#' Get Omics timepoints.
#' This function returns the timepoints of the OmicsData.
#' @param data_omics OmicsData object.
#' @return list of protein time points and gene time points; in case of single
#' time point measurement experiment number entered in OmicsData object.
#' @keywords manip
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(OmicsExampleData)
#' data_omics = readOmics(tp_prots = c(0.25, 1, 4, 8, 13, 18, 24),
#' tp_genes = c(1, 4, 8, 13, 18, 24), OmicsExampleData,
#' PWdatabase = c("biocarta", "kegg", "nci", "reactome"),
#' TFtargetdatabase = c("userspec"))
#' getOmicsTimepoints(data_omics)
#' }
getOmicsTimepoints <- function(data_omics) {
if(class(data_omics) != "OmicsData")
{stop("Parameter 'data_omics' is not an OmicsData object.")}
timepoints = data_omics[[1]][[1]][[1]]
#' Get all protein IDs.
#' This function returns the protein IDs of all proteins measured.
#' @param data_omics OmicsData object.
#' @return all protein IDs.
#' @keywords manip
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(OmicsExampleData)
#' data_omics = readOmics(tp_prots = c(0.25, 1, 4, 8, 13, 18, 24),
#' tp_genes = c(1, 4, 8, 13, 18, 24), OmicsExampleData,
#' PWdatabase = c("biocarta", "kegg", "nci", "reactome"),
#' TFtargetdatabase = c("userspec"))
#' getOmicsallProteinIDs(data_omics)
#' }
getOmicsallProteinIDs <- function(data_omics) {
if(class(data_omics) != "OmicsData")
{stop("Parameter 'data_omics' is not an OmicsData object.")}
allprotIDs = unique(data_omics[[1]][[1]][[2]])
colnames(allprotIDs) = "all.protein.IDs"
#' Get all gene IDs.
#' This function returns the gene IDs of all genes (transcripts) measured.
#' @param data_omics OmicsData object.
#' @return all gene IDs.
#' @keywords manip
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(OmicsExampleData)
#' data_omics = readOmics(tp_prots = c(0.25, 1, 4, 8, 13, 18, 24),
#' tp_genes = c(1, 4, 8, 13, 18, 24), OmicsExampleData,
#' PWdatabase = c("biocarta", "kegg", "nci", "reactome"),
#' TFtargetdatabase = c("userspec"))
#' getOmicsallGeneIDs(data_omics)
#' }
getOmicsallGeneIDs <- function(data_omics) {
if(class(data_omics) != "OmicsData")
{stop("Parameter 'data_omics' is not an OmicsData object.")}
allgeneIDs = unique(data_omics[[1]][[1]][[3]])
colnames(allgeneIDs) = "all.gene.IDs"
#' Get Omics dataset.
#' This function returns the omics datasets of the experiment.
#' @param data_omics OmicsData object.
#' @param writeData boolean value indicating if datasets should be written into
#' csv file.
#' @return list with protein data set as first element and gene data set as
#' second element; both elements contain matrices with significant proteins/
#' genes/transcripts at the given time points.
#' @keywords manip
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(OmicsExampleData)
#' data_omics = readOmics(tp_prots = c(0.25, 1, 4, 8, 13, 18, 24),
#' tp_genes = c(1, 4, 8, 13, 18, 24), OmicsExampleData,
#' PWdatabase = c("biocarta", "kegg", "nci", "reactome"),
#' TFtargetdatabase = c("userspec"))
#' getOmicsDataset(data_omics)
#' }
getOmicsDataset <- function(data_omics, writeData = FALSE) {
if(class(data_omics) != "OmicsData")
{stop("Parameter 'data_omics' is not an OmicsData object.")}
lenpdata = vector()
for(plen in 1: length(data_omics[[1]][[1]][[1]][[1]]))
{lenpdata[plen] = dim(data_omics[[1]][[2]][[1]][[plen]])[1]}
matrix_prot = matrix(ncol = 2*length(data_omics[[1]][[1]][[1]][[1]]),
nrow = max(lenpdata))
lengdata = vector()
for(glen in 1: length(data_omics[[1]][[1]][[1]][[2]]))
{lengdata[glen] = dim(data_omics[[1]][[2]][[2]][[glen]])[1]}
matrix_gen = matrix(ncol = 2*length(data_omics[[1]][[1]][[1]][[2]]),
nrow = max(lengdata))
for(k in 1: length(data_omics[[1]][[1]][[1]][[1]]))
{matrix_prot[1: dim(data_omics[[1]][[2]][[1]][[k]])[1],(k*2-1):(k*2)] =
for(j in 1: length(data_omics[[1]][[1]][[1]][[2]]))
{matrix_gen[1: dim(data_omics[[1]][[2]][[2]][[j]])[1],(j*2-1):(j*2)] =
colnames(matrix_prot) = rep(names(data_omics[[1]][[2]][[1]]),each = 2)
colnames(matrix_gen) = rep(names(data_omics[[1]][[2]][[2]]),each = 2)
if(writeData == TRUE)
{write.csv(matrix_prot, "protein_dataset.csv")
write.csv(matrix_gen, "gene_dataset.csv")}
return(list(ProteinDataset = matrix_prot, GeneDataset = matrix_gen))
#' Get downstream analysis pathways.
#' This function returns pathways identified in the downstream analysis
#' containing the significantly abundant proteins.
#' @param data_omics OmicsData object.
#' @return list of length = number of protein time points, each element
#' containing a data frame with the pathway IDs in the generated biopax model and
#' corresponding pathway names.
