
Defines functions predict.INLAjoint

Documented in predict.INLAjoint

#' Computes predictions for a given model fitted with INLAjoint
#' @description This function allows to compute predictions for a given model fitted with INLAjoint,
#' the default behavior (without arguments) returns fitted values for each component of the model. It
#' is also possible to supply a dataset for which predictions are required, this dataset must have
#' the same structure as the dataset used for the model fitting (i.e., same columns). The default
#' returned predictions corresponds to the linear predictors for each outcomes.
#' @param object an object that contains a model fitted with INLAjoint.
#' @param newData a dataset with the same columns as those used to fit the model. When using a longitudinal
#' marker to predict longitudinal and subsequent survival outcomes, only the longitudinal information (i.e.,
#' structure of the longitudinal data) is required. It is also possible to predict the average trajectories
#' conditional on covariates by setting the value of the longitudinal outcomes included in the model to NA.
#' @param newDataSurv a dataset for survival information (only useful when both longitudinal and survival
#' data are provided for the predictions, otherwise using the argument newData is working too).
#' @param timePoints a vector of the time points at which predictions are computed (for both longitudinal
#' and survival outcomes), this also control the precision of the integration for time-dependent shared
#' terms and the computation of cumulative risks (e.g., for survival or CIF curves), thus many time points
#' will increase the accuracy of predictions. Default is NULL as these time points are automatically computed
#' when not defined manually.
#' @param NtimePoints number of time points at which the predictions are computed (for both longitudinal
#' and survival outcomes), these time points are equidistant between time 0 and horizon time.
#' This also control the precision of the integration for time-dependent shared
#' terms and the computation of cumulative risks (e.g., for survival or CIF curves), thus many time points
#' will increase the accuracy of predictions.
#' @param strategy strategy to compute predictions. Only strategy 1 is implemented at the moment, soon
#' more efficient strategies are going to be implemented to allow for large scale preeictions.
#' @param Nsample number of samples for fixed effects and hyperparameters used to assess uncertainty
#' when computing predictions. Default is 300.
#' @param NsampleRE number of random effects realizations for each sample specified in 'Nsample'. These
#' random effects realizations are conditional on observed longitudinal outcomes values provided in
#' 'newData'. When outcomes are set to NA, the realizations are sampled from the marginal distribution
#' of random effects.
#' @param loopRE boolean with default to FALSE. When 'NsampleRE' and 'Nsample' are large, the amount of
#' information to store in the random access memory of the computer can be large (creation of large matrices
#' for the computation of predictions), turning this boolean to TRUE will decompose the computation of
#' predictions to avoid reaching the limit of RAM of the computer (which would crash the program).
#' @param id name of the individual id variable, default is NULL as it is automatically grabbed from the
#' fitted model but when fitting simple survival models, providing id when fitting the model is not
#' mandatory and thus this can be useful (an explicit message is printed in this specific case).
#' @param Csurv conditional survival, gives the starting value of the at-risk period (i.e., starting value
#' at which risk predictions for survival models are computed).
#' Default is the last longitudinal observation time provided in 'newData' but this is
#' replaced by the value of 'Csurv' when provided.
#' @param horizon horizon of the prediction.
#' @param baselineHaz method used to evaluate the baseline hazard value, default is 'interpolation'
#' which is currently recommended. Experimental alternatives are being developed, including 'splines'
#' for an interpolation with splines but has not been properly validated with simulations yet.
#' @param return.samples boolean, when set to TRUE the samples are returned instead of summary
#' statistics over the samples. Default is FALSE.
#' @param survival boolean, when set to TRUE the summary statistics over survival functions are
#' computed in addition to the summary statistics over the risk functions.
#' @param CIF boolean, when set to TRUE the summary statistics over cumulative incidence functions are
#' computed in addition to the summary statistics over the risk functions. Only applies to competing risks.
#' @param inv.link boolean, when set to TRUE the summary statistics are computed over the predictions of
#' longitudinal components after applying the inverse link function for each samples in addition to the
#' summary statistics over the linear predictors.
#' @param ... Extra arguments.
#' @export
#' @importFrom Matrix bdiag Diagonal
#' @importFrom methods new

predict.INLAjoint <- function(object, newData=NULL, newDataSurv=NULL, timePoints=NULL, NtimePoints=50, strategy=1,
                              Nsample=300, NsampleRE=50, loopRE=FALSE, id=NULL, Csurv=NULL,
                              horizon=NULL, baselineHaz="interpolation", return.samples=FALSE,
                              survival=FALSE, CIF=FALSE, inv.link=FALSE, ...){
  arguments <- list(...)
  # id is the id column name in dataset for survival data only (otherwise it's given by longitudinal)
  # Csurv is to get predictions conditional on survival up to given time
  # strategy: 1=default ; 2=full sampling ; 3=update ; 4=analytical
  if(is.null(newData)){ # if no new data is provided, return predicted fitted values
    PRED <- object$summary.fitted.values
    OUtc <- as.data.frame(object$.args$data$Yjoint)
    PRED$Outcome <- sapply(1:dim(PRED)[1], function(x) colnames(OUtc)[which(!is.na(OUtc[x,]))])
  if (!"INLAjoint" %in% class(object)){
    stop("Please provide an object of class 'INLAjoint' (obtained with joint() function).\n")

  # baselineHaz = "smooth" | "interpolation"
  out <- NULL
  SumStats <- function(x) return(c(mean(x), sd(x), quantile(x, c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975))))
  if(!is.null(object$id)) id <- object$id else if(is.null(id)) stop("Please specify individual id column name with argument 'id'")
  is_Long <- is_Surv <- FALSE

