
Defines functions insert_dataset download_safe_files print.safedata str.safedata load_safe_data

Documented in download_safe_files insert_dataset load_safe_data print.safedata str.safedata

load_safe_data <- function(record_id, worksheet, ...) {
    #' Loads data from a SAFE dataset.
    #' This function returns a data frame containing the data from a data
    #' worksheet in a SAFE dataset. Note that SAFE dataset .xlsx files include
    #' the other (non-data) worksheets Summary, Taxa, Locations that contain
    #' metadata: see  \code{\link{get_taxa}}, \code{\link{get_locations}},
    #' \code{\link{add_taxa}} and \code{\link{add_locations}} for accessing
    #' and using this metadata.
    #' In particular, the large amount of data worksheet summary metadata is
    #' not attached as attributes to the data frame returned by this function.
    #' This is largely to avoid excessive output to the console during normal
    #' use of the data frame: an extended description of a worksheet can be
    #' displayed using \code{\link{show_worksheet}}.
    #' Currently, this function only loads data from SAFE formatted
    #' \code{.xlsx} files - data stored in external files is not yet
    #' handled.
    #' @param record_id A SAFE dataset record id
    #' @param worksheet The name of the worksheet to load
    #' @param x,object A \code{safedata} object.
    #' @param n The number of rows to show in the \code{print} method.
    #' @param \dots For \code{load_safe_data}, these are additional arguments
    #'    passed on to \code{\link{download_safe_files}} if the data file needs
    #'    to be downloaded. Otherwise, these are further arguments to the
    #'    \code{str} and \code{print} methods.
    #' @return A data frame with the additional \code{safedata} class and
    #'    additional attribute data containing metadata for the data.
    #' @examples
    #'    set_example_safedata_dir()
    #'    beetle_abund <- load_safe_data(1400562, "Ant-Psel")
    #'    str(beetle_abund)
    #'    # See also the show_worksheet function for further worksheet metadata
    #'    show_worksheet(beetle_abund)
    #'    set_example_safedata_dir(on=FALSE)
    #' @export

    # validate the record id
    record_set <- validate_record_ids(record_id)

    # Logic of what to load.
    # a) If a record is provided, return that unless it is unavailable, in
    #    which case suggest an alternative.
    # b) If a concept is provided, load MRA if there is one.

    # Look for a local copy of the file. If it doesn't exist, download it
    # if possible
    index <- get_index()
    index_row <- subset(
        zenodo_record_id == record_set$record &
            grepl(".xlsx$", filename)

    if (nrow(record_set) != 1) {
        stop("Requires a single valid record or concept id")
    } else if (is.na(record_set$record)) {
        # concept provided - we don't attempt to load local private copies here
        if (is.na(record_set$mra)) {
            stop("Concept ID provided: all records under embargo or restricted")
        } else {
                "Concept ID provided: ",
                "loading most recent available record"
            record_set <- validate_record_ids(record_set$mra)
    } else {
        # record provided
        if (!record_set$available) {
            if (index_row$local_copy) {
                    "Loading data from private copy of ",
                    "embargoed or restricted data"
            } else if (is.na(record_set$mra)) {
                    "Record ID provided: this and all other versions of this ",
                    "dataset concept are under embargo or restricted"
            } else {
                    "Record ID provided: version is under embargo or ",
                    "restricted. Most recent available is ", record_set$mra
        } else {
            if (!(record_set$record == record_set$mra)) {
                    "Outdated record: the most recent available ",
                    "version is ", record_set$mra

    # Now get the metadata and check the target worksheet exists
    meta <- load_record_metadata(record_set)
    if (!worksheet %in% meta$dataworksheets$name) {
            "Data worksheet name not one of: ",
            paste(meta$dataworksheets$name, collapse = ", ")

    # Download the data if needed
    if (!index_row$local_copy) {
        verbose_message("Downloading datafile: ", index_row$filename)
        downloaded <- download_safe_files(index_row$zenodo_record_id, ...)
        if (!length(downloaded)) {
            stop("Data file unavailable")

    # Validate the local copy
    local_path <- file.path(getOption("safedata.dir"), index_row$path)
    local_md5 <- tools::md5sum(local_path)
    if (local_md5 != index_row$checksum) {
            "Local file has been modified - ",
            "do not edit files within the SAFE data directory"