#' @keywords manip
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(OmicsExampleData)
#' data_omics = readOmics(tp_prots = c(0.25, 1, 4, 8, 13, 18, 24),
#' tp_genes = c(1, 4, 8, 13, 18, 24), OmicsExampleData,
#' PWdatabase = c("biocarta", "kegg", "nci", "reactome"),
#' TFtargetdatabase = c("userspec"))
#' data_omics = readPhosphodata(data_omics,
#' phosphoreg = system.file("extdata", "phospho_reg_table.txt",
#' package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics = readTFdata(data_omics,
#' TF_target_path = system.file("extdata", "TF_targets.txt",
#' package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics_plus = readPWdata(data_omics,
#' loadgenelists = system.file("extdata/Genelists", package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics_plus = identifyPR(data_omics_plus)
#' setwd(system.file("extdata/Genelists", package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics = identifyPWs(data_omics_plus)
#' data_omics = identifyTFs(data_omics)
#' data_omics = identifyPWTFTGs(data_omics)
#' getDS_PWs(data_omics)
#' }
getDS_PWs <- function(data_omics) {
if(class(data_omics) != "OmicsData")
{stop("Parameter 'data_omics' is not an OmicsData object.")}
DS_PWs = list()
for(plen in 1: length(data_omics[[1]][[1]][[1]][[1]]))
no_de_prots = dim(data_omics[[1]][[2]][[1]][plen][[1]])[1]
PW_tp_NA = vector()
for(g in 1: no_de_prots)
{PW_tp_NA[g] = is.na(data_omics[[1]][[3]][[1]][[plen+1]][[g]][[1]][1])}
temp_omics = data_omics[[1]][[3]][[1]][[plen+1]][1:no_de_prots]
tps_PWs = rbindlist(temp_omics[!PW_tp_NA])
DS_PWs[[plen]] = as.data.frame(tps_PWs)[,1:4]
colnames(DS_PWs[[plen]])[3] = "upreg"
names(DS_PWs) = names(data_omics[[1]][[2]][[1]])
#' Get downstream analysis transcription factors in pathways.
#' This function returns the genes identified in the downstream analysis and
#' a column indicating if the genes are transcription factors.
#' @param data_omics OmicsData object.
#' @return list of length = number of protein time points, each element
#' containing a character vector with identified transcription factors.
#' @keywords manip
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(OmicsExampleData)
#' data_omics = readOmics(tp_prots = c(0.25, 1, 4, 8, 13, 18, 24),
#' tp_genes = c(1, 4, 8, 13, 18, 24), OmicsExampleData,
#' PWdatabase = c("biocarta", "kegg", "nci", "reactome"),
#' TFtargetdatabase = c("userspec"))
#' data_omics = readPhosphodata(data_omics,
#' phosphoreg = system.file("extdata", "phospho_reg_table.txt",
#' package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics = readTFdata(data_omics,
#' TF_target_path = system.file("extdata", "TF_targets.txt",
#' package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics_plus = readPWdata(data_omics,
#' loadgenelists = system.file("extdata/Genelists", package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics_plus = identifyPR(data_omics_plus)
#' setwd(system.file("extdata/Genelists", package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics = identifyPWs(data_omics_plus)
#' data_omics = identifyTFs(data_omics)
#' data_omics = identifyPWTFTGs(data_omics)
#' getDS_TFs(data_omics)
#' }
getDS_TFs <- function(data_omics) {
if(class(data_omics) != "OmicsData")
{stop("Parameter 'data_omics' is not an OmicsData object.")}
DS_TFs = list()
for(plen in 1: length(data_omics[[1]][[1]][[1]][[1]]))
len_omics = length(data_omics[[1]][[3]][[1]][[plen+1]])
DS_TFs[[plen]] = data_omics[[1]][[3]][[1]][[plen+1]][[len_omics-1]]
{message("No transcription factors could be identified for time point ",
" in downstream analyis. \n", sep = "")
if(length(as.character(DS_TFs[[plen]][,1][which(DS_TFs[[plen]][,4] == 1)])) == 0)
{message("No transcription factors could be identified for time point ",
" in downstream analyis. \n", sep = "")
DS_TFs[[plen]] =
DS_TFs[[plen]][which(DS_TFs[[plen]][,4] == 1),1:4]}
names(DS_TFs) = names(data_omics[[1]][[2]][[1]])
#' Get downstream analysis target genes of TFs found in pathways.
#' @param data_omics OmicsData object.
#' @return list of length = number of protein time points, each element
#' containing a character vector with identified target genes.
#' @keywords manip
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(OmicsExampleData)
#' data_omics = readOmics(tp_prots = c(0.25, 1, 4, 8, 13, 18, 24),
#' tp_genes = c(1, 4, 8, 13, 18, 24), OmicsExampleData,
#' PWdatabase = c("biocarta", "kegg", "nci", "reactome"),
#' TFtargetdatabase = c("userspec"))
#' data_omics = readPhosphodata(data_omics,
#' phosphoreg = system.file("extdata", "phospho_reg_table.txt",
#' package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics = readTFdata(data_omics,
#' TF_target_path = system.file("extdata", "TF_targets.txt",
#' package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics_plus = readPWdata(data_omics,
#' loadgenelists = system.file("extdata/Genelists", package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics_plus = identifyPR(data_omics_plus)
#' setwd(system.file("extdata/Genelists", package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics = identifyPWs(data_omics_plus)
#' data_omics = identifyTFs(data_omics)
#' data_omics = identifyPWTFTGs(data_omics)
#' getDS_TGs(data_omics)
#' }
getDS_TGs <- function(data_omics) {
if(class(data_omics) != "OmicsData")
{stop("Parameter 'data_omics' is not an OmicsData object.")}
DS_TGs = list()
for(plen in 1: length(data_omics[[1]][[1]][[1]][[1]]))
len_omics = length(data_omics[[1]][[3]][[1]][[plen+1]])
DS_TGs[[plen]] = data_omics[[1]][[3]][[1]][[plen+1]][[len_omics]]
names(DS_TGs) = names(data_omics[[1]][[2]][[1]])
#' Get upstream TFs.