  idVect <- na.omit(unique(object$.args$data[[paste0("ID", object$REstruc[[1]])]]))
    is_Long <- TRUE
      idVect <- unique(object$.args$data$expand1..coxph)
      if(!any(idVect %in% unique(object$.args$data$expand1..coxph))) stop("id mismatch between longi and surv.")
    is_Surv <- TRUE
    M <- length(object$survOutcome) # number of survival outcomes
    # check if we have baseline info for horizon
    for(m in 1:M){
      # add " method is interpolatiioon and forecast is required => switching to smooth
      # explain that interpolation means constant after last time point and suggest to use smooth to use a smooth prediction of baseline after
      if(horizon>max(object$.args$data[[paste0("baseline", m, ".hazard.values")]]) & baselineHaz=="interpolation"){
        warning(paste0("The fitted model has baseline risk information up until value ",
                       max(object$.args$data[[paste0("baseline", m, ".hazard.values")]]), " for survival outcome ", m, ". Since you ask for prediction at horizon ", horizon, " I will assume constant baseline hazard beyond the maximum available value. Alternatively, you can use baselineHaz='smooth' to use splines to predict the baseline hazard (for each sample). Alternatively, adding 'horizon' in the control options of the inla() call allows to extend the baseline beyond the last observed event time (linear extension, less flexible than the smooth method)."))
  if(!is_Long & is_Surv){
    if(exists("newDataSurv") & is.null(newData)){
      newData <- newDataSurv
    }else if(exists("newData") & is.null(newDataSurv)){
      newDataSurv <- newData
  if (inherits(newData, "tbl_df") || inherits(newData, "tbl")) {
    newData <- as.data.frame(newData)
  if(!is_Long & !is_Surv) stop("Error, cannot recover ids from fitted model...")
  if(is_Surv & is.null(horizon)) stop("Please provide time horizon for prediction.")
  predL <- NULL
  predS <- NULL
  newPredS <- NULL
  if(is.null(object$id) & !is.null(id)) object$id <- id
  if(is.null(object$id)) stop("Please provide 'id' argument for new data.")
  ct <- object$misc$configs$contents
  if(is.null(ct)) stop("Please add argument 'cfg=TRUE' in control options when fitting the INLAjoint model to enable predictions.")
  if (ct$tag[1] == "Predictor") {
    ct$tag <- ct$tag[-1]
    ct$start <- ct$start[-1] - ct$start[2] + 1
    ct$length <- ct$length[-1]
  paramVal <- object$misc$configs$config[[1]]$improved.mean # parameters value
      timePoints <- seq(0, max(newData[, object$timeVar]), len=NtimePoints)
    }else{#} if(Csurv==0){
      timePoints <- seq(0, horizon, len=NtimePoints)
      # }else{
      #need to have a time point at Csurv there
  # browser()
  firstID <- unique(newData[, object$id])[1]
  if(strategy %in% c(1,2)){
    message("Start sampling")
    SMPH <- INLA::inla.hyperpar.sample(Nsample, object)
    SMP <- INLA::inla.rjmarginal(Nsample, object)
    message("Sampling done.")
  ParVal <- new("dgTMatrix", Dim=c(sum(ct$length), as.integer(Nsample)))
    ParVal[c(c(sapply(1:M, function(x) ct$start[which(ct$tag %in% paste0("baseline", x, ".hazard"))]:
                        (ct$start[which(ct$tag %in% paste0("baseline", x, ".hazard"))]+
                           ct$length[which(ct$tag %in% paste0("baseline", x, ".hazard"))]-1))),
             ct$start[which(ct$tag %in% substr(rownames(SMP$samples), 1, nchar(rownames(SMP$samples))-2) &
                              !ct$tag %in% paste0("baseline", 1:M, ".hazard"))]),] <- SMP$samples#[which(!substr(rownames(SMP$samples),1, 9) %in% paste0("baseline", 1:M)),]
    # if(baselineHaz=="smooth"){
    #   for(m in 1:M){
    #     BHpos <-which(ct$tag %in% paste0("baseline", m, ".hazard"))
    #     smoothBL <- function(x){
    #       splBH <- splinefun(object$summary.random[[paste0("baseline", m, ".hazard")]]$ID,
    #                          x[c(ct$start[BHpos]:(ct$start[BHpos]+ct$length[BHpos]-1))])
    #       splBH(TPO)
    #     }
    #     NewBas <- apply(SMP$samples, 2, smoothBL)
    #     if(ct$start[BHpos]==1){
    #       ParVal <- INLA::inla.as.sparse(rbind(NewBas, ParVal[-c(ct$start[BHpos]:(ct$start[BHpos]+ct$length[BHpos]-1)),]))
    #     }else if(ct$start[BHpos]>1){
    #       ParVal <- INLA::inla.as.sparse(rbind(ParVal[1:(ct$start[BHpos]-1),],
    #                                      NewBas, ParVal[-c(1:(ct$start[BHpos]+ct$length[BHpos]-1)),]))
    #     }
    #     ct$start[-c(1:BHpos)] <- ct$start[-c(1:BHpos)] - ct$length[BHpos] + length(TPO)
    #     ct$length[BHpos] <- length(TPO)
    #   }
    # }
    ParVal[c(ct$start[which(ct$tag %in% substr(rownames(SMP$samples), 1, nchar(rownames(SMP$samples))-2))]),] <- SMP$samples
  if(is_Long | !is.null(object$REstrucS)){
    K <- length(object$famLongi) # number of longitudinal outcomes
    ct2 <- ct
    call.new <- object$call
    call.new[[length(object$call)]] <- paste0(substr(object$call[[length(object$call)]],
                                              ", dataOnly=TRUE, longOnly=TRUE)")
    lenPV <- length(paramVal)
    SMPsel <- which(ct$length==1 &
                      substr(ct$tag, nchar(ct$tag)-2, nchar(ct$tag)-1)=="_L" |
                      substr(ct$tag, nchar(ct$tag)-3, nchar(ct$tag)-2)=="_L") # if >10 markers
    NamesH <- colnames(SMPH)
    nRE <- length(object$REstruc)
        BD_Cmat <- new("dgTMatrix", Dim=c(as.integer(nRE*Nsample) , as.integer(nRE*Nsample))) # adapt size
        diag(BD_Cmat) <- sqrt(1/SMPH[, which(substr(colnames(SMPH), 1, 16)=="Precision for ID")])
      }else if(nRE>1){
        # identify the position of the cholesky elements in hyperparameters

          PosH <- which(substr(NamesH, 1, 5)=="Theta" &
                          substr(NamesH, nchar(NamesH)-nchar(object$REstruc[1])-1,
                                 nchar(NamesH))==paste0("ID", object$REstruc[1]))
            # Block-Diagonal Cmatrix for all samples
            BD_Cmat <- new("dgTMatrix", Dim=c(as.integer(nRE*Nsample) , as.integer(nRE*Nsample))) # adapt size
            # make function that compute the precision matrix and place it in BD_Cmat

            L <- matrix(0, nrow=nRE, ncol=nRE)
            # function to convert cholesky to precision
            Chol_Prec <- function(x){
              diag(L) <- exp(x[PosH][1:nRE])
              L[lower.tri(L)] <- x[PosH][-c(1:nRE)]
              return(L %*% t(L))
            SMP_prec <- apply(SMPH, 1, Chol_Prec)
            # indices for BC_Cmat
            ind_BD_Cmat <- cbind(rep(1:(Nsample*nRE), each=nRE), rep(1:nRE, Nsample)+rep(nRE*(1:Nsample-1), each=nRE^2))
            # fill BD_Cmat
            BD_Cmat[ind_BD_Cmat] <- c(SMP_prec)
          }else if(strategy==20){
            # browser()
            #sobol_init = sobol(n=1, dim=nRE, init = TRUE, scrambling = 1, normal = TRUE)
            # sobol_sample = sobol(NsampleRE, dim = nRE, scrambling = 1, init = FALSE, normal = TRUE)
            # chol_re <- matrix(0, nrow = nRE, ncol=nRE)
            # diag(chol_re) <- exp(SMPH[1,PosH][1:nRE])
            # chol_re[lower.tri(chol_re)] <- SMPH[1,PosH][-c(1:nRE)]
            # str(SMPH)
            # solve(chol_re) %*% sobol_sample[1,]
            # A <- SMPH[1,PosH]
            # B <- sobol_sample[1,]

            # RE_values2 <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(NsampleRE, sigma=solve(Cmatrix))
            # RE_values <-t(sapply(1:nRE, function(x) RE_values2[, seq(x, Nsample*nRE, by=nRE)]))
            # need to weight samples with probability density from observations!
          nRE_pk <- 1
          # Block-Diagonal Cmatrix for all samples
          BD_Cmat <- new("dgTMatrix", Dim=c(as.integer(nRE*Nsample), as.integer(nRE*Nsample))) # adapt size
          for(k in 1:K){
            PosH <- which(substr(NamesH, 1, 5)=="Theta" &
                            substr(NamesH, nchar(NamesH)-nchar(object$REstruc[nRE_pk])-1,
                                   nchar(NamesH))==paste0("ID", object$REstruc[nRE_pk]))
            nRE_k <- length(which(substr(object$REstruc, nchar(object$REstruc)-2, nchar(object$REstruc))==paste0("_L", k) |
                                    substr(object$REstruc, nchar(object$REstruc)-3, nchar(object$REstruc))==paste0("_L", k)))
              SMP_prec_k <- sqrt(1/SMPH[,which(substr(colnames(SMPH), 1, 16)=="Precision for ID" &
                                                 (substr(colnames(SMPH), nchar(colnames(SMPH))-2, nchar(colnames(SMPH)))==paste0("_L", k) |
                                                    substr(colnames(SMPH), nchar(colnames(SMPH))-3, nchar(colnames(SMPH)))==paste0("_L", k)))])
              L <- matrix(0, nrow=nRE_k, ncol=nRE_k)
              # function to convert cholesky to precision
              Chol_Prec <- function(x){
                diag(L) <- exp(x[PosH][1:nRE_k])
                L[lower.tri(L)] <- x[PosH][-c(1:nRE_k)]
                return(L %*% t(L))
              SMP_prec_k <- apply(SMPH, 1, Chol_Prec)
            # indices for BC_Cmat
            ind_BD_Cmat_k <- cbind(rep(rep(1:nRE_k, each=nRE_k), Nsample)+(rep(seq(nRE_pk, (Nsample*nRE), by=nRE), each=nRE_k^2)-1),
                                   rep(1:nRE_k, Nsample*nRE_k)+(rep(seq(nRE_pk, (Nsample*nRE), by=nRE), each=nRE_k^2)-1))
            # fill BD_Cmat
            BD_Cmat[ind_BD_Cmat_k] <- c(SMP_prec_k)
            nRE_pk <- nRE_pk + nRE_k # go to next block
    }else{ # if there is at least a frailty, need to do the full model
      if(is_Long) nRES <- length(object$REstrucS) else nRES <- nRE
      if(nRE==1){ # only frailty
        BD_Cmat <- new("dgTMatrix", Dim=c(as.integer(nRE*Nsample) , as.integer(nRE*Nsample))) # adapt size
        diag(BD_Cmat) <- sqrt(1/SMPH[, which(substr(colnames(SMPH), 1, 16)=="Precision for ID")])
      }else if(nRE>1){
        # need to do the full model to get posteriors to sample from as there is at least longi and frailty here



