
Defines functions LFQbench.changeConfiguration LFQbench.setDataRootFolder LFQbench.processConfig LFQbench.initConfiguration

Documented in LFQbench.changeConfiguration LFQbench.initConfiguration LFQbench.processConfig LFQbench.setDataRootFolder

#' LFQbench.initConfiguration
#' Initialization of LFQbench configuration settings.
#' Executing the function without parameters will use default values.
#' Use function LFQbench.changeConfiguration to change settings after initialization.
#' @param  DataRootFolder the parent folder for batch processing
#' @param  SampleComposition the quantitative composition of hybrid proteome samples
#' @param  BackgroundSpeciesName the name of non regulated background species
#' @param  InputExtensionPattern the pattern of file extension for batch input files
#' @param  CsvColumnSeparator the input file column delimiter character
#' @param  CsvDecimalPointChar the input file decimal point character
#' @param  BoxPlotWhiskerQuantile the quantile to that whiskers of boxplots will extend, t.m. (1 - quantile*2) portion of data will be inside the whiskers
#' @param  MinProteinAmount the minimum valid protein amount in the input data, protein amounts below this threshold are considered as NA
#' @param  DropInvalidLogRatio if TRUE log-ratios outside validity range will be dropped
#' @param  LogRatioValidityRangeSDFactor validity range is calculated as mean +/- SD * SDFactor (separately for each species)
#' @param  LogRatioPlotRange the log-ratio range for plotting
#' @param  LogIntensityPlotRange the log2-intensity range for plotting
#' @param  MaxLogRatioForAUQC the maximum value for AUQC quantification
#' @param  NumberOfIntensityQuantiles the number of parts for splitting the data for metrics calculation
#' @param  CenterLogRatioByBackground should we center all log-ratios by the median log-ratio of the background species
#' @param  NormalizeAmountsToPPM should we normalize amounts to ppms
#' @param  PlotWidth the plot width in inches used in pdf files
#' @param  PlotHeight the plot height in inches used in pdf files
#' @param  PlotCurveLineWidth the line thickness for curves in plots
#' @param  PlotLegendLineWidth the line thickness in legends
#' @param  PlotPointSize the point size
#' @param  ScatterPlotPointType the point type
#' @param  ScatterPlotPointMinAlpha the minimum alpha value used for coloring points in sparse regions
#' @param  ScatterPlotLowessBandWidth the lowess locality parameter f, use values (local) 0 < f <= 1 (global)
#' @param  AxisLabelSize the relative font size for axis labels
#' @param  AxisAnnotationSize the relative font size for axis labels
#' @param  AxisLineThickness the line thickness of axes
#' @param  AxisXLabelNumDiv divide the number of labels displayed in axis X
#' @param  AxisYLabelNumDiv divide the number of labels displayed in axis Y
#' @param  par the graphical parameters like mar, mgp, las, ... to set for the plot canvases.
#' @export
LFQbench.initConfiguration = function( 
    # data folder for batch processing
    # sample composition
    ,SampleComposition = data.frame(
        species =c("HUMAN", "YEAST", "ECOLI"),
        A       =c(  65,       30,     05   ),
        B       =c(  65,       15,     20   )
  # non regulated background species
  # has equal protein amounts in all samples
  ,BackgroundSpeciesName = "HUMAN"
  # protein quantification input data CSV format
  ,InputExtensionPattern = "\\..sv$"
  ,CsvColumnSeparator = "\t"
  ,CsvDecimalPointChar = "."
