
Defines functions plotDend.rec RepeatTree

setOldClass(c("dendrogram"), prototype=structure(list(), class="dendrogram"))
setClassUnion("ListOrNULL", c("list", "NULL"))

#' RepeatTree Class
#' A class for managing a collection of reference repeats in a dendrogram structure
#' @section Slots:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{tree}}{the dendrogram organizing the reference repeats}
#'   \item{\code{repeatRef}}{Reference repeats as Object of type \code{\linkS4class{RepeatReference}}}
#'   \item{\code{method}}{a character string specifying the method that was used to derive the tree}
#' }
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{\link{getDendrogram,RepeatTree-method}}}{retrieve the repeat dendrogram}
#' }
#' @noRd
#' @name RepeatTree-class
#' @rdname RepeatTree-class
#' @author Fabian Mueller
	slots = list(
	package = "epiRepeatR"
setMethod("initialize", "RepeatTree",
		repTree <- NULL
		kmerCounts <- getKmerCounts(repRef)
		dd <- dist(t(kmerCounts), method="euclidean")
		repInfo <- getRepeatInfo(repRef)
		if (method=="repeatFamily"){
			fams <- sort(as.character(unique(repInfo$family)))
			repTree <- lapply(fams,FUN=function(rf){
				iis <- which(repInfo$family==rf)
				res <- lapply(iis,FUN=function(i){
					ress <- i
					attr(ress,"members") <- 1L
					attr(ress,"label") <- repInfo$id[i]
					attr(ress,"height") <- 0
					attr(ress,"leaf") <- TRUE
					class(ress) <- "dendrogram"
				attr(res,"members") <- length(iis)
				attr(res,"label") <- rf
				attr(res,"height") <- 0.5
				attr(res,"midpoint") <- (length(iis)-1)/2
				class(res) <- "dendrogram"
			attr(repTree,"members") <- nrow(repInfo)
			attr(repTree,"height") <- 1
			attr(repTree,"midpoint") <- (nrow(repInfo)-1)/2
			class(repTree) <- "dendrogram"
		} else if (method=="repeatFamilyCurated"){
			simpleFams <- simplifyRepeatFamilies(repInfo$family, tax=getSpecies(repRef))
			repTree <- assembleRepeatsInCuratedFamilyTree(repInfo$id, simpleFams)
			if (is.null(repTree)){
				logger.error("Could not associate any repeat id with the curated tree")
			matchedIds <- getMemberAttr(repTree, "label")
			isMatched <- repInfo$id %in% matchedIds
			# unmatchedIds <- setdiff(repInfo$id, matchedIds)
			if (!all(isMatched)){
				logger.error(c("Could not match the following repeat families to the curated family tree:", paste(repInfo$family[!isMatched], collapse=",")))
			repTree <- adjustAttr.midpoint(repTree)
		} else if (method=="hierClust"){
			clustHier <- hclust(dd, method="complete")
			repTree <- as.dendrogram(clustHier)
			# repTree <- unclass(repTree)

		# } else if (method=="nj"){
		# 	require(ape)
		# 	phyTree <- nj(dd)
		# 	# pp <- plot(phyTree, type="p", font=1, cex=0.1, use.edge.length=FALSE, show.node.label=TRUE)
		# 	# phyTree$edge.length <- rep(0,length(phyTree$edge.length)) #make ultrametric
		# 	# phyTree$root.edge <- 0 #make the tree rooted
		# 	clustHier <- as.hclust(phyTree) #doesn't work: tree is not ultrametric, rooted or binary
		# 	# TODO: implement further...
		} else if (method=="annotClust"){
			if (is.null(repRef@repeatInfoList)){
				logger.info("Adding repeat annotation from EMBL file...")
				repRef <- addRepeatInfoFromEmbl(repRef)
			ril <- repRef@repeatInfoList
			repTerms <- unique(unlist(lapply(ril, FUN=function(x){x$repeatTerms})))
			repTermMat <- t(sapply(ril, FUN=function(x){
				repTerms %in% x$repeatTerms
			colnames(repTermMat) <- repTerms
			rownames(repTermMat) <- names(ril)

			termDist <- dist(repTermMat, method="manhattan")
			clustHier <- hclust(termDist, method="single")
			repTree <- as.dendrogram(clustHier)
		} else {
			stop("Unknown method")
#' @param repRef    Object of type \code{\linkS4class{RepeatReference}}
#' @param method    Method for constructing the dendrogram. Valid methods include 
#'                  grouping by repeat subfamily ("repeatFamily"),
#'                  grouping by hierarchical clustering based on k-mer counts in the repeat sequence (Euclidean distance, complete linkage) ("hierClust"),
#'                  grouping by hierarchical clustering based on occurrences of terms in the annotation fields of a repeat ("annotClust"; requires that the repeat references has been annotated from the EMBL format.)
#' @name RepeatTree
#' @rdname RepeatTree-class
#' @aliases intialize,RepeatTree-method
#' @noRd
RepeatTree <- function(repRef,method="repeatFamily"){
	obj <- new("RepeatTree",

