
#' Read timeseries from RADOLAN NetCDF file
#' @param ncdf.folder folder with NetCDF files (files must follow naming convention radolan%%radolan.type%%-%%year%%)
#' @param radolan.type RADOLAN type
#' @param t.start start date
#' @param t.end end date
#' @param t.format time format, required if t.start and/or t.end are not given as POSIXct
#' @param t.zone time zone, required if t.format is applied
#' @param extent extent or polygon for which statistics are calculated; if -1, statistics are calculated for the whole extent
#' @param statistics flag: request statistics for extent
#' @param proj projection, if extent is given as json string
#' @return timeseries for requested RADOLAN product, coordinate and timeframe
#' @export
x.app.radolan.timeseries <- function(ncdf.folder = "/ncdf",
                                     radolan.type = "RW",
                                     t.format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
                                     t.zone = "UTC",
                                     extent = -1,
                                     statistics = T,
                                     proj = "+init=epsg:3857") {
    stop("Need to specify start timestamp.")
    stop("Need to specify end timestamp.")
  #try to parse GeoJSON
  if(typeof(extent) == 'character'){
    #create temp file
    temp <- tempfile(fileext=".json")
    #write extent to file
    writeLines(extent, temp)
    #read JSON file
    extent <- rgdal::readOGR(temp, p4s=as.character(proj))
    #remove temp file
  #set start/end time as POSIXct
  if(!"POSIXct" %in% class(t.start))
    t.start <- as.POSIXct(t.start, format=t.format, tz=t.zone)
  if(!"POSIXct" %in% class(t.end))
    t.end <- as.POSIXct(t.end, format=t.format, tz=t.zone)
  if(radolan.type == "YW") 
    return(x.app.radolan.timeseries.yw(ncdf.folder = ncdf.folder,
                                       t.start = t.start,
                                       t.end = t.end,
                                       extent = extent,
                                       statistics = statistics))
  #get target year(s)
  years <- format(t.start, "%Y") : format(t.end, "%Y")
  #set timestamp to numeric (as stored in NetCDF)
  timestamp <- as.double(c(t.start, t.end))
  #set NetCDF file(s)
  ncdf.files = list()
  for(year in years){
    ncdf.files[as.character(year)] <- paste0(ncdf.folder, "/radolan", radolan.type, "-", year, ".nc")
  #flag: first year in iteration
  first <- T
  #result object
  timeseries <- NULL
  for(year in years){
    #next, if file does not exist
    #open NetCDF file
    ncdf <- x.ncdf.open(ncdf.files[[as.character(year)]])
    #get timeseries from NetCDF
    subset <- x.ncdf.subset(ncdf, extent=extent, timestamp=timestamp, statistics=statistics)
    #get timeseries from NetCDF
      #initialize timeseries
      timeseries <- subset
      first <- F
    } else {
      #combine timeseries
      if(statistics) timeseries <- rbind(timeseries, subset)
      else timeseries <- abind(timeseries, subset, along=3) 
    #close NetCDF file
  #check for NULL
  if(is.null(timeseries)) stop(paste0("Could not read any RADOLAN values"))
  #return final dataframe, calculates mean for each timestamp

