
Defines functions draw_discarded_edges network_from_tests estimate_test_edges_time test_edges get_nEdges

Documented in draw_discarded_edges estimate_test_edges_time get_nEdges network_from_tests test_edges

#' Get the number of a edges in a graph, given a desired density
#' @description Returns the number of edges of a Gene Regulatory
#' Network from its density.
#' @param density network density (usually between 0.001 and 0.1)
#' @param nGenes total number of genes
#' @param nRegulators number of genes that are regulators 
#' @return number of edges
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' get_nEdges(density = 0.01, nGenes = 200, nRegulators = 21)
get_nEdges <- function(density, nGenes, nRegulators){
  nEdges = round(density * (nGenes - 1) * nRegulators, 0)
  # ou, avec cette formule trouvee dans un papier nature com des GRN sur les bacteries
  #nEdges = 0.4*nGenes**(-0.78)*(nGenes -1)*nRegulators

#' Statistical edges testing by permutations
#' @description
#' We designed a method to perform statistical testing on TF-target gene pairs
#' from the Random Forest regulatory weights inference.
#' The idea is to build a first biologically relevant network with the
#' strongest importances given by a prior GENIE3 run, that would then be
#' refined by statistical testing.
#' Those tests are performed by the rfPermute package, providing empirical
#' pvalues on observed importance values from response variable permutations.
#' @param mat matrix containing the importance values for each target and regulator
#' (preferably computed with GENIE3 and the OOB importance metric)
#' @param normalized_counts normalized expression data containing the genes present in
#' mat argument, and such as used for the first network inference step.
#' @param nGenes number of total genes in the network, union of thetarget genes,
#' and regulators
#' @param nRegulators number of regulators used for the network inference step
#' @param density approximate desired density, that will be used to build
#' a first network, which edges are the one to be statistically tested. Default
#' is 0.02. Biological networks are known to have densities (ratio of edges over
#' total possible edges in the graph) between 0.1 and 0.001.
#' The number of genes and regulators are needed to compute the density.
#' @param nTrees number of trees used for random forest importance computations
#' @param nShuffle number of times the response variable (target gene expression)
#' is randomized in order to estimate the null distribution of the
#' predictive variables (regulators) importances.
#' @param nCores Number of CPU cores to use during the procedure.
#' Default is the detected number of cores minus one.
#' @param verbose If set to TRUE, a feedback on the progress of the calculations
#' is given. Default: TRUE
#' @return named list containing the edges pvalues, as well as graphics
#' intended to guide the choice of a pvalue threshold for the final network:
#' \itemize{
#' \item links: a dataframe containing the links of the network before testing,
#' as built from the user defined prior density. All edges are associated to their
#' pvalue and fdr-adjusted pvalue.
#' \item fdr_nEdges_curve : relation between the fdr threshold, and the final
#' number of edges in the final network
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data("abiotic_stresses")
#' data("gene_annotations")
#' data("regulators_per_organism")
#' genes <- get_locus(abiotic_stresses$heat_DEGs)
#' regressors <- intersect(genes, 
#'                         regulators_per_organism$`Arabidopsis thaliana`)
#' data <- aggregate_splice_variants(abiotic_stresses$normalized_counts)
#' r <- DIANE::group_regressors(data, genes, regressors)
#' mat <- DIANE::network_inference(r$counts, 
#'                                 conds = abiotic_stresses$conditions, 
#'                                 targets = r$grouped_genes,
#'                                 regressors = r$grouped_regressors, 
#'                                 importance_metric = "MSEincrease_oob", 
#'                                 verbose = TRUE) 
#' res <- DIANE::test_edges(mat, normalized_counts = r$counts, density = 0.02,
#'                         nGenes = length(r$grouped_genes), 
#'                         nRegulators = length(r$grouped_regressors), 
#'                         nTrees = 1000, verbose = TRUE)
test_edges <-
           density = 0.02,
           nTrees = 1000,
           nShuffle = 1000,
           nCores = ifelse(is.na(parallel::detectCores()),
                           max(parallel::detectCores() - 1, 1)),
           verbose = TRUE) {
    if (nGenes < 0)
      stop("nGenes must be a positive integer")
    if (nRegulators < 0)
      stop("nRegulators must be a positive integer")
    if (density <= 0 | density > 1)
      stop("density must be strictly positive between 0 and 1, preferably less than 0.1")
    nEdges <- get_nEdges(density, nGenes, nRegulators)
    if (verbose)
          "First network thresholding : Selecting",
          "edges for a gloabl density of",
    links <- GENIE3::getLinkList(mat, reportMax = nEdges)
    # assign to each gene its regulators
    targets <- as.vector(unique(links$targetGene))

