.est > 1.1,]
  nonconv.gd <- droplevels(nonconv.gd)


  sink("GR Diagnostic Test Results.txt", append=FALSE, split=FALSE)

                   "Number of chains =", chains,"\n",
                   "Number of iterations per chain =", iterations, "\n",
                   "Burn in =", burnin,"\n",
                   "Thin rate =", thin, "\n",
                   "********** The Gelman-Rubin diagnostic: **********","\n","\n",
                   "   *  Flagged parameters with point est. >1.1  *  ", "\n",
                   paste(nc.gd, collapse=', ' ),


  #Manual Statistics#

  #apply descriptive statistic functions to parameter values over all chains & iterations
  means<-ddply(model.fit.gg, "Parameter", summarise,
               mean = mean(value),sd = sd(value),
               niaveSE = sd(value)/sqrt(length(value)))

  #get quantiles for each parameter
  quantiles<-ddply(model.fit.gg, "Parameter", function (x) quantile(x$value, c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975)))

  #add year variable
  for(j in 1:length(unique(data$year))){
    quantiles$Year<-ifelse(grepl(paste(",",j,"]$" , sep = ""), quantiles$Parameter), min(data$year-1)+j, quantiles$Year)
  #add strata variable
  for(s in 1:length(unique(data$strata))){
    quantiles$strata<-ifelse(grepl(paste(s,",", sep = ""), quantiles$Parameter), min(data$strata-1)+s, quantiles$strata)

  #merge summary statistics and quantiles
  outputsummary <- merge(quantiles, means, by.x="Parameter") # Merge statistics
  is.num <- sapply(outputsummary, is.numeric) #reduce digits
  outputsummary[is.num] <- lapply(outputsummary[is.num], round, 3) #reduce digits
  outputsummary<-outputsummary[with(outputsummary, order(Year,Parameter)), ] #reorder by year and parameter

  ag.strata <- aggregate(ceiling(data$cor.factor), by=list(strata=data$strata), FUN=sum)
  excl.strata <- ag.strata[ag.strata$x < strata.op.min,]

  outputsummary <- outputsummary[,c(7:8,1:6,9:12)]

  sink(paste("All",species,trap.name,"Results.txt"), append=FALSE, split=FALSE)
  writeLines(paste( Sys.Date(),"\n",
                    species, trap.name,"\n",
                    "Number of chains =", chains,"\n",
                    "Number of iterations per chain =", iterations, "\n",
                    "Burn in =", burnin,"\n",
                    "Thin rate =", thin, "\n",
                    "* Strata with <", strata.op.min, "year(s) of operation  * ", "\n",
                    paste(x.strata, collapse=', ' ),
                    "*  Flagged parameters with point est. >1.1  *  ", "\n",
                    paste(nc.gd, collapse=', ' ),

  write.csv(outputsummary, file = paste("All",species,trap.name,"Results.csv"))

  #############                      Fry Summary Statistics                          #########

  for(i in 1:chains){
    chain <- model.fit.gg[model.fit.gg.fry$Chain == i,]
    write.table(chain, file = paste("MCMC Chains Fry", i,".txt"), sep="\t")

  gd.fry <- gelman.diag(model.fit.fry.mcmc, confidence = 0.95, transform=FALSE, autoburnin=TRUE,

  gdata.fry <-as.data.frame(gd.fry[1])
  gdata.fry <- cbind(Parameter = rownames(gdata.fry), gdata.fry)
  colnames(gdata.fry) <- c("Parameter", "Point.est", "Upper.CI")
  nonconv.gd.fry <- gdata.fry[gdata.fry$Point.est > 1.1,]
  nonconv.gd.fry <- droplevels(nonconv.gd.fry)


  sink("GR Diagnostic Test Results Fry.txt", append=FALSE, split=FALSE)

