
Defines functions purify_n_normalize

Documented in purify_n_normalize

#' Purify quant and normalize
#' Refine intensity values based on isobaric purity and normalize. Zero values are substituted for missing values.
#' @param psms Data frame. Optimally, the best PSMs obtained after processing the `psm.tsv` with the function `psmtsv_to_modified_peptides`.
#' @param annot Data frame obtained from loading the `annotation.txt` from Fragpipe output. First column should be named `channel` and second column should be named `sample`.
#' @param
#' @return Data frame of summed protein intensities from unique modified peptides.
#' @examples
#' @export
#' @keywords
purify_n_normalize <- function(psms, annot) {
# pre-process annotation file --------------------------

# we need to modify the sample names in the annotation file to match the
# names of the of the TMT intensities after loading into R.

psm_cols_trim <- colnames(psms) %>% # get column names of psm file
                    str_remove("\\..*") # eliminate sufix

psm_cols <- colnames(psms) # get column names of psm file wo eliminate sufix

# create df mapping trimmed sample names and the ones with sufix
trimed2original_sample <- tibble(sample = psm_cols_trim,
                                 sample_trim = psm_cols)

# correct annotation file to match column names for TMT channel intensities
# in the psm file
annot_2 <- annot %>%
                    left_join(., trimed2original_sample) %>% # merge annotation file w untrimmed
                    dplyr::slice(1:nrow(annot)) # keep only sample names present in columns of psm file

# function to calculate fraction of usable intensity by purity -----

refine_int <- function(col){
                    # extract columns for peptide id, purity and quant
                    # col should be a vector with names corresponding to the names of
                    # the quant columns from the summarized psm.tsv file.
                    # this was taken care of during summarization of annotation file
                    df_q <- psms %>%
                            dplyr::select(`Modified Peptide`, Purity, starts_with(col))

                    # get column names of the previous data frame
                    df_q_names <- colnames(df_q)

                    # exection of purification
                    df_q_rat <- df_q %>%
                                        #multiply the intensity times the purity, for each quant column
                                        mutate({{col}} := .data[[{{col}}]] * .data[["Purity"]]) %>%
                                        # then select only the quant column used for the purification



# purification step -----

# apply the purification function for each quantitative column
# each list element in the output would represent a purified column of the
# psm summarized intensity matrix
purified_ <- purrr::map(.x = annot_2$sample_trim,
                        .f = refine_int)

# then we merge each of the elements of the list above
purified_quant_w_info <- bind_cols(purified_) %>%
                    # add information about peptide and proteins to the quant data
                    mutate(`Modified Peptide` = psms$`Modified Peptide`,
                           `Peptide` = psms$`Peptide`,
                           `Protein ID` = psms$`Protein ID`,
                           `Is Unique` = psms$`Is Unique`) %>%
                    mutate(protein_id_modif_pep = paste(`Protein ID`, `Modified Peptide`,
                                                        sep = "_")) %>%
                                    `Modified Peptide`,
                                    `Protein ID`,
                                    `Is Unique`)

non_purified_quant_w_info <- psms %>%
                    dplyr::select(`Modified Peptide`,
                                  `Protein ID`,
                                  `Is Unique`,

purified_quant <- purified_quant_w_info %>%
                    dplyr::select(-c(`Modified Peptide`,
                                     `Protein ID`,
                                     `Protein ID`,
                                     `Is Unique`))

# median centering and log2 transformation -----

# median centering and log2 transformation of purified quants ----
mat_ratios_pure <- purified_quant %>%
                    column_to_rownames("protein_id_modif_pep") %>%

mat_ratios_pure[mat_ratios_pure == 0] <- NA

log2_mat_pure <- mutate_all(as.data.frame(mat_ratios_pure),

scaled_mat_pure <- scale(log2_mat_pure,
                         scale = F,
                         center = apply(log2_mat_pure, 2, median,
                                        na.rm = TRUE) - median(as.matrix(log2_mat_pure),
                                                               na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
                    abs(.) # log2 values of fractions are negative; take absolute values

scaled_mat_pure_df <- scaled_mat_pure %>%
                    as.data.frame() %>%

# median centering and log2 transformation of non purified quants ----

psms_q2 <- psms %>%
                    dplyr::select(`Protein ID`, `Modified Peptide`,
                                  annot_2$sample_trim) %>%
                    mutate(protein_id_modif_pep = paste(`Protein ID`, `Modified Peptide`,
                                                        sep = "_")) %>%
                    dplyr::relocate(protein_id_modif_pep) %>%
                    dplyr::select(-c(`Modified Peptide`, `Protein ID`))

mat_nopure <- psms_q2 %>%
                    column_to_rownames("protein_id_modif_pep") %>%

mat_nopure[mat_nopure == 0] <- NA

log2_mat_nopure <- mutate_all(as.data.frame(mat_nopure),

scaled_mat_nopure <- scale(log2_mat_nopure,
                           scale = F,
                           center = apply(log2_mat_nopure, 2, median,
                                          na.rm = TRUE) - median(as.matrix(log2_mat_nopure),
                                                                 na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
                    abs(.) # log2 values of fractions are negative; take absolute values

scaled_mat_no_pure_df <- scaled_mat_nopure %>%
                    as.data.frame() %>%

purif_norm_output <- list(purified_pept_quant = purified_quant_w_info,
                          non_purified_pept_quant = non_purified_quant_w_info,
                          normalized_purif_matrix = scaled_mat_pure_df,
                          normalized_no_purif_matrix = scaled_mat_no_pure_df)


MiguelCos/fragNterminomics documentation built on Oct. 13, 2023, 5:31 a.m.