
Defines functions throwWarningAbout2DScatterplotNotPossible convertVariableForFactorAnalysis sampleSizeMatrix scaleDataUsingWeights BartlettTestOfSphericity prepareDataForFactorAnalysis ExtractChartData.flipFactorAnalysis ComponentPlot ScreePlot fitted.flipFactorAnalysis PrincipalComponentsAnalysis

Documented in BartlettTestOfSphericity ComponentPlot fitted.flipFactorAnalysis prepareDataForFactorAnalysis PrincipalComponentsAnalysis ScreePlot

#' \code{PrincipalComponentsAnalysis}
#' @description Calculate a Principal Component Analysis
#' @param data A data frame with numeric columns which contains the data to be
#'   analyzed.
#' @param weights A numeric vector containing the weight for each case in data.
#' @param subset A logical vector which describes the subset of \code{data} to
#'   be analyzed.
#' @param missing A string specifiying what to do when the \code{data} contains
#'   missing values. The valid options are \code{"Error if missing data"},
#'   \code{"Exclude cases with missing data"}, \code{"Use partial data (pairwise
#'   correlations)"}, and \code{"Imputation (replace missing values with
#'   estimates)"}.
#' @param use.correlation A logical value specifying whether to use the
#'   correlation matrix (\code{TRUE}), or the covariance matrix (\code{FALSE}).
#' @param rotation A string specifying the type of rotation to be used. Valid
#'   options are  \code{"none"}, \code{"varimax"}, \code{"quartimax"},
#'   \code{"equamax"}, \code{"promax"}, and \code{"oblimin"}.
#' @param oblimin.delta A parameter supplied for oblimin rotations.
#' @param promax.kappa A parameter supplied for promax rotations.
#' @param select.n.rule Method for selecting the number of principal components to keep. May be one of \code{"Kaiser rule"}, \code{"Eigenvalues over"}, or \code{"Number of components"}.
#' @param n.factors An integer specifying the number of principal components to keep. Used if \code{select.n.rule} is \code{"Number of components"}.
#' @param eigen.min Cut-off above which eigenvalues are selected. Used if \code{select.n.rule} is \code{"Eigenvalues over"}.
#' @param sort.coefficients.by.size A logical value determining whether loadings
#'   should be sorted when printed.
#' @param suppress.small.coefficients A logical value specifying whether components
#' that are less than \code{min.display.loading.value} in magnitude will be replaced
#' with blanks when printing.
#' @param min.display.loading.value Loadings smaller than this value will not be
#'   displayed when printed.
#' @param print.type A string specifying the type of printing that should be
#'   done. Valid options are \code{"loadings"} to display a (rotated) loading table,
#'   \code{"structure"} to display a component structure matrix (which is the loadings
#'   multiplied by the component correlations), \code{"details"} to display a plain-text
#'   output containing more details from the analysis, \code{"variance"} to display a
#'   table showing the original eigenvalues of the input, and the corresponding variance
#'   explained,
#'   \code{"scree"} to display a Scree Plot, \code{"scatter"} to display a
#'   plot of the first two dimensions of the final loadings, and \code{"2d"} to plot the
#'   first two dimensions of the data, grouped by a categorical variable.
#'   The latter three options make use of HTML widgets.
#' @param show.labels If \code{TRUE}, labels are shown rather than name in outputs.
#' @param plot.labels A logical value which determines whether or not the
#'   scatter plot will show the labels of the input data, or just integers
#'   specifying the column number of each variable.
#' @param data.groups A \code{\link{vector}} of labels used to group the cases
#' when \code{"print.type"} is \code{"2d"}.
#' @param tol When the correlation martrix (or covariance) matrix has any singular values below this number
#'   the analysis will stop. Note that the function \code{principal} from package \code{psych} has its
#'   own internal cuttoff as well.
#' @details This uses \code{\link[psych]{principal}} from package \code{psych} to compute the unrotated
#' PCA, and uses package \code{GPArotation} to find a rotated solution if required, to match SPSS' PCA. The
#' rotation includes a Kaiser normalization and a method of Promax which matches what SPSS does.
#' Components with large negative loadings will have signs flipped to give positive components after rotation.
#' Includes handling of missing data, weighting, and filtering.
#' @importFrom flipFormat Labels
#' @importFrom flipStatistics CovarianceAndCorrelationMatrix StandardDeviation
#' @importFrom psych principal factor.scores
#' @importFrom verbs Sum SumEachRow
#' @export
PrincipalComponentsAnalysis <- function(data,
                               weights = NULL,
                               subset = NULL,
                               missing = "Exclude cases with missing data",
                               use.correlation = TRUE,
                               rotation = "none",
                               oblimin.delta = 0,
                               promax.kappa = 4,
                               select.n.rule = "Number of factors",
                               eigen.min = 1.0,
                               n.factors = 2,
                               sort.coefficients.by.size = FALSE,
                               suppress.small.coefficients = FALSE,
                               min.display.loading.value = 0.1,
                               print.type = "loadings",
                               show.labels = TRUE,
                               plot.labels = TRUE,
                               data.groups = NULL,
                               tol = 1e-13)
    if (is.null(rownames(data)))
        rownames(data) <- 1:nrow(data)
    if (select.n.rule == "Kaiser rule")
        eigen.min <- 1.0
    if (show.labels && !is.null(Labels(data)))
        colnames(data) <- Labels(data)
    if (rotation != "Promax" && rotation != "promax")
        promax.kappa = NULL
    if (rotation != "Oblimin" && rotation != "oblimin")
        oblimin.delta = NULL
    if (print.type %in% c("Component Plot", "Scree Plot", "Variance Explained", "2D Scatterplot"))
        sort.coefficients.by.size = FALSE
        suppress.small.coefficients = FALSE
        min.display.loading.value = 0.1
    if (print.type == "2D Scatterplot" && select.n.rule == "Number of components" && n.factors < 2L)
        n.factors <- 2L
    if (print.type != "Component Plot")
        plot.labels = TRUE