                   "Number of chains =", chains,"\n",
                   "Number of iterations per chain =", iterations, "\n",
                   "Burn in =", burnin,"\n",
                   "Thin rate =", thin, "\n",
                   "********** The Gelman-Rubin diagnostic fry: **********","\n","\n",
                   "   *  Flagged parameters with point est. >1.1  *  ", "\n",
                   paste(nc.gd.fry, collapse=', ' ),


  #Manual Statistics#

  #apply descriptive statistic functions to parameter values over all chains & iterations
  means.fry<-ddply(model.fit.gg.fry, "Parameter", summarise,
                   mean = mean(value),sd = sd(value),
                   niaveSE = sd(value)/sqrt(length(value)))

  #get quantiles for each parameter
  quantiles.fry<-ddply(model.fit.gg.fry, "Parameter", function (x) quantile(x$value, c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975)))

  #add year variable
  for(j in 1:length(unique(fry.data$year))){
    quantiles.fry$Year<-ifelse(grepl(paste(",",j,"]$" , sep = ""), quantiles.fry$Parameter), min(fry.data$year-1)+j, quantiles.fry$Year)
  #add strata variable
  for(s in 1:length(unique(fry.data$strata))){
    quantiles.fry$strata<-ifelse(grepl(paste(s,",", sep = ""), quantiles.fry$Parameter), min(fry.data$strata-1)+s, quantiles.fry$strata)

  #merge summary statistics and quantiles

  outputsummary.fry <- merge(quantiles.fry, means.fry, by.x="Parameter") # Merge statistics
  is.num <- sapply(outputsummary.fry, is.numeric) #reduce digits
  outputsummary.fry[is.num] <- lapply(outputsummary.fry[is.num], round, 3) #reduce digits
  outputsummary.fry<-outputsummary.fry[with(outputsummary.fry, order(Year,Parameter)), ] #reorder by year and parameter

  fry.ag.strata <- aggregate(ceiling(fry.data$cor.factor), by=list(strata=fry.data$strata), FUN=sum)
  fry.excl.strata <- fry.ag.strata[fry.ag.strata$x < strata.op.min,]

  outputsummary.fry <- outputsummary.fry[,c(7:8,1:6,9:12)]

  sink(paste("All",species,trap.name,"Results Fry.txt"), append=FALSE, split=FALSE)
  writeLines(paste( Sys.Date(),"\n",
                    species, trap.name,"\n",
                    "Number of chains =", chains,"\n",
                    "Number of iterations per chain =", iterations, "\n",
                    "Burn in =", burnin,"\n",
                    "Thin rate =", thin, "\n",
                    "* Strata with <", strata.op.min, "year(s) of operation  * ", "\n",
                    paste(fry.x.strata, collapse=', ' ),
                    "*  Flagged parameters with point est. >1.1  *  ", "\n",
                    paste(nc.gd.fry, collapse=', ' ),

  write.csv(outputsummary.fry, file = paste("All",species,trap.name,"Results Fry.csv"))

  #############                      Cohort Summary Loop                          #########

  parr.strata <- round(yday(as.Date(parr.date))/strata.length) - (min(data$strata)-1) # convert parr cutoff date to strata

  for(selectyr in sel.years){
    #remove U parameters for parr and presmolt
    pyear <- (selectyr+2) - (as.numeric(min(data$year)))

    usep <- subset(model.fit.gg,grepl("^U", Parameter)) #subset all U's
    usep.p <- subset(usep,grepl(paste(",",pyear,"]$" , sep = ""), Parameter)) #subset U's for first year
    usep.p$strata <- sub(".*?U(.*?)(,.*|$)", "\\1", usep.p$Parameter) #create strata variable
    usep.p$strata <- as.numeric(substr(usep.p$strata, 2, 5)) #clean strata variable

    parr<- subset(usep.p, strata >= (smolt.strata) & strata <= (parr.strata-1))

    parr<-subset(parr, !(parr$strata %in% excl.strata$strata)) # exclude strata under the strata.op.min threshold


    parrUdist = numeric(boot); # set aside an empty vector for bootstrap disribution of the mean
    for (i in 1:boot)
    {parrUdist[i] <- sum(parrdt[, value[sample.int(.N, 1, TRUE)], by = strata]) - sum(unique(parrdt$strata))

    parrUdist<-as.data.frame(parrUdist) #change output to dataframe
    parrUdist$parrUdist<-as.numeric(parrUdist$parrUdist) #change output to numeric

    write.table(parrUdist, file = paste(selectyr,"Parr U distribution.txt"), sep="\t")