    # Now load the data - using readxl, openxlsx is also possible but seems
    # to be orphaned and has some date time handling issues. One issue with
    # readxl is it has field type guessing based on the Excel cell types of
    # the first N rows. Usually this is fine but can be tripped up (e.g. one
    # alphanumeric in a list of IDs or a sparsely populated field). So, we use
    # the field types to set column classes using a conversion map from safedata
    # types to readxl col_types: "skip", "guess", "logical", "numeric", "date",
    # "text" or "list". Datetime fields are left to the guessing mechanism
    # because they can be Excel dates or POSIX strings.
    dwksh <- meta$dataworksheets[meta$dataworksheets$name == worksheet, ]
    fields <- dwksh$fields[[1]]
    field_types <- tolower(fields$field_type)
    readxl_map <- c(
        "date" = "guess", "datetime" = "guess", "time" = "guess",
        "location" = "text", "latitude" = "numeric",
        "longitude" = "numeric", "replicate" = "text",
        "id" = "text", "categorical" = "text",
        "ordered categorical" = "text", "numeric" = "numeric",
        "taxa" = "text", "abundance" = "numeric",
        "ordered categorical trait" = "text",
        "categorical trait" = "text",
        "numeric trait" = "numeric",
        "categorical interaction" = "text",
        "numeric interaction" = "numeric", "file" = "text",
        "comments" = "text"

    # map the column types, including the first column of record numbers
    col_types <- c("numeric", readxl_map[match(field_types, names(readxl_map))])
    if (any(is.na(col_types))) {
        stop("Problem with column type specification. Contact developers")

    # Read the data and then reduce to a data frame (not tibble) with no
    # row numbers. We want to check here if the field names are the same
    # as expected from the metadata. This is complicated by the fact that,
    # although field names in metadata should be syntactically valid R as
    # of safedata_validator 1.2.7, they weren't before that. So, enforce
    # make.names on both to avoid trivial mismatches. Turn off trim_ws in
    # read_xlsx because that occurs before name repair and makes names
    # with whitespace diverge between metadata and data names
    data <- readxl::read_xlsx(local_path, worksheet,
        skip = dwksh$field_name_row - 1,
        n_max = dwksh$n_data_row, na = "NA",
        col_types = col_types,
        trim_ws = FALSE,
        .name_repair = ~ make.names(.x, unique = TRUE)
    class(data) <- "data.frame"
    data <- data[, -1]

    # Check field name matching.,
    if (!identical(make.names(fields$field_name, unique = TRUE), names(data))) {
        stop("Mismatch between data field names and local metadata")

    # Now do field type conversions
    for (idx in seq_along(names(data))) {
        fld <- fields[idx, ]

        # Factors
        if (grepl("Categorical", fld$field_type)) {
            data[fld$field_name] <- as.factor(data[[fld$field_name]])

        # Dates, Datetimes and Times
        if (fld$field_type %in% c("Date", "Datetime", "Time")) {
            values <- data[[fld$field_name]]
            # if they haven't been converted already, then the user has supplied
            # POSIX strings not Excel Date/Time
            if (!inherits(values, "POSIXt")) {
                values <- try(as.POSIXct(values,
                    tryFormats =
                            "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS",
                            "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", "%Y-%m-%d",
                            "%H:%M:%OS", "%H:%M"
                if (inherits(values, "try-error")) {
                        "Failed to convert date/times in field ",
            # Use chron time - could use chron date + chron but they provide a
            # ugly pile of attributes in the data frame display and have to be
            # beaten with a stick to stop them using month/day/year formats.
            if (fld$field_type == "Time") {
                values <- chron::times(format(values, "%H:%M:%S"))
            data[fld$field_name] <- values

    # Design notes on methods: we want safedata to behave as much as possible
    # like a data frame. The attributes are used to record provenance and the
    # safedata class is primarily used to allow loaded data frames to be passed
    # to the show_* metadata functions. With S3 generics, the set of classes is
    # used in order, so we only need to provide safedata S3 methods where we
    # want to modify the default dataframe methods - this is only str, where
    # hiding the attributes and displaying that information at top is
    # aesthetically nicer.