#' @param data_omics OmicsData object.
#' @return list of length = number of gene/transcript time points, each element
#' containing a data frame with upstream transcription factors.
#' @keywords manip
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(OmicsExampleData)
#' data_omics = readOmics(tp_prots = c(0.25, 1, 4, 8, 13, 18, 24),
#' tp_genes = c(1, 4, 8, 13, 18, 24), OmicsExampleData,
#' PWdatabase = c("biocarta", "kegg", "nci", "reactome"),
#' TFtargetdatabase = c("userspec"))
#' data_omics = readPhosphodata(data_omics,
#' phosphoreg = system.file("extdata", "phospho_reg_table.txt",
#' package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics = readTFdata(data_omics,
#' TF_target_path = system.file("extdata", "TF_targets.txt",
#' package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics_plus = readPWdata(data_omics,
#' loadgenelists = system.file("extdata/Genelists", package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics_plus = identifyPR(data_omics_plus)
#' setwd(system.file("extdata/Genelists", package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics = identifyPWs(data_omics_plus)
#' data_omics = identifyTFs(data_omics)
#' data_omics = identifyRsofTFs(data_omics,
#' noTFs_inPW = 1, order_neighbors = 10)
#' getUS_TFs(data_omics)
#' }
getUS_TFs <- function(data_omics) {
if(class(data_omics) != "OmicsData")
{stop("Parameter 'data_omics' is not an OmicsData object.")}
US_TFs = list()
for(glen in 1: length(data_omics[[1]][[1]][[1]][[2]]))
no_de_genes = dim(data_omics[[1]][[2]][[2]][glen][[1]])[1]
TF_tp_NA = vector()
for(g in 1: no_de_genes)
{TF_tp_NA[g] = is.na(data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]][[g]][[1]][1])}
temp_omics = data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]][1:no_de_genes]
tps_TFs = rbindlist(temp_omics[!TF_tp_NA])
US_TFs[[glen]] = as.data.frame(tps_TFs)
names(US_TFs) = names(data_omics[[1]][[2]][[2]])
#' Get upstream pathways of identified transcription factors.
#' @param data_omics OmicsData object.
#' @return list of length = number of gene/transcript time points, each element
#' containing a list of transcription factors; these transcription factor
#' elements contain data frame with pathway IDs and pathway names.
#' @keywords manip
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(OmicsExampleData)
#' data_omics = readOmics(tp_prots = c(0.25, 1, 4, 8, 13, 18, 24),
#' tp_genes = c(1, 4, 8, 13, 18, 24), OmicsExampleData,
#' PWdatabase = c("biocarta", "kegg", "nci", "reactome"),
#' TFtargetdatabase = c("userspec"))
#' data_omics = readPhosphodata(data_omics,
#' phosphoreg = system.file("extdata", "phospho_reg_table.txt",
#' package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics = readTFdata(data_omics,
#' TF_target_path = system.file("extdata", "TF_targets.txt",
#' package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics_plus = readPWdata(data_omics,
#' loadgenelists = system.file("extdata/Genelists", package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics_plus = identifyPR(data_omics_plus)
#' setwd(system.file("extdata/Genelists", package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics = identifyPWs(data_omics_plus)
#' data_omics = identifyTFs(data_omics)
#' data_omics = identifyRsofTFs(data_omics,
#' noTFs_inPW = 1, order_neighbors = 10)
#' getUS_PWs(data_omics)
#' }
getUS_PWs <- function(data_omics) {
if(class(data_omics) != "OmicsData")
{stop("Parameter 'data_omics' is not an OmicsData object.")}
US_PWs = list()
for(glen in 1: length(data_omics[[1]][[1]][[1]][[2]]))
length_list_TFs =
TF_tp_NA =
US_PWs[[glen]] =
names(US_PWs) = names(data_omics[[1]][[2]][[2]])
#' Get upstream regulators of identified transcription factors.
#' @param data_omics OmicsData object.
#' @return list of length = number of gene/transcript time points, each element
#' containing a vector of protein regulator IDs.
#' @keywords manip
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(OmicsExampleData)
#' data_omics = readOmics(tp_prots = c(0.25, 1, 4, 8, 13, 18, 24),
#' tp_genes = c(1, 4, 8, 13, 18, 24), OmicsExampleData,
#' PWdatabase = c("biocarta", "kegg", "nci", "reactome"),
#' TFtargetdatabase = c("userspec"))
#' data_omics = readPhosphodata(data_omics,
#' phosphoreg = system.file("extdata", "phospho_reg_table.txt",
#' package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics = readTFdata(data_omics,
#' TF_target_path = system.file("extdata", "TF_targets.txt",
#' package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics_plus = readPWdata(data_omics,
#' loadgenelists = system.file("extdata/Genelists", package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics_plus = identifyPR(data_omics_plus)
#' setwd(system.file("extdata/Genelists", package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics = identifyPWs(data_omics_plus)
#' data_omics = identifyTFs(data_omics)
#' data_omics = identifyRsofTFs(data_omics,
#' noTFs_inPW = 1, order_neighbors = 10)
#' getUS_regulators(data_omics)
#' }
getUS_regulators <- function(data_omics) {
if(class(data_omics) != "OmicsData")
{stop("Parameter 'data_omics' is not an OmicsData object.")}
US_regulators = list()
for(glen in 1: length(data_omics[[1]][[1]][[1]][[2]]))
US_regulators[[glen]] =
names(US_regulators) = names(data_omics[[1]][[2]][[2]])
#' Get upstream regulators of identified transcription factors.
