
Defines functions checkVariableForLengthAndMissingData RevenueData

Documented in RevenueData

#' \code{RevenueData}
#' @description Cleans and tidies data for use in growth accounting
#'     computations for a startup. Turns all dates with 29th of Feb into the 28th.
#' @param value A vector of containing the revenue per transaction.
#' @param from A vector of class \code{POSIXct} or \code{POSIXlt},
#'     recording the date and time each subscription commences.
#' @param to A vector of class \code{POSIXct} or \code{POSIXlt},
#'     recording the date and time each subscription ends
#' @param start The date at which the analysis outputs should
#'     commence. By default, the earliest date recorded in
#'     \code{from}.
#' @param end The date at which the analysis ends, which is used to
#'     determine churn.  By default, the most recent date recorded in
#'     \code{from}.
#' @param id A vector of \code{character}, unique identifier for
#'     subscribers that made the transactions (e.g., email addresses,
#'     names, subscriber keys).
#' @param subscription.length The time unit that describes the
#'     subscription length: \code{year} to view the data by year,
#'     \code{quarter}, and \code{month}. This is assumed to be the
#'     billing period when determining if subscribers have churned or
#'     not.
#' @param subset An optional vector specifying a subset of
#'     observations to be used in the calculations
#' @param profiling A \code{data.frame} containing data, unique by
#'     \code{id}, to be included in the final
#'     \code{data.frame}. Either it must contain the unique
#'     identifiers in a variable called \code{id}, or, the
#'     \code{rownames} must match the values of \code{id}.
#' @param trim.id The maximum length of the strings to be used showing
#'     ID names (used to avoid situations where string names are so
#'     long as to make reading of tables impossible.
#' @return A \code{\link{data.frame}}  where the rows represent
#'     unique combinations of periods and subscribers. Where a
#'     subscriber has multiple transactions in a period, they are
#'     aggregated. Contains the following variables, along with any
#'     other variables in the \code{data}: \code{id}{The unique
#'     identifier.}  \code{value}{The total fee/price for a
#'     subscription.}  \code{from}{The commencement date of a
#'     subscription.}  \code{from.period} The \code{period} of the
#'     subscription commencement as a character.
#'     \code{period.counter} The number of the period, where 0
#'     indicates the initial period.  \code{to}{The end-date of a
#'     subscription.}  \code{to.period} The \code{period} of the
#'     subscription end as a character.  \code{subscriber.from} The
#'     date of a customer's first subscription's commencement.
#'     \code{subscriber.from.period} The \code{period} of
#'     \code{subscriber.from}.  \code{subscriber.to} The final date of
#'     their most recent subscription.  \code{subscriber.to.period}
#'     The period of \code{subscriber.to}.  \code{last.from} The
#'     \code{from} date of the most recent subscription.
#'     \code{last.from.period} The period of \code{last.from}.
#'     \code{churned} A \code{logical} indicating if the subscriber
#'     had ceased subscribing prior to \code{end}.  \code{churn} A
#'     \code{logical} indicating if the subscriber had ceased
#'     subscribing in that period.  \code{tenure} The number of whole
#'     periods from the begining of the first subscription to the end
#'     of the most recent.  \code{observation} The invoice number for
#'     a particular customer, starting from 1.
#'     \code{observation.within.period} The number of the subscription
#'     for a particular customer, starting from 1 for each new
#'     subscription period (as determined by a common to.period).
#'     \code{recurring.value} The value divided by proportion of the typicaly invoice period
#'     that was covered by the invoice. There are some rounding error issues (e.g., leap years,
#'     inconsistncies in how people enter data).
#' @importFrom lubridate period year years quarter month week weeks
#' day days interval floor_date as.duration
#' @importFrom flipTime Period Periods AsDate DiffPeriod Change29FebTo28th 
#' @importFrom stats ave
#' @importFrom verbs Sum
#' @export
RevenueData <- function(value, from, to, start = min(from), end = max(from), id,
                        subscription.length = "year", subset = rep(TRUE, length(id)),
                        profiling = NULL, trim.id = 50) #, tolerance = .01)
    # Checking the input variables.
    n <- length(value)
    checkVariableForLengthAndMissingData(value, n)
    checkVariableForLengthAndMissingData(from, n)
    checkVariableForLengthAndMissingData(to, n)
    checkVariableForLengthAndMissingData(id, n)

    all.args.valid <- vapply(list(from, to, start, end), inherits, logical(1L), c("Date", "POSIXlt", "POSIXct"))
    if (!all(all.args.valid)) {
        first.invalid <- sQuote(c("from", "to", "start", "end")[which(!all.args.valid)[1L]])
        stop("All the time arguments (from, to, start and end) need to be either Date, POSIXt or POSIXct. ",
             first.invalid, " is not")
    # Removing leap years
    from <- Change29FebTo28th(from)
    to <- Change29FebTo28th(to)

    default.start.end <- start == min(from, na.rm = TRUE) & end == max(from, na.rm = TRUE)
    # Units.
    units <- Periods(1, subscription.length)
    data <- data.frame(id = as.character(id), value, from, to)

