
Defines functions .ddg.exec.env .ddg.save.debug.files .ddg.get.scope .ddg.get.env .ddg.where .ddg.get.frame.number .ddg.delete.temp .ddg.get.top.cmd .ddg.is.procedure.cmd .ddg.close.last.command.node .ddg.open.new.command.node .ddg.add.abstract.node .ddg.add.finish.node .ddg.add.start.node .ddg.save.var .ddg.create.data.set.edges .ddg.find.var.assignments .ddg.add.to.vars.set .ddg.double.vars.set .ddg.create.empty.vars.set .ddg.is.init .ddg.init.environ .ddg.init.tables .ddg.get.initial.env .ddg.warning.occurred .ddg.clear.warning .ddg.set.warning .ddg.run.args .ddg.enable.source .ddg.annotate.off .ddg.annotate.on .ddg.initial.var .ddg.initial.env .ddg.save.debug .ddg.tool.name

# Copyright (C) President and Fellows of Harvard College and 
# Trustees of Mount Holyoke College, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018.

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
#   License along with this program.  If not, see
#   <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

######################### RDataTracker.R #########################

# This file contains core functions for RDataTracker / provR.

# Create DDG environment variable.

.ddg.env <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())


##### Getters for specific variables

#' .ddg.tool.name returns the name of the provenance collection tool.
#' @return the name of the provenance collection tool
#' @noRd

.ddg.tool.name <- function() {

#' .ddg.save.debug returns True if debugging information should be saved
#' to the file system
#' @return TRUE if saving debugging information
#' @noRd

.ddg.save.debug <- function() {

#' .ddg.initial.env returns an environment containing names bound before
#'   the script was executed
#' @return an environment containing names previously bound
#' @noRd

.ddg.initial.env <- function() {

#' .ddg.initial.var returns a data frame containing names bound before
#'   the script was executed
#' @return a data frame containing names previously bound
#' @noRd

.ddg.initial.var <- function() {

#' .ddg.annotate.on returns the names of functions that the user explicity said
#' should be annotated
#' @return the names of functions to be annotated
#' @noRd

.ddg.annotate.on <- function() {
  return (.ddg.get("ddg.annotate.on"))

#' .ddg.annotate.off returns the names of functions that the user explicitly said
#' should not be annotaed
#' @return the names of functions not be annotated
#' @noRd

.ddg.annotate.off <- function() {
  return (.ddg.get("ddg.annotate.off"))

#' .ddg.enable.source returns True if the commands are coming from a script file
#' @return TRUE if commands are from a script
#' @noRd

.ddg.enable.source <- function() {
  return(.ddg.is.set("from.source") && .ddg.get("from.source"))

#' .ddg.set.details.omitted keeps track of whether the last loop has all iterations 
#' recorded or not.
#' @param value if TRUE, it means that not all iterations are recorded
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd

.ddg.set.details.omitted <- function (value) {
  .ddg.set ("details.omitted", value)

#' .ddg.were.details.omitted returns True if provenance is incomplete at this point
#' @return TRUE if provenance is incomplete at this point
#' @noRd

.ddg.were.details.omitted <- function () {
  .ddg.get ("details.omitted")

#' .ddg.run.args returns the run arguments for this provenance in a named list.
#' These are the arguments from prov.run, prov.init, prov.save, prov.quit.
#' @return The run arguments for this provenance.
#' @noRd

.ddg.run.args <- function() {

#' .ddg.set.warning is attached as a handler when we evaluate
#' expressions.  It saves the warning so that a warning
#' node can be created after the procedural node that
#' corresponds to the expression that caused the warning
#' @param w the simplewarning object created by R
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd

.ddg.set.warning <- function(w) {
  # Only save warnings if the warn level is set to report them at all.
  # This is important because we do temporarily set the warning level
  # to avoid warnings that RDT might cause that are safe to ignore.
  # Search for calls to the option function to see where that happens.
  if (getOption("warn") >= 0) {
    .ddg.set("ddg.warning", w)

#' .ddg.clear.warning clears the warning 
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd

.ddg.clear.warning <- function() {
  .ddg.set("ddg.warning", NA)

#' .ddg.get.warning returns the last saved warning
#' @return the last saved warning
#' @noRd

.ddg.get.warning <- function () {
  return (.ddg.get("ddg.warning"))

#' .ddg.warning.occurred returns True if there is a currrently saved warning
#' @return true if there is currently a saved warning
#' @noRd

.ddg.warning.occurred <- function() {
  return (.ddg.is.set("ddg.warning") && any(!is.na(.ddg.get("ddg.warning"))))

#-------------------BASIC FUNCTIONS-----------------------#

#' .ddg.get.initial.env creates a table of non-ddg objects present in the
#' R environment before the script is executed.  This is only used for 
#' debugging.
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd

.ddg.get.initial.env <- function() {
  ddg.e <- globalenv()
  ddg.e.ls <- ls(ddg.e, all.names=TRUE)

  not.ddg.func <- function (name) {
    return (!grepl("^ddg", name) && !grepl("^.ddg", name) && !grepl("^prov", name) 
      && (name != ".onLoad") && (name != ".Random.seed"))

  ddg.name <- Filter (not.ddg.func, ddg.e.ls)
  ddg.initial.var <- data.frame(ddg.name, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

  .ddg.set("ddg.initial.env", ddg.e)
  .ddg.set("ddg.initial.var", ddg.initial.var)

#' .ddg.init.tables creates data frames to store the initial environment,
#' procedure nodes, data nodes, edges, and function return values. 
#' It also initializes selected constants and variables.
#' Tables are used throughout provenance collection and
#' optionally saved as tab-delimited files in prov.save.
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd

.ddg.init.tables <- function() {
  # Used to control debugging output.  If already defined, don't
  # change its value.
  if (!.ddg.is.set("ddg.debug.lib")) .ddg.set("ddg.debug.lib", FALSE)

  # Used to control sourcing. If already defined, don't change
  # its value.
  if (!.ddg.is.set("from.source")) .ddg.set("from.source", FALSE)

  # Record last command from the preceding console block.
  .ddg.set("ddg.last.cmd", NULL)
  # Record the current command to be opened during console execution
  # (used when executing a script using .ddg.source).
  .ddg.set("ddg.possible.last.cmd", NULL)

  # Store path of current ddg
  .ddg.set("ddg.path", NULL)
  # Initialize sourced scripts information
  .ddg.init.sourced.scripts ()

  # Save debug files on debug directory
  .ddg.set("ddg.save.debug", FALSE)
  # Initialize DDG Statements
  .ddg.init.statements ()
  # Initialize the stack corresponding to the names of start/finish nodes.
  .ddg.set("ddg.start.stack", vector())
  # Remember if an error node has been created during the processing
  # of the last statement so we only create one.
  .ddg.set ("ddg.error.node.created", FALSE)

#' .ddg.init.environ() sets up the filesystem and R environments for use. 
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd

.ddg.init.environ <- function() {
  dir.create(.ddg.path(), showWarnings=FALSE)
  dir.create(.ddg.path.data(), showWarnings=FALSE)
  dir.create(.ddg.path.debug(), showWarnings=FALSE)
  dir.create(.ddg.path.scripts(), showWarnings=FALSE)

#' .ddg.is.init is called at the beginning of all user accessible
#' functions. It verifies that a DDG has been initialized. If it
#' hasn't, it returns FALSE.
#' @return true if provenance has been initialized
#' @noRd

.ddg.is.init <- function() {
    # Short circuits evaluation.
    return(.ddg.is.set("ddg.initialized") && .ddg.get("ddg.initialized"))

#' .ddg.is.nonlocal.assign returns TRUE if the object passed is an
#' expression object containing a non-local assignment.
#' @param expr input expression.
#' @return TRUE if the expression is an assignment statement using the <<- operator.
#' @noRd