    target_to_TF <- list()
    for (t in targets) {
      target_to_TF[[t]] <- as.vector(links[links$targetGene == t,
    # estimate pvalues
    dataT <- t(normalized_counts)
    doParallel::registerDoParallel(cores = nCores)
    if (verbose)
      message(paste("\nUsing", foreach::getDoParWorkers(), "cores."))
    "%dopar%" <- foreach::"%dopar%"
    suppressPackageStartupMessages(result.reg <-
                                       target = targets, .combine = rbind
                                       # to prevent bug in shiny?
                                       # remove target gene from input genes
                                       theseRegulatorNames <-
                                       numRegulators <-
                                       y <-
                                         dataT[, target]
                                       x <-
                                         data.frame(dataT[, theseRegulatorNames])
                                       colnames(x) <-
                                       y <-
                                         (y - mean(y)) / sd(y)
                                       rf <-
                                           ntree = nTrees,
                                           replace = FALSE,
                                           nodesize = 1,
                                           nrep = nShuffle,
                                           num.cores = 1
                                       if (numRegulators == 1) {
                                         pval <- rf$pval[, , "scaled"]
                                         names(pval) <-
                                           paste(names(pval), ".pval", sep = "")
                                         pvals <-
                                           setNames(pval["%IncMSE.pval"], theseRegulatorNames)
                                         # worked for v2.2 of rfpermute, but
                                         # breaking in v2.5 : 
                                         # rfPermute::rp.importance(rf)[, "%IncMSE.pval"]
                                         # working in v2.5 :
                                         pvals <- rfPermute::importance(rf)[, "%IncMSE.pval"]
                                       res <-
                                         data.frame("regulatoryGene" = theseRegulatorNames,
                                                    "targetGene" = rep(target, numRegulators))
                                       res$pval <-
                                         pvals[match(res$regulatoryGene, names(pvals))]
    attr(result.reg, "rng") <- NULL
    # It contains the whole sequence of RNG seeds
    links <- result.reg
    links$fdr <- stats::p.adjust(links$pval, method = "fdr")
    d <- reshape2::melt(links[, c("pval", "fdr")])
    distr <-
      ggplot2::ggplot(d, ggplot2::aes(x = value, fill = variable)) +
      ggplot2::geom_density(alpha = 0.5) + ggplot2::xlim(0, 0.5)
    nedges <-
        X = seq(0.0, 0.1, by = 0.001),
        FUN = function(fdr) {
          return(sum(links$fdr < fdr))
    d <-
      data.frame(FDRs = seq(0.0, 0.1, by = 0.001), n_edges = nedges)
    curve <-
      ggplot2::ggplot(d, ggplot2::aes(x = FDRs, y = n_edges)) +
      ggplot2::geom_point(size = 3, color = "darkgreen") +
      ggplot2::ggtitle("Number of edges depending on the FDR threshold") +
      links = links,
      fdr_nEdges_curve = curve,
      pvalues_distributions =