      RE_values2 <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(NsampleRE, sigma=solve(BD_Cmat))
      RE_values <-t(sapply(1:nRE, function(x) RE_values2[, seq(x, Nsample*nRE, by=nRE)]))
      # need to weight samples with probability density from observations!
    # RE_values2 <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(NsampleRE, sigma=solve(BD_Cmat))
    # RE_values <-t(sapply(1:nRE, function(x) RE_values2[, seq(x, Nsample*nRE, by=nRE)]))
    ResErrFixed <- vector("list", K)
      REnames <- c(sapply(object["REstruc"], function(x) paste0("ID", x)))
        REnames <- c(sapply(object["REstruc"], function(x) paste0("ID", x)))
        REnamesS <- object$REstrucS
        REnames <- REnamesS <- object$REstrucS
    posRE <- ct$start[sapply(REnames, function(x) which(ct$tag==x))]
      assocNs <- object$assoc
      assocPos <- sapply(assocNs, function(x) grep(x, ct$tag))
      # identify the longitudinal needed for association
      # first identify shared part from longitudinal (no duplicates, so if CV from longitudinal 1 is shared twice, we need to repeat it)
      # outcomeAssoc <- names(object$.args$data$Yjoint)[which(substr(names(object$.args$data$Yjoint), 1, nchar(names(object$.args$data$Yjoint))-1) %in% ct2$tag)]
      OutcNam <- substr(names(object$.args$data$Yjoint), 1, nchar(names(object$.args$data$Yjoint))-1)
      outcomeAssoc <- names(object$.args$data$Yjoint)[unlist(sapply(1:length(OutcNam), function(x) if(length(grep(OutcNam[x], ct2$tag))!=0) return(x)))]
      outcomeAssoc2 <- sapply(outcomeAssoc, function(x) strsplit(x, split = "_S")[[1]][1])
      requiredAssoc <- sapply(assocNs, function(x) strsplit(x, split = "_S")[[1]][1])
      patternAsso <- unname(sapply(requiredAssoc, function(x) which(x==outcomeAssoc2)))
  # if(length(unique(newData[, object$id]))==1) Nthreads=1
  # if(is.null(Nthreads)) Nthreads = future::availableCores("mc.cores")-1
  # registerDoFuture()
  # registerDoRNG()
  # message(paste0("Number of threads: ", Nthreads))
  # plan("multisession", workers = Nthreads)
  # PRED <- foreach(idPred = unique(newData[, object$id]), .export=c(ls(), ls(envir=.GlobalEnv), lsf.str(envir=.GlobalEnv), "joint")) %dopar% {
  for(idPred in unique(newData[, object$id])){
    message(paste0("Computing longitudinal predictions for individual ", idPred, " on PID: ", Sys.getpid()))
    ND <- newData[newData[, object$id] == idPred,] # select only one id at a time
    if(!is.null(object$lonFacChar) & length(which(names(object$lonFacChar) %in% colnames(ND)))>0){
      for(Fi in which(names(object$lonFacChar) %in% colnames(ND))){
        # colClass <- apply(ND, 2, class)
        ND[, which(colnames(ND)==names(object$lonFacChar)[Fi])] <- factor(sub("[^[:alnum:] ]","", ND[, which(colnames(ND)==names(object$lonFacChar)[Fi])]), levels=sub("[^[:alnum:] ]","", object$lonFacChar[[Fi]]))
        ND[, which(colnames(ND)==names(object$lonFacChar)[Fi])] <- factor(gsub(" ","", ND[, which(colnames(ND)==names(object$lonFacChar)[Fi])]), levels=gsub(" ","", object$lonFacChar[[Fi]]))
        # ND[, which(colnames(ND)==names(object$lonFacChar)[Fi])] <- factor(ND[, which(colnames(ND)==names(object$lonFacChar)[Fi])], levels=object$lonFacChar[[Fi]])
    if(is_Long & strategy==2){ # add time points at observed longi to compute density
        TPO <- sort(unique(c(timePoints, ND[, object$timeVar])))
        NTP <- length(TPO)
      }else if(Csurv==0){
        TPO <- sort(unique(c(timePoints, ND[, object$timeVar])))
        NTP <- length(TPO)
        TPO <- sort(unique(c(timePoints, Csurv, ND[, object$timeVar])))
        NTP <- length(TPO)
    }else if(is_Long & is.null(Csurv)){
      TPO <- sort(unique(c(timePoints, max(ND[, object$timeVar]))))
      NTP <- length(TPO)
    }else if(!is_Long & is.null(Csurv)){
      TPO <- timePoints
      NTP <- NtimePoints
    }else if(Csurv==0){
      TPO <- timePoints
      NTP <- NtimePoints
      TPO <- sort(c(timePoints, Csurv))
      NTP <- NtimePoints+1
    call.new2 <- object$call
    TXT1 <- NULL
      if(is_Long & !is.null(newDataSurv)){
        NDS <- newDataSurv
        NDS <- ND
      horizon2 <- max(TPO)+0.0001
      # SdataPred <- ND[!duplicated(ND[, object$id]),]
      SdataPred <- NDS[1,]
      for(m in 1:M){
        if(length(paste0(object$SurvInfo[[m]]$nameTimeSurv))>1) NTS <- tail(paste0(object$SurvInfo[[m]]$nameTimeSurv),1) else NTS <- paste0(object$SurvInfo[[m]]$nameTimeSurv)
        if(length(paste0(object$SurvInfo[[m]]$survOutcome))>1) SVO <- tail(paste0(object$SurvInfo[[m]]$survOutcome),1) else SVO <- paste0(object$SurvInfo[[m]]$survOutcome)
        if(NTS %in% colnames(SdataPred)){
          SdataPred[nrow(SdataPred), NTS] <- horizon2
          SdataPred <- cbind(SdataPred, horizon2)
          colnames(SdataPred)[length(colnames(SdataPred))] <- NTS
        if(!(SVO %in% colnames(SdataPred))){
          SdataPred$SVO <- 0
          colnames(SdataPred)[which(colnames(SdataPred)=="SVO")] <- SVO
          if(SdataPred[nrow(SdataPred), SVO]==1 & !is.null(object$REstrucS)){
            SdataPred <- SdataPred[c(1:nrow(SdataPred), nrow(SdataPred)),]
          SdataPred[nrow(SdataPred), SVO] <- 0
          for(m in 1:(length(paste0(object$dataSurv))-1)){
            assign(paste0(object$dataSurv)[m+1], SdataPred)
          assign(paste0(object$dataSurv), SdataPred)
        object$dataSurv <- SdataPred
      CTP <- c(TPO, max(TPO)+tail(diff(TPO),1)) # add fake point to extend and have the last value
      if(!is.null(object$cutpoints)) assign(paste0(object$cutpoints), CTP) else TXT1 <- ", cutpoints=CTP"
    LdataPred <- ND[rep(1, length(TPO)), ]
    LdataPred[, object$timeVar] <- TPO
    # if(!is.null(object$lonFacChar) & length(which(names(object$lonFacChar) %in% colnames(LdataPred)))>0){
    #   for(Fi in which(names(object$lonFacChar) %in% colnames(LdataPred))){
    #     # colClass <- apply(LdataPred, 2, class)
    #     LdataPred[, which(colnames(LdataPred)==names(object$lonFacChar)[Fi])] <- factor(LdataPred[, which(colnames(LdataPred)==names(object$lonFacChar)[Fi])], levels=object$lonFacChar[[Fi]])
    #   }
    # }
    # if(!is.null(object$survFacChar) & length(which(names(object$survFacChar) %in% colnames(SdataPred)))>0){
    #   for(Fi in which(names(object$survFacChar) %in% colnames(SdataPred))){
    #     # colClass <- apply(SdataPred, 2, class)
    #     SdataPred[, which(colnames(SdataPred)==names(object$survFacChar)[Fi])] <- factor(SdataPred[, which(colnames(SdataPred)==names(object$survFacChar)[Fi])], levels=object$survFacChar[[Fi]])
    #   }
    # }
        for(m in 1:(length(paste0(object$dataLong))-1)){
          assign(paste0(object$dataLong)[m+1], LdataPred)
        assign(paste0(object$dataLong), LdataPred)
      object$dataLong = LdataPred
    # if(!is.null(object$dataLong)) assign(paste0(object$dataLong), LdataPred)
    # if(!is.null(object$dataSurv) & is_Surv) assign(paste0(object$dataSurv), SdataPred)
    if(length(grep("dataSurv", object$call))==0){
      call.new2[[length(object$call)]] <- paste0(substr(object$call[[length(object$call)]],
                                                        stop=nchar(object$call[[length(object$call)]])-1), TXT1,
                                                 ", dataSurv=SdataPred, dataOnly=TRUE)")
      call.new2[[length(object$call)]] <- paste0(substr(object$call[[length(object$call)]],
                                                        stop=nchar(object$call[[length(object$call)]])-1), TXT1,
                                                 ", dataOnly=TRUE)")
    NEWdata <- suppressWarnings(eval(parse(text=call.new2))) # maybe need to store functions of time in the object?
    survPart <- NULL
    if(is_Surv) survPart <- c(sapply(1:M, function(x) which(!is.na(eval(parse(text=paste0("NEWdata$baseline", x, ".hazard.idx")))))))
    if(!is.list(NEWdata)) NEWdata <- as.list(as.data.frame(NEWdata))
    if(is_Long | !is.null(object$REstrucS)){
      ###              ###
      ### LONGITUDINAL ###
      ###              ###
      ctL <- ct
      if(F){#idPred %in% idVect & identical(ND[, object$timeVar], object$.args$data[[paste0(object$timeVar, "_L1")]][which(object$.args$data$IDIntercept_L1==idPred)])){
        # no new data, we can use the current model as it is to predict over the timePoints
        LdataPred <- ND[rep(1, length(TPO)), ]
        LdataPred[, object$timeVar] <- TPO
        # if(is_Long) predL <- rbind(predL, predLongi(object, LdataPred))
      }else if (idPred %in% idVect & !(identical(ND[, object$timeVar], object$.args$data[[paste0(object$timeVar, "_L1")]][which(object$.args$data$IDIntercept_L1==idPred)])) & strategy==3){
        # if id already known (random effects available) and new observations and update method
        # new data available, we need to update the model
        # first update the data with new observations
        # if(is.null(oldData)) stop("Please provide original dataset 'oldData' for the 'update' strategy.")
        # ND2 <- rbind(oldData, ND)
        # ND2 <- ND2[!duplicated(ND2),]
        # ND2 <- ND2[order(ND2[, object$id], ND2[, object$timeVar]),]
        # assign(paste0(object$dataLong), ND2)
        # # create data with dataOnly=T and replace in object to rerun.
        # call.new <- object$call
        # call.new[[length(object$call)]] <- paste0(substr(object$call[[length(object$call)]],
        #                                               start=1,
        #                                               stop=nchar(object$call[[length(object$call)]])-2),
        #                                        substr(object$call[[length(object$call)]],
        #                                               start=nchar(object$call[[length(object$call)]]),
        #                                               stop=nchar(object$call[[length(object$call)]])),
        #                                        ", dataOnly=TRUE)")
        # updatedData <- eval(parse(text=call.new))
        # object.new <- object
        # object.new$.args$data <- updatedData
        # object.new$.args$offset <- rep(0, length(object.new$.args$data[[1]]))
        # object.new$.args$E <- updatedData$E..coxph
        # print("Updating model with new data.")
        # object.new <- joint.rerun(object.new) # this is the updated fitted model
        # print("Computing longitudinal predictions.")
        # # now we can do the prediction
        # LdataPred <- ND[rep(1, length(TPO)), ]
        # LdataPred[, object.new$timeVar] <- TPO
        # if(!is.null(object$REstruc)){
        #   IDshift <- 0
        #   LengthUniqueID <- length(unique(na.omit(object$.args$data[[REnames[1]]])))
        #   if(object$corLong){
        #     for(RE in REnames){
        #       ctL$start[which(ctL$tag==RE)] <- ctL$start[which(ctL$tag==RE)] + as.integer(unique(LdataPred[,object$id])) + IDshift*LengthUniqueID -1
        #       IDshift <- IDshift + 1
        #     }
        #   }else{
        #     for(k in 1:K){
        #       IDshift <- 0
        #       Ndigits <- ifelse(k<10, 0, 1)
        #       RE_k <- which(substr(ctL$tag, 1, 2)=="ID" & substr(ctL$tag, nchar(ctL$tag)-Ndigits, nchar(ctL$tag))==k)
        #       for(RE in RE_k){
        #         ctL$start[RE] <- ctL$start[RE] + as.integer(unique(LdataPred[,object$id])) + IDshift*LengthUniqueID -1
        #         IDshift <- IDshift + 1
        #       }
        #     }
        #   }
        # }
        # if(!is.null(object$dataLong)) assign(paste0(object$dataLong), LdataPred)
        # call.new <- object$call
        # call.new[[length(object$call)]] <- paste0(substr(object$call[[length(object$call)]],
        #                                               start=1,
        #                                               stop=nchar(object$call[[length(object$call)]])-1),
        #                                        ", dataOnly=TRUE, longOnly=TRUE)")
        # NEWdata <- eval(parse(text=call.new))
        # NEWdata[REnames] <- NEWdata[paste0("W", object$REstruc)]
        # ANew <- matrix(0, nrow=length(NEWdata[[1]]), ncol=sum(ctL$length))
        # ANew[, ctL$start[which(ctL$tag %in% names(NEWdata))]] <- do.call(cbind, NEWdata[ctL$tag])
        # ANew <- INLA::inla.as.sparse(ANew, na.rm=TRUE)
        # # get sd from Q matrix
        # QQ= object.new$misc$configs$config[[1]]$Q
        # d.QQ=diag(as.matrix(QQ))
        # QQ=as.matrix(QQ) + t(as.matrix(QQ))
        # diag(QQ) = d.QQ
        # predL <- data.frame(rep(LdataPred[, object.new$id], K), rep(LdataPred[, object.new$timeVar], K),
        #                     rep(object.new$longOutcome, each=NTP), as.matrix(ANew %*% paramVal),
        #                     sqrt(diag(as.matrix(ANew) %*% solve(QQ, t(as.matrix(ANew))))))
        # colnames(predL) <- c(object.new$id, object.new$timeVar, "Outcome", "Mean", "Sd")
        # return(predL)
      }else if (!(idPred %in% idVect) & !(identical(ND[, object$timeVar], object$.args$data[[paste0(object$timeVar, "_L1")]][which(object$.args$data$IDIntercept_L1==idPred)])) & strategy==3){
        stop("'update' strategy not available for prediction over new individuals (only for new observations of existing individuals), please select another strategy.")

