
Defines functions create_metadata theme_flextable_nmfstm crossref save_equations save_tables save_figures auto_counter range_text format_cells xunitspct xunits mod_number pchange numbers2words_th numbers2words stndth add_table_footnotes text_list tolower2 TitleCase df2js is_something_in_this_matrix url_exists buildReport

Documented in add_table_footnotes auto_counter buildReport create_metadata crossref df2js format_cells is_something_in_this_matrix mod_number numbers2words numbers2words_th pchange range_text save_equations save_figures save_tables stndth text_list theme_flextable_nmfstm TitleCase tolower2 url_exists xunits xunitspct

# UTILITY ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#function generator
# defunct = function(msg = "This function is depreciated") function(...) return(stop(msg))

############ BUILD THE TM #################

#' Build your intitial architecture for your new NOAA Tech Memo or Report
#' @param sections a string of the different sections of your report. Sections must be listed in order. Default = c("frontmatter", "abstract", "introduction", "methods", "results", "discussion", "endmatter"). Note that "frontmatter" and "endmatter" both have specific templates, and all others are from a blank template. "endmatter" will document all of your citations throughout the report, the R packages you used to create this report. I'm biased, but please give credit where credit is due! There are also spots here to list authors's ORCID and acknowlegelments.
#' @param report_authors Default = "". Here, add all author's first and last name as it should appear in the report.You can change this later by editing this in the run.R file.
#' @param report_title Default = "". Here, put the title of your report. You can change this later by editing this in the run.R file.
#' @param styles_reference_pptx A style reference guide from a powerpoint document (.pptx). This pulls the styles from a powerpoint document where you have defined each style. Either use NULL to not have a presentation, a local document (insert full path to local document), or a pre-made templates ("refppt_nmfs"). Default = "refppt_nmfs". You can change this later by renaming the file in the code folder.
#' @param styles_reference_docx A style reference guide from a word document (.docx). This pulls the styles from a word document where you have defined each style. Either use a local document (insert full path to local document) or some of the pre-made templates ("refdoc_noaa_tech_memo" or "refdoc_fisheries_economics_of_the_us"). Default = "refdoc_noaa_tech_memo". You can change this later by renaming the file in the code folder.
#' @param bibliography.bib Either use a local document (.bib format; insert full "path") or the example file from the package ("bib_example"). Default = "bib_example". You can change this later by renaming the file in the cite folder.
#' @param csl Citation style. Either use a local document (insert full path to local document) or some of the pre-made templates ("bulletin-of-marine-science"). A NOAA TM citation style needs to be created, but until then, the default = "bulletin-of-marine-science". You can change this later by renaming the file in the cite folder. Find citation styles at: https://github.com/citation-style-language/styles
#' @export
#' @return complete initial architecture for your R Markdown Report.
#' @examples
#' sections = c("frontmatter", "abstract", "introduction", "methods", "results",
#'             "discussion", "endmatter")
#' authors = "Me, Myself, and I"
#' title = "Awesome Report!"
#' styles_reference_pptx = "refppt_nmfs"
#' styles_reference_docx = "refdoc_noaa_tech_memo"
#' bibliography.bib = "bib_example"
#' csl = "bulletin-of-marine-science"
#' # not run:
#' # buildReport(
#' #   sections = sections,
#' #   report_authors = authors,
#' #   report_title = title,
#' #   styles_reference_pptx = styles_reference_pptx,
#' #   styles_reference_docx = styles_reference_docx,
#' #   bibliography.bib = bibliography.bib,
#' #   csl = csl
#' # )
  sections = c("abstract",
  report_authors = "",
  report_title = "",
  styles_reference_pptx = "refppt_nmfs",
  styles_reference_docx = "refdoc_noaa_tech_memo",
  bibliography.bib = "bib_example",
  csl = "bulletin-of-marine-science") {

  ##################  Create Architecture
  dirs <- c("code", "data", "documentation", "img", "cite", "output")

  for (i in 1:length(dirs)) {
    if (dir.exists(dirs[i]) == FALSE) {

  # Now... Load those folders with stuff you care about

  ################## RMD scripts

  # Add figtab
  file.copy(from = system.file("rmd", "0_figtab.Rmd", package="NMFSReports"),
            to = "./code/0_figtab.Rmd",
            overwrite = T)

  # add other files
  a <- list.files(path = system.file("rmd", package="NMFSReports"), pattern = "0_")
  b <- c("example", sections)
  if (!(is.null(styles_reference_pptx))) {
    b <- c(b, "presentation")


  counter<-NMFSReports::numbers0(x = c(0, length(b)))[1]
  temp<-gsub(pattern = "\\.Rmd", replacement = "",
             x = gsub(pattern = "0_", replacement = "",
                      x = a,
                      ignore.case = T))

  for (i in 1:length(b)){

    copyfrom<-ifelse((sum(temp %in% b[i]) == 1),
                     a[which(temp %in% b[i])],

    copyto <- paste0("./code/", counter,"_",b[i], ".Rmd")


    file.copy(from = system.file("rmd", copyfrom, package="NMFSReports"),
              to = copyto,
              overwrite = T)

    if (copyfrom %in% "0_blank.Rmd") {

      rfile <- base::readLines(paste0(copyto))

      rfile <- gsub(pattern = "SECTION_TITLE",
                    replacement = NMFSReports::TitleCase(b[i]),
                    x = rfile)

      utils::write.table(x = rfile,
                         file = copyto,
                         row.names = FALSE,
                         col.names = FALSE,
                         quote = FALSE)

  ################## R scripts
  a <- list.files(path = system.file("rmd", package="NMFSReports"), pattern = "1_")
  support_scripts = c("directories",
  b <- support_scripts
  for (i in 1:length(b)){

    temp<-gsub(pattern = "\\.R", replacement = "",
               x = gsub(pattern = "1_", replacement = "",
                        x = a,
                        ignore.case = T))

    copyfrom <- ifelse((sum(temp %in% b[i]) == 1),
                       a[which(temp %in% b[i])],

    copyto <- paste0("./code/", b[i], ".R")

    file.copy(from = system.file("rmd", copyfrom, package="NMFSReports"),
              to = copyto,
              overwrite = T)

    rfile <- base::readLines(copyto)

    rfile <- gsub(pattern = "# INSERT_REPORT_TITLE",
                  replacement = ifelse(report_title %in% "", "''",
                                       paste0("'", report_title, "'")),
                  x = rfile)

    rfile <- gsub(pattern = "# INSERT_AUTHOR",
                  replacement = ifelse(report_authors %in% "", "''",
                                       paste0("'", report_authors, "'")),
                  x = rfile)

    rfile<-gsub(pattern = "# YYYY-MM-DD",
                replacement = Sys.Date(),
                x = rfile)

    utils::write.table(x = rfile,
                       file = copyto,
                       row.names = FALSE,
                       col.names = FALSE,
                       quote = FALSE)

  ################## other content
       bibliography.bib) # bib_example

  for (i in 1:length(b)){

    b[i]<-dplyr::case_when(grepl(pattern = "refdoc", x = b[i]) ~
                             paste0(b[i], ".docx"),
                           grepl(pattern = "refppt", x = b[i]) ~
                             paste0(b[i], ".pptx"),
                           grepl(pattern = "bib_", x = b[i]) ~
                             paste0(b[i], ".bib"),
                           TRUE ~ b[i])

    if (system.file("rmd", b[i], package="NMFSReports") != "") { # is a file from the package
      copyfrom <- system.file("rmd", b[i], package="NMFSReports")
    } else if (system.file("cite", paste0(b[i], ".csl"), package="NMFSReports") != "") {
      copyfrom <- system.file("cite", paste0(b[i], ".csl"), package="NMFSReports")
    } else if (dir.exists(dirname(b[i]))) { # is a local path
      copyfrom <- b[i]

    copyto <- dplyr::case_when(b[i] == paste0(styles_reference_docx, ".docx") ~
                               b[i] == paste0(styles_reference_pptx, ".pptx") ~
                               b[i] == paste0(bibliography.bib, ".bib") ~
                               b[i] == csl ~
                               TRUE ~ paste0("./code/", b[i]))
    file.copy(from = copyfrom,
              to = copyto,
              overwrite = T)

  ################## images
  # Load those folders with stuff you care about
  a<-list.files(path = system.file("img", package="NMFSReports"))
  for (i in 1:length(a)){
    file.copy(from = system.file("img", a[i], package="NMFSReports"),
              to = paste0("./img/", a[i]),
              overwrite = T)

  ################## Write run.R
  run0 <- base::readLines(system.file("rmd","run.R",