#' Estimates time spent for statistical testing
#' @description
#' Estimates to running time for test_edges function, depending on its arguments.
#' This is useful as the test_edges function can be quite long to complete.
#' @param mat matrix containing the importance values for each target and regulator
#' (preferably computed with GENIE3 and the OOB importance metric)
#' @param normalized_counts normalized expression data containing the genes present in
#' mat argument, and such as used for the first network inference step.
#' @param nGenes number of total genes in the network, union of thetarget genes,
#' and regulators
#' @param nRegulators number of regulators used for the network inference step
#' @param density approximate desired density, that will be used to build
#' a first network, which edges are the one to be statistically tested. Default
#' is 0.02. Biological networks are known to have densities (ratio of edges over
#' total possible edges in the graph) between 0.1 and 0.001.
#' The number of genes and regulators are needed to compute the density.
#' @param nTrees number of trees used for random forest importance computations
#' @param nShuffle number of times the response variable (target gene expression)
#' is randomized in order to estimate the null distribution of the
#' predictive variables (regulators) importances.
#' @param nCores Number of CPU cores to use during the procedure.
#' Default is the detected number of cores minus one.
#' @param verbose If set to TRUE, a feedback on the progress of the calculations
#' is given. Default: TRUE
#' @return time in seconds
#' \itemize{
#' \item links: a dataframe containing the links of the network before testing,
#' as built from the user defined prior density. All edges are associated to their
#' pvalue and fdr-adjusted pvalue.
#' \item fdr_nEdges_curve : relation between the fdr threshold, and the final
#' number of edges in the final network
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data("abiotic_stresses")
#' data("gene_annotations")
#' data("regulators_per_organism")
#' genes <- get_locus(abiotic_stresses$heat_DEGs)
#' regressors <- intersect(genes, 
#'                         regulators_per_organism$`Arabidopsis thaliana`)
#' data <- aggregate_splice_variants(abiotic_stresses$normalized_counts)
#' r <- DIANE::group_regressors(data, genes, regressors)
#' mat <- DIANE::network_inference(r$counts, 
#'                                 conds = abiotic_stresses$conditions, 
#'                                 targets = r$grouped_genes,
#'                                 regressors = r$grouped_regressors, 
#'                                 importance_metric = "MSEincrease_oob", 
#'                                 verbose = TRUE) 
#' res <- DIANE::estimate_test_edges_time(mat, normalized_counts = r$counts, density = 0.02,
#'                         nGenes = length(r$grouped_genes), 
#'                         nRegulators = length(r$grouped_regressors), 
#'                         nTrees = 1000, verbose = TRUE)
estimate_test_edges_time <-
           density = 0.02,
           nTrees = 1000,
           nShuffle = 1000,
           nCores = ifelse(is.na(parallel::detectCores()),
                           max(parallel::detectCores() - 1, 1)),
           verbose = TRUE) {
    if (nGenes < 0)
      stop("nGenes must be a positive integer")
    if (nRegulators < 0)
      stop("nRegulators must be a positive integer")
    if (density <= 0 | density > 1)
      stop("density must be strictly positive between 0 and 1, preferably less than 0.1")
    nEdges <- get_nEdges(density, nGenes, nRegulators)
    if (verbose)
          "First network thresholding : Selecting",
          "edges for a gloabl density of",
    links <- GENIE3::getLinkList(mat, reportMax = nEdges)
    # assign to each gene its regulators
    targets <- as.vector(unique(links$targetGene))
    target_to_TF <- list()
    for (t in targets) {
      target_to_TF[[t]] <- as.vector(links[links$targetGene == t,
    # tests target and TFs for estimation
    target <- sample(names(target_to_TF), size = 1)
    tf <- sample(target_to_TF[[target]], size = 1)
    # estimate pvalues
    dataT <- t(normalized_counts)

     y <-
       dataT[, target]
     x <-
       data.frame(dataT[, tf])
     colnames(x) <- c(tf)
     y <-
       (y - mean(y)) / sd(y)
     rf <-
         ntree = nTrees,
         replace = FALSE,
         nodesize = 1,
         nrep = nShuffle,
         num.cores = 1
     time <- tictoc::toc(quiet = TRUE)
     elapsed <- time$toc - time$tic
     return(elapsed * nEdges / nCores)