      }else if(strategy %in% c(1,2)){
        # convert data into INLAjoint format with dataOnly option
            for(m in 1:(length(paste0(object$dataLong))-1)){
              assign(paste0(object$dataLong)[m+1], ND)
            assign(paste0(object$dataLong), ND)
            for(m in 1:(length(paste0(object$dataSurv))-1)){
              assign(paste0(object$dataSurv)[m+1], NDS)
            assign(paste0(object$dataSurv), NDS)
          call.new <- object$call
          call.new[[length(object$call)]] <- paste0(substr(object$call[[length(object$call)]],
                                                    ", dataOnly=TRUE)")
        uData <- eval(parse(text=call.new)) # updated data with INLAjoint format
        # OTCrm <- sapply(object$longOutcome, function(x) grep(x, names(uData))) # exclude outfcomes
        # uData[-OTCrm] <- sapply(uData[-OTCrm], function(x) replace(x, is.na(x), 0), simplify=F)
        # rm(OTCrm)
        uData[-which(names(uData)==("Yjoint"))] <- sapply(uData[-which(names(uData)==("Yjoint"))], function(x) replace(x, is.na(x), 0), simplify=F)
        if(!is.list(uData)) uData <- as.list(as.data.frame(uData))
        nL_K <- length(uData[[1]])
        # now we prepare the precision matrix for all samples (large block diagonal matrix)
        IDshift <- 0
          LengthUniqueID <- length(unique(na.omit(object$.args$data[[REnames[1]]])))
          uData[REnames] <- uData[paste0("W", object$REstruc)]
          uData[object$REstrucS] <- uData[paste0("W", substr(object$REstrucS, 3, nchar(object$REstrucS)))]
        # A matrix for offset computation
        # ids to select the elements to keep in latent part of samples
        # baseline => substr(ct$tag, 1, 8)=="baseline" |
        A_off <- new("dgTMatrix", Dim=c(nL_K, sum(ct$length)))
        if(is_Long) A_off[, ct$start[SMPsel]] <- do.call(cbind, uData[ct$tag[SMPsel]])
          SMPselS <- which(ct$length==1 &
                             substr(ct$tag, nchar(ct$tag)-2, nchar(ct$tag)-1)=="_S" |
                             substr(ct$tag, nchar(ct$tag)-3, nchar(ct$tag)-2)=="_S") # if >10 markers
          A_off[, ct$start[SMPselS]] <- do.call(cbind, uData[ct$tag[SMPselS]])