    #Get descriptive statistics mode, mean, sd, niaveSE or U bootstrap distribution
    parrUsum<-adply(parrUdist, 2, summarise,
                    mean = mean(parrUdist),sd = sd(parrUdist),
                    niaveSE = sd(parrUdist)/sqrt(length(parrUdist)))
    parrUsum$mode <- as.numeric(parrUsum$mode)

    #Get quantiles for U bootstrap distribution
    parrUquantiles<-adply(parrUdist, 2, function (x) quantile(x$parrUdist, c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975)))

    parrUoutputsummary <- merge(parrUquantiles, parrUsum, by.x="X1")
    parrUoutputsummary$X1 <- NULL #removed X1 variable
    parrUoutputsummary$Parameter<-paste("Parr U Cohort",selectyr) # add Parameter variable
    parrUoutputsummary$Year<- selectyr+1 #add year variable

    #########Pre smolt###############

    presmolt<- subset(usep.p, strata >= parr.strata)

    presmolt<-subset(presmolt, !(presmolt$strata %in% excl.strata$strata)) # exclude strata under the strata.op.min threshold


    presmoltUdist = numeric(boot); # set aside an empty vector for bootstrap disribution of the mean
    for (i in 1:boot)
    {presmoltUdist[i] <- sum(presmoltdt[, value[sample.int(.N, 1, TRUE)], by = strata]) - sum(unique(presmoltdt$strata))

    presmoltUdist<-as.data.frame(presmoltUdist) #change output to dataframe
    presmoltUdist$presmoltUdist<-as.numeric(presmoltUdist$presmoltUdist) #change output to numeric

    write.table(presmoltUdist, file = paste(selectyr,"Presmolt U distribution.txt"), sep="\t")

    #Get descriptive statistics mode, mean, sd, niaveSE or U bootstrap distribution
    presmoltUsum<-adply(presmoltUdist, 2, summarise,
                        mean = mean(presmoltUdist),sd = sd(presmoltUdist),
                        niaveSE = sd(presmoltUdist)/sqrt(length(presmoltUdist)))
    presmoltUsum$mode <- as.numeric(presmoltUsum$mode)

    #Get quantiles for U bootstrap distribution
    presmoltUquantiles<-adply(presmoltUdist, 2, function (x) quantile(x$presmoltUdist, c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975)))

    presmoltUoutputsummary <- merge(presmoltUquantiles, presmoltUsum, by.x="X1")
    presmoltUoutputsummary$X1 <- NULL #removed X1 variable
    presmoltUoutputsummary$Parameter<-paste("Presmolt U Cohort",selectyr) # add Parameter variable
    presmoltUoutputsummary$Year<- selectyr+1 #add year variable

    ########## Smolt #############

    syear <- (selectyr+3) - (as.numeric(min(data$year)))

    usep.s <- subset(usep,grepl(paste(",",syear,"]$" , sep = ""), Parameter)) #subset U's for first year
    usep.s$strata <- sub(".*?U(.*?)(,.*|$)", "\\1", usep.s$Parameter) #create strata variable
    usep.s$strata <- as.numeric(substr(usep.s$strata, 2, 5)) #clean strata variable

    smolt<- subset(usep.s, strata < smolt.strata)

    smolt<-subset(smolt, !(smolt$strata %in% excl.strata$strata)) # exclude strata under the strata.op.min threshold


    smoltUdist = numeric(boot); # set aside an empty vector for bootstrap disribution of the mean
    for (i in 1:boot)
    {smoltUdist[i] <- sum(smoltdt[, value[sample.int(.N, 1, TRUE)], by = strata]) - sum(unique(smoltdt$strata))

    smoltUdist<-as.data.frame(smoltUdist) #change output to dataframe
    smoltUdist$smoltUdist<-as.numeric(smoltUdist$smoltUdist) #change output to numeric

    write.table(smoltUdist, file = paste(selectyr,"Smolt U distribution.txt"), sep="\t")

