
Defines functions readGFFs alignSequences blastTranscriptomes extractORFs OsDirectoryPathCorrect normalize pruneTree buildTree buildPolylist writeSupplementalTable writeFasta writeSingleFastas readManyFasta readFasta writeTree readTree writePolylist readPolylist writeMonolist readMonolist

Documented in alignSequences blastTranscriptomes buildPolylist buildTree extractORFs normalize OsDirectoryPathCorrect pruneTree readFasta readGFFs readManyFasta readMonolist readPolylist readTree writeFasta writeMonolist writePolylist writeSingleFastas writeSupplementalTable writeTree


##### Read and write functions

    #### readMonolist

        #' Reads a monolist
        #' @param monolist_in_path The path to the monolist (in .csv format) to be read
        #' @examples
        #' @export
        #' readMonolist

        readMonolist <- function( monolist_in_path ) {
            monolist <- as.data.frame(data.table::fread(file = monolist_in_path))
            return( monolist )

    #### writeMonolist

        #' Writes a monolist
        #' @param monolist_out_path The path to where the monolist should be written
        #' @examples
        #' @export
        #' writeMonolist

        writeMonolist <- function( monolist, monolist_out_path ) {
            write.table(monolist, file = monolist_out_path, sep = ",", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

    #### readPolylist

        #' Reads a polylist
        #' Reads a spreadsheet in polylist format (wide format, multiple column and row headers), and converts it into tidy format
        #' @param polylist_in_path The path to the polylist (in .csv format) to be read
        #' @param centroid The characters in the cell that defines the boundaries of the multiple row and column headers
        #' @param table_value_unit The name to be given to the column that will contain the values in the polylist table
        #' @examples
        #' @export
        #' readPolylist

        readPolylist <- function(   
                            centroid = "~~~",
                            table_value_unit = "abundance"
                        ) {

            # Check for centroid
                if ( length(centroid) != 1 ) {
                    stop("Please provide a centroid")

            # Import polylist
                polylist <- as.data.frame(data.table::fread(polylist_in_path, header = FALSE))

            # Identify location of centroid
                center_column <- unlist(apply(polylist, 1, function(x) grep(centroid, x)))
                center_row <- grep(centroid, polylist[,center_column])

            # Use centroid to extract vertical_monolist
                vertical_monolist <- polylist[(center_row+1):dim(polylist)[1], 1:(center_column-1)]
                colnames(vertical_monolist) <- as.character(unlist(polylist[center_row, 1:(center_column-1)]))
                vertical_monolist$URI_URI_URI <- apply(vertical_monolist, 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse = ""))

            # Use centroid to extract horizontal_monolist
                horizontal_monolist <- as.data.frame(t(polylist[-c(center_row), (center_column+1):dim(polylist)[2]]))
                rownames(horizontal_monolist) <- NULL
                colnames(horizontal_monolist) <-    c(
                                                    as.character(unlist(polylist[c(1:(center_row-1), (center_row+1):dim(polylist)[1]), center_column]))[1:(center_row-1)],
                horizontal_monolist <- tidyr::gather(horizontal_monolist, URI_URI_URI, table_value_unit, (center_row):dim(horizontal_monolist)[2])
                colnames(horizontal_monolist)[colnames(horizontal_monolist) == "table_value_unit"] <- table_value_unit

            # Bind the two monolists, drop the URI column
                polylist <- cbind(horizontal_monolist,vertical_monolist[match(horizontal_monolist$URI_URI_URI, vertical_monolist[,colnames(vertical_monolist) == "URI_URI_URI"]),])
                polylist <- polylist[,colnames(polylist) != "URI_URI_URI"]

            # Add Genus_species column if not present
                if ( any(colnames(polylist) == "Genus_species") == FALSE) {
                    print("Adding Genus_species column")
                    polylist$Genus_species <- paste(polylist$Genus, polylist$species, sep="_")

            # Reset row numbers, return the polylist
                rownames(polylist) <- NULL

    #### writePolylist

        #' Writes a polylist
        #' @param polylist_out_path The path to where the polylist should be written
        #' @examples
        #' @export
        #' writePolylist

        writePolylist <- function( polylist, polylist_out_path ) {
            write.table( polylist, file = polylist_out_path, sep = ",", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)

    #### readTree

        #' Reads a phylogenetic tree
        #' @param tree_in_path The path to the phylogenetic tree
        #' @importFrom ape read.tree
        #' @examples
        #' @export
        #' readTree

        readTree <- function( tree_in_path ) {

            ## Read and return the tree
                return( ape::read.tree(file = tree_in_path) )

    #### writeTree

        #' Writes a phylogenetic tree
        #' @param tree_out_path The path to where the tree should be written
        #' @importFrom ape write.tree
        #' @examples
        #' @export
        #' writeTree

        writeTree <- function( tree, tree_out_path ) {
            ape::write.tree( phy = tree, file = tree_out_path )

    #### readFasta

    	#' Returns contents of one fasta file as a StringSet object.
        #' @param fasta_in_path The path to the fasta to read
        #' @param fasta_type The type of sequence data contained in the fasta file. Options: "nonspecific", "DNA", "RNA", or "AA"
        #' @importFrom Biostrings readBStringSet readDNAStringSet readRNAStringSet readAAStringSet
        #' @examples
        #' @export
        #' readFasta

        readFasta <- function( fasta_in_path, fasta_type = "nonspecific" ) {
        	if ( fasta_type == "nonspecific" ) {
        		return(Biostrings::readBStringSet( filepath = fasta_in_path ))

        	if ( fasta_type == "DNA" ) {
        		return(Biostrings::readDNAStringSet( filepath = fasta_in_path ))

        	if ( fasta_type == "RNA" ) {
        		return(Biostrings::readRNAStringSet( filepath = fasta_in_path ))

        	if ( fasta_type == "AA" ) {
        		return(Biostrings::readAAStringSet( filepath = fasta_in_path ))

    #### readManyFasta

    	#' Returns the contents of many fasta files as a StringSet object.
        #' @param fasta_in_paths The paths to the fastas to read
        #' @param fasta_type The type of sequence data contained in the fasta file. Options: "nonspecific", "DNA", "RNA", or "AA"
        #' @importFrom Biostrings readBStringSet readDNAStringSet readRNAStringSet readAAStringSet
        #' @examples
        #' @export
        #' readManyFasta

        readManyFasta <- function( fasta_in_paths, fasta_type = "nonspecific" ) {

    		if ( fasta_type == "nonspecific" ) {
        		temp <- BStringSet()

        	if ( fasta_type == "DNA" ) {
        		temp <- DNAStringSet()

        	if ( fasta_type == "RNA" ) {
        		temp <- RNAStringSet()

        	if ( fasta_type == "AA" ) {
        		temp <- AAStringSet()

        	for ( fasta in 1:length(fasta_in_paths) ) {

				if ( fasta_type == "nonspecific" ) {
	        		temp <- c(temp, Biostrings::readBStringSet( filepath = fasta_in_paths[fasta] ))

	        	if ( fasta_type == "DNA" ) {
	        		temp <- c(temp, Biostrings::readDNAStringSet( filepath = fasta_in_paths[fasta] ))

	        	if ( fasta_type == "RNA" ) {
	        		temp <- c(temp, Biostrings::readRNAStringSet( filepath = fasta_in_paths[fasta] ))

	        	if ( fasta_type == "AA" ) {
	        		temp <- c(temp, Biostrings::readAAStringSet( filepath = fasta_in_paths[fasta] ))


        	return( temp )


    #### writeSingleFastas

    	#' Writes one or more sequences as individual fasta file(s), each with one sequence
        #' @param XStringSet The sequence(s) to write out
        #' @param fasta_out_directory_path The path to the directory where the file(s) should be written
        #' @importFrom Biostrings writeXStringSet
        #' @examples
        #' @export
        #' writeSingleFastas

        writeSingleFastas <- function( XStringSet, fasta_out_directory_path ) {
        	for (sequence in 1:length(XStringSet)) {
        		Biostrings::writeXStringSet( x = XStringSet[sequence], filepath = paste0(fasta_out_directory_path, XStringSet@ranges@NAMES[sequence], ".fa") )

    #### writeFasta

    	#' Writes one or more sequences as a single fasta file
        #' @param XStringSet The sequences to write out
        #' @param fasta_out_path The path to where the file should be written
        #' @importFrom Biostrings writeXStringSet
        #' @examples
        #' @export
        #' writeFasta

        writeFasta <- function( XStringSet, fasta_out_path ) {
        	Biostrings::writeXStringSet( x = XStringSet, filepath = fasta_out_path )

    #### writeSupplementalTable

        #' Writes a human-readable supplemental table of quantitative data
        #' @param supplementalTable The data to write out
        #' @param round_level The number of decimal places summary statistics should have
        #' @param file_out_path The path to the location where the file should be written
        #' @examples
        #' @export
        #' writeSupplementalTable

        writeSupplementalTable <- function(supplementalTable, round_level, file_out_path, replicates) {
            # Make new object from input
                supp_table <- supplementalTable
                supp_table$abundance <- round(supp_table$abundance, round_level)
            # Get number of compound levels
                number_of_compound_levels <- length(grep("compound", colnames(supp_table)))

            # Assign sample_unique_id
                supp_table$sample_unique_id <- paste(supp_table$sample, supp_table$replicate, sep = "..")

            # Check that sample levels and compound levels make unique IDs
                if (number_of_compound_levels == 2) {
                    supp_table$compound_unique_id <- paste(supp_table$compound_level_1, supp_table$compound_level_2, sep = "..")

                if ( sd(table(supp_table$compound_unique_id)) != 0 ) {
                    stop("Compound levels do not produce unique sample IDs")
            # Spread a subset of the table "supp_table_min"
                supp_table_min <- supp_table[colnames(supp_table) %in% c("sample_unique_id", "abundance", "compound_unique_id")]
                supp_table_min <- tidyr::spread(supp_table_min, sample_unique_id, abundance)

            # Assign supp_table_min the compound levels, then remove compound_unique_id
                if (number_of_compound_levels == 2) {
                    supp_table_min$compound_level_1 <- gsub("\\.\\..*", "", supp_table_min$compound_unique_id)
                    supp_table_min$compound_level_2 <- gsub(".*\\.\\.", "", supp_table_min$compound_unique_id)
                supp_table_min <- supp_table_min[,colnames(supp_table_min) != "compound_unique_id"]

            # Order the table according to the compound levels and then the sample names
                supp_table_min <- supp_table_min[order(supp_table_min$compound_level_1, supp_table_min$compound_level_2),]
                supp_table_min <- supp_table_min[,match(c("compound_level_1", "compound_level_2", unique(supp_table$sample_unique_id)), colnames(supp_table_min))]

            # Total of each compound class
                compound_level_1_totals <- list()
                for (i in 1:length(unique(supp_table_min$compound_level_1))) {
                    data <- supp_table_min[supp_table_min$compound_level_1 == unique(supp_table_min$compound_level_1)[i],]
                    data <- data[,colnames(data) %in% unique(supp_table$sample_unique_id)]
                    compound_level_1_totals[[i]] <- data.frame(
                        compound_level_1 = paste0("Total ", as.character(unique(supp_table_min$compound_level_1)[i])),
                        compound_level_2 = " ",
                compound_level_1_totals <- do.call(rbind, compound_level_1_totals)
            # Total abundnace for each sample
                total_abundance <- cbind(
                        compound_level_1 = "Total abundance",
                        compound_level_2 = " "
                    t(colSums(supp_table_min[,colnames(supp_table_min) %in% unique(supp_table$sample_unique_id)]))
            # Space between values and summary stats (total unk, total wax)
                space <- t(data.frame(rep(" ", dim(supp_table_min)[2])))
                colnames(space) <- colnames(supp_table_min)

            # Bind it all together, Make everything numeric, fix rownames
                supp_table_min <- rbind(
                    supp_table_min[supp_table_min$compound_level_1 != "UNK",],
                supp_table_min[,3:dim(supp_table_min)[2]] <- t(apply(supp_table_min[,3:dim(supp_table_min)[2]], 1, function(x) as.numeric(x)))
                rownames(supp_table_min) <- NULL

            # Percents

                for (i in 1:length(unique(supp_table$sample_unique_id))) {

                    data <- supp_table_min[,colnames(supp_table_min) == unique(supp_table$sample_unique_id)[i]]
                    supp_table_min$percent <- round(100*data/data[length(data)], round_level)

                    colnames(supp_table_min)[colnames(supp_table_min) == "percent"] <- paste0("percent_", unique(supp_table$sample_unique_id)[i])

            # Make averages and stdevs

                colnames(supp_table_min)[colnames(supp_table_min) %in% unique(supp_table$sample_unique_id)] <- paste0(
                    colnames(supp_table_min)[colnames(supp_table_min) %in% unique(supp_table$sample_unique_id)]
                for (i in 1:length(unique(supp_table$sample)) ) {

                    supp_table_min$average_1 <- round(
                        apply(supp_table_min[,grep(as.character(paste0("abundance_", unique(supp_table$sample)[i])), colnames(supp_table_min))], 1, mean), round_level
                    supp_table_min$error_1 <- round(
                        apply(supp_table_min[,grep(as.character(paste0("abundance_", unique(supp_table$sample)[i])), colnames(supp_table_min))], 1, sd), round_level
                    supp_table_min$error_1 <- round(supp_table_min$error_1/sqrt(replicates), round_level)

                    colnames(supp_table_min)[colnames(supp_table_min) == "average_1"] <- paste0("abundance_", unique(supp_table$sample)[i], "_average")
                    colnames(supp_table_min)[colnames(supp_table_min) == "error_1"] <- paste0("abundance_", unique(supp_table$sample)[i], "_stderror")

                    supp_table_min$average_1 <- round(
                        apply(supp_table_min[,grep(as.character(paste0("percent_", unique(supp_table$sample)[i])), colnames(supp_table_min))], 1, mean), round_level
                    supp_table_min$error_1 <- round(
                        apply(supp_table_min[,grep(as.character(paste0("percent_", unique(supp_table$sample)[i])), colnames(supp_table_min))], 1, sd), round_level
                    supp_table_min$error_1 <- round(supp_table_min$error_1/sqrt(replicates), round_level)

                    colnames(supp_table_min)[colnames(supp_table_min) == "average_1"] <- paste0("percent_", unique(supp_table$sample)[i], "_average")
                    colnames(supp_table_min)[colnames(supp_table_min) == "error_1"] <- paste0("percent_", unique(supp_table$sample)[i], "_stderror")


            # Order the columns
                column_order <- vector()
                for ( i in 1:length(unique(supp_table$sample)) ) {
                    column_order <- c(column_order, colnames(supp_table_min)[grep(paste0("abundance_", unique(supp_table$sample)[i]), colnames(supp_table_min))])
                    column_order <- c(column_order, colnames(supp_table_min)[grep(paste0("percent_", unique(supp_table$sample)[i]), colnames(supp_table_min))])

                column_order <- match(c("compound_level_1", "compound_level_2", column_order), colnames(supp_table_min))

                supp_table_min <- supp_table_min[,column_order]

                # tibble::add_column(supp_table_min, .after = c(2,6,9))
                # grep("stdev", colnames)

            # Finalization of table
                # supp_table <- cbind(supp_table, t(space), supp_table_percent)
                supp_table_min[supp_table_min == 0] <- "n.d."
                # gsub(" ", "_", colnames(supp_table))
                write.csv(supp_table_min, file = file_out_path, row.names = FALSE)


##### Polylist construction and manipulation

    #### buildPolylist

        #' Build a human-readable matrix of samples, analytes, and measurements
        #' @param samples_monolist_in_path The monolist of samples to be used in building the polylist. Should contain a column "sample_unique_ID".
        #' @param analytes_monolist_in_path The monolist of analytes to be used in building the polylist. Should contain a column "analyte_unique_ID".
        #' @param measurements_monolist_in_path The monolist of measurements to be used in building the polylist. Should contain columns "sample_unique_ID", "analyte_unique_ID", and a column of values corresponding to measurements
        #' @param centroid The characters to use in the centroid
        #' @param polylist_out_path The path to which the polylist should be written
        #' @keywords lists
        #' @examples
        #' @export
        #' buildPolylist

        buildPolylist <-    function(  
                                measurements_monolist_in_path = NULL,
                                centroid = "~~~",
                            ) {

            # Read in the monolists
                samples_monolist <- readMonolist(samples_monolist_in_path)
                analytes_monolist <- readMonolist(analytes_monolist_in_path)
                centroid_location <- c((dim(analytes_monolist)[2]+1), (dim(samples_monolist)[2]+1))

