
Defines functions amelia.default amelia.molist amelia.amelia amelia remove.imputations getOriginalData ameliabind amelia_impute emarch indxs startval impfill bootx packr rmvnorm

Documented in amelia amelia.amelia ameliabind amelia.default amelia.molist

## Code for bootstrapped Amelia ported to R
## 17/09/05 jh - Added "subset" routine for idvars and completely missing observations
## 22/09/05 jh - Changed stack function to optionally fix column positions, changed bootx to reject some bootstraps, changed emarch to work when no data missing
## 23/09/05 mb - Added "amcheck" function to change data and check for errors, "impdata" now in format given to amelia.
## 24/09/05 jh - Modified "amcheck," added polynomials of time, added ability to impute "logicals" from data frames
## 25/09/05 jh - Finalized plumbing for observational priors
## 26/09/05 mb - Added "frontend" argument and screen box to amelia and emarch functions
## 27/09/05 jh - Added observational and empirical priors
## 28/09/05 mb - Fixed "frontend" to update the GUI after each print.
## 30/09/05 mb - "amcheck" expanded, priors passed as individual matrices
## 07/10/05 mb - Added passing of lags and multiple levels of polynomials;  expanded "amcheck" to cover these
## 08/10/05 jh - Enabled variable degree of polynomials of time, enabled interaction with cross-section
## 14/10/05 mb - Put "amcheck" into its own file
## 21/10/05 mb - Changed "stack" to "amstack" (and "unstack"); added log transformations in "amtransform"; adding "archive" option that saves a list of the settings
## 21/10/05 mb - Added a soft-crash that will print and output the error number and message.
## 24/10/05 mb - Added "sqrt" option for square root transformations, "lgstc" for logistic transformations
## 27/10/05 mb - Enabled lags and leads
## 9//11/05 mb - Enabled nominals;  added "incheck" to allow skipping amcheck;  moved dataframe->matrix conversion to framemat function.
## 15/12/05 mb - new (fixed) impute function;
## 21/02/06 mb - added positive definite check to "startvals", now defaults to identity if not pd.
## 22/02/06 mb - penrose inverse function added in sweep; soft-crashes on a non invertible covariance matrix at the end of EM
## 23/02/06 mb - empri increases if EM hits a non-monotonic section; added 'startvals' option; added iteration history to archive;
## 21/03/06 mb - added "ords" option and added ordinal support in "unsubset"; fixed a bug in nominals that wouldn't fill in imputations;
## 22/03/06 mb - character/factors can be specified and returned correctly as ordinals;
## 08/04/06 jh - revised functions to handle large datasets, merged with parallel emb.r version
## 10/04/06 mb - added "nametonumber" function that converts column names to numbers in all of the list options
## 28/04/06 mb - extracted transformation functions to prep.r
## 29/04/06 jh - changed screen output for "p2s", ivector and icap in "indxs", revised "diff" convergence monitor to upper triangular
## 01/05/06 mb - removed "rbind" calls in emfred, impute.
## 01/06/06 mb - added "allthetas" option to emarch for overdispersion diagnostic
## 15/06/06 jh - merged with priors version changing all EM and impute procs, modified how lists are generated in indxs("icap") and amelia("impdata").
## 27/06/06 mb - added arglist argument to load in output from amelia or the gui.
## 13/07/06 mb - moved gc() calls out of emfred into emarch
## 02/08/06 mb - removed data.matrix() call when calling unsubset (moved to prep), fixed impfill for char.
## 29/08/06 jh - changed tolerance defaults
## 20/09/06 mb - new option (temp?) keep.data that will trash datasets from memory
## 01/10/06 mb - added additional info to p2s=2.
## 27/11/06 mb - new priors format
## 15/01/07 jh/mb - final version changes, degrees of freedom messages,autoprior option, modified comments, rearranged core arguments
## 10/05/07 mb - changed 'impute' to 'amelia.impute'
## 04/07/07 jh - added "emburn" option to modify convergence criteria
## 04/06/08 mb - changed the writing to GUI ('if (frontend)' calls) to remove globals
## 17/07/08 mb - fixed frontend error bug (dumping output to screen
## 22/07/08 mb - good coding update: T->TRUE/F->FALSE
## 27/03/10 jh - small changes to arguments of functions to deal with "splinetime" option in same fashion as "polytime"

## Draw from a multivariate normal distribution
##   n: number of draws
##   mu: vector of means
##   vcv: variance-covariance matrix
rmvnorm <- function(n,mu,vcv){
  return(matrix(rnorm(n*length(mu)),n,length(mu)) %*% (chol(vcv)) + (matrix(1,n,1) %*% mu ) )

## Returns the data matrix without the rows with missing values
## (Same return as na.omit, without any attributes)
##   x: data matrix
##   can't send it a vector right now
packr<-function(x) {
  x2<-x[sumr==0, , drop=FALSE]