.ddg.is.nonlocal.assign <- function (expr)
  # <<- or ->> means that the assignment is non-local
  if (is.call(expr))
    # This also finds uses of ->>.
    if (identical(expr[[1]], as.name("<<-")))
      return (TRUE)
  return (FALSE)

#' .ddg.create.empty.vars.set creates an empty data frame
#' initialized to contain information about variable assignments. 
#' @param var.table.size desired size of the data frame. Negative values
#'   and 0 are coerced to 1.
#' @return The data frame is structured as follows: \cr
#' - the variable name.\cr
#' - the position of the statement that wrote the variable last.\cr
#' - the position of the last statement that may have assigned to a
#'   variable.\cr 
#' @noRd

.ddg.create.empty.vars.set <- function(var.table.size=1) {

  if (var.table.size <= 0) var.table.size <- 1

  vars.set <- data.frame(variable=character(var.table.size),


#'.ddg.double.vars.set doubles the size of a variable
#' assignment data frame and returns the new one.
#' @param vars.set data frame containing variable assignments.
#' @return a data frame that is twice the size as the original
#' @noRd

.ddg.double.vars.set <- function(vars.set) {
  size <- nrow(vars.set)
  # Create the right size data frame from input frame.
  new.vars.set <- rbind(vars.set, .ddg.create.empty.vars.set(size))


#' .ddg.add.to.vars.set adds the variables set in the command
#' to the variable assignment data frame. Note that
#' var.num is a global variable! It should be intialized when
#' vars.set is first created.
#' @param vars.set variable assignment data frame.
#' @param cmd a DDGStatement object
#' @param i position of command in the list of commands
#' @return an updated vars.set data frame with the information from the command
#' @noRd

.ddg.add.to.vars.set <- function(vars.set, cmd, i) {
  #print("In .ddg.add.to.vars.set")

  # Find out the variable being assigned to by a simple assignment
  # statement.
  main.var.assigned <- cmd@vars.set

  # Find all the variables that may be assigned in the statement.
  vars.assigned <- cmd@vars.possibly.set

  for (var in vars.assigned) {
    nRow <- which(vars.set$variable == var)

    # If the variable is already in the table, update its entry.
    if (length(nRow) > 0) {
      if (!is.null(main.var.assigned) && var == main.var.assigned) {
        vars.set$last.writer[nRow] <- i
      else {
        vars.set$possible.last.writer[nRow] <- i

    # The variable was not in the table. Add a new line for this
    # variable.
    else {
      # Find the first empty row
      empty.rows <- which(vars.set$variable == "")
      if (length(empty.rows) == 0) {
        vars.set <- .ddg.double.vars.set(vars.set)
        empty.rows <- which(vars.set$variable == "")
      var.num <- empty.rows[1]

      # Set the variable.
      vars.set$variable[var.num] <- var
      if (!is.null(main.var.assigned) && var == main.var.assigned) {
        vars.set$last.writer[var.num] <- i
      else {
        vars.set$possible.last.writer[var.num] <- i

  #print (".ddg.add.to.vars.set: returning")

#' .ddg.find.var.assigments finds the possible variable assignments
#' for a fixed set of parsed commands. 
#' @param cmds a list of DDGStatement objects
#' @return the data frame filled in with the information from all of the commands
#' @noRd

.ddg.find.var.assignments <- function(cmds) {
  if (length(cmds) == 0) return (data.frame())

  # Make it big so we don't run out of space.
  var.table.size <- length(cmds)
  vars.set <- .ddg.create.empty.vars.set(var.table.size)

  # Build the table recording where variables are assigned to or may
  # be assigned to.
  for ( i in 1:length(cmds)) {
    #print(paste("Looking for var assignments in", cmd.expr@abbrev))
    vars.set <- .ddg.add.to.vars.set(vars.set, cmds[[i]], i)
  return (vars.set)

#' .ddg.create.data.use.edges creates a data flow
#' edge from the node for each variable used in cmd to the
#' procedural node labeled cmd.
#' @param cmd name of procedure node.
#' @param for.caller whether the search for the variable's scope should start at the 
#'   current stack frame, or start with its caller
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd

.ddg.create.data.use.edges <- function (cmd, for.caller, env=NULL) {
  # Find all the variables used in this command.
  #print (paste(".ddg.create.data.use.edges: cmd = ", cmd@text))
  vars.used <- cmd@vars.used

  for (var in vars.used) {
    var <- .ddg.extract.var (var, env)
    #print(paste(".ddg.create.data.use.edges: var =", var))
    # Make sure there is a node we could connect to.
    scope <- .ddg.get.scope(var, for.caller, env=env)

    #print(paste(".ddg.create.data.use.edges: scope =", scope))

    if (.ddg.data.node.exists(var, scope)) {
      #print(".ddg.create.data.use.edges found data node")
      .ddg.data2proc(var, scope, cmd@abbrev)
    else {
      scope <- .ddg.get.scope(var, for.caller)
      if (.ddg.data.node.exists(var, scope)) {
        #print ("Found data node in caller's scope")
        .ddg.data2proc(var, scope, cmd@abbrev)
    # If the variable is inside an environment, like env$var, we also
    # create nodes and edges for using the env.
    var.env <- .ddg.extract.env (var, env)
    if (!is.null(var.env)){
      if (.ddg.data.node.exists(var.env, scope)) {
        #print(".ddg.create.data.use.edges found data node for the environment")
        .ddg.data2proc(var.env, scope, cmd@abbrev)
      else {
        scope <- .ddg.get.scope(var.env, for.caller)
        if (.ddg.data.node.exists(var.env, scope)) {
          #print ("Found data node inside environment")
          .ddg.data2proc(var.env, scope, cmd@abbrev)
  #print (".ddg.create.data.use.edges Done")

#' .ddg.extract.var is given an expression that is either a variable
#' or an expression with $ in it, like env$var or df$col and finds the part
#' of it that represents a variable, returning the variable as
#' a string.  If the $ operator is being used with an environment, like
#' env$var, "env$var" is returned.  If it is the column of a data frame,
#' like df$col, df is returned.
#' @param var a string holding either a variable or an expression including
#'   the $ operator
#' @param env the environment in which var could be evaluated.  If NULL,
#'   the environment is searched for.
#' @return the portion of var that actually represents the variable
#' @noRd 

.ddg.extract.var <- function (var, env=NULL) {
  # $ is used both to access variables in an environment and 
  # columns in a data frame.  In the former case, we want the 
  # qualified name env$var to be the thing being used.  For a 
  # dataframe, we want to note that the data frame is being used.
  #print (paste ("In .ddg.extract.var, var =", var))
  if (stringi::stri_detect_fixed(var, "$")) {
    #print ("Found $ in var")
    parsed <- parse (text=var)[[1]]
    if (parsed[[1]] == "$") {
      #print ("First operator is $")
      if (is.null(env)) {
        env <- .ddg.get.env(deparse(parsed[[2]]))
      if (!is.environment(eval(parsed[[2]], env))) {
        #print ("Not an environment")
        var = deparse(parsed[[2]])


#' .ddg.extract.env is given an expression that is either a variable
#' or an expression with $ in it, like env$var or df$col and finds the part
#' of it that represents the environment, returning it as
#' a string.  If the $ operator is being used with an environment, like
#' env$var, "env" is returned.  Otherwise NULL is returned.
#' @param var a string holding either a variable or an expression including
#'   the $ operator
#' @param env the environment in which var could be evaluated.  If NULL,
#'   the environment is searched for.
#' @return the portion of var that actually represents the environment, or 
#'   NULL if no environment is involved
#' @noRd 