#' Read timeseries from RADOLAN YW NetCDF file
#' @param ncdf.folder folder with NetCDF files (files must follow naming convention radolan%%radolan.type%%-%%year%%)
#' @param t.start start date
#' @param t.end end date
#' @param extent extent or polygon for which statistics are calculated; if -1, statistics are calculated for the whole extent
#' @param statistics flag: request statistics for extent
#' @return timeseries for requested RADOLAN product, coordinate and timeframe
#' @export
x.app.radolan.timeseries.yw <- function(ncdf.folder = "/ncdf",
                                        extent = -1,
                                        statistics = T) {
  #get temporal extent
  years <- format(t.start, "%Y") : format(t.end, "%Y")
  months <- as.numeric(c(format(t.start, "%m"), format(t.end, "%m")))
  month.all <- c(paste0("0",1:9), 10:12)
  #set timestamp to numeric (as stored in NetCDF)
  timestamp <- as.double(c(t.start, t.end))
  #set NetCDF file(s)
  ncdf.files = list()
  for(year in years){
    m.start <- if(year == min(years)) months[1] else 1
    m.end <- if(year == max(years)) months[2] else 12
    m.request <- month.all[m.start:m.end]
    ncdf.files[paste0(year, m.request)] <- paste0(ncdf.folder, "/radolanYW-", year, m.request, ".nc")
  #flag: first iteration
  first <- T
  #result object
  timeseries <- NULL
  for(ncdf.file in names(ncdf.files)){
    #next, if file does not exist
    #open NetCDF file
    ncdf <- x.ncdf.open(ncdf.files[[ncdf.file]])
    #get timeseries from NetCDF
    subset <- x.ncdf.subset(ncdf, extent=extent, timestamp=timestamp, statistics=statistics)
    #get timeseries from NetCDF
      #initialize timeseries
      timeseries <- subset
      first <- F
    } else {
      #combine timeseries
      if(statistics) timeseries <- rbind(timeseries, subset)
      else timeseries <- abind(timeseries, subset, along=3) 
    #close NetCDF file
  #return final dataframe, calculates mean for each timestamp

#' Read single raster from RADOLAN NetCDF file
#' @param ncdf.folder folder with NetCDF files (files must follow naming convention radolan%%radolan.type%%-%%year%%)
#' @param radolan.type RADOLAN type
#' @param timestamp timestamp to be requested
#' @param t.format time format, required if t.start and/or t.end are not given as POSIXct
#' @param t.zone time zone, required if t.format is applied
#' @return RADOLAN image for requested timestamp or stack of 2 images, if timestamp lies in between provision timestamps
#' @export
x.app.radolan.raster <- function(ncdf.folder = "/ncdf",
                                 radolan.type = "RW",
                                 extent = -1,
                                 t.format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
                                 t.zone = "UTC") {
    stop("Need to specify NetCDF folder.")
    stop("Need to specify RADOLAN type.")
    stop("Need to specify timestamp.")
  #set timestamp as POSIXct
  if(!"POSIXct" %in% class(timestamp))
    timestamp <- as.POSIXct(timestamp, format=t.format, tz=t.zone)
  #get target year
  year <- format(timestamp, "%Y")
  #set file
  ncdf.file <- paste0(ncdf.folder, "/radolan", radolan.type, "-", year, ".nc")
  #set timestamp to numeric (as stored in NetCDF)
  timestamp <- as.double(timestamp)
  #open NetCDF file
  ncdf <- x.ncdf.open(ncdf.file)
  #get RADOLAN image
  raster <- x.ncdf.subset(ncdf, extent=extent, timestamp=timestamp, as.raster=T) 
  #close NetCDF file