        offS <- (A_off %*% ParVal)@x # this is the offset used to evaluate the random effects

        #Cmatrix <- as.matrix(BD_Cmat) # can we use sparse matrix here??
        #Cmatrix <- Matrix(BD_Cmat, sparse=T) # can we use sparse matrix here??
        # set up fixed residual errors for gaussian or lognormal families
        ResErrScale <- rep(1, Nsample*nL_K)
        k_i <- 1
          for(k in 1:K){
            if(object$famLongi[k] %in% c("gaussian", "lognormal")){
              nL_k <- dim(ND)[1]
              posPrec <- which(substr(colnames(SMPH), 1, 18)=="Precision for the ")
              ResErrScale[rep(((k_i-1)*nL_k + 1):((k_i-1)*nL_k + nL_k), Nsample)+rep(nL_k*K*((1:Nsample)-1), each=nL_k)] <- rep(SMPH[, posPrec[k_i]], each=nL_k)
              k_i <- k_i+1
              ResErrFixed[[k]] <- list(hyper=list(prec=list(initial=0, fixed=TRUE)))
              ResErrFixed[[k]] <- list()
          ResErrFixed <- object$.args$control.family

        if(strategy==1 & is.null(object$REstrucS)){
          # prepare A matrix (weights of the random effects)
          REweights <- INLA::inla.as.sparse(matrix(unlist(uData[REnames]), ncol=nRE))
          # when only slope random effect is included, it creats only zero rows in weight matrix
          # this is not accepted by inla call, therefore I add a tiny value at time zero for this
          # case to avoid the issue
          ZeroRE <- which(apply((INLA::inla.as.sparse(matrix(unlist(uData[REnames]), ncol=nRE))), 1, sum)==0)
          if(length(ZeroRE)>0 & is.null(object$REstrucS))  REweights[ZeroRE, which(REweights[ZeroRE+1,]!=0)] <- 1e-10
          A <- INLA::inla.as.sparse(kronecker(INLA::inla.as.sparse(diag(Nsample)), REweights))
          # A <- Diagonal(Nsample) %x% INLA::inla.as.sparse(matrix(unlist(uData[REnames]), ncol=nRE))
          # prepare outcome
          ncol_YJ <- ifelse(!is.null(object$REstrucS), length(uData$Yjoint), K)
          Yjoint <- matrix(unlist(uData$Yjoint), ncol=ncol_YJ)[rep(1:nL_K, Nsample),]
          IDnew <- 1:(nRE*Nsample)
          # fit the model to get random effects values for all samples
          if(NsampleRE!=F) SEL <- list("IDnew"=1:(nRE*Nsample)) else SEL<- NULL
          # NTH <- ifelse(parallel, "1:1", detectCores?)
          if(!is.null(object$REstrucS)) FAM <- object$.args$family else FAM <- object$famLongi
          RE_estim <- INLA::inla(Yjoint ~ -1 + f(IDnew, model="generic0", Cmatrix=BD_Cmat,
                                                 hyper=list(theta=list(initial=0, fixed=TRUE))),
                                 data=list(Yjoint=Yjoint, IDnew=IDnew, A=A, offS=offS),
                                 offset=offS, scale=ResErrScale, #selection = SEL,
                                 control.predictor=list(A=A, link=1),
          # should I use empirical bayes here? is it worth?
          smpRE <- INLA::inla.posterior.sample(NsampleRE, RE_estim)
          RE_values <- matrix(unlist(sapply(smpRE, function(x) matrix(tail(x$latent, nRE*Nsample), nrow=nRE), simplify=F)), nrow=nRE)
        }else if(strategy==1 & !is.null(object$REstrucS)){
          # setup full model and fix hyperparameters
          # remove all fixed effects and use offset
          #estimate posterior random effects