            # Build polylist
                samples_monolist <- as.data.frame(t(samples_monolist))
                samples_monolist <- cbind(rownames(samples_monolist), samples_monolist)

                for (i in 1:(dim(analytes_monolist)[2])) {
                    samples_monolist <- cbind("NA", samples_monolist)
                colnames(samples_monolist) <- as.character(seq(1,dim(samples_monolist)[2]))
                samples_monolist <- apply(samples_monolist, 2, FUN = as.character)

                for (i in 1:(dim(samples_monolist)[2]-dim(analytes_monolist)[2])) {
                    analytes_monolist <- cbind(analytes_monolist, "NA")
                analytes_monolist <- apply(analytes_monolist, 2, FUN = as.character)
                analytes_monolist <- rbind(colnames(analytes_monolist), analytes_monolist)
                colnames(analytes_monolist) <- as.character(seq(1,dim(analytes_monolist)[2]))
                polylist <- rbind(samples_monolist,analytes_monolist)

            # Fill in with measurements if specified
                if ( !is.null(measurements_monolist_in_path) ) {
                    measurements_monolist <- readMonolist(monolist = measurements_monolist_in_path)
                    colnames(measurements_monolist)[!colnames(measurements_monolist) %in% c("sample_unique_ID", "analyte_unique_ID")] <- "value"

                    analyte_unique_ID_col <- grep("analyte_unique_ID", polylist[centroid_location[2],])
                    sample_unique_ID_row <- grep("sample_unique_ID", polylist[,centroid_location[1]])

                    pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = dim(measurements_monolist)[1])
                    for (i in 1:dim(measurements_monolist)[1]) {
                        data_point <- measurements_monolist[i,]
                            match(data_point$analyte_unique_ID, polylist[,analyte_unique_ID_col]),
                            match(data_point$sample_unique_ID, polylist[sample_unique_ID_row,])
                        ] <- as.character(data_point$value)
            # Clean up and write out polylist
                polylist[polylist %in% c("NA", "\"NA\"")] <- ""
                polylist[centroid_location[2], centroid_location[1]] <- centroid
                writePolylist(polylist = polylist, polylist_out_path = polylist_out_path)

##### Tree and taxa manipulation

    #### buildTree

        #' Construct various types of phylogenetic trees from alignments or other trees
        #' @param scaffold_type The type of information that should be used to build the tree. One of "amin_alignment", "nucl_alignment", or "newick"
        #' @param scaffold_in_path The path to the information that should be used to build the tree.
        #' @param members The tips of the tree that should be included. Default is to include everything.
        #' @param gblocks TRUE/FALSE whether to use gblocks on the alignment
        #' @param gblocks_path Path to the gblocks module, perhaps something like "/Users/lucasbusta/Documents/Science/_Lab_Notebook/Bioinformatics/programs/Gblocks_0.91b/Gblocks"
        #' @param ml TRUE/FALSE whether to use maximum likelihood when constructing the tree.
        #' @param model_test TRUE/FALSE whether to test various maximum likelihood models while constructing the tree
        #' @param bootstrap TRUE/FALSE whether to calculate bootstrap values for tree nodes.
        #' @param rois TRUE/FALSE whether to use only certain portions of an alignment for constructing the tree
        #' @param rois_data The position in the alignment to use when constructing the tree. Default = NULL, i.e. all positions.
        #' @param ancestral_states TRUE/FALSE whether to calculate ancestral states at nodes in the tree. Requires specifying a root via the 'root' parameter
        #' @param root The tree tip to use as the root of the tree
        #' @examples
        #' @export
        #' buildTree

        buildTree <-    function(
                            scaffold_type = c("amin_alignment", "nucl_alignment", "newick"),
                            members = NULL,
                            gblocks = FALSE, 
                            gblocks_path = NULL,
                            ml = FALSE, 
                            model_test = FALSE,
                            bootstrap = FALSE,
                            rois = FALSE, 
                            rois_data = NULL,
                            ancestral_states = FALSE,
                            root = NULL
                        ) {

            if ( scaffold_type == "nucl_alignment" ) {

                ## Use ROIS if specified
                    # if ( rois == FALSE ) {
                    #     cat("Skipping ROIs...\n")
                    # } 
                    # if ( rois == TRUE ) {
                    #     rois_data$region_start <- as.numeric(as.character(rois_data$region_start))
                    #     rois_data$region_end <- as.numeric(as.character(rois_data$region_end))
                    #     nucl_seqs_aligned <- Biostrings::readDNAStringSet(file = paste(scaffold_in_path), format = "fasta")
                    #     nucl_seqs_aligned_roi <- subseq(nucl_seqs_aligned, 1, 0)
                    #         for ( i in 1:dim(rois_data)[1] ) {
                    #             nucl_seqs_aligned_roi <- Biostrings::xscat(nucl_seqs_aligned_roi, subseq(nucl_seqs_aligned, (rois_data[,2][i]*3)-2, (rois_data[,3][i]*3)))
                    #         }
                    #     nucl_seqs_aligned_roi@ranges@NAMES <- nucl_seqs_aligned@ranges@NAMES
                    #     Biostrings::writeXStringSet(nucl_seqs_aligned_roi, filepath = paste(phylochemistry_directory, "/", project_name, "/alignments/", scaffold_in_path, "_roi", sep = ""))
                    #     nucl_seqs_aligned <- phangorn::read.phyDat(file = paste(phylochemistry_directory, "/", project_name, "/alignments/", scaffold_in_path, "_roi", sep = ""), format="fasta", type="DNA")
                    #     if ( gblocks == FALSE ) {
                    #         cat(paste("Making tree with ", scaffold_in_path, "_roi...", sep = ""))
                    #     }
                    # }

                ## Use gblocks on the alignment if specified
                    if ( gblocks == FALSE ) {
                        cat("Skipping gBlocks...\n")                    
                    if ( gblocks == TRUE ) {
                        if ( rois == FALSE ) {
                            nucl_seqs_aligned <- ape::read.dna(file = paste(scaffold_in_path), format = "fasta") # Needs to be DNAbin format
                            nucl_seqs_aligned_blocked <- ips::gblocks(nucl_seqs_aligned, b5 = "a", exec = gblocks_path)
                            ape::write.dna(nucl_seqs_aligned_blocked, paste(scaffold_in_path, "_blocked", sep = ""), format = "fasta")
                            nucl_seqs_aligned <- phangorn::read.phyDat(file = paste(scaffold_in_path, "_blocked", sep = ""), format = "fasta", type = "DNA")
                            cat(paste("Making tree with ", scaffold_in_path, "_blocked...\n", sep = ""))
                        if ( rois == TRUE ) {
                            # nucl_seqs_aligned <- seqinr::read.alignment(file = paste(scaffold_in_path, "_roi", sep = ""), format = "fasta")
                            # nucl_seqs_aligned_blocked <- ips::gblocks(nucl_seqs_aligned, b5 = "n", exec=gblocks_path)
                            # ape::write.dna(nucl_seqs_aligned_blocked, paste(phylochemistry_directory, "/", project_name, "/alignments/", scaffold_in_path, "_roi_blocked", sep = ""), format = "fasta")
                            # nucl_seqs_aligned <- phangorn::read.phyDat(file=paste(phylochemistry_directory, "/", project_name, "/alignments/", scaffold_in_path, "_roi_blocked", sep = ""), format="fasta", type="DNA")
                            # cat(paste("Making tree with ", scaffold_in_path, "_roi_blocked...", sep = ""))

                ## If neither gBlocks nor ROIs, read in alignment as phyDat for tree creation
                    if ( rois == FALSE ) {
                        if ( gblocks == FALSE ) {
                            nucl_seqs_aligned <- phangorn::read.phyDat(file = paste(scaffold_in_path), format = "fasta", type = "DNA")
                            cat(paste("Making tree with ", scaffold_in_path," ...\n", sep = ""))

                ## Create the tree
                    output <- list()

                    ## Create distrance tree
                        cat("Creating neighbor-joining tree...\n")
                        dm <- phangorn::dist.ml(nucl_seqs_aligned, "F81")
                        NJ_tree <- phangorn::NJ(dm)
                        output <- NJ_tree

                    ## Make ml tree
                        if ( ml == TRUE ) {
                            ## Test all available nucl models, use the best one to optimize for ml
                                if ( model_test == TRUE ) {
                                    cat(paste("Testing 24 maximum liklihood models... \n"))
                                    mt <- phangorn::modelTest(nucl_seqs_aligned, tree = NJ_tree, multicore = TRUE)
                                    best_nucl_model <- gsub("\\+.*$", "", mt$Model[which.max(mt$logLik)])
                                    cat(paste("Tested 24 models, using best model:", as.character(gsub("\\+.*$","",best_nucl_model)), "\n", sep = " "))
                                } else {
                                    best_nucl_model <- "GTR"
                                ML_tree_start <- phangorn::pml(NJ_tree, nucl_seqs_aligned, k = 4)
                                ML_tree_optimized <- phangorn::optim.pml(ML_tree_start, rearrangement = "stochastic", optInv = TRUE, optGamma = TRUE, model = as.character(best_nucl_model))
                                output <- ML_tree_optimized$tree

                    ## Run bootstrap analysis
                        if ( bootstrap == TRUE ) {
                            if ( ml == FALSE ) {
                                stop("To calculate bootstrap values, please also run maximum likelihood estimation (ml = TRUE).\n")
                            bootstraps <- phangorn::bootstrap.pml(ML_tree_optimized, bs = 100, optNni = TRUE, multicore = FALSE)
                            ML_tree_optimized$tree$node.label <- phangorn::plotBS(ML_tree_optimized$tree, bootstraps)$node.label
                            output <- ML_tree_optimized$tree

                    ## Root the tree and run ancestral states
                        if ( ancestral_states == TRUE ) {
                            if ( ml == FALSE ) {
                                cat("To enable ancestral state reconstruction, please also run maximum likelihood estimation (ml = TRUE).\n")
                            if ( ml == TRUE ) {
                                # Root the tree, then calculate ancestral_states
                                    ML_tree_optimized$tree <- ape::root(ML_tree_optimized$tree, as.character(root))
                                    output <- list()
                                    output$tree <- ML_tree_optimized$tree
                                    output$ancestral_states <- phangorn::ancestral.pml(ML_tree_optimized)

                    ## Root the tree if no ancestral_states were requested
                        if ( ancestral_states == FALSE ) {
                            if ( length(root) > 0 ) {
                                output <- ape::root(output, as.character(root))

                ## Return the tree
                    return( output )

            if ( scaffold_type == "amin_alignment" ) {

                ## Read in data
                    if (rois == FALSE) {
                            cat("Skipping roi...\n")
                            amin_seqs_aligned <- phangorn::read.phyDat(file = paste(scaffold_in_path), format = "fasta", type = "AA")
                            cat(paste("Making tree with ", scaffold_in_path, "...\n", sep = ""))
                        } else {
                            rois_data$region_start <- as.numeric(as.character(rois_data$region_start))
                            rois_data$region_end <- as.numeric(as.character(rois_data$region_end))
                            amin_seqs_aligned <- Biostrings::readAAStringSet(filepath = scaffold_in_path, format = "fasta")
                            amin_seqs_aligned_roi <- subseq(amin_seqs_aligned, 1, 0)
                            for (i in 1:dim(rois_data)[1]) {
                                amin_seqs_aligned_roi <- Biostrings::xscat(amin_seqs_aligned_roi, subseq(amin_seqs_aligned, rois_data[,2][i], rois_data[,3][i]))
                        amin_seqs_aligned_roi@ranges@NAMES <- amin_seqs_aligned@ranges@NAMES
                        Biostrings::writeXStringSet(amin_seqs_aligned_roi, filepath = paste(scaffold_in_path, "_roi", sep = ""))
                        amin_seqs_aligned <- phangorn::read.phyDat(file = paste(scaffold_in_path, "_roi", sep = ""), format = "fasta", type = "AA")
                        cat(paste("Making tree with ", scaffold_in_path, "_roi...", sep = ""))

                ## Make distance tree
                    dm = phangorn::dist.ml(amin_seqs_aligned, model = "JTT")
                    amin_tree = phangorn::NJ(dm)

                ## Make ml tree
                    if ( ml == TRUE ) {
                        if ( model_test == TRUE ) {
                            ## Test all available amino acid models and extract the best one
                                # mt <- modelTest(amin_seqs_aligned, model = "all", multicore = TRUE)
                                # fitStart = eval(get(mt$Model[which.min(mt$BIC)], env), env)
                                # LG+G+I
                        } else {
                            model <- "LG"
                        ## Optimize for maximum liklihood and write out
                            fitStart = phangorn::pml(amin_tree, amin_seqs_aligned, model = model, k = 4, inv = .2)
                            amin_tree = phangorn::optim.pml(fitStart, rearrangement = "stochastic", optInv = TRUE, optGamma = TRUE)$tree

                ## Run bootstrap analysis
                    if ( bootstrap == TRUE ) {
                        if ( ml == FALSE ) {
                            stop("To calculate bootstrap values, please also run maximum likelihood estimation (ml = TRUE)")
                        bootstraps <- phangorn::bootstrap.pml(fitStart, bs = 100, optNni = TRUE, multicore = FALSE)
                        amin_tree$node.label <- phangorn::plotBS(amin_tree, bootstraps)$node.label

                ## Return tree
                    return ( amin_tree )

            if ( scaffold_type == "newick" ) {

                ## Read in the newick scaffold
                    newick <- readTree( tree_in_path = scaffold_in_path )

                ## Are the Genus_species in your members in the newick? Are the genera in your members in the newick?
                    compatibility <- data.frame( Genus_species = unique(members), is_species_in_tree = NA, is_genus_in_tree = NA )
                    compatibility$is_species_in_tree <- compatibility$Genus_species %in% newick$tip.label
                    compatibility$is_genus_in_tree <- gsub("_.*$", "", compatibility$Genus_species) %in% gsub("_.*$", "", as.character(newick$tip.label))

                if ( all(compatibility$is_species_in_tree) == FALSE ) {
                    ## For Genus_species in members whose genus is missing from the tree (orphans), remove them
                        orphans <- as.character(dplyr::filter(compatibility, is_species_in_tree == FALSE & is_genus_in_tree == FALSE)$Genus_species)
                        members <- members[!(members %in% orphans)]
                        if ( length(orphans) > 0 ) {
                            cat("The following species belong to a genus not found in the newick scaffold and were removed: ")
                            for ( orphan in 1:length(orphans) ) {

                    ## Check compatibility again
                        compatibility <- data.frame(Genus_species = unique(members), is_species_in_tree = NA, is_genus_in_tree = NA)
                        compatibility$is_species_in_tree <- compatibility$Genus_species %in% newick$tip.label
                        compatibility$is_genus_in_tree <- gsub("_.*$", "", compatibility$Genus_species) %in% gsub("_.*$", "", as.character(newick$tip.label))

                    ## For unique(members$Genus_species) in members not in the tree but whose genus in the tree (adoptees), substitute
                        adoptees <- as.character(dplyr::filter(compatibility, is_species_in_tree == FALSE & is_genus_in_tree == TRUE)$Genus_species)

                        for ( i in 1:length(adoptees) ) {
                            potential_foster_species <- newick$tip.label[gsub("_.*$", "", newick$tip.label) %in% gsub("_.*$", "", adoptees[i])] # all species in tree of the adoptees genus
                            available_foster_species <- potential_foster_species[!potential_foster_species %in% unique(members)] # potential_foster_species not already in the quantities
                            if ( length(available_foster_species) == 0) {
                                members <- members[!members %in% adoptees[i]]
                                cat(paste("There aren't enough fosters to include the following species in the tree so it was removed:", adoptees[i], "\n", sep = " "))
                            } else {
                                cat(paste("Scaffold newick tip", available_foster_species[1], "substituted with", adoptees[i], "\n", sep = " "))
                                newick$tip.label[newick$tip.label == as.character(available_foster_species[1])] <- as.character(adoptees[i])

                ## Drop tree tips not in desired members
                    newick <- ape::drop.tip(newick, newick$tip.label[!newick$tip.label %in% unique(members)])

                ## Sort members according to the tree
                    ordered_tip_labels <- subset(ggtree::fortify(newick), isTip)$label[order(subset(ggtree::fortify(newick), isTip)$y, decreasing = TRUE)]
                    members <- factor(members, levels = rev(ordered_tip_labels))

                ## Return tree
                    return ( newick )

            cat("Pro tip: most tree read/write functions reset node numbers.\n 
                Fortify your tree and save it as a csv file to preserve node numbering.\n
                Do not save your tree as a newick or nexus file."

