
Defines functions logit1.err logit.param logit2.err confintmlx

Documented in confintmlx

#' Confidence intervals for population parameters 
#' Compute confidence intervals for the population parameters estimated by Monolix.
#' Most functionality to compute confidence intervals (other than profile likelihood) is 
#' now available directly in the lixoftConnectors package. Please migrate 
#' the following uses of this function:
#' \tabular{lll}{
#' confintmlx method \tab \tab lixoftConnectors function \cr
#' \code{"fim"} \tab \code{linearizarion = TRUE} \tab \code{getEstimatedConfidenceIntervals} (method = "linearization") \cr
#' \code{"fim"} \tab \code{linearizarion = FALSE} \tab \code{getEstimatedConfidenceIntervals} (method = "stochasticApproximation") \cr
#' \code{"bootstrap"} \tab \code{parametric = TRUE} \tab \code{runBootstrap} (method = "parametric") \cr
#' \code{"bootstrap"} \tab \code{parametric = FALSE} \tab \code{runBootstrap} (method = "nonparametric") \cr
#' }
#' For \code{method="proflike"}, continue using this function.
#' The method used for computing the confidence intervals can be either based on the 
#' standard errors derived from an estimation of the Fisher Information Matrix ("fim"),
#' on the profile likelihood ("proflike") or on nonparametric bootstrap estimate ("bootstrap").
#' \code{method="fim"} is used by default.
#' When \code{method="fim"}, the FIM can be either estimated using a linearization of the model 
#' or a stochastic approximation. When \code{method="proflike"}, the observed likelihood can be 
#' either estimated using a linearization of the model or an importance sampling Monte Carlo 
#' procedure. When \code{method="bootstrap"}, the bootstrap estimates are obtained using the bootmlx
#' function
#' @param project a Monolix project
#' @param method  method \code{c("fim", "proflike", "bootstrap")} (default="fim")
#' @param parameters list of parameters for which confidence intervals are computed (default="all")
#' @param level  confidence level, a real number between 0 and 1 (default=0.90)
#' @param linearization  TRUE/FALSE  whether the calculation of the standard errors (default=TRUE)
#' or the profile likelihood  is based on a linearization of the model (default=TRUE) 
#' @param nboot number of bootstrat replicates (default=100, used when method="bootstrap")
#' @param parametric boolean to define if parametric bootstrap is performed (new data is drawn from the model), (default: FALSE)
#' @param settings a list of settings for the profile likelihood method:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{max.iter} maximum number of iterations to find the solution (default=10)
#' \item \code{tol.LL} absolute tolerance for -2LL  (default=0.001)
#' \item \code{tol.param} relative tolerance for the parameter (default=0.01)
#' \item \code{print} TRUE/FALSE display the results (default=TRUE)
#' }
#' @return a list with the computed confidence intervals, the method used and the level.
#' @seealso \code{getEstimatedConfidenceIntervals} replaces this function for \code{method = "fim"} in lixoftConnectors \cr
#' \code{runBootstrap} replaces this function for \code{method = "bootstrap"} in lixoftConnectors
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # RsmlxDemo2.mlxtran is a Monolix project for modelling the PK of warfarin using a PK model 
#' # with parameters ka, V, Cl.
#' # confintmlx will compute a 90% confidence interval for all the population parameters 
#' # using the population estimates obtained by Monolix and the Fisher Information Matrix 
#' # estimated by linearization
#' r1 <- confintmlx(project="RsmlxDemo2.mlxtran") 
#' # 95% confidence intervals are now computed, using the FIM estimated by Monolix using a 
#' # stochastic approximation algorithm:
#' r2 <- confintmlx(project="RsmlxDemo2.mlxtran", linearization=FALSE, level=0.95) 
#' # Confidence intervals are computed for ka_pop and omega_ka only, 
#' # using the profile likelihood method:
#' r <- confintmlx(project    = "RsmlxDemo2.mlxtran", 
#'                 method     = "proflike", 
#'                 parameters = c("ka_pop","omega_ka")) 
#' # Confidence intervals are computed using 200 bootstrap samples:
#' r3 <- confintmlx(project="RsmlxDemo2.mlxtran", method="bootstrap", nboot=200)
#' }
#' # See http://monolix.lixoft.com/rsmlx/confintmlx/ for detailed examples of use of confintmlx
#' # Download the demo examples here: http://monolix.lixoft.com/rsmlx/installation
#' @importFrom stats qchisq
#' @export
confintmlx <- function(project, parameters="all", method="fim", level=0.90, 
                       linearization=TRUE, nboot=100, parametric=FALSE, settings=NULL)
         fim = warning("Please migrate to lixoftConnectors::getEstimatedConfidenceIntervals().", 
                       call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE),
         bootstrap = warning("Please migrate to lixoftConnectors::runBootstrap().", 
                             call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE),
         proflike = "",
         warning(paste("Unrecognized method:", method), call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE))
  r <- prcheck(project, f="conf", level=level, method=method )
  if (r$demo)
  project <- r$project
  if (level<=0 | level>=1)
    stop("Level of the confidence interval should be strictly between 0 and 1", call.=FALSE)
  launched.tasks <- mlx.getLaunchedTasks()
  if (!launched.tasks[["populationParameterEstimation"]]) {
    cat("\nEstimation of the population parameters... \n")
  parameters <- unlist(parameters)
  if (method=="proflike") {
    if (identical(parameters, "all"))
    if (!linearization)
      settings$method <- "is"
    settings$dLLthreshold <- qchisq(level,1)
    r <- llp(project, parameters, settings)
    r$level <- level
    r$method <- "proflike"
  if (method=="bootstrap") {
    r.boot <- bootmlx(project, nboot=nboot, settings=list(plot=FALSE, level=level), parametric=parametric)
    c.inf <- apply(r.boot,MARGIN=2, quantile,(1-level)/2, na.rm=TRUE)
    c.sup <- apply(r.boot,MARGIN=2, quantile,(1+level)/2, na.rm=TRUE)
    lp <- mlx.loadProject(project) 
    if (!lp) return()
    c.est <- mlx.getEstimatedPopulationParameters()
    ci <- data.frame(estimate=mlx.getEstimatedPopulationParameters(), lower=c.inf, upper=c.sup)
    return(list(confint=ci, level=level, method="bootstrap" ))
  if (!linearization) {
    if (!("stochasticApproximation" %in% launched.tasks[["standardErrorEstimation"]]) ) {
    se <- mlx.getEstimatedStandardErrors()$stochasticApproximation$se
    names(se) <- mlx.getEstimatedStandardErrors()$stochasticApproximation$parameter
  } else {
    if (!("linearization" %in% launched.tasks[["standardErrorEstimation"]])) {
    se <- mlx.getEstimatedStandardErrors()$linearization$se
    names(se) <- mlx.getEstimatedStandardErrors()$linearization$parameter
  param <- mlx.getEstimatedPopulationParameters()
  pname <- names(param)
  io <- match(pname, names(se))
  se <- se[io]
  indParam.name <- mlx.getIndividualParameterModel()$name
  indParam.dist <- mlx.getIndividualParameterModel()$distribution
  p2.name <- sub("_pop","",pname)
  i.pop <- match(indParam.name,p2.name)
  i.log <- i.pop[grep("logNormal", indParam.dist)]
  i.logit <- i.pop[grep("logitNormal", indParam.dist)]
  i.probit <- i.pop[grep("probitNormal", indParam.dist)]
  i.omega <- c(grep("^omega_",pname),grep("^omega2_",pname))
  i.corr <- grep("^corr_",pname)
  tr <- rep("N", length(param))
  tr[i.log] <- "L"
  tr[i.logit] <- "G"
  tr[i.probit] <- "P"
  tr[i.omega] <- "L"
  tr[i.corr] <- "R"
  set <- se
  mut <- param
  iL <- which(tr=="L")
  if (length(iL)>0) {
    mut[iL] <- log(param[iL])
#    set[iL] <- se[iL]/param[iL]
    set[iL] <- sqrt(log((1+sqrt(1+(2*se[iL]/param[iL])^2))/2))
  iG <- which(tr=="G")
  if (length(iG)>0) {
    r.iG <- logit.param(param[iG], se[iG], a=0, b=1)
    mut[iG] <- r.iG$mut
    set[iG] <- r.iG$st
  iR <- which(tr=="R")
  if (length(iR)>0) {
    r.iR <- logit.param(param[iR], se[iR], a=-1, b=1)
    mut[iR] <- r.iR$mut
    set[iR] <- r.iR$st
  iP <- which(tr=="P")
  if (length(iP)>0) {
    mut[iP] <- qnorm(param[iP])
    set[iP] <- se[iP]/dnorm(qnorm(param[iP]))
  cit <- cbind(mut + qnorm((1-level)/2)*set, mut + qnorm((1+level)/2)*set)
  ci <- cit
  ci[iL,] <- exp(ci[iL,])
  ci[iG,] <- 1/(1+exp(-ci[iG,]))
  ci[iP,] <- pnorm(ci[iP,])
  ci[iR,] <- (1-exp(-ci[iR,]))/(1+exp(-ci[iR,]))
  ci <- cbind(param, ci)
  ci <- as.data.frame(ci)
  names(ci) <- c("estimate","lower", "upper")
  if (!identical(parameters, "all"))
    ci <- ci[parameters,]
  return(list(confint=ci, level=level, method="fim"))