  # directories

  # support_scripts
            paste0(support_scripts, ".R')

"), collapse = "")

  run0<-gsub(pattern = "# INSERT_SUPPORT_SCRIPTS",
             replacement = a,
             x = run0)

  b <- list.files(path = "./code/", pattern = ".Rmd") # find the files that are already there
  b <- b[b != "0_figtab.Rmd"]
  bb <- strsplit(x = b, split = "_")
  sections_no <- unlist(lapply(bb, `[[`, 1))
  bb <- strsplit(x = b, split = "[0-9]+_")
  b<-unlist(lapply(bb, function(x) x[-1]))
  b <- gsub(pattern = ".Rmd", replacement = "",
            x = unlist(lapply(bb, `[[`, 2)))
  b_type <- rep_len(x = '".docx"', length.out = length(b))
  if (sum(b %in% "presentation")>0) {
    b_type[which(b %in% "presentation")]<-'".pptx"'

# *** ', sections_no,' - ', stringr::str_to_title(b),' ------------------------
filename0<-paste0(cnt_chapt, "_', b,'_")
rmarkdown::render(paste0(dir_code, "/',sections_no,'_',b,'.Rmd"),
                  output_dir = dir_out_chapters,
                  output_file = paste0(filename0, cnt_chapt_content, ',b_type,'))

'), collapse = "")

  run0<-gsub(pattern = "# INSERT_SECTIONS",
             replacement = a,
             x = run0)

  run0<-gsub(pattern = "# INSERT_REPORT_TITLE",
             replacement = ifelse(report_title %in% "", "''",
                                  paste0("'", report_title, "'")),
             x = run0)

  run0<-gsub(pattern = "# INSERT_AUTHOR",
             replacement = ifelse(report_authors %in% "", "''",
                                  paste0("'", report_authors, "'")),
             x = run0)

  run0<-gsub(pattern = "# YYYY-MM-DD",
             replacement = Sys.Date(),
             x = run0)

  # write new run file
  utils::write.table(x = run0,
                     file = "./code/run.R",
                     row.names = FALSE,
                     col.names = FALSE,
                     quote = FALSE)

  # done!


########## SEARCH STUFF ############

#' Test if a URL works/exists
#' @param x a single URL
#' @param non_2xx_return_value what to do if the site exists but the
#'        HTTP status code is not in the `2xx` range. Default is to return `FALSE`.
#' @param quiet if not `FALSE`, then every time the `non_2xx_return_value` condition
#'        arises a warning message will be displayed. Default is `FALSE`.
#' @param ... other params (`timeout()` would be a good one) passed directly
#'        to `httr::HEAD()` and/or `httr::GET()`
url_exists <- function(x, non_2xx_return_value = FALSE, quiet = FALSE,...) {
  # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52911812/check-if-url-exists-in-r
    require("httr", quietly = FALSE, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

  # you don't need thse two functions if you're alread using `purrr`
  # but `purrr` is a heavyweight compiled pacakge that introduces
  # many other "tidyverse" dependencies and this doesnt.

  capture_error <- function(code, otherwise = NULL, quiet = TRUE) {
      list(result = code, error = NULL),
      error = function(e) {
        if (!quiet)
          message("Error: ", e$message)

        list(result = otherwise, error = e)
      interrupt = function(e) {
        stop("Terminated by user", call. = FALSE)

  safely <- function(.f, otherwise = NULL, quiet = TRUE) {
    function(...) capture_error(.f(...), otherwise, quiet)

  sHEAD <- safely(httr::HEAD)
  sGET <- safely(httr::GET)

  # Try HEAD first since it's lightweight
  res <- sHEAD(x, ...)

  if (is.null(res$result) ||
      ((httr::status_code(res$result) %/% 200) != 1)) {

    res <- sGET(x, ...)

    if (is.null(res$result)) return(NA) # or whatever you want to return on "hard" errors

    if (((httr::status_code(res$result) %/% 200) != 1)) {
      if (!quiet) warning(sprintf("Requests for [%s] responded but without an HTTP status code in the 200-299 range", x))


  } else {


#' Is something in a matrix? Let's check!
#' This function searches to see if item 'search_for' is within the matrix 'x' and returns a respective TRUE (T) and FALSE (F). This can be useful for adding footnotes, adding conditional text to your document, and much more!
#' @param x The matrix that needs to be searched.
#' @param search_for Items to be searched for in matrix x.
#' @keywords search, matrix, footnote, footnotes
#' @export
#' @return TRUE or FALSE
#' @examples
#' x = data.frame(matrix(1:9, nrow = 3, ncol = 3))
#' x
#' is_something_in_this_matrix(x,
#'                        search_for = 9)
#' x = data.frame(matrix(LETTERS[1:9], nrow = 3, ncol = 3))
#' is_something_in_this_matrix(x,
#'                        search_for = "J")
is_something_in_this_matrix<-function(x, search_for) {
  for (r in 1:nrow(x)) {
    if (is.na(search_for)) {
      xx<-c(xx, sum(is.na(x[r,]), na.rm = T))
    } else {
      xx<-c(xx, sum(x[r,] == search_for, na.rm = T))
  return(sum(xx)!=0) # This returns a logical T/F

########### CONVERT STUFF ###########

#' Convert dataframe to javascript
#' Convert dataframe to javascript matrix.
#' @param dat The data frame you want to add the footnote to.
#' @keywords data.frame, javascript, footnotes, footnote
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dat <- cbind.data.frame(matrix(LETTERS[1:8], nrow = 4),
#'                            matrix(1:8, nrow = 4))
#' df2js(dat = dat)
df2js<-function(dat) {

  if (sum(names(dat) %in% "Footnotes") != 0) {
    dat$Footnotes[dat$Footnotes %in% c("", "[]")]<-"null"
  # dat<-lapply(X = dat, FUN = as.character)
  for (col in 1:(ncol(dat)-1)){ #not footnotes
    for (row in 1:nrow(dat)){
      dat[row,col]<-gsub(pattern = "\\*", replacement = "", x = dat[row,col])
      dat[row,col]<-ifelse(is.na(dat[row,col]),  "NA", dat[row,col])
  dat<-rbind.data.frame(names(dat), dat)

  # str0<-gsub(pattern = "null", replacement = 'NA', str0)
  str0<-gsub(pattern = '"null"', replacement = 'null', str0)
  str0<-gsub(pattern = '""', replacement = '"', str0)

  str0<-gsub(pattern = '\\],\\[', replacement = '\\],
             \\[', x = str0)
  str0<-gsub(pattern = '\\]\\"', replacement = '\\]', x = str0)
  str0<-gsub(pattern = '\\"\\[', replacement = '\\[', x = str0)
  # str0<-gsub(pattern = "'", replacement = "/'", x = str0)
  # str0<-gsub(pattern = "/[/'", replacement = "/[`", x = str0)
  # str0<-gsub(pattern = "'/]", replacement = "/]`", x = str0)
  # str0<-gsub(pattern = '\\[\"', replacement = '\\["', x = str0)

  # str0<-gsub(pattern = '\\\"', replacement = '"', x = str0, fixed = T)
  str0<-gsub(pattern = '\\\"', replacement = '', x = str0, fixed = T)
  str0<-gsub(pattern = '\\.\\]', replacement = '\\.\\"\\]', x = str0)


############ MODIFY TEXT ################

#' Make a String Title Case
#' Make a String Title Case (making and, the, an, etc. lower case)
#' @param str A string that you want to be in title case
#' @param add_dont_cap A vector of strings that the user does not want capitalized
#' @keywords Title, Case, word strings
#' @export
#' @examples
#' TitleCase("HelLo WoRLD OR good-bye?")
TitleCase <- function(str = "", add_dont_cap = "") {

  z <- strsplit(str, " ")[[1]]
  z <- paste(toupper(substring(z, 1,1)), substring(z, 2),
             sep="", collapse=" ")

  dontcap<-c( add_dont_cap, #user added
              # Which words should not be capitalized in a title?
              "a", "an", "the", # articles
              "for", "and", "nor", "but", "or", "yet", "so", # Coordinate conjunctions (FANBOYS).
              "at", "around", "by", "after", "along", "for", "from", "of", "on", "to", "with", "without") # Prepositions

  for (i in 1:length(dontcap)){
    whoisgoinglow<-which(tolower(strsplit(z, " ")[[1]]) %in% dontcap[i])

    # whoisgoinglow<-grep(pattern = paste0(dontcap[i]),
    #                     x = strsplit(z, " ")[[1]],
    #                     ignore.case = T)
    if (length(whoisgoinglow)!= 0 &&
        whoisgoinglow != 1) {
      z0<-tolower(strsplit(z, " ")[[1]][whoisgoinglow])
      z00<-strsplit(z, " ")[[1]]
      z<-paste(z00,sep="", collapse=" ")