#' @param data_omics OmicsData object.
#' @return biopax model generated as consensus biopax models from all
#' pathway databases selected for analysis.
#' @keywords manip
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(OmicsExampleData)
#' data_omics = readOmics(tp_prots = c(0.25, 1, 4, 8, 13, 18, 24),
#' tp_genes = c(1, 4, 8, 13, 18, 24), OmicsExampleData,
#' PWdatabase = c("biocarta", "kegg", "nci", "reactome"),
#' TFtargetdatabase = c("userspec"))
#' data_omics = readPhosphodata(data_omics,
#' phosphoreg = system.file("extdata", "phospho_reg_table.txt",
#' package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics = readTFdata(data_omics,
#' TF_target_path = system.file("extdata", "TF_targets.txt",
#' package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics_plus = readPWdata(data_omics,
#' loadgenelists = system.file("extdata/Genelists", package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics_plus = identifyPR(data_omics_plus)
#' setwd(system.file("extdata/Genelists", package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics = identifyPWs(data_omics_plus)
#' getBiopaxModel(data_omics)
#' }
getBiopaxModel <- function(data_omics) {
if(class(data_omics) != "OmicsData")
{stop("Parameter 'data_omics' is not an OmicsData object.")}
BiopaxModel = data_omics[[2]][[2]]
#' Get protein intersection for the omics data on the different time points.
#' The timepoints or measurement names for comparison have to be defined in
#' tp_prot and tp_genes as given in the readOmics function.
#' @param data_omics OmicsData object.
#' @param tp_prot numeric integer defining protein timepoint measurement chosen
#' for comparison.
#' @param tp_genes numeric integer defining gene/transcript timepoint
#' measurement chosen for comparison.
#' @param updown boolean value; TRUE in case up- and downregulation should be
#' checked individually for intersection. Type of checking is defined with
#' parameter 'phospho'.
#' @param phospho boolean value; TRUE in case up- and downregulation should be
#' checked based on provided downstream phosphoprotein influence from
#' identifyPR function; FALSE in case up- and downregulation should be checked
#' for without phosphoprotein database knowledge. Default is TRUE.
#' @return list with three elements: 1) character vector of protein IDs
#' identified in both upstream and downstream analysis 2) protein time point
#' 3) gene/transcript time point.
#' @keywords manip
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(OmicsExampleData)
#' data_omics = readOmics(tp_prots = c(0.25, 1, 4, 8, 13, 18, 24),
#' tp_genes = c(1, 4, 8, 13, 18, 24), OmicsExampleData,
#' PWdatabase = c("biocarta", "kegg", "nci", "reactome"),
#' TFtargetdatabase = c("userspec"))
#' data_omics = readPhosphodata(data_omics,
#' phosphoreg = system.file("extdata", "phospho_reg_table.txt",
#' package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics = readTFdata(data_omics,
#' TF_target_path = system.file("extdata", "TF_targets.txt",
#' package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics_plus = readPWdata(data_omics,
#' loadgenelists = system.file("extdata/Genelists", package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics_plus = identifyPR(data_omics_plus)
#' setwd(system.file("extdata/Genelists", package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics = identifyPWs(data_omics_plus)
#' data_omics = identifyTFs(data_omics)
#' data_omics = identifyPWTFTGs(data_omics)
#' data_omics = identifyRsofTFs(data_omics, noTFs_inPW = 1, order_neighbors = 10)
#' getProteinIntersection(data_omics, tp_prot = 4, tp_genes = 4,
#' updown = FALSE, phospho = TRUE)
#' }
getProteinIntersection <- function(data_omics, tp_prot, tp_genes, updown = FALSE, phospho = TRUE) {
if(class(data_omics) != "OmicsData")
{stop("Parameter 'data_omics' is not an OmicsData object.")}
if(!tp_prot %in% data_omics[[1]][[1]][[1]][[1]])
{stop("tp_prot is not found in protein time points of
OmicsData object.")}
if(!tp_genes %in% data_omics[[1]][[1]][[1]][[2]])
{stop("tp_genes is not found in gene/transcript time points
of OmicsData object.")}
plen = which(data_omics[[1]][[1]][[1]][[1]] == tp_prot)
glen = which(data_omics[[1]][[1]][[1]][[2]] == tp_genes)
prot_inters = vector()
if(updown == FALSE)
{ prot_data_prot = data_omics[[1]][[2]][[1]][[plen]][,1]
prot_data_genes = as.character(data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]][[length(data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]])]]$regulators)
prot_inters = prot_data_prot[which(prot_data_prot %in% as.character(prot_data_genes))]
if(phospho == TRUE)
{prot_data_prot = data_omics[[1]][[2]][[1]][[plen]]
prot_data_prot[,4] = (prot_data_prot[,2] * prot_data_prot[,3])>0
prot_data_genes = data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]][[length(data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]])]]
temp_reg = unique(merge(data_omics[[5]], prot_data_genes, by.x = "Phosphoprotein", by.y = "regulators"))
temp_reg[,4] = (temp_reg[,2] * (temp_reg[,3]=="upreg"))>0
prot_data_genes[,3] = prot_data_genes[,2]
prot_data_genes = unique(prot_data_genes)
prot_data_genes[,3] = as.character(prot_data_genes[,3])