#' Read map image from RADOLAN NetCDF file based on WMS parameters
#' @param ncdf.folder folder with NetCDF files (files must follow naming convention radolan%%radolan.type%%-%%year%%)
#' @param t.format time format, required if t.start and/or t.end are not given as POSIXct
#' @param t.zone time zone, required if t.format is applied
#' @param p.layer RADOLAN layer
#' @param p.timestamp RADOLAN timestamp
#' @param p.width
#' @param p.height
#' @param p.bbox
#' @param p.srs
#' @param p.format
#' @param p.transparent
#' @return RADOLAN image for requested timestamp
#' @export
x.app.radolan.getMap <- function(ncdf.folder = "/ncdf",
                                 t.format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
                                 t.zone = "UTC",
                                 p.layer = "RW",
                                 p.timestamp = "latest",
                                 p.format = "image/png",
                                 p.transparent = "true") {
  tryCatch ({
    #validate p.layer
    if(!(p.layer) %in% c("RW"))
      stop(paste0("Layer not supported: ", p.layer))
    #validate format
    format <- utils::URLdecode(p.format)
    if(!(format) %in% c("image/png"))
      stop(paste0("Layer not supported: ", p.format))
    #get timestamp
    p.timestamp <- utils::URLdecode(p.timestamp)
    t.format <- utils::URLdecode(utils::URLencode(t.format))
    timestamp <- if(p.timestamp == "latest") 
      max(x.app.radolan.timestamps(ncdf.folder, p.layer, format(Sys.time(), "%Y"))) else 
        as.POSIXct(p.timestamp, format=t.format, tz=t.zone)
    #get and validate width and height
    width <- as.numeric(p.width)
    height <- as.numeric(p.height)
    #get and validate bounding box (minx,miny,maxx,maxy)
    bbox <- as.double(unlist(strsplit(utils::URLdecode(p.bbox), ",")))
    #get and validate crs
    crs <- raster::crs(paste0("+init=", tolower(utils::URLdecode(p.srs))))
    #set extent
    extent <- extent(bbox[1], bbox[3], bbox[2], bbox[4])
    extent.proj <- as(extent, 'SpatialPolygons')
    sp::proj4string(extent.proj) <- crs
    extent.proj <- extent(sp::spTransform(extent.proj, xtruso::radolan.configuration.crs)) + 50
    #get and validate transparency
    transparent <- as.logical(p.transparent)
    nodata <- if(transparent) 0 else NA

    #get raster from NetCDF
    raster <- xtruso::x.app.radolan.raster(ncdf.folder=ncdf.folder, extent=extent.proj, radolan.type=p.layer, timestamp=timestamp)
    #reclassify according to color specification
    col.map <- xtruso::radolan.configuration[[p.layer]]$col.map
    if(transparent) raster[raster == 0] <- NA
    rcl = matrix(c(col.map$limit, c(col.map$limit[c(-1)], Inf), 1:nrow(col.map)), ncol=3, byrow=F)
    raster.rcl <- reclassify(raster, rcl, include.lowest=TRUE)
    #reproject to requested bbox, resolution and crs
    raster.proj <- raster::raster(nrows=height, ncols=width, crs=crs, xmn=bbox[1], ymn=bbox[2], xmx=bbox[3], ymx=bbox[4])
    raster.proj <- raster::projectRaster(from=raster.rcl, to=raster.proj, crs=crs, res=c(width,height), method="ngb")
    #write to png
    temp = "map.png"
    rgdal::writeGDAL(as(raster.proj, "SpatialGridDataFrame"), temp, drivername=toupper(gsub("image/", "", format)), type="Byte", mvFlag=nodata, colorTables=list(c("#FFFFFF", col.map$col)))

    #return timestamp and file path
    return(data.frame("timestamp" = timestamp, "file" = temp))
  }, error = function(e) {
    return(paste0("Error: ", e))

#' get all supported timestamps from NetCDF
#' @param ncdf.folder folder with NetCDF files
#' @param radolan.folder folder with RADOLAN images
#' @param year requested year
#' @param iso return ISO Strings in UTC (%Y:%M:%DT%H:%M:%SZ), else return POSIXct array
#' @param latest return only letest timestamp
#' @export
x.app.radolan.timestamps <- function(ncdf.folder = "/ncdf",
                                     radolan.type = "RW",
                                     year = 2006:format(Sys.time(), "%Y"),
                                     iso = F,
                                     latest = F) {
  #get NetCDF file(s)
  ncdf.files <- paste0(ncdf.folder, "/radolanRW-", if(latest) max(year) else year, ".nc")
  #get all timestamps from NetCDF
  timestamps <- c()
  for(file in ncdf.files) {
    #next, if file does not exist
    #extract timestamps from NetCDF file
    ncdf <- xtruso::x.ncdf.open(file)
    timestamps <- c(timestamps, ncdf$dim$t$vals)
  if(latest) timestamps <- max(timestamps)
  timestamps <- if(iso) strftime(as.POSIXct(timestamps, origin="1970-01-01", tz="UTC"), tz="UTC", format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") else as.POSIXct(timestamps, origin="1970-01-01", tz="UTC")