.ddg.extract.env <- function (var, env=NULL) {
  if (stringi::stri_detect_fixed(var, "$")) {
    parsed <- parse (text=var)[[1]]
    if (parsed[[1]] == "$") {
      if (is.null(env)) {
        env <- .ddg.get.env(deparse(parsed[[2]]))
      if (is.environment(eval(parsed[[2]], env))) {

#.ddg.changing.env <- function (cmd, env) {
#  print ("In .ddg.changing.env")
#  vars.assigned <- cmd@vars.set
#  env.to.set <- character()
#  for (var in vars.assigned) {
#    if (stringi::stri_detect_fixed(var, "$")) {
#      print (paste ("Found $ in var", var))
#      parsed <- parse (text=var)[[1]]
#      if (parsed[[1]] == "$") {
#        print ("First operator is $")
#        arg2String <- deparse(parsed[[2]])
#        if (is.null(env)) {
#          env <- .ddg.get.env(arg2String)
#        }
#        arg2 <- eval(parsed[[2]], env)
#        if (is.environment(arg2)) {
#          print ("Found environment")
#          if (!exists (deparse(parsed[[3]]), envir = arg2)) {
#            print (paste (deparse(parsed[[3]], "is a new var in the environment")))
#             env.to.set <- c(env.to.set, arg2String)  
#          } 
#        }
#      }
#    }
#  }
#  print (".ddg.changing.env is returning")
#  print (env.to.set)
#  return (env.to.set)

#' .ddg.create.data.set.edges creates data nodes for 
#' variables being set, saves the data, and creates edges from the
#' procedure node that set the variable to the new data node.  These
#' nodes and edges correspond to the variables set in the command passed in.
#' @param vars.set variable assignment data frame.
#' @param cmd the command to create edges for
#' @param env environment to use for evaluating variables set.
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd

.ddg.create.data.set.edges <- function(vars.set, cmd, env, captured.output = NULL) {
  #print(paste("In .ddg.create.data.set.edges.for.cmd: cmd = ", cmd@abbrev))
  vars.assigned <- cmd@vars.set
  for (var in vars.assigned) {

    #print(paste(".ddg.create.data.set.edges.for.cmd: var = ", var))
    # Check for a new ggplot that was not assigned to a variable
    if (isNamespaceLoaded("ggplot2") && .ddg.get ("ddg.ggplot.created")) {
      if (var == "") {      
        # Add a data node for the plot and link it in.
        # Set ddg.last.ggplot to the name of this node
        .ddg.data.node("Data", ".ggplot", ggplot2::last_plot(), NULL)
        .ddg.set("ddg.last.ggplot", ".ggplot")
      .ddg.set ("ddg.ggplot.created", FALSE)
    if (var != "") {
      # Create the nodes and edges for setting the variable
      var <- .ddg.extract.var (var, env)
      scope <- .ddg.get.scope(var, env=env)
      .ddg.save.var(var, env, scope)
      .ddg.proc2data(cmd@abbrev, var, scope)
      # If the variable is inside an environment, like env$var
      # and var was not previously in the environment, we also
      # create nodes and edges for change env.
      var.env <- .ddg.extract.env (var, env)
      if (!is.null(var.env)){
        envList <- .ddg.get ("ddg.envList")
        oldEnvContents <- envList[[var.env]]
        # Checks if this is the first variable set
        if (is.null(oldEnvContents)) {
          .ddg.save.var(var.env, env, scope)
          .ddg.proc2data(cmd@abbrev, var.env, scope)
        else {
          # Checks if the variable being set was already in the environment
          internal.var <- substring (var, stringi::stri_locate_first_fixed(var, "$")[1,"start"]+1)
          if (!(internal.var %in% oldEnvContents)) {
            .ddg.save.var(var.env, env, scope)
            .ddg.proc2data(cmd@abbrev, var.env, scope)
  if (!is.null(captured.output) && length(captured.output) > 0) {
    .ddg.data.node("StandardOutput", "output", captured.output, "Standard output");
    .ddg.proc2data(cmd@abbrev, "output", "Standard output")

#' .ddg.save.var
#' Creates a node for a variable
#' @param var the variable to create a node for
#' @param env the environment in which the variable lives.  If NULL, it
#'   finds the closest environment with that variable
#' @param scope the scope for the environment.  If NULL, it looks it up.
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd
.ddg.save.var <- function(var, env=NULL, scope=NULL) {
  if (is.null(env)) {
    env <- .ddg.get.env(var)
    # If no environment is found defining this variable, do not 
    # save it.  It means that the variable is from a scope that
    # is not available at the current line of code, such as a 
    # non-local, yet not global scope.
    if (is.null(env)) {
  if (is.null(scope)) {
    scope <- .ddg.get.scope(var, env=env)

  # Special operators are defined by enclosing the name in `.  However,
  # the R parser drops those characters when we deparse, so when we parse
  # here they are missing and we get an error about unexpected SPECIAL
  # characters.  The first tryCatch, puts the ` back in and parses again.
  # The second tryCatch handles errors associated with evaluating the variable.
  parsed <- tryCatch(parse(text=var),
      error = function(e) {
        if (.ddg.debug.lib()) {
          print (".ddg.save.var: parsing failed")
        parse(text=paste("`", var, "`", sep=""))
  val <- tryCatch(eval(parsed, env),
      error = function(e) {
        if (.ddg.debug.lib()) {
          print (".ddg.save.var: evaluation failed")
        eval (parse(text=var), parent.env(env))
  tryCatch(.ddg.save.data(var, val, error=TRUE, scope=scope, env=env),
      error = 
        if (.ddg.debug.lib()) {
        	print (paste (".ddg.data.save.var failed for", var))
        .ddg.data.node("Data", var, "complex", scope); 

#' .ddg.create.data.node.for.possible.writes creates a data node for
#' each variable that might have been set in something other than a
#' simple assignment.  An edge is created from the last node in the
#' console block.
#' @param vars.set variable assignment data frame.
#' @param last.command last command in console block.
#' @param env the environment that the command was executed in
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd

.ddg.create.data.node.for.possible.writes <- function (vars.set, last.command, 
                                                       env= NULL) {
  #print("In .ddg.create.data.node.for.possible.writes")
  environment <- if (is.environment(env)) env else .GlobalEnv

  for (i in 1:nrow(vars.set)) {
    # print(paste("Checking ", vars.set$variable[i]))
    if (vars.set$possible.last.writer[i] > vars.set$last.writer[i]) {
      value <- tryCatch(eval(parse(text=vars.set$variable[i]), environment),
          error = function(e) {
            #print(paste("Could not find value for", vars.set$variable[i], 
            #            "in environment", environment))

      # Only create the node and edge if we were successful in
      # looking up the value.
      if (!is.null(value)) {
        envName <- environmentName(environment)
        if (envName == "") envName <- .ddg.get.scope(vars.set$variable[i])
        .ddg.data.node("Data", vars.set$variable[i], value, envName)
        .ddg.proc2data(last.command@abbrev, vars.set$variable[i], envName)
  #print("Done with .ddg.create.data.node.for.possible.writes")


