# my model summary function, précis
precis.whitelist <- data.frame(
class=c("map","map2stan","lm","glm","mle2","mer","bmer","polr","data.frame","clmm","clmm2","list","stanfit","lmerMod","glmerMod","ulam") ,
coef.method=c("coef","coef","coef","coef","coef","fixef.plus","fixef.plus","polr","chain","coef","coef","mcarray","stanfit","fixef.plus","fixef.plus","coef") ,
vcov.method=c("vcov","vcov","vcov","vcov","vcov","vcov.VarCorr","vcov.VarCorr","vcov","chain","vcov","vcov","mcarray","stanfit","vcov.VarCorr","vcov.VarCorr","vcov") ,
# precis class definition and show method
# setClass( "precis" , representation( output="data.frame" , digits="numeric" ) )
setClass( "precis" , slots=c( digits="numeric" ) , contains="data.frame" )
precis_show_old <- function( object ) {
#print( round( object@output , object@digits ) )
r <- format_show( object@output , digits=c('default__'=object@digits,'n_eff'=0) )
precis_show <- function( object ) {
#print( round( object@output , object@digits ) )
r <- format_show( object , digits=c('default__'=object@digits,'n_eff'=0) )
has_header <- !is.null( attr(object,"header") )
if ( has_header ) {
# show header
cat( attr(object,"header") )
cat( "\n" )
setMethod( "show" , "precis" , function(object) precis_show(object) )
precis_plot <- function( x , y , pars , col.ci="black" , xlab="Value" , add=FALSE , xlim=NULL , labels=rownames(x)[1:n] , ... ) {
if ( !missing(pars) ) {
x <- x[pars,]
n <- nrow(x)
mu <- x[n:1,1]
left <- x[[3]][n:1]
right <- x[[4]][n:1]
labels <- labels[n:1]
if ( is.null(xlim) ) xlim <- c(min(left),max(right))
if ( add==FALSE )
dotchart( mu , labels=labels , xlab=xlab , xlim=xlim , ... )
points( mu[n:1] , n:1 , ... )
for ( i in 1:length(mu) ) lines( c(left[i],right[i]) , c(i,i) , lwd=2 , col=col.ci )
if ( add==FALSE ) abline( v=0 , lty=1 , col=col.alpha("black",0.15) )
setMethod( "plot" , "precis" , function(x,y,...) precis_plot(x,y,...) )
# function to process a list of posterior samples from extract.samples into a summary table
# needed because as.data.frame borks the ordering of matrix parameters like varying effects
postlistprecis <- function( post , prob=0.95 , spark=FALSE ) {
n_pars <- length(post)
result <- data.frame( Mean=0 , StdDev=0 , lower=0 , upper=0 )
if ( spark!=FALSE ) {
result <- data.frame( Mean=0 , StdDev=0 , Min=0 , Distribution="" , Max=0 )
result$Distribution <- as.character(result$Distribution)
r <- 1
for ( k in 1:n_pars ) {
dims <- dim( post[[k]] )
if ( length(dims)==1 ) {
# single parameter
if ( spark==FALSE ) {
hpd <- as.numeric( HPDI( post[[k]] , prob=prob ) )
result[r,] <- c( mean(post[[k]]) , sd(post[[k]]) , hpd[1] , hpd[2] )
} else {
# histosparks in place of HPDI
the_spark <- histospark( post[[k]] , width=spark )
result[r,1:3] <- c( mean(post[[k]]) , sd(post[[k]]) , min(post[[k]]) )
result[r,4] <- the_spark
result[r,5] <- max( post[[k]] )
rownames(result)[r] <- names(post)[k]
r <- r + 1
if ( length(dims)==2 ) {
# vector of parameters
# loop over
for ( i in 1:dims[2] ) {
if ( spark==FALSE ) {
hpd <- as.numeric( HPDI( post[[k]][,i] , prob=prob ) )
result[r,] <- c( mean(post[[k]][,i]) , sd(post[[k]][,i]) , hpd[1] , hpd[2] )
} else {
the_spark <- histospark( post[[k]][,i] , width=spark )
