
Defines functions PRE_FATE.selectDominant

Documented in PRE_FATE.selectDominant

### HEADER #####################################################################
##' @title Selection of dominant species from abundance releves
##' @name PRE_FATE.selectDominant
##' @author Maya Guéguen
##' @description This script is designed to select dominant species from 
##' abundance records, and habitat if the information is available.
##' @param mat.observations a \code{data.frame} with at least 3 columns : \cr
##' \code{sites}, \code{species}, \code{abund}
##' \cr (\emph{and optionally, \code{habitat}}) 
##' \cr (see \href{PRE_FATE.selectDominant#details}{\code{Details}})
##' @param doRuleA default \code{TRUE}. \cr If \code{TRUE}, selection 
##' is done including constraints on number of occurrences
##' @param rule.A1 default \code{10}. \cr If \code{doRuleA = TRUE} or 
##' \code{doRuleC = TRUE}, minimum number of releves required for each species
##' @param rule.A2_quantile default \code{0.9}. \cr If \code{doRuleA = TRUE} 
##' or \code{doRuleC = TRUE}, quantile corresponding to the minimum number of 
##' total occurrences required for each species (between \code{0} and \code{1})
##' @param doRuleB default \code{FALSE}. \cr If \code{TRUE}, selection is done 
##' including constraints on relative abundances
##' @param rule.B1_percentage default \code{0.25}. \cr If \code{doRuleB = TRUE}, 
##' minimum relative abundance required for each species in at least 
##' \code{rule.B1_number} sites (between \code{0} and \code{1})
##' @param rule.B1_number default \code{5}. \cr If \code{doRuleB = TRUE}, 
##' minimum number of sites in which each species has relative abundance 
##' \code{>= rule.B1_percentage}
##' @param rule.B2 default \code{0.5}. \cr If \code{doRuleB = TRUE}, minimum 
##' average relative abundance required for each species (between \code{0} and 
##' \code{1})
##' @param doRuleC default \code{FALSE}. \cr If \code{TRUE}, selection is done 
##' including constraints on number of occurrences at the habitat level (with 
##' the values of \code{rule.A1} and \code{rule.A2_quantile})
##' @param opt.doRobustness (\emph{optional}) default \code{FALSE}. \cr 
##' If \code{TRUE}, selection is also done on subsets of 
##' \code{mat.observations}, keeping only a percentage of releves or sites, to 
##' visualize the robustness of the selection
##' @param opt.robustness_percent (\emph{optional}) default \code{c(0.1, 0.2, 
##' 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9)}. \cr If \code{opt.doRobustness = TRUE}, 
##' \code{vector} containing values between \code{0} and \code{1} corresponding 
##' to the percentages with which to build subsets to evaluate robustness
##' @param opt.robustness_rep (\emph{optional}) default \code{10}. \cr If 
##' \code{opt.doRobustness = TRUE}, number of repetitions for each percentage 
##' value defined by \code{opt.robustness_percent} to evaluate robustness
##' @param opt.doPlot (\emph{optional}) default \code{TRUE}. \cr If \code{TRUE}, 
##' plot(s) will be processed, otherwise only the calculation and reorganization 
##' of outputs will occur, be saved and returned.
##' @details 
##' This function provides a way to \strong{select dominant species based on 
##' presence/abundance sampling information}. \cr \cr
##' Three rules can be applied to make the species selection :
##' \describe{
##'   \item{A. Presence releves}{ both conditions must be fullfilled
##'   \describe{
##'     \item{on number of releves}{the species should be found a minimum 
##'     number of times (\code{rule.A1})
##'     \cr \emph{This should ensure that the species has been given sufficient 
##'     minimum sampling effort. This criterion MUST ALWAYS be fullfilled.}}
##'     \item{on number of sites}{the species should be found in a certain 
##'     number of sites, which corresponds to the quantile 
##'     \code{rule.A2_quantile} of the total number of records per species 
##'     \cr \emph{This should ensure that the species is covering all the 
##'     studied area (or at least a determining part of it, assuming that 
##'     the releves are well distributed throughout the area).}}
##'   }
##'   }
##'   \item{B. Abundance releves : }{at least one of the two conditions is 
##'   required
##'   \describe{
##'     \item{on dominancy}{the species should be dominant (i.e. represent at 
##'     least \code{rule.B1_percentage \%} of the coverage of the site) in at 
##'     least \code{rule.B1_number} sites
##'     \cr \emph{This should ensure the selection of species frequently 
##'     abundant.}}
##'     \item{on average abundance}{the species should have a mean relative
##'     abundance superior or equal to \code{rule.B2} 
##'     \cr \emph{This should ensure the selection of species not frequent but 
##'     representative of the sites in which it is found. \cr \cr}}
##'   }
##'   }
##'   \item{C. Presence releves \cr per habitat : }{If habitat information is 
##'   available (e.g. type of environment : urban, desert, grassland... ; type 
##'   of vegetation : shrubs, forest, alpine grasslands... ; etc), the same 
##'   rules than \strong{A} can be applied but for each habitat.
##'   \cr \emph{This should help to keep species that are not dominant at the 
##'   large scale but could be representative of a specific habitat. \cr \cr}
##'   }
##' }
##' A table is created containing for each species whether or not it fullfills 
##' the conditions selected, for example :
##'     \describe{
##'       \item{}{\strong{\code{| ___A1 ___A2 ___B1 ___B2 grass lands |}}}
##'       \item{}{\code{_______________________________________}}
##'       \item{species a}{\code{| _TRUE FALSE FALSE _TRUE _TRUE FALSE |}}
##'       \item{species b}{\code{| _TRUE _TRUE _TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE |}}
##'       \item{species c}{\code{| FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE _TRUE |}}
##'     }
##' This table is transformed into Euclidean distance matrix (with 
##' \code{\link[FD]{gowdis}} and \code{\link[ade4]{quasieuclid}} functions) \cr
##' to cluster and represent species (see 
##' \href{PRE_FATE.selectDominant#value}{\code{.pdf} output files}) :
##' \itemize{
##'   \item through phylogenetic tree (with \code{\link[stats]{hclust}} and 
##'   \code{\link[ape]{as.phylo}} functions) 
##'   \item through Principal Component Analysis (with 
##'   \code{\link[ade4]{dudi.pco}})
##' }
##' according to their selection rules :
##' \itemize{
##'   \item \strong{A2} : spatial dominancy (\emph{widespread but poorly 
##'   abundant})
##'   \item \strong{B1} : local dominancy (\emph{relatively abundant or 
##'   dominant in a certain number of sites})
##'   \item \strong{B2} : local dominancy (\emph{not widespread but dominant in 
##'   few sites})
##'   \item \strong{C} : habitat dominancy (\emph{not widespread but dominant in 
##'   a specific habitat})
##'   \item \strong{A2 & B1} : (\emph{widespread and relatively abundant})
##'   \item \strong{A2 & B2} : (\emph{widespread and dominant in few sites})
##'   \item \strong{A2 & B1 & B2} : (\emph{widespread and dominant})
##'   \item \strong{B1 & B2} : (\emph{relatively widespread but dominant}) 
##'   \cr \cr
##' }
##' \strong{NB :} \cr 
##' Species not meeting any criteria or only A1 are considered as 
##' "\emph{Not selected}". \cr Priority is set to A2, B1 and B2 rules, rather 
##' than C. Hence, species selected according to A2, B1 and/or B2 can also meet 
##' criterion C while species selected according to C do not meet any of the 
##' three criteria. \cr Species selected according to one (or more) criterion 
##' but not meeting criterion A1 are also considered as "\emph{Not selected}".