for(j in 1: dim(prot_data_genes)[1])
{if(as.character(prot_data_genes[j,1]) %in% as.character(temp_reg[,1]))
if(length(unique(temp_reg[which(temp_reg[,1] == as.character(prot_data_genes[j,1])),4])) == 1) ##if there is no ambiguity about regulation: TRUE/FALSE
{prot_data_genes[j,3] = temp_reg[which(temp_reg[,1] == as.character(prot_data_genes[j,1])),4]
prot_data_genes[j,3] = NA ##matches everything, if there is ambiguity
#in case phosphorylation data is ambiguous (NA) both options should be ok
for(k in 1:dim(prot_data_prot)[1])
{ if(length(which(as.character(prot_data_genes$regulators) %in% as.character(prot_data_prot[k,1])))> 0)
{ if(is.na(prot_data_genes[which(as.character(prot_data_genes$regulators) %in% prot_data_prot[k,1]),3]) | is.na(prot_data_prot[k,4]))
prot_inters[k] = as.character(prot_data_genes[which(as.character(prot_data_genes$regulators) %in% as.character(prot_data_prot[k,1])),]$regulators[1])
}else if(prot_data_genes[which(as.character(prot_data_genes$regulators) %in% prot_data_prot[k,1]),3] == prot_data_prot[k,4]){
prot_inters[k] = as.character(prot_data_genes[which(as.character(prot_data_genes$regulators) %in% as.character(prot_data_prot[k,1])),]$regulators[1])
prot_inters = unique(na.omit(prot_inters))
prot_data_prot = data_omics[[1]][[2]][[1]][[plen]]
prot_data_prot[,4] = (prot_data_prot[,2])>0
prot_data_genes = data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]][[length(data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]])]]
prot_data_genes = unique(prot_data_genes)
prot_data_genes[,3] = as.character(prot_data_genes[,2]) == "upreg"
#in case phosphorylation data is ambiguous (NA) both options should be ok
for(k in 1:dim(prot_data_prot)[1])
{ if(length(which(as.character(prot_data_genes$regulators) %in% as.character(prot_data_prot[k,1])))> 0)
{ if(is.na(prot_data_genes[which(as.character(prot_data_genes$regulators) %in% prot_data_prot[k,1]),3]) | is.na(prot_data_prot[k,4]))
{ prot_inters[k] = as.character(prot_data_genes[which(as.character(prot_data_genes$regulators) %in% as.character(prot_data_prot[k,1])),]$regulators[1])
}else if(prot_data_genes[which(as.character(prot_data_genes$regulators) %in% prot_data_prot[k,1]),3] == prot_data_prot[k,4]){
prot_inters[k] = as.character(prot_data_genes[which(as.character(prot_data_genes$regulators) %in% as.character(prot_data_prot[k,1])),]$regulators[1])
prot_inters = unique(na.omit(prot_inters))
return(list(Protein_Intersection = as.character(prot_inters), Protein_Timepoint = tp_prot,
Gene_Timepoint = tp_genes))
#' Get TF intersection for the omics data on the different time points.
#' @param data_omics OmicsData object.
#' @param tp_prot numeric integer defining protein timepoint measurement chosen
#' for comparison.
#' @param tp_genes numeric integer defining gene/transcript timepoint
#' measurement chosen for comparison.
#' @param updown boolean value; TRUE in case up- and downregulation should be
#' checked individually for intersection. Type of checking is defined with
#' parameter 'phospho'.
#' @param phospho boolean value; TRUE in case up- and downregulation should be
#' checked based on provided downstream phosphoprotein influence from
#' identifyPR function; FALSE in case up- and downregulation should be checked
#' for without phosphoprotein database knowledge. Default is TRUE.
#' @return list with three elements: 1) character vector of transcription factor
#' IDs identified in both upstream and downstream analysis 2) protein time point
#' 3) gene/transcript time point.
#' @keywords manip
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(OmicsExampleData)
#' data_omics = readOmics(tp_prots = c(0.25, 1, 4, 8, 13, 18, 24),
#' tp_genes = c(1, 4, 8, 13, 18, 24), OmicsExampleData,
#' PWdatabase = c("biocarta", "kegg", "nci", "reactome"),
#' TFtargetdatabase = c("userspec"))
#' data_omics = readPhosphodata(data_omics,
#' phosphoreg = system.file("extdata", "phospho_reg_table.txt",
#' package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics = readTFdata(data_omics,
#' TF_target_path = system.file("extdata", "TF_targets.txt",
#' package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics_plus = readPWdata(data_omics,
#' loadgenelists = system.file("extdata/Genelists", package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics_plus = identifyPR(data_omics_plus)
#' setwd(system.file("extdata/Genelists", package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics = identifyPWs(data_omics_plus)
#' data_omics = identifyTFs(data_omics)
#' data_omics = identifyPWTFTGs(data_omics)
#' data_omics = identifyRsofTFs(data_omics, noTFs_inPW = 1, order_neighbors = 10)
#' getTFIntersection(data_omics, tp_prot = 4, tp_genes = 4, updown = FALSE,
#' phospho = TRUE)
#' }
getTFIntersection <- function(data_omics, tp_prot, tp_genes,
updown = FALSE, phospho = TRUE) {
if(class(data_omics) != "OmicsData")
{stop("Parameter 'data_omics' is not an OmicsData object.")}
if(!tp_prot %in% data_omics[[1]][[1]][[1]][[1]])
{stop("tp_prot is not found in protein time points of
OmicsData object.")}
if(!tp_genes %in% data_omics[[1]][[1]][[1]][[2]])
{stop("tp_genes is not found in gene/transcript time points