    # Generate the data that will be input to the correlation/covariance
    # matrix by filtering and imputing if specified.
    prepared.data <- prepareDataForFactorAnalysis(data, weights, subset, missing)

    # If any variables have a standard deviation of 0 remove from analysis
    stddevs <- StandardDeviation(prepared.data$subset.data, weights = prepared.data$subset.weights)
    ind.zero.variance <- which(stddevs == 0)
    if (length(ind.zero.variance) > 0)
        warning("Some of your variables have no variation and have been removed for principal components analysis: ", paste(names(stddevs)[ind.zero.variance], sep = "", collapse = ", "))
        prepared.data$subset.data <- prepared.data$subset.data[,-ind.zero.variance]
        stddevs <- stddevs[-ind.zero.variance]

    correlation.matrix <- CovarianceAndCorrelationMatrix(data = prepared.data$subset.data,
                                                         weights = prepared.data$subset.weights,
                                                         pairwise = missing == "Use partial data (pairwise correlations)",
                                                         use.correlation = TRUE)

    # SPSS computes the covariance matrix that it uses as an imput to PCA
    # by first calculating the pairwise correlation matrix and then
    # scaling by the products of the standard deviations of each pair of
    # variables. When there is no missing data this ought to match the
    # covariance matrix which would be computed by the usual covariance
    # formula, but when there is missing data the two results will differ.
    if (!use.correlation)
        input.matrix <- correlation.matrix * stddevs %o% stddevs
        input.matrix <- correlation.matrix

    # Compute eigenvalues for component selection
    if (select.n.rule %in% c("Kaiser rule", "Eigenvalues over"))
        eigens <- eigen(input.matrix, only.values = TRUE)
        if (!use.correlation)
            warning("Select components with eigenvalues > ",
                    eigen.min, " times mean of eigenvalues as we are using unscaled covariance matrix\n")
            eigen.min <- mean(eigens$values)
        values.above.threshold <- eigens$values > eigen.min
        if (print.type == "2D Scatterplot" && sum(values.above.threshold, na.rm = TRUE) < 2L)
            throwWarningAbout2DScatterplotNotPossible(select.n.rule, eigens$values, eigen.min)
            eigen.min <- eigens$values[2] - .Machine$double.eps
        n.factors <- sum(eigens$values > eigen.min, na.rm = TRUE)
    stdmat <- matrix(rep(stddevs, n.factors), ncol = n.factors)

    # Unrotated loadings
    # Don't return all of the properties returned by
    # principal() as they are not designed to account
    # for weighting
    initial.results <- try(suppressWarnings(principal(input.matrix,
                                 nfactors = n.factors,
                                 rotate = "none",
                                 covar = !use.correlation,
                                 scores = FALSE)), silent = TRUE)
    if (inherits(initial.results, "try-error"))
        stop("Could not perform PCA on the input matrix")
    unrotated.loadings <- initial.results$loadings