##' @return A \code{list} containing one \code{vector}, two \code{data.frame} 
##' objects with the following columns, and up to five \code{ggplot2} objects :
##' \describe{
##'   \item{species.selected}{the names of the selected species}
##'   \item{tab.rules}{ \cr
##'     \describe{
##'       \item{\code{A1,A2,B1,B2, hab}}{if the rule has been used, if the 
##'       species fullfills this condition or not}
##'       \item{\code{species}}{the concerned species}
##'       \item{\code{SELECTION}}{the summary of rules with which the species 
##'       was selected, or not}
##'       \item{\code{SELECTED}}{\code{TRUE} if the species fullfills \code{A1} 
##'       and at least one other condition, \code{FALSE} otherwise}
##'     }
##'   }
##'   \item{tab.robustness}{
##'     \describe{
##'       \item{\code{...}}{same as \code{tab.rules}}
##'       \item{\code{type}}{the type of subset (either \code{releves} or 
##'       \code{sites})}
##'       \item{\code{percent}}{the concerned percentage of values extraction}
##'       \item{\code{rep}}{the repetition ID}
##'     }
##'   }
##'   \item{plot.A}{\code{ggplot2} object, representing the selection of 
##'   species according to rules A1 and A2}
##'   \item{plot.B}{\code{ggplot2} object, representing the selection of 
##'   species according to rules B}
##'   \item{plot.C}{\code{ggplot2} object, representing the selection of 
##'   species according to rules C (A1 and A2 per habitat)}
##'   \item{plot.pco}{\code{ggplot2} object, representing selected species with 
##'   Principal Coordinates Analysis (see \code{\link[ade4]{dudi.pco}})}
##'   \item{plot.robustness}{\code{ggplot2} object, representing the robustness 
##'   of the selection of species for each rule \cr \cr}
##' }
##' The information is written in 
##' \file{PRE_FATE_DOMINANT_[...].csv} files :
##' \describe{
##'   \item{\file{TABLE_complete}}{the complete table of all species and the 
##'   selection rules described above (\code{tab.rules})}
##'   \item{\file{TABLE_species}}{only the names / ID of the species selected}
##' }
##' Up to six \file{PRE_FATE_DOMINANT_[...].pdf} files are also created : 
##' \describe{
##'   \item{\file{STEP_1_rule_A}}{\strong{\file{STEP_2_selectedSpecies_PHYLO}}}
##'   \item{\file{STEP_1_rule_B}}{\strong{\file{STEP_2_selectedSpecies_PCO}}}
##'   \item{\file{STEP_1_rule_C}}{\strong{\file{STEP_2_selectedSpecies_robustness}}}
##' }
##' @keywords abundance, dominant species, quantile, habitat class
##' @seealso \code{\link{PRE_FATE.abundBraunBlanquet}},
##' \code{\link[stats]{quantile}},
##' \code{\link[FD]{gowdis}},
##' \code{\link[ade4]{quasieuclid}},
##' \code{\link[stats]{hclust}},
##' \code{\link[ape]{as.phylo}},
##' \code{\link[ade4]{dudi.pco}}
##' @examples
##' ## Load example data
##' data(DATASET_Bauges_PFG)
##' ## Species observations
##' tab = DATASET_Bauges_PFG$sp.observations
##' str(tab)
##' ## No habitat, no robustness -----------------------------------------------------------------
##' tab.select = tab[, c("sites", "species", "abund")]
##' sp.SELECT = PRE_FATE.selectDominant(mat.observations = tab.select)
##' names(sp.SELECT)
##' str(sp.SELECT$tab.rules)
##' plot(sp.SELECT$plot.A)
##' plot(sp.SELECT$plot.B$abs)
##' plot(sp.SELECT$plot.B$rel)
##' plot(sp.SELECT$plot.pco$Axis1_Axis2)
##' plot(sp.SELECT$plot.pco$Axis1_Axis3)
##' ## Habitat, change parameters ----------------------------------------------------------------
##' tab.select = tab[, c("sites", "species", "abund", "habitat")]
##' sp.SELECT = PRE_FATE.selectDominant(mat.observations = tab.select
##'                                     , doRuleA = TRUE
##'                                     , rule.A1 = 10
##'                                     , rule.A2_quantile = 0.9
##'                                     , doRuleB = TRUE
##'                                     , rule.B1_percentage = 0.2
##'                                     , rule.B1_number = 3
##'                                     , rule.B2 = 0.4
##'                                     , doRuleC = TRUE)
##' names(sp.SELECT)
##' str(sp.SELECT$tab.rules)
##' plot(sp.SELECT$plot.C)
##' plot(sp.SELECT$plot.pco$Axis1_Axis2)
##' plot(sp.SELECT$plot.pco$Axis1_Axis3)
##' ## Robustness (!quite long!) -----------------------------------------------------------------
##' \dontrun{
##' tab.select = tab[, c("sites", "species", "abund")]
##' sp.SELECT = PRE_FATE.selectDominant(mat.observations = tab.select
##'                                     , opt.doRobustness = TRUE
##'                                     , opt.robustness_percent = c(0.2, 0.8)
##'                                     , opt.robustness_rep = 3)
##' names(sp.SELECT)
##' str(sp.SELECT$tab.rules)
##' str(sp.SELECT$tab.robustness)
##' names(sp.SELECT$plot.robustness)
##' plot(sp.SELECT$plot.robustness$`All dataset`)
##' }
##' @export
##' @importFrom stats quantile as.dist hclust cutree
##' @importFrom utils write.csv txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar
##' @importFrom grDevices pdf dev.off col2rgb rgb
##' @importFrom graphics legend title plot
##' @importFrom foreach foreach %do%
##' @importFrom reshape2 melt
##' @importFrom FD gowdis
##' @importFrom ade4 is.euclid quasieuclid dudi.pco inertia.dudi
##' @importFrom ape as.phylo plot.phylo
##' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot ggsave aes_string 
##' geom_point geom_hline geom_vline geom_histogram geom_segment geom_path 
##' geom_boxplot geom_smooth geom_col annotate sec_axis
##' scale_color_manual scale_color_continuous scale_x_discrete 
##' scale_x_continuous scale_y_continuous scale_y_log10 scale_alpha 
##' scale_linetype_manual scale_size_manual scale_fill_identity
##' facet_wrap as_labeller labs theme element_text
##' @importFrom ggthemes theme_fivethirtyeight
##' @importFrom ggrepel geom_label_repel
##' @importFrom colorspace sequential_hcl
## END OF HEADER ###############################################################

PRE_FATE.selectDominant = function(mat.observations
                                   , doRuleA = TRUE
                                   , rule.A1 = 10
                                   , rule.A2_quantile = 0.9
                                   , doRuleB = TRUE
                                   , rule.B1_percentage = 0.25
                                   , rule.B1_number = 5
                                   , rule.B2 = 0.5
                                   , doRuleC = FALSE
                                   , opt.doRobustness = FALSE
                                   , opt.robustness_percent = seq(0.1, 0.9, 0.1)
                                   , opt.robustness_rep = 10
                                   , opt.doPlot = TRUE
  ## CHECK parameter mat.observations
  if (.testParam_notDf(mat.observations))
  } else
    mat.observations = as.data.frame(mat.observations)
    if (nrow(mat.observations) == 0 || !(ncol(mat.observations) %in% c(3, 4)))
      .stopMessage_numRowCol("mat.observations", c("sites", "species", "abund", "(habitat)"))
    } else
      notCorrect = switch(as.character(ncol(mat.observations))
                          , "3" = .testParam_notColnames(mat.observations, c("sites", "species", "abund"))
                          , "4" = .testParam_notColnames(mat.observations, c("sites", "species", "abund", "habitat"))
                          , TRUE)
      if (notCorrect){
        .stopMessage_columnNames("mat.observations", c("sites", "species", "abund", "(habitat)"))
    mat.observations$sites = as.character(mat.observations$sites)
    mat.observations$species = as.character(mat.observations$species)
    .testParam_notNum.m("mat.observations$abund", mat.observations$abund)
  ## CHECK parameter doRuleA / doRuleC
  if (doRuleA || doRuleC)
    .testParam_notNum.m("rule.A1", rule.A1)
    .testParam_notBetween.m("rule.A2_quantile", rule.A2_quantile, 0, 1)
  ## CHECK parameter doRuleB
  if (doRuleB)
    if (.testParam_notInValues(mat.observations$abund, c(NA, 0, 1)))
      .testParam_notNum.m("rule.B1_number", rule.B1_number)
      .testParam_notBetween.m("rule.B1_percentage", rule.B1_percentage, 0, 1)
      .testParam_notBetween.m("rule.B2", rule.B2, 0, 1)
    } else
      doRuleB = FALSE
  ## CHECK parameter doRuleC
  if (doRuleC == FALSE ||
      sum(colnames(mat.observations) == "habitat") == 0 ||
      length(unique(mat.observations$habitat)) == 1)
    doRuleC = FALSE
    mat.observations$habitat = "all"
  mat.observations$habitat = as.character(mat.observations$habitat)
  categories = sort(unique(mat.observations$habitat))
  categories = unique(c("all", categories))
  ## CHECK parameter opt.doRobustness
  if (opt.doRobustness)
    .testParam_notNum.m("opt.robustness_rep", opt.robustness_rep)
    .testParam_notBetween.m("opt.robustness_percent", opt.robustness_percent, 0, 1)
    opt.robustness_percent = sort(unique(round(opt.robustness_percent, 1)))
  ## CHECK duplicated rows
  if (nrow(mat.observations) != nrow(unique(mat.observations)))
    warning(paste0("`mat.observations` contains duplicated rows ("
                   , sum(duplicated(mat.observations))
                   , "). These rows have been removed. Please check."))