    #### pruneTree

        #' Prune a tree so it only contains user-specified tips
        #' @param tree The tree to manipulate
        #' @param tips_to_keep The tips to keep
        #' @importFrom ape drop.tip
        #' @examples
        #' @export
        #' pruneTree

        pruneTree <- function( tree_in_path, tips_to_keep ) {

            ## Read tree, drop all tips but those specified by user and return
                tree <- readTree(tree_in_path)
                tree <- ape::drop.tip(tree, tree$tip.label[!tree$tip.label %in% tips_to_keep])
                return( tree )

##### Other functions

    #### normalize

        #' Normalizes a vector of numbers to a range of zero to one.
        #' @param x The vector to normalize
        #' @param old_min The minimum of the old range
        #' @param old_max The maximum of the old range
        #' @param new_min The minimum of the new range, defaults to 0
        #' @param new_max The maximum of the new range, defaults to 1
        #' @examples
        #' @export
        #' normalize

        normalize <- function( x, old_min = NULL, old_max = NULL, new_min = 0, new_max = 1 ) {

            if ( length(old_min) == 0 & length(old_max) == 0 ) {
                (x - min(x)) * (new_max - new_min) / (max(x) - min(x)) + new_min                
            } else {

                (x - old_min) * (new_max - new_min) / (old_max - old_min) + new_min



    #### OsDirectoryPathCorrect

        #' OS-aware correction of directory paths
        #' @param directory_in_path The path to correct
        #' @examples
        #' @export
        #' OsDirectoryPathCorrect

        OsDirectoryPathCorrect <- function( directory_path ) {

            OS <- .Platform$OS.type

            if (OS == "unix"){

                if ( 
                    ) == "/" ) {
                } else {
                    directory_path <- paste(directory_path, "/", sep = "")
                directory_path_corrected <- directory_path

            } else if (OS == "windows"){

                if ( 
                    ) == "/" ) {
                } else {
                    directory_path <- paste(directory_path, "\\", sep = "")
                directory_path_corrected <- directory_path

            } else {

                warning("ERROR: OS could not be identified")




##### Sequence data handling

    #### extractORFs

        #' Extract open reading frames from multifasta files
        #' @param file The multifasta file to analyze
        #' @param write_out_ORFs TRUE/FALSE whether to write out a new fasta that contains the ORFs
        #' @param overwrite TRUE/FALSE Optionally overwrite the input file with the ORF file
        #' @examples
        #' @export
        #' extractORFs

        extractORFs <- function(file, write_out_ORFs = FALSE, overwrite = FALSE) {

            fasta <- seqinr::read.fasta(file)
            ORFs <- list()
            ORFs_to_write_out <- Biostrings::DNAStringSet()

            if ( write_out_ORFs == TRUE ) {
                if (file.exists(paste(file, "_orfs", sep = ""))) { file.remove(paste(file, "_orfs", sep = "")) }

            for (j in 1:length(fasta)) {
                orf_coordinates <- data.frame()
                mRNA <- unlist(fasta[j])

                ## Search for ORFs in the forward sequence
                    data <- seqinr::translate(mRNA, frame = 0, sens = "F")
                        S <- grep("\\*", data) # find all stop codons
                        M <- grep("M", data) # find all start codons
                        if (length(S)>0 & length(M)>0) { # if there are stop codons, remove all start codons after the last stop codon
                            M <- M[!M > max(S)]
                        if (length(S)>0 & length(M)>0) { # if there are stop codons, extract orfs
                            for (i in 1:length(M)) { # extract all cds in this frame and put them in a list
                                F1_amin <- c(M[i],cbind(S, S > M[i])[,1][cbind(S, S > M[i])[,2]==1][1])
                                orf_coordinates <-  rbind(orf_coordinates,  data.frame(
                                                                                start_codon = (M[i]*3-2), 
                                                                                stop_codon = ((M[i]*3-2)+((F1_amin[2] - F1_amin[1])+1)*3-1),
                                                                                direction = "forward"
                    data <- seqinr::translate(mRNA, frame = 1, sens = "F")
                        S <- grep("\\*", data) # find all stop codons
                        M <- grep("M", data) # find all start codons
                        if (length(S)>0 & length(M)>0) { # if there are stop codons, extract orfs
                            M <- M[!M > max(S)] # remove all start codons after the last stop codon
                        if (length(S)>0 & length(M)>0) { # if there are stop codons, extract orfs
                            for (i in 1:length(M)) { # extract all cds in this frame and put them in a list
                                F1_amin <- c(M[i],cbind(S, S > M[i])[,1][cbind(S, S > M[i])[,2]==1][1])
                                orf_coordinates <-  rbind(orf_coordinates,   data.frame(
                                                                                start_codon = (M[i]*3-2+1), 
                                                                                stop_codon = ((M[i]*3-2+1)+((F1_amin[2] - F1_amin[1])+1)*3-1),
                                                                                direction = "forward"
                    data <- seqinr::translate(mRNA, frame = 2, sens = "F")
                        S <- grep("\\*", data) # find all stop codons
                        M <- grep("M", data) # find all start codons
                        if (length(S)>0 & length(M)>0) { # if there are stop codons, extract orfs
                            M <- M[!M > max(S)] # remove all start codons after the last stop codon
                        if (length(S)>0 & length(M)>0) { # if there are stop codons, extract orfs
                            for (i in 1:length(M)) { # extract all cds in this frame and put them in a list
                                F1_amin <- c(M[i],cbind(S, S > M[i])[,1][cbind(S, S > M[i])[,2]==1][1])
                                orf_coordinates <-  rbind(orf_coordinates,   data.frame(
                                                                                start_codon = (M[i]*3-2+2),
                                                                                stop_codon = ((M[i]*3-2+2)+((F1_amin[2] - F1_amin[1])+1)*3-1),
                                                                                direction = "forward"

                ####### Searching for ORFs in the reverse direction leads to issues during codon alignment...
                ## Search for ORFs in the reverse direction
                    # mRNA <- rev(mRNA)
                    # data <- seqinr::translate(mRNA, frame = 0, sens = "F")
                    #     S <- grep("\\*", data) # find all stop codons
                    #     M <- grep("M", data) # find all start codons
                    #     if (length(S)>0 & length(M)>0) { # if there are stop codons, extract orfs
                    #         M <- M[!M > max(S)] # remove all start codons after the last stop codon
                    #     }
                    #     if (length(S)>0 & length(M)>0) { # if there are stop codons, extract orfs
                    #         for (i in 1:length(M)) { # extract all cds in this frame and put them in a list
                    #             F1_amin <- c(M[i],cbind(S, S > M[i])[,1][cbind(S, S > M[i])[,2]==1][1])
                    #             orf_coordinates <-  rbind(orf_coordinates,   data.frame(
                    #                                                             start_codon = (M[i]*3-2), 
                    #                                                             stop_codon = ((M[i]*3-2)+((F1_amin[2] - F1_amin[1])+1)*3-1),
                    #                                                             direction = "reverse"
                    #                                                         )
                    #                                 )
                    #         }
                    #     }
                    # data <- seqinr::translate(mRNA, frame = 1, sens = "F")
                    #     S <- grep("\\*", data) # find all stop codons
                    #     M <- grep("M", data) # find all start codons
                    #     if (length(S)>0 & length(M)>0) { # if there are stop codons, extract orfs
                    #         M <- M[!M > max(S)] # remove all start codons after the last stop codon
                    #     }
                    #     if (length(S)>0 & length(M)>0) { # if there are stop codons, extract orfs
                    #         for (i in 1:length(M)) { # extract all cds in this frame and put them in a list
                    #             F1_amin <- c(M[i],cbind(S, S > M[i])[,1][cbind(S, S > M[i])[,2]==1][1])
                    #             orf_coordinates <-  rbind(orf_coordinates,   data.frame(
                    #                                                             start_codon = (M[i]*3-2), 
                    #                                                             stop_codon = ((M[i]*3-2)+((F1_amin[2] - F1_amin[1])+1)*3-1),
                    #                                                             direction = "reverse"
                    #                                                         )
                    #                                 )
                    #         }
                    #     }
                    # data <- seqinr::translate(mRNA, frame = 2, sens = "F")
                    #     S <- grep("\\*", data) # find all stop codons
                    #     M <- grep("M", data) # find all start codons
                    #     if (length(S)>0 & length(M)>0) { # if there are stop codons, extract orfs
                    #         M <- M[!M > max(S)] # remove all start codons after the last stop codon
                    #     }
                    #     if (length(S)>0 & length(M)>0) { # if there are stop codons, extract orfs
                    #         for (i in 1:length(M)) { # extract all cds in this frame and put them in a list
                    #             F1_amin <- c(M[i],cbind(S, S > M[i])[,1][cbind(S, S > M[i])[,2]==1][1])
                    #             orf_coordinates <-  rbind(orf_coordinates,   data.frame(
                    #                                                             start_codon = (M[i]*3-2), 
                    #                                                             stop_codon = ((M[i]*3-2)+((F1_amin[2] - F1_amin[1])+1)*3-1),
                    #                                                             direction = "reverse"
                    #                                                         )
                    #                                 )
                    #         }
                    #     }

                ## Process discovered ORFs

                    if ( dim(orf_coordinates)[1] == 0 ) {
                        ORFs[[j]] <-    data.frame(
                                            start_codon = 0, 
                                            stop_codon = 0,
                                            direction = "forward",
                                            orf_length = 0
                    } else {
                        rownames(orf_coordinates) <- NULL # Reset rownames because of previous step
                        orf_coordinates$orf_length <- (orf_coordinates$stop_codon - orf_coordinates$start_codon + 1)
                        orf_coordinates <- orf_coordinates[order(orf_coordinates$orf_length, decreasing = TRUE),]
                        ORFs[[j]] <- orf_coordinates

                    if ( write_out_ORFs == TRUE) {
                        if ( dim(orf_coordinates)[1] == 0 ) {
                            ORFs_to_write_out[j] <- c("a","t","g","t","a","a") ## Weird, but necessary so errors are not thrown during codon alignment
                            ORFs_to_write_out@ranges@NAMES[j] <- attr(fasta[j], "name")
                        } else {
                            if ( orf_coordinates$direction[1] == "forward" ) {
                                ORFs_to_write_out <- c(ORFs_to_write_out, Biostrings::DNAStringSet(paste(mRNA[orf_coordinates$start_codon[1]:orf_coordinates$stop_codon[1]], collapse = ""))) # extract longest orf from the mRNA
                                ORFs_to_write_out@ranges@NAMES[j] <- attr(fasta[j], "name")
                            # if ( orf_coordinates$direction[1] == "reverse" ) {
                            #     orf <- rev(mRNA)[orf_coordinates$start_codon[1]:orf_coordinates$stop_codon[1]] # extract longest orf from the mRNA
                            #     seqinr::write.fasta(orf, names = attr(fasta[j], "name"), file = paste(file, "_orfs", sep = ""), open = "a") # append ORF to the list
                            # }

            # seqinr::write.fasta(fake_orf, names = attr(fasta[j], "name"), file = paste(file, "_orfs", sep = ""), open = "a") # append fake_ORF to the list
            if ( write_out_ORFs == TRUE) {
                if (overwrite == TRUE) {
                    Biostrings::writeXStringSet(ORFs_to_write_out, file = file)
                    # seqinr::write.fasta(orf, names = attr(fasta[j], "name"), file = paste(file, "_orfs", sep = ""), open = "w") # overwrite transcript file
                } else {
                    Biostrings::writeXStringSet(ORFs_to_write_out, file = paste(file, "_orfs", sep = ""))
                    # seqinr::write.fasta(orf, names = attr(fasta[j], "name"), file = paste(file, "_orfs", sep = ""), open = "a") # append ORF to the list        

            ORFs <- do.call(rbind, ORFs)
            rownames(ORFs) <- NULL

    #### blastTranscriptomes

        #' BLAST search local transcriptomes
        #' Search locally stored transcriptomes for query sequences.
        #' @param transcriptomes A list of paths to the transcriptomes that should be searched, named by taxonomic identifier (e.g. species names)
        #' @param initial_query_in_path Path to a fasta file containing the query
        #' @param sequences_of_interest_directory_path Path to a directory where blast hits should be written out as fasta files
        #' @param blast_module_directory_path Path to directory containing the BLAST+ module (perhaps something like "/usr/local/ncbi/blast/bin/")
        #' @param blast_type One of "blastn" or "dc-megablast". "blastn" is a traditional BLASTN requiring an exact match of 11. "dc-megablast" is a discontiguous megablast used to find more distant (e.g., interspecies) sequences.
        #' @param remove Names of columns to remove from the output monolist
        #' @param monolist_out_path Path to where the output monolist should be written
        #' @examples
        #' @export
        #' blastTranscriptomes

        blastTranscriptomes <- function(
                                iterative_blast = FALSE,
                                iterative_blast_length_cutoff = 700,
                                blast_type = c("blastn", "dc-megablast"), 
                                remove = NULL,
                            ) {

            ### Check paths
                sequences_of_interest_directory_path <- OsDirectoryPathCorrect(sequences_of_interest_directory_path)
                blast_module_directory_path <- OsDirectoryPathCorrect(blast_module_directory_path)

            ### Make sure transcriptomes object is character and build BLAST databases
                names <- names(transcriptomes)
                transcriptomes <- as.character(transcriptomes)
                names(transcriptomes) <- names
                for (transcriptome in 1:length(transcriptomes)) {
                    cat(paste0("\nSpecies: ", names(transcriptomes)[transcriptome]))
                            "makeblastdb -in ", 
                            " -dbtype nucl", 
                            sep = "" 

            ### Read in query, set initial hit number for iterative BLAST
                query_seqs <- Biostrings::readDNAStringSet(filepath = initial_query_in_path, format = "fasta")

                if ( iterative_blast == TRUE ) {
                    change_in_hit_number <- 1
                    initial_hit_number <- length(query_seqs)
                    iteration_number <- 0
                    cat("\nStarting iterative BLAST process\n\n")

            ### Start BLAST process

                while ( change_in_hit_number > 0 ) {

                    ## Iteration number
                        iteration_number <- iteration_number + 1 
                        cat(paste0("Iteration number: ", iteration_number, "\n"))

                    ## Loop over each member of the query and use it to blast each transcriptome
                        monolist <- data.frame()
                        for ( query_seq in 1:length(query_seqs) ) {

                            ## Write individual files for each member of the query
                                    filepath = paste(initial_query_in_path, "_", query_seqs@ranges@NAMES[query_seq], ".fa", sep = ""), 
                                    append = FALSE

                            ## Loop over the transcriptomes, run the blast on each, add hits to monolist
                                for (transcriptome in 1:length(transcriptomes)) {

                                    ## Run BLAST
                                                "blastn -task ",
                                                " -db ", 
                                                " -query ",
                                                paste(initial_query_in_path, "_", query_seqs@ranges@NAMES[query_seq], ".fa", sep = ""),
                                                " -out ",
                                                paste(transcriptomes[transcriptome], ".out", sep = ""),
                                                # " -outfmt '6 sacc'",
                                                " -outfmt '6 sallacc'",
                                                sep = ""

                                    ## Extract BLAST hits from transcriptome, add them to the monolist, write them to individual files

                                        # Read in whole transcriptome
                                            temp_seqs <- Biostrings::readDNAStringSet( 
                                                filepath = as.character(transcriptomes[transcriptome]), 
                                                format = "fasta"
                                        # Attempt to read in hits list, subset transcriptome according to that list, add hits to monolist
                                            cat(paste0(query_seq, ": "))
                                            if ( inherits( try( read.table(file = paste(transcriptomes[transcriptome], ".out", sep = "")), silent = TRUE), "try-error") == TRUE ) { # Skips over empty files
                                                cat(paste("No BLAST hits found for ", query_seqs[query_seq]@ranges@NAMES, " in ", names(transcriptomes)[transcriptome], "\n", sep = ""))
                                            } else {
                                                temp_hits <- read.table(file = paste(transcriptomes[transcriptome], ".out", sep = ""))
                                                    "Found ", 
                                                    " BLAST hits found for ", 
                                                    " in ", 
                                                    sep = "")

                                                accession <- gsub(" .*", "", temp_seqs@ranges@NAMES)
                                                temp_seqs <- temp_seqs[accession %in% temp_hits[,1]]
                                                accession <- gsub(" .*", "", temp_seqs@ranges@NAMES)

                                                if ( all(temp_hits[,1] %in% accession) != TRUE ) {
                                                    warning("Couldn't find some BLAST hits within the transcriptome!")