#' .ddg.add.start.node creates a start node and its incoming control flow edge.  
#' @param cmd The DDGStatement object for the command being started
#' @param node.name The label to put on the node.  If node.name is not passed in,
#'   the abbreviated label in cmd is used.
#' @param script.num (optional) - the number of the script that the operation is in
#' @param startLine (optional) - the line that the operation starts on
#' @param startCol (optional) - the column that the operation starts on
#' @param endLine (optional) - the line that the operation ends on
#' @param endCol (optional) - the column that the operation ends on
#' @return the label of the node created, excluding "Start"
#' @noRd
.ddg.add.start.node <- function(cmd = NULL, node.name = "",
    script.num=1, startLine=NA, startCol=NA, endLine=NA, endCol=NA) {
  node.name <- .ddg.add.abstract.node ("Start", cmd, node.name,
      script.num, startLine, startCol, endLine, endCol)
  .ddg.push.start (node.name)
  return (node.name)
#' .ddg.add.finish.node creates a finish node and its incoming control flow edge.  
#' @param script.num (optional) - the number of the script that the operation is in
#' @param startLine (optional) - the line that the operation starts on
#' @param startCol (optional) - the column that the operation starts on
#' @param endLine (optional) - the line that the operation ends on
#' @param endCol (optional) - the column that the operation ends on
#' @return the label of the node created, excluding "Finish"
#' @noRd
.ddg.add.finish.node <- function(cmd = NULL,
    script.num=1, startLine=NA, startCol=NA, endLine=NA, endCol=NA) {
  popped <- .ddg.pop.start ()
  node.name <- .ddg.add.abstract.node ("Finish", cmd, node.name = popped,
      script.num, startLine, startCol, endLine, endCol)
  return (node.name)

#' .ddg.close.blocks creates finish nodes and incoming control flow edges
#' for each node on the start/finish stack.
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd

.ddg.close.blocks <- function () {
  ddg.start.stack <- .ddg.get("ddg.start.stack")
  #print (paste ("start.stack =", .ddg.start.stack))
  stack.length <- length(ddg.start.stack)
  if (stack.length == 0) {
  for (i in stack.length:1) {
    .ddg.add.finish.node ()

#' .ddg.push.start pushes a node to the start/finish stack.
#' @param node.name name of node to push
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd

.ddg.push.start <- function (node.name) {
  ddg.start.stack <- .ddg.get("ddg.start.stack")
  if (length(ddg.start.stack) == 0) {
    ddg.start.stack <- node.name
  else {
    ddg.start.stack <- c(ddg.start.stack, node.name)
  .ddg.set("ddg.start.stack", ddg.start.stack)

#' .ddg.pop.start pops a node from the start/finish stack.
#' @return the top node on the start/finish stack.
#' @noRd

.ddg.pop.start <- function () {
  ddg.start.stack <- .ddg.get("ddg.start.stack")
  #print (paste ("Before pop, start.stack =", ddg.start.stack))
  stack.length <- length(ddg.start.stack)
  top <- 
      if (stack.length == 0) NULL
      else ddg.start.stack[stack.length]

  if (stack.length == 1) {
    .ddg.set("ddg.start.stack", vector())
  else if (stack.length > 1){
    .ddg.set("ddg.start.stack", ddg.start.stack[1:(stack.length-1)])
  #print (paste ("pop returning", top))
  return (top)

#' .ddg.top.start returns the number of nodes on the start/finish
#' stack.
#' @return the number of nodes on the start/finish stack
#' @noRd

.ddg.top.start <- function () {
  ddg.start.stack <- .ddg.get("ddg.start.stack")
  stack.length <- length(ddg.start.stack)
  if (stack.length == 0) {
    return (NULL)
  else {
    return (ddg.start.stack[stack.length])

#' .ddg.add.abstract.node creates a start or finish node and its 
#' incoming control flow edge.
#' @param cmd The DDGStatement object for the command being finished
#' @param node.name The label to put on the node.  If node.name is not passed in,
#'   the abbreviated label in cmd is used.
#' @param scriptNum (optional) - the number of the script that the operation is in
#' @param startLine (optional) - the line that the operation starts on
#' @param startCol (optional) - the column that the operation starts on
#' @param endLine (optional) - the line that the operation ends on
#' @param endCol (optional) - the column that the operation ends on
#' @return the label of the node created, excluding "Start" or "Finish"
#' @noRd

.ddg.add.abstract.node <- function(type, cmd = NULL, node.name = "",
    scriptNum=NA, startLine=NA, startCol=NA, endLine=NA, endCol=NA) {
  #print("In .ddg.add.abstract.node")
  if (node.name == "") {
      node.name <- cmd@abbrev
  if (.ddg.debug.lib()) print(paste("Adding", node.name,  type, "node"))
  .ddg.proc.node(type, node.name, node.name, cmd = cmd, 
      scriptNum=scriptNum, startLine=startLine, startCol=startCol, 
      endLine=endLine, endCol=endCol)


#' .ddg.open.new.command.node opens a new collapsible command
#' node depending on the information stored in ddg.possible.last.cmd.
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd

.ddg.open.new.command.node <- function() {
  new.command <- .ddg.get("ddg.possible.last.cmd")
  if (!is.null(new.command)) {
    # Now the new command becomes the last command, and new command
    # is null.
    #print (paste (".ddg.open.new.command.node: saving ddg.last.cmd as", new.command))
    .ddg.set("ddg.last.cmd", new.command)
    .ddg.set("ddg.possible.last.cmd", NULL)

#' .ddg.close.last.command.node closes the last created collapsible
#' node stored in ddg.last.cmd properly by creating the finish node
#' and linking it in.
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd

.ddg.close.last.command.node <- function(){

  # Get last command
  ddg.last.cmd <-
    if (.ddg.is.set("ddg.last.cmd")) {
    else {

  # print (paste (".ddg.close.last.command.node: ddg.last.cmd =", ddg.last.cmd))
  # Only create a finish node if a new command exists (i.e., we've
  # parsed some lines of code).
  if (!is.null(ddg.last.cmd)) {

    # Add link from a function return node if there is one.

    # No previous command.
    .ddg.set("ddg.last.cmd", NULL)

#' .ddg.is.procedure.cmd returns TRUE if the command passed in
#' is a call to .ddg.procedure, .ddg.start, or .ddg.finish.
#' These will create a procedure node and therefore
#' initiate the creation of a collapsible console node.
#' @param cmd - A DDGStatement object
#' @return true if cmd is a call to .ddg.procedure, .ddg.start or .ddg.finish
#' @noRd

.ddg.is.procedure.cmd <- function(cmd) {
  return(grepl("^ddg.procedure", cmd@text) || grepl("^.ddg.start", cmd@text) 
    || grepl("^.ddg.finish", cmd@text))

#' .ddg.record.warning creates the warning node for the saved warning and 
#' attaches it to the node that created the warning
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd

.ddg.record.warning <- function () {
  # Get the saved warning
  w <- .ddg.get.warning()

  # Create a message that looks like the one R creates
  callStr <-
      if (is.null (w$call)) ""
      else paste ("In ", utils::head (deparse(w$call)), ": ")
  warningMessage <- paste (callStr[1], w$message)

  # Create the warning node
  .ddg.insert.error.message(warningMessage, "warning.msg", doWarn = FALSE)

  # Clear the saved warning

#' .ddg.parse.commands takes as input a list of parsed expressions from
#' an R script and creates DDG nodes for each command. If environ is an
#' environment, it executes the commands in that environment
#' immediately before creating the respective nodes for that
#' command, and then creates the data nodes based on the information
#' available in the environment. If environ is not NULL, calls to
#' ddg.* are not executed so only the clean script is processed.
#' If annotate.inside is TRUE, .ddg.function, .ddg.eval and .ddg.return.value
#' are added to each function definition and .ddg.eval is added to control
#' statements before commands are processed. If save.debug is TRUE,
#' changes to the script are saved in the ddg/debug directory.
#' prov.annotate.on and prov.annotate.off may be used to limit the
#' functions that are annotated or not annotated, respectively.
#' If run.commands is false, the commands are not executed.  This allows
#' us to build ddgs for commands run from the console as those commands
#' have already been executed.