#' Make a string lower case except for stated (and common NOAA) proper nouns.
#' Make a string lower case except for stated (and common NOAA) proper nouns.
#' @param str0 The text string.
#' @param capitalizefirst Default = FALSE
#' @param add_cap A vector of strings that the user does not want capitalized
#' @keywords Text editing
#' @export
#' @examples
#' tolower2(str0 = "notice how there are built-in proper nouns are capitalized:
#' alaska is not in the south atlantic.",
#'          capitalizefirst = TRUE,
#'          add_cap = "Proper nouns")
                   capitalizefirst = FALSE,
                   add_cap = "") {

  if (str0[1] %in% "") {
  } else {
    for (i in 1:length(str0)) {
      str1<-gsub(pattern = "\\(", replacement = "\\( ", x = tolower(str0[i]))
      str1<-gsub(pattern = "\\)", replacement = " \\)", x = str1)
      str1<-strsplit(x = str1, split = " ")[[1]]
      # str1<-gsub(pattern = "fw", replacement = "freshwater", x = str1, ignore.case = T)

      keywords <- c( add_cap, #user added
                     "Alabama", "Alaska", "California", "Connecticut",
                     "Delaware", #"East Florida", "West Florida",
                     "Florida", "Georgia",
                     "Louisiana", "Maine", "Maryland", "Massachusetts",
                     "Mississippi", "New Hampshire", "New Jersey", "New York",
                     "North Carolina", "Oregon", "Rhode Island", "South Carolina",
                     "Texas",  "Virginia", "Washington",
                     "North Pacific", "Pacific", "Western Pacific (Hawai`i)", "Western Pacific",
                     "New England",
                     "Mid-Atlantic","Gulf of Mexico",
                     "South Atlantic",
                     #For specific Species
                     "Spanish", "Gulf", "Bringham's", "Von Siebold's", "Pfluger's", "African", "Eurpoean",
                     "Southern kingfish", "Southern flounder",
                     # Other
                     "Atlantic", "American",
                     # "Atka",
                     "Chinook", "Great Lakes")

      # keywords<-c(keywords, paste0("(", keywords), paste0(keywords, ")"))

      for (ii in 1:length(keywords)) {
        keywords1<-strsplit(x = keywords[ii], split = " ")[[1]]
        if (length(keywords1) %in% 1 &
            sum(grepl(x = str0, pattern = keywords1[1], ignore.case = T))>0) {
          str1[grep(x = str1, pattern = keywords[ii], ignore.case = T)]<-keywords[ii]
        } else if (length(keywords1) %in% 2 &
                   sum(grepl(x = str0, pattern = keywords1[1], ignore.case = T)>0) &
                   sum(grepl(x = str0, pattern = keywords1[2], ignore.case = T)>0)) {
          str1[grep(x = str1, pattern = keywords1[1], ignore.case = T)]<-keywords1[1]
          str1[grep(x = str1, pattern = keywords1[2], ignore.case = T)]<-keywords1[2]
        } else if (length(keywords1) %in% 3 &
                   grepl(x = str0, pattern = keywords1[1], ignore.case = T) &
                   grepl(x = str0, pattern = keywords1[2], ignore.case = T) &
                   grepl(x = str0, pattern = keywords1[3], ignore.case = T)) {
          str1[sum(grep(x = str1, pattern = keywords1[1], ignore.case = T)>0)]<-keywords1[1]
          str1[sum(grep(x = str1, pattern = keywords1[2], ignore.case = T)>0)]<-keywords1[2]
          str1[sum(grep(x = str1, pattern = keywords1[3], ignore.case = T)>0)]<-keywords1[3]

      # if (str1[1] == "von" & str1[2] == "siebolds") {
      #   str1<-str1[2:length(str1)]
      #   str1<-c("VonSiebold's", str1[3])
      # }

      # if (sum(grepl(pattern = "*A'u*", x = str1, ignore.case = T))>=1) {
      #   str1[grepl(pattern = "*A'u*", x = str1, ignore.case = T)]<-"*A\U02BBu*"
      # }
      # if (sum(grepl(pattern = "*O'io*", x = str1, ignore.case = T))>=1) {
      #   str1[grepl(pattern = "*O'io*", x = str1, ignore.case = T)]<-"*O\U02BBio*"
      # }
      # if (sum(grepl(pattern = "*'Ahi*", x = str1, ignore.case = T))>=1) {
      #   str1[grepl(pattern = "*'Ahi*", x = str1, ignore.case = T)]<-"*\U02BBAhi*"
      # }

      str1<-paste(str1, collapse = " ")
      str1<-gsub(pattern = "\\( ", replacement = "\\(", x = str1)
      str1<-gsub(pattern = " \\)", replacement = "\\)", x = str1)
      if (capitalizefirst==T) {
        str1<-paste(toupper(substr(str1, 1, 1)), substr(str1, 2, nchar(str1)), sep="")


      str1<-gsub(pattern = "&", replacement = "and", x = str1)

      str2<-c(str2, str1)

#' Takes a string of words and combines them into a sentance that lists them.
#' This function alows you to take a string of words and combine them into a sentance list. For example, 'apples', 'oranges', 'pears' would become 'apples, oranges, and pears'. This function uses oxford commas.
#' @param x Character strings you want in your string.
#' @param oxford T/F: would you like to use an oxford comma? Default = TRUE
#' @param sep string. default = ", " but "; " or " " might be what you need!
#' @param sep_last string. default = " and " but " & " or " , " might be what you need!
#' @keywords strings
#' @export
#' @examples
#' text_list(c(1,2,"hello",4,"world",6))
#' text_list(c(1,"world"))
#' text_list(c(1,2,"hello",4,"world",6), oxford = FALSE)
#' paste0("here is a list of things: ",
#'   text_list(paste0("list", 1:5), sep = " ", sep_last = ""))
text_list<-function(x = "",
                    oxford = TRUE,
                    sep = ", ",
                    sep_last = "and ") {
  # x<-x[which(!is.null(x))]
  # x<-x[order(x)]
  if (length(x)==2) {
    str1<-paste(x, collapse = paste0(" ", sep_last))
  } else if (length(x)>2) {
    str1<-paste(x[1:(length(x)-1)], collapse = paste0(sep))
                 ifelse(oxford == TRUE, sep, " "),
                 sep_last, x[length(x)])
  } else {

#' Add footnotes within your tables in a smart way
#' @param table The data.frame you are adding footnotes to (and possibly from).
#' @param footnote A string that you want to add as a footnote to the table. Optional.
#' @param from_col What column number or name you want to pull footnotes from.
#' @param to_col What column number or name you want add footnotes to.
#' @param from_row What row number or name you want to pull footnotes from.
#' @param to_row What row number or name you want add footnotes to.
#' @param delim A deliminator string that seperates if you have multiple footnotes stored in a cell. The deliminator can be anything, as long as it does not conflict with anything that can be interpreted by regex. Default = "&&&"
#' @return The table "tab" with the footnotes inserted into the table.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' table<-data.frame(col = LETTERS[1:10],
#'                       x = rnorm(n = 10),
#'                       y = rnorm(n = 10),
#'                       footnotes = NA)
#' table$footnotes[3]<-"Example footnote in a table 1."
#' table$footnotes[4]<-"Example footnote in a table 2.&&&Example footnote in a table 3."
#' table[,c("x", "y")] <- NMFSReports::mod_number(table[,c("x", "y")],
#'                                                      divideby = 1, #'
#'                                                      comma_seperator = TRUE,
#'                                                      digits = 2)
#' # Here, add footnotes from the "footnotes" column to the content in the first column where necessary
#' table <- add_table_footnotes(tab = table,
#'                                    from_col = "footnotes", # either use the name of the column
#'                                    to_col = 1) # or the number of that column in that table
#' # Here, add a specific footnote to a specific place in the table
#' table <- add_table_footnotes(tab = table,
#'                                    footnote = "Example footnote in a table 4.",
#'                                    to_row = 2,
#'                                    to_col = 2)
#' table <- add_table_footnotes(tab = table,
#'                                    footnote = c("Example footnote in a table 5.",
#'                                                 "Example footnote in a table 6."),
#'                                    to_row = 4,
#'                                    to_col = 2)
#' knitr::kable(table)
                              footnote = NULL,
                              from_col = "",
                              to_col = "",
                              from_row = "",
                              to_row = "",
                              delim = ",,,") {


  idx <- function(tab, area, dimension) {
    if (sum(area %in% "")!=0) {
      idx0 <- list(1:(dim(tab)[dimension]))
    } else if (is.numeric(area)) {
      idx0 <- area
    } else if (is.character(area)) {
      idx0 <- which(names(tab) %in% area)
    } else {
      idx0 <- ""

  from_col_idx <- idx(tab, area = from_col, dimension = 2)
  to_col_idx <- idx(tab, area = to_col, dimension = 2)
  from_row_idx <- idx(tab, area = from_row, dimension = 1)
  to_row_idx <- idx(tab, area = to_row, dimension = 1)

  if (is.null(footnote)) {
    footnote <- tab[from_row_idx,from_col_idx]

  if (length(to_col_idx) != length(footnote) |
      length(to_row_idx) != length(footnote) ) {
    footnote<-rep_len(x = footnote,
                      length.out = length(to_col_idx)*length(to_row_idx))


  for (rr in 1:length(to_row_idx)) {
    for (cc in 1:length(to_col_idx)) {
      if (!(is.na(footnote[rr,cc]) | footnote[rr,cc] == "")) {
        content <- trimws(tab[to_row_idx[rr], to_col_idx[cc]])