## Create dataset bootstrapped from original dataset
## Rejects Bootstraps where an entire variable becomes missing
##   x:          data (matrix)
##   priors:     matrix of priors about means for observations
bootx<-function(x,priors=NULL, boot.type="np"){
  flag <- TRUE
  AMn <- nrow(x)
  if (!is.null(boot.type)) {
      if (boot.type == "none") {
  while (flag){
    order<-trunc(runif(nrow(x), min=1, max=nrow(x)+1))
    if (!identical(priors,NULL)){
      sigPriors <- matrix(NA,nrow(x),ncol(x))
      muPriors <- matrix(NA,nrow(x),ncol(x))
      muPriors[priors[,1:2]] <- priors[,3]
      sigPriors[priors[,1:2]] <- priors[,4]
      muPriors <- muPriors[order,]
      sigPriors <- sigPriors[order,]
      prior.ind <- which(!is.na(muPriors), arr.ind = TRUE)
      priors <- cbind(prior.ind, muPriors[prior.ind], sigPriors[prior.ind])
                                        # priors[,1]<-match(priors[,1],order)
                                        #priors <- priors[!is.na(priors[,1]),,drop=FALSE]

    flag<-any(colSums(is.na(xboot))==AMn & !((1:ncol(xboot)) %in% priors[,2]))

## Put imputations into the original data format
## Converts integer values back to factors or characters
impfill <- function(x.orig, x.imp, noms, ords, priors, overimp) {
  if (!is.null(priors)) {
    is.na(x.orig)[priors[,c(1,2)]] <- TRUE

  if (!is.null(overimp)) {
    is.na(x.orig)[overimp] <- TRUE

  AMr1.orig <- is.na(x.orig)
  orig.fact <- sapply(x.orig, is.factor)
  orig.char <- sapply(x.orig, is.character)
  x.imp <- as.data.frame(x.imp[, 1:ncol(x.orig)])
  for (i in 1:ncol(x.orig)) {
    if (is.logical(x.orig[[i]]) & sum(!is.na(x.orig[[i]])) > 0) {
      x.imp[,i] <- as.logical(x.imp[,i]>0.5)
    ## imputations will be numeric and tibbles 
    if (is.integer(x.orig[[i]]) & sum(is.na(x.orig[[i]])) > 0) {
      x.orig[, i] <- as.numeric(x.orig[[i]])

  possibleFactors <- unique(c(noms, ords))

  if (!is.null(possibleFactors)) {
    if (ncol(x.orig) > length(possibleFactors)) {
      num.cells <- which(is.na(x.orig) & !(col(x.orig) %in% possibleFactors), arr.ind = TRUE)
      for (j in seq_len(nrow(num.cells))) {
        j_row <- num.cells[j, 1]
        j_col <- num.cells[j, 2]
        x.orig[j_row, j_col] <- x.imp[j_row, j_col]
    for (i in possibleFactors) {
      if (orig.fact[i])
        x.orig[is.na(x.orig[, i]), i] <- levels(x.orig[[i]])[x.imp[is.na(x.orig[[i]]), i]]
      else if (orig.char[i])
        x.orig[, i] <- levels(factor(x.orig[[i]]))[x.imp[, i]]
        x.orig[is.na(x.orig[[i]]), i] <- x.imp[is.na(x.orig[[i]]), i]
  } else {
    x.orig[AMr1.orig] <- x.imp[AMr1.orig]
  new.char <- sapply(x.orig, is.character)
  char.match <- orig.char != new.char
  if (sum(char.match) != 0)
    for (i in seq_along(char.match))
      if (char.match[i])
        x.orig[, i] <- as.numeric(x.orig[[i]])


## Create Starting Values for EM Chain

  if (!is.null(priors)) {
    ## fill in prior means
    x[(priors[,2]-1)*nrow(x)+priors[,1]] <- priors[,3]
  if (ncol(as.matrix(startvals)) == AMp+1 && nrow(as.matrix(startvals)) == AMp+1)       #checks for correct size of start value matrix
    if (startvals[1,1]==-1)                                       #checks for the -1 necessary for sweep

  thetast<-matrix(0,nrow=AMp+1,ncol=AMp+1)  # Create matrix of zeros
  thetast[row(thetast)==col(thetast)] <- 1  # Create Identity matrix

  if (startvals==0){                            # Defaults to Identity if too few rows fully observed
    if (nrow(cmpr)>AMp){
      if (all(eigen(cov(cmpr))$values > 10*.Machine$double.eps)) {   #Checks for positive definiteness (positive eigenvalues)
        thetast[2:(AMp+1),2:(AMp+1)]<-cov(cmpr)                   #.Machine$double.eps instead of 0 to account for rounding.