                                                # If there are hits, add them to the monolist
                                                    if (length(temp_seqs) > 0) {

                                                        # Write out blast hits
                                                            longest_ORFs <- vector()
                                                            for (temp_seq in 1:length(temp_seqs)) {
                                                                    filepath = paste(sequences_of_interest_directory_path, accession[temp_seq], ".fa", sep = ""), 
                                                                    append = FALSE
                                                                longest_ORFs <- c(longest_ORFs, extractORFs(paste(sequences_of_interest_directory_path, accession[temp_seq], ".fa", sep = ""))$orf_length[1])

                                                        # Add hit information to the monolist
                                                            monolist <- rbind(monolist, data.frame(
                                                                                                accession = gsub(" .*", "", temp_seqs@ranges@NAMES),
                                                                                                Genus = as.character(gsub("_.*$", "", names(transcriptomes)[transcriptome])),
                                                                                                species = gsub(".*_", "", names(transcriptomes)[transcriptome]),
                                                                                                annotation = temp_seqs@ranges@NAMES,
                                                                                                length = temp_seqs@ranges@width,
                                                                                                subset_all = TRUE,
                                                                                                query = query_seqs@ranges@NAMES[query_seq],
                                                                                                longestORF = longest_ORFs
                            ## Remove individual query files
                                if (file.exists(paste(query_seqs@ranges@NAMES[query_seq], ".fa", sep = ""))) {file.remove(paste(query_seqs@ranges@NAMES[query_seq], ".fa", sep = ""))}

                    ## Write out the monolist

                        ## Optionally remove certain columns from the monolist
                            if ( length(remove) > 0  ) {
                                monolist <- monolist[,!colnames(monolist) %in% remove]

                        monolist <- unique(monolist)
                        rownames(monolist) <- NULL
                        if (file.exists(monolist_out_path)) {file.remove(monolist_out_path)}
                        writeMonolist(monolist = monolist, monolist_out_path = monolist_out_path)

                    ## Should iterations continue?
                        monolist <- readMonolist(monolist_out_path)
                        final_hit_number <- dim(monolist[monolist$longestORF > iterative_blast_length_cutoff,])[1]
                        change_in_hit_number <- final_hit_number - initial_hit_number
                        cat(paste0(query_seq, ": "))
                        cat(paste0(change_in_hit_number, " new hits above cutoff length!\n\n"))
                        initial_hit_number <- final_hit_number


    #### alignSequences

        #' Align sequences in a seqlist
        #' @param monolist Monolist of the sequences to be aligned. First column should be "accession"
        #' @param subset TRUE/FALSE column in monolist that specifies which sequences should be included in the alignment
        #' @param alignment_directory_path Path to where the alignment should be written
        #' @param sequences_of_interest_directory_path Path to a directory where blast hits should be written out as fasta files
        #' @param input_sequence_type One of "nucl" or "amin"
        #' @param mode One of "nucl_align", "amin_align", or "codon_align"
        #' @param base_fragment
        #'      "ERROR: inconsistency between the following pep and nuc seqs" - usually means there are duplicate accessions numbers in the input monolist
        #' @import msa
        #' @examples
        #' @export
        #' alignSequences

        alignSequences <-   function(
                                input_sequence_type = c("nucl", "amin"), 
                                mode = c("nucl_align", "amin_align", "codon_align", "fragment_align"),
                                base_fragment = NULL

            ## Check directory_paths
                sequences_of_interest_directory_path <- OsDirectoryPathCorrect(sequences_of_interest_directory_path)
                alignment_directory_path <- OsDirectoryPathCorrect(alignment_directory_path)

            ## Get appropriate subset of the monolist
                monolist_subset <- monolist[monolist[,colnames(monolist) == as.character(subset)],]

            ## If starting with nucleotide sequences
                if ( input_sequence_type == "nucl" ) {

                    ## Remove existing version of this alignment and it's files
                        if (file.exists(paste(alignment_directory_path, as.character(subset), "_", "nucl_seqs.fa", sep = ""))) {
                            file.remove(paste(alignment_directory_path, as.character(subset), "_", "nucl_seqs.fa", sep = ""))}
                        if (file.exists(paste(alignment_directory_path, as.character(subset), "_", "nucl_seqs_aligned.fa", sep = ""))) {
                            file.remove(paste(alignment_directory_path, as.character(subset), "_", "nucl_seqs_aligned.fa", sep = ""))}

                    ## Import the subset's sequences, then write out *_nucl_seqs.fa
                        nucl_seqs_set <- Biostrings::DNAStringSet()
                        for (i in 1:dim(monolist_subset)[1]) {
                            nucl_seqs_set <- c(nucl_seqs_set, Biostrings::readDNAStringSet(paste(sequences_of_interest_directory_path, as.character(monolist_subset$accession[i]), ".fa", sep = "")))
                        Biostrings::writeXStringSet(nucl_seqs_set, filepath = paste(alignment_directory_path, subset, "_nucl_seqs.fa", sep = ""))

                    ## Run plain nucleotide alignment, if requested
                        if ( mode == "nucl_align") {
                            nucl_seqs_set_aligned <- msa::msa(nucl_seqs_set, order = c("input"))
                            msa <- msa::msaConvert(nucl_seqs_set_aligned, type = "seqinr::alignment")
                            n <- dim(as.data.frame(msa$seq))[1]
                            for (i in 1:n){msa$seq[i] <- substr(msa$seq[i],0,nchar(msa$seq[1]))}
                            seqinr::write.fasta(as.list(msa$seq),as.list(msa$nam), file.out = paste(alignment_directory_path, subset, "_nucl_seqs_aligned.fa", sep = ""))

                    ## Run codon alignment, if requested
                        if ( mode == "codon_align") {

                            ## Remove existing codon alignment
                                if (file.exists(paste(alignment_directory_path, as.character(subset), "_", "nucl_seqs_codon_aligned.fa", sep = ""))) {
                                file.remove(paste(alignment_directory_path, as.character(subset), "_", "nucl_seqs_codon_aligned.fa", sep = ""))}
                            ## Extarct ORFs
                                extractORFs(file = paste(alignment_directory_path, subset, "_nucl_seqs.fa", sep = ""), write_out_ORFs = TRUE)
                            ## Translate the nucleotide sequences and write out *_amin_seqs.fa
                                nucl_seqs_set <- Biostrings::readDNAStringSet(paste(alignment_directory_path, subset, "_nucl_seqs.fa_orfs", sep = ""))
                                amin_seqs_set <- Biostrings::translate(nucl_seqs_set, if.fuzzy.codon = "solve")
                                if (file.exists(paste(alignment_directory_path, as.character(subset), "_", "amin_seqs.fa", sep = ""))) {
                                    file.remove(paste(alignment_directory_path, as.character(subset), "_", "amin_seqs.fa", sep = ""))}
                                Biostrings::writeXStringSet(amin_seqs_set, filepath = paste(alignment_directory_path, subset, "_amin_seqs.fa", sep = ""))

                            ## Run amino acid alignment and write out *_amin_seqs.fa
                                amin_seqs_set_aligned <- msa::msa(amin_seqs_set, order = c("input"))
                                msa <- msa::msaConvert(amin_seqs_set_aligned, type = "seqinr::alignment")
                                n <- dim(as.data.frame(msa$seq))[1]
                                for (i in 1:n){msa$seq[i] <- substr(msa$seq[i],0,nchar(msa$seq[1]))}
                                if (file.exists(paste(alignment_directory_path, as.character(subset), "_", "amin_seqs_aligned.fa", sep = ""))) {
                                file.remove(paste(alignment_directory_path, as.character(subset), "_", "amin_seqs_aligned.fa", sep = ""))}
                                seqinr::write.fasta(as.list(msa$seq),as.list(msa$nam), file.out = paste(alignment_directory_path, subset, "_amin_seqs_aligned.fa", sep = ""))

                            ## Run codon alignment and write to nucl_seqs_aligned.fa
                                nucl_seqs_codon_aligned <-  orthologr::codon_aln(
                                                                file_aln = paste(alignment_directory_path, subset, "_amin_seqs_aligned.fa", sep = ""), 
                                                                file_nuc = paste(alignment_directory_path, subset, "_nucl_seqs.fa", sep = ""), 
                                                                get_aln = TRUE
                                msa <- nucl_seqs_codon_aligned
                                n <- dim(as.data.frame(msa$seq))[1]
                                for (i in 1:n){msa$seq[i] <- substr(msa$seq[i],0,nchar(msa$seq[1]))}
                                seqinr::write.fasta(as.list(msa$seq),as.list(msa$nam), file.out = paste(alignment_directory_path, subset, "_nucl_seqs_codon_aligned.fa", sep = ""))

                    ## Run fragment alignment, if requested
                        if ( mode == "fragment_align") {

                            ## Remove existing fragment alignment
                                if (file.exists(paste(alignment_directory_path, as.character(subset), "_fragment_seqs_aligned.fa", sep = ""))) {
                                file.remove(paste(alignment_directory_path, as.character(subset), "_fragment_seqs_aligned.fa", sep = ""))}

                            ## Extarct ORFs
                                extractORFs(file = paste(alignment_directory_path, subset, "_nucl_seqs.fa", sep = ""), write_out_ORFs = TRUE)
                            ## Translate the nucleotide sequences and write out *_amin_seqs.fa
                                nucl_seqs_set <- Biostrings::readDNAStringSet(paste(alignment_directory_path, subset, "_nucl_seqs.fa_orfs", sep = ""))
                                amin_seqs_set <- Biostrings::translate(nucl_seqs_set, if.fuzzy.codon = "solve")
                                if (file.exists(paste(alignment_directory_path, as.character(subset), "_", "amin_seqs.fa", sep = ""))) {
                                    file.remove(paste(alignment_directory_path, as.character(subset), "_", "amin_seqs.fa", sep = ""))}
                                Biostrings::writeXStringSet(amin_seqs_set, filepath = paste(alignment_directory_path, subset, "_amin_seqs.fa", sep = ""))

                            ## Define base fragment
                                base_fragment_seq <- amin_seqs_set[amin_seqs_set@ranges@NAMES == base_fragment]
                                fragments_seq_set <- amin_seqs_set[amin_seqs_set@ranges@NAMES != base_fragment]
                                current_base_fragment_seq <- base_fragment_seq
                            ## Align each fragment on its own with the base fragment
                                aligned_fragments <- AAStringSet()
                                for ( fragment in 1:length(fragments_seq_set) ) {
                                    fragment_pair_seq_set <- c(base_fragment_seq, fragments_seq_set[fragment])
                                    fragment_pair_seq_set_aligned <- msa::msa(fragment_pair_seq_set, order = c("input"))
                                    fragment_pair_seq_set_aligned <- AAStringSet(fragment_pair_seq_set_aligned)
                                    current_base_fragment_seq <- fragment_pair_seq_set_aligned[fragment_pair_seq_set_aligned@ranges@NAMES == base_fragment]
                                    aligned_fragments <- c(aligned_fragments, fragment_pair_seq_set_aligned[fragment_pair_seq_set_aligned@ranges@NAMES != base_fragment])

                            ## Perform final alignment and write it out
                                fragment_seq_set <- c(current_base_fragment_seq, aligned_fragments)
                                fragment_seq_set <- AAStringSet(gsub("-", "Z", fragment_seq_set))
                                fragment_seq_set_aligned <- msa::msa(fragment_seq_set, order = c("input"))
                                fragment_seq_set_aligned <- AAStringSet(fragment_seq_set_aligned)
                                writeXStringSet(fragment_seq_set_aligned, filepath = paste(alignment_directory_path, subset, "_fragment_seqs_aligned.fa", sep = ""))

                if ( input_sequence_type == "amin" ) {

                    if ( mode == "amin_align" ) {

                        ## Remove existing version of this alignment and it's files
                            if (file.exists(paste(alignment_directory_path, as.character(subset), "_", "amin_seqs.fa", sep = ""))) {
                                file.remove(paste(alignment_directory_path, as.character(subset), "_", "amin_seqs.fa", sep = ""))}
                            if (file.exists(paste(alignment_directory_path, as.character(subset), "_", "amin_seqs_aligned.fa", sep = ""))) {
                                file.remove(paste(alignment_directory_path, as.character(subset), "_", "amin_seqs_aligned.fa", sep = ""))}

                        ## Import the subset's sequences, then write out *_amin_seqs.fa
                            amin_seqs_set <- Biostrings::DNAStringSet()
                            for (i in 1:dim(monolist_subset)[1]) {
                                amin_seqs_set <- c(amin_seqs_set, Biostrings::readDNAStringSet(paste(sequences_of_interest_directory_path, as.character(monolist_subset$accession[i]), ".fa", sep = "")))
                            Biostrings::writeXStringSet(amin_seqs_set, filepath = paste(alignment_directory_path, subset, "_amin_seqs.fa", sep = ""))

                        ## Run the alignment
                            amin_seqs_set_aligned <- msa::msa(amin_seqs_set, order = c("input"))
                            msa <- msa::msaConvert(amin_seqs_set_aligned, type = "seqinr::alignment")
                            n <- dim(as.data.frame(msa$seq))[1]
                            for (i in 1:n){msa$seq[i] <- substr(msa$seq[i],0,nchar(msa$seq[1]))}
                            seqinr::write.fasta(as.list(msa$seq),as.list(msa$nam), file.out = paste(alignment_directory_path, subset, "_amin_seqs_aligned.fa", sep = ""))

    #### readGFFs

        #' readGFFs
        #' Read multiple genome feature files into a tidy dataframe
        #' @param input_frame A dataframe with columns: Genus_species, GFF_in_path, region_reach, concatenation_spacing
        #' @param query A .fa file containing the query
        #' @param phylochem The phylochem object to which the data should be bound
        #' @examples
        #' @export
        #' readGFFs

            readGFFs <- function(
                            input_frame, # Dataframe with columns
                            subset_mode = c("none", "goi_only", "foi_only", "goi_region", "foi_region", "name_check"), 
                            goi = NULL, # Character vector of gene names. Labelling by species is not necessary
                            foi = NULL,
                            region_reach = 200000,
                            concatenate_by_species = TRUE,
                            concatenation_spacing = 10000,
                            omit = NULL
                        ) {

                framed_GFFs <- list()

                for ( i in 1:dim(input_frame)[1] ) {

                    # Load GFFs
                        cat(paste("Loading GFF for ", input_frame$Genus_species[i], "...\n", sep = ""))
                        gff_as_GRange <- rtracklayer::import.gff(as.character(input_frame$GFF_in_path[i]))
                        chr <- unique(gff_as_GRange@seqnames@values)
                        cat(paste("Number of chromosomes and/or scaffolds: ", length(chr), "\n", sep = ""))

                    # Make the GFF into dataframes "chrom_scaff", and "ranges"
                        chrom_scaff <- as.data.frame(GenomicRanges::seqinfo(gff_as_GRange))
                        chrom_scaff$chrom_scaff_name <- rownames(chrom_scaff)
                        chrom_scaff$chrom_scaff_number <- seq(1,dim(chrom_scaff)[1],1)
                        rownames(chrom_scaff) <- NULL

                        ranges <- as.data.frame(gff_as_GRange)
                        ranges <- ranges[,colnames(ranges) != "Parent"]
                    # Custom gene name editing on species-by-species basis
                        if ( input_frame$Genus_species[i] == "Zea_mays" ) {
                            # ranges$Name <- gsub("_.*$", "", ranges$Name)
                            ranges$Name <- ranges$locus_tag

                        if ( input_frame$Genus_species[i] == "Helianthus_annuus" ) {
                            ranges$Name <- ranges$ID

                        if ( input_frame$Genus_species[i] == "Solanum_lycopersicum" ) {
                            ranges$Name <- gsub("0\\.1", "0", ranges$Name)
                            ranges$Name <- gsub("0\\.2", "0", ranges$Name)
                            ranges$Name <- gsub("0\\.3", "0", ranges$Name)

                    # No subsetting
                        if ( subset_mode == "none" ) {
                            subsetted_ranges <- ranges

                    # Name check mode
                        if ( subset_mode == "name_check" ) {
                            framed_GFFs[[i]] <- unique(data.frame(
                                                    Genus_species = input_frame$Genus_species[i],
                                                    names = ranges$Name

                    # Subset "chrom_scaff" and "ranges"
                        if ( subset_mode == "goi_region" ) {

                            # Set up the genes_of_interest_frame for this species
                                goi_sp <- goi[goi %in% ranges$Name]
                                goi_sp_frame <- data.frame(goi_sp = goi_sp, chrom_scaff_of_interest = ranges$seqnames[match(goi_sp, ranges$Name)], to_subset = TRUE)