  # whiskers of boxplots will extend to given quantile
  # t.m. (1 - quantile*2) portion of data will be inside the whiskers
  ,BoxPlotWhiskerQuantile = 0.025
  # protein amounts below this threshold are considered as NA
  ,MinProteinAmount    = 0.000001
  # log-ratios outside validity range will be dropped
  ,DropInvalidLogRatio = T
  # dynamic log ratio validity for each species separately by SD * Factor to both sides of the mean
  ,LogRatioValidityRangeSDFactor = 5 # ValidityRange = mu +/- factor * sd
  # log-ratio range for plots
  ,LogRatioPlotRange   = c(-4, 4)
  ,LogIntensityPlotRange = NULL # c(9, 26)
  # value used as maximum for AUQC quantification
  ,MaxLogRatioForAUQC  = 2
  # data will be split into this number of quantiles for calculating ranged metrics
  ,NumberOfIntensityQuantiles = 3
  # if TRUE then all log-ratios will be centered
  # by median log-ratio of background species
  ,CenterLogRatioByBackground = T
  # if TRUE then all protein amounts will be translated to ppm values
  ,NormalizeAmountsToPPM = F
  # graphics settings
  # pdf canvas size in inches
  ,PlotWidth = 6
  ,PlotHeight = 5
  # line thickness
  ,PlotCurveLineWidth = 2
  ,PlotLegendLineWidth = 4
  # point size
  ,PlotPointSize = 1.5
  # point type
  ,ScatterPlotPointType = 20
  # minimum alpha threshold for point transparency ramping
  ,ScatterPlotPointMinAlpha = 0.5
  # lowess locality parameter f between 0 (local) and 1 (global)
  ,ScatterPlotLowessBandWidth = 0.8
  # size magnification for axis labels (cex.lab)
  ,AxisLabelSize = 2
  # size magnification for axis annotations (cex.axis)
  ,AxisAnnotationSize = 2
  # line thinkes for plotting axes
  ,AxisLineThickness = 2
  # AxisXLabelNumDiv divide the number of labels displayed in axis X
  ,AxisXLabelNumDiv = NULL 
  # AxisYLabelNumDiv divide the number of labels displayed in axis Y
  ,AxisYLabelNumDiv = NULL 
  # canvas settings
  ,par = list(
    # plot area margins: c(bottom, left, top, right)
    mar = c( 4.5, 6, 0.5, 0.5 ),
    # axes layout: c(title, label, line)
    mgp = c( 3.7, 1.5, 0 ),
    # axis labels orientation: 0: parallel, 1: horizontal, 2: perpendicular, 3: vertical
    las = 1
  # list argument names
  argNames = ls()
  # collect arguments and their values in a list
  LFQbench.Config <<- sapply( argNames, function(n) get(n) )
  # process configuration
  LFQbench.setDataRootFolder(LFQbench.Config$DataRootFolder, createSubfolders=F)

#' recalculate some parameters from user defined configuration
LFQbench.processConfig = function()
  # process composition of samples
  LFQbench.Config$AllSampleNames <<- as.vector( colnames(LFQbench.Config$SampleComposition)[-1] )
  LFQbench.Config$AllSpeciesNames <<- as.vector( LFQbench.Config$SampleComposition[,1] )
  LFQbench.Config$AllExpectedAmounts <<- as.matrix( LFQbench.Config$SampleComposition[,-1] )
  rownames(LFQbench.Config$AllExpectedAmounts) <<- LFQbench.Config$AllSpeciesNames
  LFQbench.Config$NumberOfSamples <<- length(LFQbench.Config$AllSampleNames)
  LFQbench.Config$NumberOfSpecies <<- length(LFQbench.Config$AllSpeciesNames)
  LFQbench.Config$SampleColors <<- brewer.pal(max(LFQbench.Config$NumberOfSamples,3),"Dark2")[1:LFQbench.Config$NumberOfSamples]
  LFQbench.Config$SpeciesColors <<- brewer.pal(max(LFQbench.Config$NumberOfSpecies,3),"Dark2")[1:LFQbench.Config$NumberOfSpecies]
  LFQbench.Config$AUQCRatioRange <<- c(0, LFQbench.Config$MaxLogRatioForAUQC)
  # create sample index pairs
  LFQbench.Config$SamplePairsIndices <<- createNumericPairs( 1, LFQbench.Config$NumberOfSamples )
  LFQbench.Config$NumberOfSamplePairs <<- nrow( LFQbench.Config$SamplePairsIndices )
  LFQbench.Config$SamplePairsLabels <<- apply(LFQbench.Config$SamplePairsIndices, 1, function(sp){nms = LFQbench.Config$AllSampleNames[sp]; return(paste(nms[1], ":" ,nms[2], sep = ""))} )
  LFQbench.Config$SamplePairsColors <<- brewer.pal( max(LFQbench.Config$NumberOfSamplePairs,3), "Dark2" )[1:LFQbench.Config$NumberOfSamplePairs]