          # RE_estim <- inla(Yjoint ~ )
          # browser()
        # if(NsampleRE==F){ # when do we expect this to be FALSE?
        #   RE_values <- matrix(tail(RE_estim$summary.linear.predictor$mean, nRE*Nsample), nrow=nRE)
        # }
        # compute linear predictors for each sample at NtimePoints
        NEWdata[REnames] <- NEWdata[paste0("W", object$REstruc)]
        # A matrix for offset computation
        A_LP <- new("dgTMatrix", Dim=c(length(NEWdata[[1]])-length(survPart), sum(ct$length)))
          Lout <- 1
          Lout <- sapply(object$longOutcome, function(x) grep(paste0(x, "_"), names(NEWdata$Yjoint)))
        indL <- unname(rep(1:NTP, length(Lout))+(rep(Lout, each=NTP)-1)*NTP)
        NEWdata <- suppressWarnings(sapply(NEWdata, function(x) replace(x, is.na(x), 0)))
        if(class(NEWdata)[1]=="matrix") NEWdata <- as.list(as.data.frame(NEWdata))
          A_LP[, ct$start[which(ct$tag %in% names(uData))]] <- sapply(ct$tag[which(ct$tag %in% names(uData))], function(x) NEWdata[[x]])[-survPart,]
          A_LP[, ct$start[which(ct$tag %in% names(uData))]] <- sapply(ct$tag[which(ct$tag %in% names(uData))], function(x) NEWdata[[x]])
        # paramVal with each configuration of the random effects
        if(NsampleRE!=F & loopRE){
          LP_long <- NULL
          for(NSRE in 1:NsampleRE){
            ParVal[posRE, ] <- RE_values[, ((NSRE-1)*Nsample+1):((NSRE-1)*Nsample+Nsample)]
            LP_long <- rbind(LP_long, t(as.matrix(INLA::inla.as.dgTMatrix(A_LP, na.rm=TRUE) %*% ParVal)))
        }else if(NsampleRE!=F){
          ParVal[posRE, ] <- 0
          ParVal2 <- ParVal[,rep(1:Nsample, NsampleRE)]
          POSc <- rep(1:Nsample, NsampleRE)+rep(0:(NsampleRE-1)*Nsample, each=Nsample)
          RE_mat <- new("dgTMatrix",
                        i = as.integer(rep(posRE, length(POSc))-1),
                        j = as.integer(rep(POSc, each=length(posRE))-1), x=c(RE_values), Dim=dim(ParVal2))
          ParVal2 <- ParVal2 + RE_mat
          # ParVal2[posRE, POSc] <- RE_values
          LP_long <- t(as.matrix(INLA::inla.as.dgTMatrix(A_LP, na.rm=TRUE) %*% ParVal2))
          ParVal[posRE, ] <- RE_values
          LP_long <- t(as.matrix(INLA::inla.as.dgTMatrix(A_LP, na.rm=TRUE) %*% ParVal))
        LP_long_t <- NULL
          errCT <- 1 # counter for error terms
          for(k in 1:K){
              k_id <- grep(object$longOutcome[k], names(object$.args$data$Yjoint))
              k_id <- 1
            LP_long_k <- LP_long[, (1:NTP)+(k_id-1)*NTP]
            long_i_den <- NULL
            if(!(NA %in% ND[, object$longOutcome[k]])){

                if(length(which(rep(TPO, K) %in% ND[, object$timeVar]))>1){
                  long_i_mu <- LP_long_k[, which(TPO %in% ND[, object$timeVar])]
                  long_i_true <- ND[, object$longOutcome[k]]
                  ResErr_i <- rep(sqrt(1/SMPH[, posPrec[errCT]]), each=NsampleRE)
                  long_i_den = c(long_i_den, sapply(1:dim(long_i_mu)[1],
                                                    function(c) prod(mapply(function(x,y) dnorm(x, mean=y, sd=ResErr_i[c]),
                                                                            x = long_i_true,
                                                                            y = long_i_mu[c,])))) # sum the logs
                  errCT <- errCT+1
                  long_i_mu <- LP_long_k
                  long_i_true <- ND[, object$longOutcome[k]]
                  ResErr_i <- rep(sqrt(1/SMPH[, posPrec[errCT]]), each=NsampleRE)
                  long_i_den = c(long_i_den, sapply(1:length(long_i_mu),
                                                    function(c) prod(mapply(function(x,y) dnorm(x, mean=y, sd=ResErr_i[c]),
                                                                            x = long_i_true,
                                                                            y = long_i_mu[c])))) # sum the logs
                  errCT <- errCT+1
              }else if(object$famLongi[k]=="poisson"){
                if(length(which(rep(TPO, K) %in% ND[, object$timeVar]))>1){
                  long_i_mu <- LP_long_k[, which(TPO %in% ND[, object$timeVar])]
                  long_i_true <- ND[, object$longOutcome[k]]
                  long_i_den = c(long_i_den, sapply(1:dim(long_i_mu)[1],
                                                    function(c) prod(mapply(function(x,y) dpois(x, lambda=exp(y)),
                                                                            x = long_i_true,
                                                                            y = long_i_mu[c,])))) # sum the logs
                  long_i_mu <- LP_long_k
                  long_i_true <- ND[, object$longOutcome[k]]
                  long_i_den = c(long_i_den, sapply(1:length(long_i_mu),
                                                    function(c) prod(mapply(function(x,y) dpois(x, lambda=exp(y)),
                                                                            x = long_i_true,
                                                                            y = long_i_mu[c])))) # sum the logs
              }else if(object$famLongi[k]=="binomial"){
                if(length(which(rep(TPO, K) %in% ND[, object$timeVar]))>1){
                  long_i_mu <- LP_long_k[, which(TPO %in% ND[, object$timeVar])]
                  long_i_true <- ND[, object$longOutcome[k]]
                  long_i_den = c(long_i_den, sapply(1:dim(long_i_mu)[1],
                                                    function(c) prod(mapply(function(x,y) dbinom(x, size=1, prob=exp(y)/(1+exp(y))),
                                                                            x = long_i_true,
                                                                            y = long_i_mu[c,])))) # sum the logs
                  long_i_mu <- LP_long_k
                  long_i_true <- ND[, object$longOutcome[k]]
                  long_i_den = c(long_i_den, sapply(1:length(long_i_mu),
                                                    function(c) prod(mapply(function(x,y) dbinom(x, size=1, prob=exp(y)/(1+exp(y))),
                                                                            x = long_i_true,
                                                                            y = long_i_mu[c])))) # sum the logs
              long_i_den <- rep(1, dim(LP_long_k)[1])
            long_i_den3 <- c(sapply(1:Nsample, function(x) long_i_den[(x-1)*NsampleRE + 1:NsampleRE]/sum(long_i_den[(x-1)*NsampleRE + 1:NsampleRE])))
            # LP_long_save <- LP_long
            LP_long[, (1:NTP)+(k_id-1)*NTP] <- LP_long_k*long_i_den3
          LP_long <- t(sapply(1:Nsample, function(x) colSums(LP_long[(x-1)*NsampleRE + 1:NsampleRE,])))
          LP_long <- LP_long[rep(1:dim(LP_long)[1], each=NsampleRE),] # this may not be a good idea...
          RESpredL <- t(LP_long[, indL])
          addNamesL <- paste0("Sample_", 1:ncol(RESpredL))
            namesLink <- object$misc$linkfunctions$names[Lout]
            LP_long2 <- LP_long
            for(k in 1:K){
                LP_long2[, indL][, 1:NTP + rep(NTP*(k-1), NTP)] <- INLA::inla.link.log(LP_long2[, indL][, 1:NTP + rep(NTP*(k-1), NTP)], inverse = TRUE)
                LP_long2[, indL][, 1:NTP + rep(NTP*(k-1), NTP)] <- eval(parse(text=paste0("inla.link.", namesLink[k])))(LP_long2[, indL][, 1:NTP + rep(NTP*(k-1), NTP)], inverse = TRUE)
            RESpredL <- t(apply(LP_long2[, indL], 2, SumStats))
            RESpredL <- t(apply(LP_long[, indL], 2, SumStats))
          addNamesL <- c("Mean", "Sd", "quant0.025", "quant0.5", "quant0.975")
        newPredL <- data.frame(rep(LdataPred[, object$id], K), rep(LdataPred[, object$timeVar], K),
                               rep(object$longOutcome, each=NTP), RESpredL)
        colnames(newPredL) <- c(object$id, object$timeVar, "Outcome", addNamesL)
        # browser()
        predL <- rbind(predL, newPredL)
      }else if (strategy==4){