    # Flip eigenvectors so the largest loadings are positive
    unrotated.loadings <- apply(unrotated.loadings, 2,
                               function(x){sg=sign(x); ss=Sum(sg*x^2, remove.missing = FALSE); return(x*sign(ss))})
    loadings <- unrotated.loadings

    # Work out which rotation to use
    # Convert from the strings that are to be used in the menus, which begin with upppercase letters
    substr(rotation, 1, 1) <- tolower(substr(rotation, 1, 1))

    oblique.rotation <- rotation == "oblimin" || rotation == "promax"

    # Rotate the loadings
    if (n.factors == 1 & rotation != "none")
        warning("No rotation for single-component analysis\n")
        rotation <- "none"

    if (rotation != "none")
        rotation.results <- RotateLoadings(unrotated.loadings,
                                           rotation = rotation,
                                           delta = oblimin.delta,
                                           kappa = promax.kappa,
                                           covar = !use.correlation,
                                           stds = stddevs)
        sign.loadings <- apply(rotation.results$rotated.loadings, 2,
                                 function(x){sg=sign(x); ss=Sum(sg*x^2, remove.missing = FALSE); return(rep(sign(ss), length(x)))})
        rotated.loadings <- rotation.results$rotated.loadings * sign.loadings

        loadings <- rotated.loadings
        if (oblique.rotation)
            structure.matrix <- rotation.results$structure.matrix * sign.loadings
            structure.matrix <- rotated.loadings
        sign.matrix <- tcrossprod(sign.loadings[1,], sign.loadings[1,])
        component.correlations <- rotation.results$component.correlations
        if (!is.null(component.correlations))
            component.correlations <- component.correlations * sign.matrix
        colnames(structure.matrix) <- colnames(loadings)

    } else {
        sign.loadings <- apply(unrotated.loadings, 2,
                                 function(x){sg=sign(x); ss=Sum(sg*x^2, remove.missing = FALSE); return(rep(sign(ss), length(x)))})
        unrotated.loadings <- unrotated.loadings * sign.loadings
        loadings <- unrotated.loadings
        rotated.loadings <- unrotated.loadings
        structure.matrix <- loadings
        component.correlations <- NULL
    comp.names <- paste("Component", 1:n.factors)
    colnames(rotated.loadings) <- comp.names
    colnames(structure.matrix) <- comp.names
    colnames(loadings) <- comp.names
    if (!is.null(component.correlations))
        rownames(component.correlations) <- comp.names
        colnames(component.correlations) <- comp.names

    # Rescale the loadings
    raw.loadings <- loadings
    raw.unrotated.loadings <- unrotated.loadings
    raw.rotated.loadings <- rotated.loadings
    raw.structure.matrix <- structure.matrix
    if (!use.correlation)
        loadings <- loadings/stdmat
        unrotated.loadings <- unrotated.loadings/stdmat
        rotated.loadings <- rotated.loadings/stdmat
        structure.matrix <- structure.matrix/stdmat

    # Generate score weights using the regression method.
    # For PCA, all methods give the same answer as scores
    # are well-defined, so there is no need to use Bartlett
    # or Anderson.

    # For oblique rotations, use structure matrix
    # otherwise use pattern matrix
    if (rotation == "promax" || rotation == "oblimin")
        S <- structure.matrix
    } else {
        S <- loadings

    # Smooth non-positive definite correlation in the same way as psych::principal
    cor <- InterceptExceptions(cor.smooth2(correlation.matrix),
                               error.handler = function(e) {
                                   warning("I am sorry, there is something seriously wrong with the correlation matrix,",
                                           "\ncor.smooth failed to smooth it because some of the eigen values are NA.",
                                           "\nAre you sure you specified the data correctly?")
                               warning.handler = function(w) {
                                 smoothing.done <- startsWith(w$message, "The analysis has failed to satisfy a technical assumption of PCA")
                                 if (smoothing.done)
                                     warning(w$message, checkDataAfterCorrelationSmoothing(data, prepared.data, missing))
    score.weights <- try(solve(cor, S), silent = TRUE)
    if (inherits(score.weights, "try-error"))
        stop("Component scores could not be computed as the correlation or correlation matrix is singular.")

