test_processOneAssay = function(){
mix = sample.int(ncol(countMatrix), ncol(countMatrix))
dge = DGEList(counts = countMatrix[,mix])
dge = calcNormFactors(dge)
rownames(metadata) = rownames(metadata)[mix]
a = with(dge$samples, lib.size * norm.factors)
b = getNormLibSizes(dge)
form <- ~ Disease
dsgn = model.matrix(form, metadata)
# processOneAssay
w = 1:ncol(dge)
fit1r = voomLmFit2( dge, dsgn, prior.weights=w / mean(w))
fit1 = eBayes(fit1r)
wMat = matrix(w / mean(w), nrow = nrow(dge), ncol = length(w), byrow=T)
rownames(wMat) = rownames(dge)
colnames(wMat) = colnames(dge)
res = dreamlet:::processOneAssay(dge, form, metadata,
weights = wMat,
n.cells = w,
min.cells = 0,
min.count = 0,
min.samples = 0,
prior.count = 0.5,
min.prop = 0,
span = 0.5,
rescaleWeightsAfter = TRUE)
checkEquals(fit1$EList$E, res$E, tolerance = 1e-4)
checkEquals(as.numeric(fit1$EList$weights), as.numeric(res$weights), tolerance = 3e-4)
# Fig bug reported here
# https://support.bioconductor.org/p/9154670/
voomLmFit2 = function (counts, design = NULL, block = NULL, prior.weights = NULL,
sample.weights = FALSE, var.design = NULL, var.group = NULL,
lib.size = NULL, normalize.method = "none", span = 0.5, plot = FALSE,
save.plot = FALSE, keep.EList = TRUE)
Block <- !is.null(block)
PriorWeights <- !is.null(prior.weights)
SampleWeights <- sample.weights || !is.null(var.design) ||
if (PriorWeights && SampleWeights)
stop("Can't specify prior.weights and estimate sample weights")
out <- list()
if (is(counts, "SummarizedExperiment"))
counts <- SE2DGEList(counts)
if (is(counts, "DGEList")) {
out$genes <- counts$genes
out$targets <- counts$samples
if (is.null(design) && diff(range(as.numeric(counts$sample$group))) >
design <- model.matrix(~group, data = counts$samples)
if (is.null(lib.size))
lib.size <- getNormLibSizes(counts)
counts <- counts$counts
else {
if (is(counts, "eSet")) {
if (!requireNamespace("Biobase", quietly = TRUE))
stop("Biobase package required but is not installed (or can't be loaded)")
if (length(Biobase::fData(counts)))
out$genes <- Biobase::fData(counts)
if (length(Biobase::pData(counts)))
out$targets <- Biobase::pData(counts)
counts <- get("counts", Biobase::assayData(counts))
else {
counts <- as.matrix(counts)
n <- nrow(counts)
if (n < 2L)
stop("Need at least two genes to fit a mean-variance trend")
m <- min(counts)
if (is.na(m))
stop("NA counts not allowed")
if (m < 0)
stop("Negative counts not allowed")
if (is.null(design)) {
design <- matrix(1, ncol(counts), 1)
rownames(design) <- colnames(counts)
colnames(design) <- "GrandMean"
if (is.null(lib.size))
lib.size <- colSums(counts)
if (!is.null(prior.weights))
prior.weights <- asMatrixWeights(prior.weights, dim(counts))
# added GEH
attr(prior.weights, "arrayweights") = NULL
y <- t(log2(t(counts + 0.5)/(lib.size + 1) * 1e+06))
y <- normalizeBetweenArrays(y, method = normalize.method)
fit <- lmFit(y, design, weights = prior.weights)
if (is.null(fit$qr))
h <- hat(design, intercept = FALSE)
else h <- hat(fit$qr)
MinGroupSize <- 1/max(h)
eps <- 1e-04
RowHasZero <- which(rowSums(counts < eps) > (max(2, MinGroupSize) -
AnyZeroRows <- as.logical(length(RowHasZero))
if (AnyZeroRows) {