    # browser()
    ###          ###
    ### SURVIVAL ###
    ###          ###
      message(paste0("Computing survival predictions for individual ", idPred))
      if(is_Long & is.null(Csurv)){
        CsurvSET <- max(ND[, object$timeVar])
      }else if(!is_Long & is.null(Csurv)){
        CsurvSET <- 0
      startP <- ifelse(is.null(Csurv), CsurvSET, Csurv)  # start point for survival
      TPO2 <- TPO[TPO>=startP]
      NTP2 <- length(TPO2)
      NTP_s <- NTP-NTP2+1
      survPart2 <- survPart[rep(which(TPO %in% TPO2), M)+rep(0:(M-1), each=NTP2)*NTP] # extract part where there is an actual risk
      # baseline risk setup
        if(dim(ND)[1]==1){ # use existent cutpoints
          if(!is.null(object$dataSurv)) assign(paste0(object$dataSurv), ND)
          if(object$nameTimeSurv %in% colnames(ND)){
            ND[, object$nameTimeSurv] <- horizon
            ND <- cbind(ND, horizon)
            colnames(ND)[length(colnames(ND))] <- object$nameTimeSurv
          assign(paste0(object$dataSurv), ND)
          #Surv <- ND
          call.new3 <- object$call
          call.new3[[length(object$call)]] <- paste0(substr(object$call[[length(object$call)]],
                                                            stop=nchar(object$call[[length(object$call)]])-1), TXT1,
                                                     ", dataOnly=TRUE)")
          NEWdata <- eval(parse(text=call.new3)) # maybe need to store functions of time in the object?
          ANewS <- matrix(0, ncol=length(paramVal), nrow=length(NEWdata$baseline1.hazard.idx))
          # here the diag should starts after the longitudinal, need to adjust this because it starts at the beginning for now
          diag(ANewS[, ct$start[ct$tag=="baseline1.hazard"]:(ct$start[ct$tag=="baseline1.hazard"]+length(NEWdata$baseline1.hazard.idx))]) <- 1
          ANewS[, ct$start[-which(ct$tag=="baseline1.hazard")]] <- do.call(cbind, NEWdata[ct$tag[-which(ct$tag=="baseline1.hazard")]])
          ANewS <- INLA::inla.as.sparse(ANewS, na.rm=TRUE)
          predSurv <- data.frame(ND[, object$id], NEWdata$baseline1.hazard.time, exp(matrix(c(as.matrix(ANewS %*% paramVal)), nrow=length(NEWdata$baseline1.hazard.idx), ncol=1)))
          colnames(predSurv) <- c(object$id, object$nameTimeSurv, paste0("LinPred_L", 1))
        }else{ # compute risk value at new cutpoints

      }else if(baselineHaz=="interpolation"){
        # for now we compute the risk from time zero, maybe don't need anything below Csurv? (bc no need for risk before "survival time")
        Aproj <- NULL
        for(m in 1:M){
          mesh1d <- INLA::inla.mesh.1d(loc = object$summary.random[[paste0("baseline", m, ".hazard")]]$ID, degree = 1)
            Aproj <- INLA::inla.spde.make.A(mesh = mesh1d, loc = TPO2)
            Aproj <- bdiag(Aproj, INLA::inla.spde.make.A(mesh = mesh1d, loc = TPO2))
        # use weights in A to quantify uncertainty
      }else if(baselineHaz=="smooth"){
        Aproj <- diag(length(TPO2)*M)
      if(is_Long){ # association
        if(length(which(sapply(patternAsso, length)==0))>0) patternAsso <- patternAsso[-which(sapply(patternAsso, length)==0)] # exclude SRE_ind
        # need to set up the longitudinal shared part to scale with association parameters
        LP_longs <- LP_long[, -c(indL, survPart)][, rep(NTP_s:NTP, length(assocNs))+rep(patternAsso-1, each=NTP2)*NTP]
        # I assume all associations are contiguous here (I think it's always true!)
        ct2$start[assocPos] <- ct2$start[assocPos] - cumsum(c(0, ct2$length[assocPos][-1])) + cumsum(c(0, rep(NTP2, length(assocNs)-1)))
        ct2$start[-c(1:assocPos[length(assocPos)])] <- ct2$start[-c(1:assocPos[length(assocPos)])] - sum(ct2$length[assocPos]) + dim(LP_longs)[2]
        ct2$length[assocPos] <- NTP2
        # set association from NEWdata  to map ParamVal2 to ct2
        NEWdata[assocNs] <- sapply(NEWdata[assocNs], function(x) ifelse(x==0,0,1), simplify=F)
        ct2 <- ct
      A_SP <- new("dgTMatrix", Dim=c(length(survPart2), as.integer(sum(ct2$length))))
      # set up covariates for survival part (baseline and association done after)
      A_SP[, ct2$start[which(ct2$tag %in% names(NEWdata))]] <- sapply(ct2$tag[which(ct2$tag %in% names(NEWdata))], function(x) NEWdata[[x]][survPart2])
      # baseline
      BLpos <- which(ct2$tag%in%paste0("baseline", 1:M, ".hazard"))
      A_SP[, c(sapply(BLpos, function(x) ct2$start[x]:(ct2$start[x]+ct2$length[x]-1)))] <- Aproj
        # association
        # set up diagonal matrix for each association (corresponding to each time point)
        matAssoc <- A_SP[, ct2$start[assocPos][1]:(ct2$start[assocPos][1] + sum(ct2$length[assocPos])-1)]
        assocPoints <- as.matrix(matAssoc[NTP2*(1:M-1)+1, seq(1, ncol(matAssoc), by=NTP2)])
          Addassoc <- do.call("cbind", sapply(1:length(assocPoints), function(x) Diagonal(NTP2), simplify=F))
        }else if(M>1){
          Addassoc <- kronecker(assocPoints, Diagonal(NTP2))
        A_SP[, ct2$start[assocPos][1]:(ct2$start[assocPos][1] + sum(ct2$length[assocPos]) -1)] <- Addassoc