    # Original data is scaled before generating scores
    if (!is.null(weights))
        scaled.data <- scaleDataUsingWeights(data = prepared.data$subset.data, weights = prepared.data$subset.weights)
        scaled.data <- scale(prepared.data$subset.data)

    # Multiply the scaled data by the weights to produce scores
    scores <- as.matrix(scaled.data) %*% score.weights

    # Fill out any additional cases with missing values, so that the size of the output scores
    # matches the number of respondents in the original data set, and that the cases are
    # matched up correctly
    new.data <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(data), ncol = ncol(scores))
    row.names(new.data) <- row.names(data)
    colnames(new.data) <- colnames(scores)
    if (!any(duplicated(row.names(data))) && !"" %in% row.names(data))
        common.names <- intersect(rownames(new.data), row.names(scores))
        new.data[common.names,] <- scores[common.names,]
    } else if (nrow(prepared.data$subset.data) == nrow(data))
        new.data <- scores
    else # subset should always be non-null at this point.
        new.data[subset, ] <- scores
    scores <- new.data

    # Communalities
    initial.communalities <- diag(input.matrix)
    extracted.communalities <- initial.results$communality
    if (!use.correlation)
        rescaled.initial.communalities <- rep(1, nrow(input.matrix))
        rescaled.extracted.communalities <- SumEachRow(as.matrix(unrotated.loadings)^2, remove.missing = FALSE)

    # Variance explained by factors

    # Results
    results <- list()
    results$unrotated.loadings <- unrotated.loadings
    if (rotation != "none")
        results$rotated.loadings <- rotated.loadings

    results$loadings <- loadings
    results$structure.matrix <- structure.matrix

    results$raw.loadings <- raw.loadings
    results$raw.unrotated.loadings <- raw.unrotated.loadings
    results$raw.rotated.loadings <- raw.rotated.loadings
    results$raw.structure.matrix <- raw.structure.matrix
    results$unrotated.loadings <- unrotated.loadings
    results$rotated.loadings <- rotated.loadings

    results$sort.coefficients.by.size <- sort.coefficients.by.size
    results$suppress.small.coefficients <- suppress.small.coefficients
    results$min.display.loading.value <- min.display.loading.value
    results$original.data <- data
    results$original.weights <- weights
    results$data.used <- prepared.data
    results$use.correlation <- use.correlation
    results$print.type <- print.type
    results$plot.labels <- plot.labels
    results$input.matrix <- input.matrix
    results$values <- initial.results$values
    results$scores <- scores
    results$score.weights <- score.weights
    results$rotation <- rotation
    results$missing <- missing
    results$component.correlations <- component.correlations
    results$data.groups <- data.groups

    results$initial.communalities <- initial.communalities
    results$extracted.communalities <- extracted.communalities
    if (!use.correlation)
        results$rescaled.initial.communalities <- rescaled.initial.communalities
        results$rescaled.extracted.communalities  <- rescaled.extracted.communalities

    class(results) <- "flipFactorAnalysis"
    attr(results, "ChartData") <- ExtractChartData(results)
    if (results$print.type == "2d" || results$print.type == "2D Scatterplot" ||
        results$print.type == "Component Plot")
        attr(results, "ChartType") <- "X Y Scatter"

#' @rdname PrincipalComponentsAnalysis
#' @param object Object of class \code{"flipFactorAnalysis"} created using \code{PrincipalComponentsAnalysis}.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @export

fitted.flipFactorAnalysis <- function(object, ...)

#' \code{ScreePlot}
#' @description Plot the eigenvalues from an existing principal component or
#'   factor analysis or plot the eigenvalues from the correlation or covariance
#'   matrix of a data frame.
#' @param x Either a data frame, a numeric vector of eigenvalues, or the
#'   eigenvalues from an analysis of class \code{flipFactorAnalysis} from
#'   \code{\link{PrincipalComponentsAnalysis}}, or \code{fa} or \code{principal} from package
#'   psych. When x is a data frame, additional arguments can be supplied as to
#'   how to compute the covariance or correlation matrix.
#' @param trim.padding Logical; whether to remove extra padding around the htmlwidget.
#'   By default this is set to \code{FALSE} to be the same as old charts
#' @inheritParams PrincipalComponentsAnalysis
#' @return An HTML widget object from plotly containing the Scree Plot.
#' @importFrom flipStatistics CovarianceAndCorrelationMatrix
#' @importFrom plotly plot_ly layout
#' @export
ScreePlot <- function(x, weights = NULL, subset = NULL, missing = "Exclude cases with missing data",
    use.correlation = TRUE, trim.padding = FALSE)
    if ("data.frame" %in% class(x))
        prepared.data <- prepareDataForFactorAnalysis(data = x, weights = weights, subset = subset, missing = missing)
        input.matrix <- CovarianceAndCorrelationMatrix(
            data = prepared.data$subset.data,
            weights = prepared.data$subset.weights,
            pairwise = missing == "Use partial data (pairwise correlations)",
            use.correlation = use.correlation)
        input.values <- eigen(input.matrix)$values
    else if ("numeric" %in% class(x))
        input.values <- x
    else if (inherits(x, "flipFactorAnalysis") || any(class(x) == "fa") || any(class(x) == "principal"))
        input.values <- x$values
        stop(paste0("Can't make a Scree Plot for object of class ", paste(class(x), collapse = ", ")),
             ". Select a Principal Components Analysis output.")