#' Update NetCDF file
#' @param ncdf.folder folder with NetCDF files
#' @param radolan.folder folder with RADOLAN images
#' @export
x.app.radolan.rw.update <- function(ncdf.folder = "/ncdf",
                                    radolan.folder = NA) {
  #set ncdf file for current year
  ncdf.file <- paste0(ncdf.folder, "/radolanRW-", format(Sys.time(), "%Y"), ".nc")
  #run update
  x.radolan.ncdf.update(ncdf.file, xtruso::radolan.configuration$RW, radolan.folder)

#' Read forecast timeseries from COSMO NetCDF file
#' @param ncdf.folder folder with NetCDF files (files must follow naming convention cosmoD2-%%parameter%%-%%year%%.nc)
#' @param radolan.type RADOLAN type
#' @param timestamp timestamp for which the forecast will be requested
#' @param t.zone time zone, required if t.format is applied
#' @param catchment.id 
#' @param extent extent or polygon for which statistics are calculated; if -1, statistics are calculated for the whole extent
#' @return timeseries for requested RADOLAN product, coordinate and timeframe
#' @export
x.app.cosmo.forecast <- function(ncdf.folder = "/ncdf",
                                 timestamp = "latest",
                                 t.format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
                                 t.zone = "UTC",
                                 extent = -1,
                                 proj = "+init=epsg:3857") {
    stop("Need to specify a COSMO configuration.")
  #try to parse GeoJSON
  if(typeof(extent) == 'character') {
    extent <- x.utility.parse.geojson(extent, proj)
    if(is.null(extent)) stop("Provided extent is invalid.")
  if(!"POSIXt" %in% class(timestamp) && timestamp != "latest")
    timestamp <- as.POSIXct(timestamp, format=t.format, tz=t.zone)
  #get target year
  year <- if("POSIXt" %in% class(timestamp)) format(timestamp, "%Y") else format(Sys.time(), "%Y")
  #set file
  ncdf.file <- paste0(ncdf.folder, "/cosmoD2-", cosmo.configuration$parameter, "-", year, ".nc")
  if(!file.exists(ncdf.file)) stop (paste0("COSMO data for ", year, " is not available."))
  #open NetCDF file
  ncdf <- x.ncdf.open(ncdf.file)
  #request forecast
  cosmo.subset <- x.cosmode.ncdf.forecast(ncdf, extent=extent, timestamp=timestamp, statistics=T)
  #close NetCDF file


#' Read single raster from COSMO-D2 NetCDF file
#' @param ncdf.folder folder with NetCDF files (files must follow naming convention cosmoD2-%%parameter%%-%%year%%.nc)
#' @param parameter COSMO parameter
#' @param timestamp timestamp to be requested
#' @param t.format time format, required if timestamp is not given as POSIXct
#' @param t.zone time zone, required if t.format is applied
#' @param forecast forecast step(s)
#' @return RADOLAN image for requested timestamp or stack of 2 images, if timestamp lies in between provision timestamps
#' @export
x.app.cosmo.raster <- function(ncdf.folder,
                               t.format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
                               t.zone = "UTC",
                               forecast = -1) {
    stop("Need to specify NetCDF folder.")
    stop("Need to specify RADOLAN type.")
    stop("Need to specify timestamp.")
    stop("Need to specify forecast")
  #set timestamp as POSIXct
  if(!"POSIXt" %in% class(timestamp))
    timestamp <- as.POSIXct(timestamp, format=t.format, tz=t.zone)
  #get target year
  year <- format(timestamp, "%Y")
  #set file
  ncdf.file <- paste0(ncdf.folder, "/cosmoD2-", parameter, "-", format(Sys.time(), "%Y"), ".nc")
  #set timestamp to numeric (as stored in NetCDF)
  timestamp <- as.double(timestamp)
  #open NetCDF file
  ncdf <- x.ncdf.open(ncdf.file)
  #get COSMO image
  raster <- x.ncdf.subset(ncdf, extent=-1, timestamp=timestamp, forecast=forecast, as.raster=T) 
  #close NetCDF file