    mat.observations = unique(mat.observations)
  cat("\n\n #------------------------------------------------------------#")
  cat("\n # PRE_FATE.selectDominant")
  cat("\n #------------------------------------------------------------# \n")
  ### PREPARATION OF DATA : informations
  MO = mat.observations
  MO.no_releves = nrow(MO)
  MO.sites = unique(MO$sites)
  MO.no_sites = length(MO.sites)
  MO.species = unique(MO$species)
  MO.no_species = length(MO.species)
  ind.notNA = which(!is.na(MO$abund))
  MO.no_releves.notNA = length(ind.notNA)
  MO.no_sites.notNA = length(unique(MO$sites[ind.notNA]))
  MO.no_species.notNA = length(unique(MO$species[ind.notNA]))
    cat("\n ---------- INFORMATION : SAMPLING \n")
    cat("\n  Number of releves : ", MO.no_releves)
    cat("\n  Number of sites : ", MO.no_sites)
    cat("\n  Number of species : ", MO.no_species)
    cat("\n ---------- INFORMATION : ABUNDANCE \n")
    cat("\n  Percentage of releves with abundance information : "
        , round(100 * MO.no_releves.notNA / MO.no_releves, 2), "%")
    cat("\n  Percentage of sites with abundance information : "
        , round(100 * MO.no_sites.notNA / MO.no_sites, 2), "%")
    cat("\n  Percentage of species with abundance information : "
        , round(100 * MO.no_species.notNA / MO.no_species, 2), "%")
    if (MO.no_releves.notNA / MO.no_releves == 0)
      warning(paste0("NO abundance information in your data. "
                     , "Dominant species selection will only be done with "
                     , "the criteria based on number of presences."))
    if (MO.no_species.notNA / MO.no_species < 1)
      warning(paste0("Species with NO abundance information can only be "
                     , "selected with the criteria based on number of presences."))
    cat("\n ---------- STATISTICS COMPUTATION \n")
    cat("\n  For each species (site level) :")
    if (doRuleA) {
      cat("\n     - total frequency and abundance (rule A1 & A2)")
    if (doRuleB) {
      cat("\n     - mean relative abundance (rule B2)")
      cat("\n     - frequency (absolute and relative) of each relative abundance class (rule B1)")
    if (doRuleC) {
      cat("\n  For each species (habitat level) :")
      cat("\n     - frequency and abundance (absolute and relative) within each habitat (rule C)")
    if (!doRuleA && !doRuleB && !doRuleC) {
      cat("\n     Nothing! No rule selected! Please check.")
  ## Prepare combinations to run statistics calculation
  combi = data.frame(rep = 1, percent = 1, type = "releves"
                     , stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  if (opt.doRobustness)
    opt.robustness_percent = opt.robustness_percent[which(opt.robustness_percent > 0 & 
                                                            opt.robustness_percent < 1)]
    combi = rbind(combi
                  , expand.grid(rep = 1:opt.robustness_rep
                                , percent = opt.robustness_percent
                                , type = c("releves", "sites")
                                , stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
    PROGRESS = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(combi), style = 3)
  combi$iter = 1:nrow(combi)
  ## Run statistics calculation
  RULES.robustness = foreach(i.type = combi$type
                             , i.rep = combi$rep
                             , i.percent = combi$percent
                             , i.iter = combi$iter
                             , .combine = "rbind"
  ) %do%
      ## If opt.doRobustness, select only a fraction of the observations
      if (i.type == "releves")
        sel.vec = 1:MO.no_releves
        sel.no = round(i.percent * MO.no_releves)
        sel.ind = sample(sel.vec, sel.no)
      } else
        sel.vec = 1:MO.no_sites
        sel.no = round(i.percent * MO.no_sites)
        sel.ind = sample(sel.vec, sel.no)
        sel.ind = which(MO$sites %in% MO.sites[sel.ind])
      if (length(sel.ind) > 0)
        mat.observations = MO[sel.ind, , drop = FALSE]
        no.species = length( unique(mat.observations$species))
        ### PREPARATION OF DATA : relative abundances
        class_breaks = seq(0, 1, 0.05)
        class_breaks.levels = foreach(i = 1:(length(class_breaks)-1)
                                      , j = 2:length(class_breaks)
                                      , .combine = "c") %do%
            paste0("(", class_breaks[i], ",", class_breaks[j], "]")
        ## Calculate relative abundances per site
        list.dat.sites = split(mat.observations, mat.observations$sites)
        mat.obs_rel = foreach(i.dat = 1:length(list.dat.sites)
                              , .combine = "rbind"
        ) %do%
            dat = list.dat.sites[[i.dat]]
            dat$sites.abund = sum(dat$abund, na.rm = TRUE)
            dat$abund_rel.sites = dat$abund / sum(dat$abund, na.rm = TRUE)
        mat.obs_rel$class_rel.sites = cut(mat.obs_rel$abund_rel.sites
                                          , breaks = class_breaks)
        ## Calculate relative abundances per habitat
        list.dat.habitat = split(mat.obs_rel, mat.obs_rel$habitat)
        mat.obs_rel = foreach(i.dat = 1:length(list.dat.habitat)
                              , .combine = "rbind"
        ) %do%
            dat = list.dat.habitat[[i.dat]]
            dat$habitat.abund = sum(dat$abund, na.rm = TRUE)
            dat$abund_rel.habitat = dat$abund / sum(dat$abund, na.rm = TRUE)
        ### STATISTICS
        ## SELECTION RULE A -----------------------------------------------------
        if (doRuleA || doRuleB)
          ## Calculate the number of releves per species
          mat1 = table(mat.obs_rel$species)
          mat1 = data.frame(species = names(mat1)
                            , freq_tot = as.vector(mat1)
                            , stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
          ## Calculate the total abundance per species
          mat2 = tapply(X = mat.obs_rel$abund
                        , INDEX = list(mat.obs_rel$species)
                        , FUN = sum
                        , na.rm = TRUE)
          mat2 = data.frame(species = names(mat2)
                            , abund_tot = as.vector(mat2)
                            , stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
          ## Gather information
          mat.A_B2 = merge(mat1, mat2, by = "species")
          rm(list = c("mat1", "mat2"))
        ## SELECTION RULE B -----------------------------------------------------
        if (doRuleB)
          ## Calculate mean relative abundance per species
          mat3 = tapply(X = mat.obs_rel$abund_rel.sites
                        , INDEX = list(mat.obs_rel$species)
                        , FUN = mean
                        , na.rm = TRUE)
          mat3 = data.frame(species = names(mat3)
                            , abund_rel.sites.mean = as.vector(mat3)
                            , stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
          mat.A_B2 = merge(mat.A_B2, mat3, by = "species", all.x = TRUE)
          # mat.A_B2$class_rel.sites.mean = cut(mat.A_B2$abund_rel.sites.mean
          #                               , breaks = class_breaks)
          rm(list = c("mat3"))
          ## Calculate the number of relative abundance class per species
          mat.B1 = table(mat.obs_rel$species, mat.obs_rel$class_rel.sites)
          mat.B1 = as.data.frame(mat.B1, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
          colnames(mat.B1) = c("species", "class_rel.sites", "freq.class_rel.sites")
          mat.B1 = mat.B1[which(mat.B1$freq.class_rel.sites > 0), ]
          ## Calculate the relative frequency
          mat.B1 = merge(mat.B1, mat.A_B2[, c("species", "freq_tot")], by = "species")
          mat.B1$freq_rel.class_rel.sites = mat.B1$freq.class_rel.sites / mat.B1$freq_tot
        ## SELECTION RULE C -----------------------------------------------------
        if (doRuleC)
          ## Calculate the number of releves per species per habitat