#' Create network from edges statistical tests
#' @param links dataframe of the network edges and associated pvalues,
#' as in the links attribute of the \code{test_edges()} method result.
#' @param fdr threshold value such as all edges with adjusted pvalues lesser than
#' the argument are be discarded for the final network construction
#' @return Oriented weighted network as an igraph object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data("abiotic_stresses")
#' data("gene_annotations")
#' data("regulators_per_organism")
#' genes <- get_locus(abiotic_stresses$heat_DEGs)
#' regressors <- intersect(genes, 
#'                         regulators_per_organism$`Arabidopsis thaliana`)
#' data <- aggregate_splice_variants(abiotic_stresses$normalized_counts)
#' r <- DIANE::group_regressors(data, genes, regressors)
#' mat <- DIANE::network_inference(r$counts, 
#'                                 conds = abiotic_stresses$conditions, 
#'                                 targets = r$grouped_genes,
#'                                 regressors = r$grouped_regressors, 
#'                                 importance_metric = "MSEincrease_oob", 
#'                                 verbose = TRUE) 
#' res <- DIANE::test_edges(mat, normalized_counts = r$counts, density = 0.02,
#'                         nGenes = length(r$grouped_genes), 
#'                         nRegulators = length(r$grouped_regressors), 
#'                         nTrees = 1000, verbose = TRUE)
#' net <- DIANE::network_from_tests(res$links, fdr = 0.01)
network_from_tests <- function(links, fdr) {
  if (fdr <= 0 | fdr > 1)
      "fdr threshold must be strictly positive between 0 and 1,
         standard values being 0.01, 0.05, or O.1"
  message(paste((sum(links$fdr < fdr)), "edges kept in final network"))
  links <- links[links$fdr < fdr,]
  net <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(links, directed = TRUE)

#' Draw network with removed edges in red
#' @param links dataframe of edges containing their adjusted pvalues, as returned 
#' by the \code{test_edges} function
#' @param net_data network data of the thresholded network, given by \code{DIANE::network_data()}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(abiotic_stresses)
#' links <- abiotic_stresses$heat_edge_tests$links
#' net <- network_from_tests(links, fdr = 0.01)
#' net_data <- network_data(net, 
#' gene_info = gene_annotations$`Arabidopsis thaliana`, 
#' regulators = regulators_per_organism$`Arabidopsis thaliana`)
#' draw_discarded_edges(links, net_data)
draw_discarded_edges <- function(links, net_data){
  net_before <- network_from_tests(links, fdr = 1)
  n_data_before <- DIANE::network_data(net_before,
                                       gene_info = gene_annotations$`Arabidopsis thaliana`, 
                                       regulators = regulators_per_organism$`Arabidopsis thaliana`)
  net_data$edges$pair <- paste(net_data$edges$from, net_data$edges$to)
  n_data_before$edges$pair <- paste(n_data_before$edges$from, n_data_before$edges$to)
  n_data_before$edges$is_significant <- !n_data_before$edges$pair %in% net_data$edges$pair
  n_data_before$edges$color <-ifelse(n_data_before$edges$is_significant, "darkred", "grey")
  n_data_before$edges$value <- 2
  visNetwork::visNetwork(nodes = n_data_before$nodes, n_data_before$edges) %>%
    visNetwork::visEdges(smooth = FALSE, arrows = 'to') %>%
      solver = "forceAtlas2Based",
      timestep = 0.6,
      minVelocity = 12,
      maxVelocity = 10,
      stabilization = F
    ) %>%
      groupname = "Regulator",
      size = 28,
      color = list("background" = "#49A346", "border" = "#FFFFCC"),
      shape = "square"
    ) %>%
      groupname = "Grouped Regulators",
      size = 45,
      color = list("background" = "#1C5435", "border" = "#FFFFCC"),
      shape = "square"
    ) %>%
    visNetwork::visGroups(groupname = "Target Gene",
              color = list("background" = "#B6B3B3", hover = "grey",
                           "border" = "#96E69A")) %>%
    visNetwork::visNodes(borderWidth = 0.5, font = list("size" = 35))
OceaneCsn/DIANE documentation built on Jan. 10, 2024, 6:43 p.m.