    # Filtering data.
    n.initial <- nrow(data)
    cat(paste0(n.initial, " transactions.\n"))
    n.subset <- Sum(subset, remove.missing = FALSE)
    if (n.subset < n.initial)
        cat(paste0(n.initial - n.subset, " transactions filtered out.\n"))
        data <- subset(data, subset = subset)
    # Sorting by company name and start-date
    data <- data[with(data, order(id, from)), ]
    # Removing observations that start after the end.
    zero <- data$value == 0
    n.zero <- Sum(zero, remove.missing = FALSE)
    if (n.zero > 0)
        cat(paste0(n.zero, " transactions removed due to having 0 value.\n"))
        data <- subset(data, !zero)
    negative <- data$value < 0
    n.negative <- Sum(negative, remove.missing = FALSE)
    if (n.negative > 0)
        cat(paste0(n.negative, " transactions removed due to having a negative value.\n"))
        data <- subset(data, !negative)
    n <- nrow(data)
    cat(paste0(n, " transactions remaining.\n"))
    if (n == 0)
#     # Splitting apart transactions that exceed the subscription length. They are split so that the final 
#     # transaction is the subscription length and ends on the original data. E.g., if a person has a sub-
#     # scription of 1 year and 6 months, it is changed so that the first subscription is 6 months
#     # and the second is 1 year.
#     to <- as.Date(data$to)
#     n <- length(to)
#     to.day.month <- to - lubridate::years(year(to))
#     mode.day.month <- ave(to.day.month, data$id, FUN = function(x) names(sort(-table(x)))[1])
#     n.subscriptions <- DiffPeriod(data$from, to, ceiling = TRUE, by = subscription.length)
#     zero.length.transactions <- n.subscriptions == 0
#     n.zero.length.transactions <- sum(zero.length.transactions)
#     if (max(n.subscriptions) > 1)
#     {
#         n.long <- sum(n.subscriptions > 1)
#         cat(n.long, " transactions split into multiple transactions due to being longer than a ", subscription.length, "\n", sep = "")
#         while (max(n.subscriptions) > 1)
#         {
#             long <- n.subscriptions > 0
#             extra <- data[long, ]
#  #           print("units")
#   #          print(units)
#    #         print(data$from[is.na(data$from + units)])
#             data$to[long] <- data$from[long] + units
#             extra$from <- extra$from + units
#             data <- rbind(data, extra)
#             to <- as.Date(data$to)
#     #        print(summary(data$from))
#      #       print(summary(to))
#             n.subscriptions <- DiffPeriod(data$from, to, ceiling = TRUE, by = subscription.length)
#         }
#         n <- nrow(data)
#     }
#     max.n.subscriptions <- max(n.subscriptions)
#     print(max.n.subscriptions)
#     print(table(n.subscriptions))
#     print(data[n.subscriptions == 0, ])
#     if (max.n.subscriptions > 1)
#         for (i in 1:max.n.subscriptions)
#         {
#             to <- as.Date(data$to)
#             from <- as.Date(data$to)
#             new.from <- to - units
#         }
#     # Removing transactions that have license running for a single day
#     to <- as.Date(data$to)
#     n <- length(to)
#     to.day.month <- to - lubridate::years(year(to))
#     mode.day.month <- ave(to.day.month, data$id, FUN = function(x) names(sort(-table(x)))[1])
#     n.subscriptions <- DiffPeriod(data$from, to, ceiling = TRUE, by = subscription.length)
#     zero.length.transactions <- n.subscriptions == 0
#     n.zero.length.transactions <- sum(zero.length.transactions)
#     if (n.zero.length.transactions > 0)
#     {
#         cat(n.zero.length.transactions, " transactions removed due to finishing on the day they startes\n", sep = "")
#         data <- subset(data, !zero.length.transactions)
#         n.subscriptions <- n.subscriptions[!zero.length.transactions]
#         to <- to[!zero.length.transactions]
#         n <- nrow(data)
#     }
    # Aggregating transactions that occur in the same time period.
    data$to.period <- Period(data$to, subscription.length)
    data <- aggregate(value ~ id + from + to, data = data, FUN = Sum)#data <- aggregate(value ~ id + from + to, data = data, FUN = sum)
    n <- nrow(data)
    cat(paste0(n, " aggregated transactions (i.e., summed together when sharing a from and end date) remaining.\n"))
    # Subscriber-level calculations.
    id.data <- aggregate(from ~ id, data, min)
    names(id.data)[2] <- "subscriber.from"
    id.data$subscriber.to <- aggregate(to ~ id, data, max)[, 2]
    if (!is.null(profiling))
        if (("id" %in% names(profiling)))
            profiling.id <- as.character(profiling$id)
            profiling$id <- NULL
            profiling.id <- rownames(profiling)
        profiling.id <- as.character(profiling.id)

