
#' @title Set upstream station
#' @description For a target station, sets a list of stations as 'upstream'
#' @param station name of a target station for which upstream stations are to
#' be defined.
#' @param table a data.table describing upstream / downstream relationships between
#' stations.
#' @param upstream a character vector of stations in table that are upstream of
#' the target station.
#' @param set_to toggle between setting upstream (1) or not upstream(0)
#' @return Does not return a value, the table is modified in-place.
#' @examples
#' r <- initialize_matrix_from_stations(c('stn1', 'stn2', 'stn3'))
#' set_upstream('stn1', r, 'stn2')
#'  @export
set_upstream <- function(station, table, upstream, set_to=1){
  if (station %in% upstream){
    stop("A station cannot be upstream of itself")
  if (length(upstream)==0){
    warning(sprintf("Station %s has no upstream stations. Matrix is unchanged",
    test <- names(table) %in% upstream
    table[station, names(table)[test] := set_to]

#' @title Set downstream station
#' @description For a target station, sets a list of stations as 'downstream'
#' @param station name of a target station for which downstream stations are to
#' be defined.
#' @param table a data.table describing upstream / downstream relationships between
#' stations.
#' @param upstream a character vector of stations in table that are downstream of
#' the target station.
#' @param set_to toggle between setting upstream (1) or not upstream(0)
#' @return Does not return a value, the table is modified in-place.
#' @examples
#' r <- initialize_matrix_from_stations(c('stn1', 'stn2', 'stn3'))
#' set_downstream('stn1', r, 'stn2')
#'  @export
set_downstream <- function(station, table, downstream, set_to=1){
  x <- lapply(downstream, set_upstream, table=table, upstream=station, set_to=set_to)
  table #if this is missing the next call of the table will return nothing

#' @title Recursively set upstream stations
#' @description recursively sets all stations upstream of a target station
#' @param station target station to set
#' @param table a data.table describing upstream / downstream relationships between
#' stations.
#' @param next_upstream the next station upstream of the target station
#' @param set_to toggle between setting upstream (1) or not upstream(0)
#' @examples
#' M  <- initialize_matrix_from_stations(c('stn1', 'stn2', 'stn3', 'stn4'))
#' set_upstream('stn1', M, c('stn2', 'stn3'))
#' set_upstream_recursive('stn4', M, 'stn1')
set_upstream_recursive <- function(station, table, next_upstream, set_to=1){
  # get all upstream of next_upstream
  all_up <- get_upstream(next_upstream, table)

  # Set all stations upstream of next_upstream as upstream of target station
  set_upstream(station, table, c(next_upstream, all_up), set_to=set_to)

#' @title Recursively set downstream stations
#' @description recursively sets all stations downstream of a target station
#' @param station target station to set
#' @param table a data.table describing upstream / downstream relationships between
#' stations.
#' @param next_downstream the next station downstream of the target station
#' @param set_to toggle between setting upstream (1) or not upstream(0)
#' @examples
#' M  <- initialize_matrix_from_stations(c('stn1', 'stn2', 'stn3', 'stn4', 'stn5'))
#' set_upstream('stn1', M, c('stn2', 'stn3', 'stn4'))
#' set_upstream('stn2', M, 'stn3')
#' set_downstream_recursive('stn5', M, 'stn3')
#' get_downstream('stn5', M)
set_downstream_recursive <- function(station, table, next_downstream, set_to=1){
  # get all downstream of next_downstream
  all_down <- get_downstream(next_downstream, table)

  # Set target station as upstream of
  set_downstream(station, table = table,
                 downstream = c(all_down, next_downstream), set_to=set_to)

#' @title Set relative position of station
#' @description, given the next-upstream and next-downstream stations, set
#' all up- and downstream stations as appropriate.
#' @param station target station for which upstream-downstream relations
#' are to be set
#' @param table a data.table describing upstream / downstream relationships between
#' stations.
#' @param next_upstream (optional) the next station upstream of the target
#' station. If omitted, no upstream stations will be set.
#' @param next_downstream (optional) the next station downstream of the target
#'  station. If omitted, no upstream stations will be set.
#' @examples
#' M  <- initialize_matrix_from_stations(c('stn1', 'stn2', 'stn3', 'stn4','stn5'))
#' set_upstream('stn1', M, c('stn2', 'stn3', 'stn4'))
#' set_upstream('stn2', M, c('stn3', 'stn4'))
#' set_upstream('stn3', M, 'stn4')
#' set_relative_position('stn5', M, next_upstream='stn3', next_downstream='stn2')
#' get_upstream('stn5', M)
#' get_downstream('stn5', M)

set_relative_position <- function(station, table,
                                     next_upstream, next_downstream){
  if (!missing(next_upstream) & ! is.na(next_upstream)){
    set_upstream_recursive(station=station, table=table,
                           next_upstream = next_upstream)
  if (!missing(next_downstream) & ! is.na(next_downstream)){
    set_downstream_recursive(station = station, table = table,
                             next_downstream = next_downstream)