result[r,1:3] <- c( mean(post[[k]][,i]) , sd(post[[k]][,i]) , min(post[[k]][,i]) )
result[r,4] <- the_spark
result[r,5] <- max( post[[k]][,i] )
rownames(result)[r] <- concat( names(post)[k] , "[" , i , "]" )
r <- r + 1
if ( length(dims)==3 ) {
# matrix of parameters
for ( i in 1:dims[2] ) {
for ( j in 1:dims[3] ) {
if ( spark==FALSE ) {
hpd <- as.numeric( HPDI( post[[k]][,i,j] , prob=prob ) )
result[r,] <- c( mean(post[[k]][,i,j]) , sd(post[[k]][,i,j]) , hpd[1] , hpd[2] )
} else {
the_spark <- histospark( post[[k]][,i,j] , width=spark )
result[r,1:3] <- c( mean(post[[k]][,i,j]) , sd(post[[k]][,i,j]) , min(post[[k]][,i,j]) )
result[r,4] <- the_spark
result[r,5] <- max( post[[k]][,i,j] )
rownames(result)[r] <- concat( names(post)[k] , "[" , i , "," , j , "]" )
r <- r + 1
if ( spark==FALSE )
colnames(result)[3:4] <- c(paste("lower", prob), paste("upper", prob))
function( object , depth=1 , pars , prob=0.89 , digits=2 , sort=NULL , decreasing=FALSE , ... ) {
new( "precis" , as.data.frame(object) , digits=digits )
# function that handles depth and sorting
precis_format <- function( result , depth , sort , decreasing ) {
# deal with depth
if ( depth==1 ) {
hits <- regexpr("]",rownames(result),fixed=TRUE)
hits_idx <- which( hits > -1 )
if ( length(hits_idx)>0 ) {
result <- result[-hits_idx,]
message( paste( length(hits_idx) , "vector or matrix parameters hidden. Use depth=2 to show them." ) )
if ( depth==2 ) {
hits <- regexpr(",",rownames(result),fixed=TRUE)
hits_idx <- which( hits > -1 )
if ( length(hits_idx)>0 ) {
result <- result[-hits_idx,]
message( paste( length(hits_idx) , "matrix parameters hidden. Use depth=3 to show them." ) )
# sort
if ( !is.null(sort) ) {
o <- order( result[,sort] , decreasing=decreasing )
result <- result[o,]
# label Rhat with version
rhat_col <- which( colnames(result)=="Rhat" )
if ( !is.null(rhat_col) ) {
colnames(result)[rhat_col] <- "Rhat4"
setMethod("precis", "numeric",
function( object , depth=1 , pars , prob=0.89 , digits=2 , sort=NULL , decreasing=FALSE , ... ) {
oname <- deparse( match.call()[[2]] )
df <- list()
df[[oname]] <- object
precis( df , prob=prob , ... )
} )
setMethod("precis", "data.frame",
function( object , depth=1 , pars , prob=0.89 , digits=2 , sort=NULL , decreasing=FALSE , hist=TRUE , ... ) {
plo <- (1-prob)/2
phi <- 1 - plo
# replace any character or factor columns with NA numeric columns
# histospark will detect all NA and return blank line
for ( i in 1:ncol(object) ) {
if ( class(object[[i]]) %in% c("factor","character") ) {
object[[i]] <- as.numeric( rep( NA , nrow(object) ) )
if ( hist==TRUE ) {
result <- data.frame(
mean = apply(object,2,mean,na.rm=TRUE),
sd = apply(object,2,sd,na.rm=TRUE),
lo = apply(object,2,quantile,na.rm=TRUE,probs=plo),
hi = apply(object,2,quantile,na.rm=TRUE,probs=phi),
histogram = apply(object,2,histospark),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
} else {
# no unicode histogram
result <- data.frame(
mean = apply(object,2,mean,na.rm=TRUE),
sd = apply(object,2,sd,na.rm=TRUE),
lo = apply(object,2,quantile,na.rm=TRUE,probs=plo),
hi = apply(object,2,quantile,na.rm=TRUE,probs=phi),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