        # if there are already footnotes there
        if (substr(x = content,
                   start = nchar(content),
                   stop = nchar(content)) == "]") {
          content <- paste0(content, " ^,^ ")

        tab[to_row_idx[rr], to_col_idx[cc]] <-
                              trimws(paste(strsplit(x = footnote[rr,cc],
                                                    split = delim)[[1]])),
                       collapse = " ^,^ ")) # otherwise, apend it



#' Download text from google drive as plain text
#' @param filename_gd The file path or filename of the google doc from google drive.
#' @param filename_dl The filename you want to download the google doc as. Default = "googledrive_dl_text".
#' @param path The path you want to save this file to. Default = "./"
#' @param verbose Logical, indicating whether to print informative messages (default TRUE).
#' @return The plain text from the google doc.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # not run:
#' # googledrive::drive_auth() # Using the first token you have.
#' # 1
#' #
#' # txt <- googledrive_txt_dl(filename_gd = "test123123_doc",
#' #                           filename_dl = "test123123_dl",
#' #                           verbose = FALSE)
#' # txt
#' # for good file keeping, I'll delete these
#' file.remove('test123123_dl.txt', 'test123123_dl.zip')
googledrive_txt_dl <- function (filename_gd = NULL,
                                filename_dl = "googledrive_dl_text",
                                path = "./",
                                verbose = TRUE) {

  out_new<-paste0(path, filename_dl, ".zip")

  # Make a temporary file to content save to
  temp <- base::tempfile(fileext = ".zip")

  # if (is.null(filename_gd))
  dl <- googledrive::drive_download(file = filename_gd,
                                    path = temp,
                                    verbose = verbose,
                                    overwrite = TRUE)

  out <- utils::unzip(temp, exdir = tempdir())

  base::file.rename(from = out,
                    to = out_new)

  txt<-XML::htmlTreeParse(out_new, useInternal = TRUE)

  txt <- XML::xpathApply(txt,

  txt <- as.character(paste(paste(unlist(txt))))

  utils::write.table(x = txt,
                     file = paste0(path, filename_dl, ".txt"),
                     row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)


#' Find the 'st, 'nd, or 'th of a value
#' @param x a value you want the 'st, 'nd, or 'th of
#' @return a character string of the appropriate 'st, 'nd, or 'th
#' @export
#' @examples
#' stndth(3)
#' stndth(11)
#' stndth(112)
#' stndth(x = c(1120, 12))
stndth <- function(x) {
  out <- c()
  for (i in 1:length(x)){
    if (grepl(pattern = 1,
              x = substr(x = x[i],
                         start = nchar(x[i]),
                         stop = nchar(x[i])))) {
      stndth0 <- "st"
    } else if (grepl(pattern = 2,
                     x = substr(x = x[i],
                                start = nchar(x[i]),
                                stop = nchar(x[i])))) {
      stndth0 <- "nd"
    } else if (grepl(pattern = 3,
                     x = substr(x = x[i],
                                start = nchar(x[i]),
                                stop = nchar(x[i])))) {
      stndth0 <- "rd"
    } else {
      stndth0 <- "th"
    out <- c(out, stndth0)

############ MODIFY NUMBERS IN TEXT ################

#' Convert number to text string.
#' Function by John Fox found here: http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/help/05/04/2715.html and https://github.com/ateucher/useful_code/blob/master/R/numbers2words.r
#' @param x The numbers that need to be converted to string.
#' @keywords Text editing
#' @export
#' @examples
#' numbers2words(x = 1890)
#' numbers2words(x = 3)
#' numbers2words(x = 1800090)
numbers2words <- function(x){
  # Function by John Fox found here: http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/help/05/04/2715.html and https://github.com/ateucher/useful_code/blob/master/R/numbers2words.r
    print( "zero")
  } else{
    helper <- function(x){

      digits <- rev(strsplit(as.character(x), "")[[1]])
      nDigits <- length(digits)
      if (nDigits == 1) as.vector(ones[digits])
      else if (nDigits == 2)
        if (x <= 19) as.vector(teens[digits[1]])
      else trim(paste(tens[digits[2]],
      else if (nDigits == 3) trim(paste(ones[digits[3]], "hundred and",
      else {
        nSuffix <- ((nDigits + 2) %/% 3) - 1
        if (nSuffix > length(suffixes)) stop(paste(x, "is too large!"))
          nDigits:(3*nSuffix + 1)])),
          suffixes[nSuffix],"," ,
    trim <- function(text){
      #Tidy leading/trailing whitespace, space before comma
      text=gsub("^\ ", "", gsub("\ *$", "", gsub("\ ,",",",text)))
      #Clear any trailing " and"
      text=gsub(" and$","",text)
      #Clear any trailing comma
      gsub("\ *,$","",text)
    makeNumber <- function(...) as.numeric(paste(..., collapse=""))
    #Disable scientific notation
    opts <- options(scipen=100)
    ones <- c("", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven",
              "eight", "nine")
    names(ones) <- 0:9
    teens <- c("ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen",
               "sixteen", " seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen")
    names(teens) <- 0:9
    tens <- c("twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty",
    names(tens) <- 2:9
    x <- round(x)
    suffixes <- c("thousand", "million", "billion", "trillion")
    if (length(x) > 1) return(trim(sapply(x, helper)))


#' Convert number to text string.
#' Convert number to text string to the 'st, 'nd, 'rd, or 'th.
#' @param x The numbers that need to be converted to string.
#' @param type How the numbers should be converted. Default = "word" (which produces "fifty-third"), but you can also select "val_th" (which produces "53rd").
#' @keywords Text editing
#' @export
#' @examples
#' numbers2words_th(x = 3, type = "val_th")
#' numbers2words_th(x = 3, type = "word")
numbers2words_th<-function(x, type = "word"){

  # type = col name = c("val_th", "word")

  # First
  first2twen<-data.frame(matrix(data = c("first",	"1st",
                                         "second",	"2nd",
                                         "third",	"3rd",
                                         "fourth",	"4th",
                                         "fifth",	"5th",
                                         "sixth",	"6th",
                                         "seventh",	"7th",
                                         "eighth",	"8th",
                                         "ninth",	"9th",
                                         "tenth",	"10th",
                                         "eleventh",	"11th",
                                         "twelfth",	"12th",
                                         "thirteenth",	"13th",
                                         "fourteenth",	"14th",
                                         "fifteenth",	"15th",
                                         "sixteenth",	"16th",
                                         "seventeenth",	"17th",
                                         "eighteenth",	"18th",
                                         "nineteenth",	"19th",
                                         "twentieth",	"20th"), ncol = 2, byrow =  T))
  names(first2twen)<-c("word", "val_th")

  # Tens
  tens<-data.frame(matrix(data = c("twentieth", 20,
                                   "thirtieth", 30,
                                   "fortieth",	40,
                                   "fiftieth",	50,
                                   "sixtieth",	60,
                                   "seventieth",	70,
                                   "eightieth",	80,
                                   "ninetieth",	90), ncol = 2, byrow =  T))
  names(tens)<-c("word", "val")
  tens$word0<-paste0(substr(x = tens$word, start = 1, stop = nchar(tens$word)-4), "y")
  tens$val_th<-paste0(tens$val, "th")

  # Hundred
  hund<-data.frame(matrix(data = c(
    "hundredth", 100,
    "thousandth", 1000,
    "millionth",	1000000,
    "billionth",	1000000000,
    "trillionth",	1000000000000), ncol = 2, byrow =  T))
  names(hund)<-c("word", "val")
  hund$word0<-paste0(substr(x = hund$word, start = 1, stop = nchar(hund$word)-2), "")
  tens$val_th<-paste0(tens$val, "th")

  if (x %in% 1:20) {
    xx<-first2twen[first2twen$val %in% x, type]
  } else if (substr(x = x, start = nchar(x), stop = nchar(x)) %in% 0) {
    xx<-tens[tens$val %in% round(x = x, digits = -1), type]
  } else {

    if (type %in% "word") {
      xx<-paste0(tens[tens$val %in% as.numeric(paste0(substr(x = x, start = 1, stop = 1), 0)), "word0"],
                 first2twen[(first2twen$val %in% (x-as.numeric(paste0(substr(x = x, start = 1, stop = 1), 0)))), type])
    } else {
      x1<-substr(x = x, start = nchar(x), stop = nchar(x))
      if (x1 %in% 1) {
      } else if (x1 %in% 2) {
      } else if (x1 %in% 3) {
      xx<-paste0(x, stndrdth)