#' @title Get upstream stations
#' @description return a list of stations that are upstream of a target station
#' @param station target station for which a list of upstream stations is desired
#' @param table a data.table describing upstream / downstream relationships between
#' stations.
#' @return Does not return a value, the table is modified in-place.
#' @examples
#' r <- initialize_matrix_from_stations(c('stn1', 'stn2', 'stn3'))
#' set_upstream('stn1', r, 'stn2')
#' get_upstream('stn1', r)
#' @export
get_upstream <- function(station, table){
 test <- which(table[station, ] == 1)

#' @title Get downstream stations
#' @description return a list of stations that are downstream of a target station
#' @param station target station for which a list of downstream
#' stations is desired
#' @param table a data.table describing upstream / downstream relationships between
#' stations.
#' @return character vector of stations upstream of target station
#' @examples
#' r <- initialize_matrix_from_stations(c('stn1', 'stn2', 'stn3'))
#' set_upstream('stn1', r, 'stn2')
#' get_upstream('stn1', r)
#'  @export
get_downstream <- function(station, table){
  downstream <- as.logical(table[, station, with = F] == 1)
  result <- table[, 'ID', with = F][downstream]

#' @title Get a list of the most downstream stations
#' @description return a list of stations that are the most downstream in their
#' catchment area
#' @param table a data.table describing upstream / downstream relationships between
#' stations.
#' @param diagnl
#' @return character vector of stations upstream of target station
#' @examples
#' r <- initialize_matrix_from_stations(c('stn1', 'stn2', 'stn3'))
#' set_upstream('stn1', r, 'stn2')
#' get_upstream('stn1', r)
#'  @export
most_downstream <- function(table, diagnl=9){
  n_downstream <- apply(table[,-1], 2, sum)
  most_downstream <- c(F, n_downstream==diagnl)

#' @title Create upstream matrix from station names
#' @description return a list of stations that are downstream of a target station
#' @param stations character vector of station names
#' @param diagnl integer used along the diagonal of the matrix to indicate
#' station identity (neither upstream nor downstream)
#' @return an [n x n+1] data.table
#' @examples
#' r <- initialize_matrix_from_stations(c('stn1', 'stn2', 'stn3'))
#'  @export
initialize_matrix_from_stations <- function(stations, diagnl=9){
  M <- cbind(rep("", length(stations)), data.table(diagnl*diag(length(stations))))
  setnames(M, c("ID",stations))
  M[,"ID"] <- stations
  setkey(M, ID)

    setcolorder(M, c("ID", M[,ID]))


#' @title Add station to upstream table
#' @description Creates a new table w.  Because of the limitations of the
#' data.table object on which the upstream-downstream tables are based, the object
#' is not modified in-place. Instead, a new object must be created.  A practical
#' workaround is to assign the new table object the same name as the old table
#' @param stations a list of station names to be added to the table
#' @param table a data.table describing upstream / downstream relationships between
#' stations.
#' @examples
#' a <- initialize_matrix_from_stations(c('st1', 'st2','st8'))
#' set_upstream('st1', a, c('st2', 'st8'))
#' a <- add_station_to_table(c('st4', 'st5'), a)
#' @export
add_station_to_table <- function(stations, table){
  table <- data.table::copy(table)

  #create new rows
  newstn <- initialize_matrix_from_stations(stations)
  emptyrows <- table[1:length(stations), -1]
  emptyrows[, 1:ncol(emptyrows) := 0]
  newrows <- cbind(newstn[, 1], emptyrows, newstn[, -1])

  # create new columns in existing table
  table[,paste0(stations) := 0]

  # combine rows together
  out <- rbindlist(list(table, newrows), use.names = T)
  setkey(out, "ID")
  setcolorder(out, c("ID", out[,ID]))