    class(data) <- c("safedata", "data.frame")
    dwksh <- as.list(dwksh)
    dwksh$safe_record_set <- record_set
    attr(data, "metadata") <- dwksh

str.safedata <- function(object, ...) {
    #' @describeIn load_safe_data Display structure of a safedata data frame
    #' @export

    object_attr <- attr(object, "metadata")
    msg <- "SAFE dataset\nConcept: %i; Record %i; Worksheet: %s\n"
    with(object_attr, cat(sprintf(
        msg, safe_record_set$concept,
        safe_record_set$record, name

    # reduce the safedata object to a simple data frame and pass back
    # to str(x, ...)
    attr(object, "metadata") <- NULL
    class(object) <- "data.frame"
    invisible(str(object, ...))

print.safedata <- function(x, n = 10, ...) {
    #' @describeIn load_safe_data Print safedata data frame
    #' @export

    x_attr <- attr(x, "metadata")
    msg <- "SAFE dataset:\nConcept: %i; Record %i; Worksheet: %s\n"
    with(x_attr, cat(sprintf(
        msg, safe_record_set$concept,
        safe_record_set$record, name

    if (inherits(x, "sf")) {
        options(sf_max_print = n)
    } else if (inherits(x, "data.frame")) {
        class(x) <- "data.frame"
        cat(sprintf("First %i rows:\n", n))
        print(head(x, n = n))


# Access notes: There are two routes to files within Zenodo - via the API
# and via the website URL. For example, these two URLs get the same file:
# https://zenodo.org/api/files/...
#    2edc1bf2-e84e-40be-882d-08ce476c3bcb/SAFE_Gazetteer_metadata_v3.xlsx  # nolint
# https://www.zenodo.org/record/3906082/files/SAFE_Gazetteer_metadata_v3.xlsx  # nolint
# ** API URLs **
# The API link requires that hex 'bucket' id - and these are not stable
# so need to be retrieved when a user requests a download. The record,
# details are available from an API call:
# ,
# https://zenodo.org/api/records/3906082
# ,
# If the record is _open_ then the JSON response contains a files array
# giving the API download path. However, if the record is not open, that
# files array is not present in the response.,
# An access token can be passed to the records API call, which will then
# report file URLs for any record in the community. The same token can then
# be used with the files API to allow any file to be downloaded. However,
# these are developer tokens and provide root access so are not for public
# use.
# ** WWW URLs **
# The safedata index actually contains all the details needed to recreate a
# URL for any file - only the record number and filename are needed. The
# filenames are not typically known for embargoed and restricted files,
# but safedata stores them. However, the file URL will raise a 404 error
# unless the file is open access.,
# ,
# There is a special case - if a user requests access to restricted,
# dataset, then they get a token that will allow that file to be downloaded
# from the appropriate WWW URL (_not_ via the API URL):
# https://sandbox.zenodo.org/record/315677/files/test.xlsx?token=eyJhbGc...
# There is currently no such mechanism for embargoed data - you just have,
# to wait it out or contact the authors.
# The download_safe_files function uses the WWW URLs to support restricted
# file tokens and to remove the need for an API intermediate call. A
# developer version could use the API URLs as a common framework to download
# everything using an API token.

download_safe_files <- function(record_ids, confirm = TRUE, xlsx_only = TRUE,
                                download_metadata = TRUE, refresh = FALSE,
                                token = NULL) {
    #' Download SAFE dataset files
    #' This downloads files associated with SAFE datasets, either all of the
    #' files included in a set of records (\code{xlsx_only = FALSE}) or just
    #' the core .xlsx files (\code{xlsx_only = FALSE}), and stores them in the
    #' SAFE data directory. See \code{\link{insert_dataset}} for details on
    #' using embargoed or restricted datasets.
    #' By default, the function will also download the dataset metadata. This
    #' information is required by many of the functions in the package but users
    #' can turn off automatic metadata download.
    #' @section Warning:
    #' Using \code{refresh = TRUE} will \strong{overwrite locally modified
    #' files} and replace them with the versions of record from Zenodo.
    #' @param record_ids A vector of SAFE dataset record ids or a
    #'    \code{\link{safe_record_set}} object.
    #' @param confirm Requires the user to confirm before download (logical)
    #' @param xlsx_only Should all files be downloaded or just the core .xslx
    #'    file (logical)
    #' @param download_metadata Should the metadata record for the file be
    #'    downloaded (logical)
    #' @param refresh Should the function check if local copies have been
    #'    modified and download fresh copies. This is useful if the local
    #'    copies have unintentionally been modified but note the warning above.
    #' @param token An access token for restricted datasets. These tokens are
    #'    requested through the Zenodo page for a restricted dataset and are
    #'    long alphanumeric strings. If you are providing a token, you should
    #'    only provide the record id for that dataset.
    #' @return Invisibly, a vector of paths within the `safe_dir` for
    #'    successfully downloaded files. If the download is not successful then
    #'    the function returns FALSE.
    #' @examples
    #'    \donttest{
    #'        set_example_safedata_dir()
    #'        # Validate records to download
    #'        recs <- validate_record_ids(c(3247631, 3266827, 3266821))
    #'        print(recs)
    #'        download_safe_files(recs, confirm = FALSE)
    #'        set_example_safedata_dir(on = FALSE)
    #'    }
    #'    \dontrun{
    #'        # This example requires a private token
    #'        download_safe_files(1237730, confirm = FALSE,
    #'                            token="longStringFromZenodo")
    #'    }
    #' @export