## Create certain indicies.  Only needs to be called once, not every pattern.
## o,m,icap come from omiindxs
## ivector is i from indexm

  AMr1<-is.na(x)       # True if missing.
  o<- !AMr2            # (or o<-AMr2==1)  Maybe == is not robust to small fluctuations
  m<- AMr2             # so put in check procedure (m<-)

  ## The following can be replaced by fortran .dll, although this has only moderate time savings ##
  for(i in 2:AMn){
    ischange<- !identical(AMr1[i,],AMr1[i-1,])

  ##  ivector<-.Fortran("indxs",1*AMr1,as.integer(AMn),as.integer(ncol(x)),as.integer(nrow(AMr2)+1),ivector=integer(nrow(AMr2)+1))$ivector

  icap<-vector(mode="list",nrow(AMr2))                     # This is a useful index, although no longer currently used
  for (i in 2:length(ivector)){


## EM chain architecture calls
  if (p2s == 2) {
    cat("setting up EM chain indicies\n")

  if (sum(complete.cases(x)) < nrow(x)){          # Check for fully observed data

    if (identical(thetaold,NULL)) thetaold<-startval(x,startvals=startvals,priors=priors)
    indx<-indxs(x)                      # This needs x.NA
    if (!identical(priors,NULL)){
      priors[,4]<-1/priors[,4]          # change sd to 1/var
      priors[,3]<-priors[,3]*priors[,4] # get the precision-weighted
                                        # mus
      priors <- priors[order(priors[,1],priors[,2]),,drop = FALSE]


    x[is.na(x)]<-0                      # Change x.NA to x.0s
    AM1stln<-sum(indx$m[1,])==0 & nrow(indx$m) > 1
    diff<- 1+tolerance
    AMr1 <- 1 * indx$AMr1
    oo <- 1 * indx$o
    mm <- 1 * indx$m
    if (is.null(empri)) {
      empri <- 0
    theta <- .Call("emcore", x, AMr1, oo, mm,
                   indx$ivector, thetaold, tolerance, emburn, p2s,
                   empri,autopri, allthetas, priors, PACKAGE="Amelia")
  } else {
    if (p2s) cat("\n","No missing data in bootstrapped sample:  EM chain unnecessary")
    pp1<-ncol(x)+1                       # p (the number of variables) plus one
    thetanew[2:pp1,2:pp1]<-cov(x)              # Need to consider Priors in these cases,
    iter.hist<-NA                              # Although not
                                        # currently necessary.

## Draw imputations for missing values from a given theta matrix

  indx<-indxs(x)                      # This needs x.NA
  if (!identical(priors,NULL)){
    priors <- priors[order(priors[,1],priors[,2]),,drop = FALSE]

  x[is.na(x)]<-0                      # Change x.NA to x.0s
  AM1stln<-sum(indx$m[1,])==0 & nrow(indx$m) > 1  # Create sundry simple indicators
  AMr1 <- 1 * indx$AMr1
  oo <- 1 * indx$o
  mm <- 1 * indx$m
  if (is.null(bounds)) max.resample <- NULL
  imp <- .Call("ameliaImpute", x, AMr1, oo, mm, indx$ivector, thetareal,
                  priors, bounds, max.resample, PACKAGE="Amelia")


#' Combine multiple runs of Amelia
#' Combines multiple runs of \code{amelia} with the same
#' arguments and data into one \code{amelia} object.
#' @param ... one or more objects of class \code{amelia} with the same
#'        arguments and created from the same data.
#' @details   \code{ameliabind} will combine multiple runs of \code{amelia} into one
#' object so that you can utilize diagnostics and modelling on all the
#' imputations together. This function is useful for combining multiple
#' runs of \code{amelia} run on parallel machines.
#' Note that \code{ameliabind} only checks that they arguments and the
#' missingness matrix are identical. Thus, it could be fooled by two
#' datasets that are identical up to a transformation of one variable.
#' @return An object of class \code{amelia}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{amelia}}
#' @examples
#' data(africa)
#' a1.out <- amelia(x = africa, cs = "country", ts = "year", logs = "gdp_pc")
#' a2.out <- amelia(x = africa, cs = "country", ts = "year", logs = "gdp_pc")
#' all.out <- ameliabind(a1.out, a2.out)
#' summary(all.out)
#' plot(all.out)
ameliabind <- function(...) {
  args <- list(...)

  if (any(!sapply(args, is, "amelia")))
    stop("All arguments must be amelia output.")

  if (length(args) > 1) {
    ## test that data is the same. we'll just compare the missMatrices.
    ## this will allow datasets with the same size and missingness
    ## matrix to be combined unintentionally, but this seems unlikely.
    datacheck <- lapply(args,
                        function(x) isTRUE(identical(x$missMatrix,args[[1]]$missMatrix)))
    if (any(!unlist(datacheck)))
      stop("Non-compatible datasets.")