          mat.C = table(mat.obs_rel$species, mat.obs_rel$habitat)
          mat.C = as.data.frame(mat.C, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
          colnames(mat.C) = c("species", "habitat", "freq.habitat")
          mat.C = mat.C[which(mat.C$freq.habitat > 0), ]
          ## Calculate the relative frequency
          mat4 = table(mat.obs_rel$habitat)
          mat4 = data.frame(habitat = names(mat4)
                            , freq_tot.habitat = as.vector(mat4)
                            , stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
          mat.C = merge(mat.C, mat4, by = "habitat")
          mat.C$freq_rel.habitat = mat.C$freq.habitat / mat.C$freq_tot.habitat
          ## Calculate the total abundance per species per habitat
          mat5 = tapply(X = mat.obs_rel$abund
                        , INDEX = list(mat.obs_rel$species
                                       , mat.obs_rel$habitat)
                        , FUN = sum
                        , na.rm = TRUE)
          mat5 = as.data.frame(mat5, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
          mat5$species = rownames(mat5)
          mat5 = melt(mat5, id.vars = "species")
          colnames(mat5) = c("species", "habitat", "abund_tot.habitat")
          mat5 = mat5[which(mat5$abund_tot.habitat > 0), ]
          ## Calculate the relative abundance per habitat
          mat.C = merge(mat.C, mat5, by = c("species", "habitat"), all = TRUE)
          mat.C = merge(mat.C, unique(mat.obs_rel[, c("habitat", "habitat.abund")]), by = "habitat")
          mat.C$abund_rel.habitat = mat.C$abund_tot.habitat / mat.C$habitat.abund
          rm(list = c("mat4", "mat5"))
        ## Get information about how each species has been selected
        ## (over all area, or within specific habitat and which one(s), or both)
        sp_ruleA1 = sp_ruleA2 = sp_ruleB1 = sp_ruleB2 = sp_ruleCA2 = vector()
        if (doRuleA)
          ## A1 : minimum number of occurrences
          sp_ruleA1 = mat.A_B2$species[which(mat.A_B2$freq_tot >= rule.A1)]
          ## A2 : minimum number of occurrences (quantile)
          rule.A2_value = quantile(mat.A_B2$freq_tot, p = rule.A2_quantile)
          sp_ruleA2 = mat.A_B2$species[which(mat.A_B2$freq_tot >= rule.A2_value)]
        if (doRuleB)
          ## B1 : relative abundance or dominancy in a certain number of sites
          class_B1 = class_breaks.levels[(class_breaks[-1] >= rule.B1_percentage)]
          tmpB1 = mat.B1[which(mat.B1$class_rel.sites %in% class_B1), ]
          sp_ruleB1 = foreach(i.sp = unique(as.character(tmpB1$species)), .combine = "c") %do%
              tab = tmpB1[which(tmpB1$species == i.sp), ]
              if (sum(tab$freq.class_rel.sites) >= rule.B1_number) { return(i.sp) }
          sp_ruleB1 = unique(as.character(sp_ruleB1))
          ## B2 : minimum mean relative abundance
          sp_ruleB2 = mat.A_B2$species[which(mat.A_B2$abund_rel.sites.mean >= rule.B2)]
        if (doRuleC)
          ## C2 : similar to A2 for each habitat
          sp_ruleCA2 = foreach(i.hab = categories[-1]) %do%
              tab = mat.C[which(mat.C$habitat == i.hab), ]
              quanti = quantile(tab$freq.habitat, p = rule.A2_quantile)
              return(tab$species[which(tab$freq.habitat >= quanti)])
          names(sp_ruleCA2) = categories[-1]
          ## C1 : similar to B1 for each habitat
          # class_C1 = levels(mat.C$class_rel.sites)[(class_breaks[-1] >= rule.B1_percentage)]
          # class_C1 = class_breaks.levels[(class_breaks[-1] >= rule.B1_percentage)]
          # sp_ruleCB1 = mat.B1$species[which(mat.C$class_rel.sites %in% class_C1 &
          #                                     mat.C$freq.class_rel.sites >= rule.B1_number)]
          # sp_ruleCB1 = unique(as.character(sp_ruleCB1))
        ## COMBINE all rules ----------------------------------------------------
        sp_rule_ALL = c(list(A1 = sp_ruleA1
                             , A2 = sp_ruleA2
                             , B1 = sp_ruleB1
                             , B2 = sp_ruleB2)
                        , sp_ruleCA2)
        RULES = foreach(i.rule = 1:length(sp_rule_ALL), .combine = "rbind") %do%
            mat = matrix(FALSE, nrow = 1, ncol = no.species
                         , dimnames = list(names(sp_rule_ALL)[i.rule]
                                           , unique(mat.observations$species)))
            mat[, which(colnames(mat) %in% sp_rule_ALL[[i.rule]])] = TRUE
        RULES = as.data.frame(t(RULES))
        tab.sp = rowSums(RULES)
        tab.rules = colSums(RULES)
        ## Add information about how each species has been selected or not
        RULES$species = rownames(RULES)
        RULES$SELECTION = sapply(paste0(RULES$A2, "_", RULES$B1, "_", RULES$B2)
                                 , function(x) 
                                          , "FALSE_FALSE_FALSE" = "Not selected (A2, B1, B2)"
                                          , "TRUE_FALSE_FALSE" = "A2"
                                          , "FALSE_TRUE_FALSE" = "B1"
                                          , "FALSE_FALSE_TRUE" = "B2"
                                          , "TRUE_TRUE_FALSE" = "A2 & B1"
                                          , "FALSE_TRUE_TRUE" = "B1 & B2"
                                          , "TRUE_FALSE_TRUE" = "A2 & B2"
                                          , "TRUE_TRUE_TRUE" = "A2 & B1 & B2")
        RULES$SELECTION[which(tab.sp == 0)] = "Not selected"
        RULES$SELECTION[which(tab.sp == 1 &
                                RULES$A1 == TRUE)] = "Not selected"
        RULES$SELECTION[which(tab.sp > 1 &
                                RULES$A1 == TRUE &
                                RULES$SELECTION == "Not selected (A2, B1, B2)")] = "C"
        RULES$SELECTION[which(tab.sp > 0 &
                                RULES$A1 == FALSE &
                                RULES$SELECTION == "Not selected (A2, B1, B2)")] = "C" ## not A1
        RULES$SELECTION = factor(RULES$SELECTION, c("Not selected"
                                                    , "A2"
                                                    , "A2 & B1"
                                                    , "A2 & B2"
                                                    , "A2 & B1 & B2"
                                                    , "B1"
                                                    , "B2"
                                                    , "B1 & B2"
                                                    , "C"))
        ## Summary : has each species been selected or not
        RULES$SELECTED[which(RULES$SELECTION != "Not selected" & RULES$A1 == TRUE)] = TRUE
        ## SAVE summary tables --------------------------------------------------
        if (i.percent == 1 && i.type == "releves" && i.rep == 1)
          end_filename = end_filenameA = end_filenameB = end_filenameC = ""
          if (doRuleA) {
            end_filenameA = paste0("_A_", rule.A1
                                   , "_", rule.A2_quantile)
                      , file = "PRE_FATE_DOMINANT_mat.A_B2.csv"
                      , row.names = FALSE)
          if (doRuleB) {
            end_filenameB = paste0("_B_", rule.B1_number
                                   , "_", rule.B1_percentage
                                   , "_", rule.B2)
                      , file = "PRE_FATE_DOMINANT_mat.B1.csv"
                      , row.names = FALSE)
          if (doRuleC) {
            end_filenameC = paste0("_C_", rule.A1
                                   , "_", rule.A2_quantile)
                      , file = "PRE_FATE_DOMINANT_mat.C.csv"
                      , row.names = FALSE)
          end_filename = paste0(end_filenameA, end_filenameB, end_filenameC)
                    , file = paste0("PRE_FATE_DOMINANT_TABLE_complete"
                                    , end_filename
                                    , ".csv")
                    , row.names = FALSE)
          write.csv(RULES[which(RULES$SELECTED == TRUE), "species"]