if (!isGeneric("getDendrogramMethod")) setGeneric("getDendrogramMethod", function(.Object) standardGeneric("getDendrogramMethod"))
#' getDendrogramMethod-methods
#' Return the method that was used to derive the dendrogram
#' @param .Object \code{\linkS4class{RepeatTree}} object
#' @return character string specifying the method used to derive the dendrogram
#' @rdname getDendrogramMethod-RepeatTree-method
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases getDendrogramMethod
#' @aliases getDendrogramMethod,RepeatTree-method
#' @author Fabian Mueller
#' @noRd
setMethod("getDendrogramMethod", signature(.Object="RepeatTree"),
if (!isGeneric("getDendrogram")) setGeneric("getDendrogram", function(.Object) standardGeneric("getDendrogram"))
#' getDendrogram-methods
#' Return the dendrogram of the object
#' @param .Object \code{\linkS4class{RepeatTree}} object
#' @return Dendrogram object containing reference repeats
#' @rdname getDendrogram-RepeatTree-method
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases getDendrogram
#' @aliases getDendrogram,RepeatTree-method
#' @author Fabian Mueller
#' @noRd
setMethod("getDendrogram", signature(.Object="RepeatTree"),

if (!isGeneric("getDendrogramMembers")) setGeneric("getDendrogramMembers", function(.Object, ...) standardGeneric("getDendrogramMembers"))
#' getDendrogramMembers-methods
#' Return the repeat members stored in the dendrogram
#' @param .Object \code{\linkS4class{RepeatTree}} object
#' @param rev     should the names be returned in reverse order
#' @return character vector of reference repeat identifiers
#' @rdname getDendrogramMembers-RepeatTree-method
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases getDendrogramMembers
#' @aliases getDendrogramMembers,RepeatTree-method
#' @author Fabian Mueller
#' @noRd
setMethod("getDendrogramMembers", signature(.Object="RepeatTree"),
	function(.Object, rev=FALSE){
		res <- getMemberAttr(.Object@tree, "label")
		if (rev) res <- rev(res)

if (!isGeneric("setDendrogramMemberAttr")) setGeneric("setDendrogramMemberAttr", function(.Object, ...) standardGeneric("setDendrogramMemberAttr"))
#' setDendrogramMemberAttr-methods
#' Sets attributes for the members/leafs of the dendrogram
#' @param .Object  \code{\linkS4class{RepeatTree}} object
#' @param attrName name of the attribute to be set
#' @param attrVals values of the attribute to be set for each member
#' @return the modified object with the modified dendrogram containing the modified attributes
#' @rdname setDendrogramMemberAttr-RepeatTree-method
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases setDendrogramMemberAttr
#' @aliases setDendrogramMemberAttr,RepeatTree-method
#' @author Fabian Mueller
#' @noRd
setMethod("setDendrogramMemberAttr", signature(.Object="RepeatTree"),
	function(.Object, attrName, attrVals){
		.Object@tree <- setMemberAttr(.Object@tree, attrName, attrVals)

#' plotDend.rec
#' Plots a a dendrogram in the specified set of coordinates. Recursive function!
#' @param dend      dendrogram object
#' @param xmin      lower x position where the dendrogram should be plotted
#' @param xmax      upper x position where the dendrogram should be plotted
#' @param ymin      lower y position where the dendrogram should be plotted
#' @param ymax      upper y position where the dendrogram should be plotted
#' @param depth     the current depths in the dendrogram. Important for recursion
#' @param yroot     the y coordinate of the root of the dendrogram
#' @param rev       should the order of the members of the dendrogram be reversed in plotting (top to bottom instead of bottom to top drawing)
#' @param cex       text size of the labels
#' @param addInteriorLabels logical specifying whether labels for interior nodes should be added
#' @return nothing of particular interest
#' @author Fabian Mueller
#' @noRd
plotDend.rec <- function(dend, xmin=0, xmax=1, ymin=0, ymax=1, depth=0, yroot=NULL, rev=TRUE, cex=0.5, addInteriorLabels=FALSE){
	if (isLeaf(dend)){
		pbgcol <- attr(dend,"leafBgColor")
		if (is.null(pbgcol)){
			# pbgcol <- "white"
			pbgcol <- "black"
		leaf.x <- (xmax-xmin)/2+xmin
		leaf.y <- (ymax-ymin)/2+ymin
		points(leaf.x, leaf.y, pch=21, col="black", bg=pbgcol)
		# textempty(cbind(leaf.x, leaf.y), lab=attr(dend,"label"), cex=cex, adj=c(0,0.5), box.col=pbgcol, col=getFgColorForBg(pbgcol))
		textempty(cbind(leaf.x, leaf.y), lab=attr(dend,"label"), cex=cex, adj=c(0,0.5))
		a <- NULL
	} else {
		# print(dend)
		# print(paste0("xmin: ",xmin))
		# print(paste0("xmax: ",xmax))
		# print(paste0("ymin: ",ymin))
		# print(paste0("ymax: ",ymax))
		# print("########################################################################")
		rect(xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax, border="pink")
		Nmem <- attr(dend,"members")
		Nbranches <- length(dend)