                            # Remove chrom_scaffs and ranges not on chrom_scaffs that contain goi
                                chrom_scaff <- chrom_scaff[chrom_scaff$chrom_scaff_name %in% goi_sp_frame$chrom_scaff_of_interest,]
                                ranges <- ranges[ranges$seqnames %in% goi_sp_frame$chrom_scaff_of_interest,]
                            # Remove cols to omit
                                if ( length(omit) > 0 ) {
                                    ranges <- ranges[, !colnames(ranges) %in% omit]    
                            # Remove ranges not within region_reach of a goi, if goi are within region_reach of eachother, expand the size of that region iteratively
                                subsetted_ranges <- data.frame()
                                goi_region_number <- 1
                                while ( any(goi_sp_frame$to_subset) == TRUE ) {
                                    j <- which(goi_sp_frame$to_subset == TRUE)[1]
                                    # Define the start of the goi_start_sites and the goi inside it
                                        ranges_on_this_chrom_scaff <- ranges[ranges$seqnames == goi_sp_frame$chrom_scaff_of_interest[j],]
                                        goi_start_sites <- ranges_on_this_chrom_scaff[ranges_on_this_chrom_scaff$Name %in% goi_sp_frame$goi_sp[j],]$start
                                        known_goi_in_this_region <- vector()
                                        known_goi_in_this_region <- c(known_goi_in_this_region, as.character(goi_sp_frame$goi_sp[j]))
                                        region <- data.frame(start = min(goi_start_sites) - input_frame$region_reach[i], end = max(goi_start_sites) + input_frame$region_reach[i])
                                        region$start[region$start < 0] <- 0

                                    # Expand the range if it includes another goi
                                        finished <- FALSE
                                        while ( finished == FALSE) {
                                            goi_region_bounds <- vector()
                                            for (k in 1:dim(region)[1]) {
                                                goi_region_bounds <- c(goi_region_bounds,seq(region[k,1], region[k,2], 1))
                                            ranges_in_this_goi_region <- ranges_on_this_chrom_scaff[ranges_on_this_chrom_scaff$start %in% goi_region_bounds,]
                                            goi_in_current_goi_region <- goi_sp_frame$goi_sp[goi_sp_frame$goi_sp %in% ranges_in_this_goi_region$Name]
                                            if ( all(goi_in_current_goi_region %in% known_goi_in_this_region) ) {
                                                finished <- TRUE
                                            } else {
                                                temp <- ranges_on_this_chrom_scaff$Name %in% goi_in_current_goi_region[!goi_in_current_goi_region %in% known_goi_in_this_region]
                                                addl_gene <- ranges_on_this_chrom_scaff[temp,]
                                                addl_gene <- addl_gene[1,]
                                                goi_start_sites <- c(goi_start_sites, addl_gene$start)
                                                region <- data.frame(start = min(goi_start_sites) - input_frame$region_reach[i], end = max(goi_start_sites) + input_frame$region_reach[i])
                                                region$start[region$start < 0] <- 0

                                                # Mark that the addl_gene is now known in this region
                                                    known_goi_in_this_region <- c(known_goi_in_this_region, as.character(addl_gene$Name))
                                    goi_sp_frame$to_subset[goi_sp_frame$goi_sp %in% goi_in_current_goi_region] <- FALSE
                                    ranges_in_this_goi_region$goi_region_name <- paste(input_frame$Genus_species[i], goi_region_number, sep="_")
                                    ranges_in_this_goi_region$goi_region_number <- goi_region_number
                                    goi_region_number <- goi_region_number + 1
                                    subsetted_ranges <- rbind(subsetted_ranges, ranges_in_this_goi_region)

                            # Reorient each goi_region so it begins at zero
                                subsetted_ranges <- subsetted_ranges[subsetted_ranges$type != "region",] # remove "ranges" that are whole chrom_scaffs
                                subsetted_ranges <- plyr::ddply(subsetted_ranges, .(goi_region_name), mutate, end = end - min(start), start = start - min(start))
                                subsetted_ranges <- plyr::ddply(subsetted_ranges, .(goi_region_name), mutate, goi_region_length = max(end))

                            # Concatenate range_scaffs of this species
                                if ( concatenate_by_species == TRUE ) {
                                    if ( length(unique(subsetted_ranges$goi_region_number)) > 1 ) {
                                        end_previous_goi_region <- max(subsetted_ranges[subsetted_ranges$goi_region_number == 1,]$end)
                                        for (this_goi_region_number in 2:length(unique(subsetted_ranges$goi_region_number))) {
                                            amount_to_advance_this_goi_region <- end_previous_goi_region + input_frame$concatenation_spacing[i]
                                            subsetted_ranges[subsetted_ranges$goi_region_number == this_goi_region_number,]$start <- subsetted_ranges[subsetted_ranges$goi_region_number == this_goi_region_number,]$start + amount_to_advance_this_goi_region
                                            subsetted_ranges[subsetted_ranges$goi_region_number == this_goi_region_number,]$end <- subsetted_ranges[subsetted_ranges$goi_region_number == this_goi_region_number,]$end + amount_to_advance_this_goi_region
                                            end_previous_goi_region <- max(subsetted_ranges[subsetted_ranges$goi_region_number == this_goi_region_number,]$end)

                            # Bind to output
                                subsetted_ranges$Genus_species <- input_frame$Genus_species[i]
                                subsetted_ranges$Genus <- gsub("_.*$", "", input_frame$Genus_species[i])
                                subsetted_ranges$species <- gsub(".*_", "", input_frame$Genus_species[i])
                                subsetted_ranges$y_position <- input_frame$y_position[i]
                                framed_GFFs[[i]] <- subsetted_ranges

                framed_GFFs <- do.call(plyr::rbind.fill, framed_GFFs)

                if ( subset_mode != "name_check" ) {

                    center <- (max(framed_GFFs$end) - min(framed_GFFs$start))/2
                    framed_GFFs <- plyr::ddply(framed_GFFs, .(Genus_species), mutate, center_start = (start + (center-(max(end)-min(start))/2)), center_end = (end + (center-(max(end)-min(start))/2)) )



##### Chemical data handling

    #### convertCDFstoCSVs

        #' Convert mass spectral datafiles (CDF) into a csv file
        #' @param paths_to_cdfs Paths to CDF files
        #' @param min_mz Smallest m/z value to process (acts like a filter)
        #' @param max_mz Largest m/z value to process (acts like a filter)
        #' @param min_rt (optional) Smallest retention time to process (acts like a filter)
        #' @param max_rt (optional) Largest retention time to process (acts like a filter)
        #' @param force Convert all CDF files, even if they've already been converted previously
        #' @examples
        #' @export
        #' convertCDFstoCSVs

            convertCDFstoCSVs <- function(paths_to_cdfs, min_mz, max_mz, min_rt = NULL, max_rt = NULL, force = FALSE) {

                    if ( force == FALSE ) {
                        paths_to_cdfs <- paths_to_cdfs[!file.exists(paste0(paths_to_cdfs, ".csv"))]

                    for (file in 1:length(paths_to_cdfs)) {

                        cat(paste("Reading data file ", paths_to_cdfs[file], "\n", sep = ""))
                            rawDataFile <- xcms::loadRaw(xcms::xcmsSource(paths_to_cdfs[file]))

                        cat("   Framing data file... \n")
                            rt <- rawDataFile$rt
                            scanindex <- rawDataFile$scanindex

                            filteredRawDataFile <- list()
                            for ( i in 1:(length(rt)-1) ) {
                                filteredRawDataFile[[i]] <- data.frame(
                                    mz = rawDataFile$mz[(scanindex[i]+1):(scanindex[i+1])],
                                    intensity = rawDataFile$intensity[(scanindex[i]+1):(scanindex[i+1])],
                                    rt = rt[i]
                            framedDataFile <- do.call(rbind, filteredRawDataFile)
                            framedDataFile$mz <- round(framedDataFile$mz, digits = 1)

                        cat("   Merging duplicate rows ...\n")
                            if ( dim(table(duplicated(paste(framedDataFile$mz, framedDataFile$rt, sep = "_")))) > 1 ) {
                                framedDataFile <- plyr::ddply(framedDataFile, .(mz, rt), summarize, intensity = sum(intensity))

                        cat("   Filling in blank m/z values ...\n")
                            spreadDataFile <- tidyr::spread(framedDataFile, rt, intensity, fill = 0)
                            numbers <- round(seq(min_mz, max_mz, 0.1), digits = 1)
                            add <- numbers[!numbers %in% spreadDataFile$mz]
                            addition <- spreadDataFile[1:length(add),]
                            if ( length(add) > 0 ) {
                                addition$mz <- add     
                            addition <- tidyr::gather(addition, rt, intensity, 2:dim(addition)[2])
                            addition$intensity <- 0
                            addition$rt <- as.numeric(addition$rt)
                            framedDataFile <- tidyr::gather(spreadDataFile, rt, intensity, 2:dim(spreadDataFile)[2])
                            framedDataFile <- rbind(framedDataFile, addition)
                            framedDataFile$rt <- as.numeric(framedDataFile$rt)
                            framedDataFile <- framedDataFile[sort.list(framedDataFile$mz),]
                            framedDataFile <- framedDataFile[sort.list(framedDataFile$rt),]
                            rownames(framedDataFile) <- NULL

                        if ( length(min_rt) > 0 ) {
                            cat("   Filtering by minimum retention time thresholds ...\n")
                                framedDataFile <- dplyr::filter(framedDataFile, rt > min_rt)

                        if ( length(max_rt) > 0 ) {
                            cat("   Filtering by maximum retention time thresholds ...\n")
                                framedDataFile <- dplyr::filter(framedDataFile, rrt < max_rt)    

                        cat("   Writing out data file as CSV... \n")
                            data.table::fwrite(framedDataFile, file = paste(paths_to_cdfs[file], ".csv", sep = ""), col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)

    #### extractChromatogramsFromCSVs

        #' Extract total ion chromatograms from csv files containing mass spectral data
        #' @param paths_to_cdf_csvs Paths to the cdf.csvs
        #' @examples
        #' @export
        #' extractChromatogramsFromCSVs

            extractChromatogramsFromCSVs <- function( paths_to_cdf_csvs, force = FALSE ) {

                chromatograms <- list()
                for ( file in 1:length(paths_to_cdf_csvs) ) {

                    cat(paste("Reading data file ", paths_to_cdf_csvs[file], "\n", sep = ""))
                        framedDataFile <- as.data.frame(data.table::fread(paths_to_cdf_csvs[file]))

                    cat("   Extracting the total ion chromatogram...\n")
                        chromatogram <- plyr::ddply(framedDataFile, .(rt), summarize, tic = sum(intensity))
                        chromatogram$rt <- as.numeric(chromatogram$rt)
                        chromatogram$path_to_cdf_csv <- paths_to_cdf_csvs[file]

                    cat("   Appending chromatogram to list...\n")
                        chromatograms[[file]] <- chromatogram

                chromatograms <- do.call(rbind, chromatograms)

                return( chromatograms )

    #### integrationApp

        #' A Shiny app to integrate GC-FID and GC-MS data
        #' @param chromatograms A data frame containing columns: "rt", "tic", and "path_to_cdf_csv", which contain retention time, total ion chromatogram intensities, and paths to CDF.csv files generated by the convertCDFstoCSVs function.
        #' @param x_axis_start A numeric value for the lower x-axis bounds on the plot generated by the app. Defaults to full length.
        #' @param x_axis_end A numeric value for the upper x-axis bounds on the plot generated by the app. Defaults to full length.
        #' @param samples_monolist_path A path to a .csv file containing metadata for the samples you wish to analyze. Requied columns are: "rt_offset", "baseline_window", and "path_to_cdf_csv", which are for aligning chromatograms, adjusting baseline determination, and defining the path to the CDF.csv files for each sample, respectively.
        #' @param samples_monolist_subset Optional, a numeric vector (for example, "c(1:10)"), defining a subset of samples to be loaded.
        #' @param peaks_monolist_path A path to a .csv file containing metadata for all peaks in the sample set. Required columns are: peak_start", "peak_end", "path_to_cdf_csv", "area", "peak_number_within_sample", "rt_offset", "peak_start_rt_offset", "peak_end_rt_offset". This file is automatically generated by the app.
        #' @param zoom_and_scroll_rate Defines intervals of zooming and scrolling movement while running the app
        #' @examples
        #' @export
        #' integrationApp

        integrationApp <-   function(
                x_axis_start = NULL,
                x_axis_end = NULL,
                create_new_samples_monolist = FALSE,
                samples_monolist_subset = NULL,
                create_new_peak_monolist = FALSE,
            ) {


                ## Set up new samples monolist

                    if ( create_new_samples_monolist == TRUE ) {
                        samples_monolist <- data.frame(
                            Sample_ID = gsub("\\..*$", "", gsub(".*/", "", unique(chromatograms$path_to_cdf_csv))),
                            extraction_time = NA,
                            plant_age = 0,
                            relative_area = 0,
                            rt_offset = 0,
                            baseline_window = 400,
                            path_to_cdf_csv = unique(chromatograms$path_to_cdf_csv)

                            x = samples_monolist,
                            file = samples_monolist_path,
                            row.names = FALSE,
                            sep = ","


                ## Set up several variables, plot_height, and x_axis limits if not specified in function call
                    peak_data <- NULL
                    peak_points <- NULL
                    if ( length(samples_monolist_subset) > 0 ) {
                        plot_height <- 1000 + 100*length(samples_monolist_subset)    
                    } else {
                        plot_height <- 1000 + 100*dim(samples_monolist)[1]

                    if (length(x_axis_start) == 0) {
                        x_axis_start <<- min(chromatograms$rt)

                    if (length(x_axis_end) == 0) {
                        x_axis_end <<- max(chromatograms$rt)

                ## Set up new peak monolist
                    if ( create_new_peak_monolist == TRUE ) {
                        peak_data <- data.frame(
                          peak_start = 0,
                          peak_end = 0,
                          path_to_cdf_csv = "a",
                          area = 0

                          x = peak_data[-1,],
                          file = peaks_monolist_path,
                          append = FALSE,
                          row.names = FALSE,
                          col.names = TRUE,
                          sep = ","


                ## Set up user interface

                    ui <- fluidPage(

                        $(document).on("keypress", function (e) {
                           Shiny.onInputChange("keypress", e.which);


                                height = 150

                                height = 150

                              brush = "chromatogram_brush", 
                              click = "chromatogram_click", 
                              dblclick = "chromatogram_double_click",
                              height = plot_height

                            verbatimTextOutput("key", placeholder = TRUE),

                            # DT::dataTableOutput("selected_peak"), ## Useful for troubleshooting


                ## Set up the server

                    server <- function(input, output, session) {

                        ## Check keystoke value
                            output$key <- renderPrint({

                        ## Keys to move chromatogram view - zoom in and out, move L and R
                            observeEvent(input$keypress, {
                                if( input$keypress == 102 ) { x_axis_start <<- x_axis_start + zoom_and_scroll_rate } # Forward on "f"
                                if( input$keypress == 102 ) { x_axis_end <<- x_axis_end + zoom_and_scroll_rate } # Forward on "f"
                                if( input$keypress == 100 ) { x_axis_start <<- x_axis_start - zoom_and_scroll_rate } # Backward on "d"
                                if( input$keypress == 100 ) { x_axis_end <<- x_axis_end - zoom_and_scroll_rate } # Backward on "d"
                                if( input$keypress == 118 ) { x_axis_start <<- x_axis_start - zoom_and_scroll_rate } # Wider on "v"
                                if( input$keypress == 118 ) { x_axis_end <<- x_axis_end + zoom_and_scroll_rate } # Wider on "v"
                                if( input$keypress == 99 ) { x_axis_start <<- x_axis_start + zoom_and_scroll_rate } # Closer on "c"
                                if( input$keypress == 99 ) { x_axis_end <<- x_axis_end - zoom_and_scroll_rate } # Closer on "c"

                        ## Key to update chromatogram
                            observeEvent(input$keypress, {      
                                if( input$keypress == 113 ) { # Update on "q"
                                    output$chromatograms <- renderPlot({

                                        ## Read in samples monolist and put chromatograms into chromatograms_updated
                                            samples_monolist <- read.csv(samples_monolist_path)
                                            if ( length(samples_monolist_subset) > 0 ) {
                                                samples_monolist <- samples_monolist[samples_monolist_subset,]    
                                            chromatograms_updated <- dplyr::filter(chromatograms, path_to_cdf_csv %in% samples_monolist$path_to_cdf_csv)

