
Defines functions write.fasta read.fasta

Documented in read.fasta write.fasta

#' @name fasta
#' @aliases fasta
#' @title Read and Write FASTA
#' @description Read and write FASTA formatted files of sequences.
#' @param file a FASTA-formatted file of sequences.
#' @param x a list or a matrix of DNA sequences (see \code{\link[ape]{write.dna}}), 
#'   or a \code{\link{gtypes}} object with sequences.
#' @return \describe{
#'   \item{read.fasta}{a set of sequences in DNAbin format}
#'   \item{write.fasta}{invisbly, name(s) of file(s) written}
#' }
#' @author Eric Archer \email{eric.archer@@noaa.gov}
#' @export
read.fasta <- function(file) {
    file, format = "fasta", as.character = TRUE, as.matrix = FALSE
  ) %>% 
    # replace ?s with Ns and convert to lower-case
    purrr::map(function(x) tolower(gsub("\\?", "n", x))) %>% 
    ape::as.DNAbin() %>% 

#' @rdname fasta
#' @export
write.fasta <- function(x, file = NULL) {
  fasta.func <- function(dna, f) {
      dna, file = f, format = "fasta", nbcol = -1, 
      colsep = "", indent = 0, blocksep = 0
  folder <- if(is.null(file)) "." else dirname(file)
  if(is.gtypes(x)) {
    if(!is.null(file)) file <- basename(file)
    file <- .getFileLabel(x, file)
  file <- if(is.null(file)) "sequences.fasta" else basename(file)
  if(!grepl("((\\.fas)$)|((\\.fasta)$)", tolower(file))) {
    file <- paste0(file, ".fasta")
  fname <- if(inherits(x, "multidna") | is.gtypes(x)) {
    x <- apex::getSequences(as.multidna(x, as.haplotypes = FALSE), simplify = TRUE)
    sapply(names(x), function(gene) {
      fasta.func(x[[gene]], file.path(folder, paste0(gene, " ", file)))
  } else {
    x <- if(inherits(x, "DNAbin")) as.character(x) else ape::as.DNAbin(x)
    fasta.func(x, file.path(folder, file))
EricArcher/strataG documentation built on May 17, 2024, 12:41 p.m.