#' Perform model-based data integration
#' @param data A list of data objects with the same number of samples. See details.
#' @param M the required dimension of the fit, a non-negative integer
#' @param covariates a dataframe of n samples with sample-specific variables.
#' @param distributions a character vector describing which distributional
#' assumption should be used. See details.
#' @param compositional A logical vector with the same length as "data",
#' indicating if the datasets should be treated as compositional
#' @param maxIt an integer, the maximum number of iterations
#' @param tol A small scalar, the convergence tolerance
#' @param verbose Logical. Should verbose output be printed to the console?
#' @param confounders A dataframe or a list of dataframes with the same
#' length as data.
#' In the former case the same dataframe is used for conditioning,
#' In the latter case each view has its own conditioning variables (or NULL).
#' @param compositionalConf A logical vector with the same length as "data",
#' indicating if the datasets should be treated as compositional when
#' correcting for confounders. Numerical problems may occur when set to TRUE
#' @param minFraction a scalar, each taxon's total abundance
#' should equal at least the number of samples n times minFraction,
#' otherwise it is trimmed.
#' @param prevCutOff a scalar, the prevalance cutoff for the trimming.
#' @param record A boolean, should intermediate estimates be stored?
#' Can be useful to check convergence
#' @param fTol The tolerance for solving the estimating equations
#' @param logTransformGaussian A boolean, should the gaussian data be
#' logtransformed, i.e. are they log-normal?
#' @param nleq.control A list of arguments to the nleqslv function
#' @param weights A character string, either 'marginal' or 'uniform', indicating
#' rrhow the feature parameters should be weighted in the normalization
#' @param meanVarFit The type of mean variance fit, see details
#' @param maxFeats The maximal number of features for a Newton-Raphson procedure
#' to be feasible
#' @param dispFreq An integer, the period after which the variances should be
#' reestimated
#' @param allowMissingness A boolean, should NA values be allowed?
#' @param biasReduction A boolean, should bias reduction be applied to allow for
#' confounder correction in groups with all zeroes? Not guaranteed to work
#' @param maxItFeat Integers, the maximum allowed number of iterations
#' in the estimation of the feature parameters
#' @param initPower The power to be applied to the residual matrix used to
#' calculate the starting value. Must be positive; can be tweaked in case of numerical problems (i.e. infinite values returned by nleqslv)
#' @return An object of the "combi" class, containing all information on the
#' data integration and fitting procedure
#' @details Data can be provided as raw matrices with features in the columns, or as phyloseq, SummarizedExperiment or
#' ExpressionSet objects. Estimation of independence model and view wise parameters can be
#' parametrized. See ?BiocParallel::bplapply and ?BiocParallel::register.
#' meanVarFit = "spline" yields a cubic spline fit for the abundance-variance
#' trend, "cubic" gives a third degree polynomial. Both converge to the
#' diagonal line with slope 1 for small means.
#' Distribution can be either "quasi" for quasi likelihood or "gaussian" for
#' Gaussian data
#' @importFrom limma squeezeVar
#' @importFrom vegan rda
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(Zhang)
#' #The method works on several datasets at once, and simply is not very fast.
#' #Hence the "Not run" statement
#' \dontrun{
#' #Unconstrained
#' microMetaboInt = combi(
#' list("microbiome" = zhangMicrobio, "metabolomics" = zhangMetabo),
#' distributions = c("quasi", "gaussian"), compositional = c(TRUE, FALSE),
#' logTransformGaussian = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)
#' #Constrained
#' microMetaboIntConstr = combi(
#' list("microbiome" = zhangMicrobio, "metabolomics" = zhangMetabo),
#' distributions = c("quasi", "gaussian"), compositional = c(TRUE, FALSE),
#' logTransformGaussian = FALSE, covariates = zhangMetavars, verbose = TRUE)
#' }
combi = function(data, M = 2L, covariates = NULL, distributions,
compositional, maxIt = 3e2L, tol = 1e-3, verbose = FALSE,
prevCutOff = 0.95, minFraction = 0.1, logTransformGaussian = TRUE,
confounders = NULL, compositionalConf = rep(FALSE, length(data)),
nleq.control = list(maxit = 1e3L, cndtol = 1e-16),
record = TRUE, weights = NULL, fTol = 1e-5,
meanVarFit = "spline", maxFeats = 2e3, dispFreq = 10L,
allowMissingness = FALSE, biasReduction = TRUE,
maxItFeat = 2e1L, initPower = 1){
#Perform checks
stopifnot(is.numeric(M), is.logical(compositional),
is.character(distributions), is.numeric(maxIt), is.numeric(tol),
is.numeric(prevCutOff), is.numeric(minFraction),
is.logical(logTransformGaussian), is.logical(compositionalConf),
is.list(nleq.control), is.logical(record), is.numeric(fTol),
is.character(meanVarFit), is.numeric(maxFeats),
is.numeric(dispFreq), is.logical(allowMissingness),
is.logical(biasReduction), is.numeric(maxItFeat))
if(M %in% c(0L,1L) | (as.integer(M)!=M)){
stop("Please supply non-negative integer dimension of at least 2!")