                                        ## Calculate baseline for each sample

                                            baselined_chromatograms <- list()

                                            for ( chrom in 1:length(unique(chromatograms_updated$path_to_cdf_csv)) ) {
                                                chromatogram <- dplyr::filter(chromatograms_updated, path_to_cdf_csv == unique(chromatograms_updated$path_to_cdf_csv)[chrom])

                                                prelim_baseline_window <- samples_monolist$baseline_window[match(chromatogram$path_to_cdf_csv[1], samples_monolist$path_to_cdf_csv)]

                                                n_prelim_baseline_windows <- floor(length(chromatogram$rt)/prelim_baseline_window)
                                                prelim_baseline <- list()
                                                for ( i in 1:n_prelim_baseline_windows ) {
                                                  min <- min(chromatogram$tic[((prelim_baseline_window*(i-1))+1):(prelim_baseline_window*i)])
                                                  prelim_baseline[[i]] <-     data.frame(
                                                                          rt = chromatogram$rt[chromatogram$tic == min],
                                                                          min = min
                                                prelim_baseline <- do.call(rbind, prelim_baseline)
                                                chromatogram$in_prelim_baseline <- FALSE
                                                chromatogram$in_prelim_baseline[chromatogram$rt %in% prelim_baseline$rt] <- TRUE

                                                y = prelim_baseline$min
                                                x = prelim_baseline$rt

                                                baseline2 <- data.frame(
                                                              rt = chromatogram$rt,
                                                              y = approx(x, y, xout = chromatogram$rt)$y
                                                baseline2 <- baseline2[!is.na(baseline2$y),]
                                                chromatogram <- chromatogram[chromatogram$rt %in% baseline2$rt,]
                                                chromatogram$baseline <- baseline2$y

                                                baselined_chromatograms[[chrom]] <- data.frame(
                                                    rt = chromatogram$rt,
                                                    tic = chromatogram$tic,
                                                    path_to_cdf_csv = chromatogram$path_to_cdf_csv,
                                                    in_prelim_baseline = chromatogram$in_prelim_baseline,
                                                    baseline = chromatogram$baseline


                                            chromatograms_updated <- do.call(rbind, baselined_chromatograms)

                                        ## Add rt offset information for all chromatograms

                                            chromatograms_updated$rt_offset <- samples_monolist$rt_offset[match(chromatograms_updated$path_to_cdf_csv, samples_monolist$path_to_cdf_csv)]
                                            chromatograms_updated$rt_rt_offset <- chromatograms_updated$rt + chromatograms_updated$rt_offset
                                            chromatograms_updated <<- chromatograms_updated

                                        ## Plot with peaks, if any
                                            peak_table <- read.csv(peaks_monolist_path)
                                            if (dim(peak_table)[1] > 0) {

                                                ## Filter out duplicate peaks and NA peaks
                                                    peak_table <- plyr::ddply(peak_table, .(path_to_cdf_csv), mutate, duplicated = duplicated(peak_start))
                                                    peak_table <- dplyr::filter(peak_table, duplicated == FALSE)
                                                    peak_table <- plyr::ddply(peak_table, .(path_to_cdf_csv), mutate, duplicated = duplicated(peak_end))
                                                    peak_table <- dplyr::filter(peak_table, duplicated == FALSE)
                                                    peak_table <- peak_table[,!colnames(peak_table) == "duplicated"]
                                                    peak_table <- peak_table[!is.na(peak_table$peak_start),]

                                                ## Update with peak_number_within_sample
                                                    peak_table_updated <- list()
                                                    for (sample_number in 1:length(unique(peak_table$path_to_cdf_csv))) {
                                                      peaks_in_this_sample <- peak_table[peak_table$path_to_cdf_csv == unique(peak_table$path_to_cdf_csv)[sample_number],]
                                                      peaks_in_this_sample <- peaks_in_this_sample[order(peaks_in_this_sample$peak_start),]
                                                      peaks_in_this_sample$peak_number_within_sample <- seq(1,length(peaks_in_this_sample$path_to_cdf_csv),1)
                                                      peak_table_updated[[sample_number]] <- peaks_in_this_sample
                                                    peak_table_updated <- do.call(rbind, peak_table_updated)
                                                    peak_table <- peak_table_updated

                                                ## Modify peaks with RT offset
                                                    # for (sample_number in 1:length(unique(samples_monolist$path_to_cdf_csv))) {
                                                    #   peaks_in_this_sample <- peak_table[peak_table$path_to_cdf_csv == samples_monolist$path_to_cdf_csv[sample_number],]
                                                    #   rt_offsets <- samples_monolist$rt_offset[match(peaks_in_this_sample$path_to_cdf_csv, samples_monolist$path_to_cdf_csv)]
                                                    #   peak_start_rt_offsets <- peak_table$peak_start + peak_table$rt_offset
                                                    #   peak_end_rt_offsets <- peak_table$peak_end + peak_table$rt_offset
                                                    #   peak_table$rt_offset[peak_table$path_to_cdf_csv == as.character(samples_monolist$path_to_cdf_csv[sample_number])] <- rt_offsets
                                                    #   peak_table$peak_start_rt_offset[peak_table$path_to_cdf_csv == as.character(samples_monolist$path_to_cdf_csv[sample_number])] <- peak_start_rt_offsets
                                                    #   peak_table$peak_end_rt_offset[peak_table$path_to_cdf_csv == as.character(samples_monolist$path_to_cdf_csv[sample_number])] <- peak_end_rt_offsets

                                                    # }

                                                    peak_table$rt_offset <- samples_monolist$rt_offset[match(peak_table$path_to_cdf_csv, samples_monolist$path_to_cdf_csv)]
                                                    peak_table$peak_start_rt_offset <- peak_table$peak_start + peak_table$rt_offset
                                                    peak_table$peak_end_rt_offset <- peak_table$peak_end + peak_table$rt_offset
                                                    peak_table$path_to_cdf_csv <- as.character(peak_table$path_to_cdf_csv)
                                                ## Update all peak areas in case baseline was adjusted
                                                    # peak_table_updated <- list()
                                                    for (sample_number in 1:length(unique(samples_monolist$path_to_cdf_csv))) {
                                                      peaks_in_this_sample <- peak_table[peak_table$path_to_cdf_csv == samples_monolist$path_to_cdf_csv[sample_number],]
                                                      areas <- vector()
                                                      for (peak in 1:length(peaks_in_this_sample$peak_number_within_sample)) {
                                                        areas <- append(areas, 
                                                            chromatograms_updated[chromatograms_updated$path_to_cdf_csv == as.character(peaks_in_this_sample$path_to_cdf_csv[peak]),], 
                                                            rt >= peaks_in_this_sample$peak_start[peak] & rt <= peaks_in_this_sample$peak_end[peak])$tic
                                                          ) - 
                                                            chromatograms_updated[chromatograms_updated$path_to_cdf_csv == as.character(peaks_in_this_sample$path_to_cdf_csv[peak]),], 
                                                            rt >= peaks_in_this_sample$peak_start[peak] & rt <= peaks_in_this_sample$peak_end[peak])$baseline

                                                      peak_table$area[peak_table$path_to_cdf_csv == as.character(samples_monolist$path_to_cdf_csv[sample_number])] <- areas

                                                      # peaks_in_this_sample$area <- areas
                                                      # peak_table_updated[[sample_number]] <- peaks_in_this_sample
                                                    # peak_table_updated <- do.call(rbind, peak_table_updated)
                                                    # peak_table <- peak_table_updated
                                                ## Write out peaks now with assigned peak_number_within_sample and RT offset
                                                    write.table(peak_table, file = peaks_monolist_path, col.names = TRUE, sep = ",", row.names = FALSE)

                                                ## Create the plot with subsetted data to make it faster

                                                    ## Subset the chromatograms and peaks

                                                        chromatograms_updated <- dplyr::filter(chromatograms_updated, rt_rt_offset > x_axis_start & rt_rt_offset < x_axis_end)
                                                        peak_table <- dplyr::filter(peak_table, peak_start_rt_offset > x_axis_start & peak_end_rt_offset < x_axis_end)

                                                    ## Make chromatogram plot object

                                                        # Make their labels easy to read
                                                            facet_labels <- gsub(".CDF.csv", "", gsub(".*/", "", chromatograms_updated$path_to_cdf_csv))
                                                            names(facet_labels) <- chromatograms_updated$path_to_cdf_csv

                                                            p <-    ggplot() + 
                                                                geom_line(data = chromatograms_updated, mapping = aes(x = rt_rt_offset, y = baseline), color = "grey") +
                                                                geom_line(data = chromatograms_updated, mapping = aes(x = rt_rt_offset, y = tic)) +
                                                                scale_x_continuous(limits = c(x_axis_start, x_axis_end)) +
                                                                facet_grid(path_to_cdf_csv~., scales = "free_y", labeller = labeller(path_to_cdf_csv = facet_labels)) +
                                                                # facet_grid(path_to_cdf_csv~., labeller = labeller(path_to_cdf_csv = facet_labels)) +
                                                                # scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, max(dplyr::filter(chromatograms_updated, rt > x_axis_start & rt < x_axis_end)$tic))) +
                                                                theme_classic() +
                                                                scale_fill_continuous(type = "viridis") +
                                                                  legend.position = 'none',
                                                                  legend.title = element_blank()

                                                    ## Add peaks

                                                        for (peak in 1:dim(peak_table)[1]) {
                                                            signal_for_this_peak <- dplyr::filter(
                                                                chromatograms_updated[chromatograms_updated$path_to_cdf_csv == peak_table[peak,]$path_to_cdf_csv,], 
                                                                rt_rt_offset > peak_table[peak,]$peak_start_rt_offset, 
                                                                rt_rt_offset < peak_table[peak,]$peak_end_rt_offset

                                                            if (dim(signal_for_this_peak)[1] > 0) {

                                                                signal_for_this_peak$peak_number_within_sample <- peak_table$peak_number_within_sample[peak]
                                                                p <- p +  geom_vline(data = signal_for_this_peak[1,], mapping = aes(xintercept = rt_rt_offset), alpha = 0.3) +
                                                                          geom_ribbon(data = signal_for_this_peak, mapping = aes(x = rt_rt_offset, ymax = tic, ymin = baseline, fill = peak_number_within_sample)) +
                                                                          geom_text(data = signal_for_this_peak, mapping = aes(label = peak_number_within_sample, x = median(rt_rt_offset), y = max(tic)))

                                            } else {

                                                ## Make chromatogram plot object

                                                    chromatograms_updated <- dplyr::filter(chromatograms_updated, rt_rt_offset > x_axis_start & rt_rt_offset < x_axis_end)

                                                        # Make their labels easy to read
                                                            facet_labels <- gsub(".CDF.csv", "", gsub(".*/", "", chromatograms_updated$path_to_cdf_csv))
                                                            names(facet_labels) <- chromatograms_updated$path_to_cdf_csv

                                                        p <-  ggplot() + 
                                                                geom_line(data = chromatograms_updated, mapping = aes(x = rt_rt_offset, y = baseline), color = "grey") +
                                                                geom_line(data = chromatograms_updated, mapping = aes(x = rt_rt_offset, y = tic)) +
                                                                scale_x_continuous(limits = c(x_axis_start, x_axis_end)) +
                                                                facet_grid(path_to_cdf_csv~., scales = "free_y", labeller = labeller(path_to_cdf_csv = facet_labels)) +
                                                                # facet_grid(path_to_cdf_csv~., labeller = labeller(path_to_cdf_csv = facet_labels)) +
                                                                # scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, max(dplyr::filter(chromatograms_updated, rt > x_axis_start & rt < x_axis_end)$tic))) +
                                                                theme_classic() +
                                                                scale_fill_continuous(type = "viridis") +
                                                                  legend.position = 'none',
                                                                  legend.title = element_blank()

                                        ## Draw the plot

                        ## Transfer chromatogram_brush info to selected_peak table
                            output$selected_peak <- DT::renderDataTable(DT::datatable({

                                if ( !is.null(input$chromatogram_brush )) {
                                    peak_points <- brushedPoints(chromatograms_updated, input$chromatogram_brush)
                                    peak_data <-  data.frame(
                                        peak_start = min(peak_points$rt),
                                        peak_end = max(peak_points$rt),
                                        path_to_cdf_csv = peak_points$path_to_cdf_csv[1],
                                        area = sum(peak_points$tic)
                                } else {


                        ## Remove selected peaks
                            observeEvent(input$keypress, {      
                                if( input$keypress == 114 ) { # Update on "r"

                                    if ( !is.null(input$chromatogram_brush )) {

                                        peak_points <- brushedPoints(chromatograms_updated, input$chromatogram_brush)
                                        selection_start = min(peak_points$rt)
                                        selection_end = max(peak_points$rt)
                                        path_to_cdf_csv = peak_points$path_to_cdf_csv[1]
                                        peak_table <- read.csv(peaks_monolist_path)

                                        peak_table <- peak_table[
                                                peak_table$peak_start > selection_start,
                                                peak_table$peak_end < selection_end,
                                                peak_table$path_to_cdf_csv == as.character(peak_points$path_to_cdf_csv[1])
                                            ), 1, all)

                                            x = peak_table,
                                            file = peaks_monolist_path,
                                            append = FALSE,
                                            row.names = FALSE,
                                            col.names = TRUE,
                                            sep = ","

                        ## Append single peak with "a" keystroke 
                            observeEvent(input$keypress, {

                                # Do nothing if no selection
                                    if(is.null(input$chromatogram_brush)) {

                                # If selection and "a" is pressed, add the selection to the peak table
                                    if( input$keypress == 97 ) {
                                            x = data.frame(
                                                    peak_start = min(brushedPoints(chromatograms_updated, input$chromatogram_brush)$rt),
                                                    peak_end = max(brushedPoints(chromatograms_updated, input$chromatogram_brush)$rt),
                                                    path_to_cdf_csv = brushedPoints(chromatograms_updated, input$chromatogram_brush)$path_to_cdf_csv[1],
                                                    area = sum(brushedPoints(chromatograms_updated, input$chromatogram_brush)$tic) - sum(brushedPoints(chromatograms_updated, input$chromatogram_brush)$baseline)
                                            file = peaks_monolist_path,
                                            append = TRUE,
                                            row.names = FALSE,
                                            col.names = FALSE,
                                            sep = ","

                                        output$peak_table <- DT::renderDataTable(DT::datatable({
                                            peak_table <- read.csv(peaks_monolist_path)

                        ## Global append peak with "g" keystroke 
                            observeEvent(input$keypress, {

                                # Do nothing if no selection
                                    if(is.null(input$chromatogram_brush)) {

                                # If selection and "g" is pressed, add the selection to the peak table
                                    if( input$keypress == 103 ) {
                                        x_peaks <-  data.frame(
                                                        peak_start = min(brushedPoints(chromatograms_updated, input$chromatogram_brush)$rt_rt_offset),
                                                        peak_end = max(brushedPoints(chromatograms_updated, input$chromatogram_brush)$rt_rt_offset),
                                                        path_to_cdf_csv = unique(chromatograms_updated$path_to_cdf_csv),
                                                        area = sum(brushedPoints(chromatograms_updated, input$chromatogram_brush)$tic) - sum(brushedPoints(chromatograms_updated, input$chromatogram_brush)$baseline)

                                        x_peaks$peak_start <- x_peaks$peak_start - chromatograms_updated$rt_offset[match(x_peaks$path_to_cdf_csv, chromatograms_updated$path_to_cdf_csv)]
                                        x_peaks$peak_end <- x_peaks$peak_end - chromatograms_updated$rt_offset[match(x_peaks$path_to_cdf_csv, chromatograms_updated$path_to_cdf_csv)]

                                            x = x_peaks,
                                            file = peaks_monolist_path,
                                            append = TRUE,
                                            row.names = FALSE,
                                            col.names = FALSE,
                                            sep = ","

                                        output$peak_table <- DT::renderDataTable(DT::datatable({
                                            peak_table <- read.csv(peaks_monolist_path)

                        ## Show mass spectrum on "1" keypress
                            observeEvent(input$keypress, {

                                # Do nothing if no selection
                                    if(is.null(input$chromatogram_brush)) {

                                # If selection and "1" is pressed, extract and print mass spectra
                                    if( input$keypress == 49 ) {