colnames(result)[3:4] <- paste( c( plo , phi )*100 , "%" , sep="" )
result <- precis_format( result , depth , sort , decreasing )
has_source <- !is.null(attr(object,"source"))
header_string <- concat( "'data.frame': " , nrow(object) , " obs. of ", ncol(object) , " variables:" )
if ( has_source )
header_string <- attr(object,"source")
attr(result,"header") <- header_string
return( new( "precis" , result , digits=digits ) )
setMethod("precis", "list",
function( object , depth=1 , pars , prob=0.89 , digits=2 , sort=NULL , decreasing=FALSE , hist=TRUE , ... ) {
# coerce to data frame and format row names for vectors/matrices to [] style
result <- as.data.frame( object , stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
# since data frame conversion vectorizes matrices, need to treat each variable
for ( i in 1:length(object) ) {
# check dimension and process names when > 1
n <- length(dim(object[[i]]))
if ( n > 1 ) {
dims <- dim(object[[i]])
idx <- grep( concat("^",names(object)[i],".") , names(result) )
if ( n==2 ) {
# vector
new_names <- paste( names(object)[i] , "[" , 1:dims[2] , "]" , sep="" )
names(result)[idx] <- new_names
if ( n==3 ) {
# matrix
new_names <- paste( names(object)[i] , "[" , rep(1:dims[2],each=dims[3]) , "," , rep(1:dims[3],times=dims[2]) , "]" , sep="" )
names(result)[idx] <- new_names
# hand off to data frame method
if ( !is.null(attr(object,"source")) )
attr(result,"source") <- attr(object,"source")
precis( result , depth , pars , prob , digits , sort, decreasing , hist=hist , ... )
# template function for processing objects with coef and vcov methods
xprecis_glm <- function( object , depth , pars , prob , digits , sort , decreasing , ... ) {
plo <- (1-prob)/2
phi <- 1 - plo
z <- qnorm(phi)
result <- data.frame(
mean = coef(object),
sd = se(object),
lo = coef(object) - z*se(object),
hi = coef(object) + z*se(object)
colnames(result)[3:4] <- paste( c( plo , phi )*100 , "%" , sep="" )
result <- precis_format( result , depth , sort , decreasing )
# obey pars list
if ( !missing(pars) ) {
# need to handle vector/matrix parameters
# for each element in pars, add a copy with '[' on end
# then use grep to white list any parameter that starts with element of pars
pars_new <- paste( pars , "[" , sep="" )
pars <- c( pars , pars_new )
keep_idx <- rep(FALSE,nrow(result))
for ( i in 1:length(pars) ) {
keep_idx <- keep_idx | startsWith( rownames(result) , pars[i] )
result <- result[ keep_idx , ]
return( new( "precis" , result , digits=digits ) )
setMethod("precis", "map",
function( object , depth=1 , pars , prob=0.89 , digits=2 , sort=NULL , decreasing=FALSE , ... ) {
# just pass to glm method
xprecis_glm( object , depth , pars , prob , digits , sort , decreasing , ... )
setMethod("precis", "glm",
function( object , depth=1 , pars , prob=0.89 , digits=2 , sort=NULL , decreasing=FALSE , ... ) {
# just pass to glm method
xprecis_glm( object , depth , pars , prob , digits , sort , decreasing , ... )
setMethod("precis", "lm",
function( object , depth=1 , pars , prob=0.89 , digits=2 , sort=NULL , decreasing=FALSE , ... ) {
# just pass to glm method
xprecis_glm( object , depth , pars , prob , digits , sort , decreasing , ... )