      # merge
      # scale the association parameters
      if(NsampleRE==F) nsamplere <- 1 else nsamplere <- NsampleRE
      if(NsampleRE!=F & loopRE){
        LP_surv <- NULL
        for(NSRE in 1:NsampleRE){
          # need to fix this since the non loopRE version has been modified!
          if(is_Long) SASCP <- t(LP_longs[(1:Nsample + (NSRE-1)*Nsample), ] * sapply(assocNs, function(x) SMPH[, which(gsub("Beta for ", "", colnames(SMPH))==x)])[, rep(1:length(assocPos), each=NTP2)])
          if(is_Long) ParValS <- rbind(ParVal[1:(ct$start[assocPos][1]-1), ], SASCP, ParVal[-c(1:(ct$start[assocPos][1] + sum(ct$length[assocPos]) -1)), ]) else ParValS <- ParVal
          LP_surv <- rbind(LP_surv, exp(t(as.matrix(INLA::inla.as.dgTMatrix(A_SP, na.rm=TRUE) %*% ParValS))))
        # set up matrix to have shared part from longitudinal (LP_longs) scaled by association parameters (assocScaler)
          SASCP <- NULL
          for(ias in 1:length(assocNs)){
            if(length(which(gsub("Beta for ", "", colnames(SMPH))==assocNs[ias]))>0){
              # assocScaler <- sapply(assocNs, function(x) SMPH[, which(gsub("Beta for ", "", colnames(SMPH))==x)])[rep(1:Nsample, nsamplere), rep(1:length(assocPos), each=NTP2)]#[rep(1:NTP, M),]*kronecker(assocPoints, matrix(1, ncol=NTP, nrow=NTP))
              assocScaler <- SMPH[, which(gsub("Beta for ", "", colnames(SMPH))==assocNs[ias])][rep(1:Nsample, nsamplere)]#[rep(1:NTP, M),]*kronecker(assocPoints, matrix(1, ncol=NTP, nrow=NTP))
              SASCP_t <- t(LP_longs[, (1:NTP2)+(ias-1)*NTP2] * assocScaler)
            }else if(length(which(gsub(" \\(scopy mean\\)", "", gsub("Beta0 for NL_", "", colnames(SMPH)))==assocNs[ias]))>0){
              nb <- length(grep(assocNs[ias], colnames(SMPH)))
              prop <- INLAjoint.scopy.define(nb)
              k_NL <- as.integer(strsplit(strsplit(assocNs[ias], "_L")[[1]][2], "_S")[[1]][1])
              if(length(grep("CV", assocNs[ias])>0)){
                x_NLid <- grep(paste0("uv", k_NL), names(object$summary.random))
              }else if(length(grep("CS", assocNs[ias])>0)){
                x_NLid <- grep(paste0("us", k_NL), names(object$summary.random))
              }else if(length(grep("SRE", assocNs[ias])>0)){
                x_NLid <- grep(paste0("usre", k_NL), names(object$summary.random))
              } # CV_CS not done here
              xval <- object$summary.random[[x_NLid]]$mean
              xx.loc <- min(xval) + (max(xval)-min(xval)) * (0:(nb - 1))/(nb - 1)
              iterSMP <- 0 # keep track of RE samples
              SASCP_t <- NULL
              for(nsmp in 1:Nsample){
                funNL <- splinefun(xx.loc, prop$W %*% SMPH[nsmp, grep(assocNs[ias], colnames(SMPH))], method = "natural")
                SASCP_t <- cbind(SASCP_t, t(apply(LP_longs[(1:nsamplere)+(nsamplere*iterSMP), (1:NTP2)+(ias-1)*NTP2], 2, function(x) x*funNL(x))))
                iterSMP <- iterSMP+1
            SASCP <- rbind(SASCP, SASCP_t)
          ParValS <- rbind(ParVal[1:(ct$start[assocPos][1]-1), rep(1:Nsample, nsamplere)], SASCP, ParVal[-c(1:(ct$start[assocPos][1] + sum(ct$length[assocPos]) -1)), rep(1:Nsample, nsamplere)])
          ParValS <- ParVal
        # if(is_Long) assocScaler <- sapply(assocNs, function(x) SMPH[, which(gsub("Beta for ", "", colnames(SMPH))==x)])[rep(1:Nsample, nsamplere), rep(1:length(assocPos), each=NTP2)]#[rep(1:NTP, M),]*kronecker(assocPoints, matrix(1, ncol=NTP, nrow=NTP))
        # if(is_Long) SASCP <- t(LP_longs * assocScaler)
        LP_surv <- exp(t(as.matrix(INLA::inla.as.dgTMatrix(A_SP, na.rm=TRUE) %*% ParValS)))
        Risk12 <- t(LP_surv)
        NCol <- ncol(Risk12)
        addNamesS <- paste0("Sample_", 1:NCol)
        NCol <- 5
        Risk12 <- t(apply(LP_surv, 2, SumStats))
        addNamesS <- c("Haz_Mean", "Haz_Sd", "Haz_quant0.025", "Haz_quant0.5", "Haz_quant0.975")
      Risk13 <- matrix(0, nrow=NTP-NTP2, ncol=NCol)
      Surv13 <- matrix(1, nrow=NTP-NTP2, ncol=5)
      Risk2 <- NULL
      for(m in 1:M){
        Risk2 <- rbind(Risk2, rbind(Risk13, Risk12[1:NTP2 + rep(max(NTP2), NTP2)*(m-1),]))
      if(is.null(object$timeVar)) TimeVar <- "time" else TimeVar <- object$timeVar
      newPredS <- data.frame(rep(idPred, M*NTP), rep(TPO, M),
                             rep(paste0("S_", 1:M), each=NTP), Risk2)
      colnames(newPredS) <- c(object$id, TimeVar, "Outcome", addNamesS)
        # compute survival curve
        # take middle of intervals
        #TPsurv <- c(0, LdataPred[, object$timeVar][-1]-diff(LdataPred[, object$timeVar])/2)
        SurvSamp <- NULL
        for(m in 1:M){
          # startP <- ifelse(is.null(Csurv), max(ND[, object$timeVar]), Csurv) # start point for survival
          # TPsurv2 <- TPO[TPO>=startP]
          # rmTP <- c(length(TPO)*(m-1) + c(which(TPO<startP)), rep(1:length(TPO), M-1)+(rep((1:M)[-m], each=length(TPO))-1)*length(TPO))
          rmTP <- c(rep(1:length(TPO2), M-1)+(rep((1:M)[-m], each=length(TPO2))-1)*length(TPO2))
            SurvSamp2 <- exp(-apply(LP_surv[,-rmTP], 1, function(x) cumsum(x*c(0, diff(TPO2)))))
            SurvSampAdd <- matrix(1, nrow=length(which(TPO<startP)), ncol=dim(SurvSamp2)[2])
            SurvSamp2 <- exp(-apply(LP_surv, 1, function(x) cumsum(x*c(0, diff(TPO2)))))
            SurvSampAdd <- NULL
          SurvSamp <- rbind(SurvSamp, SurvSampAdd, SurvSamp2)
        if(dim(SurvSamp)[1] != dim(newPredS)[1]){
          addF <- matrix(1, ncol=5, nrow=dim(newPredS)[1]-dim(SurvSamp)[1])
          SurvSampF <- rbind(addF, t(apply(SurvSamp, 1, SumStats)))
          SurvSampF <- t(apply(SurvSamp, 1, SumStats))
        newPredS <- cbind(newPredS, SurvSampF)
        colnames(newPredS)[(length(colnames(newPredS))-4):length(colnames(newPredS))] <- c("Surv_Mean", "Surv_Sd", "Surv_quant0.025", "Surv_quant0.5", "Surv_quant0.975")
        CIFSamp <- vector("list", M)
        CIF_Samp_ <- NULL
        for(m in 1:M){
          rmTP <- c(rep(1:length(TPO2), M-1)+(rep((1:M)[-m], each=length(TPO2))-1)*length(TPO2))
          CIFSamp2 <- apply(LP_surv[,-rmTP], 1, function(x) cumsum(x*c(0, diff(TPO2))))
          CIFSamp[[m]] <- rbind(CIFSamp[[m]], CIFSamp2)
        # compute overall survival
        oSurv <- sapply(1:dim(CIFSamp[[1]])[2], function(x) exp(-rowSums(sapply(1:M, function(m) CIFSamp[[m]][,x]))))
        for(m in 1:M){
          rmTP <- c(rep(1:length(TPO2), M-1)+(rep((1:M)[-m], each=length(TPO2))-1)*length(TPO2))
            CIFSamp_2 <- sapply(1:dim(LP_surv)[1], function(x) cumsum(LP_surv[x, -rmTP]*oSurv[, x]*c(0, diff(TPO2))))
            CIFSampAdd <- matrix(0, nrow=length(which(TPO<startP)), ncol=dim(CIFSamp_2)[2])
            CIFSamp_2 <- sapply(1:dim(LP_surv)[1], function(x) cumsum(LP_surv[x, ]*oSurv[, x]*c(0, diff(TPO2))))
            CIFSampAdd <- NULL
          CIF_Samp_ <- rbind(CIF_Samp_, CIFSampAdd, CIFSamp_2)
          if(dim(CIF_Samp_)[1] != dim(newPredS)[1]){
            addF <- matrix(0, ncol=5, nrow=dim(newPredS)[1]-dim(CIF_Samp_)[1])
            CIFSampF <- rbind(addF, t(apply(CIF_Samp_, 1, SumStats)))
            CIFSampF <- t(apply(CIF_Samp_, 1, SumStats))
        newPredS <- cbind(newPredS, CIFSampF)
        colnames(newPredS)[(length(colnames(newPredS))-4):length(colnames(newPredS))] <- c("CIF_Mean", "CIF_Sd", "CIF_quant0.025", "CIF_quant0.5", "CIF_quant0.975")
      predS <- rbind(predS, newPredS)
    #list("PredL"=newPredL, "PredS"=newPredS)
  # names(PRED) <- paste0("ID", unique(newData[, object$id]))
  # return(PRED)
  # browser()
  return(list("PredL"=predL, "PredS"=predS))
DenisRustand/INLAjoint documentation built on Sept. 27, 2024, 3:46 a.m.