stop("Please provide strictly positive initPower for starting value calculation")
if(!all(vapply(FUN.VALUE = integer(1),
c(length(data), length(distributions), length(compositionalConf)),
identical, length(compositional)))){
stop("Make sure data, distribution, links and compositional have the same length")
if(!all(compositional[distributions=="quasi"]) ||
any(compositional[distributions == "gaussian"])){
stop("Quasi likelihood currently only implemented for compositional data,
and gaussian estimation only for non compositional data")
if(!meanVarFit %in% c("cubic", "spline"))
stop("Mean-variance trend must be either 'cubic' or 'spline'!\n")
warning("Please provide at least two views for data integration!
Now fitting an ordination model.",
immediate. = TRUE)}
if(is.null(names(data))) names(data) = paste0("View", seq_along(data))
namesData = names(compositional) = names(distributions) = names(data)
DimNames = paste0("Dim", seq_len(M))
#Extract otu table from phyloseq objects
data = extractData(data, logTransformGaussian = logTransformGaussian)
if(any(vapply(FUN.VALUE = TRUE, data, function(x){is.null(rownames(x))}))){
stop("Make sure to provide sample names for all views!")
if(any(vapply(FUN.VALUE = TRUE, data, anyNA)) & !allowMissingness){
stop("Missing data present. To allow fit with missing data, set allowMissingness to TRUE")
rowNames = lapply(data, function(x){sort(rownames(x))})
if(!all(vapply(FUN.VALUE = logical(1), rowNames[-1], FUN = identical,
# Make sure at least some samples are shared
if(length(Reduce(rowNames, f = intersect))==0){
stop("No samples common to all views have been found!
Data integration is questionable in this case. Check rownames of objects provided.")
} else {
#Fill in NA's for missing samples. These observations do not contribute to the estimating equations
allRownames = Reduce(rowNames, f = union)
data = lapply(data, function(dat){
rownamesMissing = allRownames[!allRownames %in% rownames(dat)]
naMatrix = matrix(NA, length(rownamesMissing), ncol(dat))
rownames(naMatrix) = rownamesMissing
dat = rbind(dat, naMatrix)
} else {
stop("Rownames do not match!
Fix rownames first or set 'allowMissingness' to TRUE to allow for missing data")
n = nrow(data[[1]]) #Total number of samples
zeroRows = apply(vapply(data, FUN.VALUE = logical(nrow(data[[1]])),
function(x){rowSums(x, na.rm = TRUE)==0}), 1, any)
warning("Zero rows\n", paste(which(zeroRows), collapse = " ") ,
"\nfiltered out prior to fit", immediate. = TRUE)
data = lapply(data, function(x){x[!zeroRows,]})
covariates = covariates[!zeroRows,]
confounders = confounders[!zeroRows,]
if(!is.null(confounders) && !length(confounders) %in% c(1,length(data))){
stop("Please provide a single confounder matrix or as many as you provide views!\n")
#Assign link functions
links = lapply(distributions, function(distr){
switch(distr, "gaussian" = "identity", "quasi" = "log",
"binomial" = "logit")
#Get the inverse link functions
invLinks = lapply(links, function(link){
if(is.function(link)){link = deparse(substitute(link))}
#Convert to string if needed
switch(link, "identity" = identity, "log" = exp,
"logit" = function(x){exp(x)/(1+exp(x))})
links = lapply(links, match.fun) #Match the link functions
#Assign weighting schemes
weights = if(is.null(weights)) ifelse(distributions %in%
c("quasi"), "marginal", "uniform") else weights
#Define some handy quantities
numSets = length(data) #Number of views
seqSets = seq_len(numSets) #A sequence along the views
names(seqSets) = namesData
#Build confounder matrices
oneConfMat = length(confounders) == 1 #Single confounder matrix for all views?