setMethod("precis", "map2stan",
function( object , depth=1 , pars , prob=0.89 , digits=2 , sort=NULL , decreasing=FALSE , ... ) {
low <- (1-prob)/2
upp <- 1-low
result <- summary(object@stanfit,pars=pars,probs=c(low,upp))$summary[,c(1,3:7)]
result <- as.data.frame( result )
idx <- which( rownames(result) %in% c("dev","lp__") )
idx2 <- grep( "log_lik[" , rownames(result) , fixed=TRUE )
if ( length(idx2)>0 ) idx <- c( idx , idx2 )
if ( length(idx)>0 ) {
# remove dev and lp__ and log_lik from table
result <- result[ -idx , ]
result <- precis_format( result , depth , sort , decreasing )
return( new( "precis" , result , digits=digits ) )
setMethod("precis", "stanfit",
function( object , depth=1 , pars , prob=0.89 , digits=2 , sort=NULL , decreasing=FALSE , ... ) {
# assume stan for moment
low <- (1-prob)/2
upp <- 1-low
result <- summary(object,pars=pars,probs=c(low,upp))$summary[,c(1,3:7)]
result <- as.data.frame( result )
idx <- which( rownames(result) %in% c("dev","lp__") )
idx2 <- grep( "log_lik[" , rownames(result) , fixed=TRUE )
if ( length(idx2)>0 ) idx <- c( idx , idx2 )
if ( length(idx)>0 ) {
# remove dev and lp__ and log_lik from table
result <- result[ -idx , ]
result <- precis_format( result , depth , sort , decreasing )
return( new( "precis" , result , digits=digits ) )
# precis2(mfit,pars=parlist)
# old version 1 method
precisx <- function( model , depth=1 , pars , ci=TRUE , prob=0.89 , corr=FALSE , digits=2 , warn=TRUE , spark=FALSE ) {
the.class <- class(model)[1]
found.class <- FALSE
if ( the.class=="numeric" ) {
# single vector of values
# coerce to data frame
model <- as.data.frame(model)
the.class <- class(model)[1]
if ( any( precis.whitelist$class==the.class ) ) found.class <- TRUE
if ( the.class=="list" )
if ( class( model[[1]] ) != "mcarray" ) found.class <- FALSE
if ( found.class==TRUE ) {
est <- xcoef( model )
se <- xse( model )
if ( corr==TRUE ) Rho <- xrho( model )
if ( found.class==FALSE ) {
message( paste("No handler found for model of class",the.class) )
# format
fname <- "Mean"
# capitalize first letter
fname <- concat( toupper(substring(fname,1,1)) , substring(fname,2) )
result <- data.frame( est=est , se=se )
colnames(result) <- c( fname ,"StdDev")
if ( ci==TRUE ) {
ci <- confint_quad( est=est , se=se , prob=prob )
if ( the.class=="data.frame" ) {
# HPDI from samples
ci <- t( apply( model , 2 , HPDI , prob=prob ) )
result <- cbind( result , ci )
if ( the.class=="map2stan" ) {
# HPDI from samples
post <- extract.samples(model)
result <- postlistprecis( post , prob=prob , spark=spark )
if ( the.class=="stanfit" ) {
# HPDI from samples
post <- extract.samples(model)
post[['lp__']] <- NULL
result <- postlistprecis( post , prob=prob , spark=spark )
if ( the.class=="map2stan" | the.class=="stanfit" ) {
# add n_eff to result
if ( the.class=="map2stan" )
the_summary <- summary( model@stanfit )$summary
the_summary <- summary( model )$summary
n_eff <- the_summary[,'n_eff']
n_eff <- n_eff[ -which(names(n_eff)=="lp__") ]
Rhat <- the_summary[,'Rhat']
Rhat <- Rhat[ -which(names(Rhat)=="lp__") ]
if ( the.class=="map2stan" ) {
n_eff <- n_eff[ -which(names(n_eff)=="dev") ]
Rhat <- Rhat[ -which(names(Rhat)=="dev") ]