                    , file = paste0("PRE_FATE_DOMINANT_TABLE_species"
                                    , end_filename
                                    , ".csv")
                    , row.names = FALSE)
          message(paste0("\n The output files \n"
                         , ifelse(doRuleA
                                  , " > PRE_FATE_DOMINANT_mat.A_B2.csv \n"
                                  , "")
                         , ifelse(doRuleB
                                  , " > PRE_FATE_DOMINANT_mat.B1.csv \n"
                                  , "")
                         , ifelse(doRuleC
                                  , " > PRE_FATE_DOMINANT_mat.C.csv \n"
                                  , "")
                         , " > PRE_FATE_DOMINANT_TABLE_complete"
                         , end_filename
                         , ".csv \n"
                         , " > PRE_FATE_DOMINANT_TABLE_species"
                         , end_filename
                         , ".csv \n"
                         , "have been successfully created !\n"))
        ## RETURN table ---------------------------------------------------------
        if (opt.doRobustness)
          setTxtProgressBar(pb = PROGRESS, value = i.iter)
          RULES$type = i.type
          RULES$percent = i.percent
          RULES$rep = i.rep
  cat("\n ---------- SELECTION OF DOMINANT SPECIES \n")
  ## Keep only part corresponding to full dataset
  if (opt.doRobustness)
    RULES = RULES.robustness[which(RULES.robustness$percent == 1 &
                                     RULES.robustness$type == "releves" &
                                     RULES.robustness$rep == 1), ]
    RULES = RULES[, -which(colnames(RULES) %in% c("type", "percent", "rep"))]
  } else
    RULES = RULES.robustness
  ## Get selected species and corresponding observations
  RULES.sel = RULES[which(RULES$SELECTION != "Not selected"), ]
  sel.sp = RULES.sel$species[which(RULES.sel$A1 == TRUE)]
  sel.obs = MO[which(MO$species %in% sel.sp), ]
    cat("\n   - Number of selected species :", length(sel.sp))
    cat("\n   - Representativity of species :"
        , round(100 * length(sel.sp) / MO.no_species)
        , "%")
    cat("\n   - Representativity of sites :"
        , round(100 * length(unique(sel.obs$sites)) / MO.no_sites)
        , "%")
    cat("\n   - Representativity of total abundance :"
        , round(100 * sum(sel.obs$abund, na.rm = T) / sum(MO$abund, na.rm = T))
        , "%")
    cat("\n  Complete table of information can be find in output files.")
  if (opt.doPlot)
    cat("\n ---------- PRODUCING PLOT(S) \n")
    ## ILLUSTRATION of rules A1, A2 and C -------------------------------------
    if (doRuleA || doRuleC)
      cat("\n> Illustration of rules A and C")
      tab.plot = mat.A_B2[, c("species", "freq_tot", "abund_tot")]
      tab.plot$habitat = "all"
      names.plot = c("tot")
      if (doRuleC)
        tmp = mat.C[, c("habitat", "species", "freq.habitat", "abund_tot.habitat")]
        colnames(tmp) = c("habitat", "species", "freq_tot", "abund_tot")
        tab.plot = rbind(tab.plot, tmp)
        names.plot = c("tot", "hab")
      ## Correct total abundance value to 1 when no abundance is provided (NA)
      tab.plot$abund_tot[which(is.na(tab.plot$abund_tot))] = 1
      ## Add information about selection rules A1 & A2
      tab.quant = foreach(i.hab = categories, .combine = "rbind") %do%
          tab = tab.plot[which(tab.plot$habitat == i.hab), ]
          quanti = quantile(tab$freq_tot, p = rule.A2_quantile)
          return(data.frame(habitat = i.hab
                            , quantile = quanti
                            , stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
      tab.plot = merge(tab.plot, tab.quant, by = "habitat")
      tab.plot$class_A = factor(ifelse(tab.plot$freq_tot < rule.A1
                                       , 1
                                       , ifelse(tab.plot$freq_tot >= tab.plot$quantile
                                                , 3, 2)))
      rm(list = c("tab.quant"))
      doLogA = max(tab.plot$abund_tot, na.rm = TRUE)
      ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      pp_shared = 'geom_histogram(aes_string("freq_tot")
      , fill = "grey60"
      , alpha = 0.5
      , binwidth = function(x) 2 * IQR(x) / (length(x)^(1/4))
      , na.rm = FALSE) +
      geom_point(aes_string(x = "freq_tot"
      , y = "abund_tot"
      , color = "class_A")
      , alpha = 0.5) +
      geom_vline(xintercept = rule.A1, lty = 2) +
      geom_vline(aes_string(xintercept = "quantile"), lty = 2) +
      geom_label_repel(data = tab.quanti
      , aes_string(x = "quantile"
      , y = "y_quanti"
      , label = "lab_quanti")
      , color = tab.quanti$col_quanti
      , fontface = "bold"
      , direction = "x"
      , label.size = 0
      , label.padding = unit(0.3, "lines")) +
      scale_color_manual(guide = FALSE
      , values = c("1" = "brown"
      , "2" = "chocolate"
      , "3" = "darkgoldenrod")) +
      labs(x = "\nNumber of occurrences"
      , y = "Total abundance\n") +
      .getGraphics_theme() +
      theme(axis.title = element_text(size = 12))'
      if (doLogA >= 100)
        pp_shared = paste0(pp_shared, '+
                           scale_y_log10(name = "Total abundance\n")')
      ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      for(i.plot in names.plot)
        if (i.plot == "tot") {
          tab = tab.plot[which(tab.plot$habitat == "all"), ]
        } else {
          tab = tab.plot[which(tab.plot$habitat != "all"), ]
        if(nrow(tab) > 0)
          ## Add quantiles corresponding to rules A1 and A2
          tab.quanti1 = data.frame(habitat = unique(tab$habitat)
                                   , quantile = rule.A1
                                   , col_quanti = "chocolate"
                                   , lab_quanti = "A1"
                                   , stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
          tab.quanti2 = unique(tab[, c("habitat", "quantile")])
          tab.quanti2$col_quanti = "darkgoldenrod"
          tab.quanti2$lab_quanti = "A2"
          tab.quanti = rbind(tab.quanti1, tab.quanti2)
          tab.quanti$y_quanti = ifelse(doLogA >= 100, 0.5, doLogA)
          pp = eval(parse(text = paste0('ggplot(tab) +', pp_shared)))
          if (i.plot == "tot") {
            pp_tot = pp +
              annotate(geom = "label"
                       , x = max(tab.plot$freq_tot) * c(0.05, 0.6, 0.6)
                       , y = doLogA * c(0.6, 0.6, 0.01)
                       , label = c("Very abundant species \nwith narrow distributions"
                                   , "Very abundant and\n widespread species"
                                   , "Widespread species \nbut poorly abundant")
                       , colour = c("grey30", "darkgoldenrod", "darkgoldenrod")
                       , fontface = c("italic", "bold", "bold")
                       , hjust = "inward"
                       , alpha = 0.5) +
              labs(title = "STEP 1 : Selection of dominant species - rule A"
                   , subtitle = paste0("Criteria concerning occurrences within all sites :\n"
                                       , "  > A1 = minimum number of releves required : "
                                       , rule.A1, "\n"
                                       , "  > A2 = minimum number of occurrences required : quantile("
                                       , rule.A2_quantile * 100, "%) = "
                                       , round(rule.A2_value), "\n"
                                       , "\n"))
            ## ----------------------------------------------------------------
            ggsave(filename = paste0("PRE_FATE_DOMINANT_STEP_1_rule"
                                     , end_filenameA, ".pdf")
                   , plot = pp_tot, device = "pdf", width = 10, height = 8)
          } else {
            pp_hab = pp +
              facet_wrap(~ habitat, scales = "free_x") +