  LFQbench.Config$AllSpeciesPairs <<- createNumericPairs(1, LFQbench.Config$NumberOfSpecies)
  LFQbench.Config$AllSpeciesPairsLabels <<- apply(LFQbench.Config$AllSpeciesPairs, 1, function(sp){nms = LFQbench.Config$AllSpeciesNames[sp]; return(paste(nms[1], "-", nms[2], sep=""))} )
  # backup graphical parameters
  LFQbench.Config$parBackup <<- par()[ names(LFQbench.Config$par) ]

#' LFQbench.setDataRootFolder
#' change the location of root folder for batch processing
#' @param rootFolder the path to the root folder
#' @export
LFQbench.setDataRootFolder = function( rootFolder=ifelse(file.exists(LFQbench.Config$DataRootFolder), LFQbench.Config$DataRootFolder, getwd()), createSubfolders=T )
  LFQbench.Config$DataRootFolder <<- rootFolder
  # path to folder with protein quantification files
  LFQbench.Config$InputFilesLocation <<- file.path(LFQbench.Config$DataRootFolder, "input")
  # target location for plot files 
  LFQbench.Config$PlotFilesLocation <<- file.path(LFQbench.Config$DataRootFolder, "plot")
  # target location for log files
  LFQbench.Config$LogFilesLocation  <<- file.path(LFQbench.Config$DataRootFolder,"log")
  # create input/output paths
  if( file.exists(LFQbench.Config$DataRootFolder) )
        nix = sapply( c(LFQbench.Config$InputFilesLocation, LFQbench.Config$PlotFilesLocation, LFQbench.Config$LogFilesLocation), mkdir )   
    cat(paste0("Folder ''", LFQbench.Config$DataRootFolder, "'' does not exist.\n"))
    cat("No input/output folders were created!\n")
    cat("Please define a valid root folder.")

#' LFQbench.changeConfiguration
#' change some of the initialized LFQbench configuration settings.
#' LFQbench.changeConfiguration allows to change some configuration settings without loading default values.
#' @param  DataRootFolder the parent folder for batch processing
#' @param  SampleComposition the quantitative composition of hybrid proteome samples
#' @param  BackgroundSpeciesName the name of non regulated background species
#' @param  InputExtensionPattern the pattern of file extension for batch input files
#' @param  CsvColumnSeparator the input file column delimiter character
#' @param  CsvDecimalPointChar the input file decimal point character
#' @param  BoxPlotWhiskerQuantile the quantile to that whiskers of boxplots will extend, t.m. (1 - quantile*2) portion of data will be inside the whiskers
#' @param  MinProteinAmount the minimum valid protein amount in the input data, protein amounts below this threshold are considered as NA
#' @param  DropInvalidLogRatio if TRUE log-ratios outside validity range will be dropped
#' @param  LogRatioValidityRangeSDFactor validity range is calculated as mean +/- SD * SDFactor (separately for each species)
#' @param  LogRatioPlotRange the log-ratio range for plotting
#' @param  LogIntensityPlotRange the log2-intensity range for plotting
#' @param  MaxLogRatioForAUQC the maximum value for AUQC quantification
#' @param  NumberOfIntensityQuantiles the log2-intensity ranges for range based plots 
#' @param  CenterLogRatioByBackground should we center all log-ratios by the median log-ratio of the background species
#' @param  NormalizeAmountsToPPM should we normalize amounts to ppms
#' @param  PlotWidth the plot width in inches used in pdf files
#' @param  PlotHeight the plot height in inches used in pdf files
#' @param  PlotCurveLineWidth the line thickness for curves in plots
#' @param  PlotLegendLineWidth the line thickness in legends
#' @param  PlotPointSize the point size
#' @param  ScatterPlotPointType the point type
#' @param  ScatterPlotPointMinAlpha the minimum alpha value used for coloring points in sparse regions
#' @param  ScatterPlotLowessBandWidth the lowess locality parameter f, use values (local) 0 < f <= 1 (global)
#' @param  AxisLabelSize the relative font size for axis labels
#' @param  AxisAnnotationSize the relative font size for axis labels
#' @param  AxisLineThickness the line thickness of axes
#' @param  par the graphical parameters like mar, mgp, las, ... to set for the plot canvases.