#' Calculate the percent change.
#' Calculate the percent change.
#' @param start The value it started with.
#' @param end The value it ended with.
#' @param ending A text string. Default "".
#' @param percent_first Options: T/F. Puts the percent first in the sentance.
#' @param value_only Options: T/F. Will only provide the value, and no text. percent_first is over-ridden.
#' @keywords Modify number
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pchange(start = 8, end = 1)
#' pchange(start = 3, end = 6, ending = " in fish landings", percent_first = TRUE)
#' pchange(start = 3, end = 4, ending = " in fish landings", percent_first = FALSE)
#' pchange(start = 3, end = 4, ending = " in fish landings", value_only = TRUE)
pchange<-function(start, end,
                  percent_first = TRUE,
                  value_only = FALSE){

  # if(length(start) != length(end)) stop("start and end need to be the same length")

  final1 <- c()

  if(length(start0) != length(end0) &
     !(length(start0) == 1 | length(end0) == 1 )) stop('start and end must be the same length, one can be any length and the other length of 1, or both must be the length of 1')

  if (length(start0)>1 & length(end0)==1) {
    end0 <- rep_len(x = end0, length.out = length(start0))
  } else if (length(end0)>1 & length(start0)==1) {
    start0 <- rep_len(x = start0, length.out = length(end0))

  #calculate percent change:
  for (i in 1:length(start0)) {
    start <- start0[i]
    end <- end0[i]

    if (is.na(start) | is.na(end)) {
      final<- ifelse(value_only, NA, paste0(NA, "%"))
    } else if ((start == 0) & (end == 0)) {
      final <- ifelse(value_only, 0, "0%")
    } else if (value_only == TRUE) {
      final <- (100*(end-start)/start)
    } else if (value_only == FALSE) {
      p<-ifelse(is.nan(p), 0, p)
      # decide direction, Omit if percent = 0:
      if (x<0) {
        txt<-paste0(" decrease",ending)
        p<-paste0("a ", abs(p),"%")
      } else if (x>0) {
        txt<-paste0(" increase",ending)
        p<-paste0("a ", abs(p),"%")
      } else if (round(x)==0){
        txt<-paste0("remains",ending," unchanged")
        p<-"" #ending must be "s" or "ed" here

      # decide print order:
      if(percent_first) {
      } else {
        final<-paste0(txt," of ",p)

      if (round(x)!=0) {
        if (sum(substr(x = numbers2words(abs(x)), start = 0, stop = 1) ==
                c("a", "e", "i", "o", "u"))==T & !(x %in% c(1, 100:199))) {
          final<-sub(pattern = "a ", replacement = "an ", x = final)
    final1 <- c(final1, final)

#' Modify numbers.
#' Modify numbers.
#' @param x A numeric.
#' @param divideby The value you want all of your values divided by. Default = 1000.
#' @param comma_seperator Do you want numbers to have commas in it ("1,000" (T) vs. "1000" (F). Default = TRUE.
#' @param digits How many digits you would like your number to have. Default = 0.
#' @keywords Modify number
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x = data.frame(matrix(data = c(20000678660, 234567, 1, NA, 2345, 23),
#'        ncol = 2))
#' mod_number(x)
#' mod_number(x,
#'        comma_seperator = FALSE)
#' x = data.frame(matrix(data = c(200000, 234567, 1, NA, 2345, 23)))
#' mod_number(x,
#'        divideby = 1,
#'        digits = 2)
                     divideby = 1000,
                     comma_seperator = TRUE,
                     digits = 0) {
  xxx<-matrix(data = NA, nrow = nrow(x), ncol = ncol(x))

  for (c in 1:ncol(x)){
    for (r in 1:nrow(x)){
      xx<-ifelse(is.na(x[r,c]), NA,
                 as.numeric(gsub(x = x[r,c],
                                 pattern = ",",
                                 replacement = "")))
      # print(paste0(r,", ",c, ", ", xx))
      if (!is.na(xx)) {
        xx<-formatC(xx/divideby, digits = digits, #trim = F,
                   big.mark = ifelse(comma_seperator == T, ",", ""), format = "f")

#' Determine the appropriate unit for a value.
#' Determine the appropriate unit for a value (e.g., 1000000 = '1 Million'.
#' @param value A numeric value.
#' @param val_under_x_words a numeric that defines what values should be words as opposed to characters in a text. For example, many styles prefer that all values from 0 to 10 are spelled out in words, so you would set this parameter to 10 (which is the default). Set this parameter to NULL for nothing to to be spelled out.
#' @param words T/F. Default = TRUE. If TRUE, "1000000" would become "1 Million" and if FALSE would become "1,000,000".
#' @keywords Modify number, units
#' @export
#' @examples
#' xunits(value = NA)
#' xunits(value = c(0, 1))
#' xunits(value = c(0, 1), val_under_x_words = 0)
#' xunits(value = 12)
#' xunits(value = c(12345, 123456, 1234567))
#' xunits(value = 123456789)
#' xunits(value = 123456789, words = FALSE)
                 val_under_x_words = 10,
                 words = TRUE
                 #, combine=TRUE # #' @param combine Should this be combined in a single string (T) or as two seperate strings in a list (F). Default = T.

) {

  f = file()

  combine <- TRUE


  for (iii in 1:length(value)){


    if (is.na(value0)) {
      out0 <- NA
    } else {

      if (words == FALSE) {
        x<-formatC(x = value0, big.mark = ",", digits = 0, format = "f")
      } else {
        sigfig <- formatC(x = value0, digits = 3, format = "e")
        sigfig0 <- as.numeric(strsplit(x = sigfig, split = "e", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][2])

        if (sigfig0==0) {
          x<-formatC(x = value0, big.mark = ",", digits = 0, format = "f")
          if (!is.null(val_under_x_words)) {
            if (as.numeric(value0) <= val_under_x_words & as.numeric(value0) >= 0) {
              x <- NMFSReports::numbers2words(x = as.numeric(value0))
        } else if (sigfig0<=5) {
          # if (sigfig0<4) {
          x<-formatC(x = value0, big.mark = ",", digits = 0, format = "f")
          # } else if (sigfig0>=4 & sigfig0<6) {
          #   unit<-" thousand"
          # x<-round(value0/1e3, digits = 1)
          # } else if (sigfig0==5) {
          #   unit<-" thousand"
          #   x<-round(value0/1e3, digits = 0)
        } else if (sigfig0>=6 & sigfig0<9) {
          unit<-" million"
          x<-round(value0/1e6, digits = 1)
        } else if (sigfig0>=9 & sigfig0<12) {
          unit<-" billion"
          x<-round(value0/1e9, digits = 1)
        } else if (sigfig0>=12) {
          unit<-" trillion"
          x<-round(value0/1e12, digits = 1)
      out0<-ifelse(combine==TRUE, paste0(x, unit), list(x, unit))

    out<-c(out, out0)



#' Determine the appropriate unit for a percent value.
#' Determine the appropriate unit for a percent value (e.g., 1000000 = '1 Million'.
#' @param value A numeric.
#' @param sign Include percent sign. Default = T.
#' @keywords Modify number, units
#' @export
#' @examples
#' xunitspct(value = 8.4)
#' xunitspct(value = -8.4, sign = TRUE)
#' xunitspct(value = -8.4, sign = FALSE)
xunitspct<-function(value, sign = TRUE) {
  for (iii in 1:length(value)){

    if (is.na(value)) {
    } else if (value > -1 & value <= 0 | #negative values between 0 and -1
               value < 1 & value >= 0) { #positive values between 1 and 0
      temp<-as.numeric(formatC(x = value, digits = 0, big.mark = ",", #trim =T, nsmall = 1,
                               format = "f"))
    } else {
      temp<-as.numeric(round(value, digits = 0))

    if (sign == F | is.na(value)) {
    } else {
      out<-paste0(temp, "%")
    out0<-c(out0, out)