of OmicsData object.")}
plen = which(data_omics[[1]][[1]][[1]][[1]] == tp_prot)
glen = which(data_omics[[1]][[1]][[1]][[2]] == tp_genes)
TF_inters = vector()
if(updown == FALSE)
{ prot_TFs = as.character(unique(getDS_TFs(data_omics)[[plen]])$genes_PW)
if(dim(getUS_TFs(data_omics)[[glen]])[1]!= 0)
{gene_TFs = unique(as.character(getUS_TFs(data_omics)[[glen]][,1]))
gene_TFs = NA
TF_inters = prot_TFs[which(prot_TFs %in% gene_TFs)]
if(phospho == TRUE)
{prot_TFs = getDS_TFs(data_omics)[[plen]]
temp_reg_updown = data.frame(TF = rownames(data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]][[length(data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]])]]),
regulators = data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]][[length(data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]])]][,1],
regulation = data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]][[length(data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]])]][,2],
new_regulation = data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]][[length(data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]])]][,2])
temp_reg_updown[,4] = as.character(temp_reg_updown[,4])
##gehe durch alle upstream protein regulators
for(k in 1: dim(data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]][[length(data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]])]])[1])
#falls einer davon in phospholiste
if(sum(data_omics[[5]][,1] %in% data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]][[length(data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]])]][k,1])>0)
#und phospholiste eindeutig
if(length(unique(data_omics[[5]][which(data_omics[[5]][,1] %in% data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]][[length(data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]])]][k,1]),2]))==1)
{temp_reg_updown[k,4] = unique(data_omics[[5]][which(data_omics[[5]][,1] %in% data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]][[length(data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]])]][k,1]),2] *
}else{ #sonst
temp_reg_updown[k,4] = NA
temp_reg_updown[,1] = gsub("\\.[0-9]*", "", as.character(temp_reg_updown[,1]))
Tfs = data.frame(TFs = unique(temp_reg_updown[,1]), finalreg = rep(NA, times = length(unique(temp_reg_updown[,1]))))
Tfs = Tfs[which(Tfs[,1] %in% getUS_TFs(data_omics)[[glen]][,1]),]
for(s in 1: length(Tfs[,1]))
{#falls für diesen TF ambiguous regulation --> keep in
if(NA %in% subset(temp_reg_updown, temp_reg_updown[,1] == as.character(Tfs[s,1]))[,4]) ##either NA
{Tfs[s,2] = NA
}else if(1 %in% subset(temp_reg_updown, temp_reg_updown[,1] == as.character(Tfs[s,1]))[,4] & ##or up AND down
-1 %in% subset(temp_reg_updown, temp_reg_updown[,1] == as.character(Tfs[s,1]))[,4])
{Tfs[s,2] = NA
}else if(length(unique(subset(temp_reg_updown, temp_reg_updown[,1] == as.character(Tfs[s,1]))[,4])) == 1) ##if unambigous take it
{Tfs[s,2] = unique(subset(temp_reg_updown, temp_reg_updown[,1] == as.character(Tfs[s,1]))[,4])
prot_TFs = cbind(prot_TFs, rep(NA, times = dim(prot_TFs)[1]))
colnames(prot_TFs)[5] = "final_reg"
for(s in 1: dim(prot_TFs)[1])
{ if(length(which(as.character(Tfs[,1]) %in% prot_TFs[s,1]))> 0)
{if(!is.na(Tfs[which(as.character(Tfs[,1]) %in% prot_TFs[s,1]),]$finalreg == prot_TFs[s,2] |
is.na(Tfs[which(as.character(Tfs[,1]) %in% prot_TFs[s,1]),]$finalreg)))
{prot_TFs$final_reg[s] = TRUE
prot_TFs$final_reg[s] = FALSE
TF_inters = as.character(unique(prot_TFs[which(prot_TFs$final_reg == TRUE),1]))
prot_TFs = data_omics[[1]][[3]][[1]][[plen+1]][[length(data_omics[[1]][[3]][[1]][[plen+1]])-1]]
prot_TFs = prot_TFs[which(prot_TFs[,4] == 1),]
prot_TFs = unique(prot_TFs)
Tfs = unique(getUS_TFs(data_omics)[[glen]])
for(s in 1: dim(prot_TFs)[1])
{ if(as.character(prot_TFs[s,1]) %in% as.character(Tfs[,1]))
{ if( TRUE %in% Tfs[which(as.character(Tfs[,1]) %in% as.character(prot_TFs[s,1])),2] &
prot_TFs[which(as.character(prot_TFs[s,1]) %in% as.character(Tfs[,1])),2] == TRUE) ##if unambigous take it
{TF_inters[s] = as.character(prot_TFs[s,1])}
TF_inters = unique(na.omit(TF_inters))
return(list(TF_Intersection = as.character(TF_inters), Protein_Timepoint = tp_prot,
Gene_Timepoint = tp_genes))
#' Get genes intersection for the omics data on the different time points.
#' @param data_omics OmicsData object.
#' @param tp_prot numeric integer defining protein timepoint measurement chosen
#' for comparison.
#' @param tp_genes numeric integer defining gene/transcript timepoint
#' measurement chosen for comparison.
#' @param updown boolean value; TRUE in case up- and downregulation should be
#' checked individually for intersection. Type of checking is defined with
#' parameter 'phospho'.
#' @param phospho boolean value; TRUE in case up- and downregulation should be
#' checked based on provided downstream phosphoprotein influence from
#' identifyPR function; FALSE in case up- and downregulation should be checked
#' for without phosphoprotein database knowledge. Default is TRUE.
#' @return list with three elements: 1) character vector of gene
#' IDs identified in both upstream and downstream analysis 2) protein time point
#' 3) gene/transcript time point.
