
Defines functions fit_sncm plot_sncm_fit

Documented in fit_sncm plot_sncm_fit

#' @title Fits \code{sncm} to an OTU table
#' @description Fits the neutral model from
#' \href{http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1462-2920.2005.00956.x/abstract}{Sloan \emph{et al.} (2006)}
#' to an OTU table and returns several fitting statistics as well as predicted occurrence frequencies for each OTU
#' based on their abundance in the metacommunity. The author of this function is Adam Burns (\email{aburns2@@uoregon.edu}),
#' and was originally published in \href{https://www.nature.com/articles/ismej2015142}{Burns \emph{et al.} (2016)}.
#' @param spp A community table for communities of interest with local communities/samples as rows and taxa as columns.
#' All samples must be rarefied to the same depth.
#' @param pool (optional) A community table for defining source community.
#' @param taxon (optional) A table listing the taxonomic calls for each otu, with OTU ids as row names
#' and taxonomic classifications as columns.
#' @return This function returns list of two elements.
#' The first element, spp.out$fitstats, contains various fitting stats.
#' The second element contains the predicted occurrence frequencies for each OTU/ASV, as well as their \code{fit_class}
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{plot_sncm_fit}}
#' @examples
#' spp <- otu_table(ps)@.Data
#' spp2 <- otu_table(ps2)@.Data
#' spp.out <- fit_sncm(spp, pool=NULL, taxon=NULL)
#' spp.out <- fit_sncm(spp, pool=spp2, taxon=data.frame(tax_table(ps)))
fit_sncm <- function(spp, pool=NULL, taxon=NULL){


  #Calculate the number of individuals per community
  N <- mean(apply(spp, 1, sum))

  #Calculate the average relative abundance of each taxa across communities
    p.m <- apply(spp, 2, mean)
    p.m <- p.m[p.m != 0]
    p <- p.m/N
  } else {
    p.m <- apply(pool, 2, mean)
    p.m <- p.m[p.m != 0]
    p <- p.m/N

  #Calculate the occurrence frequency of each taxa across communities
  spp.bi <- 1*(spp>0)
  freq <- apply(spp.bi, 2, mean)
  freq <- freq[freq != 0]

  C <- merge(p, freq, by=0)
  C <- C[order(C[,2]),]
  C <- as.data.frame(C)
  #Removes rows with any zero (absent in either source pool or local communities)
  C.0 <- C[!(apply(C, 1, function(y) any(y == 0))),]
  p <- C.0[,2]
  freq <- C.0[,3]
  names(p) <- C.0[,1]
  names(freq) <- C.0[,1]

  #Calculate the limit of detection
  d = 1/N

  ##Fit model parameter m (or Nm) using Non-linear least squares (NLS)
  m.fit <- nlsLM(freq ~ pbeta(d, N*m*p, N*m*(1-p), lower.tail=FALSE), start=list(m=0.001))
  m.ci <- confint(m.fit, 'm', level=0.95)

  ##Calculate goodness-of-fit (R-squared and Root Mean Squared Error)
  freq.pred <- pbeta(d, N*coef(m.fit)*p, N*coef(m.fit)*(1-p), lower.tail=FALSE)
  Rsqr <- 1 - (sum((freq - freq.pred)^2))/(sum((freq - mean(freq))^2))
  RMSE <- sqrt(sum((freq-freq.pred)^2)/(length(freq)-1))

  pred.ci <- binconf(freq.pred*nrow(spp), nrow(spp), alpha=0.05, method="wilson", return.df=TRUE)

  ##Calculate AIC for Poisson model
  pois.LL <- function(mu, sigma){
    R = freq - ppois(d, N*p, lower.tail=FALSE)
    R = dnorm(R, mu, sigma)
  pois.mle <- mle(pois.LL, start=list(mu=0, sigma=0.1), nobs=length(p))

  aic.pois <- AIC(pois.mle, k=2)
  bic.pois <- BIC(pois.mle)

  ##Goodness of fit for Poisson model
  pois.pred <- ppois(d, N*p, lower.tail=FALSE)
  Rsqr.pois <- 1 - (sum((freq - pois.pred)^2))/(sum((freq - mean(freq))^2))
  RMSE.pois <- sqrt(sum((freq - pois.pred)^2)/(length(freq) - 1))

  pois.pred.ci <- binconf(pois.pred*nrow(spp), nrow(spp), alpha=0.05, method="wilson", return.df=TRUE)

  fitstats <- data.frame(
    Rsqr=as.numeric(Rsqr), # measuring fit, #comparing fit differing datasets to the same model
    RMSE=as.numeric(RMSE), # measuring fit #comparing fit differing datasets to the same model
    AIC.pois=as.numeric(aic.pois),  #comparing differing models to the dataset
    BIC.pois=as.numeric(bic.pois), #comparing differing models to the dataset