#' Add bold, italics, strikethrough in formating to table.
#' https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28166168/how-to-change-fontface-bold-italics-for-a-cell-in-a-kable-table-in-rmarkdown
#' @param dat A data.frame.
#' @param rows The rows you want to apply formatting to.
#' @param cols The columns you want to apply formatting to.
#' @param fonttype fonttype = c("italics", "bold", "strikethrough").
#' @keywords Modify number, units
#' @export
#' @examples
#' df <- data.frame(char = c('a','b','c'),
#'                  num = c(1,2,3))
#' format_cells(df, 1, 1, "italics")
#' format_cells(df, 2, 2, "bold")
#' format_cells(df, 3, 1:2, "strikethrough")
#' library(knitr)
#' library(kableExtra)
#' library(magrittr)
#' df %>%
#'   format_cells(1, 1, "italics") %>%
#'   format_cells(2, 2, "bold") %>%
#'   format_cells(3, 1:2, "strikethrough") %>%
#'   knitr::kable()
format_cells <- function(dat, rows, cols, fonttype) {
  # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28166168/how-to-change-fontface-bold-italics-for-a-cell-in-a-kable-table-in-rmarkdown
  # select the correct markup
  map <- stats::setNames(c("*", "**", "~~"), c("italics", "bold", "strikethrough"))
  markup <- map[fonttype]

  for (r in rows){
    for(c in cols){

      # Make sure fonttypes are not factors
      dat[[c]] <- as.character( dat[[c]])

      # Update formatting
      dat[r, c] <- paste0(markup, dat[r, c], markup)


#' Find a range of numbers for text
#' This function outputs the range of values (broken or continuous) as you would want to display it in text.
#' @param x A numeric vector of any length. Any duplicates will be removed.
#' @param dash A string that will go between consecutive values in the string output.
#' @param oxford Default = TRUE. Will only be used if the vector x provided is not continuous. Inherited from NMFSReports::text_list().
#' @param sep Default = ", ". Will only be used if the vector x provided is not continuous. Inherited from NMFSReports::text_list().
#' @param sep_last Default = "and ". Will only be used if the vector x provided is not continuous. Inherited from NMFSReports::text_list().
#' @return A string with the range of those values as might be included in a sentence ("1-3, 5, and 7-8").
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # a typical example
#' x <- c(2003:2005, 2007, 2010:2012)
#' range_text(x)
#' # example has duplicate values out of order and specifies for a different dash and no oxford comma
#' x <- c(1,2,11,3,4,7,NA,8,3)
#' range_text(x, dash = "--", oxford = FALSE)
range_text <- function(x,
                       dash = "-",
                       oxford = TRUE,
                       sep = ", ",
                       sep_last = "and ") {
  x <- x[!(is.na(x))]
  x <- x[!duplicated(x)]
  x <- sort(x)
  y <- min(x):max(x)
  z <- setdiff(y, x)
  if (length(z)>0) { # if x is not continuous
    # https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2010-April/237031.html
    vec <- y
    vec[(vec %in% z)] <- NA

    # remove consecutive NAs
    foo <- function( x ){
      idx <- 1 + cumsum( is.na( x ) )
      not.na <- ! is.na( x )
      split( x[not.na], idx[not.na] )
    ls <- foo(vec)

    str <- c()
    for (i in 1:length(ls)) {
      a <- ls[i][[1]]
      if (length(a) == 1){
        str <- c(str, paste0(a))
      } else {
        str <- c(str, paste0(min(a),dash,max(a)))
    str <- NMFSReports::text_list(x = str,
                                  oxford = oxford,
                                  sep = sep,
                                  sep_last = sep_last)
  } else {
    str <- paste0(min(x),dash,max(x))

######## FILE ORGANIZATION #########

#' Make numbers the same length preceeded by 0s
#' Name nth item in order (001)
#' @param x a single or vector of integer values that need to be converted from something like 1 to "001"
#' @param number_places default = NA. If equal to NA, the function will take use the longest length of a value provided in x (example 1). If equal to a number, it will make sure that every number is the same length of number_places (example 2) or larger (if a value of x has more places than number_places(example 3)).
#' @keywords Data Management
#' @return A string of the values in x preceeded by "0"s
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # example 1
#' numbers0(x = c(1,11,111))
#' # example 2
#' numbers0(x = c(1,11,111), number_places = 4)
#' # example 3
#' numbers0(x = c(1,11,111), number_places = 2)
numbers0 <- function (x, number_places = NA) {
  xx <- rep_len(x = NA, length.out = length(x))
  if (is.na(number_places)){
    number_places <- max(nchar(x))
  for (i in 1:length(x)) {
    xx[i] <- paste0(ifelse(number_places<nchar(x[i]),
                           paste(rep_len(x = 0,
                                         length.out = number_places-nchar(x[i])),
                                 collapse = "")), as.character(x[i]))

#' Add a counter number.
#' Add a counter number, 1, 1+1=2, 2+1=3.
#' @param counter0 The value it was to be added 1 to
#' @keywords Data Management
#' @export
#' @return The number entered + 1, in the "0..X" format. All values will take on the number of 0s of the longest charcter value.
#' @examples
#' auto_counter(1)
auto_counter<-function(counter0) {
  counter00<-ifelse(as.numeric(counter0) %in% 0, 1, as.numeric(counter0)+1)
  counter<-numbers0(c(counter00, as.numeric(paste0("1",
                                                   paste(rep_len(x = 0, length.out = (nchar(counter0)-1)),
                                                         collapse = "")))))[1]

####### TABLE AND GRAPHS #######

#' Systematically save your figures for your report
#' @param figure The figure you would like to be saved.
#' @param list_figures The list where all figures will be saved.
#' @param header The name and title of the figure. Default = "".
#' @param footnotes Any footnote you want attached to this figure.
#' @param filename0 The filename set at the begining of the chapter.
#' @param cnt_chapt_content The order number that this exists in the chapter.
#' @param cnt The figure number.
#' @param path The path the file needs to be saved to. Default = "NULL", meaning it wont save anything and will override all other saving elements.
#' @param width Default = 6 inches.
#' @param height Default = 6 inches.
#' @param output_type Default = c("pdf", "png"). Can be anything supported by ggsave().
#' @param type Default = "Figure", but can be anything that the element needs to be called (e.g., "Graphic", "Fig.", "Graph") to fit in the phrase "Figure 1. This is my plot!".
#' @param alttext String with what the alternative text is.
#' @param filename_desc Additional description text for the filename that will be added at the name of file before the filename extention. Can be use to add a species name, location, or anything else that would make it easier to know what that file shows.
#' @param raw Optional. The data.frame or other data that has no rounding and no dividing of numbers (good to save this for record keeping) and was used to create the figure. Default = NA.
#' @param nickname A unique name that can be used to identify the figure so it can be referenced later in the report.
#' @param message TRUE/FALSE. Default = FALSE. If TRUE, it will print information about where your plot has been saved to.
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
#' @return list_figures updated with the new plot and metadata.
#' @examples
#' library(magrittr)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' list_figures <- c()
#' dat <- data.frame(x = rnorm(n = 10),
#'                   y = rnorm(n = 10),
#'                   col = rep_len(x = c("a", "b"),
#'                                 length.out = 5))
#' # Select data and make plot
#' figure<- dat %>%
#'   ggplot(aes(x = x, y = y,
#'   colour = as.factor(col))) + # create plot
#'   geom_point()
#' list_figures<-save_figures(figure = figure,
#'                       list_figures = list_figures,
#'                       header = "example",
#'                       footnote = "footnote example")
#' names(list_figures)
#' list_figures
                       header = "",
                       footnotes = "",
                       filename0 = "x",
                       cnt_chapt_content = "001",
                       cnt = 1,
                       path = NULL,
                       width = 6,
                       height = 6,
                       output_type = c("pdf", "png"),
                       type = "Figure",
                       alttext = "",
                       filename_desc = "",
                       nickname = "",
                       raw = NULL,
                       message = FALSE){

  if( sum(names(list_figures) %in% nickname)>0 ) warning('This nickname has already been used for a object in this list. Nicknames should not be reused. Please change the nickname.')

  # Title
  header<-paste0(type, " [",cnt,"](){#",nickname,"}. -- ",
                 ifelse(substr(x = header,
                               start = nchar(header),
                               stop = nchar(header)) %in%
                          c(".", "!", "?", "...", "...."),
                        header, paste0(header, ".")))
  caption<-ifelse(sum(footnotes %in% "") != 0,
                  paste0(header, paste(paste0("^[", footnotes, "]"),
                                       collapse = " ^,^ ")))
    cnt_chapt_content, "_fig_",cnt,
                     ifelse(filename_desc!="", paste0("_", filename_desc), ""))

  # Save
  if (!is.null(path)){

    # Save Graphic/Figure
    for (i in 1:length(output_type)){
      ggplot2::ggsave( # save your plot
        path = path,
        dpi = 1200,
        bg = "white",
        filename = paste0(filename00, ".", output_type[i]), # Always save in pdf so you can make last minute edits in adobe acrobat!
        plot = figure, # call the plot you are saving
        width = width, height = height, units = "in") #recall, A4 pages are 8.5 x 11 in - 1 in margins


      # raw

      # Save raw file (no rounding, no dividing)
      if (!(is.null(raw)) &
          (is.data.frame(raw) | is.matrix(raw))) {
        # for (i in 1:length(output_type)){
          utils::write.table(x = raw,
                             file = paste0(path, filename00,
                             sep = ",",
                             row.names=FALSE, col.names = TRUE, append = F)
        # }
      } else {
        raw <- ""