confounders = lapply(seqSets, function(i){if(is.null(confounders[[i]])) NULL else
data.frame(confounders[[i]])[!zeroRows,,drop = FALSE]}) #Coerce to data frames
confMats = lapply(confounders, buildConfMat)
#Build covariate matrix
constrained = !is.null(covariates)
# Mean variance trends
meanVarFit = if(length(meanVarFit)==1){
rep(meanVarFit, numSets)
} else if(length(meanVarFit)==numSets){
} else {
stop("Provide mean-variance trend vector of length one or equal to number of datasets!\n")
# Prune count data, also using the confounders if needed
data = lapply(seq_along(data), function(i){
if(distributions[[i]] == "quasi"){
data[[i]] = data[[i]][, colMeans(data[[i]]==0, na.rm = TRUE) <= prevCutOff &
colSums(data[[i]], na.rm = TRUE) >= (n * minFraction)]
if(!oneConfMat && !is.null(confounders[[i]]) && !biasReduction){
data[[i]] = trimOnConfounders(data = data[[i]], prevCutOff = prevCutOff,
minFraction = minFraction, n = n,
confounders = confMats[[if(length(confounders)>1) i else 1]]$confModelMatTrim)
#All zero rows, but not all NAs
n = nrow(data[[1]])
zeroRowsIndep = apply(
vapply(data, FUN.VALUE = logical(n),
function(x){rowSums(x, na.rm = TRUE)==0 &
!apply(x,1, function(x) all(is.na(x)))}), 1, any)
message("Zero rows\n", paste(which(zeroRowsIndep), collapse = " ") ,
"\nfiltered out after filtering features")
data = lapply(data, function(x){x[!zeroRowsIndep,]})
rowNames = lapply(data, function(x){sort(rownames(x))})
if (constrained) {
stop("Please provide covariate matrix as a dataframe")
covariates = droplevels(covariates[!zeroRowsIndep,])#Drop unused levels
tmp = buildCovMat(covariates)
covMat = tmp$covModelMat
numCov = ncol(covMat)
# Already prepare the matrix that defines the
# equations for centering the coefficients of the
# dummy variables
tmp = buildCentMat(tmp$datFrame)
centMat = tmp$centMat
covariates = tmp$datFrame
# Remove rows with NA's, we might want to find
# something better or leave it to the end user
if (anyNA(covariates)) {
NArows = apply(covariates, 1, anyNA)
if (all(NArows)) {
stop("All samples have missing covariates")
data = lapply(data, function(X) X[!NArows, ])
covariates = covariates[!NArows, ]
if (!is.null(confounders)) {
confMats = lapply(confMats,function(confMat){
confMat$confModelMatTrim = confMat$confModelMatTrim[!NArows,]
confMat$confModelMat = confMat$confModelMat[!NArows,]
warning(paste("Some covariates contain missing values. We removed samples\n",
paste(which(NArows), collapse = ", "),
"\n prior to analysis. Imputation of missing values in predictors is left to the user"),
immediate. = TRUE)
} else {
covModelMat = centMat = NULL
nLambda1s = if(constrained) nrow(centMat) else 1
names(data) = namesData
n = nrow(data[[1]])
numVars = vapply(FUN.VALUE = integer(1), data, ncol) #Number of variables per view
IDs = lapply(seqSets, function(i){
}) # The indices of the features of each view
newtonRaphson = numVars <= maxFeats #Indicates if too many features for Newton-Raphson
if(verbose){cat("Estimating independence models...\n")}
marginModels = lapply(seqSets, function(i){
estIndepModel(data = data[[i]], distribution = distributions[[i]],
link = links[[i]], compositional = compositional[[i]],
invLink = invLinks[[i]], tol = tol, maxIt = maxIt,
meanVarFit = meanVarFit[[i]], newtonRaphson = newtonRaphson[[i]],
control = nleq.control, dispFreq = dispFreq)
#Corresponding offsets
offsetsMargin = lapply(seqSets, function(i){buildMarginalOffset(indepModel = marginModels[[i]],
invLink = invLinks[[i]])})
#Assign weights
weightsList = lapply(seqSets, function(i){