result <- cbind( result , n_eff , Rhat )
# check divergent iterations
nd <- divergent(model)
if ( nd > 0 & warn==TRUE ) {
warning( concat("There were ",nd," divergent iterations during sampling.\nCheck the chains (trace plots, n_eff, Rhat) carefully to ensure they are valid.") )
if ( corr==TRUE ) {
result <- cbind( result , Rho )
#if ( type.s==TRUE )
# result[,"Pr(S)"] <- format.pval( type.s( est , se ) )
if ( precis.whitelist$vcov.method[ precis.whitelist$class==the.class ]=="vcov.VarCorr" ) {
message( "Quadratic approximation (standard errors) unreliable for variance components. Use MCMC to estimate precision of variance components." )
# deal with depth
if ( depth==1 ) {
hits <- regexpr("]",rownames(result),fixed=TRUE)
hits_idx <- which( hits > -1 )
if ( length(hits_idx)>0 ) {
result <- result[-hits_idx,]
message( paste( length(hits_idx) , "vector or matrix parameters omitted in display. Use depth=2 to show them." ) )
# deal with pars list
if ( !missing(pars) ) {
# have to handle vector/matrix parameters,
# so split off any [.] and then prune with names only
clean_names <- as.character( sapply( rownames(result) , function(s) strsplit( s , "[" , fixed=TRUE )[[1]][1] ) )
result <- result[ clean_names %in% pars , ]
# result
new( "precis" , output=result , digits=digits )
xcoef <- function( model , func=mean ) {
the.class <- class(model)[1]
the.method <- precis.whitelist$coef.method[ precis.whitelist$class==the.class ]
if ( the.method=="coef" ) {
result <- coef(model)
if ( the.method=="fixef" ) {
result <- fixef(model)
if ( the.method=="polr" ) {
result <- summary(model)$coefficients[,1]
if ( the.method=="chain" ) {
# average of chains
result <- apply( model , 2 , func )
if ( the.method=="stanfit" ) {
result <- summary( model )$summary[,1]
if ( the.method=="mcarray" ) {
# jags.samples result, hopefully
result <- NULL
result.names <- NULL
for ( j in 1:length(model) ) {
# explode compact arrays of coefficients
dims <- dim( model[[j]] )
if ( length(dims)==3 ) {
est <- rep(0,dims[1])
for ( k in 1:dims[1] ) {
est[k] <- mean( as.vector(model[[j]][ k , , ]) ) # marginalize over iteration and chain
result <- c( result , est )
if ( dims[1] > 1 ) {
newnames <- paste( names(model)[j] , "[" , 1:dims[1] , "]" , sep="" )
} else {
newnames <- names(model)[j]
result.names <- c( result.names , newnames )
} # if dim 3
} # for each array
names(result) <- result.names
if ( the.method=="fixef.plus" ) {
# fixef from lmer plus variance components
result <- fixef(model)
vc <- VarCorr(model)
clusters <- names(vc)
for( i in 1:length(clusters) ) {
sigma <- sqrt(diag(vc[[i]]))
names(sigma) <- paste( rownames(vc[[i]]) , clusters[i] , sep="|" )
names(sigma) <- paste( "(" , names(sigma) , ")" , sep="" )
result <- c( result , sigma )
sigma.resid <- attr( vc , "sc" )
if ( !is.na(sigma.resid) ) result['(residual)'] <- sigma.resid
xcheckconvergence( model )
xcheckconvergence <- function( model ) {
the.class <- class(model)[1]
k <- 0
if ( the.class=="mle2" ) {
if ( model@details$convergence != 0 ) {
k <- model@details$convergence
if ( the.class=="map" ) {
if ( model@optim$convergence != 0 ) {
k <- model@optim$convergence
if ( k > 0 ) {