              labs(title = "STEP 1 : Selection of dominant species - rule C"
                   , subtitle = paste0("Criteria concerning occurrences within all habitats :\n"
                                       , "  > A1 = minimum number of releves required : "
                                       , rule.A1, "\n"
                                       , "  > A2 = minimum number of occurrences required : quantile("
                                       , rule.A2_quantile * 100, "%) = "
                                       , paste0(paste0(tab.quanti2$habitat, ": "
                                                       , round(tab.quanti2$quantile))
                                                , collapse = " / "), "\n"
                                       , "\n"))
            ## ----------------------------------------------------------------
            ggsave(filename = paste0("PRE_FATE_DOMINANT_STEP_1_rule"
                                     , end_filenameC, ".pdf")
                   , plot = pp_hab, device = "pdf", width = 12, height = 9)
    ## ILLUSTRATION of rules B1 -----------------------------------------------
    if (doRuleB)
      cat("\n> Illustration of rule B")
      tab.plot = mat.B1
      ## Associate a color to each species : rule B1
      pal_sp = sequential_hcl(n = length(sp_ruleB1)
                              , palette = "Teal", rev = TRUE)
      pal_sp = data.frame(species = sp_ruleB1
                          , id_color = pal_sp
                          , stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      tab.plot = merge(tab.plot, pal_sp, by = "species", all.x = TRUE)
      tab.plot$id_color[which(is.na(tab.plot$id_color))] = "darkgray"
      tab.plot$class_B = ifelse(tab.plot$id_color == "darkgray"
                                , 1, 2)
      tab.plot$class_rel.sites = factor(tab.plot$class_rel.sites, class_breaks.levels)
      ## Associate a color to each species : rule B2
      pal_sp = sequential_hcl(n = length(sp_ruleB2)
                              , palette = "Greens", rev = TRUE)
      for(i.sp in 1:length(sp_ruleB2))
        tab.plot$id_color[which(tab.plot$species == sp_ruleB2[i.sp])] = pal_sp[i.sp]
        tab.plot$class_B[which(tab.plot$species == sp_ruleB2[i.sp])] = 3
      doLogB = max(tab.plot$freq.class_rel.sites, na.rm = TRUE)
      x_B1 = (class_breaks < rule.B1_percentage)
      x_B1 = max(which(x_B1 == TRUE))
      x_B2 = (class_breaks < rule.B2)
      x_B2 = max(which(x_B2 == TRUE))
      ## FREQ -----------------------------------------------------------------
      pp_B = ggplot(tab.plot, aes_string(x = "as.numeric(class_rel.sites) + 0.3 * (class_B - 1)"
                                         , y = "freq.class_rel.sites"
                                         , fill = "id_color")) +
        geom_col(position = "identity"
                 , alpha = 0.5
                 , width = 0.3
                 , na.rm = TRUE) +
        geom_hline(yintercept = rule.B1_number, lty = 2) +
        annotate(geom = "label"
                 , x = 0
                 , y = rule.B1_number
                 , colour = "dodgerblue4"
                 , fontface = "bold"
                 , label = "B1.no"
                 , label.size = 0
                 , label.padding = unit(0.25, "lines")) +
        geom_vline(xintercept = c(x_B1, x_B2), lty = 2) +
        annotate(geom = "label"
                 , x = c(x_B1, x_B2)
                 , y = ifelse(doLogB >= 100, 0.5, doLogB)
                 , colour = c("dodgerblue4", "darkgreen")
                 , fontface = "bold"
                 , label = c("B1.%", "B2")
                 , label.size = 0
                 , label.padding = unit(1, "lines")) +
        annotate(geom = "label"
                 , x = 20 * c(0.15, 0.5, 0.9)
                 , y = doLogB * c(0.8, ifelse(doLogB >= 100, 0.05, 0.5)
                                  , ifelse(doLogB >= 100, 0.003, 0.1))
                 , label = c("Poorly abundant\n species \nbut widespread"
                             , "Species relatively abundant\n or dominant \n in a certain number of sites"
                             , "Dominant species \nbut in few sites")
                 , colour = c("grey30", "dodgerblue4", "darkgreen")
                 , fontface = c("italic", "bold", "bold")
                 , alpha = 0.5) +
        scale_x_continuous(name = "\nWithin-site relative abundance (%)"
                           , breaks = seq(1, length(class_breaks) - 1)
                           , labels = 100 * class_breaks[-1]) +
        scale_fill_identity(guide = FALSE) +
        scale_color_continuous(guide = FALSE) +
        labs(y = "Releves frequency\n"
             , title = "STEP 1 : Selection of dominant species - rule B"
             , subtitle = paste0("Criteria concerning abundances within all concerned sites :\n"
                                 , "  > B1.no = minimum number of sites required : "
                                 , rule.B1_number, "\n"
                                 , "  > B1.% = with a minimum relative abundance of : "
                                 , 100 * rule.B1_percentage, "% \n"
                                 , "  > B2 = minimum mean relative abundance required : "
                                 , 100 * rule.B2, "% \n"
                                 , "\n")) +
        .getGraphics_theme() +
        theme(axis.title = element_text(size = 12))
      if (doLogB >= 100)
        pp_B = pp_B +
          scale_y_log10(name = "Releves frequency\n")
      ## FREQ.REL -------------------------------------------------------------
      pp_B.rel = ggplot(tab.plot, aes_string(x = "as.numeric(class_rel.sites) + 0.3 * (class_B - 1)"
                                             , y = "freq_rel.class_rel.sites"
                                             , fill = "id_color")) +
        geom_col(position = "identity"
                 , alpha = 0.5
                 , width = 0.3
                 , na.rm = TRUE) +
        geom_vline(xintercept = c(x_B1, x_B2), lty = 2) +
        annotate(geom = "label"
                 , x = c(x_B1, x_B2)
                 , y = 1.1
                 , colour = c("dodgerblue4", "darkgreen")
                 , fontface = "bold"
                 , label = c("B1.%", "B2")
                 , label.size = 0
                 , label.padding = unit(1, "lines")) +
        scale_x_continuous(name = "\nWithin-site relative abundance (%)"
                           , breaks = seq(1, length(class_breaks) - 1)
                           , labels = 100 * class_breaks[-1]) +
        scale_y_continuous(name = "Relative releves frequency (representativity) (%)\n"
                           , breaks = seq(0, 1, 0.2)
                           , labels = seq(0, 1, 0.2) * 100) +
        scale_fill_identity(guide = FALSE) +
        scale_color_continuous(guide = FALSE) +
        labs(title = "STEP 1 : Selection of dominant species - rule B"
             , subtitle = paste0("Criteria concerning abundances within all concerned sites :\n"
                                 , "  > B1.no = minimum number of sites required : "
                                 , rule.B1_number, "\n"
                                 , "  > B1.% = with a minimum relative abundance of : "
                                 , 100 * rule.B1_percentage, "% \n"
                                 , "  > B2 = minimum mean relative abundance required : "
                                 , 100 * rule.B2, "% \n"
                                 , "\n")) +
        .getGraphics_theme() +
        theme(axis.title = element_text(size = 12))
      ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      pdf(file = paste0("PRE_FATE_DOMINANT_STEP_1_rule"
                        , end_filenameB, ".pdf")
          , width = 10, height = 8)
    ## ILLUSTRATION of SELECTED SPECIES ---------------------------------------
      cat("\n> Illustration of selected species")
      if (length(sel.sp) <= 1)
        warning("Too few species selected for representation. No phylogeny and PCO graphics.")