    input.values <- sort(input.values, decreasing = TRUE)

    df = data.frame(eig.num = 1:length(input.values), eig.vals = input.values)

    `Component Number` <- 1:length(input.values)
    Eigenvalue <- input.values

    my.plot <- plot_ly(x = ~`Component Number`,
                       y = ~Eigenvalue,
                       mode = "lines+markers", type="scatter")
    my.plot <- layout(p = my.plot,
                      title = "Scree Plot",
                      yaxis = list(range = c(0, max(input.values) + 1)),
                      xaxis = list(title = "Component Number"))
    my.plot$sizingPolicy$browser$padding <- if (trim.padding) 0 else 40
    my.plot <- plotly::config(p = my.plot, displayModeBar = FALSE)
    class(my.plot) <- c(class(my.plot), "visualization-selector")

#' \code{ComponentPlot}
#' @description Create a scatter plot showing the loadings of each variable on
#'   the first two principal components.
#' @param x An object of class \code{flipFactorAnalysis}.
#' @param show.labels Label the points with the row names.
#' @importFrom rhtmlLabeledScatter LabeledScatter
#' @importFrom verbs SumEachColumn
#' @export
ComponentPlot <- function(x, show.labels = TRUE)
    if (is.null(x$loadings))
        stop("Input should be created by Data Reduction - Principal Components Analysis")

    if (ncol(x$loadings) < 2)
        stop("There aren't enough components to plot.")

    labels <- as.character(1:nrow(x$loadings))
    if (show.labels)
        if (is.null(row.names(x$loadings)))
            warning("The loadings do not contain labels.")
        labels <- row.names(x$loadings)

    x.label <- "Component 1"
    y.label <- "Component 2"
    add.ve <- FALSE
    if ("princomp" %in% class(x))
        add.ve <- TRUE
    if (any(c("psych", "flipFactorAnalysis") %in% class(x)) && !(x$rotation %in% c("promax", "oblimin")))
        add.ve <- TRUE

    if (add.ve)
        ss.loadings <- SumEachColumn(x$loadings^2, remove.missing = FALSE)
        variance.explained <- ss.loadings/nrow(x$loadings)
        x.label <- sprintf("%s (%.1f%% variance explained)", x.label, variance.explained[1]*100)
        y.label <- sprintf("%s (%.1f%% variance explained)", y.label, variance.explained[2]*100)

    coords <- x$loadings
    groups <- 1:nrow(coords)
    colors <- rep(c('#5B9BD5', '#ED7D31', '#A5A5A5', '#1EC000', '#4472C4', '#70AD47','#255E91','#9E480E','#636363','#997300','#264478','#43682B','#FF2323'),
                  length = length(groups))
    # Append a transparent point to force the origin to be shown
    # Note that axis bounds cannot be set with fixed.aspect
    res <- LabeledScatter(X = c(0, coords[, 1]),
                   Y = c(0, coords[, 2]),
                   label = c(" ", labels),
                   group = c("Origin", groups),
                   colors = c("transparent", colors),
                   fixed.aspect = TRUE,
                   title = "Component Plot",
                   x.title = x.label,
                   y.title = y.label,
                   axis.font.size = 10,
                   labels.font.size = 12,
                   title.font.size = 20,
                   y.title.font.size = 16,
                   x.title.font.size = 16,
                   legend.show = FALSE)
    class(res) <- c(class(res), "visualization-selector")