"uniform" = rep(1, numVars[[i]]),#/numVars[[i]]
"marginal" = invLinks[[i]](marginModels[[i]]$colOff))
#Estimate the mean-variance trends for conditioning and starting value calculation
meanVarTrends = lapply(seqSets, function(i){
if(distributions[[i]] == "quasi"){
estMeanVarTrend(data = data[[i]], meanMat = offsetsMargin[[i]],
meanVarFit = meanVarFit[[i]],
libSizes = invLinks[[i]](marginModels[[i]]$rowOff),
baseAbundances = invLinks[[i]](marginModels[[i]]$colOff))
} else {NULL}
if(verbose && !all(vapply(FUN.VALUE = logical(1), confounders, is.null))){
cat("Conditioning on known confounders ...\n")}
confVars = lapply(seqSets, function(i){
if(!oneConfMat && is.null(confounders[[i]])){return(NULL)
} else {filterConfounders(offSet = offsets[[i]], data = data[[i]],
distribution = distributions[[i]], link = links[[i]],
compositional = compositionalConf[[i]],
invLink = invLinks[[i]],
confMat = confMats[[if(length(confounders)>1) i else 1]]$confModelMat,
meanVarTrend = meanVarTrends[[i]], numVar = numVars[[i]],
control = nleq.control, marginModel = marginModels[[i]],
allowMissingness = allowMissingness,
biasReduction = biasReduction)
#Prepare a list of independence models
indepModels = lapply(seqSets, function(i){
libSizes = invLinks[[i]](marginModels[[i]]$rowOff)
colMat = matrix(marginModels[[i]]$colOff, n, numVars[[i]], byrow = TRUE) +
if(!is.null(confounders[[i]])){confMats[[i]]$confModelMat %*% confVars[[i]]} else 0
return(list(colMat = colMat, libSizes = libSizes))
offsets = lapply(seqSets, function(i){
expColMat = exp(indepModels[[i]]$colMat)
return(indepModels[[i]]$libSizes *
if(compositional[[i]]) expColMat/rowSums(expColMat) else expColMat)
} else if(distributions[[i]]=="gaussian"){
return(indepModels[[i]]$colMat + indepModels[[i]]$libSizes)
numVars = lapply(offsets, ncol)
n = nrow(offsets[[1]])
#### MAIN MODEL ####
# Pre-allocate some quantities
iter = rep.int(1L, M)
converged = logical(M)
# Lagrange multipliers
lambdasLatent = if(constrained) numeric((nLambda1s+1)*M + M*(M-1)/2) else
numeric(M + M*(M-1)/2)
lambdasParams = lapply(compositional, function(comp){
integer(M*(2 + (M-1)/2))})
#M more restrictions for the normalisation
#Prepare to record the iterations if necessary
alphaRec = array(0, dim = c(numCov ,M, maxIt), dimnames = list(
colnames(covMat), DimNames, NULL
} else{
latentRec = array(0, dim = c(n, M, maxIt), dimnames = list(
rowNames[[1]], DimNames, NULL
paramRec = lapply(numVars, function(numVar){
array(0, dim = c(M, numVar, maxIt), dimnames = list(
DimNames, NULL, NULL
latentConv = matrix(nrow = maxIt, ncol = M, dimnames = list(
NULL, DimNames
paramConv = array(dim = c(maxIt, numSets, M), dimnames = list(
NULL, namesData, DimNames
} else {
latentConv = paramConv = alphaRec = paramRec = latentRec = NULL
naIdList = lapply(data, is.na)
# Find starting values through svd on concatenated datasets,
#normalized as well as possible
concat = Reduce(lapply(seqSets, function(i){
rawResiduals = data[[i]]-offsets[[i]]
out = switch(distributions[[i]],
"gaussian" = rowMultiply(rawResiduals,
1/apply(rawResiduals, 2, sd,
na.rm = TRUE)),
"quasi" = rawResiduals/sqrt(meanVarTrends[[i]](
out[naIdList[[i]]] = 0
}), f = cbind)
concat = abs(concat)^initPower*sign(concat)#shrink or increase residuals
CCA = rda(X = concat, Y = covMat)$CCA
# Redundancy analysis for starting values
if (sum(!colnames(covMat) %in% CCA$alias) < M) {
M = sum(!colnames(covMat) %in% CCA$alias)
warning(immediate. = TRUE, "Can only fit an ordination with",
M, "dimensions with so few covariates!")
