
Defines functions getExCounts .processSample .processChr

Documented in getExCounts

#' Obtain Exonic Feature Counts
#' This function returns the coverage of the exonic portion of sufficient
#' features identified based on sequencing read length. It takes as input
#' a pheno table of all the same rls and queries the bigwig_path.
#' @param pheno The phenotype matrix created by processPheno(), limited to 1 'rls' group.
#' @param cores The number of processing cores to use.
#' @import recountNNLSdata
#' @export
#' @return A matrix containing the exonic feature counts for the samples in pheno.
#' @keywords getExCounts
getExCounts = function(pheno, cores=1){
      ## Evaluate the consistency of read lengths supplied in phenotype
      rl = unique(pheno$rls_group)
            stop("getExCounts can only be run on a group of samples in the same read length category. Please split your data.")

      ## Load appropriate features based on read count
      data(list=paste0("bins_", rl), package = "recountNNLSdata")
      bins <- eval(parse(text=paste0("bins_", rl)))

      ## Create a GRangesList by chr
      grl = GenomicRanges::split(bins, GenomicRanges::seqnames(bins))

      ## Counting the coverage of exonic features by file
            list_totCov = mclapply(as.character(pheno$bigwig_path), .processSample, grl, bins, mc.cores=cores)
            list_totCov= lapply(as.character(pheno$bigwig_path), .processSample, grl, bins)
      ## Assembling the count information
      totCov = do.call(cbind, list_totCov)
      ## Giving correct exonic feature annotation
      rownames(totCov) = paste0("e", 1:length(bins))
      colnames(totCov) = pheno$run
      totCov = totCov/rl

.processSample = function(sampleFile, grl, bins, verbose=TRUE){
            message("Processing sample ", sampleFile)

      cov_rle = rtracklayer::import(sampleFile, as = 'RleList')
      ## To ensure consistency when some samples have chrs dropped from no mapped reads
      cov_rle_matched = cov_rle[match(names(grl), names(cov_rle), nomatch=0)]
      grl_keep = grl[match(names(cov_rle_matched), names(grl), nomatch=0)]
            cov_binned = sapply(names(grl_keep), .processChr, cov_rle_matched, grl_keep)
                  cov_binned = do.call(c, cov_binned)
      id = queryHits(GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(bins, unlist(grl_keep), type="equal"))
      cov_out = rep(0, length(bins))
      cov_out[id[!is.na(id)]] = cov_binned[!is.na(id)]
.processChr = function(chr, rle_cov, grl_bins){
      sum(Views(rle_cov[[chr]], rtracklayer::ranges(grl_bins[[chr]])))
JMF47/recountNNLS documentation built on May 28, 2019, 12:42 p.m.