message( paste("Caution, model may not have converged.") )
if ( k==1 ) {
message( "Code 1: Maximum iterations reached." )
if ( k==10 ) {
message( "Code 10: Degenerate Nelder-Mead simplex." )
xse <- function( model ) {
the.class <- class(model)[1]
the.method <- precis.whitelist$vcov.method[ precis.whitelist$class==the.class ]
if ( the.method=="vcov" ) {
result <- sqrt(diag(vcov(model)))
if ( the.method=="vcov.VarCorr" ) {
result <- sqrt(diag( as.matrix(vcov(model)) ))
num.sigma <- length( xcoef(model) ) - length( fixef(model) )
result <- c( result , rep(NA,num.sigma) )
if ( the.method=="chain" ) {
# sd of chains
result <- apply( model , 2 , sd )
if ( the.method=="stanfit" ) {
result <- summary( model )$summary[,3]
if ( the.method=="mcarray" ) {
# jags.samples result, hopefully
result <- NULL
result.names <- NULL
for ( j in 1:length(model) ) {
# explode compact arrays of coefficients
dims <- dim( model[[j]] )
if ( length(dims)==3 ) {
est <- rep(0,dims[1])
for ( k in 1:dims[1] ) {
est[k] <- sd( as.vector(model[[j]][ k , , ]) ) # marginalize over iteration and chain
result <- c( result , est )
if ( dims[1] > 1 ) {
newnames <- paste( names(model)[j] , "[" , 1:dims[1] , "]" , sep="" )
} else {
newnames <- names(model)[j]
result.names <- c( result.names , newnames )
} # if dim 3
} # for each array
names(result) <- result.names
xrho <- function( model ) {
the.class <- class(model)[1]
the.method <- precis.whitelist$vcov.method[ precis.whitelist$class==the.class ]
if ( the.method=="vcov" ) {
result <- cov2cor( vcov(model) )
if ( the.method=="vcov.VarCorr" ) {
result <- sqrt(diag( as.matrix(vcov(model)) ))
num.sigma <- length( xcoef(model) ) - length( fixef(model) )
result <- c( result , rep(NA,num.sigma) )
if ( the.method=="chain" ) {
# sd of chains
result <- apply( model , 2 , sd )
if ( the.method=="stanfit" ) {
result <- summary( model )$summary[,3]
if ( the.method=="mcarray" ) {
# jags.samples result, hopefully
result <- NULL
result.names <- NULL
for ( j in 1:length(model) ) {
# explode compact arrays of coefficients
dims <- dim( model[[j]] )
if ( length(dims)==3 ) {
est <- rep(0,dims[1])
for ( k in 1:dims[1] ) {
est[k] <- sd( as.vector(model[[j]][ k , , ]) ) # marginalize over iteration and chain
result <- c( result , est )
if ( dims[1] > 1 ) {
newnames <- paste( names(model)[j] , "[" , 1:dims[1] , "]" , sep="" )
} else {
newnames <- names(model)[j]
result.names <- c( result.names , newnames )
} # if dim 3
} # for each array
names(result) <- result.names
xnobs <- function( model ) {
the.class <- class(model)[1]
the.method <- precis.whitelist$nobs.method[ precis.whitelist$class==the.class ]
if ( the.method=="nobs" ) result <- nobs(model)
if ( the.method=="mle2" ) result <- length(model@data[[1]])
if ( the.method=="mer" ) result <- nrow(model@frame)
if ( the.method=="chain" ) result <- nrow(model)
if ( the.method=="stanfit" ) result <- 0
# row-by-row matrix formatting function
rrformat <- function( matrix , digits=2 , width=7 ) {
if ( length(digits)==1 ) digits <- rep(digits,nrow(matrix))
result <- matrix
for ( i in 1:nrow(matrix) ) {
result[i,] <- format( round(matrix[i,],digits[i]) , width=width )
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