alphas = matrix(0, numCov, M)
alphas[!colnames(covMat) %in% CCA$alias,
] = CCA$biplot[, seq_len(M)]
alphas = t(t(alphas) - colMeans(alphas))
#alphas = t(t(alphas)/sqrt(colSums(alphas^2)))
latentVars = covMat %*% alphas
paramEsts = lapply(seqSets, function(i){
} else {
Svd = svd(concat)
#Re-center parameter estimates
tmpMats = lapply(seqSets, function(i){
tmpMat = Svd$v[IDs[[i]], seq_len(M)]
tmpMat = t(tmpMat) - colMeans(tmpMat*weightsList[[i]])
#Transfer some weight to fit the constraints
tmpWeights = vapply(seqSets, FUN.VALUE = double(M), function(i){
latentVars = scale((Svd$u)[,seq_len(M)], scale = FALSE,
center = TRUE)
# %*% diag(Svd$d)
#latentVars = t(t(latentVars)*exp(rowMeans(log(tmpWeights))))
paramEsts = lapply(seqSets, function(i){
meanVarTrends = vector("list", M)
#Estimate the mean-variance trend once, given the complete indendence model
for(m in seq_len(M)){
if(verbose) cat("Estimating dimension", m, "\n")
#Modify the offset if needed
offsets = lapply(seqSets, function(i){
paramEsts[[i]], latentVars, m-1)
} else {
buildMu(offSet = offsets[[i]], latentVar = latentVars[,m-1],
paramEsts = paramEsts[[i]][m-1,],
distribution = distributions[[i]])
#Prepare the jacobians
## Latent variables
emptyJacLatent = buildEmptyJac(n = if(constrained) numCov else n, m = m,
lower = if(constrained) alphas else latentVars,
nLambda1s = nLambda1s,
normal = constrained, centMat = centMat)
## Feature parameters
emptyFeatureJacs = lapply(seqSets, function(i){
buildEmptyJac(numVars[[i]], m = m, lower = t(paramEsts[[i]]),
normal = compositional[[i]],
weights = weightsList[[i]],
distribution = distributions[[i]])})
while(iter[[m]] <= maxIt && !converged[[m]]){
#Estimate mean-variance trend
if(((iter[[m]]-1) %% dispFreq)==0){
if(verbose) cat("Estimating mean variance trends\n")
meanVarTrends[[m]] = lapply(seqSets, function(i){
if(distributions[[i]] == "quasi"){
estMeanVarTrend(data = data[[i]], meanMat = offsetsMargin[[i]],
meanVarFit = meanVarFit[[i]],
libSizes = indepModels[[i]]$libSizes,
baseAbundances = invLinks[[i]](marginModels[[i]]$colOff))
} else {NULL}
#Store old estimates
alphaOld = alphas[,m]
} else {latentVarsOld = latentVars[,m]}
paramEstsOld = lapply(paramEsts, function(x){x[m,]})
#Estimate parameters
if(verbose) cat("Estimating feature parameters of dimension", m,
": iteration", iter[[m]], "\n")
paramEstsTmp = estFeatureParameters(data = data, distributions = distributions,
offsets = offsets, paramEsts = paramEsts,
latentVars = latentVars, m = m,
numVars = numVars,
meanVarTrends = meanVarTrends[[m]],
lambdasParams = lambdasParams,
JacFeatures = emptyFeatureJacs,
seqSets = seqSets,
control = nleq.control,
weights = weightsList, compositional = compositional,
indepModels = indepModels, fTol = fTol,
newtonRaphson = newtonRaphson,
allowMissingness = allowMissingness,
maxItFeat = maxItFeat)
for (i in seqSets){
#Enforce restrictions to stabilize algorithm
tmp = paramEstsTmp[[i]]$x[seq_len(numVars[[i]])]
tmp = tmp - sum(tmp*weightsList[[i]]) #Center
paramEsts[[i]][m,] = gramSchmidtOrth(paramEsts[[i]][m,],
weights = weightsList[[i]],
norm = compositional[[i]])
} #Orthogonalize
paramEsts[[i]][m,] = tmp/sqrt(sum(tmp^2*weightsList[[i]])) #Scale
lambdasParams[[i]][seqM(m, nLambda1s = 1, normal = compositional[[i]] )] =
#Record convergence
if(record) paramConv[iter[[m]],i,m] = paramEstsTmp[[i]]$conv
### Estimate nuissance parameters ###
#if(verbose) cat("Estimating nuissance parameters ...\n")
#For each dimension, re-estimate the posterior standard deviation
#using limma, if applicable
varPosts = lapply(seqSets, function(i){
if(distributions[[i]] == "gaussian"){
varEst = colSums(na.rm = TRUE, (data[[i]] - offsets[[i]] -
outer(latentVars[,m], paramEsts[[i]][m,]))^2)/
squeezeVar(var = varEst, df = n-m-1)$var.post