#' @param exprs list of parsed R statements
#' @param script.name name of the script the statements came from
#' @param script.num the number of the script in the sourced scripts table
#' @param environ environment in which commands should be
#'   executed.
#' @param ignore.patterns (optional) a vector of regular expressions.
#'   Any commands matching these expressions will not be parsed
#'   (i.e. no nodes will be created for them).
#' @param run.commands (optional) commands are executed only when environ
#'   is an environment and run.commands is TRUE.
#' @param echo (optional) print each expression after parsing
#' @param print.eval (optional) print result of each evaluation.
#' @param max.deparse.length (optional) maximum number of characters
#'   output for deparse of a single expression.
#' @param called.from.ddg.eval(optional) whether called from .ddg.eval
#' @param cmds list of DDG Statements that correspond to the exprs passed in.  This is
#'   currently only used when called from .ddg.eval.  Normally, ddg.parse.commands
#'   creates the DDG Statement objects.
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd

.ddg.parse.commands <- function (exprs, script.name="", script.num=NA, environ, 
    ignore.patterns=c('^ddg.'), run.commands = FALSE, echo=FALSE, 
    print.eval = echo, 
    max.deparse.length=150, called.from.ddg.eval=FALSE, cmds=NULL, 
    continue.echo=getOption("continue"), skip.echo = 0, prompt.echo=getOption("prompt"), 
    spaced=FALSE, verbose=getOption("verbose"),
    deparseCtrl = "showAttributes") {

  #print (paste ("In .ddg.parse.commands, exprs =", exprs))
  return.value <- NULL
  # Gather all the information that we need about the statements
  if (is.null(cmds)) {
    cmds <- .ddg.create.DDGStatements (exprs, script.name, script.num)
    if (.ddg.save.debug()) {
      .ddg.save.annotated.script(cmds, script.name)
  num.cmds <- length(cmds)

  #print (paste("ddg.parse.commands: ddg.func.depth =", .ddg.get("ddg.func.depth")))
  inside.func <- (.ddg.get("ddg.func.depth") > 0)

  if (!inside.func) {
    # Attempt to close the previous collapsible command node if a ddg exists
    if (.ddg.is.init()) {
    # Get the last command in the new commands and check to see if
    # we need to create a new ddg.last.cmd node for future reference.
    ddg.last.cmd <- cmds[[num.cmds]]
    # print(paste(".ddg.parse.commands: setting ddg.last.cmd to", ddg.last.cmd$text))

    if (ddg.last.cmd@isDdgFunc) {
      ddg.last.cmd <- NULL
      #print(".ddg.parse.commands: setting ddg.last.cmd to null")

  # Create an operation node for each command.  We can't use lapply
  # here because we need to process the commands in order and
  # lapply does not guarantee an order. Also decide which data nodes
  # and edges to create. Only create a data node for the last
  # write of a variable and only if that occurs after the last
  # possible writer. Create an edge for a data use as long as the
  # use happens before the first writer/possible writer or after
  # the last writer/possible writer. Lastly, if run.commands is set to
  # true, then execute each command immediately before attempting
  # to create the DDG nodes.

  # Only go through this if  we have at least one command to parse.
  if (num.cmds > 0) {

    # Find where all the variables are assigned for non-environ
    # files.
    if (!run.commands) {
      vars.set <- .ddg.find.var.assignments(cmds)
    else {
      vars.set <- .ddg.create.empty.vars.set()

    # Loop over the commands as well as their string representations.
    for (i in 1:length(cmds)) {
      # if-statement taken from R's source function
      if (verbose) 
        cat("\n>>>> eval(expression_nr.", i, ")\n\t\t =================\n")

      cmd <- cmds[[i]]

      if (.ddg.debug.lib()) print(paste(".ddg.parse.commands: Processing", cmd@abbrev))
      # print("Checking whether to set last.cmd")
      if (grepl("^.ddg.eval", cmd@text)) {
        if (is.null(ddg.last.cmd)) {
          ddg.last.cmd <- cmd

      # Get environment for output data node.
      d.environ <- environ

      if ( .ddg.is.nonlocal.assign(cmd@parsed[[1]]) )
        d.environ <- .ddg.get.env(cmd@vars.set, for.caller=TRUE)
        if( identical(d.environ, "undefined") )
          d.environ <- globalenv()

      # Check for control & loop statements.
      st.type <- .ddg.get.statement.type(cmd@parsed[[1]])
      loop.statement <- st.type %in% c("for", "while", "repeat")
      control.statement <- loop.statement || st.type %in% c("if", "{")
      # Specifies whether or not a procedure node should be created
      # for this command. Basically, if a ddg exists and the
      # command is not a DDG command or a control statement, it should
      # be created. Note that if control statements are annotated,
      # a procedure node is created for each statement inside a control
      # block, so there is no need to create additional nodes for the
      # control statement itself.

      create <- !cmd@isDdgFunc && .ddg.is.init() &&  
          (!(control.statement && .ddg.loop.annotate() && .ddg.max.loops() > 0) || 
      start.finish.created <- FALSE
      cur.cmd.closed <- FALSE

      # If the command does not match one of the ignored patterns.
      if (!any(sapply(ignore.patterns, function(pattern){grepl(pattern, cmd@text)}))) {
        # Set to NULL so it is bound even if we are in console mode.
        captured.output <- NULL

        # If sourcing, we want to execute the command.
        if (run.commands) {
          # Print command.  The echo code is adapted from R's source function.
          if (echo) {
            # lastshown holds the last line number shown to the user.
            # When executing the first command, we can skip the number
            # of lines at the beginning of the file, as specified
            # by skip.echo.  This allows skipping over header comments.
            if (i == 1) 
              lastshown <- min(skip.echo, cmd@pos@startLine - 1)
            if (lastshown < cmd@pos@endLine) {
              # Look up the lines to display in the source file
              srcrefs <- attr(exprs, "srcref")
              srcref <- srcrefs[[i]]
              srcfile <- attr(srcref, "srcfile")
              dep <- getSrcLines(srcfile, lastshown + 1, cmd@pos@endLine)
              lastshown <- cmd@pos@endLine
             .ddg.echo (dep, max.deparse.length, continue.echo, prompt.echo, spaced,
                     cmd@pos@endLine - cmd@pos@startLine + 1)

          # If we will create a node, then before execution, set
          # this command as a possible abstraction node but only
          # if it's not a call that itself creates abstract nodes.
          if (!cmd@isDdgFunc && cmd@text != "next") {
            .ddg.set("ddg.possible.last.cmd", cmd)
            .ddg.set ("ddg.cur.cmd", cmd)
            .ddg.push.cmd (cmd)

          else if (.ddg.is.procedure.cmd(cmd)) {
            .ddg.set("ddg.possible.last.cmd", NULL)

          # Capture any warnings that occur when an expression is evaluated.
          # Note that we cannot just use a tryCatch here because it behaves
          # slightly differently and we would lose the value that eval
          # returns.  withCallingHandlers returns the value.
          # withCallingHandlers also re-throws the error after it is caught.