    ## test that all the arguments are the same
    check <- lapply(args,
                    function(x) isTRUE(identical(x$arguments, args[[1]]$arguments)))
    if (any(!unlist(check)))
      stop("Non-compatible amelia arguments")

    check <- lapply(args,
                    function(x) isTRUE(identical(x$transform.calls,
    if (any(!unlist(check)))
      stop("Non-compatible transformations on imputed datasets")

    imps <- unlist(lapply(args, function(x) return(x$m)))
    newm <- sum(imps)
    impindex <- c(0,cumsum(imps))

    k <- nrow(args[[1]]$mu)
    out  <- list(imputations = list(),
                 m           = integer(0),
                 missMatrix  = matrix(NA,0,0),
                 overvalues  = args[[1]]$overvalues,
                 theta       = array(NA, dim = c(k+1,k+1,newm) ),
                 mu          = matrix(NA, nrow = k, ncol = newm),
                 covMatrices = array(NA, dim = c(k,k,newm)),
                 code        = integer(0),
                 message     = character(0),
                 iterHist    = list(),
                 arguments   = list(),
                 orig.vars   = args[[1]]$orig.vars)

    out$m <- newm
    out$missMatrix <- args[[1]]$missMatrix
    out$arguments <- args[[1]]$arguments
    out$transform.calls <- args[[1]]$transform.calls
    out$transform.vars <- args[[1]]$transform.vars

    ## since code==1 is good and code==2 means we have an NA,
    ## then our new output should inherit a 2 if there are any
    out$code <- max(unlist(lapply(args,function(x) return(x$code))))

    if (out$code > 2)
      stop("Amelia output contains error.")
    if (out$code==2)
      out$message <- "One or more of the imputations resulted in a covariance matrix that was not invertible."
      out$message <- "Normal EM convergence"

    for (i in 1:length(args)) {
      currimps <- (impindex[i]+1):impindex[i+1]
      out$mu[,currimps] <- args[[i]]$mu
      out$theta[,,currimps] <- args[[i]]$theta
      out$covMatrices[,,currimps] <- args[[i]]$covMatrices
      out$imputations <- c(out$imputations, args[[i]]$imputations)
      out$iterHist    <- c(out$iterHist, args[[i]]$iterHist)

    names(out$imputations) <- paste("imp",1:length(out$imputations),sep="")
    #or: names(out$imputations) <- paste("imp",1:impindex[i+1],sep="")
    class(out) <- "amelia"
    class(out$imputations) <- c("mi","list")
  } else {
    out <- args[[1]]
    if (out$code > 2)
      stop("Amelia output contains error.")

getOriginalData <- function(obj) {
  data <- obj$imputations[[1]]
  is.na(data) <- obj$missMatrix
  data <- data[, obj$orig.vars]
  oi <- obj$arguments$overimp
  if (!is.null(oi)) {
    for (i in 1:nrow(oi)) {
      data[oi[i,1], oi[i,2]] <- obj$overvalues[i]

remove.imputations <- function(obj) {
  data <- obj$imputations[[1]]
  is.na(data) <- obj$missMatrix
  oi <- obj$arguments$overimp
  if (!is.null(oi)) {
    for (i in 1:nrow(oi)) {
      data[oi[i,1], oi[i,2]] <- obj$overvalues[i]