#'@title Check transitivity of station matrix
#' @description  Finds all monitoring stations that violate the assumption
#'of transitivity for upstream/downstream relations.
#' @details The transitivity assumption states that if x is upstream of y and
#'y is upstream of z, then x is upstream of z. This tests that assumption for a
#' @param table  a data table created from initialize_matrix_from_stations. An
#'(n x n+1) data.table with first column named "ID" and all other columns
#'named according to station number. Row i and column i+1 should correspond to
#'the same station.
#' @return A list with an element for every x,y station pair that violates
#' the transitivity assumption or an empty vector
#' @export
check_transitivity <- function(table){
  M <- as.matrix(table[,-1]) # get numeric part of table
  M <- -M * (diag(nrow(M)) - 1) # set diagonal to zero

  # Find which entries in M violate transitivity assumption
  intransitive <- M != 0 | (M == 0 & ((M - M %*% M) == 0))

  if (all(intransitive)){

  #return names that correspond to FALSE values in intransitive
  out <- apply(intransitive, 1, function(x) table[["ID"]][!x])
  names(out) <- table[["ID"]]
  out <- out[lapply(out, length) > 0]

#'@title Check symmetry of station matrix
#' @description  Finds all monitoring stations that violate the assumption
#'of antisymmetry for upstream/downstream relations.
#' @details The antisymmetry assumption states that if x is upstream of y then
#' y is not upstream of x
#' @param table: a data table created from initialize_matrix_from_stations. An
#'(n x n+1) data.table with first column named "ID" and all other columns
#'named according to station number. Row i and column i+1 should correspond to
#'the same station.
#' @return A list with an element for every x,y station pair that violates
#' the antisymmetry assumption
#' @export
check_symmetry <- function(table){
  M <- as.matrix(table[,-1]) # get numeric part of table
  M <- -M*(diag(nrow(M))-1) # set diagonal to zero

  # Find all entries in M where a station is both upstream and downstream of another station
  symmetric <-  (M == 1 & t(M) == 1)
  out <- apply(symmetric, 1, function(x) table[["ID"]][x])
  names(out) <- table[["ID"]]
  out <- out[lapply(out,length) > 0]

#' @title Find Upstream Stations
#' @description  Finds all monitoring stations within a target basin
#' @param basin Either a spatialpolygonsdataframe of the target basin, or the
#' path to a shapefile of the target basin.  If a path is provided, the function
#' will attempt to use the sf package to hasten the shapefile read
#' @param stations SpatialPointsDataFrame of all hydrometric stations
#' @param target_station character, station number corresponding to the basin
#' that is provided. If provided, prevents the target station from being included
#' in the results as upstream of itself
#' @param station_number character, name of column in stations SpatialPointsDataFrame
#' which corresponds to the station number
#' @return A character vector of station IDs
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
upstream_stations_from_delineation <- function(basin, stations, target_station,
                                 station_number ='station_number'){
  basin <- InterpretShapefile(basin)
  basin <- SameCRS(basin, stations) # reproject basin if necessary
  #upstream.stations <- raster::intersect(stations, bind(basin,basin)) # doesn't work with just 1.. bug https://goo.gl/zUkwgJ
  upstream.stations <- sp::over(basin, stations, returnList = T)[[1]]
  upstream.stations <- upstream.stations[, station_number]
  if (!missing(target_station)){
    upstream.stations <- upstream.stations[upstream.stations != target_station]

#' @title Upstream stations from basin delineations
#' @description  Use a folder of basin delineations to define upstream relations
#' and populate upstream relations matrix
#' @param table a data table created from initialize_matrix_from_stations. An
#'(n x n+1) data.table with first column named "ID" and all other columns
#'named according to station number. Row i and column i+1 should correspond to
#'the same station.
#' @param polygon_folder character, path to folder containing delineation shapefiles
#' @param station_pts spatialpointsdataframe of monitoring stations
#' @param station_number column name identifying the station number
#' @return A character vector of station IDs
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
populate_table_from_delineations <- function(table, polygon_folder,
                                                station_number = 'station_number'){

  # get list of basin shapefiles
  basins <- list.files(polygon_folder, pattern='shp$', full.names = T)

  # iterate through table using shapefiles to find upstream stations
  for (name in names(table)[-1]){
    basin_file <- basins[grepl(name, basins)]

    if (length(basin_file) !=0){
      print(sprintf("setting upstream stations for %s", name))
      upstr <- upstream_stations_from_delineation(basin = basin_file,
                                    stations = station_pts,
                                    target_station = name,
                                    station_number = station_number)

      set_upstream(station = name,
                   table = table,
                   upstream = upstr)

      print(sprintf("skipping station %s (cannot find basin shapefile with matching name)",