          # EVALUATE.

          if (.ddg.debug.lib()) {
            print (paste (".ddg.parse.commands: Evaluating ", cmd@annotated))
          result <- withCallingHandlers(
                for (annot in cmd@annotated) {
                  #print (paste (".ddg.parse.commands: Evaluating ", 
                  #             paste(annot, collapse = " ")))
                  # Don't set return.value if we are calling a ddg function or we 
                  # are executing an if-statement
                  loaded_before = loadedNamespaces()
                  if (grepl("^ddg|^.ddg|^prov", cmd@text) 
                    || .ddg.get.statement.type(annot) == "if") {
                      captured.output <- .ddg.capture.output (returnWithVisible <- withVisible (eval(annot, environ, NULL)))
                      .ddg.set ("ddg.error.node.created", FALSE)
                  else {
                    captured.output <- .ddg.capture.output (returnWithVisible <- withVisible (eval(annot, environ, NULL)))
                    #if (typeof(return.value) != "closure") {
                      #print (paste (".ddg.parse.commands: Done evaluating ", annot))
                      #print(paste(".ddg.parse.commands: setting ddg.last.R.value to", 
                      #            return.value))
                    .ddg.set ("ddg.last.R.value", returnWithVisible$value)
                    .ddg.set ("ddg.error.node.created", FALSE)
                  loaded_after = loadedNamespaces()
                  if (length(loaded_before) != length(loaded_after)) {
                  	script.libraries <- .ddg.get ("ddg.script.libraries")
                  	script.libraries <- append (script.libraries, setdiff(loaded_after, loaded_before))
                  	.ddg.set("ddg.script.libraries", script.libraries)
                  #### Start code taken from R's source function. ####
                  i.symbol <- mode(annot) == "name"
                  if (!i.symbol) {
                    curr.fun <- annot[[1L]]
                    if (verbose) {
                  if (verbose >= 2) {
                    cat(".... mode(ei[[1L]])=", mode(annot), "; paste(curr.fun)=")
                  # Print evaluation.
                  if (print.eval && returnWithVisible$visible) {
                    if (isS4(returnWithVisible$value))
                    else print(returnWithVisible$value)
                  if (verbose) 
                    cat(" .. after ", sQuote(deparse(cmd@annotated, control = unique(c(deparseCtrl, 
                                        "useSource")))), "\n", sep = "")
                  #### End code taken from R's source function ####
            warning = .ddg.set.warning,
            error = function(e)
              # Only create an error node if there has not been one created
              # for the statement.  Since the error is re-thrown by withCallingHandlers,
              # we will see this for every recursive call to ddg.parse.commands unless
              # the error gets handled, but we only want to record it the
              # first time.
              if (!.ddg.get("ddg.error.node.created")) {
                # create procedure node for the error-causing operation
                .ddg.proc.node("Operation", cmd@abbrev, cmd@abbrev, 
                               functions.called=cmd@functions.called, cmd=cmd)
                # create input edges by adding variables to set
                if (.ddg.debug.lib()) {
                  print(paste(".ddg.parse.commands: Adding", cmd@abbrev, 
                              "information to vars.set, for an error"))
                .ddg.create.data.use.edges(cmd, for.caller=FALSE)
                # Create output exception node.
                .ddg.data.node("Exception", "error.msg", toString(e), "ddg.library")
                # Create data flow edge from procedure node to exception node.
                .ddg.proc2data(cmd@abbrev, "error.msg")
                .ddg.set ("ddg.error.node.created", TRUE)

          if (.ddg.debug.lib()) {
            print (paste (".ddg.parse.commands: Done evaluating ", cmd@annotated))

          if (!cmd@isDdgFunc && cmd@text != "next") {
            # Need to get the stack again because it could have been
            # modified during the eval call.
            ddg.cur.cmd.stack <- .ddg.get("ddg.cur.cmd.stack")
            stack.length <- length(ddg.cur.cmd.stack)
            start.created <- ddg.cur.cmd.stack[stack.length][[1]]

            # Create a finish node if a start node was created
            # start.created can have one of 3 values: "TRUE", "FALSE",
            # "MATCHES_CALL". Only create the finish node if TRUE.
            if (start.created == "TRUE") {
              start.finish.created <- TRUE

              # If the number of loop iterations exceeds max.loops, add
              # output data nodes containing final values to the finish node.
              if (loop.statement && .ddg.were.details.omitted()) {
                vars.set2 <- .ddg.add.to.vars.set(vars.set, cmd, i)
                .ddg.create.data.node.for.possible.writes(vars.set2, cmd, environ)

            # Remove the last command & start.created values pushed
            # onto the stack
            cur.cmd.closed <- (ddg.cur.cmd.stack[stack.length] == "MATCHES_CALL")
            .ddg.pop.cmd ()

        # Figure out if we should create a procedure node for this
        # command. We don't create it if it matches a last command
        # (because that last command has now become a collapsible
        # node). Matching a last command means that the last command
        # is set, is not NULL, and is equal to the current command.

        last.proc.node.created <-
            if (.ddg.is.set ("ddg.last.proc.node.created"))
            else ""
        create.procedure <- create && !cur.cmd.closed && 
                            !start.finish.created  && 
                            !grepl("^.ddg.source", cmd@annotated)
        # We want to create a procedure node for this command.
        if (create.procedure) {
          # Create the procedure node.

          if (.ddg.debug.lib()) {
            print(paste(".ddg.parse.commands: Adding operation node for", 
          .ddg.proc.node("Operation", cmd@abbrev, cmd@abbrev, 
                         functions.called=cmd@functions.called, cmd=cmd)

          # If a warning occurred when cmd was evaluated,
          # attach a warning node
          if (.ddg.warning.occurred()) {
          # Store information on the last procedure node in this
          # block.
          last.proc.node <- cmd

          # We want to create the incoming data nodes (by updating
          # the vars.set).
          if (run.commands) {
            # Add variables to set.
            vars.set <- .ddg.add.to.vars.set(vars.set, cmd, i)

            if (.ddg.debug.lib()) {
              print(paste(".ddg.parse.commands: Adding", cmd@abbrev, 
                          "information to vars.set"))

          .ddg.create.data.use.edges(cmd, for.caller=FALSE, d.environ)


          if (.ddg.debug.lib()) {
            print(paste(".ddg.parse.commands: Adding input data nodes for", 
          .ddg.create.data.set.edges(vars.set, cmd, d.environ, captured.output)

          if (.ddg.debug.lib()) {
            print(paste(".ddg.parse.commands: Adding output data nodes for", 

          .ddg.create.file.write.nodes.and.edges ()
          .ddg.create.graphics.nodes.and.edges ()
        # We wanted to create it but it matched a last command node.
        else if (create && run.commands) {
          if (run.commands) {
            # Add variables to set.
            vars.set <- .ddg.add.to.vars.set(vars.set, cmd, i)
            if (.ddg.debug.lib()) {
              print(paste(".ddg.parse.commands: Adding", cmd@abbrev, 
                          "information to vars.set"))
            .ddg.create.data.set.edges(vars.set, cmd, environ)

        if (create.procedure && run.commands) {
          .ddg.create.data.node.for.possible.writes(vars.set, last.proc.node, env=environ)

          # Update so we don't set these again.
          vars.set$possible.last.writer <- vars.set$last.writer
     if (echo) {
       # Output any extra lines from the file that are after the last line executed
	     # This code is adapted from R's source function.  In the source function
	     # they use the tail variable to identify statements done
	     # after the last line of code is executed.
       srcref <- attr(exprs, "wholeSrcref")
       srcfile <- attr(srcref, "srcfile")
        dep <- getSrcLines(srcfile, lastshown + 1, srcref[3])
        .ddg.echo (dep, max.deparse.length, continue.echo, prompt.echo, spaced, 0)

     # Create a data node for each variable that might have been set in
     # something other than a simple assignment, with an edge from the
     # last node in the console block or source .
     if (!run.commands) {
       .ddg.create.data.node.for.possible.writes(vars.set, last.proc.node, env=environ)

  #print("Done with ddg.parse.commands loop")

  # Close any node left open during execution.
  if (run.commands && !inside.func) .ddg.close.last.command.node()

  if (.ddg.is.set("ddg.last.R.value")) return (.ddg.get ("ddg.last.R.value"))
  else return ("")
  #return.value <- .ddg.get ("ddg.last.R.value")
  #if (typeof(return.value) != "closure") {
  #  print(paste(".ddg.parse.commands: returning ", return.value))