    # validate the record ids
    record_set <- validate_record_ids(record_ids)

    records_to_get <- record_set$record[!is.na(record_set$record)]

    if (!length(records_to_get)) {
        verbose_message("No valid record ids provided")
    } else if (!is.null(token) && length(records_to_get) > 1) {
            "When using an access token, please download ",
            "the single record"

    # Get the target files
    index <- get_index()
    safedir <- get_data_dir()

    # Get the set of files
    if (xlsx_only) {
        targets <- subset(
            zenodo_record_id %in% records_to_get &
                grepl(".xlsx$", filename)
    } else {
        targets <- subset(index, zenodo_record_id %in% records_to_get)

    # Work with the full file path
    targets$full_path <- file.path(safedir, targets$path)

    # Check which files are already local and optionally which have bad MD5 sums
    if (refresh) {
        targets$refresh <- targets$checksum != tools::md5sum(targets$full_path)
    } else {
        targets$refresh <- FALSE

    # Create the confirmation message
    msg <- paste0(
        "%i files requested from %i records\n",
        " - %i local (%s)\n",
        " - %i embargoed or restricted (%s)\n",
        " - %i to download (%s)"

    local <- subset(targets, (!refresh) & local_copy)
    unavail <- subset(targets, !available)
    to_download <- subset(targets, (refresh | (!local_copy)) & available)

    size_to_human <- function(size) {
        return(format(structure(size, class = "object_size"), units = "auto"))

    msg <- sprintf(
        msg, nrow(targets), length(unique(targets$zenodo_record_id)),
        nrow(local), size_to_human(sum(local$filesize)),
        nrow(unavail), size_to_human(sum(unavail$filesize)),
        nrow(to_download), size_to_human(sum(to_download$filesize))

    if (confirm) {
        # Don't mute the message if the function is called to report this!
        confirm_response <- utils::menu(c("Yes", "No"), title = msg)
        if (confirm_response != 1) {
            message("Aborting download")
    } else {

    # download metadata if requested - bail if metadata requested
    # and unavailable
    if (download_metadata) {
        success <- fetch_record_metadata(record_set)

        if (isFALSE(success)) {
            message("Could not download metadata, aborting download: ")
            message(attr(success, "fail_msg"))

    # split by records
    files_by_record <- split(targets, targets$zenodo_record_id)
    downloaded <- character()

    for (these_files in files_by_record) {
        current_record <- these_files$zenodo_record_id[1]

        if (
            !is.null(token) && all(these_files$dataset_access == "restricted")
        ) {
            verbose_message("Using token to access restricted record")
        } else if (!these_files$available[1]) {
            msg <- "%i files for record %i: under embargo or restricted"
            verbose_message(sprintf(msg, nrow(these_files), current_record))

            "%i files for record %i: %i to download",
            nrow(these_files), current_record,
            sum((!these_files$local_copy) | these_files$refresh)

        these_files <- subset(these_files, (!local_copy) | refresh)

        if (nrow(these_files)) {
            sandbox <- getOption("safedata.use_zenodo_sandbox")[[1]]
            if (sandbox) {
                zenodo_url <- "https://sandbox.zenodo.org"
            } else {
                zenodo_url <- "https://www.zenodo.org"