## amelia - multiple imputation. core function

#' AMELIA: Multiple Imputation of Incomplete Multivariate Data
#'   Runs the bootstrap EM algorithm on incomplete data and creates
#' imputed datasets.
#' @author James Honaker
#' @author Gary King
#' @author Matt Blackwell
#' @param x either a matrix, data.frame, a object of class
#'        "amelia", or an object of class "molist". The first two will call the
#'        default S3 method. The third a convenient way to perform more imputations
#'        with the same parameters. The fourth will impute based on the settings from
#'        \code{moPrep} and any additional arguments.
#' @param m the number of imputed datasets to create.
#' @param p2s an integer value taking either 0 for no screen output,
#'        1 for normal screen printing of iteration numbers, and 2 for detailed
#'        screen output.  See "Details" for specifics on output when p2s=2.
#' @param frontend a logical value used internally for the GUI.
#' @param idvars a vector of column numbers or column names that indicates
#'        identification variables.  These will be dropped from the analysis but
#'        copied into the imputed datasets.
#' @param ts column number or variable name indicating the variable identifying time
#'        in time series data.
#' @param cs column number or variable name indicating the cross section variable.
#' @param polytime integer between 0 and 3 indicating what
#'        power of polynomial should be included in the imputation model
#'        to account for the effects of time.  A setting of 0 would
#'        indicate constant levels, 1 would indicate linear time
#'        effects, 2 would indicate squared effects, and 3 would
#'        indicate cubic time effects.
#' @param splinetime interger value of 0 or greater to control cubic
#'        smoothing splines of time. Values between 0 and 3 create a simple
#'        polynomial of time (identical to the polytime argument). Values \code{k} greater
#'        than 3 create a spline with an additional \code{k-3}
#'        knotpoints.
#' @param intercs a logical variable indicating if the
#'        time effects of \code{polytime} should vary across the
#'        cross-section.
#' @param lags a vector of numbers or names indicating columns in the data
#'        that should have their lags included in the imputation model.
#' @param leads a vector of numbers or names indicating columns in the data
#'        that should have their leads (future values) included in the imputation
#'        model.
#' @param startvals starting values, 0 for the parameter matrix from
#'        listwise deletion, 1 for an identity matrix.
#' @param tolerance the convergence threshold for the EM algorithm.
#' @param logs a vector of column numbers or column names that refer
#'        to variables that require log-linear transformation.
#' @param sqrts a vector of numbers or names indicating columns in the data
#'        that should be transformed by a sqaure root function.  Data in this
#'        column cannot be less than zero.
#' @param lgstc a vector of numbers or names indicating columns in the data
#'        that should be transformed by a logistic function for proportional data.
#'        Data in this column must be between 0 and 1.
#' @param noms a vector of numbers or names indicating columns in the data
#'        that are nominal variables.
#' @param ords a vector of numbers or names indicating columns in the
#'        data that should be treated as ordinal variables.
#' @param incheck a logical indicating whether or not the inputs to the
#'        function should be checked before running \code{amelia}.  This should
#'        only be set to \code{FALSE} if you are extremely confident that your
#'        settings are non-problematic and you are trying to save computational
#'        time.
#' @param collect a logical value indicating whether or
#'        not the garbage collection frequency should be increased during the
#'        imputation model.  Only set this to \code{TRUE} if you are experiencing memory
#'        issues as it can significantly slow down the imputation
#'        process
#' @param arglist an object of class "ameliaArgs" from a previous run of
#'        Amelia. Including this object will use the arguments from that run.
#' @param empri number indicating level of the empirical (or ridge) prior.
#'        This prior shrinks the covariances of the data, but keeps the means
#'        and variances the same for problems of high missingness, small N's or
#'        large correlations among the variables.  Should be kept small,
#'        perhaps 0.5 to 1 percent of the rows of the data; a
#'        reasonable upper bound is around 10 percent of the rows of the
#'        data.
#' @param priors a four or five column matrix containing the priors for
#'        either individual missing observations or variable-wide missing
#'        values.  See "Details" for more information.
#' @param autopri allows the EM chain to increase the empirical prior if
#'        the path strays into an nonpositive definite covariance matrix, up
#'        to a maximum empirical prior of the value of this argument times
#'        \code{n}, the number of observations.  Must be between 0 and 1, and at
#'        zero this turns off this feature.
#' @param emburn a numeric vector of length 2, where \code{emburn[1]} is
#'        a the minimum EM chain length and \code{emburn[2]} is the
#'        maximum EM chain length. These are ignored if they are less than 1.
#' @param bounds a three column matrix to hold logical bounds on the
#'        imputations. Each row of the matrix should be of the form
#'        \code{c(column.number, lower.bound,upper.bound)} See Details below.
#' @param max.resample an integer that specifies how many times Amelia
#'        should redraw the imputed values when trying to meet the logical
#'        constraints of \code{bounds}. After this value, imputed values are
#'        set to the bounds.
#' @param overimp a two-column matrix describing which cells are to be
#'        overimputed. Each row of the matrix should be a \code{c(row,column)} pair.
#'        Each of these cells will be treated as missing and
#'        replaced with draws from the imputation model.
#' @param boot.type choice of bootstrap, currently restricted to either
#'        \code{"ordinary"} for the usual non-parametric bootstrap and
#'        \code{"none"} for no bootstrap.
#' @param parallel the type of parallel operation to be used (if any). If
#'        missing, the default is taken from the option
#'        \code{"amelia.parallel"} (and if that is not set, \code{"no"}).
#' @param ncpus integer: the number of processes to be used in parallel
#'        operation: typically one would choose the number of available CPUs.
#' @param cl an optional \pkg{parallel} or \pkg{snow} cluster for use if
#'        \code{parallel = "snow"}. If not supplied, a cluster on the local
#'        machine is created for the duration of the \code{amelia} call.
#' @param ... further arguments to be passed.
#' @details
#' Multiple imputation is a method for analyzing incomplete