#' @keywords manip
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(OmicsExampleData)
#' data_omics = readOmics(tp_prots = c(0.25, 1, 4, 8, 13, 18, 24),
#' tp_genes = c(1, 4, 8, 13, 18, 24), OmicsExampleData,
#' PWdatabase = c("biocarta", "kegg", "nci", "reactome"),
#' TFtargetdatabase = c("userspec"))
#' data_omics = readPhosphodata(data_omics,
#' phosphoreg = system.file("extdata", "phospho_reg_table.txt",
#' package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics = readTFdata(data_omics,
#' TF_target_path = system.file("extdata", "TF_targets.txt",
#' package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics_plus = readPWdata(data_omics,
#' loadgenelists = system.file("extdata/Genelists", package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics_plus = identifyPR(data_omics_plus)
#' setwd(system.file("extdata/Genelists", package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics = identifyPWs(data_omics_plus)
#' data_omics = identifyTFs(data_omics)
#' data_omics = identifyPWTFTGs(data_omics)
#' data_omics = identifyRsofTFs(data_omics, noTFs_inPW = 1, order_neighbors = 10)
#' getGenesIntersection(data_omics, tp_prot = 4, tp_genes = 4, updown = FALSE,
#' phospho = TRUE)
#' }
getGenesIntersection <- function(data_omics, tp_prot, tp_genes,
updown = FALSE, phospho = TRUE) {
if(class(data_omics) != "OmicsData")
{stop("Parameter 'data_omics' is not an OmicsData object.")}
if(!tp_prot %in% data_omics[[1]][[1]][[1]][[1]])
{stop("tp_prot is not found in protein time points of
OmicsData object.")}
if(!tp_genes %in% data_omics[[1]][[1]][[1]][[2]])
{stop("tp_genes is not found in gene/transcript time points
of OmicsData object.")}
plen = which(data_omics[[1]][[1]][[1]][[1]] == tp_prot)
glen = which(data_omics[[1]][[1]][[1]][[2]] == tp_genes)
genes_inters = vector()
if(updown == FALSE)
{ prot_tgenes = unique(getDS_TGs(data_omics)[[plen]][,1])
genes = unique(data_omics[[1]][[2]][[2]][[glen]][,1])
genes_inters = prot_tgenes[which(prot_tgenes %in% genes)]
if(phospho == TRUE)
{prot_tgenes = getDS_TGs(data_omics)[[plen]]
prot_tgenes[,2] = gsub(" ", "",prot_tgenes[,2])
temp_reg_updown = data.frame(TF = rownames(data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]][[length(data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]])]]),
regulators = data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]][[length(data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]])]][,1],
regulation = data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]][[length(data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]])]][,2],
new_regulation = data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]][[length(data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]])]][,2])
temp_reg_updown[,4] = as.character(temp_reg_updown[,4])
##search through all upstream protein regulators
for(k in 1: dim(data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]][[length(data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]])]])[1])
#in case one of them is in phosphoprotein list
if(sum(data_omics[[5]][,1] %in% data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]][[length(data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]])]][k,1])>0)
#and phosphoprotein list is unambiguous calculate new influence (phospho * regulation)
if(length(unique(data_omics[[5]][which(data_omics[[5]][,1] %in% data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]][[length(data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]])]][k,1]),2]))==1)
{temp_reg_updown[k,4] = unique(data_omics[[5]][which(data_omics[[5]][,1] %in% data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]][[length(data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]])]][k,1]),2]
* (data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]][[length(data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]])]][k,2]=="upreg"))
temp_reg_updown[k,4] = NA
temp_reg_updown[,1] = gsub("\\.[0-9]*", "", as.character(temp_reg_updown[,1]))
Tfs = data.frame(TFs = unique(temp_reg_updown[,1]), finalreg = rep(NA, times = length(unique(temp_reg_updown[,1]))))
Tfs = Tfs[which(Tfs[,1] %in% getUS_TFs(data_omics)[[glen]][,1]),]
for(s in 1: length(Tfs[,1]))
{#falls für diesen TF ambiguous regulation --> keep in
if(NA %in% subset(temp_reg_updown, temp_reg_updown[,1] == as.character(Tfs[s,1]))[,4])
{Tfs[s,2] = NA
}else if(1 %in% subset(temp_reg_updown, temp_reg_updown[,1] == as.character(Tfs[s,1]))[,4] &
-1 %in% subset(temp_reg_updown, temp_reg_updown[,1] == as.character(Tfs[s,1]))[,4])
{Tfs[s,2] = NA
}else if(length(unique(subset(temp_reg_updown, temp_reg_updown[,1] == as.character(Tfs[s,1]))[,4])) == 1)
{Tfs[s,2] = unique(subset(temp_reg_updown, temp_reg_updown[,1] == as.character(Tfs[s,1]))[,4])
##für die TFs, für die klare regulation von oben ist:
check_ds_t_list = as.character(Tfs[which(!is.na(Tfs[,2])),1])
#identify for this time point all upstream TFs
temp = data.frame()
for(j in 1: (length(data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]])-2))
{ if(!names(data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]][[j]])[1] == "NA.")
temp = rbind(temp, data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]][[j]])
#get regulation: up --> TRUE, down --> FALSE
for(s in 1: dim(temp)[1])
if(temp[s,2] == TRUE)
{temp[s,2] = 1
}else if(temp[s,2] == FALSE){
temp[s,2] = -1
} #when identified in downstream analysis
if(temp[s,1] %in% Tfs[,1])
{ if(!is.na(Tfs[which(Tfs[,1] %in% temp[s,1]),2])) #when finalreg defined in DS analysis calculate resulting regulation
{temp[s,2] = temp[s,2]*(Tfs[which(Tfs[,1] %in% temp[s,1]),2]=="upreg") }
##all TFs with corrected downstream regulation
genes = data.frame(genes = data_omics[[1]][[2]][[2]][[glen]][,1],
final_reg = rep(NA, times = dim(data_omics[[1]][[2]][[2]][[glen]])[1])) ##genes at that time point
for(j in 1: (length(data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]])-2))
{ if(length(check_ds_t_list)> 0)
{for(k in 1: length(check_ds_t_list))
if(!names(data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]][[j]])[1] == "NA.")