  A <- cbind(p, freq, freq.pred, pred.ci[,2:3])
  A <- as.data.frame(A)
  colnames(A) <- c('p', 'freq', 'freq.pred', 'pred.lwr', 'pred.upr')
    B <- A[order(A[,1]),]
  } else {
    B <- merge(A, taxon, by=0, all=TRUE)
    row.names(B) <- B[,1]
    B <- B[,-1]
    B <- B[order(B[,1]),]
  B <- B[!is.na(B$freq),]
  # fit_class for graphing
  B$fit_class <-"As predicted"
  B[which(B$freq < B$pred.lwr),"fit_class"]<- "Below prediction"
  B[which(B$freq > B$pred.upr),"fit_class"]<- "Above prediction"
  B[which(is.na(B$freq)),"fit_class"]<- "NA"

  # combine fit stats and predicitons into list
  i <- list(fitstats, B)
  names(i) <- c("fitstats", "predictions")

#' @title plots the fit of an OTU table to \code{sncm}
#' @description This funtion plots the output from \code{\link{fit_sncm}}

#' @param spp.out the output from \code{\link{fit_sncm}}
#' @param fill (optional) can either be set to fit_class to color by prediction (default), or by a taxonomic level
#' available in \code{\link[phyloseq]{rank_names}}
#' @param title (optional) the title of the plot.
#' @return This function returns a plot of the fit of the OTU table to sncm
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{fit_sncm}}
#' @examples
#' spp <- otu_table(ps)@.Data
#' spp.out <- fit_sncm(spp, pool=NULL, taxon=data.frame(tax_table(ps)))
#' p <- plot_sncm_fit(spp.out)
#' p <- plot_sncm_fit(spp.out = spp.out, fill_var = "fit_class", title_var = "Fit to Neutral Model")

plot_sncm_fit <- function(spp.out, fill = NULL, title = NULL){

  tax_levels <- colnames(spp.out$predictions)[7:length(colnames(spp.out$predictions))-1]

    fill <- "fit_class"

  r2_val <- paste("r^2 ==", round(spp.out$fitstats$Rsqr,4))
  m_val <- paste("m ==", round(i_spp.out$fitstats$m,4))
  df <- data.frame(t(table(i_spp.out$predictions$fit_class)))
  df <- df[,c(2,3)]
  colnames(df) <- c("Prediction", "AVS Abundance")

  p <- ggplot(data=spp.out$predictions)

  if(fill == "fit_class"){
    p <- p + geom_point(aes(x = log(p), y = freq, fill=eval(parse(text=fill))), shape =21, color="black", size =2, alpha=0.75)
    p <- p + scale_fill_manual(
      name = "Prediction",
      values = c("Above prediction" = "cyan4", "As predicted" = "blue", "Below prediction" = "goldenrod", "NA" = "white"),
      breaks = c("Above prediction", "As predicted", "Below prediction", "NA"),
      labels = c(paste0("Above prediction (",round((df[1,2]/i_spp.out$fitstats$Richness)*100, 1),"%)"),
                 paste0("As predicted (",round((df[2,2]/i_spp.out$fitstats$Richness)*100, 1),"%)"),
                 paste0("Below Prediction (",round((df[3,2]/i_spp.out$fitstats$Richness)*100, 1),"%)"),
                 paste0("NA (",df[4,2],")")))

  }else if (fill %in% tax_levels){
    p <- p + geom_point(aes(x = log(p), y = freq, fill=eval(parse(text=fill))), shape =21, color="black", size =2, alpha=0.75)
    p <- p + scale_fill_discrete(name = "Taxon")

  } else{
    print(paste0("fill variable: ", fill, " is not a valid taxonomic level or fit_class"))

  p <- p + geom_line(aes(x = log(p), y = freq.pred), color = "blue")
  p <- p + geom_line(aes(x = log(p), y = pred.lwr), color = "blue", linetype="dashed")
  p <- p + geom_line(aes(x = log(p), y = pred.upr), color = "blue", linetype="dashed")
  p <- p + xlab("log(Mean Relative Abundance)")
  p <- p + ylab("Frequency")
  p <- p + ggtitle(title)
  p <- p + annotate("text", x=mean(log(i_spp.out$predictions$p), na.rm = TRUE), y=0.95, size=5, label = r2_val, parse=TRUE)
  p <- p + annotate("text", x=mean(log(i_spp.out$predictions$p), na.rm = TRUE), y=0.9, size=5, label = m_val, parse=TRUE)

DanielSprockett/reltools documentation built on May 5, 2019, 12:27 p.m.