      } else
        ## Associate a color to each species according to selection rules
        pal_col = c("Not selected" = "grey"
                    , "A2" = "darkgoldenrod"
                    , "A2 & B1" = "coral2"
                    , "A2 & B2" = "hotpink3"
                    , "A2 & B1 & B2" = "mediumorchid3"
                    , "B1" = "dodgerblue4"
                    , "B2" = "darkgreen"
                    , "B1 & B2" = "darkolivegreen3"
                    , "C" = "lightsalmon4")
        tip_col = pal_col[RULES.sel$SELECTION]
        pal_col = pal_col[which(names(pal_col) %in% unique(RULES.sel$SELECTION))]
        ## Transform results of selection rules into distance matrix
        mat.dist = RULES.sel[, -which(colnames(RULES.sel) %in% c("species", "SELECTION"))]
        mat.dist = as.matrix(mat.dist)
        mat.dist[] = as.numeric(mat.dist[])
        mat.dist = as.dist(gowdis(mat.dist))
        if (is.na(is.euclid(mat.dist)))
          warning("No euclidean distance. No phylogeny and PCO graphics.")
        } else
          if (!is.euclid(mat.dist)) mat.dist = quasieuclid(mat.dist)
          ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
          ## Transform distance matrix into phylogeny -----------------------------
          hcp = as.phylo(hclust(mat.dist))
          clust = cutree(hclust(mat.dist), h = 0.75)
          clust.table = table(clust)
          .getAncestors = function(groups, group.i)
            ## tips corresponding to the class
            ind_group.i = which(groups == group.i)
            ind_tot = vector()
            while(length(ind_tot) < (2 * table(groups)[group.i] - 2))
              ind_tips = which(hcp$edge[, 2] %in% ind_group.i)
              ## ancestors corresponding to the tips
              ind_ancestors = unique(hcp$edge[ind_tips, 1])
              ind_tot = unique(c(ind_tot, ind_tips))
              ind_group.i = ind_ancestors
          ## GET edges color
          edge_col = rep("grey", nrow(hcp$edge))
          if (length(clust.table) > 1)
            for(i.class in 1:length(clust.table))
              ind = .getAncestors(groups = clust, group.i = i.class)
              edge_col[ind] = paste0("grey", round(seq(20, 80, length.out = length(clust.table))))[i.class]
          ## GET edges linetype
          edge_lty = rep(1, nrow(hcp$edge))
          if (doRuleA && length(which(RULES.sel$A1 == FALSE)) > 0)
            ind = .getAncestors(groups = RULES.sel$A1, group.i = "FALSE")
            edge_lty[ind] = 2
          ## GET tips color
          tip_col = foreach(i = 1:length(tip_col), .combine = "c") %do%
              aa = col2rgb(col = tip_col[i])[, 1]
              bb = rgb(red = aa["red"]/255
                       , green = aa["green"]/255
                       , blue = aa["blue"]/255
                       , alpha = ifelse(RULES.sel$A1[i] == TRUE, 1, 0.2))
          ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
          pdf(file = "PRE_FATE_DOMINANT_STEP_2_selectedSpecies_PHYLO.pdf"
              , width = 10, height = 10)
          pp_phylo = {
                 , type = "fan" ## unrooted, phylogram
                 , cex = 0.5
                 , label.offset = 0.01
                 , lab4ut = "axial"
                 , edge.color = edge_col
                 , edge.width = 1.5
                 , edge.lty = edge_lty
                 , tip.color = tip_col
                   , legend = names(pal_col)
                   , col = pal_col
                   , pch = 15
                   , pt.cex = 2
                   , bty ="n"
                   , xpd = TRUE)
            title(main = "STEP 2 : Selected dominant species"
                  , sub = paste0("Colors highlight the rules of selection.\n"
                                 , "Species not meeting any criteria or only A1 have been removed.\n"
                                 , "Priority has been set to A2, B1 and B2 rules, rather than C. \n"
                                 , "Hence, species selected according to A2, B1 and/or B2 can also meet criterion C\n"
                                 , "while species selected according to C do not meet any of the three criteria.\n"
                                 , "Species selected according to one (or more) criterion but not meeting criterion A1 are transparent."
                                 , "\n")
                  , adj = 0)
          ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
          ## Transform distance matrix into PCO -----------------------------------
          PCO = dudi.pco(mat.dist, scannf = FALSE, nf = 3) ## PCO
          if (ncol(PCO$li) > 1)
            PCO.li = PCO$li
            PCO.li$PFG = factor(RULES.sel$SELECTION)
            PCO.li$selected = RULES.sel$A1
            ind_sel = which(PCO.li$selected == TRUE)
            ## GET inertia values
            inert = inertia.dudi(PCO)$tot.inertia
            inert = c(inert$`cum(%)`[1]
                      , inert$`cum(%)`[2] - inert$`cum(%)`[1]
                      , inert$`cum(%)`[3] - inert$`cum(%)`[2])
            ## --------------------------------------------------------------------
            num.axis = 2:length(which(!is.na(inert)))
            pp_pco.list = foreach(i.axis = num.axis) %do%
                ## GET ellipses when A1 = TRUE
                PCO.ELL = .getELLIPSE(xy = PCO.li[ind_sel, c("A1", paste0("A", i.axis))]
                                      , fac = PCO.li$PFG[ind_sel])
                PCO.ELL$selected = TRUE
                PCO.pts = merge(PCO.li[ind_sel, ]
                                , unique(PCO.ELL[, c("xlabel", "ylabel", "PFG")])
                                , by = "PFG")
                PCO.pts$selected = TRUE
                labels.ELL = unique(PCO.ELL[, c("xlabel", "ylabel", "PFG", "selected")])
                ## GET ellipses when A1 = FALSE
                if (length(unique(PCO.li$PFG[-ind_sel])) > 1)
                  tmp.ELL = .getELLIPSE(xy = PCO.li[-ind_sel, c("A1", paste0("A", i.axis))]
                                        , fac = PCO.li$PFG[-ind_sel])
                  tmp.ELL$selected = FALSE
                  tmp.pts = merge(PCO.li[-ind_sel, ]
                                  , unique(tmp.ELL[, c("xlabel", "ylabel", "PFG")])
                                  , by = "PFG")
                  tmp.pts$selected = FALSE
                  PCO.ELL = rbind(PCO.ELL, tmp.ELL)
                  PCO.pts = rbind(PCO.pts, tmp.pts)
                pp_pco = ggplot(PCO.li, aes_string(x = "A1"
                                                   , y = paste0("A", i.axis)
                                                   , color = "PFG"
                                                   , alpha = "as.numeric(selected)"
                                                   , linetype = "selected")) +
                  geom_point() +
                  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, color = "grey30", lwd = 1) +
                  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, color = "grey30", lwd = 1) +
                  geom_segment(data = PCO.pts, aes_string(xend = "xlabel"
                                                          , yend = "ylabel"
                                                          , size = "selected")) +
                  geom_path(data = PCO.ELL, aes_string(x = "x", y = "y", size = "selected")) +
                  geom_label_repel(data = labels.ELL, aes_string(x = "xlabel"
                                                                 , y = "ylabel"
                                                                 , label = "PFG")) +
                  scale_y_continuous(position = "right", labels = NULL
                                     , sec.axis = sec_axis(~ . + 0)) +
                  scale_color_manual(guide = FALSE, values = pal_col) +
                  scale_alpha(guide = FALSE, range = c(0.2, 1)) +
                  scale_linetype_manual(guide = FALSE, values = c("TRUE" = 1, "FALSE" = 2)) +
                  scale_size_manual(guide = FALSE, values = c("TRUE" = 0.8, "FALSE" = 0.5)) +
                  labs(x = paste0("\nAXIS 1 = ", round(inert[1], 1), "% of inertia")
                       , y = paste0("AXIS ", i.axis, " = ", round(inert[i.axis], 1), "% of inertia\n")
                       , title = "STEP 2 : Selected dominant species"
                       , subtitle = paste0("Colors highlight the rules of selection.\n"
                                           , "Species not meeting any criteria or only A1 have been removed.\n"
                                           , "Priority has been set to A2, B1 and B2 rules, rather than C. \n"
                                           , "Hence, species selected according to A2, B1 and/or B2 can also meet criterion C\n"
                                           , "while species selected according to C do not meet any of the three criteria.\n"
                                           , "Species selected according to one (or more) criterion but not meeting criterion A1 are transparent."