#' @export
LFQbench.changeConfiguration = function( 
  DataRootFolder= LFQbench.Config$DataRootFolder
  ,SampleComposition = LFQbench.Config$SampleComposition
  ,BackgroundSpeciesName  = LFQbench.Config$BackgroundSpeciesName
  ,InputExtensionPattern = LFQbench.Config$InputExtensionPattern
  ,CsvColumnSeparator = LFQbench.Config$CsvColumnSeparator
  ,CsvDecimalPointChar = LFQbench.Config$CsvDecimalPointChar
  ,BoxPlotWhiskerQuantile = LFQbench.Config$BoxPlotWhiskerQuantile
  ,MinProteinAmount    = LFQbench.Config$MinProteinAmount
  ,DropInvalidLogRatio = LFQbench.Config$DropInvalidLogRatio
  ,LogRatioValidityRangeSDFactor  = LFQbench.Config$LogRatioValidityRangeSDFactor
  ,LogRatioPlotRange   = LFQbench.Config$LogRatioPlotRange
  ,LogIntensityPlotRange = LFQbench.Config$LogIntensityPlotRange
  ,MaxLogRatioForAUQC  = LFQbench.Config$MaxLogRatioForAUQC
  ,NumberOfIntensityQuantiles = LFQbench.Config$NumberOfIntensityQuantiles
  ,CenterLogRatioByBackground = LFQbench.Config$CenterLogRatioByBackground
  ,NormalizeAmountsToPPM = LFQbench.Config$NormalizeAmountsToPPM
  ,PlotWidth = LFQbench.Config$PlotWidth
  ,PlotHeight = LFQbench.Config$PlotHeight
  ,PlotCurveLineWidth = LFQbench.Config$PlotCurveLineWidth
  ,PlotLegendLineWidth = LFQbench.Config$PlotLegendLineWidth
  ,PlotPointSize = LFQbench.Config$PlotPointSize
  ,ScatterPlotPointType = LFQbench.Config$ScatterPlotPointType
  ,ScatterPlotPointMinAlpha = LFQbench.Config$ScatterPlotPointMinAlpha
  ,ScatterPlotLowessBandWidth = LFQbench.Config$ScatterPlotLowessBandWidth 
  ,AxisLabelSize = LFQbench.Config$AxisLabelSize
  ,AxisAnnotationSize = LFQbench.Config$AxisAnnotationSize
  ,AxisLineThickness = LFQbench.Config$AxisLineThickness
  ,AxisXLabelNumDiv = LFQbench.Config$AxisXLabelNumDiv 
  ,AxisYLabelNumDiv = LFQbench.Config$AxisYLabelNumDiv 
  ,par = LFQbench.Config$par
  # list argument names
  argNames = ls()
  # collect arguments and their values in a list
  LFQbench.Config <<- sapply( argNames, function(n) get(n) )
  # process configuration
  LFQbench.setDataRootFolder( DataRootFolder )
IFIproteomics/LFQbench documentation built on March 2, 2023, 9:45 a.m.