                                        output$massSpectra_z <- renderPlot({
                                            framedDataFile <- isolate(as.data.frame(
                                                                    brushedPoints(chromatograms_updated, input$chromatogram_brush)$path_to_cdf_csv[1]
                                            framedDataFile <- isolate(dplyr::filter(
                                                                    rt > min(brushedPoints(chromatograms_updated, input$chromatogram_brush)$rt),
                                                                    rt < max(brushedPoints(chromatograms_updated, input$chromatogram_brush)$rt)
                                            framedDataFile <- plyr::ddply(framedDataFile, .(mz), summarize, intensity = sum(intensity))
                                            framedDataFile_1 <<- framedDataFile
                                            framedDataFile$intensity <- framedDataFile$intensity*100/max(framedDataFile$intensity)
                                            ggplot() + 
                                                geom_bar(data = framedDataFile, mapping = aes(x = mz, y = intensity), stat = "identity", width = 1) +
                                                theme_classic() +
                                                scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0,0)) +
                                                scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0,0), limits = c(0,110)) +
                                                geom_text(data = dplyr::filter(framedDataFile, intensity > 10), mapping = aes(x = mz, y = intensity+5, label = mz))

                        ## Show subtracted mass spectrum for "1" on "3" keypress
                            observeEvent(input$keypress, {

                                # Do nothing if no selection
                                    if(is.null(input$chromatogram_brush)) {

                                # If selection and "51" is pressed, extract and print mass spectra
                                    if( input$keypress == 51 ) {

                                        output$massSpectra_z <- renderPlot({
                                            framedDataFile_to_subtract <- isolate(as.data.frame(
                                                                    brushedPoints(chromatograms_updated, input$chromatogram_brush)$path_to_cdf_csv[1]
                                            framedDataFile_to_subtract <- isolate(dplyr::filter(
                                                                    rt > min(brushedPoints(chromatograms_updated, input$chromatogram_brush)$rt),
                                                                    rt < max(brushedPoints(chromatograms_updated, input$chromatogram_brush)$rt)
                                            framedDataFile_to_subtract <- plyr::ddply(framedDataFile_to_subtract, .(mz), summarize, intensity = sum(intensity))
                                            framedDataFile_1$intensity <- framedDataFile_1$intensity - framedDataFile_to_subtract$intensity
                                            framedDataFile_1 <<- framedDataFile_1
                                            framedDataFile_1$intensity <- framedDataFile_1$intensity*100/max(framedDataFile_1$intensity)
                                            ggplot() + 
                                                geom_bar(data = framedDataFile_1, mapping = aes(x = mz, y = intensity), stat = "identity", width = 1) +
                                                theme_classic() +
                                                scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0,0)) +
                                                scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0,0), limits = c(0,110)) +
                                                geom_text(data = dplyr::filter(framedDataFile_1, intensity > 10), mapping = aes(x = mz, y = intensity+5, label = mz))

                        ## Save mass spectrum in "1" on "5" keypress
                            observeEvent(input$keypress, {

                                # Do nothing if no selection
                                    if(is.null(input$chromatogram_brush)) {

                                # If selection and "51" is pressed, extract and print mass spectra
                                    if( input$keypress == 53 ) {
                                        framedDataFile_1$intensity[framedDataFile_1$intensity < 0] <- 0
                                        write.csv(framedDataFile_1, "integration_app_spectrum_1.csv", row.names = FALSE)

                        ## Show mass spectrum on "2" keypress
                            observeEvent(input$keypress, {

                                # Do nothing if no selection
                                    if(is.null(input$chromatogram_brush)) {

                                # If selection and "2" is pressed, extract and print mass spectra
                                    if( input$keypress == 50 ) {

                                        output$massSpectra_x <- renderPlot({
                                            framedDataFile <- isolate(as.data.frame(
                                                                    brushedPoints(chromatograms_updated, input$chromatogram_brush)$path_to_cdf_csv[1]
                                        framedDataFile <- isolate(dplyr::filter(
                                                                    rt > min(brushedPoints(chromatograms_updated, input$chromatogram_brush)$rt),
                                                                    rt < max(brushedPoints(chromatograms_updated, input$chromatogram_brush)$rt)
                                        framedDataFile <- plyr::ddply(framedDataFile, .(mz), summarize, intensity = sum(intensity))
                                        framedDataFile_2 <<- framedDataFile
                                        framedDataFile$intensity <- framedDataFile$intensity*100/max(framedDataFile$intensity)
                                        ggplot() + 
                                            geom_bar(data = framedDataFile, mapping = aes(x = mz, y = intensity), stat = "identity", width = 1) +
                                            theme_classic() +
                                            scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0,0)) +
                                            scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0,0), limits = c(0,110)) +
                                            geom_text(data = dplyr::filter(framedDataFile, intensity > 10), mapping = aes(x = mz, y = intensity+5, label = mz))

                            ## Show subtracted mass spectrum for "2" on "4" keypress
                                observeEvent(input$keypress, {

                                    # Do nothing if no selection
                                        if(is.null(input$chromatogram_brush)) {

                                    # If selection and "51" is pressed, extract and print mass spectra
                                        if( input$keypress == 52 ) {

                                            output$massSpectra_x <- renderPlot({
                                                framedDataFile_to_subtract <- isolate(as.data.frame(
                                                                        brushedPoints(chromatograms_updated, input$chromatogram_brush)$path_to_cdf_csv[1]
                                                framedDataFile_to_subtract <- isolate(dplyr::filter(
                                                                        rt > min(brushedPoints(chromatograms_updated, input$chromatogram_brush)$rt),
                                                                        rt < max(brushedPoints(chromatograms_updated, input$chromatogram_brush)$rt)
                                                framedDataFile_to_subtract <- plyr::ddply(framedDataFile_to_subtract, .(mz), summarize, intensity = sum(intensity))
                                                framedDataFile_2$intensity <- framedDataFile_2$intensity - framedDataFile_to_subtract$intensity
                                                framedDataFile_2 <<- framedDataFile_2
                                                framedDataFile_2$intensity <- framedDataFile_2$intensity*100/max(framedDataFile_2$intensity)
                                                ggplot() + 
                                                    geom_bar(data = framedDataFile_2, mapping = aes(x = mz, y = intensity), stat = "identity", width = 1) +
                                                    theme_classic() +
                                                    scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0,0)) +
                                                    scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0,0), limits = c(0,110)) +
                                                    geom_text(data = dplyr::filter(framedDataFile_2, intensity > 10), mapping = aes(x = mz, y = intensity+5, label = mz))

                            ## Save mass spectrum in "2" on "6" keypress
                                observeEvent(input$keypress, {

                                    # Do nothing if no selection
                                        if(is.null(input$chromatogram_brush)) {

                                    # If selection and "51" is pressed, extract and print mass spectra
                                        if( input$keypress == 54 ) {
                                            framedDataFile_2$intensity[framedDataFile_2$intensity < 0] <- 0
                                            write.csv(framedDataFile_2, "integration_app_spectrum_2.csv")

                ## Call the app
                    shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)


    #### readChromatograms

        #' Import chromatograms stored as ChemStation exported .csv files
        #' Allows the user to import chromatograms stored as .csv files. Files should have originated from an Agilent GC system running ChemStation
        #' Files should be in the format of character~var1-var2.csv
        #' "character" is the name of the chromatogram, var1 and var2 are variables you want associated with that chromatogram.
        #' @param dir A directory containing (ONLY) the chromatogram(s) that are to be plotted
        #' @param normalize_level Level at which to normalize chromatogram
        #' @param normalize_range y range to consider during normalization. Useful for normalizing but excluding solvent peak(s), for example
        #' @export
        #' @examples
        #' readChromatograms()

        readChromatograms <- function( dir, normalize_level = c("none", "var1", "var2"), normalize_range = NULL ) {

            ## Get paths to the .csv files in the directory "dir"
                list <- paste(dir, dir(dir), sep = "/")

            ## Read in time scale = retention times
                temp <- read.csv(list[1])
                s <- dim(temp)[1]
                ret <- as.numeric(as.character(temp[3:s,1]))

            ## Read in and process data into a gathered dataframe
                data <- data.frame(V1 = as.numeric(1), value = as.numeric(1), character = as.character("1"), var1 = as.character("1"), var2 = as.character("1"))

                    for (i in 1:length(list)){
                        temp <- read.csv(list[i])
                        s <- dim(temp)[1]
                        temp <- temp[3:s,1:2]
                        value <- as.numeric(as.character(temp[,2]))
                        value <- c(rep(0,as.numeric(gsub("-.*$", "", gsub(".*~", "", list[i])))),value)
                        # character is whatever comes before the "~" in the filename
                            character <- as.character(rep(gsub("~.*$", "", gsub(".*/", "", list[i])),length(value)))
                        # var1 is whatever is in between the "~" and the "-" in the filename
                            var1 <- as.character(rep(gsub("-.*$","", gsub(".*~", "", list[i])),length(value)))

                        # var2 is whatever comes after the "-" in the filename
                            var2 <- as.character(rep(substr(list[i],regexpr("-",list[i])[1]+1,nchar(list[i])-4),length(value)))
                        data <- rbind(data,cbind(ret[1:length(value)],value, character, var1, var2))

                    data <- data[-1,]
                    colnames(data) <- c("ret", "value", "character", "var1", "var2")
                    rownames(data) <- NULL
                    data$ret <- as.numeric(as.character(data$ret))
                    data$value <- as.numeric(as.character(data$value))

            ## Remove entries with var2 = NA
                data <- data[!is.na(data$ret),]

            ## Normalize by var1
                if (normalize_level == "var1") {
                    if (length(normalize_range) > 0) {
                        xmin <- normalize_range[1]
                        xmax <- normalize_range[2]
                        data <- data[data$ret >= xmin & data$ret <= xmax,]

                    data$value_norm <- data$value
                    for (i in 1:length(unique(data$var1))) {
                        data$value_norm[data$var1==unique(data$var1)[i]] <- phylochemistry::normalize(
                            old_min = min(as.numeric(data$value[data$var1==unique(data$var1)[i]])),
                            old_max = max(as.numeric(data$value[data$var1==unique(data$var1)[i]])),
                            new_min = 0, new_max = 100)

            ## Normalize by var2
                if (normalize_level == "var2") {
                    if (length(normalize_range) > 0) {
                        xmin <- normalize_range[1]
                        xmax <- normalize_range[2]
                        data <- data[data$ret >= xmin & data$ret <= xmax,]

                    data$value_norm <- data$value
                    for (i in 1:length(unique(data$var2))) {
                        data$value_norm[data$var2==unique(data$var2)[i]] <- phylochemistry::normalize(
                            old_min = min(as.numeric(data$value[data$var2==unique(data$var2)[i]])),
                            old_max = max(as.numeric(data$value[data$var2==unique(data$var2)[i]])),
                            new_min = 0, new_max = 100)


    #### readSpectra

        #' Import mass spectral data
        #' Used to import one or more mass spectra and collect the data in a dataframe.
        #' The names of the files containing the mass spectra must have the following format: "var2~var3-var4.csv", with var1 being the file's position in the directory
        #' @param dir The directory containing the mass spectral (.csv) files of interest
        #' @export
        #' @examples
        #' readSpectra()

        readSpectra <- function( dir ) {

            ## Set working directory and prepare the data frame
                data <- data.frame(
                    mz = as.numeric(1), abu = as.numeric(1), var1 = as.character("1"),
                    var2 = as.character("1"), var3 = as.character("1"), var4 = as.character("1")

            ## Read in all data
                for (i in 1:length(dir())) {
                    temp <- read.csv(dir()[i])
                    temp <- temp[3:dim(temp)[1],1:2]
                    mz <- as.numeric(as.character(temp[,1]))
                    abu <- 100*as.numeric(as.character(temp[,2]))/(max(as.numeric(as.character(temp[,2]))))
                    var1 <- as.character(rep(as.character(i))) # Var1 is the position in the directory
                    var2 <- as.character(rep(gsub("~.*$", "", dir()[i])))
                    var3 <- as.character(rep(gsub("-.*$", "", gsub(".*~", "", dir()[i]))))
                    var4 <- as.character(rep(gsub("\\..*$", "", gsub(".*-", "", dir()[i]))))
                    data <- rbind(data,cbind(mz,abu,var1,var2,var3,var4))

            ## Clean up the data frame and correct variable types
                data <- data[-1,]
                data$mz <- as.numeric(data$mz)
                data$abu <- as.numeric(data$abu)
                data$var1 <- factor(data$var1, levels=unique(data$var1))
                data$var2 <- factor(data$var2, levels=unique(data$var2))
                data$var3 <- factor(data$var3, levels=unique(data$var3))
                data$var4 <- factor(data$var4, levels=unique(data$var4))

            ## Return data
                return( data )

##### Plotting
    #### drawAlignment

        #' Generate a multiple alignment graphic using ggplot
        #' Allows the user to plot a multiple alignent using ggplot's grammar of graphics
        #' @param infile The alignment to use (fasta file)
        #' @param seqlist A dataframe with metadata for the alignment
        #' @param alignment_labels The name of the column to label the entries in the alignment with
        #' @param wrap TRUE/FALSE whether to use a column of plots to show the alignment
        #' @param wrap_length Length at which to cut the wrap
        #' @param roi TRUE/FALSE whether to only show regions of interest in the alignment
        #' @param roi_data Dataframe defining the regions to show
        #' @param consensus TRUE/FALSE whether to include a consensus line in the alignment
        #' @param consensus_height Height of the consensus line plot
        #' @param funct_assoc TRUE/FALSE whether to show functional associations in the alignment
        #' @param funct_assoc_data Columns in the metadata dataframe to use in searching for functional association (e.g. "c(sterol~other, sterol~cyclo)")
        #' @param funct_assoc_height Height of the functional association lines
        #' @param highlights TRUE/FALSE whether to highlight certain sites in the alignment
        #' @param highlights_data Dataframe specifying which site to highlight
        #' @param hlines TRUE/FALSE whether to divide the alignment with horizontal lines
        #' @param hlines_data Dataframe specifying where to divide alignment
        #' @param tick_spacing Spacing between x-axis ticks
        #' @param ticks_text_size Size of x-axis ticks text
        #' @param order Order in which to display the members of the alignment
        #' @param color_pal Color palette to use
        #' @importFrom phangorn read.aa
        #' @import tidyr
        #' @import ggplot2
        #' @import ggtree  
        #' @export
        #' @examples
        #' drawAlignment()

        drawAlignment <- function(   

                            wrap = FALSE,
                            wrap_length = NULL,

                            roi = FALSE,
                            roi_data = NULL,

                            consensus = FALSE,
                            consensus_height = 5,

                            funct_assoc = FALSE,
                            funct_assoc_data = NULL,
                            funct_assoc_height = 5,

                            highlights = FALSE,
                            highlights_data = NULL,

                            hlines = FALSE,
                            hlines_data = NULL,

                            tick_spacing = 5,
                            ticks_text_size = 30,

                            order = NULL,
                            color_pal = NULL
                        ) {

            if (wrap == FALSE) {
                if (roi == FALSE) {
                    print("Please specify either wrap OR roi")

            if (wrap == TRUE) {
                if (roi == TRUE) {
                    print("Please specify either wrap OR roi")

            # Read alignment, create basic plottable
                AA_phydat <- as.data.frame(as.character(phangorn::read.aa(file = infile, format = "fasta")))
                AA_phydat <- as.data.frame(t(AA_phydat))
                colnames(AA_phydat) <- as.character(seq(1,dim(AA_phydat)[2],1))
                AA_alignment_df <-  cbind(  
                                        data.frame(protein = paste(
                                            seqlist[,which(colnames(seqlist) == alignment_labels)][match(rownames(as.matrix(AA_phydat)), seqlist$accession)]
                                        data.frame(funct = seqlist[,colnames(seqlist)=="Function"][match(rownames(as.matrix(AA_phydat)), seqlist[,1])]),
                                        data.frame(y = rep(0,dim(AA_phydat)[1])),
                AA_alignment_df_plottable <- tidyr::gather(AA_alignment_df, position, residue, 4:dim(AA_alignment_df)[2])
                AA_alignment_df_plottable$position <- as.numeric(as.character(AA_alignment_df_plottable$position))
                AA_alignment_df_plottable <- AA_alignment_df_plottable[order(AA_alignment_df_plottable$protein, AA_alignment_df_plottable$position),]

            # Make wrapping list
                if (wrap == TRUE) {
                    wrap_break_points <- list()
                    for (i in 1:(dim(AA_phydat)[2]%/%wrap_length)) {
                        wrap_break_points <- c(wrap_break_points, 1+(wrap_length*(i)))

                if (roi == TRUE) {
                    wrap_break_points <- dim(AA_phydat)[2]
                    wrap_length = dim(AA_phydat)[2]