countsZero <- counts[RowHasZero, , drop = FALSE]
PoissonFit <- glmFit(countsZero, design = design, lib.size = lib.size,
dispersion = 0, prior.count = 0)
IsZero <- (PoissonFit$fitted.values < eps & countsZero <
RowHasExactZero <- which(rowSums(IsZero) > eps)
if (length(RowHasExactZero)) {
RowHasZero <- RowHasZero[RowHasExactZero]
IsZero <- IsZero[RowHasExactZero, , drop = FALSE]
yNAshort <- y[RowHasZero, , drop = FALSE]
yNAshort[IsZero] <- NA
fitNA <- suppressWarnings(lmFit(yNAshort, design,
weights = prior.weights[RowHasZero, , drop = FALSE]))
fit$df.residual[RowHasZero] <- fitNA$df.residual
fit$sigma[RowHasZero] <- fitNA$sigma
if (Block || SampleWeights) {
yNAfull <- y
yNAfull[RowHasZero, ] <- yNAshort
else {
AnyZeroRows <- FALSE
HasRep <- (fit$df.residual > 0L)
NWithReps <- sum(HasRep)
if (NWithReps < 2L) {
if (NWithReps == 0L)
warning("The experimental design has no replication. Setting weights to 1.")
if (NWithReps == 1L)
warning("Only one gene with any replication. Setting weights to 1.")
fit$genes <- out$genes
Amean <- Amean2 <- rowMeans(y)
if (AnyZeroRows)
Amean2[RowHasZero] <- rowMeans(yNAshort, na.rm = TRUE)
sx <- Amean2[HasRep] + mean(log2(lib.size + 1)) - log2(1e+06)
sy <- sqrt(fit$sigma[HasRep])
if (AnyZeroRows)
l <- weightedLowess(sx, sy, span = span, weights = fit$df.residual[HasRep],
output.style = "lowess")
else l <- lowess(sx, sy, f = span)
if (plot) {
plot(sx, sy, xlab = "log2( count size + 0.5 )", ylab = "Sqrt( standard deviation )",
pch = 16, cex = 0.25)
title("voom: Mean-variance trend")
lty <- ifelse(Block || SampleWeights, 2, 1)
lines(l, col = "red", lty = lty)
f <- approxfun(l, rule = 2, ties = list("ordered", mean))
if (fit$rank < ncol(design)) {
j <- fit$pivot[1:fit$rank]
fitted.values <- fit$coefficients[, j, drop = FALSE] %*%
t(fit$design[, j, drop = FALSE])
else {
fitted.values <- fit$coefficients %*% t(fit$design)
fitted.cpm <- 2^fitted.values
fitted.count <- 1e-06 * t(t(fitted.cpm) * (lib.size + 1))
fitted.logcount <- log2(fitted.count)
w <- 1/f(fitted.logcount)^4
dim(w) <- dim(fitted.logcount)
if (PriorWeights)
weights <- w * prior.weights
else weights <- w
# weights = weights / rowMeans(weights)
if (SampleWeights) {
if (AnyZeroRows) {
sw <- arrayWeights(yNAfull, design, weights = weights,
var.design = var.design, var.group = var.group)
else {
sw <- arrayWeights(y, design, weights = weights,
var.design = var.design, var.group = var.group)
message("First sample weights (min/max) ", paste(format(range(sw)),
collapse = "/"))
if (Block)
weights <- t(sw * t(weights))
if (Block) {
if (AnyZeroRows) {
dc <- suppressWarnings(duplicateCorrelation(yNAfull,
design, block = block, weights = weights))
else {
dc <- suppressWarnings(duplicateCorrelation(y, design,
block = block, weights = weights))
correlation <- dc$consensus.correlation
if (is.na(correlation))
correlation <- 0
message("First intra-block correlation ", format(correlation))
else {
correlation <- NULL
if (Block || SampleWeights) {
if (SampleWeights)
weights <- asMatrixWeights(sw, dim(y))
else weights <- prior.weights
fit <- lmFit(y, design, block = block, correlation = correlation,
weights = weights)
if (AnyZeroRows) {