#' multivariate data. This function will take an incomplete dataset in
#' either data frame or matrix form and return \code{m} imputed datatsets
#' with no missing values. The algorithm first creates a bootstrapped
#' version of the original data, estimates the sufficient statistics
#' (with priors if specified) by EM on this bootstrapped sample, and
#'   then imputes the missing values of the original data using the
#'   estimated sufficient statistics. It repeats this process \code{m}
#'   times to produce the \code{m} complete datasets where the
#'   observed values are the same and the unobserved values are drawn
#'   from their posterior distributions.
#' The function will start a "fresh" run of the algorithm if \code{x} is
#' either a incomplete matrix or data.frame. In this method, all of the
#' options will be user-defined or set to their default. If \code{x}
#'   is  the output of a previous Amelia run (that is, an object of
#'   class "amelia"), then Amelia will run with the options used in
#'   that previous run. This is a convenient way to run more
#'   imputations of the same model.
#' You can provide Amelia with informational priors about the missing
#' observations in your data.  To specify priors, pass a four or five
#' column matrix to the \code{priors} argument with each row specifying a
#' different priors as such:
#'   \code{ one.prior <- c(row, column, mean,standard deviation)}
#' or,
#' \code{ one.prior <- c(row, column, minimum, maximum, confidence)}.
#' So, in the first and second column of the priors matrix should be the
#' row and column number of the prior being set.  In the other columns
#' should either be the mean and standard deviation of the prior, or a
#' minimum, maximum and confidence level for the prior. You must specify
#' your priors all as distributions or all as confidence ranges.  Note
#' that ranges are converted to distributions, so setting a confidence of
#' 1 will generate an error.
#' Setting a priors for the missing values of an entire variable is done
#' in the same manner as above, but inputing a \code{0} for the row
#' instead of the row number.  If priors are set for both the entire
#' variable and an individual observation, the individual prior takes
#' precedence.
#' In addition to priors, Amelia allows for logical bounds on
#' variables. The \code{bounds} argument should be a matrix with 3
#' columns, with each row referring to a logical bound on a variable. The
#' first column should be the column number of the variable to be
#' bounded, the second column should be the lower bounds for that
#' variable, and the third column should be the upper bound for that
#' variable. As Amelia enacts these bounds by resampling, particularly
#' poor bounds will end up resampling forever. Amelia will stop
#' resampling after \code{max.resample} attempts and simply set the
#' imputation to the relevant bound.
#' If each imputation is taking a long time to converge, you can increase
#' the empirical prior, \code{empri}.  This value has the effect of smoothing
#' out the likelihood surface so that the EM algorithm can more easily find
#' the maximum.  It should be kept as low as possible and only used if needed.
#' Amelia assumes the data is distributed multivariate normal.  There are a
#' number of variables that can break this assumption.  Usually, though, a
#' transformation can make any variable roughly continuous and unbounded.
#' We have included a number of commonly needed transformations for data.
#' Note that the data will not be transformed in the output datasets and the
#' transformation is simply useful for climbing the likelihood.
#' Amelia can run its imputations in parallel using the methods of the
#' \pkg{parallel} package. The \code{parallel} argument names the
#' parallel backend that Amelia should use. Users on Windows systems must
#' use the \code{"snow"} option and users on Unix-like systems should use
#' \code{"multicore"}.  The \code{multicore} backend sets itself up
#' automatically, but the \code{snow} backend requires more setup. You
#' can pass a predefined cluster from the
#' \code{parallel::makePSOCKcluster} function to the \code{cl}
#' argument. Without this cluster, Amelia will attempt to create a
#' reasonable default cluster and stop it once computation is
#' complete. When using the parallel backend, users can set the number of
#' CPUs to use with the \code{ncpus} argument. The defaults for these two
#' arguments can be set with the options \code{"amelia.parallel"} and
#' \code{"amelia.ncpus"}.
#' Please refer to the Amelia manual for more information on the function
#' or the options.
#' @return An instance of S3 class "amelia" with the following objects:
#' \item{imputations}{a list of length \code{m} with an imputed dataset in
#'   each entry. The class (matrix or data.frame) of these entries will
#'   match \code{x}.}
#' \item{m}{an integer indicating the number of imputations run.}
#' \item{missMatrix}{a matrix identical in size to the original dataset
#'   with 1 indicating a missing observation and a 0 indicating an observed
#'   observation.}
#' \item{theta}{An array with dimensions \eqn{(p+1)} by \eqn{(p+1)} by \eqn{m}  (where
#' \eqn{p} is the number of variables in the imputations model) holding
#'   the converged parameters for each of the \code{m} EM chains.}
#' \item{mu}{A \eqn{p} by \eqn{m} matrix of of the posterior modes for the
#'   complete-data means in each of the EM chains.}
#' \item{covMatrices}{An array with dimensions \eqn{(p)} by \eqn{(p)} by
#'   \eqn{m} where the first two dimensions hold the posterior modes of the
#'   covariance matrix of the complete data for each of the EM chains.}
#' \item{code}{a integer indicating the exit code of the Amelia run.}
#' \item{message}{an exit message for the Amelia run}
#' \item{iterHist}{a list of iteration histories for each EM chain. See
#'   documentation for details.}
#' \item{arguments}{a instance of the class "ameliaArgs" which holds the
#'   arguments used in the Amelia run.}
#' \item{overvalues}{a vector of values removed for overimputation. Used to
#'   reformulate the original data from the imputations. }
#' Note that the \code{theta}, \code{mu} and \code{covMatrcies} objects
#' refers to the data as seen by the EM algorithm and is thusly centered,
#' scaled, stacked, tranformed and rearranged. See the manual for details
#' and how to access this information.
#' @references
#' Honaker, J., King, G., Blackwell, M. (2011).
#' Amelia II: A Program for Missing Data.
#' \emph{Journal of Statistical Software}, \bold{45(7)}, 1--47.
#' \doi{10.18637/jss.v045.i07}
#' @seealso For imputation diagnostics, \code{\link{missmap}},
#' \code{\link{compare.density}},
#' \code{\link{overimpute}} and \code{\link{disperse}}. For time series
#' plots, \code{\link{tscsPlot}}. Also: \code{\link{plot.amelia}},
#' \code{\link{write.amelia}}, and \code{\link{ameliabind}}
#' @examples
#' data(africa)
#' a.out <- amelia(x = africa, cs = "country", ts = "year", logs = "gdp_pc")
#' summary(a.out)
#' plot(a.out)
#' @keywords models
amelia <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod("amelia", x)