    #Get descriptive statistics mode, mean, sd, niaveSE or U bootstrap distribution
    smoltUsum<-adply(smoltUdist, 2, summarise,
                     mean = mean(smoltUdist),sd = sd(smoltUdist),
                     niaveSE = sd(smoltUdist)/sqrt(length(smoltUdist)))
    smoltUsum$mode <- as.numeric(smoltUsum$mode)

    #Get quantiles for U bootstrap distribution
    smoltUquantiles<-adply(smoltUdist, 2, function (x) quantile(x$smoltUdist, c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975)))

    smoltUoutputsummary <- merge(smoltUquantiles, smoltUsum, by.x="X1")
    smoltUoutputsummary$X1 <- NULL #removed X1 variable
    smoltUoutputsummary$Parameter<-paste("Smolt U Cohort",selectyr) # add Parameter variable
    smoltUoutputsummary$Year<- selectyr+2 #add year variable

    ######### Fry ###############

    pyear <- (selectyr+2) - (as.numeric(min(data$year)))

    usef <- subset(model.fit.gg.fry,grepl("^U", Parameter)) #subset all U's
    usep.f <- subset(usef,grepl(paste(",",pyear,"]$" , sep = ""), Parameter)) #subset U's for first year
    usep.f$strata <- sub(".*?U(.*?)(,.*|$)", "\\1", usep.f$Parameter) #create strata variable
    usep.f$strata <- as.numeric(substr(usep.f$strata, 2, 5)) #clean strata variable

    fry<- usep.f

    fry<-subset(fry, !(fry$strata %in% fry.excl.strata$strata)) # exclude strata under the strata.op.min threshold


    fryUdist = numeric(boot); # set aside an empty vector for bootstrap disribution of the mean
    for (i in 1:boot)
    {fryUdist[i] <- sum(frydt[, value[sample.int(.N, 1, TRUE)], by = strata]) - sum(unique(frydt$strata))

    fryUdist<-as.data.frame(fryUdist) #change output to dataframe
    fryUdist$fryUdist<-as.numeric(fryUdist$fryUdist) #change output to numeric

    #Get descriptive statistics mode, mean, sd, niaveSE or U bootstrap distribution
    fryUsum<-adply(fryUdist, 2, summarise,
                   mean = mean(fryUdist),sd = sd(fryUdist),
                   niaveSE = sd(fryUdist)/sqrt(length(fryUdist)))
    fryUsum$mode <- as.numeric(fryUsum$mode)

    #Get quantiles for U bootstrap distribution
    fryUquantiles<-adply(fryUdist, 2, function (x) quantile(x$fryUdist, c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975)))

    fryUoutputsummary <- merge(fryUquantiles, fryUsum, by.x="X1")
    fryUoutputsummary$X1 <- NULL #removed X1 variable
    fryUoutputsummary$Parameter<-paste("Fry U Cohort",selectyr) # add Parameter variable
    fryUoutputsummary$Year<- selectyr+1 #add year variable