fitNA <- suppressWarnings(lmFit(yNAshort, design,
block = block, correlation = correlation, weights = weights[RowHasZero,
, drop = FALSE]))
fit$df.residual[RowHasZero] <- fitNA$df.residual
fit$sigma[RowHasZero] <- fitNA$sigma
sy <- sqrt(fit$sigma[HasRep])
if (AnyZeroRows)
l <- weightedLowess(sx, sy, span = span, weights = fit$df.residual[HasRep],
output.style = "lowess")
else l <- lowess(sx, sy, f = span)
if (plot) {
lines(l, col = "red")
legend("topright", lty = c(2, 1), col = "red", legend = c("First",
f <- approxfun(l, rule = 2, ties = list("ordered", mean))
if (fit$rank < ncol(design)) {
j <- fit$pivot[1:fit$rank]
fitted.values <- fit$coefficients[, j, drop = FALSE] %*%
t(fit$design[, j, drop = FALSE])
else {
fitted.values <- fit$coefficients %*% t(fit$design)
fitted.cpm <- 2^fitted.values
fitted.count <- 1e-06 * t(t(fitted.cpm) * (lib.size +
fitted.logcount <- log2(fitted.count)
w <- 1/f(fitted.logcount)^4
dim(w) <- dim(fitted.logcount)
if (PriorWeights)
weights <- w * prior.weights
else weights <- w
if (SampleWeights) {
if (AnyZeroRows) {
sw <- arrayWeights(yNAfull, design, weights = weights,
var.design = var.design, var.group = var.group)
else {
sw <- arrayWeights(y, design, weights = weights,
var.design = var.design, var.group = var.group)
message("Final sample weights (min/max) ", paste(format(range(sw)),
collapse = "/"))
weights <- t(sw * t(weights))
if (Block) {
if (AnyZeroRows) {
dc <- suppressWarnings(duplicateCorrelation(yNAfull,
design, block = block, weights = weights))
else {
dc <- suppressWarnings(duplicateCorrelation(y,
design, block = block, weights = weights))
correlation <- dc$consensus.correlation
if (is.na(correlation))
correlation <- 0
message("Final intra-block correlation ", format(correlation))
fit <- lmFit(y, design, block = block, correlation = correlation,
weights = weights)
if (is.null(fit$Amean))
fit$Amean <- Amean
if (AnyZeroRows) {
fitNA <- suppressWarnings(lmFit(yNAshort, design, block = block,
correlation = correlation, weights = weights[RowHasZero,
, drop = FALSE]))
fit$df.residual[RowHasZero] <- fitNA$df.residual
fit$sigma[RowHasZero] <- fitNA$sigma
fit$genes <- out$genes
fit$targets <- out$targets
if (is.null(fit$targets)) {
fit$targets <- data.frame(lib.size = lib.size)
row.names(fit$targets) <- colnames(y)
if (SampleWeights)
fit$targets$sample.weight <- sw
if (save.plot) {
fit$voom.xy <- list(x = sx, y = sy, xlab = "log2( count size + 0.5 )",
ylab = "Sqrt( standard deviation )")
fit$voom.line <- l
if (keep.EList) {
fit$EList <- new("EList", list(E = y, weights = weights,
genes = out$genes))
test_augmentPriorCount = function(){
# create pseudobulk for each sample and cell cluster
pb <- aggregateToPseudoBulk(example_sce,
assay = "counts",
sample_id = "sample_id",
cluster_id = "cluster_id",
verbose = FALSE
res.proc1 <- processAssays(pb, ~ group_id,
assays = assayNames(pb)[1])
res.proc2 <- processAssays(pb, ~ group_id,
# prior.count = .5,
scaledByLib = TRUE,
assays = assayNames(pb)[1])
checkEquals(max(res.proc1[[1]]$E - res.proc2[[1]]$E) !=0, TRUE)
# d = diag(cor(t(res.proc1[[1]]$E), t(res.proc2[[1]]$E)))
# hist(d)
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