#' @describeIn amelia Run additional imputations for Amelia output
amelia.amelia <- function(x, m = 5, p2s = 1, frontend = FALSE, ...) {

  ## The original data is the imputed data with the
  ## imputations marked to NA. These two lines do that
  data <- x$imputations[[1]]

  ## Only the variables in the missMatrix should be passed. This is
  ## because the others are
  data <- getOriginalData(x)

  out <- amelia.default(x = data, m = m, arglist=x$arguments, p2s=p2s,
                        frontend = frontend, incheck=FALSE)
  num.tcalls <- length(x$transform.calls)
  if (num.tcalls > 0) {
    for (i in 1:num.tcalls) {
      tcall <- x$transform.calls[[i]]
      tcall[[2]] <- as.name("out")
      out <- eval(tcall)
    out$transform.calls <- x$transform.calls
  ret <- ameliabind(x, out)

#' @describeIn amelia Perform multiple overimputation from moPrep
amelia.molist <- function(x, ...) {
  m <- match.call(expand.dots=TRUE)
  m$x <- x$data
  m$priors <- x$priors
  m$overimp <- x$overimp
  m[[1]] <- quote(Amelia::amelia.default)
  ret <- eval(m, parent.frame())


#' @describeIn amelia Run core Amelia algorithm
amelia.default <- function(x, m = 5, p2s = 1, frontend = FALSE, idvars = NULL,
                           ts = NULL, cs = NULL, polytime = NULL,
                           splinetime = NULL, intercs = FALSE, lags = NULL,
                           leads = NULL, startvals = 0, tolerance = 0.0001,
                           logs = NULL, sqrts = NULL, lgstc = NULL, noms = NULL,
                           ords = NULL, incheck = TRUE, collect = FALSE,
                           arglist = NULL, empri = NULL, priors = NULL,
                           autopri = 0.05, emburn = c(0,0), bounds = NULL,
                           max.resample = 100, overimp = NULL,
                           boot.type = "ordinary",
                           parallel = c("no", "multicore", "snow"),
                           ncpus = getOption("amelia.ncpus", 1L), cl = NULL,
                           ...) {

  ## parellel infrastructure modeled off of 'boot' package
  if (missing(parallel)) parallel <- getOption("amelia.parallel", "no")
  parallel <- match.arg(parallel)
  have_mc <- have_snow <- FALSE
  if (parallel != "no" && ncpus > 1L) {
    if (parallel == "multicore") have_mc <- .Platform$OS.type != "windows"
    else if (parallel == "snow") have_snow <- TRUE
    if (!have_mc && !have_snow) ncpus <- 1L
    if (p2s == 2) {
      cat("\nUsing '", parallel, "' parallel backend with", ncpus, "cores.")

  if (p2s == 2) {
    cat("\namelia starting\n")
  am.call <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)
  archv <- am.call

  prepped<-amelia_prep(x = x, m = m, idvars = idvars, empri = empri, ts = ts,
                       cs = cs, tolerance = tolerance, polytime = polytime,
                       splinetime = splinetime, lags = lags, leads = leads,
                       logs = logs, sqrts = sqrts, lgstc = lgstc, p2s = p2s,
                       frontend = frontend, intercs = intercs, noms = noms,
                       startvals = startvals, ords = ords, incheck = incheck,
                       collect = collect, arglist = arglist, priors = priors,
                       autopri = autopri, bounds = bounds,
                       max.resample = max.resample, overimp = overimp,
                       emburn = emburn, boot.type = boot.type)

  if (prepped$code != 1) {
    cat("Amelia Error Code: ", prepped$code, "\n", prepped$message, "\n")
    return(invisible(list(code = prepped$code, message = prepped$message)))

  do.amelia <- function(X, ...) {

    if (p2s == 2) {
      cat("running bootstrap\n")
    k <- ncol(prepped$x)
    if (!is.null(colnames(x))) {
      ovars <- colnames(x)
    } else {
      ovars <- 1:k

    code <- 1

    impdata <- list(imputations = list(),
                    m           = 1,
                    missMatrix  = prepped$missMatrix,
                    overvalues  = prepped$overvalues,
                    theta       = array(NA, dim = c(k+1,k+1,1) ),
                    mu          = matrix(NA, nrow = k, ncol = 1),
                    covMatrices = array(NA, dim = c(k,k,1)),
                    code        = integer(0),
                    message     = character(0),
                    iterHist    = list(),
                    arguments   = list(),
                    orig.vars   = ovars)
    class(impdata) <- "amelia"
    class(impdata$imputations) <- c("mi","list")