#' @importFrom verbs Sum SumEachColumn
#' @export
ExtractChartData.flipFactorAnalysis <- function(x)
    if (x$print.type == "scree" || x$print.type == "Scree Plot")
        return(sort(x$values, decreasing = TRUE))
    if (x$print.type == "2d" || x$print.type == "2D Scatterplot")
        tmp <- convertFactorAnalysisTo2D(x)
        if (is.null(tmp$data.groups))
            data <- tmp$embedding
            attr(data, "scatter.variable.indices") <- c(x = 1, y = 2, sizes = NA, colors = NA)
        data <- data.frame(tmp$embedding, Group = tmp$data.groups, stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
            check.names = FALSE, check.rows = FALSE)
        attr(data, "scatter.variable.indices") <- c(x = 1, y = 2, sizes = NA, colors = 3)
    if (x$print.type == "loadings" || x$print.type == "Loadings Table")
        return(.tidy.loadings(x, input.matrix = x$loadings))
    if (x$print.type == "structure" || x$print.type == "Structure Matrix")
        return(.tidy.loadings(x, input.matrix = x$structure.matrix))
    if (x$print.type =="variance" || x$print.type == "Variance Explained")
        eigenvalues <- x$values
        variance.proportions = eigenvalues / Sum(eigenvalues, remove.missing = FALSE)
        cumulative.proportions = cumsum(variance.proportions)
        result <- cbind('Eigenvalue' = eigenvalues,
                     '% of Variance' = variance.proportions,
                     'Cumulative %' = cumulative.proportions)
        rownames(result) <- paste("Component", 1:length(eigenvalues))
    if (x$print.type == "details" || x$print.type == "Detailed Output")
        headings <- matrix("", nrow = 10, ncol = ncol(x$loadings) + 1)
        headings[,1] <- c("", "Loadings", "", "Structure matrix", "", "",
                          "", "Communalities", "", "Score Cofficient Matrix")

        .print <- function(x, digits = 3)
            n <- nrow(x)
            m <- ncol(x)
            res <- matrix("", nrow = n+1, ncol = m+1, dimnames = list(rep("", n+1), rep("", m+1)))
            res[1,(1:m)+1] <- colnames(x)
            res[(1:n)+1,1] <- rownames(x)
            res[(1:n)+1,(1:m)+1] <- round(x, digits)

        ss.loadings <- SumEachColumn(x$loadings ^ 2, remove.missing = FALSE)
        nvar <- ncol(x$original.data)
        ve.table <- rbind(`Sum of Square Loadings` = ss.loadings)
        ve.table <- rbind(`Sum of Square Loadings` = ss.loadings)
        ve.table <- rbind(ve.table, `% of Variance` = ss.loadings/nvar*100)
        if (ncol(x$loadings) > 1)
            ve.table <- rbind(ve.table, `Cumulative %` = cumsum(ss.loadings/nvar*100))

        if (x$use.correlation)
            communality.table <- cbind("Initial" = x$initial.communalities,
                                       "Extraction" = x$extracted.communalities)
            communality.table <- cbind("Initial" = x$rescaled.initial.communalities,
                                       "Extraction" = x$rescaled.extracted.communalities)

        empty.mat <- matrix("", nrow = length(x$initial.communalities) + 1, ncol = ncol(headings)-3)
        colnames(empty.mat) <- rep("", ncol(headings) - 3)
        all.tables <- rbind(headings[1:2,], .print(.tidy.loadings(x, input.matrix = x$loadings)),
             headings[3:4,], .print(.tidy.loadings(x, input.matrix = x$structure.matrix)),
             headings[5:6,], .print(ve.table),
             headings[7:9,], cbind(.print(communality.table), empty.mat),
             headings[9:10,], .print(x$score.weights))

    # Otherwise return data for a component plot
    if (NCOL(x$loadings) < 2)
    component.data <- x$loadings[,1:2]
    if (!(x$rotation %in% c("promax", "oblimin")))
        var.exp <- SumEachColumn(x$loadings^2, remove.missing = FALSE)/nrow(x$loadings)
        colnames(component.data) <- sprintf("Component %d (%.1f%% variance explained)",
                                            1:2, var.exp[1:2] * 100)
    attr(component.data, "scatter.variable.indices") <- c(x = 1, y = 2, sizes = NA, colors = NA)