  # Save Graphic/Figure as .rdata

  obj <- list("figure" = figure,
                           "raw" = raw,
                           "caption" = caption,
                           "header" = header,
                           "nickname" = nickname,
                           "alttext" = alttext,
                           "number" = cnt,
                           "footnotes" = footnotes,
                           "filename" = filename00)

  save(obj, file = paste0(path, filename00, ".rdata"))

  list_figures$obj <- list(#"figure" = figure,
                           #"raw" = raw,
                           "caption" = caption,
                           "header" = header,
                           "nickname" = nickname,
                           "alttext" = alttext,
                           "number" = cnt,
                           "footnotes" = footnotes,
                           "filename" = filename00)

  names(list_figures)[names(list_figures) %in% "obj"] <- nickname

  if (message == TRUE) {
    print(paste0("This figure was saved to ", path, filename00, ".*"))


save_graph <- save_figures

#' Systematically save your report tables for your report
#' @param table_raw Optional. The data.frame that has no rounding and no dividing of numbers (good to save this for record keeping). Default = NA.
#' @param table_print The data.frame as table will be seen in the report.
#' @param list_tables Save tables in a list
#' @param header The name and title of the figure. Default = "".
#' @param footnotes Any footnote you want attached to this figure.
#' @param filename0 The filename set at the begining of the chapter
#' @param cnt_chapt_content The order number that this exists in the chapter.
#' @param cnt The figure number
#' @param path The path the file needs to be saved to. Default = "NULL", meaning it wont save anything and will override all other saving elements.
#' @param output_type Default = c("csv"). Can be anything supported by utils::write.table.
#' @param type Default = "Table", but can be anything that the element needs to be called (e.g., "Graphic", "Fig.", "Graph") to fit in the phrase "Table 1. This is my spreadsheet!".
#' @param alttext String with what the alternative text is.
#' @param filename_desc Additional description text for the filename that will be added at the name of file before the filename extention, before the "_raw" or "_print". Default = "". Can be use to add a species name, location, or anything else that would make it easier to know what that file shows.
#' @param nickname A unique name that can be used to identify the figure so it can be referenced later in the report.
#' @param message TRUE/FALSE. Default = FALSE. If TRUE, it will print information about where your plot has been saved to.
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Select data and make plot
#' table_raw<-data.frame(x = rnorm(n = 10),
#'                       y = rnorm(n = 10),
#'                       col = rep_len(x = c("a", "b"), length.out = 5))
#' table_print <- table_raw
#' table_print[,c("x", "y")] <- NMFSReports::mod_number(table_print[,c("x", "y")],
#'                                                      divideby = 1,
#'                                                      comma_seperator = TRUE,
#'                                                      digits = 2)
#' save_tables(table_raw = table_raw,
#'            table_print=table_print,
#'            header = "Here is a table!",
#'            footnote = "A footnote for this table!")
save_tables<-function(table_raw = NULL,
                      table_print = NULL,
                      list_tables = c(),
                      header = "",
                      footnotes = "",
                      filename0 = "x",
                      cnt_chapt_content = "001",
                      cnt = "1",
                      path = NULL,
                      output_type = c("csv"),
                      type = "Table",
                      alttext = "",
                      filename_desc = "",
                      nickname = "",
                      message = FALSE) {

  if( sum(names(list_tables) %in% nickname)>0 ) warning('This nickname has already been used for a object in this list. Nicknames should not be reused. Please change the nickname.')

  # Title
  # header<-stringr::str_to_sentence(header)
  header<-paste0(type, " [",cnt,"](){#",nickname,"}. -- ",
                 ifelse(substr(x = header,
                               start = nchar(header),
                               stop = nchar(header)) %in%
                          c(".", "!", "?", "...", "...."),
                        header, paste0(header, ".")))
  caption<-ifelse(sum(footnotes %in% "") != 0,
                  paste0(header, paste(paste0("^[", footnotes, "]"),
                                       collapse = " ^,^ ")))
                     cnt_chapt_content, "_tab_",cnt,
                     ifelse(filename_desc!="", paste0("_", filename_desc), ""))
  # Save
  if (!is.null(path)){

    # raw

    # Save raw file (no rounding, no dividing)
    if (!(is.null(table_raw))) {
      for (i in 1:length(output_type)){
        utils::write.table(x = table_raw,
                           file = paste0(path, filename00,
                                         "_raw.", output_type[i]),
                           sep = ",",
                           row.names=FALSE, col.names = TRUE, append = F)
    } else {
      table_raw <- ""

    # write.table can only save files that are 1) extant or 2) in a data.frame or matrix
    if (!(is.null(table_print))) {
      if ((class(table_print) %in% c("data.frame", "matrix"))) {
        for (i in 1:length(output_type)){
          utils::write.table(x = table_print,
                             file = paste0(path, filename00,
                                           "_print.", output_type[i]),
                             sep = ",",
                             row.names=FALSE, col.names = F, append = F)
      } else { # save non-matrix or data.frames
             file = paste0(path, filename00, "_print.Rdata"))
    } else {
      table_print <- ""

  list_tables$temp <- list("raw" = table_raw,
                           "print" = table_print,
                           "caption" = caption,
                           "header" = header,
                           "nickname" = nickname,
                           "alttext" = alttext,
                           "number" = cnt,
                           "footnotes" = footnotes,
                           "filename" = filename00)

  names(list_tables)[names(list_tables) %in% "temp"] <- nickname

  if (message == TRUE) {
    print(paste0("This table was saved to ", path, filename00, ".*"))


#' Systematically save your figures for your report
#' @param equation The latex equation you would like to be saved.
#' @param list_equations  The list where all equations will be saved.
#' @param header The name and title of the figure. Default = "".
#' @param footnote Any footnote you want attached to this figure.
#' @param cnt_chapt_content The order number that this exists in the chapter.
#' @param cnt The figure number.
#' @param type Default = "Equation", but can be anything that the element needs to be called (e.g., "Eq.", "Equ.") to fit in the phrase "Equation 1. This is my equation!".
#' @param alttext String with what the alternative text is.
#' @param nickname A unique name that can be used to identify the figure so it can be referenced later in the report.
#' @param message TRUE/FALSE. Default = FALSE. If TRUE, it will print information about where your plot has been saved to.
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
#' @return list_equations  updated with the new equation and metadata.
#' @examples
#' list_equations  <- c()
#' cnt_eq <- 0
#' cnt_eq<-NMFSReports::auto_counter(cnt_eq)
#' list_equations <-NMFSReports::save_equations(
#'    equation = "$$c^2 = b^2 + a^2$$",
#'    cnt = cnt_eq,
#'    list_equations  = list_equations ,
#'    nickname = "pythagorean",
#'    header = "Pythagorean theorem",
#'    footnote = "footnote about how cool the pythagorean theorem is.",
#'    alttext = "The Pythagoras theorem is a mathematical law.")
#' cnt_eq<-NMFSReports::auto_counter(cnt_eq)
#' list_equations <-NMFSReports::save_equations(
#'    equation = "$$F = G \frac{m_1 m_2}{d^2}$$",
#'    cnt = cnt_eq,
#'    list_equations  = list_equations ,
#'    nickname = "Newton",
#'    header = "Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation")
#' names(list_equations )
#' list_equations
                         list_equations ,
                         header = "",
                         footnote = "",
                         cnt_chapt_content = "001",
                         cnt = 1,
                         type = "Equation",
                         alttext = "",
                         nickname = "",
                         message = FALSE){

  if( sum(names(list_equations) %in% nickname)>0 ) warning('This nickname has already been used for a object in this list. Nicknames should not be reused. Please change the nickname.')

  # Title
  # header<-stringr::str_to_sentence(header)
  header<-paste0(type, " [",cnt,"](){#",nickname,"}. ",
                 ifelse(substr(x = header,
                               start = nchar(header),
                               stop = nchar(header)) %in%
                          c(".", "!", "?", "...", "...."),
                        header, paste0(header, ".")))
  caption<-ifelse(sum(footnote %in% "") != 0,
                  paste0(header, paste(paste0("^[", footnote, "]"),
                                       collapse = " ^,^ ")))

  list_equations $temp <- list("equation" = equation,
                               "caption" = caption,
                               "header" = header,
                               "nickname" = nickname,
                               "alttext" = alttext,
                               "number" = cnt,
                               "footnote" = footnote)

  names(list_equations )[names(list_equations ) %in% "temp"] <- nickname

  return(list_equations )