    x.boot<-bootx(prepped$x,prepped$priors, boot.type)
    # Don't reorder columns thetanew will not align with d.stacked$x

    if (p2s) cat("-- Imputation", X, "--\n")

    thetanew <- emarch(x.stacked$x, p2s = p2s, thetaold = NULL,
                       tolerance = tolerance, startvals = startvals,
                       priors = x.stacked$priors, empri = empri,
                       frontend = frontend, collect = collect,
                       autopri = prepped$autopri, emburn = emburn)

    ##thetanew <- .Call("emarch", PACKAGE = "Amelia")
    ## update the amelia ouptut
    impdata$iterHist[[1]]    <- thetanew$iter.hist
    impdata$theta[,,1]       <- thetanew$thetanew
    impdata$mu[,1]           <- thetanew$thetanew[-1,1]
    impdata$covMatrices[,,1] <- thetanew$thetanew[-1,-1]
    dimnames(impdata$covMatrices)[[1]] <- prepped$theta.names
    dimnames(impdata$covMatrices)[[2]] <- prepped$theta.names
    dimnames(impdata$mu)[[1]] <- prepped$theta.names

    evs <- eigen(thetanew$thetanew[-1, -1, drop = FALSE], only.values=TRUE,
    if (any(evs$values < .Machine$double.eps)) {
      impdata$imputations[[1]] <- NA
      impdata$code <- 2
      impdata$arguments <- prepped$archv
      class(impdata$arguments) <- c("ameliaArgs", "list")

      cat("\n\nThe resulting variance matrix was not invertible.",
          "  Please check your data for highly collinear variables.\n\n")

    ximp <- amelia_impute(prepped$x, thetanew$thetanew, priors = prepped$priors,
                          bounds = prepped$bounds, max.resample)
    ximp <- amunstack(ximp, n.order = prepped$n.order,
                      p.order = prepped$p.order)
    ximp <- unscale(ximp, mu = prepped$scaled.mu, sd = prepped$scaled.sd)
    ximp <- unsubset(x.orig = prepped$trans.x, x.imp = ximp,
                     blanks = prepped$blanks, idvars = prepped$idvars,
                     ts = prepped$ts, cs = prepped$cs, polytime = polytime,
                     splinetime = splinetime, intercs = intercs,
                     noms = prepped$noms, index = prepped$index,
                     ords = prepped$ords)
    ximp <- untransform(ximp, logs = prepped$logs, xmin = prepped$xmin,
                        sqrts = prepped$sqrts, lgstc = prepped$lgstc)

    if (p2s==2) {
      cat("\n saving and cleaning\n")

    ## here we deal with the imputed matrix.

    ## first, we put the data into the output list and name it
    impdata$imputations[[1]] <- impfill(x.orig = x, x.imp = ximp,
                                        noms = prepped$noms,
                                        ords = prepped$ords, priors = priors,
                                        overimp = overimp)

    if (p2s) cat("\n")
    if (frontend) {
      tcltk::tcl(getAmelia("runAmeliaProgress"), "step",(100/m -1))

    impdata$code <- code
    impdata$arguments <- prepped$archv
    names(impdata$imputations) <- paste("imp", X, sep = "")
    class(impdata$arguments) <- c("ameliaArgs", "list")


  ## parallel infrastructure from the 'boot' package
  impdata <- if (ncpus > 1L && (have_mc || have_snow)) {
    if (have_mc) {
      parallel::mclapply(seq_len(m), do.amelia, mc.cores = ncpus)
    } else if (have_snow) {
      list(...) # evaluate any promises
      if (is.null(cl)) {
        cl <- parallel::makePSOCKcluster(rep("localhost", ncpus))
        if(RNGkind()[1L] == "L'Ecuyer-CMRG")
        res <- parallel::parLapply(cl, seq_len(m), do.amelia)
      } else parallel::parLapply(cl, seq_len(m), do.amelia)
  } else lapply(seq_len(m), do.amelia)

  if (all(sapply(impdata, is, class="amelia"))) {
    if (!all(sapply(impdata, function(x) is.na(x$imputations)))) {
      impdata <- do.call(ameliabind, impdata)
      if (impdata$code == 2) {
        impdata$message <- paste("One or more of the imputations resulted in a",
                                 "covariance matrix that was not invertible.")
      } else {
        impdata$message <- paste("Normal EM convergence.")
    } else {
      impdata <- do.call(ameliabind, impdata)
      impdata$code <- 2
      impdata$message <- paste("All of the imputations resulted in a covariance",
                               "matrix that is not invertible.")

IQSS/Amelia documentation built on April 12, 2024, 11:36 a.m.