#' Update Cosmo D2 file
#' @param ncdf.folder folder with NetCDF files
#' @param radolan.configuration RADOLAN configuration
#' @param timestamp timestamp from which to update
#' @param radolan.folder folder with RADOLAN images
#' @export
x.app.cosmo.update <- function(ncdf.folder, 
                               append = F) {
  #set ncdf file for current year
  ncdf.file <- paste0(ncdf.folder, "/cosmoD2-", cosmo.configuration$parameter, "-", format(Sys.time(), "%Y"), ".nc")
  #run update
  x.cosmode.ncdf.update(ncdf.file, cosmo.configuration, append)

#' Get upstream catchments
#' @param catchments input catchments
#' @param c.graph input catchment graph
#' @param c.id start catchment identifier
#' @param c.x x coordinate of start location, used to identify c.id if not set
#' @param c.y y coordinate of start location, used to identify c.id if not set
#' @param geometry flag: get catchment geometry; if false, a list of identifiers is returned
#' @param dissolve flag: dissolve geometry; only required if geometry == T
#' @return list of upstream catchment identifiers or catchment geometries
#' @export
x.app.catchment.upstream <- function(catchments = xtruso::xtruso.catchments,
                                     c.graph = xtruso::xtruso.catchments.graph,
                                     c.x = NA,
                                     c.y = NA,
                                     geometry = F,
                                     dissolve = F,
                                     as.json = F) {
  #set catchment id
    c.id <- x.app.catchment.id(catchments, station.id=station.id, c.x = c.x, c.y = c.y)
  #get upstream graph
  upstream <- x.graph.neighborhood.in(c.graph, as.numeric(c.id))
  #get list of upstream catchments
  upstream.ids <- as.numeric(igraph::V(upstream)$name)
  #return, if geometry == F
  #get source catchment
  catchment <- catchments[catchments@data$GKZNR == c.id, ]
  #get geometry for identifiers
  upstream.selection <- catchments[catchments@data$GKZNR %in% upstream.ids, ]
  area <- sum(upstream.selection@data$Area_sqkm)
    #aggregate polygons
    upstream.selection <- stats::aggregate(upstream.selection, FUN=function(x){return(NA)})
    #reset data
    upstream.selection@data <- data.frame(
      id = catchment@data$GKZNR,
      initial_GKZ = catchment@data$GKZ,
      area_sqkm = area)
  #convert to json
    #create temp file
    temp <- tempfile()
    #write GeoJSON
    rgdal::writeOGR(upstream.selection, temp, layer="geojson", driver="GeoJSON")
    #read JSON file
    upstream.selection <- paste(readLines(temp), collapse=" ")
    #remove temp file

#' Get catchment identifier by station id or coordinate
#' @param catchments input catchments
#' @param station.catchments mapping between station and catchment ids
#' @param station.id station id
#' @param c.x x coordinate of start location, only used if station.id is missing
#' @param c.y y coordinate of start location, only used if station.id is missing
#' @return catchment identifier
#' @export
x.app.catchment.id <- function(catchments = xtruso::xtruso.catchments,
                               station.catchments = xtruso::xtruso.stations.catchment,
                               c.x = NA,
                               c.y = NA) {
  #select catchment by coordinates (assumes same CRS) and set c.id
    c.id <- sp::over(SpatialPoints(cbind(c.x, c.y), proj4string=crs(catchments)), catchments)$GKZNR
    c.id <- station.catchments[station.catchments$PEG_MSTNR==station.id, "MIN_GKZNR"]
  if(is.na(c.id)) stop("No catchment found for provided station or location")