#' Subset table
#' @param table a data table created from initialize_matrix_from_stations. An
#'(n x n+1) data.table with first column named "ID" and all other columns
#'named according to station number. Row i and column i+1 should correspond to
#'the same station.
#' @param pattern regular expression to match station names.
#' @param stn_list a list of stations to include in the subset.  Ignored if pattern
#' is provided
#' @return a data.table containing a subset of rows and columns from the
#' input table
#' @details to return only stations within a particular drainage area (e.g.
#' stations beginning with '02'), use pattern='^xx' where xx is the drainage
#' basin number.  So "^01" would return stations from NS & NB and "^08" would
#' return stations from BC
subset_table <- function(table, pattern, stn_list){

  if (!missing(pattern)){
    include <- names(table)[grepl(pattern, names(table))]

  }else if (!missing(stn_list)){
    include <- sort(stn_list) # sort to preserve diagonal

    stop("Provide either a regex pattern or a list of stations")

  Msub <- M[, c("ID", include), with = FALSE]
  Msub <- Msub[include]


## save and load

save_table <- function(table, file_name){
  fwrite(x = table, file = file_name, quote = F)

load_table <- function(file_name){
  M <- fread(file_name, header = TRUE, key = "ID", data.table = TRUE)

#' @title Read a station coverage text file
#' @param coverage_file path to a coverage textfile describing which stations
#' are upstream of each station

#' @return a list whose names correspond to stations and whose entries correspond
#' to the stations upstream of the named station.
read_coverage_tree <- function(coverage_file){
  # read file line-by-line
  coverage <- readsimple(coverage_file)

  #coverage[1] <- gsub("\\{", "", coverage[1])
  #coverage[length(coverage)] <- gsub("\\}", "", coverage[length(coverage)])

  # remove  quotes, whitespace, and trailing comma
  coverage[] <- sapply(coverage, gsub, pattern=",$", replacement= "")
  coverage[] <- sapply(coverage, gsub, pattern="\\'", replacement= "")
  coverage[] <- sapply(coverage, gsub, pattern=" ", replacement= "")

  #remove brackets
  coverage[] <- sapply(coverage, gsub, pattern = "\\{|\\[|\\}|\\]", replacement = "")

  names <- as.character(sapply(coverage, function(x) strsplit(x, split = ":")[[1]][1]))
  upstr <- as.character(sapply(coverage, function(x) strsplit(x, split = ":")[[1]][2]))
  upstr <- strsplit(upstr, ",")
  names(upstr) <- names

  # ensure no duplicate names
  if (any(duplicated(names(upstr)))){
    warning(sprintf("Duplicated names in tree removed: %s",
    upstr <- upstr[!duplicated(names(upstr))]

#' @title Get upstream stations in tree
#' @param filepath character string path to coverage file describing upstream/
#' downstream station relationships
readsimple <-  function(filepath) {
  con <- file(filepath, "r")
  x <- character()
  while ( TRUE ) {
    line = readLines(con, n = 1)

    if ( length(line) == 0 ) {

    if (grepl(":.*\\[.*", line)){
      x <- c(x, line)
      x[length(x)] <- paste0(x[length(x)], line)

    if (grepl("\\}$", line)){



#' @title Get upstream stations in tree
#' @param station name of station
#' @param tree list object returned from read_coverage_tree()
#' @return list of stations immediately upstream of the specified station
tree_get_upstream <- function(station, tree){
  upstr <- as.character(unlist(tree[station]))

  if (all(is.null(upstr))){


#' @title Get all upstream stations from a tree graph
#' @param station name of station
#' @param tree list object returned from read_coverage_tree()
#' @return list of all stations upstream of the specified station
tree_get_all_upstream <- function(station, tree){
  upstr <- character()
  next_up <- tree_get_upstream(station, tree)

  while (! all(is.na(next_up))){
    next_up <- as.character(unlist(na.omit(next_up)))
    upstr <- c(upstr, next_up)
    next_up <- sapply(next_up, tree_get_upstream, tree = tree)
    next_up <- as.character(unlist(next_up))


#' @title Convert station tree to matrix
#' @description converts an upstream/downstream network map from a tree-like
#' structure to a matrix structure.
#' @param tree list object returned from read_coverage_tree()
#' @return Matrix of station upstream/downstream relationships
tree_to_matrix <- function(tree){
  stn <- names(tree)
  M <- initialize_matrix_from_stations(sort(stn)) # sort to preserve diagonal
  lapply(stn, function(s) set_upstream(station = s,
                                       table = M,
                                       upstream = tree_get_all_upstream(s, tree =  tree),
                                       set_to = 1))
ECCC-MSC/Basin-Delineation documentation built on June 9, 2019, 7:29 p.m.