                                           , "\n")) +
                  .getGraphics_theme() +
                  theme(axis.title = element_text(size = 12))
            names(pp_pco.list) = paste0("Axis1_Axis", num.axis)
            pp_pco.list = pp_pco.list[names(pp_pco.list)[which(sapply(pp_pco.list, is.null) == FALSE)]]
            ## --------------------------------------------------------------------
            if (!is.null(pp_pco.list))
              pdf(file = "PRE_FATE_DOMINANT_STEP_2_selectedSpecies_PCO.pdf"
                  , width = 10, height = 8)
              for (pp in pp_pco.list) if (!is.null(pp)) plot(pp)
          } ## END ncol(PCO$li) > 1
        } ## END is.na(is.euclid(mat.dist))
      } ## END length(sel.sp) <= 1
    ## ILLUSTRATION of robustness ---------------------------------------------
    if (opt.doRobustness)
      cat("\n> Illustration of robustness")
      names.subset = c("All dataset", levels(RULES.robustness$SELECTION))
      pp_rob.list = foreach(i.subset = names.subset) %do%
          if (i.subset != "Not selected")
            if (i.subset == "All dataset") {
              tab.subset = RULES.robustness
            } else {
              tab.subset = RULES.robustness[which(RULES.robustness$SELECTION == i.subset), ]
            if (nrow(tab.subset) > 0)
              ## NO OF SPECIES
              tab.noSp = tapply(X = as.numeric(tab.subset$SELECTED)
                                , INDEX = list(tab.subset$type
                                               , tab.subset$percent
                                               , tab.subset$rep)
                                , FUN = sum
                                , na.rm = TRUE)
              tab.noSp = melt(tab.noSp)
              colnames(tab.noSp) = c("type", "percent", "rep", "value")
              tab.noSp$analysis = "no.sp"
              tab.noSp$value = tab.noSp$value / length(sel.sp)
              ## SIMILAR SPECIES
              tab.simSp = foreach(i.type = combi$type
                                  , i.rep = combi$rep
                                  , i.percent = combi$percent
                                  , .combine = "rbind") %do%
                  tmp = tab.subset[which(tab.subset$type == i.type &
                                           tab.subset$percent == i.percent &
                                           tab.subset$rep == i.rep), ]
                  tmp.sp1 = tmp$species[which(tmp$SELECTED == TRUE)]
                  tmp.sp2 = tmp.sp1[which(tmp.sp1 %in% sel.sp)]
                  percent1 = length(tmp.sp2) / length(tmp.sp1)
                  percent2 = length(tmp.sp2) / length(sel.sp)
                  return(data.frame(type = i.type
                                    , percent = i.percent
                                    , rep = i.rep
                                    , analysis = c("percent", "all")
                                    , value = c(percent1, percent2)
                                    , stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
              ## PLOT
              tab.plot = rbind(tab.noSp, tab.simSp)
              tab.plot$analysis = factor(tab.plot$analysis, c("no.sp", "all", "percent"))
              tab.plot$percent_fac = factor(tab.plot$percent, seq(0, 1, 0.1))
              tab.plot$percent_num = as.numeric(tab.plot$percent_fac)
              pp_rob = ggplot(tab.plot, aes_string(y = "value", color = "type")) +
                geom_boxplot(aes_string(x = "percent_fac"), na.rm = TRUE) +
                geom_smooth(aes_string(x = "percent_num"), method = "loess", na.rm = TRUE) +
                facet_wrap(analysis ~ ., ncol = 3
                           , labeller = as_labeller(c("no.sp" = "a"
                                                      , "all" = "b"
                                                      , "percent" = "c"))) +
                scale_x_discrete(name = "\nPercentage of observations (%)"
                                 , breaks = seq(0, 1, 0.2)
                                 , labels = seq(0, 1, 0.2) * 100
                                 , drop = FALSE) +
                scale_y_continuous(name = "Percentage of similarity (%)\n"
                                   , breaks = seq(0, 1, 0.1)
                                   , labels = seq(0, 1, 0.1) * 100) +
                scale_color_manual(guide = FALSE
                                   , values = c("releves" = "midnightblue"
                                                , "sites" = "brown")) +
                labs(title = paste0("STEP 2 : Selected dominant species - robustness(", i.subset, ")")
                     , subtitle = paste0("Selection is run on a subset S, keeping only a "
                                         , "percentage of releves (blue) "
                                         , "or sites (red) from original data set O :\n"
                                         , "  > a = number(S species) / number(O species) \n"
                                         , "  > b = number(S & O species) / number(O species) \n"
                                         , "  > c = number(S & O species) / number(S species) \n"
                                         , "\n")) +
                .getGraphics_theme() +
                theme(axis.title = element_text(size = 12))
      names(pp_rob.list) = names.subset
      pp_rob.list = pp_rob.list[names(pp_rob.list)[which(sapply(pp_rob.list, is.null) == FALSE)]]
      ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      if (!is.null(pp_rob.list))
        pdf(file = "PRE_FATE_DOMINANT_STEP_2_selectedSpecies_robustness.pdf"
            , width = 10, height = 8)
        for (pp in pp_rob.list) if (!is.null(pp)) plot(pp)
    } ## opt.doRobustness
  cat("\n> Done!\n")
  results = list(species.selected = sel.sp, tab.rules = RULES)
  if (opt.doRobustness) {
    results$tab.robustness = RULES.robustness
  if (opt.doPlot) {
    if (doRuleA && exists("pp_tot")) results$plot.A = pp_tot
    if (doRuleB && exists("pp_B")) results$plot.B = list(abs = pp_B, rel = pp_B.rel)
    if (doRuleC && exists("pp_hab")) results$plot.C = pp_hab
    if (exists("pp_pco.list")) results$plot.pco = pp_pco.list
    if (opt.doRobustness && exists("pp_rob.list")) results$plot.robustness = pp_rob.list
MayaGueguen/RFate documentation built on Oct. 17, 2020, 8:06 a.m.