} else {NULL}
### Estimate latent variables ###
if(verbose) cat("Estimating latent variables of dimension", m,
": iteration", iter[[m]], "\n")
#Prefab the parameter matrices
paramMats = lapply(seqSets, function(i){
matrix(paramEsts[[i]][m,], byrow = TRUE, n, numVars[[i]])
#nleq.control$trace = TRUE
latentVarsTmp = estLatentVars(data = data,
distributions = distributions,
offsets = offsets, paramEsts = paramEsts,
paramMats = paramMats,
latentVars = (if(constrained) alphas else latentVars)[, m],
latentVarsLower = (if(constrained) alphas else latentVars)[,
seq_len(m-1), drop = FALSE],
n = n, m = m, numSets = numSets, numVars = numVars,
meanVarTrends = meanVarTrends[[m]], links = links,
lambdasLatent = lambdasLatent[
seqM(m, normal = constrained,
nLambda1s = nLambda1s)],
Jac = as.matrix(emptyJacLatent),
control = nleq.control, covMat = covMat,
numCov = numCov, centMat = centMat, nLambda1s = nLambda1s,
varPosts = varPosts, constrained = constrained,
compositional = compositional, indepModels = indepModels,
fTol = fTol, allowMissingness = allowMissingness)
#nleq.control$trace = FALSE
lambdasLatent[seqM(m, normal = constrained, nLambda1s = nLambda1s)] =
latentVarsTmp$x[-seq_len(if(constrained) numCov else n)]
alphas[,m] = latentVarsTmp$x[seq_len(if(constrained) numCov else n)]
alphas[,m] = gramSchmidtOrth(alphas[,m], alphas[,m-1], norm = TRUE)
latentVars[,m] = covMat %*% alphas[,m]
} else {
latentVars[, m] = latentVarsTmp$x[seq_len(n)] -
mean(latentVarsTmp$x[seq_len(n)]) #Enforce centering for stability
latentVars[, m] = gramSchmidtOrth(latentVars[, m],
latentVars[, m-1], norm = FALSE)
} #Orthogonalize
if(record) latentConv[iter[[m]],m] = latentVarsTmp$conv #Store convergence
# Store intermediates if necessary
alphaRec[,m,iter[[m]]] = alphas[,m]
} else {
latentRec[,m,iter[[m]]] = latentVars[,m]
for (i in seqSets){
paramRec[[i]][m,,iter[[m]]] = paramEsts[[i]][m,]
# Change iterator
iter[[m]] = iter[[m]] + 1
# Check for convergence
converged[[m]] = all(vapply(seqSets, FUN.VALUE = logical(1),
sqrt(mean((1-paramEsts[[i]][m,]/paramEstsOld[[i]])^2)) < tol})) &&
(if(constrained) sqrt(mean((1-alphas[,m]/alphaOld)^2)) else
sqrt(mean((1-latentVars[,m]/latentVarsOld)^2))) < tol
iter[[m]] = iter[[m]]-1
warning("Some dimensions did not converge, please investigate cause!")
### Assign names
rownames(latentVars) = rownames(data[[1]])
colnames(latentVars) = DimNames
if(constrained) {
colnames(alphas) = colnames(latentVars)
rownames(alphas) = colnames(covMat)
for(i in seqSets){
colnames(paramEsts[[i]]) = colnames(data[[i]])
rownames(paramEsts[[i]]) = colnames(latentVars)
out = list(latentVars = latentVars, paramEsts = paramEsts,
indepModels = indepModels, lambdasLatent = lambdasLatent,
lambdasParams = lambdasParams, iter = iter, converged = converged,
alphas = if(constrained) alphas else NULL,
covMat = if(constrained) covMat else NULL, covariates = covariates,
weights = weightsList, varPosts = varPosts, latentConv = latentConv,
paramConv = paramConv, data = data, compositional = compositional,
meanVarTrends = meanVarTrends, distributions = distributions,
confVars = confVars, confMats = confMats, marginModels = marginModels,
newtonRaphson = newtonRaphson, allowMissingness = allowMissingness,
centMat = centMat)
out$paramRec = lapply(seqSets, function(i){
tmp = paramRec[[i]][,,seq_len(max(iter))]
colnames(tmp) = colnames(paramEsts[[i]])
out$paramConv = out$paramConv[seq_len(max(iter)),,]
out$latentConv = out$latentConv[seq_len(max(iter)),]
out$alphaRec = alphaRec[,,seq_len(max(iter))]
rownames(out$alphaRec) = rownames(alphas)
} else {
out$latentRec = latentRec[,,seq_len(max(iter))]
rownames(latentRec) = rownames(latentVars)
class(out) = "combi"
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