#' \code{prepareDataForFactorAnalysis}
#' @description Filter data, remove cases with missing values, and impute where requested.
#' @inheritParams PrincipalComponentsAnalysis
#' @return A list containing \code{subset.data}, which is a data frame which has had subset applied
#' and missing values removed or imputed as specified by the parameter \code{missing}, and \code{prepared.weights}
#' which is a nuneric vector containing the weight values that correspond to the remaining cases (or NULL when
#' the input weight is NULL).
#' @importFrom flipImputation Imputation
#' @importFrom flipData ExcludeCasesWithCompletelyMissingData ExcludeCasesWithAnyMissingData ErrorIfMissingDataFound
#' @importFrom flipTransformations ProcessQVariables
prepareDataForFactorAnalysis <- function(data, weights, subset, missing)
    data <- ProcessQVariables(data)

    row.names <- rownames(data)

    # Create the input data by filtering and removing missing values or
    # imputing where specified.

    # If no filter specified, create a subset containing all rows
    if (is.null(subset))
        subset <- rep(TRUE, nrow(data))

    # Check filtered rows for missing data
    subset.data <- data[subset, ]
    imputation.label <- NULL
    if (missing == "Error if missing data")
    } else if (missing == "Imputation (replace missing values with estimates)") {
        imputed.data <- Imputation(data)[[1]]
        imputation.label <- attr(imputed.data, "imputation.method")
        subset.data <- imputed.data[subset, ]
    } else if (missing == "Exclude cases with missing data") {
        # Ensure only complete responses remain
        subset.data <- ExcludeCasesWithAnyMissingData(subset.data)
    } else if (missing == "Use partial data (pairwise correlations)") {
        subset.data <- ExcludeCasesWithCompletelyMissingData(subset.data)
    } else {
        stop(paste0("Don't recognize the missing data option", missing))

    # Figure out which of the total set of weight values correspond to the
    # remaining respondents.
    subset.weights <- NULL
    if (!is.null(weights))
        if (missing == "Exclude cases with missing data")
            row.to.remove <- apply(data, 1, function(x) any(is.na(x)))
        else if (missing == "Use partial data (pairwise correlations)")
            row.to.remove <- apply(data, 1, function(x) all(is.na(x)))
            row.to.remove <- rep(FALSE, nrow(data))
        subset.weights <- weights[subset & !row.to.remove]
    return(list(subset.data = subset.data,
                subset.weights = subset.weights,
                imputation.label = imputation.label))

#' \code{BartlettTestOfSphericity}
#' @description Conduct the Bartlett Test of Sphericity for a set of data, which
#'   tests that the correlation matrix of the data is not the identity matrix.
#' @param data A data frame containing the data to test.
#' @inheritParams PrincipalComponentsAnalysis
#' @return A list containing the Chi-Square value, degrees of freedom
#'   (\code{df}), and p-value for the test.
#' @details This function wraps \code{\link[psych]{cortest.bartlett}}. In
#'   particular, it extends the existing funcitonality to weighted data, and it
#'   computes the test using a more conservative value of the sample size when
#'   there is missing data. The value for the sample size that is used is the
#'   size of the smallest pairwise-complete set of cases among all pairs of
#'   variables. This is consistent with SPSS.
#' @importFrom flipStatistics CovarianceAndCorrelationMatrix
#' @importFrom psych cortest.bartlett
#' @importFrom verbs Sum
#' @export

# For the sample size, use the min sample size of the correlation matrix
BartlettTestOfSphericity <- function(data,
                         weights = NULL,
                         subset = NULL,
                         missing = "Exclude cases with missing data")
    prepared.data <- prepareDataForFactorAnalysis(data, weights, subset, missing)
    correlation.matrix <- CovarianceAndCorrelationMatrix(
        data = prepared.data$subset.data,
        weights = prepared.data$subset.weights,
        pairwise = missing == "Use partial data (pairwise correlations)",
        use.correlation = TRUE)

    # If using a weight, supply the Effective Sample Size, which is the sum of the weights, otherwise
    # supply the actual sample size of the prepared data.
    # When missing is set to "Use partial data (pairwise correlations)" then the sample size can vary between cells in
    # correlation matrix. In this case, use the smallest sample size, or effective sameple size.
    if (missing == "Use partial data (pairwise correlations)")
        sample.size.matrix <- sampleSizeMatrix(data, weights)
        sample.size <- min(sample.size.matrix)
    else if (!is.null(weights))
        sample.size <- Sum(prepared.data$subset.weights, remove.missing = FALSE)
        sample.size <- nrow(prepared.data$subset.data)
    test.results <- cortest.bartlett(correlation.matrix, n = sample.size)
    test.results$n.estimation <- nrow(prepared.data$subset.data)
    test.results$imputation.label <- prepared.data$imputation.label
    class(test.results) <- "flipBartlett"