            # create download urls
            these_files$public_url <- sprintf(

            # Handle token if provided
            if (!is.null(token)) {
                these_files$public_url <- paste0(
                    "?token=", token

            # Now download the required files
            for (row_idx in seq_along(these_files$filename)) {
                this_file <- these_files[row_idx, ]

                # Look to see if the target directory exists.
                if (!file.exists(dirname(this_file$full_path))) {
                        recursive = TRUE

                # Download the target file to the directory - report
                # failures but don't abort - try and get as much as possible.
                result <- try_to_download(this_file$public_url,
                    local_path = this_file$full_path

                if (isFALSE(result)) {
                    if (this_file$local_copy) {
                            " - Failed to refresh data: ",
                        message(attr(result, "fail_msg"))
                    } else {
                            " - Failed to download data: ",
                        message(attr(result, "fail_msg"))
                } else {
                    if (this_file$local_copy) {
                            " - Refreshed: ",
                    } else {
                            " - Downloaded: ",
                    downloaded <- c(downloaded, this_file$path)

    # Update the index to record new local copies
    if (length(downloaded) > 0) {
        index$local_copy[index$path %in% downloaded] <- TRUE
        # save the updated index into the cache
        assign("index", index, safedata_env)


insert_dataset <- function(record_id, files) {
    #' Inserts local copies of files from a dataset into a SAFE data directory
    #' If files are embargoed or restricted, then users may request the
    #' datafiles from the authors. This function allows provided files
    #' to be incorporated into a SAFE data directory, so that they will
    #' then work seamlessly alongside openly available data.
    #' @param record_id A SAFE dataset record id
    #' @param files A vector of files to insert into the data directory
    #' @return NULL
    #' @examples
    #'    set_example_safedata_dir()
    #'    files <- system.file("api_data", "template_ClareWfunctiondata.xlsx",
    #'                         package = "safedata")
    #'    insert_dataset(1237719, files)
    #'    dat <- load_safe_data(1237719, "Data")
    #'    str(dat)
    #'    set_example_safedata_dir(on=FALSE)
    #' @export

    record_set <- validate_record_ids(record_id)
    if (nrow(record_set) != 1) {
        stop("record_id must identify a single record")
    } else if (is.na(record_set$record)) {
        stop("record_id cannot be a concept record id")

    # Get the list of possible files for this record
    index <- get_index()
    record_files <- subset(index, zenodo_record_id == record_set$record)

    # Validate incoming files
    local_md5 <- tools::md5sum(files)

    # Do the provided files actually exist
    missing_files <- is.na(local_md5)
    if (any(missing_files)) {
        stop("Files not found: ", paste0(files[missing_files], collapse = ","))

    # Add index data on to the local files
    local_files <- data.frame(
        local_path = files, filename = basename(files),
        local_md5 = local_md5, stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    local_files <- merge(local_files, record_files,
        by = "filename", all.x = TRUE

    # Are the provided filenames part of the record
    unknown_files <- is.na(local_files$checksum)
    if (any(unknown_files)) {
            "Local files not found in record metadata: ",
            paste0(local_files$filename[unknown_files], collapse = ",")

    # Are they the same files - compare checksums
    non_matching_checksums <- local_files$local_md5 != local_files$checksum
    if (any(non_matching_checksums)) {
            "Local file checksums do not match record metadata: ",
                collapse = ","

    # Now we can insert them - skipping files already present
    # - fetch the record metadata to guarantee the local file path

    local_files$current_safe_dir_path <- file.path(
    local_files$local_copy <- file.exists(local_files$current_safe_dir_path)

    if (any(local_files$local_copy)) {
            "Skipping files already present: ",
                collapse = ","
        local_files <- subset(local_files, !local_copy)

    if (nrow(local_files)) {
            "Inserting files: ",
            paste0(local_files$filename, collapse = ",")
        copy_success <- try({
            with(local_files, file.copy(local_path, current_safe_dir_path))
        if (inherits(copy_success, "try-error")) {
                "Failed to insert files:",
                paste0(local_files$filename[!copy_success], collapse = ",")
        } else {
            # update the index
            index$local_copy[index$checksum %in% local_files$checksum] <- TRUE
            assign("index", index, safedata_env)

ImperialCollegeLondon/safe_data documentation built on Jan. 27, 2024, 9:51 a.m.