#' .ddg.capture.output is a simple re-write of R's capture.output
#'  that allows us to capture the exception that occurs if the 
#' connection is closed by the code whose output is being captured
#' as is the case if that code includes a call to closeAllConnections.
#' See capture.output for more details.
#' @noRd 
.ddg.capture.output <- function (...) 
  args <- substitute(list(...))[-1L]
  type <- c("output", "message")
  rval <- NULL
  file <- textConnection("rval", "w", local = TRUE)
  sink(file, type = type, split = TRUE)
        sink(type = type, split = TRUE)
  pf <- parent.frame()
  evalVis <- function(expr) withVisible(eval(expr, pf))
  for (i in seq_along(args)) {
    expr <- args[[i]]
    tmp <- switch(mode(expr), expression = lapply(expr, evalVis), 
        call = , name = list(evalVis(expr)), stop("bad argument"))
    for (item in tmp) if (item$visible) 
        sink(type = type, split = TRUE)
      warning = function (e) {}
  if (is.null(rval)) 
  else rval

#' .ddg.echo prints the command to the screen
#' @param cmdText the lines to display.  This can include blank lines and comments that
#'    preceded the command itself.
#' @param max.deparse.length the maximum length to display
#' @param continue.echo the prompt to put at the start of the condinuation lines of a multi-line statement
#' @param prompt.echo the prompt to put at the start of the first line of a statement
#' @param spaced if true, blank lines are inserted between statements executed
#' @param curCmdLength the number of lines in the statement being executed.  This is the
#'     length of the command itself, not including leading blank lines or comments.
#' @noRd 
.ddg.echo <- function (cmdText, max.deparse.length, continue.echo, prompt.echo, spaced, curCmdLength) {
  # This function is extracted and adapted from R's source function.
  dep <- cmdText
  # Remove leading blank lines
  while (length(dep) && grepl("^[[:blank:]]*$", dep[1])) {
    dep <- dep[-1]
  # No actual command.  This happens if we have reached the end of the file
  # and there is a trailing comment.
  if (curCmdLength == 0) {
    # Print the trailing comments, with each line beginning with 
    # the prompt character.
    dep <- paste0(rep.int(prompt.echo, length(dep)), dep, 
      collapse = "\n")
  else {
    # Print the comments and first line of the command beginning with the
    # prompt character.  If there is more than one line to the command,
    # begin each of those with the continue character.
    dep <- paste0(rep.int(c(prompt.echo, continue.echo), 
            c(length(dep) - curCmdLength + 1, curCmdLength - 1)), dep, 
            collapse = "\n")
  nd <- nchar(dep, "c")
  if (nd) {
    # Truncate the output if it is too long
    do.trunc <- nd > max.deparse.length
    dep <- substr(dep, 1L, if (do.trunc) 
            else nd)
    sd <- "\""
    nos <- "[^\"]*"
    oddsd <- paste0("^", nos, sd, "(", nos, sd, nos, sd, 
        ")*", nos, "$")
    # Insert blank line if spaced is true
    cat(if (spaced) "\n", 
        if (do.trunc) 
          # Make sure any open quotes are closed if the string
          # is truncated.
          paste(if (grepl(sd, dep) && grepl(oddsd, dep)) 
                    " ...\" ..."
                else " ....", 
                "[TRUNCATED] "), "\n", sep = "")

#' .ddg.evaluate.commands evaluates a list of parsed R statements. Provenance is 
#' collected for inputs and outputs only. If an error or warning is generated 
#' when a statement is evaluated, an output exception node is created containing 
#' the error or warning message.

#' @param exprs list of parsed R statements
#' @param environ environment in which commands should be executed.
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd

.ddg.evaluate.commands <- function (exprs, environ) {
  for (expr in exprs) {
    # Evaluate each statement in turn.
    result <- withCallingHandlers(
        return.value <- eval(expr, environ, NULL)
        .ddg.set ("ddg.error.node.created", FALSE)
      warning = .ddg.set.warning,
      error = function(e)
          # If an error occurred, create an error node if not already created.
          if (!.ddg.get("ddg.error.node.created")) {
            .ddg.data.node("Exception", "error.msg", toString(e), "ddg.library")
            .ddg.lastproc2data ("error.msg")
            .ddg.set ("ddg.error.node.created", TRUE)

    # If a warning occurred, create a warning node.
    if (.ddg.warning.occurred()) {

    # Create nodes & edges for inputs & outputs.
    .ddg.create.file.read.nodes.and.edges ()
    .ddg.create.file.write.nodes.and.edges ()
    .ddg.create.graphics.nodes.and.edges ()

#' .ddg.push.cmd pushes a command onto the command stack.  The command stack 
#' remembers the command about to be executed.  It also puts FALSE on the stack 
#' to indicate that no start node has (yet) been created for the command.
#' @param cmd The DDGStatement about to be executed
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd

.ddg.push.cmd <- function (cmd) {
  #print(paste("Pushing onto the stack:", cmd@text))
  # Remember the current statement on the stack so that we
  # will be able to create a corresponding Finish node later
  # if needed.
  ddg.cur.cmd.stack <- .ddg.get("ddg.cur.cmd.stack")
  if (length(ddg.cur.cmd.stack) == 0) {
    ddg.cur.cmd.stack <- c(cmd, FALSE)
  else {
    ddg.cur.cmd.stack <- c(.ddg.get("ddg.cur.cmd.stack"), cmd, FALSE)
  .ddg.set("ddg.cur.cmd.stack", ddg.cur.cmd.stack)

#' .ddg.pop.cmd removes the top of the command stack, along with the boolean 
#' that remembers if the start / finish nodes have been created.
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd

.ddg.pop.cmd <- function () {
  ddg.cur.cmd.stack <- .ddg.get("ddg.cur.cmd.stack")
  stack.length <- length(ddg.cur.cmd.stack)
  if (stack.length == 2) {
    .ddg.set("ddg.cur.cmd.stack", vector())
  else {
    .ddg.set("ddg.cur.cmd.stack", ddg.cur.cmd.stack[1:(stack.length-2)])

#' .ddg.get.top.cmd returns the last command on the stack.
#' @return the last command pushed to the stack
#' @noRd

.ddg.get.top.cmd <- function() {
  ddg.cur.cmd.stack <- .ddg.get("ddg.cur.cmd.stack")
  stack.length <- length(ddg.cur.cmd.stack)
  return (ddg.cur.cmd.stack[stack.length-1][[1]])

#' .ddg.lookup.function.name gets the name of the calling function
#' and sets pname to that value. If pname is passed as a string,
#' pname is not changed.  If pname is not a string, it is deparsed.
#' If pname is NULL when called, pname is obtained from the calling environment.
#' Note that it is important that this be a macro, not a function,
#' due to the use of the substitute function in the body.  expr is
#' the macro body.
#' @param pname - name of procedure node.
#' @noRd

.ddg.lookup.function.name <- gtools::defmacro (pname,
    expr =
        # If pname is not provided, get from function call.
        if (is.null(pname)) {
          # Look up function call.
          # Note: I tried to call .ddg.get.first.non.ddg.call instead
          # of hardwiring the number here but it did not work.  The 
          # call stack contains unexpected entries to eval before
          # getting to the user's function.
          call <- sys.call(-4)

          if (typeof(call[[1]]) == "closure") {
            #print(".ddg.lookup.function.name:  Found a closure!")
            pname <- "FUN"
          else {
            pname <- as.character(call[[1]])

        # Convert pname to a string if necessary.
        else if (!is.character(pname)) {
          pname <- deparse(substitute(pname))