    #setup bootstrap to randomly draw samples from each distribution in order to obtain total U statistics

    totUdist = numeric(boot); # set aside an empty vector for bootstrap disribution of the mean
    for (i in 1:boot)
    {totUdist[i] <- sum(parrdt[, value[sample.int(.N, 1, TRUE)], by = strata]) +
      sum(presmoltdt[, value[sample.int(.N, 1, TRUE)], by = strata]) +
      sum(smoltdt[, value[sample.int(.N, 1, TRUE)], by = strata]) -
      sum(unique(parrdt$strata)) -
      sum(unique(presmoltdt$strata)) -

    totUdistfry = numeric(boot); # set aside an empty vector for bootstrap disribution of the mean
    for (i in 1:boot)
    {totUdistfry[i] <- sum(parrdt[, value[sample.int(.N, 1, TRUE)], by = strata]) +
      sum(presmoltdt[, value[sample.int(.N, 1, TRUE)], by = strata]) +
      sum(smoltdt[, value[sample.int(.N, 1, TRUE)], by = strata]) +
      sum(frydt[, value[sample.int(.N, 1, TRUE)], by = strata]) -
      sum(unique(parrdt$strata)) -
      sum(unique(presmoltdt$strata)) -
      sum(unique(smoltdt$strata)) -

    #Get summary statistics for U bootstrapped distribution
    totUdist<-as.data.frame(totUdist) #change output to dataframe
    totUdist$totUdist<-as.numeric(totUdist$totUdist) #change output to numeric

    #Get descriptive statistics mode, mean, sd, niaveSE or U bootstrap distribution
    totUsum<-adply(totUdist, 2, summarise,
                   mean = mean(totUdist),sd = sd(totUdist),
                   niaveSE = sd(totUdist)/sqrt(length(totUdist)))
    totUsum$mode <- as.numeric(totUsum$mode)

    #Get quantiles for U bootstrap distribution
    totUquantiles<-adply(totUdist, 2, function (x) quantile(x$totUdist, c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975)))

    #merge all summary statistics together
    totUoutputsummary <- merge(totUquantiles, totUsum, by.x="X1")
    totUoutputsummary$X1 <- NULL #removed X1 variable
    totUoutputsummary$Parameter<-paste("Total Cohort excluding Fry",selectyr) # add Parameter variable
    totUoutputsummary$Year<- NA #add year variable

    #Get summary statistics for U bootstrapped distribution
    totUdistfry<-as.data.frame(totUdistfry) #change output to dataframe
    totUdistfry$totUdistfry<-as.numeric(totUdistfry$totUdistfry) #change output to numeric

    #Get descriptive statistics mode, mean, sd, niaveSE or U bootstrap distribution
    totUsumfry<-adply(totUdistfry, 2, summarise,
                      mean = mean(totUdistfry),sd = sd(totUdistfry),
                      niaveSE = sd(totUdistfry)/sqrt(length(totUdistfry)))
    totUsumfry$mode <- as.numeric(totUsumfry$mode)

    #Get quantiles for U bootstrap distribution
    totUquantilesfry<-adply(totUdistfry, 2, function (x) quantile(x$totUdistfry, c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975)))

    #merge all summary statistics together
    totUoutputsummaryfry <- merge(totUquantilesfry, totUsumfry, by.x="X1")
    totUoutputsummaryfry$X1 <- NULL #removed X1 variable
    totUoutputsummaryfry$Parameter<-paste("Total Cohort including Fry",selectyr) # add Parameter variable
    totUoutputsummaryfry$Year<- NA #add year variable

    ######### Cohort strata used #########
    parr1<- subset(usep.p, strata >= (smolt.strata) & strata <= (parr.strata-1))
    presmolt1<- subset(usep.p, strata >= parr.strata)
    smolt1<- subset(usep.s, strata < smolt.strata)
    fry1 <- usep.f

    cohort.strata <- rbind(parr1,presmolt1,smolt1)

    cmeans<-ddply(cohort.strata, "Parameter", summarise,
                  mean = mean(value),sd = sd(value),
                  niaveSE = sd(value)/sqrt(length(value)))

    #get quantiles for each parameter
    cquantiles<-ddply(cohort.strata, "Parameter", function (x) quantile(x$value, c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975)))