            # ROI
                if (roi == TRUE) {
                    #Define the ROI and Modify the alignment plottable
                        roi_ranges <- rep("NA",dim(AA_phydat)[2])
                            range_names <- roi_data[,1]
                            for (i in 1:dim(roi_data)[1]) {
                                roi_ranges[as.numeric(as.character(roi_data[i,2])):as.numeric(as.character(roi_data[i,3]))] <- as.character(roi_data[i,1])
                        AA_alignment_df_plottable$roi_ranges <- rep(roi_ranges, length(unique(AA_alignment_df_plottable$protein)))
                        AA_alignment_df_plottable <- subset(AA_alignment_df_plottable, roi_ranges %in% as.character(range_names))

            # ORDER the sequences to optionally match the alignment with a tree or something
                if (!is.null(order)) {
                    AA_alignment_df_plottable$protein <- factor(AA_alignment_df_plottable$protein, levels=order)
            # Initiate the plot(s)
                plot_list <- list()
                for (i in 1:length(wrap_break_points)) {
                    plot_list[[i]] <-   ggplot2::ggplot(data = AA_alignment_df_plottable[AA_alignment_df_plottable$position %in% 
                                                    aes(x = position, y = y)

            # HIGHLIGHTS
                if (highlights == TRUE) {
                    if (roi == TRUE) {
                        highlights_data <- cbind(highlights_data, data.frame(roi_ranges=roi_ranges[highlights_data$xint]))
                    for (i in 1:length(wrap_break_points)) {
                        plot_list[[i]] <- plot_list[[i]] +  geom_vline(
                                                                data=highlights_data[highlights_data$xint %in% 
                                                                aes(xintercept=xint, color=as.character(xint)),
            # CONSENSUS
                if (consensus == TRUE) {
                    # Calculate consensus scores
                        #Calculate max possible score:
                            AA_phydat_char_distrib <- t(as.data.frame(lapply(apply(AA_phydat,2,table), sd)))
                            AA_phydat_char_distrib[is.na(AA_phydat_char_distrib)] <- 0
                            max_consensus_score <- ceiling(max(AA_phydat_char_distrib))

                        # Calculate consensus scores:
                            AA_phydat_char_distrib <- t(as.data.frame(lapply(apply(AA_phydat,2,table), sd)))
                            AA_phydat_char_distrib[is.na(AA_phydat_char_distrib)] <- max_consensus_score
                            colnames(AA_phydat_char_distrib) <- "consensus_score"
                            AA_phydat_char_distrib <- normalize(AA_phydat_char_distrib)*consensus_height
                    # Bind consensus score
                        consensus_protein <- data.frame(
                            protein = "consensus",

                    # Truncate the consensus_protein to fit roi
                        if (roi == TRUE) {
                            consensus_protein <- cbind(
                                data.frame(roi_ranges=  rep(    roi_ranges,
                            consensus_protein <- subset(consensus_protein, roi_ranges %in% range_names)

                    # Add consensus_protein to the plot(s) in plot_list
                        for (i in 1:length(wrap_break_points)) {
                            plot_list[[i]] <-  plot_list[[i]] + layer(  data=consensus_protein[consensus_protein$position %in% 
                                                                            aes(x=position, y=y), geom="line", stat="identity", position="identity"

                if (funct_assoc == TRUE) {
                    for (j in 1:length(funct_assoc_data)) {
                        # Subset alignment matrices for the two variables
                            alignment_matrix <- toupper(t(as.data.frame(as.character(phangorn::read.aa(file = infile, format = "fasta")))))
                            spec1 <- list()
                            spec1[[1]] <- seqlist[,colnames(seqlist) == funct_assoc_data[j]] == as.character(gsub("~.*$", "", funct_assoc_data[j]))
                            alignment_matrix_dim1 <- alignment_matrix[Reduce("&", spec1),]

                            spec2 <- list()
                            spec2[[1]] <- seqlist[,colnames(seqlist)==funct_assoc_data[j]] == as.character(gsub(".*~", "", funct_assoc_data[j]))
                            alignment_matrix_dim2 <- alignment_matrix[Reduce("&", spec2),]

                        #Set up fixed substitution table
                            fixed_sub_table <- data.frame(funct = c(as.character(gsub("~.*$", "", funct_assoc_data[j])), as.character(gsub(".*~", "", funct_assoc_data[j]))), code=c(1,2))

                        #Get frequency stats from the first alignment subset
                            alignment_matrix_dim1_char_distrib <- lapply(apply(alignment_matrix_dim1,2,table), sort, decreasing=TRUE)
                            alignment_matrix_dim2_char_distrib <- lapply(apply(alignment_matrix_dim2,2,table), sort, decreasing=TRUE)

                        #Set up empty assoc matrix
                            association_list <- list()

                            for (i in 1:dim(alignment_matrix)[2]){

                                # Set up dim1 residue substitution table
                                    base_sub_table_dim1 <- data.frame(letter=LETTERS, number=rep(2,26))
                                    base_sub_table_dim1 <- rbind(base_sub_table_dim1, data.frame(letter="-", number=2))
                                    sub_position_dim1 <- data.frame(consensus=names(alignment_matrix_dim1_char_distrib[[i]][1]), number=1)
                                    positional_sub_table_dim1 <- base_sub_table_dim1
                                    positional_sub_table_dim1$number <- sub_position_dim1$number[match(positional_sub_table_dim1$letter, sub_position_dim1$consensus)]
                                    positional_sub_table_dim1[is.na(positional_sub_table_dim1$number),]$number <- 2

                                # Substitute in the first alignment subset
                                    positional_data_frame_dim1 <- data.frame(
                                        funct=as.character(gsub("~.*$", "", funct_assoc_data[j])),
                                        x_num=as.character(gsub("~.*$", "", funct_assoc_data[j])),

                                    positional_data_frame_dim1$x_num <- fixed_sub_table$code[match(positional_data_frame_dim1$x_num, fixed_sub_table$funct)]
                                    positional_data_frame_dim1$y_num <- positional_sub_table_dim1$number[match(positional_data_frame_dim1$y_num, positional_sub_table_dim1$letter)]

                                # Set up dim2 residue substitution table
                                    base_sub_table_dim2 <- data.frame(letter=LETTERS, number=rep(1,26))
                                    base_sub_table_dim2 <- rbind(base_sub_table_dim2, data.frame(letter="-", number=1))
                                    sub_position_dim2 <- data.frame(consensus=names(alignment_matrix_dim2_char_distrib[[i]][1]), number=2)
                                    if (as.character(sub_position_dim2$consensus) == as.character(sub_position_dim1$consensus)) {sub_position_dim2$number <- 1}
                                    positional_sub_table_dim2 <- base_sub_table_dim2
                                    positional_sub_table_dim2$number <- sub_position_dim2$number[match(positional_sub_table_dim2$letter, sub_position_dim2$consensus)]
                                    positional_sub_table_dim2[is.na(positional_sub_table_dim2$number),]$number <- 1

                                #Substitute in the second alignment subset
                                    positional_data_frame_dim2 <- data.frame(
                                        funct=as.character(gsub(".*~", "", funct_assoc_data[j])),
                                        x_num=as.character(gsub(".*~", "", funct_assoc_data[j])),

                                    positional_data_frame_dim2$x_num <- fixed_sub_table$code[match(positional_data_frame_dim2$x_num, fixed_sub_table$funct)]
                                    positional_data_frame_dim2$y_num <- positional_sub_table_dim2$number[match(positional_data_frame_dim2$y_num, positional_sub_table_dim2$letter)]

                                #Add the positional_data_frame to the list
                                    association_list[[i]] <- rbind(positional_data_frame_dim1, positional_data_frame_dim2)

                                # association_list[[273]]

                            cor_list <- list()
                            for (i in 1:length(association_list)) {
                                cor_list[i] <- cor(cbind(association_list[[i]]$x_num,association_list[[i]]$y_num))[1,2]

                            cor_list[is.na(cor_list)] <- 0
                            cor_list[cor_list < 0] <- 0
                            correlation_protein <-  data.frame(
                                                        protein = as.character(funct_assoc_data[j]), 
                                                        funct = "NA", 
                                                        y = t(as.data.frame(cor_list))*funct_assoc_height, 
                                                        position = seq(1,length(cor_list),1), 
                                                        residue = "NA"

                            # Truncate the correlation_protein plottable so it only contains things in the roi
                                if (roi == TRUE) {
                                    correlation_protein <- cbind(
                                    correlation_protein <- subset(correlation_protein, roi_ranges %in% range_names)

                            # Assign correlation protein to global environment
                                assign("correlation_protein", correlation_protein, envir = .GlobalEnv)

                        # Add the correlation_protein to the plot(s) in plot_list
                            for (i in 1:length(wrap_break_points)) {
                                plot_list[[i]] <-  plot_list[[i]] + layer(data=correlation_protein[correlation_protein$position %in% 
                                                                        aes(x=position, y=y), geom="line", stat="identity", position="identity"

            # HLINES
                if (hlines == TRUE) {
                    for (i in 1:length(wrap_break_points)) {
                        plot_list[[i]] <- plot_list[[i]] +  geom_hline(
                                                                data = hlines_data,
                                                                aes(yintercept = yint),
                                                                size = 1,
                                                                linetype = 2

            # Build the rest of the alignment
                #Specify facets based on presence/absence of ROIs
                    if (roi == TRUE) { 
                        for (i in 1:length(wrap_break_points)) {
                            plot_list[[i]] <- plot_list[[i]] + facet_grid(protein~roi_ranges, scales="free", space="free", switch="y") 
                    if (wrap == TRUE) { 
                        for (i in 1:length(wrap_break_points)) {
                            plot_list[[i]] <- plot_list[[i]] + facet_grid(protein~., scales="free", space="free", switch="y") 
                # Make rest of plot
                    for (i in 1:length(wrap_break_points)) {
                        plot_list[[i]] <- plot_list[[i]] + theme_classic()
                        plot_list[[i]] <- plot_list[[i]] +  scale_x_continuous(
                                                                expand = c(0.005,0.005),
                                                                name = "",
                                                                # breaks = as.numeric(generateTicks(seq(0,5000,tick_spacing))$all_breaks),
                                                                # labels = as.character(generateTicks(seq(0,5000,tick_spacing))$all_labels)
                        plot_list[[i]] <- plot_list[[i]] + scale_y_continuous(name = "")
                        plot_list[[i]] <- plot_list[[i]] + scale_color_manual(values = color_pal)
                        plot_list[[i]] <- plot_list[[i]] + theme(
                                    panel.spacing.y = unit(0.01, "lines"),
                                    panel.spacing.x = unit(0.2, "cm"),
                                    panel.border = element_blank(),
                                    axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust = 1),
                                    axis.text.y = element_blank(),
                                    strip.text.y = element_text(angle = 180),
                                    text = element_text(size = ticks_text_size),
                                    legend.position = "none",
                                    axis.title = element_text(color = "#737373", face = "bold", size = 40),
                                    axis.ticks.length = unit(0.2, "cm"),
                                    axis.ticks = element_line(color = "#737373", size = 1, lineend = 6),
                                    axis.text = element_text(color = "#737373", face = "bold", size = ticks_text_size),
                                    axis.line = element_line(color = "#737373", size = 1),
                                    strip.text = element_text(hjust = 1, size = ticks_text_size),
                                    strip.background = element_blank(),
                                    strip.placement = "outside"

            # Return the Alignment
                if (wrap == TRUE) { ## IF USING WRAP, RETURNS A LIST THAT MUST BE PLOTTED USING do.call(gridExtra::grid.arrange,c(alignment, ncol=1))
                    plots <- list()
                    for (i in 1:length(wrap_break_points)) {
                        plots[[i]] <- ggplot2::ggplot_gtable(
                            ggplot2::ggplot_build(plot_list[[i]] + layer(
                                data = AA_alignment_df_plottable[AA_alignment_df_plottable$position %in% 
                                geom = "text", 
                                mapping = aes(label = residue),
                                stat = "identity",
                                position = "identity")

                    plot_list[[i]] <- plot_list[[i]] + layer(
                        data = AA_alignment_df_plottable[AA_alignment_df_plottable$position %in% 
                        geom = "text", 
                        mapping = aes(label = residue),
                        stat = "identity",
                        position = "identity")

    #### generateTicks

        #' Create major and minor axes ticks and labels
        #' @param major_ticks Values at which major ticks should be generated
        #' @param minor_freq Number of minor ticks between each major tick 
        #' @examples
        #' @export
        #' generateTicks

        generateTicks <-    function(major_ticks, minor_freq = 4, major_tick_size, minor_tick_size) {
                                major_labels <- vector()
                                for (tick in 1:(length(major_ticks)-1)) {
                                    major_labels <- c(major_labels, major_ticks[tick])
                                    major_labels <- c(major_labels, rep("", (minor_freq)))
                                all_ticks <- vector()
                                for (tick in 1:(length(major_ticks)-1)) {
                                    all_ticks <- c(all_ticks, major_ticks[tick])
                                    minor_tick_values <- vector()
                                    for (minor_tick in 1:minor_freq) {
                                        minor_tick_values <- c(minor_tick_values, major_ticks[tick] + minor_tick*(((major_ticks[tick+1] - major_ticks[tick])/(minor_freq+1))))
                                    all_ticks <- c(all_ticks, minor_tick_values)
                                major_labels <- c(major_labels, major_ticks[length(major_ticks)])
                                all_ticks <- c(all_ticks, major_ticks[length(major_ticks)])

                                return <- data.frame(all_ticks = as.numeric(all_ticks), major_labels = as.character(major_labels))
                                return$tick_size <- minor_tick_size
                                return$tick_size[return$major_labels != ""] <- major_tick_size


##### Phylogenetic statistical testing

    #### phylogeneticSignal

        #' Convert mass spectral datafiles (CDF) into a csv file
        #' @param trait A vector of the variable, named according to which tree tip it comes from
        #' @param tree A phylogenetic tree with tips that exactly match the names of trait
        #' @param replicates Number of random replications to run
        #' @param cost Optional. A specialized transition matrix
        #' @examples
        #' @export
        #' phylogeneticSignal

            phylogeneticSignal <- function( trait, tree, replicates = 999, cost = NULL ) {

                ### For discrete traits

                    ## Get the states in which the trait may exist (levels)

                        levels <- attributes(factor(trait))$levels

                    ## Chech that the variable is indeed categorical
                        if (length(levels) == length(trait)) {
                            warn("Are you sure this variable is categorical?")


                    ## Make the transition matrix
                        if (is.null(cost)) {
                            cost1 <- 1-diag(length(levels))
                        } else {
                        if (length(levels) != dim(cost)[1])
                            stop("Dimensions of the character state transition matrix do not agree with the number of levels")
                            cost1 <- t(cost)
                        dimnames(cost1) <- list(levels, levels)

                    ## Make the trait numeric
                        trait_as_numeric <- as.numeric(as.factor(trait))
                        names(trait_as_numeric) <- names(trait)
                    ## Make the phyDat object and get the parsimony score for the tree with the associated observations

                        # obs <- t(data.frame(trait))
                        obs <- phyDat( trait, type = "USER", levels = attributes(factor(trait))$levels )
                        OBS <- parsimony( tree, obs, method = "sankoff", cost = cost1 )

                    ## Make "replicates" number of random tree-trait associations and check their parsimony score

                        null_model <- matrix(NA, replicates, 1)
                        for (i in 1:replicates){

                            ## Randomize the traits and get the parsimony score for the random traits on that tree
                                null <- sample(as.numeric(trait_as_numeric))
                                attributes(null)$names <- attributes(trait_as_numeric)$names
                                # null <- t(data.frame(null))
                                null <- phyDat( null,type = "USER",levels = attributes(factor(null))$levels )
                                null_model[i,] <- parsimony( tree, null, method = "sankoff", cost = cost1 )


                    ## Assess observed parsimony score in the context of the random ones
                        p_value <- sum(OBS >= null_model)/(replicates + 1)

                    ## Summarize output and report it
                        output <- data.frame(
                            number_of_levels = length(attributes(factor(trait))$levels), 
                            evolutionary_transitions_observed = OBS,
                            median_evolutionary_transitions_in_randomization = median(null_model),
                            minimum_evolutionary_transitions_in_randomization = min(null_model),
                            evolutionary_transitions_in_randomization = max(null_model),
                            p_value = p_value

LucasBusta/phyloChemistry documentation built on Sept. 6, 2020, 11:36 p.m.