#' Get RADOLAN timeseries for upstream catchment
#' @param ncdf.folder NetCDF folder
#' @param c.id start catchment identifier
#' @param t.start first timestamp
#' @param t.end last timestamp
#' @param inf.rm flag: remove undefined measurements
#' @return RADOLAN RW timeseries for upstream catchment
#' @export
x.app.catchment.radolan <- function(ncdf.folder = "/ncdf",
                                    radolan.type = "RW",
                                    t.start = "2006-01-01 00:00:00",
                                    t.end = "2017-12-31 23:59:00",
                                    inf.rm = T) {
  #get catchment area
  area <- x.app.catchment.upstream(c.id=c.id, geometry=T, dissolve=T)
  #get timeseries
  ts <- x.app.radolan.timeseries(ncdf.folder, radolan.type=radolan.type, t.start=t.start, t.end=t.end, extent=area)
  #mark and if requested remove lines with min = Inf (== no values in RADOLAN image)
  ts.inf <- ts[is.infinite(ts$min), ]
  if(nrow(ts.inf) > 0) warning(paste0("For ", nrow(ts.inf), " timestamps there are no values available."))
  if(inf.rm) ts <- ts[is.finite(ts$min), ]

#' Get COSMO forecast for upstream catchment
#' @param ncdf.folder NetCDF folder
#' @param c.id start catchment identifier
#' @param timestamp timestamp
#' @param inf.rm flag: remove undefined measurements
#' @return OSMO timeseries for upstream catchment
#' @export
x.app.catchment.cosmo <- function(ncdf.folder = "/ncdf",
                                  timestamp = "latest",
                                  inf.rm = T) {
  #get catchment area
  area <- x.app.catchment.upstream(c.id=c.id, geometry=T, dissolve=T)
  #get timeseries
  ts <- x.app.cosmo.forecast(ncdf.folder, xtruso::cosmo.configuration$tot_prec, timestamp=timestamp, extent=area)
  #mark and if requested remove lines with min = Inf (== no values in COSMO image)
  ts.inf <- ts[is.infinite(ts$min), ]
  if(nrow(ts.inf) > 0) warning(paste0("For ", nrow(ts.inf), " timestamps there are no values available."))
  if(inf.rm) ts <- ts[is.finite(ts$min), ]

#' Get discharge timeseries for selecte station id
#' @param s.id station identifier
#' @param t.start first timestamp
#' @param t.end last timestamp
#' @param t.format timestamp format string
#' @param t.zone time zone
#' @param ows flag: retrieve data from OpenSensorWeb, instead of HWIMS
#' @param hwims.configuration HWIMS configuration settings
#' @param hwims.authentication valid HWIMS authentication (list(user="username", pass="password"))
#' @return discharge timeseries for selected station
#' @export
x.app.station.dc <- function(s.id,
                             t.start = "2006-01-01 00:00:00",
                             t.end = Sys.time(),
                             t.format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
                             t.zone = "UTC",
                             osw = F,
                             osw.configuration = xtruso::osw.configuration$HWIMS_DC_15min,
                             hwims.configuration = xtruso::hwims.configuration$Q_15min,
                             hwims.authentication) {
  # check, if station exists
  if(!s.id %in% xtruso::xtruso.stations.catchment$PEG_MSTNR)
    stop(paste0("Station ", s.id, " is not available"))
  # set timestamps as POSIXct
  if(!"POSIXct" %in% class(t.start))
    t.start <- as.POSIXct(t.start, format=t.format, tz=t.zone)
  if(!"POSIXct" %in% class(t.end))
    t.end <- as.POSIXct(t.end, format=t.format, tz=t.zone)
  #get measurements
  if(osw) df.measurements <- x.osw.get(osw.configuration, s.id, t.start, t.end)
  else df.measurements <- x.hwims.get(hwims.configuration, s.id, t.start, t.end, hwims.authentication)