    #add year variable
    for(j in 1:length(unique(data$year))){
      cquantiles$Year<-ifelse(grepl(paste(",",j,"]$" , sep = ""), cquantiles$Parameter), min(data$year-1)+j, cquantiles$Year)

    for(s in 1:length(unique(data$strata))){
      cquantiles$strata<-ifelse(grepl(paste(s,",", sep = ""), cquantiles$Parameter), min(data$strata-1)+s, cquantiles$strata)

    #merge summary statistics and quantiles
    coutputsummary <- merge(cquantiles, cmeans, by.x="Parameter") # Merge statistics
    is.num <- sapply(coutputsummary, is.numeric) #reduce digits
    coutputsummary[is.num] <- lapply(coutputsummary[is.num], round, 3) #reduce digits
    coutputsummary<-coutputsummary[with(coutputsummary, order(Year,Parameter)), ] #reorder by year and parameter

    fmeans<-ddply(fry1, "Parameter", summarise,
                  mean = mean(value),sd = sd(value),
                  niaveSE = sd(value)/sqrt(length(value)))

    #get quantiles for each parameter
    fquantiles<-ddply(fry1, "Parameter", function (x) quantile(x$value, c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975)))

    #add year variable
    for(j in 1:length(unique(data$year))){
      fquantiles$Year<-ifelse(grepl(paste(",",j,"]$" , sep = ""), fquantiles$Parameter), min(data$year-1)+j, fquantiles$Year)

    for(s in 1:length(unique(data$strata))){
      fquantiles$strata<-ifelse(grepl(paste(s,",", sep = ""), fquantiles$Parameter), min(data$strata-1)+s, fquantiles$strata)

    #merge summary statistics and quantiles
    foutputsummary <- merge(fquantiles, fmeans, by.x="Parameter") # Merge statistics
    is.num <- sapply(foutputsummary, is.numeric) #reduce digits
    foutputsummary[is.num] <- lapply(foutputsummary[is.num], round, 3) #reduce digits
    foutputsummary<-foutputsummary[with(foutputsummary, order(Year,Parameter)), ] #reorder by year and parameter
    foutputsummary$Parameter<- paste("F", foutputsummary$Parameter, sep="")

    cohortsummary<-rbind.fill(totUoutputsummary,totUoutputsummaryfry,fryUoutputsummary,parrUoutputsummary, presmoltUoutputsummary, smoltUoutputsummary,foutputsummary, coutputsummary) #merge outputs

    cohortsummary <- cohortsummary[,c(10:12,1:9)]

    #read out files
    sink(paste(selectyr, species, trap.name, "Cohort Results.txt"), append=FALSE, split=FALSE)
    writeLines(paste( Sys.Date(),"\n",
                      selectyr, species, trap.name,"\n",
                      "Boot strap iterations =", boot,"\n",
                      "Specified smolt date:", smolt.parr.date, "\n",
                      "Specified parr date:", parr.presmolt.date, "\n",
                      "Strata EXCLUDED from results due to <", strata.op.min, "year(s) of operation ","\n",
                      "Parr/smolt/presmol;", paste(x.strata, collapse=', '), "\n",
                      "Fry;", paste(fry.x.strata, collapse=', '),"\n",


    write.csv(cohortsummary, file = paste(selectyr, species, trap.name, "Cohort Results.csv"))

    options(scipen = 0)

  if(den.plot == TRUE) {
    ggmcmc(model.fit.gg, file="U Density Plots.pdf", family="U",plot="density")
  if(trace.plot == TRUE) {
    ggmcmc(model.fit.gg, file="Trace Plot.pdf", plot="traceplot")
  if(den.plot == TRUE) {
    ggmcmc(model.fit.gg.fry, file="U Density Plots Fry.pdf", family="U",plot="density")
  if(trace.plot == TRUE) {
    ggmcmc(model.fit.gg.fry, file="Trace Plot Fry.pdf", plot="traceplot")
Boldemeyer/MYTSBE documentation built on May 6, 2019, 7:58 a.m.