		root.x <- xmin # derived from attr(dend,"height")
		if (is.null(yroot)){
			root.y <- attr(dend,"midpoint")
			if (rev) {
				root.y <- (Nmem-1) - root.y
			root.y <- root.y / (Nmem-1) * (ymax-ymin) + ymin
		} else {
			root.y <- yroot

		subDend.n <- sapply(dend,FUN=function(x){attr(x,"members")})
		if (rev) subDend.n <- rev(subDend.n)

		height.prop <- (attr(dend,"height") - sapply(dend,FUN=function(x){attr(x,"height")}))/attr(dend,"height")
		subDend.x <- (xmax-xmin) * height.prop + xmin
		if (rev) subDend.x <- rev(subDend.x)

		subDend.ymin <- ymin
		subDend.ymax <- ymax
		subDend.y <- root.y
		#handle the case where the dendrogram just has 1 subbranch
		if (length(dend)>1){
			subDend.n.cum <- cumsum(subDend.n)
			subDend.n.cum.off <- c(0, subDend.n.cum[1:(length(subDend.n.cum)-1)])
			subDend.ymin <- (subDend.n.cum.off / Nmem) * (ymax-ymin) + ymin
			subDend.ymax <- (subDend.n.cum / Nmem) * (ymax-ymin) + ymin
			mids.offset <- sapply(dend,FUN=function(x){
				if(isLeaf(x) || length(x)<2){
				} else {
					mp <- attr(x,"midpoint")
					if (rev) mp <-  (attr(x,"members") - 1) - mp
					return(mp / (attr(x,"members") - 1))
			if (rev) mids.offset <- rev(mids.offset)
			subDend.y <- mids.offset * (subDend.ymax - subDend.ymin) + subDend.ymin

		# splitarrow(from=cbind(root.x,root.y),to=cbind(subDend.x,subDend.y),lcol="red")
		# treearrow(from=cbind(root.x,root.y),to=cbind(subDend.x,subDend.y),path="V",arr.side=0,lcol="red")
		if (addInteriorLabels){
			textempty(cbind(root.x, root.y), lab=attr(dend,"label"), cex=cex, adj=c(1, 0))

		for (i in 1:length(dend)){
			subi <- i
			if (rev) subi <- length(dend) - i + 1
			plotDend.rec(dend[[subi]], xmin=subDend.x[i], xmax=xmax, ymin=subDend.ymin[i], ymax=subDend.ymax[i], depth=depth+1, yroot=subDend.y[i], rev=rev, addInteriorLabels=addInteriorLabels)

if (!isGeneric("addToPlot")) setGeneric("addToPlot", function(.Object, ...) standardGeneric("addToPlot"))
#' addToPlot-methods
#' Add a repeat tree dendrogram to a plot
#' @param .Object   \code{\linkS4class{RepeatTree}} object
#' @param xmin      lower x position where the dendrogram should be plotted
#' @param xmax      upper x position where the dendrogram should be plotted
#' @param ymin      lower y position where the dendrogram should be plotted
#' @param ymax      upper y position where the dendrogram should be plotted
#' @param rev       should the order of the members of the dendrogram be reversed in plotting (top to bottom instead of bottom to top drawing)
#' @return nothing of particular interest
#' @rdname addToPlot-RepeatTree-method
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases addToPlot
#' @aliases addToPlot,RepeatTree-method
#' @author Fabian Mueller
#' @noRd
setMethod("addToPlot", signature(.Object="RepeatTree"),
	function(.Object, xmin=0, xmax=1, ymin=0, ymax=1, rev=TRUE){
		dend <- .Object@tree
		# openplotmat()
		# xmin=0; xmax=1; ymin=0; ymax=1
		intLabs <- .hasSlot(.Object, "method") && is.element(.Object@method, c("repeatFamily", "repeatFamilyCurated"))
		plotDend.rec(dend, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, rev=rev, addInteriorLabels=intLabs)
MPIIComputationalEpigenetics/epiRepeatR documentation built on March 22, 2021, 11:09 p.m.