#' run BROOK90 model for selected catchment
#' @param c.id catchment identifier(s)
#' @param ts.results list of result parameters from BROOK90 model
#' @param t.start last timestamp for the model run
#' @param t.end first timestamp for the model run
#' @param weighted.avg logical: return only weighted average for single parameter combinations based on their area
#' @param write.out write result for each catchment to specified folder
#' @return BROOK90 soil moisture
#' @export
x.app.brook90 <- function(c.ids,
                          ts.results = c("swatt"),
                          t.end = Sys.time(),
                          t.years = 3,
                          weighted.avg = TRUE,
                          write.folder = NA,
                          ncdf.folder = "/ncdf",
                          parallel = FALSE) {
  soilmoist <- NULL
  osw.cache <- list()
  # set OSW defaults
  osw.url <- "https://api.opensensorweb.de/v0"
  osw.network <- c("DWD","AMMS_WETTERDATEN")
  osw.stations <- x.osw.stations("https://search.opensensorweb.de/v0/sensor/_search", osw.network, extent = c(11,50,16,52))
  osw.params <- c("air temperature", "global radiation", "relative humidity", "wind speed")
  # set model runtime
  t.start = as.POSIXct(format(t.end - t.years*12*31*24*60*60, "%Y-%m-%d"), tz="UTC") + 3600
  for(c.id in c.ids) {
    tryCatch ({
      # select catchment
      catchment <- xtruso::xtruso.catchments[xtruso::xtruso.catchments$GKZ == c.id, ]
      if(length(catchment) != 1)
        stop(paste("Catchment selection returned", length(catchment), "catchments"))
      # get catchment parameters
      c.param <- x.brook90.params(catchment)
      if(nrow(c.param$characteristics) == 0) 
        stop(paste("Catchment", catchment$GKZ, "is not covered by this BROOK90 implementation"))
      c.ts <- list()
      # check parameter list for other soil or clc (warn, if > 25%, stop, if > 50%)
      area <- sum(c.param$characteristics$area_sqkm)
      area.soil.noinfo <- sum(c.param$characteristics$area_sqkm[c.param$soil_noinfo])
      if(area.soil.noinfo > .5*area) stop("Soil type 'Other' is > 50% of area")
      if(area.soil.noinfo > .25*area) warning("Soil type 'Other is' 25%-50% of area")
      area.clc.other <- sum(c.param$characteristics$area_sqkm[c.param$clc_other])
      if(area.clc.other > .5*area) stop("Land cover 'Other' is > 50% of area")
      if(area.clc.other > .25*area) warning("Land cover 'Other' is 25%-50% of area")
      # remove combinations with other soil or clc
      c.param$characteristics <- c.param$characteristics[!(c.param$soil_noinfo | c.param$clc_other), ]
      # get OSW station measurements from OSW
      for(p in osw.params) {
        # set max.deltaH for temperature measurements
        max.deltaH <- if(p == "air temperature") 200 else NA
        # get measurements from OSW
        ts <- x.brook90.measurements(catchment=catchment, c.height=c.param$height_mean, osw.stations=osw.stations, osw.phenomenon=p, osw.cache=osw.cache, osw.url=osw.url, osw.network=osw.network, t.start=t.start, t.end=t.end, max.deltaH=max.deltaH, intermediate=TRUE)
        # update sensor cache
        if(!all(is.na(ts$measurements.day.combined))) osw.cache <- ts$osw.cache
        c.ts[[p]] <- ts$measurements.day.combined
      # get radar precipitation
      c.prec <- x.app.radolan.timeseries(ncdf.folder=ncdf.folder, t.start=t.start, t.end=t.end, extent=catchment)