# ---------------------------------------

# logit.param <- function(mu, s, a=0, b=1) {
#   dx <- 0.005*(b-a)
#   x <- seq((a+dx), (b-dx), by=dx)
#   mut <- log((mu-a)/(b-mu))
#   st <- (b-a)*s/((mu-a)*(b-mu))
#   for (k in seq_len(length(mu))) {
#     r <- optim(c(mut[k], st[k]),logit2.err,o=c(mu[k], s[k]), a=a, b=b, x=x)
#     mut[k] <- r$par[1]
#     st[k] <- r$par[2]
#   }
#   return(list(mut=mut, st=st))
# }

logit2.err <- function(theta, o, a, b, x) {
  f <- (b-a)/(x-a)/(b-x)/theta[2]*exp(-0.5/(theta[2]^2)*(log((x-a)/(b-x)) - theta[1])^2)
  f <- f/sum(f)
  m <- sum(x*f)
  v <- sum((x^2)*f) - m^2
  return((o[1]-m)^2 + (o[2]-sqrt(v))^2)

logit.param <- function(mu, s, a=0, b=1) {
  dx <- 0.005*(b-a)
  x <- seq((a+dx), (b-dx), by=dx)
  mut <- log((mu-a)/(b-mu))
  st <- (b-a)*s/((mu-a)*(b-mu))
  for (k in seq_len(length(mu))) {
    suppressWarnings(r <- optimize(logit1.err, interval=c(-100, 100), mu=mut[k], sigma=s[k], a=a, b=b, x=x))
    st[k] <- r$minimum
  return(list(mut=mut, st=st))

logit1.err <- function(theta, mu, sigma, a, b, x) {
  f <- (b-a)/(x-a)/(b-x)/theta*exp(-0.5/(theta^2)*(log((x-a)/(b-x)) - mu)^2)
  f <- f/sum(f)
  m <- sum(x*f)
  v <- sum((x^2)*f) - m^2
MarcLavielle/Rsmlx documentation built on June 11, 2024, 8:22 a.m.