        lookup <- match(as.character(id.data$id), profiling.id)
        if (Sum(!is.na(lookup), remove.missing = FALSE) == 0)
            stop("The 'profiling' data is needs to either contain an 'id' variable, or have rownames that contain the 'id' values.")
        else if (Sum(is.na(lookup), remove.missing = FALSE) > 0)
            missing.ids <- paste(id.data$id[is.na(lookup)], collapse = ",")
            stop(paste0("The 'profiling' data is missing some ids: ", missing.ids))
        if (pos <- "value" %in% names(profiling))
            names(profiling)[pos] <- "value.profiling"
            cat("'value' in 'profiling' has been renamed as 'value.profiling'.")
        if (pos <- "from" %in% names(profiling))
            names(profiling)[pos] <- "from.profiling"
            cat("'from' in 'profiling' has been renamed as 'from.profiling'.")
        if (pos <- "to" %in% names(profiling))
            names(profiling)[pos] <- "to.profiling"
            cat("'to' in 'profiling' has been renamed as 'to.profiling'.")
        id.data <- cbind(id.data, profiling[lookup, ])
    # Creating time-based metrics.
    id.data$last.from <- aggregate(from ~ id, data, max)[, 2]
    id.data$last.from.period <- Period(floor_date(aggregate(from ~ id, data, max)[, 2], subscription.length), subscription.length)
    cat(paste0(nrow(id.data), " subscribers.\n"))
    id.data$subscription.to <- aggregate(to ~ id, data, max)$to
    tenure.interval <- interval(id.data$subscriber.from, id.data$subscriber.to)
    id.data$tenure <- tenure.interval %/% units
    id.data$subscriber.from.period <- Period(id.data$subscriber.from, subscription.length)
    id.data$subscriber.to.period <- Period(id.data$subscriber.to, subscription.length)
    id.data$churned <- id.data$subscriber.to <= end
    not.churned <- !id.data$churned
    data <- merge(data, id.data, by = "id", all.x = TRUE, sort = TRUE)
    data$from.period <- Period(data$from, subscription.length)
    data$to.period <- Period(data$to, subscription.length)
    data$churn <- data$churned & data$from.period == data$last.from.period
    data$period.counter <- interval(data$subscriber.from, data$from) %/% units
    # Sorting.
    data <- data[order(data$id, data$from),]
    # Creating a variable indicating observation number. Randomly sorts ties.
    observation <- observation.within.period <- rep(1, n <- nrow(data))
    if (n > 1)
        ids <- data$id
        for (i in 2:n)
            if (ids[i] == ids[i - 1])
                if (data$to.period[i] == data$to.period[i - 1])
                    observation.within.period[i] = observation.within.period[i - 1] + 1
                observation[i] = observation[i - 1] + 1

    data$observation <- observation
    data$observation.within.period <- observation.within.period

    data$id <- sub("\\s+$", "", as.character(data$id))
    if (!default.start.end)
        window <- interval(start, end)
        from0 <- AsDate(data$from.period, on.parse.failure = "silent")
        to0 <- AsDate(data$to.period, on.parse.failure = "silent")
        # ignore hour/timezone which has been unreliable since calling aggregate in line 192
        from <- ISOdate(year(from0), month(from0), day(from0))
        to <- ISOdate(year(to0), month(to0), day(to0))
        data <- data[to %within% window | from %within% window | from < start & to > end, ]
        cat(paste0(nrow(data), " aggregated transactions left after taking 'start' and/or 'end' into account.\n"))
        cat(paste0(length(unique(data$id)), " subscribers left after taking 'start' and/or 'end' into account.\n"))
    attr(data, "subscription.length") <- subscription.length
    attr(data, "end") <- end
    # Computing recurring.revenue
    period.proportion = as.numeric(data$to - data$from, "days") /  as.numeric(as.duration(units), "days")
    rounded.period.proportion = round(period.proportion, 2)
    rnd = rounded.period.proportion %in% c(.25,.5, .75, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
    period.proportion[rnd] = rounded.period.proportion[rnd]
    data$recurring.value = data$value / period.proportion
    class(data) <- c(class(data), "RevenueData")

checkVariableForLengthAndMissingData <- function(x, n)
    if (any(is.na(x)))
        stop("'", deparse(substitute(x)), "' contains missing values.")
    if (length(x) != n)
        stop("'" , deparse(substitute(x)), "' contains ", deparse(substitute(x)), " observations, but 'value' contains ", n, ".")
NumbersInternational/flipStartup documentation built on Feb. 26, 2024, 5:39 a.m.