{##falls TFs in klarer regulation von oben nehme aus temp liste, sonst NA
if(check_ds_t_list[k] %in% as.character(data_omics[[1]][[3]][[2]][[glen+1]][[j]]$upstreamTFs))
{genes[j, 2] = temp[which(temp[,1] == check_ds_t_list[k]),2]}
genes[j, 2] = NA}
genes_inters = vector()
for(k in 1:dim(genes)[1])
{ if(length(which(as.character(prot_tgenes[,1]) %in% genes[k,1]))> 0)
{if(is.na(genes[k,2])){ #in case of ambiguity
genes_inters[k] = as.character(genes[k,1])
}else if(as.character(genes[k,2]) %in% unique(prot_tgenes[which(as.character(prot_tgenes[,1]) %in% genes[k,1]),2]) ){
genes_inters[k] = as.character(genes[k,1])
}else if(length(unique(prot_tgenes[which(as.character(prot_tgenes[,1]) %in% genes[k,1]),2])) == 1){ #no ambiguity
if(unique(prot_tgenes[which(as.character(prot_tgenes[,1]) %in% genes[k,1]),2]) == genes[k,2])
{genes_inters[k] = as.character(genes[k,1])}
genes_inters[k] = NA
genes_inters = unique(na.omit(genes_inters))
prot_tgenes = getDS_TGs(data_omics)[[plen]]
prot_tgenes = unique(prot_tgenes)
prot_tgenes[,2] = gsub(" ", "", prot_tgenes[,2])
gene_reg = data_omics[[1]][[2]][[2]][[glen]]
gene_reg[,3] = gene_reg[,2]>0
for(k in 1: dim(prot_tgenes)[1])
if(as.character(prot_tgenes[k,1]) %in% gene_reg[,1])
{ if(gene_reg[which(gene_reg[,1] == as.character(prot_tgenes[k,1])),3] == TRUE & as.character(prot_tgenes[k,2]) == "TRUE")
{genes_inters[k] = as.character(prot_tgenes[k,1])}
genes_inters = unique(na.omit(genes_inters))
return(list(Genes_Intersection = as.character(genes_inters), Protein_Timepoint = tp_prot,
Gene_Timepoint = tp_genes))
#' Get omics data intersection on the three levels.
#' Get intersection for the omics data on all three levels (proteins, TFs,
#' genes) on corresponding time points.
#' @param data_omics OmicsData object.
#' @param updown boolean value; TRUE in case up- and downregulation should be
#' checked individually for intersection. Type of checking is defined with
#' parameter 'phospho'.
#' @param phospho boolean value; TRUE in case up- and downregulation should be
#' checked based on provided downstream phosphoprotein influence from
#' identifyPR function; FALSE in case up- and downregulation should be checked
#' for without phosphoprotein database knowledge. Default is TRUE.
#' @return list with three elements:
#' 1) protein intersection
#' 2) transcription factor intersection
#' 3) gene intersection
#' each element contains a list with overlapping time points of both upstream
#' and downstream analyses.
#' @keywords manip
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(OmicsExampleData)
#' data_omics = readOmics(tp_prots = c(0.25, 1, 4, 8, 13, 18, 24),
#' tp_genes = c(1, 4, 8, 13, 18, 24), OmicsExampleData,
#' PWdatabase = c("biocarta", "kegg", "nci", "reactome"),
#' TFtargetdatabase = c("userspec"))
#' data_omics = readPhosphodata(data_omics,
#' phosphoreg = system.file("extdata", "phospho_reg_table.txt",
#' package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics = readTFdata(data_omics,
#' TF_target_path = system.file("extdata", "TF_targets.txt",
#' package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics_plus = readPWdata(data_omics,
#' loadgenelists = system.file("extdata/Genelists", package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics_plus = identifyPR(data_omics_plus)
#' setwd(system.file("extdata/Genelists", package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics = identifyPWs(data_omics_plus)
#' data_omics = identifyTFs(data_omics)
#' data_omics = identifyPWTFTGs(data_omics)
#' data_omics = identifyRsofTFs(data_omics, noTFs_inPW = 1, order_neighbors = 10)
#' gettpIntersection(data_omics, updown = FALSE, phospho = TRUE)
#' }
gettpIntersection <- function(data_omics, updown = FALSE, phospho = TRUE) {
if(class(data_omics) != "OmicsData")
{stop("Parameter 'data_omics' is not an OmicsData object.")}
same_tps = data_omics[[1]][[1]][[1]][[1]][which(data_omics[[1]][[1]][[1]][[1]] %in%
prot = list()
TF = list()
genes = list()
for(g in same_tps)
{ temp_ind = which(same_tps==g)
prot[[temp_ind]] = getProteinIntersection(data_omics, g,g, updown, phospho)[[1]]
TF[[temp_ind]] = getTFIntersection(data_omics, g,g, updown, phospho)[[1]]
genes[[temp_ind]] = getGenesIntersection(data_omics, g,g, updown, phospho)[[1]]
names(prot) = paste("tp", same_tps, sep = "")
names(TF) = paste("tp", same_tps, sep = "")
names(genes) = paste("tp", same_tps, sep = "")
return(list(Intersection = list(Protein_Intersection = prot,
TF_Intersection = TF,
Genes_Intersection = genes)))
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