      c.prec$timestamp <- as.POSIXct(as.numeric(levels(c.prec$timestamp))[c.prec$timestamp], origin="1970-01-01", tz="UTC")
      c.ts[["precipitation"]] <- setNames(as.data.frame(stats::aggregate(c.prec$mean, list(as.Date(c.prec$timestamp)), sum)), c("date", "precipitation"))
      # combine meteorological measurements in a dataframe
      c.ts[["refDate"]] <-  data.frame(date = as.Date(as.Date(t.start) : as.Date(t.end), origin="1970-01-01"))
      c.meteo <- Reduce(function(df1, df2) merge(df1, df2, by="date", all.x=TRUE, all.y=TRUE), c.ts)
      # compute vapor pressure
      c.meteo["vapor.pressure.mean"] <- x.brook90.vaporPressure(c.meteo["air.temperature.mean"], c.meteo["relative.humidity.mean"] / 100)
      # set NA to BROOK90 default
      c.meteo[is.na(c.meteo[, "wind.speed.mean"]), "wind.speed.mean"] <- 0.1
      c.meteo[c.meteo[, "wind.speed.mean"] == 0, "wind.speed.mean"] <- 0.1
      c.meteo[is.na(c.meteo[, "global.radiation.mean"]), "global.radiation.mean"] <- 0
      c.meteo[is.na(c.meteo[, "vapor.pressure.mean"]), "vapor.pressure.mean"] <- 0
      c.meteo[is.na(c.meteo[, "precipitation"]), "precipitation"] <- 0 # not ideal, but avoids NA
      # remove leading or training NAs in temperature
      c.meteo <- c.meteo[cumsum(!is.na(c.meteo$air.temperature.mean)) != 0, ]
      c.meteo.rev <- c.meteo[order(nrow(c.meteo):1),]
      c.meteo.rev <- c.meteo.rev[cumsum(!is.na(c.meteo.rev$air.temperature.mean)) != 0, ]
      c.meteo <- c.meteo.rev[order(nrow(c.meteo.rev):1),]
      # interpolate temperature, if required
      c.meteo[, c("air.temperature.min", "air.temperature.max")] <- apply(c.meteo[, c("air.temperature.min", "air.temperature.max")], 2, function(x) {
      # prepare timeseries with meteorological input
      df.meteoFile <- data.frame(
        year = as.numeric(format(c.meteo$date, "%Y")),
        month = as.numeric(format(c.meteo$date, "%m")),
        day = as.numeric(format(c.meteo$date, "%d")),
        solrad = c.meteo[["global.radiation.mean"]] * (24 * 60 * 60) / 1000000,
        maxtemp = c.meteo[["air.temperature.max"]],
        mintemp = c.meteo[["air.temperature.min"]],
        avgVapPre = c.meteo[["vapor.pressure.mean"]],
        avgWinSpe = c.meteo[["wind.speed.mean"]],
        prec = c.meteo[["precipitation"]],
        streamflow = 0
      # prepare timeseries with precipitation
      df.precFile <- data.frame(
        year = as.numeric(format(c.prec$timestamp, "%Y")),
        month = as.numeric(format(c.prec$timestamp, "%m")),
        day = as.numeric(format(c.prec$timestamp, "%d")),
        interval = as.numeric(format(c.prec$timestamp, "%H")) + 1,
        prec = c.prec$mean,
        streamflow = -1
      # run BROOK90 for catchment parameter list
      c.soilmoist <- x.brook90.run.catchment(c.param=c.param, df.meteoFile=df.meteoFile, df.precFile=df.precFile, ts.results=ts.results, weighted.avg=weighted.avg, parallel=parallel)
      names(c.soilmoist)[-1] <- paste(c.id, names(c.soilmoist)[-1], sep="_")
      if(is.na(write.folder)) {
        if(is.null(soilmoist)) soilmoist <- c.soilmoist else soilmoist <- merge(soilmoist, c.soilmoist, by="date", all.x=T)
      } else {
        write.table(c.soilmoist, file=paste0(write.folder, "/", c.id, ".csv"), dec=".", sep=",", row.names=F)
    }, error = function(err) {
      if(!is.na(write.folder)) write(err$message, file=paste0(write.folder, "/", c.id, ".csv"))
GeoinformationSystems/xtruso_R documentation built on June 29, 2019, 7:26 p.m.