# Scale and center data using the weighted mean and standard deviation
#' @importFrom verbs Sum
scaleDataUsingWeights <- function(data, weights)
    .weightedMeanAndSD <- function(x, weights)
        complete.cases <- !is.na(x) & weights > 0
        wx <- x * weights
        weighted.mean <- Sum(wx[complete.cases], remove.missing = FALSE) / Sum(weights[complete.cases], remove.missing = FALSE)
        sx <- x - weighted.mean
        wsx2 <- weights * sx * sx
        weighted.variance <- Sum(wsx2[complete.cases], remove.missing = FALSE) / (Sum(weights[complete.cases], remove.missing = FALSE) - 1)
        return(list(weighted.mean = weighted.mean, weighted.sd = sqrt(weighted.variance)))

    for (j in 1L:ncol(data))
        weighted.stats <- .weightedMeanAndSD(data[,j], weights)
        data[,j] <- (data[,j] - weighted.stats$weighted.mean) / weighted.stats$weighted.sd

# Calculate the (effective) sample size for each pair of variables in data
#' @importFrom verbs Sum SumEmptyHandling
sampleSizeMatrix <- function(data, weights)
    if (is.null(weights))
        weights <- rep(1, nrow(data))
    numvars <- ncol(data)
    sample.size.matrix <- matrix(NA, nrow = numvars, ncol = numvars)
    for (row in 1L:numvars)
        for (col in 1L:numvars)
            if (row == col) {
                # Sample size would be zero if
                # length of summand is zero
                sample.size.matrix[row, row] <- SumEmptyHandling(weights[!is.na(data[, row])], remove.missing = FALSE)
                indicator <- !is.na(data[, row] * data[, col])
                # Sample size would be zero if
                # length of summand is zero
                sample.size <- SumEmptyHandling(weights[indicator], remove.missing = FALSE)
                sample.size.matrix[row, col] <- sample.size
                sample.size.matrix[col, row] <- sample.size

# Convert a variable to the appropriate form for use in a PCA.
# - Numeric variables are unchanged.
# - Ordered factors are replaced with their levels
# - Non-ordered factors are converted to a set of indicator variables
# with one variable for each level but the first.
#' @importFrom flipTransformations FactorToNumeric
convertVariableForFactorAnalysis <- function(variable, include.question.name = TRUE)
    if (is.numeric(variable))

    if (is.ordered(variable))

    # Non-ordered factors
#     if (include.question.name)
#     {
#         vn <- paste0(attr(variable, "question"), ":", attr(variable, "label"))
#     } else {
#         vn <- attr(variable, "label")
#     }
    vn <- attr(variable, "label")
    if (is.null(vn))
        vn <- deparse(substitute(x))
    indicator.matrix <- FactorToNumeric(variable, name = vn)
    if (ncol(indicator.matrix) > 2)
        indicator.matrix <- indicator.matrix[, 2:ncol(indicator.matrix)]
    } else if (ncol(indicator.matrix) == 2) {
        cn <- colnames(indicator.matrix)[2]
        indicator.matrix <- as.matrix(indicator.matrix[,2])
        colnames(indicator.matrix) <- cn

#' @param select.n.rule Same parameter used in PrincipalComponentsAnalysis to determine the number of components
#' @param eigenvalues The eigenvalues of the PCA before component selection
#' @param eigen.min The boundary for selection used in the Kaiser rule and Eigenvalues over specifications
#' @noRd
throwWarningAbout2DScatterplotNotPossible <- function(select.n.rule, eigenvalues, eigen.min)
    if (select.n.rule == "Number of components")
        warn.prefix <- "Only a single component was requested in the PCA. "
    if (select.n.rule %in% c("Kaiser rule", "Eigenvalues over"))
        n.eigen <- sum(eigenvalues > eigen.min, na.rm = TRUE)
        if (select.n.rule == "Kaiser rule")
            warn.prefix <- "The Kaiser rule was specified to "
        } else
            warn.prefix <- "The eigenvalue selection rule was chosen to "
        warn.prefix <- paste0(warn.prefix,
                              "keep a component when its Eigenvalue is larger than ", eigen.min,
                              ". With this setting, only ", n.eigen, " component was chosen. ")
    warning(warn.prefix, "However, two components are required to create a 2D Scatterplot. ",
            "Consequently, the first two components were computed and used to create the 2D Scatterplot.")
NumbersInternational/flipDimensionReduction documentation built on June 12, 2024, 11:30 a.m.