#' Reference a figure, table, or equation with an anchored tag
#' @param list_obj A list object created by list_figures or list_tables.
#' @param nickname A unique string that is used to identify the plot or table in list_figures or list_tables, respectively.
#' @param sublist A string of the sublist in list_figures or list_tables you want the contents returned from.
#' @param exact T/F. If TRUE, 'nickname' must match the name of the list item exactly. If FALSE, crossref will return all entries with that string fragment. Default = TRUE.
#' @param text T/F. If TRUE, will output results prepared for a text output. If FALSE, will output each element. Default = TRUE.
#' @return The item in the list.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' list_figures <- c()
#' table_raw <- data.frame(x = 1, y = 1)
#' pp <- plot(x = table_raw$x, y = table_raw$y)
#' list_figures <- NMFSReports::save_figures(
#'    figure = pp,
#'    list_figures = list_figures,
#'    header = "blah blah blah",
#'    nickname = "example_1", # a unique name you can refer back to
#'    cnt_chapt_content = "003",
#'    cnt = "012")
#' list_figures <- NMFSReports::save_figures(
#'    figure = pp,
#'    list_figures = list_figures,
#'    header = "blah blah blah",
#'    nickname = "example2", # a unique name you can refer back to
#'    cnt_chapt_content = "003",
#'    cnt = "013")
#' list_figures
#' refnum <- crossref(
#'    list_obj = list_figures,
#'    nickname = "example_1",
#'    sublist = "number")
#' refnum
#' print(paste0("Please refer to figure ", refnum,
#'              " to see this figure, not the other figure."))
#' # example using a partial phrase with `exact = FALSE`
#' crossref(
#'    list_obj = list_figures,
#'    nickname = "example_",
#'    sublist = "number",
#'    exact = FALSE)
#' # using a wildard with `exact = FALSE`
#' crossref(
#'  list_obj = list_figures,
#'  nickname = "example*1",
#'  sublist = "number",
#'  exact = FALSE)
#' crossref(
#'  list_obj = list_figures,
#'  nickname = "example*",
#'  sublist = "number",
#'  exact = FALSE,
#'  text = FALSE)
#' refnum <- crossref(
#'  list_obj = list_figures,
#'  nickname = "example*",
#'  sublist = "number",
#'  exact = FALSE,
#'  text = TRUE)
#' refnum
#' print(paste0("Please refer to figure ", refnum,
#'              " to see this figure, not the other figure."))
crossref <- function(list_obj,
                     sublist = "number",
                     exact = TRUE,
                     text = TRUE){
  if (!exact) {
    nickname <- c()
    for (i in 1:length(nickname0)){
      if (grepl(nickname0[i], pattern = "*", fixed = TRUE)) {  # if the name uses a wildcard
        nickname <- c(nickname,
                      names(list_obj)[grepl(pattern = utils::glob2rx(nickname0[i]),
                                            x = names(list_obj))])
      } else { # if there is no wildcard character
        nickname <- c(nickname,
                      names(list_obj)[grepl(pattern = (nickname0[i]),
                                            x = names(list_obj))])
  # ref <- list_obj[which(lapply(list_obj, `[[`, "nickname") %in% nickname)][[1]][sublist]
  ref <- lapply(list_obj[names(list_obj) %in% nickname], `[[`, sublist)

  if (sublist == "number") {
    # ref<-as.character(ref)
    ref<-paste0("[", ref, "](#", nickname, ")")
    if (text) {
      # setdiff()
      if (length(ref)>5) {
        ref <- paste0(ref[1], " to ", ref[length(ref)])
      } else {
        ref <- NMFSReports::text_list(ref)
  } else if (sublist == "res") {
    if(text) {
      if (exact) {
        # TOLEDO ref was missing here?
        ref <- sapply(list_obj[grepl(x = names(list_obj), pattern = nickname0)],"[[", sublist)
      } else {
        ref <- paste(ref, sep = "\n", collapse = "

  } else if (sublist == "raw") {
    ref <- ref#sapply(list_obj[grepl(x = names(list_obj), pattern = nickname0)],"[[", sublist)
    if (length(ref)==1) {
      ref <- ref[[1]]


# ref_listobject<-crossref

# Adapted from flextable::theme_vanilla()

#' @importFrom officer fp_border fp_par
#' @export
#' @title Apply vanilla theme
#' @description Apply theme vanilla to a flextable:
#' The external horizontal lines of the different parts of
#' the table (body, header, footer) are black 2 points thick,
#' the external horizontal lines of the different parts
#' are black 0.5 point thick. Header text is bold,
#' text columns are left aligned, other columns are
#' right aligned.
#' @param x a flextable object
#' @param pgwidth a numeric. The width in inches the table should be. Default = 6, which is ideal for A4 (8.5x11 in) portrait paper.
#' @param row_lines T/F. If True, draws a line between each row.
#' @param font0 String. Default = "Times New Roman". Instead, you may want "Arial".
#' @param body_size Numeric. default = 11.
#' @param header_size Numeric. default = 11.
#' @param spacing table spacing. default = 0.8.
#' @param pad padding around each element. default = 0.1
#' @family functions related to themes
#' @examples
#' ft <- flextable::flextable(head(airquality))
#' ft <- NMFSReports::theme_flextable_nmfstm(ft)
#' ft
#' @section Illustrations:
#' \if{html}{\figure{fig_theme_vanilla_1.png}{options: width=60\%}}
theme_flextable_nmfstm <- function(x,
                                   pgwidth = 6.5,
                                   row_lines = TRUE,
                                   body_size = 10,
                                   header_size = 10,
                                   font0 = "Times New Roman",
                                   spacing = 0.6,
                                   pad = 2) {

  if (!inherits(x, "flextable")) {
    stop("theme_flextable_nmfstm supports only flextable objects.")

FitFlextableToPage <- function(x, pgwidth = 6){
  # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57175351/flextable-autofit-in-a-rmarkdown-to-word-doc-causes-table-to-go-outside-page-mar
  ft_out <- x %>% flextable::autofit()

  ft_out <- flextable::width(ft_out, width = dim(ft_out)$widths*pgwidth /(flextable::flextable_dim(ft_out)$widths))

  std_b <- officer::fp_border(width = 2, color = "grey10")
  thin_b <- officer::fp_border(width = 0.5, color = "grey10")

  x <- flextable::border_remove(x)

  if (row_lines == TRUE) {
    x <- flextable::hline(x = x, border = thin_b, part = "body")
  x <- flextable::hline_top(x = x, border = std_b, part = "header")
  x <- flextable::hline_bottom(x = x, border = std_b, part = "header")
  x <- flextable::hline_bottom(x = x, border = std_b, part = "body")
  x <- flextable::bold(x = x, bold = TRUE, part = "header")
  x <- flextable::align_text_col(x = x, align = "left", header = TRUE)
  x <- flextable::align_nottext_col(x = x, align = "right", header = TRUE)
  x <- flextable::padding(x = x, padding = pad, part = "all") # remove all line spacing in a flextable
  x <- flextable::font(x = x, fontname = font0, part = "all")
  x <- flextable::fontsize(x = x, size = body_size-2, part = "footer")
  x <- flextable::fontsize(x = x, size = body_size, part = "body")
  x <- flextable::fontsize(x = x, size = header_size, part = "header")
  # x <- flextable::fit_to_width(x = x,
  #                         max_width = pgwidth,
  #                         unit = "in")
  x <- FitFlextableToPage(x = x, pgwidth = pgwidth)
  # x <- flextable::line_spacing(x = x, space = spacing, part = "all")

  x <- flextable::fix_border_issues(x = x)


######## METADATA ########

#' Record Metadata
#' Record Metadata
#' @param dir_out Path file will be saved to.
#' @param title Title of file.
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @keywords metadata
#' @export
  dir_out = ".",
  title = "My Project") {

  my_doc <- officer::read_docx()

  my_doc <- my_doc %>%
                          # officer::body_add_par(paste0("Population Narrative of ", commorg, " (", fp_text(sciname, italic = T, color = "black", font.size=10), ")"," in ", region),
                          style = "heading 1") %>%
    officer::body_add_par("Date Code Ran:", style = "heading 2") %>%
    officer::body_add_par(Sys.time(), style = "Normal") %>%
    officer::body_add_par("System Info:", style = "heading 2") %>%
    officer::body_add_par(paste0(Sys.info()[[1]], " ", R.version$platform), style = "Normal") %>%
    officer::body_add_par("R Version", style = "heading 2") %>%
    officer::body_add_par(paste0(R.version$version.string, ": ", R.version$nickname), style = "Normal") #%>%
  #   officer::body_add_par("Populations Run in this Iteration",
  #                style = "heading 2")
  # for (i in 1:length(org_pop)){
  #   my_doc <- my_doc %>%
  #     officer::body_add_par(org_pop[i], style = "Normal")
  # }

  my_doc <- my_doc %>%
    officer::body_add_par("R Packages Loaded", style = "heading 2")
  for (i in 1:length(a$basePkgs)){
    my_doc <- my_doc %>%
      officer::body_add_par(a$basePkgs[i], style = "Normal")
  for (i in 1:length(a$otherPkgs)){
    my_doc <- my_doc %>%
                            style = "heading 3") %>%
      officer::body_add_par(temp$Version, style = "Normal") %>%
      officer::body_add_par(temp$Title, style = "Normal") %>%
      officer::body_add_par(temp$Description, style = "Normal") %>%
      officer::body_add_par(temp$SystemRequirements, style = "Normal") %>%
      officer::body_add_par(paste0(temp$`Authors@R`), style = "Normal") %>%
      officer::body_add_par(temp$URL, style = "Normal")

  print(my_doc, target = paste0(dir_out, "/Metadata_", Sys.Date(), ".docx"))
EmilyMarkowitz-NOAA/NMFSReports documentation built on March 26, 2023, 1:08 a.m.