#' .ddg.lookup.value is used to determine what value to use when
#' creating data nodes.  
#' Note that it is important that this be a macro, not a function, 
#' due to the use of the substitute function in the body. expr is the macro body. 
#' @param expr.to.evaluate the expression to be evaluted. This can be a string or
#'   a name.
#' @param value the value that was passed in to the calling function.
#'   If value already exists, nothing happens. If value is NULL,
#'   the expression is evaluated to determine the value.
#' @param env the environment in which the evaluation is done.
#' @param procname the name of the calling procedure, used to produce
#'   an error message if necessary.  Only needed if warn is TRUE.
#' @param warn (optional) if TRUE, warns user that the expression could
#'   not be evaluated if the evaluation failed
#' @noRd
.ddg.lookup.value <- gtools::defmacro(expr.to.evaluate, value, env, 
                                      procname = "", warn=FALSE,
    expr =
        if (is.null(value)) {
          arg <- substitute(expr.to.evaluate)
          if (is.character(arg)) {
            tryCatch (arg <- parse(text=expr.to.evaluate),
            error = function(e) {})
          else expr.to.evaluate <- deparse(arg)
          value <- tryCatch (
              eval(arg, env),
              error = function(e) {
                if (warn) {
                  error.msg <- paste("Unable to evaluate", expr.to.evaluate, 
                                     "in call to", procname)
                return ("")

#' .ddg.delete.temp deletes any temporary files created during
#' the processing of a script. These include the temporary
#' history file.
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd

.ddg.delete.temp <- function() {
  # Delete the temporary history file if we made it.
  if (.ddg.is.set('ddg.history.file')) unlink(.ddg.get('ddg.history.file'))

#' .ddg.get.frame.number gets the frame number of the closest
#' non-library calling function.
#' @param calls call stack to search
#' @param for.caller (optional) if TRUE, return the frame of the caller of the 
#'    first non-ddg function
#' @return If for.caller is FALSE, returns the top-most non-ddg function on the
#'   call stack.  If for.caller is TRUE, returns the second one found.  If none
#'   are found, returns 0. 
#' @noRd

.ddg.get.frame.number <- function(calls, for.caller=FALSE) {
  script.func.found <- FALSE
  nframe <- length(calls)
  for (i in nframe:1) {
    call <- calls[[i]][[1]]
    # Guess that if we have a closure it is a user-defined function and not a ddg function
    # Is this a good assumption ????
    if (typeof(call) == "closure") {
      if (for.caller && !script.func.found) {
        script.func.found <- TRUE
      else {
    else {
      call.func <- as.character(call)
      # Ignore calls to ddg functions or to the functions that get called from 
      # the outermost tryCatch to ddg code.  Seems like a hack.  If provenance
      # tools call prov.run, we need to add them to the list (like debug.init).
      # We also could capture functions that actually are defined in a script if
      # they start with "prov"!  
      if (!any (startsWith (call.func, c (".ddg", "ddg", "prov", "doTryCatch", 
        "tryCatch", "debug.init")))) {
          if (for.caller && !script.func.found) {
            script.func.found <- TRUE
          else {

#' .ddg.where looks up the environment for the variable specified
#' by name.  Adapted from Hadley Wickham, Advanced R programming.
#' @param name - name of variable.
#' @param env (optional) - environment in which to start looking for variable.
#' @param warning (optional) - set to TRUE if a warning should be thrown when a variable is not found.
#' @return the environment in which the name is found.  Returns "undefined" if the
#'   variable is not found.
#' @noRd

.ddg.where <- function( name, env = parent.frame(), warning = FALSE )
  stopifnot(is.character(name), length(name) == 1)
  if (identical(env, emptyenv()))
      warning("Can't find ", name)

  if (exists(name, env, inherits=FALSE))
    .ddg.where(name, parent.env(env), warning)

#'.ddg.get.env gets the environment in which name is declared.
#' @param name variable name.
#' @param for.caller (optional) if TRUE, go up one level before searching.
#' @param calls (optional) call stack to search
#' @return the environment in which name is declated
#' @noRd

.ddg.get.env <- function(name, for.caller=FALSE, calls=NULL) {
  if (is.null(calls)) calls <- sys.calls()

  fnum <- .ddg.get.frame.number(calls, for.caller)

  tryCatch (
    if(!exists(name, sys.frame(fnum), inherits=TRUE)) {
    error = function(e) {}
  env <- .ddg.where(name, sys.frame(fnum), TRUE)

#' .ddg.get.scope converts from an environment object to its name.  If no
#' environment is passed in, it uses the name to find the environment.  One
#' of name or env must be provided.
#' @param name name of variable.
#' @param for.caller (optional) if TRUE, go up one level before searching.
#' @param calls (optional) call stack to search
#' @param env (optional) the environment to get the scope for
#' @return the scope of the variable
#' @noRd

.ddg.get.scope <- function(name="", for.caller=FALSE, calls=NULL, env=NULL) {
  # Get the environment for the variable call.
  if (is.null(env)) {
    env <- .ddg.get.env(name, for.caller, calls)
  # If no environment found, name does not exist, so scope is
  # undefined.
  if (is.null(env)) return ("undefined")

  scope <- sub('^<environment: (.*)>$', '\\1', utils::capture.output(env)[1])
  if (grepl("undefined", scope)) scope <- "undefined"

#' .ddg.save.debug.files saves debug files to the debug directory.
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd

.ddg.save.debug.files <- function() 
  # Save initial environment table to file.
  fileout <- paste(.ddg.path.debug(), "/initial-environment.csv", sep="")
  ddg.initial.var <- .ddg.initial.var()
  utils::write.csv(ddg.initial.var, fileout, row.names=FALSE)

  .ddg.save.debug.proc.nodes ()
  .ddg.save.debug.data.nodes ()
  .ddg.save.function.table ()
  # save library information to file
  fileout <- paste(.ddg.path.debug(), "/libraries.csv", sep="")
  utils::write.csv(.ddg.loadedpackages(), fileout, row.names=FALSE)
  # save execution environment information to file
  fileout <- paste(.ddg.path.debug(), "/environment.csv", sep="")
  utils::write.csv(.ddg.exec.env(), fileout, row.names=FALSE)
  .ddg.save.return.value.table ()
  .ddg.save.sourced.script.table ()
  # save run arguments to file
  fileout <- paste(.ddg.path.debug(), "/run-args.csv", sep="")
  utils::write.csv(.ddg.run.args(), fileout, row.names=FALSE)
  if (interactive()) print(paste("Saving debug files in ", .ddg.path.debug(), sep=""))

#' .ddg.exec.env returns a dataframe of information about the current
#' execution environment
#' @return a data frame of information about the current environment.
#' @noRd

.ddg.exec.env <- function()
  env <- data.frame(  "architecture" = character(1), 
            "os" = character(1), 
            "language" = character(1), 
            "rVersion" = character(1), 
            "script" = character(1), 
            "scriptTimeStamp" = character(1),
            "workingDirectory" = character(1), 
            "ddgDirectory" = character(1), 
            "ddgTimeStamp" = character(1),
            "rdtVersion" = character(1), 
            "hashAlgorithm" = character(1),
            stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
  # architecture, language, rVersion
  r.version <- R.Version()
  env$architecture[1] <- r.version$arch
  env$language[1] <- r.version$language
  env$rVersion[1] <- r.version$version
  # operating system
  env$os[1] <- .Platform$OS.type
  # script variables
  script.path <- .ddg.r.script.path()
  if(!is.null(script.path) )
    env$script[1] <- script.path
    env$scriptTimeStamp[1] <- .ddg.format.time( file.info(script.path)$mtime )
    env$script[1] <- ""
    env$scriptTimeStamp[1] <- ""
  # working directory, ddg. directory
  env$workingDirectory[1] <- getwd()
  env$ddgDirectory[1] <- .ddg.path()
  # ddg timestamp
  env$ddgTimeStamp[1] <- .ddg.get("ddg.start.time")
  # tool version
  tool.name <- .ddg.tool.name()
  env$rdtVersion[1] <- toString( utils::packageVersion(tool.name) )
  # hash algorithm
  env$hashAlgorithm[1] <- .ddg.get("ddg.hash.algorithm")
End-to-end-provenance/rdt documentation built on Aug. 11, 2022, 12:55 p.m.